Atomic DPP-1

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EXERCISE - I ATOMIC TERMS 1. Inthe following reaction 2Li +? ——+ 2He* + :H°, the missing particles is (A) Neutron (B) Proton (C) Electron (D) Deuterium a The increasing order (lowest first) for the magnitude of e/m (charge/mass) for electron (e), proton (p), neutron (n) and alpha particle (a) is (A)e,p.n.a (8)npea (C)npce (0) n.a.p.e, 3. X?~ has 56 electrons, the atomic number X is (A) 56 (B) 58 (C) 28 (D) 54 4. ,Na®and ;Mg”are (A) Isotopes (8) Isobars (C) Isodiaphers (D) Isotones 5. Particle in cathode ray has same charge/ mass ratio as (A) a particle (8) B particle (C)y particle (D) proton 6 During Muliken’s oil drop experiment, out of the following, which is not a possible charge on oil droplet? (A) 1.610" C (8) 2.4x10°%C (C)3.2x10°°C (D) 4.8*10°°C ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES & PLANCK'S QUANTUM THEORY t 10. 11. In a time period of 2 sec., the following wave pattern is observed: Then the frequency of wave in Hz is (a)1 (B)2 (c)3 (0)4 Yellow light is more energetic than (A) Violet (8) blue (C) Indigo (0) Red Rutherford’s experiment on scattering of o-particles showed for the first time that the atom has (A) electrons (8) protons (C) nucleus (D) neutrons The wave number of radiation of wavelength 500 nm is (A) 5 x 107 m* (B)2x 10’ m (C) 2x 10%m* — (D) 500 x 10° m™* The ratio of the energy of a photon of 2000A wavelength radiation to that of 4000A radiation is (A)% (B)% (cy2 (D4 12. Radio city broadcasts on a frequency of 5,090 KHz. What is the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the transmitter? (A)10.3 m (B) 58.9m (C)60.5m (0) 75.5m 13. A 1000 watt radio transmitter operates at a frequency of 880 kilocycle/sec. How many photons per sec does it emit? (A) 2.01%10 (B) 1.72%10% (C) 1.51%10" (0) 1.77*10%* 14. — The eyes of certain members of reptile family pass a visual signal to the brain when the visual receptors are struck by photons of wavelength 890 nm. If a total energy of 3.15x10-" J is required to trip signal, what is the minimum number of photons that must strike the receptor? (A) 3.05«10'° (B) 1.72*10° (C) 1.41*10° (D) 2.75x10"° 15. — Accertain dye absorbs light of wavelength 4500 A° and then fluorescence light of 5000 A®. Assuming that, under given conditions 50% of the absorbed energy is re-emitted out as fluorescence. Calculate the ratio of quanta emitted to the number of quanta absorbed? (A) 0.55, (B) 2.4 (C)1.8 (0) 0.75 BOHR MODEL 16. An electron in an atom jumps in such a way that its kinetic energy changes from x to ; The change in potential energy will be: ) 43x (6) -3s (©) 3s () 3s 2 8 4 4 17. The potential energy of an electron in the Hydrogen atom is — 6.8 eV. Indicate in which excited state, the electron is present? (A) first (B) second (C) third (D) fourth 18. — What is the potential energy of an electron present in /V-shell of the Be** ion? (A)-3.4eV (B)-6.8eV (C)- 13.6 ev (0) -27.2ev 19. The kinetic and potential energy (in eV) of electron present in third Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom are respectively: (A)-1.51,-3.02 (B) 1.51, - 3.02 (C)- 3.02, 1.51 (OD) 1.51, -1.51 20. The distance between 4" and 3" Bohr orbits of He’ is: (A) 2.645x10'm — (B) 1.322«10"m — (C) L.851x10"m — (D) None 21. — What is the atomic number (Z) correspond to which 4" orbit would fit inside the 1° Bohr orbit of H-atom? (A)3 (B)4 (C) 16 (0) 25 22. The ratio of velocity of the electron in the third and fifth orbit of Li?