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FORMULATING YOUR RESEARCH STUDY/TITLE • Phenomenological – it is a qualitative research

technique that seeks to understand the meaning
1. You need to identify the problem first.
that people give to their experiences; it uses the
2. Next, identify the hypothesis or the educational guess, phenomenological inquiry method, which focuses
haka-haka. on how individuals experience events. It focuses
on subjective understanding and biases to look at
3. Planning out the study to test the hypothesis (scientific
what people say about themselves, rather than
objective interpretations of what participants say.
4. Defining the variable (dependent & independent This helps researchers better understand people’s
variable). experiences.
• Ethnographic – a qualitative method that focuses
5. Make your conclusion and recommendation on understanding human behavior.
“The Effects of Mobile Phone Usage inside The Classroom Ethnographers are interested in a phenomenon’s
to The Performance of Grade 11 Students in San Miguel social context while learning about cultural norms
National High School, S.Y. 2023-2024.” and beliefs. The Researcher lives with the research
subjects and studies their culture. The researchers
Do advance reading on the difference between interview the most knowledgeable people about
Qualitative and Quantitative Research. their roles and responsibilities within the society
TYPES OF RESEARCH or community. The data collected serves as raw
notes or raw data for future analysis.
Qualitative Research - deals with the quality or elements • Case Study – these are in-depth examinations of
that is tangible; deals with gathering data focusing on people or groups of people. They help the
words; open-ended questions. The research is holistic. researchers understand an intervention’s context,
Verbal data are collected; it follows a subjective process, and outcomes. Case studies also help
approach. The reasoning is inductive (general to specific). researchers understand the cause-and-effect
relationships between variables and the change
Quantitative Research – deals with research in numerical
process over time. But for a case study to qualify
form; close-ended questions. The reasoning is deductive
as qualitative research, the researcher must focus
(specific to general). Particularistic in Nature; uses
on the meaning of the experiences to subjects.
objective approach, deductive approach, uses numbers.
Then they use content analysis to evaluate the
Likert Scale – includes the numbers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or a scale.
data from case studies.
Do advance reading on the types of Qualitative Research! • Narrative Model/Research – it is a popular
method because it helps you understand how
people live and make decisions. You collect data
• Action Research – the researcher participates in a about subjects by tracking them as they go
situation and collects data on it. The data is used through different stages of your study. By
to analyze the situation and collect more data if understanding these experiences through
they want to adjust the scope of the study or its observations of participants over time, businesses
results. This is cyclical, meaning each step involves can create buyer personas for their products and
collaboration between the study participants and services based on these narratives. This method
the researcher. allows the researchers to gather data from several
sources at one time to identify themes or
patterns. It involves collecting stories from
participants to share later.
• Grounded Theory – It uses a systematic review of
existing data to develop theories about why
events happened the way they did. The grounded
theory is a method that uses inductive and
deductive approaches to theory development.
Rather than using probability sampling
procedures, researchers use purposeful sampling
to select certain subjects who may share new
perspectives on the phenomenon under study.
• Focus groups - A research that reveals people’s
attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs to enhance the
researcher’s knowledge of a particular topic. For
instance, moderators might conduct focus groups
with eight to 12 participants who meet at set
times over several weeks or months. Participants
may test out a new product, and researchers can
observe subjects and conduct interviews about
their experiences.
• Historical –research that identifies, locates,
evaluates, and synthesizes data from the past.
Historical research helps researchers understand
why something happened and what its impact
was. Researchers can use this data to predict the
future or understand the past better.

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