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Waktu penyelesaian : 15 menit

1. Ani and Jane ____ studying for the exam when the fire alarm rang.
a. were b. are c. have been d. had been
2. He is allergic ____ dogs
a. to b. with c. for d. at
3. This is ___ movie I have ever watched
a. good b. better c. best d. the best
4. The plane ____ at 9 a.m. tomorrow
a. leaves b. will leave c. left d. has left
5. He is a good friend of ____
a. me b. mine c. my d. I
6. I ___ have a cat 3 years ago.
a. used to b. am used to c. was d. get used to
7. Mike is the only one of those students who ___ passed the exam.
a. have b. has c. are d. is
8. John, along with his friends, ____ going to the party.
a. are b. is c. have d. has
9. She___ a letter when I came
a. wrote b. was writing c. has written d. writes
10. They ____TV when the phone rang.
a. watched b. were watching c. are watching d. watch
11. Despite of __ he managed to finish his homework on time.
a. tired b. tiring c. tiredness d. to tire
12.____, she could not answer the questions
a. As much as she tried b. As she much tried c. As tried she much d. As much tried she
13. The pie _____ was very delicious, was made by grandma.
a. which b. who c. whom d. where
14. The book ____ Mary was reading is very interesting.
a. who b. whom c. that d. whose
15. The man ____ daughter is a famous singer, is my uncle.
a. who b. whom c. whose d. which
16. I met a man ___ I used to work with.
a. who b. whose c. whom d. which
17. The person _____, is the chairman of a large company.
a. with who he is negotiating
b. with whom he is negotiating
c. he is negotiating with who
d. he is negotiating whom with
18. If it __, we will stay at home.
a. rains b. will rain c. rained d. rain
19. The meal was not only delicious ___
a. but also beautifully present.
b. but also beautifully presented
c. but also presented beautiful
d. but also presents beautifully
20. John said that no other car could go ______
a. so fast like his car b. as fast like his car c. as fast like the car of his d. as fast as his car
1. A 4. B 7. B 10. B 13. A 16. C 19. B Salah : 4
2. A 5. B 8. B 11. C 14. C 17. B 20. D
3. D 6. A 9. B 12. A 15. C 18. A
Pembahasan :
No. 4 ( Materi : Personal Pronouns)
John, along with his friends ___ going to the party.
John dan his friends adalah subject, namun di kalimat tersebut subject utama adalah John. John
dinyatakan terpisah dari teman - temannya.
Contoh lain :
Umar is one of SMA Nurul Ilmi’s students, who always participates in Martial Art Competition.
Banyak siswa SMA Nurul Ilmi yang ikut kompetisi silat, dan salah satunya Umar (tunggal)

No. 14 ( Materi : Relative Pronouns)

“which” dan “that” digunakan untuk pengganti benda.
“who” untuk orang yang memiliki posisi sebagai subject.
“whom” untuk orang yang memiliki posisi sebagai object.
“whose” untuk orang yang menunjukkan kepemilikan
Dasar mempelajari materi ini adalah :

Subject Object Possessive Adjective

(who) (whom) (whose)
I me my + noun
You you your + noun
We us our + noun
They them their + noun
She her her + noun
He him his + noun
It It its + noun
(which/that) (which/that)

18. Conditional Sentences

Conditional type 1 (Present conditional)= Possibility (kemungkinan dapat terjadi jika syaratnya
FORMULA 1 : If + Simple Present + Future
Condition / syarat (Simple Present) = I study hard
Result (Future) = I will pass my exam
If I study hard, I will pass my exam
N/B : kata ‘will’ di kalimat future dapat diganti menjadi ‘can’ dan ‘may’

19. Conjunction
not only …. but also
dan perhatikan penggunaan bentuk lampau yang ada di kalimat tersebut.
The meal was not only delicious_____________
Kata kunci ada di kata was, yang menunjukkan kalimat tersebut berada dalam bentuk Simple Past,
dan kata kerja berikutnya harus diikuti bentuk past (presented)
Kata ‘beautiful’ merupakan ‘adjective’, seharusnya kata beautiful harus diubah menjadi ‘adverb’
Beautiful = cantik ( kata sifat)
Beautifully = dengan cantik (adverb)
Beautify = mempercantik (verb)
Beauty = keacantikan (noun)

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