* would be: (A)3:5 (B)5:3 (C)25:9 (0) 9:25 23. If radius of second stationary orbit (in Bohr's atom) is R. Then radius of third orbit will be @) RB (B)9R (c)R/9 (D)2.25R 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Which state of Be* has the same orbit radius as that of the ground state of hydrogen atom? (A)3 (B)2 (c)4 (0)5 Select thi andn: correct graph for velocity of e~ in an orbit Vs. Z, (a What is the frequency of revolution of electron present in 2" Bohr's orbit of H-atom? (A) 1.016x10"%s! (B) 4.065x10%s"! (C) 1.626x10". (0) 8.13105 The number of photons of light having wave number ‘x’ in 10 J of energy source is: (A) 10hex @) *« (2 (0) None of these The ionization potential for an electron in ground state of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. What would be the ionization potential for the electron in the first excited state of H atom? (A) 13.6 ev (8) 68 eV (C)3.4ev (0)27.2ev According to Bohr’s theory, angular momentum of electron in any orbit of Hydrogen is directly proportional to (©) 1,” ©) fe ) 1 If the revolutions per second by the electron in 3° orbit of H is 3, then the revolutions per second by the electron in 2” orbit of He” is (ays (B) 13.55 (C) 1.58 (0) 0.075 If the kinetic energy of electron moving in 4" orbit of hydrogen is €, then the total energy in 1* orbit of Li?* is (A) 144 € (8) 0.0069 € (C) 42719) € (0)-€ If same energy is supplied to electron in ground state of Hydrogen as well as He’, electron jump to 5" main shell in Hydrogen, then final orbit of electron in He* is (a) 2" (6) 1" (c)3* (o4" If force of attraction between the electron and nucleus in 2° orbit of Li?* is/, force of attraction if electron present in 1* orbit of H is (A) &F Beer (c) Sf (D) ef 9 25 ar 7 If acceleration of electron in 1* orbit of He’ isc, acceleration of electron 2” orbit of Be is As (B)2¢ (cy be (ic 2 4 35. The spacing between the orbits in terms of distance is maximum in the case of (A) 1% and 2" (B) 2% and 3° (C) 3% and 4" (D) 4" and 5" 36. — The spacing between the orbits in terms of energy is maximum in the case of (A) 1% and 2" (B) 2" and 3% (C) 3" and 4 (D) 4" and 5 HYDROGEN SPECTRUM 37. Transition of an electron from n = 2 to n= 1 level results (for a H - atom) in (A) IR spectrum (B) UV spectrum (C) Visible spectrum (D) X - ray spectrum 38 The emission spectrum of He” ion is the consequence of transition of electron from orbit nz to orbit n:. Given that 2n2 + 3n; = 18 and 2n2 — 3n; = 6, then what will be the maximum number of spectral lines in atomic spectrum when electron transits from nz to orbit n:? (a) 10 (6) 15 (c)20 (024 39. Find the value of wave number (7) in terms of Rydberg’s constant, when transition of electron takes place between two levels of He* ion whose sum is 4 and difference is 2. (A) && (B) 28 (C) 3 (D) None of these 9 9 4 40. When an electron makes a transition from (n + 1) state to nth state, the frequency of emitted radiations is related to n according to (n >> 1): (A) y= 20R2" (8) y= F2 (C) y= 82 (0) 41. What is the shortest wavelength line in the Paschen series of Li?* ion? we (B)2 (1 (0) 2% 9 R R 4 42. — What is the longest wavelength line in the Lyman series of He* ion? (A) 3R, (B) (c) (D) None of these 3 ie 43 An excited state of H atom emits a photon of wavelength 2 and returns to the ground state, the principal quantum number of excited state is given by: (A) (aRGR=D ®) | (©) ROR (0) [22 (AR=1) VaR 44, A dye absorbs a photon of wavelength 4 and re-emits the same energy into two photons of wavelength 7, and 42 respectively. The wavelength 2 is related with 2, and 42 as: Aa 45. 