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Basic Calculus Review: Limits Problem Set 1 #

Prepared by Jay Lord Ugaddan February 19, 2024

Instructions: Write your complete solution for each problem.

Problem 1. Find the domain, range, and asymptotes of the function defined by
g(x) = 2 − 3x−1 . Sketch the graph of g.

Problem 2. Find the solutions of 22x + 5(2x ) + 3 = 0.

Problem 3. Solve for lim (2x − 1).


x2 + 2x − 8
Problem 4. Find lim .
x→2 x−2
Problem 5. Solve: lim .
x→3 x2 − 9
Problem 6. What is lim | |?
x→0 x
Problem 7. True or False: The limit of a function as x approaches a number a is the same
as f(a).

Problem 8. True or False: The limit of a function as x approaches a number a may exist
even if the function is undefined at a.

Problem 9. True or False: If f(a) is undefined, then the limit of f as x approaches a does
not exist.

Problem 10. True or False: If f(x) is undefined when x < a, then the limit of f as x
approaches a does not exist.

x+1−1 1
Problem 11. Using limit theorems, prove that lim = .
x→0 x 2
1 − 2x
Problem 12. Solve: lim+ .
x→4 x−4

Problem 13. What is lim ( x2 + 1 − x)?.

tan(3x) 1
Problem 14. Argue that lim )= .
x→0 x 3
e3x − e−3x
Problem 15. Find lim .
x→∞ e3x + e−3x
- End of Problem Set 1 -

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