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Joshrielle Gonzaga


How has technological change affected you? Are there any

downsides to technological change? Explain.

With the recent end of the pandemic, a lot of us were affected by this sudden
change of modalities in most of the things that we do, although technology
has been used even before the pandemic, this new normal changed the way
people saw and used technological equipment. Now that we are in the
“post-pandemic” era, this technological change has affected not only me but
also basically everyone, personally as someone who is pretty tech savvy and
knows his way around tech and electronics, this change was pretty easy for
me as I was able to adapt pretty efficiently. In my opinion I was able and is still
able to utilize tech to its utmost potential using different apps and tools.

Although given this, the technological change definitely brought downsides

not only to individuals but to many companies and probably even the
economy, Many people especially those of the older generations weren’t able
to keep up with the changing times in this technological era, meaning that
there were some valuable info and manpower that was being left behind in
this change. Another downside is that since technology isn’t free, many
people also we’re not able to afford adequate and decent technological
equipment to properly manage their work and their time. But even with
these downsides, I think that the positives of this technological change
outweigh the negatives, this change was able to create more efficient, faster,
and cleaner ways to manage not only personal workload but also created
innovative ways on how to manage production, how to better the
administration of businesses and even how to better manage employees of
certain businesses and companies.

With that, It’s safe to say that the world doesn’t stop for anything, and will go
through many changes over the future and surely, the people will adapt and
create more innovative and creative ways to make the things that they do,
even better.

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