47. 49. Which electronic transition in a hydrogen atom, starting from the orbit n = 7, will produce infrared light of wavelength 2170 nm? (A)n=7ton=6 (8)n=7ton=5 (C)n=7to (0)n=7ton=3 ‘A hydrogen atom in the ground state is excited by monochromatic radiation of wavelength 4.4, The resulting spectrum consists of maximum 15 different lines. What is the wavelength 2? (A) 937.3. A” (8) 1025 A° (C) 1236 A° (D) None of these The emission spectra are observed by the consequence of transition of electron from higher energy state to ground state in Li® ion. Six different types of photons are observed during the emission spectra, and then what is the excitation state of Li?* ion? (a) 3° ()4” (c)2" (0) 5" If 24, 22, and As, is wave length of photon corresponding to 1®, 2" Lyman series and 4 Balmer series respectively, which of the following statement is correct? (A) ho = ha +3 (B) A= Aidsl(Rrths) (C) 2a + da #2 (0) 22? a+ he? If the shortest wavelength of H atom in Lyman series is x, then longest wavelength in Balmer series of He* is (a) & (B) 36x (C) x (D) & 3 5 4 ° HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE AND DE BROGLIE 50. 51. 52. Uncertainty in position and momentum are equal. Uncertainty in velocity is (A) lp (8) z oA (D) none Wavelength associated with Virar-F local train having mass 100 x 10° Kg moving with the speed of 23.76 kms/hr is: (plank's constant =6.6x 10 Js) (A) 10°" a (B) 10° A" (©) 10° A (0) 10° a" If E;, Ez and Es are kinetic energy of electron, alpha particle and proton having same De-Broglie wave length, then (A) E; >E2 >Es (B) E\< Ex< Es (C) Ex< Es< Ey (D) E; =E2 =Es If the radius of first Bohr orbit is x, then de Broglie wavelength of electron in 3" orbit is nearly (A) 2nx (B) 6x (C) 9x (0) 7 A ball of mass 200 g is moving with a velocity of 10ms-". If the error in measurement of velocity is 0.1%, the uncertainty in its position is: (A) 3.3x10% m (B) 33x10” m (C) 53x10 m (D) 2.64 x10 m 55. If the uncertainty Ax in the position is along X-axis, then uncertainty in the momentum is along (A) X-axis (8) Y-axis (C) Z-axis (0) Any axis 56. _ When applied, the uncertainty principle has significance in case of (A) Moving train (8) Spinning cricket ball (C) Moving a- particle (0) All the above PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT 57. The kinetic eneray of the electron emitted when light of frequency 3.5x 10° Hz falls on a metal surface having threshold frequency, 1.5% 10"* Hz is (h = 6.6x 10% Js): (A) 1.32x10 J (B)3.3x10 J (C)6.6x 105 (D) 1.98x 10° 58. 2., is the threshold wavelength of a metal for photoelectron emission. If the metal is exposed to the light of wavelength 2, then the velocity of ejected electron will be 2h )K.. The value of Kis: m o L (A) speed of light (B)1 (Cc) a 59. When photons of energy 4.25 eV strike the surface of a metal A. The ejected photoelectrons have maximum kinetic energy (Ta) (expressed in eV) and de-Broglie wavelength (2a). The max kinetic energy of photoelectrons liberated from another Metal B by photons of enegy 4.2 eV is Tp.Where T= (Ta-1.5). If De-Broglie wave length of these photoelectrons As (. =2/.), then which of the following is not correct (A) The work function of A is 2.25 eV. (8) The work function of B is 3.7 eV (C)Ta=2.0eV, (0) Tg =0.75 eV 60. — Work function Wa for a photoelectric material A is 2 eV & Wp for another photoelectric material B is 4 eV. If the photons of energy Eg strike with surface of A the ejected photoelectrons have minimum de-Broglie wavelength 2. and photons of energy Eg strike the surface of B, the ejected photoelectrons have minimum de-Broglie wavelength As. Where Ep= (Eq+0.5) eV and ie =2is, Va and Vp are respective stopping potentials then which of the following is not correct (A) Eq=4eV (B)EQ=45eV — (C)Vaq=2Volts — (D) Vg =0.5 Volts QUANTUM WAVE MECHANICAL MODEL AND ORBITALS 61. The number of nodal planes in a py orbital is (A) one (8) two (C) three (0) zero 62. For a 4d electron the orbital angular momentum is:(n” ") (A) V6n (B) Vi2hn (Cc) V2n (D) zero 65. 