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Electrical installation types................................................................................................1

Low Voltage Switchboard (LVSB).....................................................................................3
Main equipment and their expression................................................................................4
Three protection devices in LVSB.....................................................................................5
Checked if LVSB has Castell Switch.................................................................................6
Understanding how UVR works........................................................................................7
Types of electrical load......................................................................................................7
Capacitor Bank & Active Harmonic Filter in LVSB..........................................................7
LVSB Modification............................................................................................................9

Electrical installation types

Power Flow in a building

Power sources > Distribution devices > Distribution method > Load

Power Sources
1. Power company: CLP or HKE power company (Power in Kowloon and Hong Kong
Island is supplied by CLP and HKE power company, respectively)
2. Generators: Fire Service Installation (FSI) Genset for firefighting devices, non-FSI
Gensets for important load
3. Renewable Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) System and Air Improvement Photovoltaic (AIPV)
System are required to install at roof and 2F, respectively.
4. Uninterruptible Power System (UPS): Usually serve for computer system.
5. Central Battery System (CBS): Usually serve for FSI lighting.
Note: The CBS should not serve for computer system, because when the power source
transfer, it disturbs the computer operation.

Source Uninterruptible Central Battery Generator

Comparison Power System System

Energy Source Batteries Batteries Diesel or Gas

Respond Time Instantaneous Short Long
Duration 5mins – 1hr 1-8 hrs Depends on source
Supply Computer System FSI Lighting Firefighting devices and
other important loads

Distribution Device
• Low voltage switch boards (LVSB)
• UPS cabinet/ ASTS
• CBS cabinet/ substation
• Power panels (MCCB/MCB board)

Typical Voltage Level:

Switchgear: >= 35kV

Distribution method
Bus duct
(Rating up to 6000A, allows tap-off

Power Track
(Rating up to 100A, flexible but has the
risk of contact because of the exposed
live busbar)

Armored Cable on Cable Tray/ Cable

(Armored cable provides protection for
the inner wires. It is generally installed
in location which exposed to mechanical
damage. e.g., Animal Chew)
Non-Armored Cable in cable
(Non-Armored Cable is cheaper and
easier to install than armored cable. It
usually be routed in false ceilings as
protection from damage)
Low Voltage Switchboard (LVSB)

Low voltage switchboard/switchgear is the core of building, it includes the main flowing
1. Power Distribution
2. Circuit Protection
3. Switching and Control
4. Metering and Monitoring
5. Safety and Protection
6. Accessibility and Maintenance

Main equipment and their expression

MCT------------ Metering Current Transformers

PCT--------------Protection Current Transformers
DPR-------------Digital Protection Relay
D.O.T. ----------Draw Out Type
ACB-------------Air Circuit Breaker
MCCB----------Molded Case Circuit Breaker
UVR------------Under Voltage Relay
AHF-------------Active Hamonic Filter

Name & Function Picture

Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)
Automatically switch its power supply
between utility grid and generator.

Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)

Protecting circuits from damage caused
by overcurrent and short circuits.
3 Phase Surge Protective Device (SPD)
protecting sensitive equipment from
transient overvoltage.

Inverse Definite Minimum Time

Inverse time-current characteristic. The
higher the overload, the less time it takes
for the breaker to trip.

Three protection devices in LVSB

Overcurrent Overload Earth Fault
Protection Protection Protection

Aim Short Circuit Overheating Earth

Overload Current Leakage Current
Device ACBs, MCCBs, Thermal RCDs
MCBs, Fuses IDMT Relay
Respond Tim Fast Slow Very Fast

Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) & Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) difference
1. Rating: MCCB rating is up to 800A, while ACB is 6300A
2. Size: MCCB are generally 3 to 4 times smaller than ACB
3. Cost: Generally, MCCB is cheaper than ACB, however, when the current is greater than
700A, ACB may be cheaper than MCCB.

Checked if LVSB has Castell Switch

One N.C. ACB and one N.O. ACB are connected, enforce proper ON/OFF sequences to
prevent both supply of transformer and generator.

Typical interlock of LVSB:

“Three ACB with two-key operation” and “Five ACB with three-key operation” are the
typical type of LVSB, they are used to prevent two power sources supply one line, I need to
check if LVSB as the right castell switch, and if the ACBs has the right rating”

1. Three ACB with two-key operation

2. Five ACB with three-key operation

Main Breaker Interlock Bus Tie Breaker Interlock

Nos. of 1, 4, 5 2,4

Understanding how UVR works

Under Voltage Relay (UVR):

Working Principle: Trip signal occurs when the voltage is lower to around 75%, which can
switch Interlock ACB connection and trigger the backup generator to start and take over the
Advantage: Because low voltage might lead motors to stall, transformers to overheat, and
generators to underperform. Therefore, UVR could prevent damage for electrical equipment
from low voltage condition.
Types of electrical load

1. Resistive (Incandescent light, heater)

2. Inductive (Motor, A/C Refrigerator)
3. Capacitive (Capacitor)

Capacitor Bank & Active Harmonic Filter


Power Quality

Power Factor Correction

Volatge and current are in phase, therefore, the instantanous power is always positive.

Capacitor Installation
The voltage rises, electric field changers, instantanous power is positive
The voltage falls, energy return to source.

The electric company provides apparent power but devices themselves only need the actual
active power component to operate.
Therfore, power companies in Hong Kong like CLP and HKE both require that the total
power factor for any circuit should not be less than 0.85.

Capacitor Bank: A group of capacitors connected in series or parallel to store electrical

• Improve Power Factor (Corrects lagging power factor caused by inductive loads like
transformer and motor)

Income Tx Power :2000KVA

Normal Usage for Tx: 80% 1600KVA
Assume system power factor:0.85
Power Factor need to improve:0.9
Cap bank kVAR: 166.6kVAR
Active Harmonic Filter: Using power electronics components like IGBTs, controllers to
actively inject cu m and injects cancelling harmonics to filter distortion.
THDI stands for Total Harmonic Distortion of Current. As the value of THDI increases, the
level of distortion also increases.

The ordinance requires THD control with different current range.

LVSB Modification

According to Code of practice, there are three main rules for LVSB.
1. For 400A or above circuit, 1x100A spare switch for CAP and AHF.
2. For IT, office, AC Circuit, AHF and its Switch are required.
3. DPA meter should be provided for the 400A or above circuit.

1. For 400A or above circuit, 1x100A spare switch for CAP and AHF.
CAP - Capacitor banks may be needed for power factor correction. The spare switch
allows installing capacitor banks.
AHF - Active Harmonic Filters minimize harmonic distortion on large power circuits.
The spare switch allows installing an AHF if required.
Spare switch allows easy installation later without shutdowns.

2. For IT, office, AC Circuit, AHF and its Switch are required.
IT and AC loads can generate harmonics. AHF helps filter harmonics to improve power
Dedicated AHF switch allows isolating filter for maintenance.

3. DPA meter should be provided for the 400A or above circuit.

DPA meters allow monitoring parameters like harmonics, power quality.

Essential for large 400A+ circuits to analyze issues, optimize energy use.

“I use different color and shape to mark down the three mistakes in following LVSB
Schematic, it make sure the security the LVSB operation.”

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