67. 69. 70. nm. 72. 73. 74. If travelling at equal speeds, the longest wavelength of the following matter waves is that of (A) electron (B) proton (C) neutron (0) alpha particle Which subshell doesn't exist? (A) 7s (8) 3d (C) 3f (0) Sd The quantum number not obtained from the Schrodinger's wave equation is (A)n (6)! (C)m (D)s The orbital angular momentum of an electron in 2s orbital is h i h h Ata-s @) zero oz ©) veh Which quantum number determines shape of the orbital? (A) Principal (B) Angular (C) Magnetic (0) Spin Radial nodes are maximum in: (A) 4s (8) 4p (c) 3d (0) 5t Total number of electrons in any orbit is: en Feat lent : ea wP2eey — @ S224) Cy) S214) OS 2aIey & a & ta Which of the following relates to photons both as wave motion and as a stream of particles? (A) Interference (8) E= me? (C) diffraction (D)E=hv Probability of finding the electron in the orbital is? (A) 100% (B) 5-10% (C) 90-95% (D) 50-60% The Wave mechanical model of atom is based upon (A) De Broglie concept of dual nature (B) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (C) Schrodinger wave equation (D) All of these Select the correct statement from following: A: Splitting of spectra line occurs when placed in a magnetic field or in an electric field. B: In case of 1s- orbital, the density of the electron cloud is the greatest near the nucleus and falls off with the distance. C: Electron — density is concentrated along a particular direction in case of 2p-orbital D: A p-orbital can take maximum of six electrons (A)A.B,D (B)A,B,C (C)B,C,D (D)A,C,D The Magnetic quantum number signifies (A) Size of the orbital (B) Shape of the orbital (C) Orientation of orbital in space (D) Nuclear stability 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. a1. The quantum number which specifies the location as well as energy is An (8)! (c)m (O)s Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not allowed? (A) n=3,1=1,m=+2 (B)n 1,m (C)n=3,1=0,m=0 (D)n 2,m Which set of quantum numbers is not possible for electron in 3° shell? (8) (0) Out of the following which sub shell has maximum energy? (A) 3d (B)4s (C) 5s (D) 4p Which two orbitals are located along the axes, and not between the axes? A) dad. (B) dy. P. (C) d,.5Ps (D) pide, Which series of subshells is arranged in the order of increasing energy for multi- electron atoms? (A) 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p —(B) 4f, 6s, 5d, 6p —(C) 5d, 4f, 68, 6p ——(D) 4, Sd, 6, Bp The subshell that arises after f is called the g subshell. How many electrons may ‘occupy the g subshell? (A)9 (B)7 (C)5 (D) 18 PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION CURVES AND WAVE FUNCTION 82. Miss Ritika has two correct information from Mr. Gupta and Mr. Agarwal about a particular —_orbital of hydrogen atom. Identify the orbital 83. v2 Mr. Gupta: — Wagga) OForbital is { 4n Mr. Agarwal: The orbital has two radial nodes. (A)'s' orbital with any principal quantum number (B) any orbital with principal quantum number 3 (C) 3s orbital (D) Information from Mr. gupta & Mr. Agarwal cannot predict the orbital. Which of the following is the correct representation of plot radial probability (4xr°R?) in Y-axis vs distance from the nucleus in X-axis for 1-electron of 4d-atomic orbital? AD see (B) ger 85. 86. 87. 89. (©) (0) anor ane R] If the nodes at infinity are not neglected, then what is the total number of radial and angular nodes of 5f-orbitals? (A) 4 (B)3 (C)5 (D) infinity The distance of maximum probability for 3s, 3p, 3d are given in the order (A) Cs Isa > Cas 3p» > Ca Das (B) Cus daa > Crna 3s > Crs ae (C) Cra Ise > Coax 3p > Crs ou (D) None of these The number of local maxima in the Radial distribution curve of Sd orbital is (A) Zero (8)1 (2 (023 Out of the following, which is the correct match for radial probability of finding the electron of 2s orbital? (B) A- He*, B-H, C-Li?* (C)A-Li®, B-He’, C-H (D) Can't say rf 2d For a 3s-orbital, (35) = 3a, What is the maximum radial distance of node from nucleus? (ay B+x3a @) (©) 36430, (0) 2% Zz z 2 2 Z The Schrédinger wave equation for hydrogen atom is y _ 1 (zy" 2 an (radial) = aalZ) [o-1Xo? ~8o + 12)]e Where aoand Z are the constant in which answer can be expressed and , — 22" Minimum and maximum positions of radial nodes from nucleus are.......respectively. (a) 340 @) % (c) % Me (0) 2.44 ZZ WZ WZ 2Z°Z ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION AND APPLICATION 90. 91. 92. 93, 94, 95. 96. 97. 98. 99, 100. 101. Which of the following electronic configurations is correct for Iron, (atomic number 26)? (A) [Kr]4s' 3a" (B) [Kr]4s' 3d’ (C) [ar}4s?3a° (D) [Xr]4s?3a° Which of the following representation of excited states of atoms is impossible? (A) 1s!2s! (B) [Nel3s?3p'4s!_—(C) ENeI3s° 3p" 4s'3d% (D) 1s?2s?2p735? Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired electrons? (A) Mn (8) Ti (c)v (0) Al The magnetic moment of isolated Fe* ion is (A) 26 BM (8) is BM (c) 3M (0) 35 BM Total spin resulting from a d° configuration is (a) @)% (c) 5/2 (0) 3/2 Electronic configuration of Ni is (Arj3d°,4s%. The electronic configuration of next element is (A) [Arj3d"°4s* (8) (Arpad? 4s? (C) 3d%4s"4p' (0) None Which of the following is having the maximum number of unpaired electrons? (A) Mg”? (®) Ti (c)v* (0) Fe* Which of the following violates the Pauli Exclusion Principle? a th tl @l|N thi t colt} [ti tlt ot titit The value of the magnetic moment of a particular ion is 2.83 Bohr magneton. The ion is (A) Fe (B) Ni (C) Mn?* (D) Co* If an ion of 2sMn has a magnetic moment of 3.873 B.M. Then Mn is in which state. (A) +2 (B)+3 (C)+4 (D)+5 A compound of vanadium has a magnetic moment (,/) of 1.73 BM. If the vanadium ion in the compound is present as V’*, then, the value of x is? (a)1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)4 The ratio of magnetic moments of Fe (III) and Co (II) is: (a) V5:v7 (8) V35:Vis (C)7:3 (0) V24-vis Zen Education and Coarning, Rewa 49| Page 22. 29. 36. 43. 50. 57. 64. 71. 78. 85. 92. 99. o> 0000%F 080% 0B > VD > 2.0 9.C 16. 23. 30. 37. 44. 51. 58. 65. 72. 79. 86. >000000 03780 DOD DY 93. 100. D 3.D 10.C 17. 24. 31. 38. 45. 52. 59. 66. 73. 80. 87. 00 F DW BWO909 0 F FY DW yD 94. 101.B ANSWER KEY Exercise - I 4.D 11. 18. 25. 32. 39. 46. 53. 60. 67. 74, 81. 88. 95. Cc D D B r>o7o°0 5.B 12.B 19.B 26.D 33. 40. 47. 54. 61. 68. 75. 82. 89. 0003 > > OY > DO 96. 6.B 13.B 20.C 27.C 34.C 41.C 48.B 55. 62. 69. 76. 83. 90. o0o0 } OU y OU 97. 7.B 14.C 28.C 35.D 42. o 49. 56. 63. 70. 77. 84. 0000 0 > 91. 98. o

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