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Marketing Management

September 2023 Examination

Q.1 Prepare an appropriate Segmentation & Targeting strategies related to the product of
High-End Gaming Laptop. Justify your answer with appropriate justifications. (10 marks)



The recent phenomenal rise of the gaming industry has increased demand for high-performance
gaming laptops. Because they feature strong CPUs, sharp displays, specialised graphics cards,
and excellent cooling systems, high-end gaming laptops are ideal for gamers who appreciate
performance and immersive gaming experiences. This section will address design considerations,
targeting strategies, and appropriate segmentation for high-end gaming laptops.

Concept & application:

Segmentation Strategy:

Markets are divided into groups based on shared needs and characteristics, known as consumer
segments. By comprehending the various needs and preferences of each segment of the potential
customer base, businesses can effectively target and interact with them. You can use the
following segmentation technique on high-end gaming laptops:

1. Demographic Segmentation:

Based on demographic factors like age, gender, income, education, and occupation, markets are
divided into different segments. High-end gaming laptops may be marketed to the following

- Age Young people and millennials who enjoy playing video games and can afford to purchase
pricey gaming gear

.- Gender: Males continue to dominate the video game market, even though both sexes are
playing more of them. Nonetheless, it is imperative to recognise the growing number of female
gamers and create products and marketing campaigns that appeal to them.
- Income: Those with more disposable income are more likely to have access to high-quality
gaming laptops. The probability of a sale can be raised by focusing on affluent demographics.

- Education: Students and young professionals pursuing degrees or careers in computer science,
engineering, or digital arts may find higher-end gaming laptops more appealing.

A few segmentation and targeting tactics for premium gaming laptops are as follows:

a. Age-Based Segmentation: aimed at young adults who are avid gamers and have the money to
buy top-tier gaming laptops, between the ages of 18 and 30. Websites for social media and
gaming are effective means of connecting with this demographic.

b. Gender-Based Segmentation: Developing marketing campaigns that appeal to gamers of all

genders. For instance, highlight various gaming communities and include female gamers in
advertisements to draw in and interact with female customers.

2. Psychographic Segmentation:

The values, interests, and lifestyles of the consumer are the main focus of psychographic
segmentation. For high-end gaming laptops, the following psychographic segments may be

- Gaming Enthusiasts: those who see gaming as an essential part of their lives and are prepared
to spend money on top-tier gaming gear in order to enhance their gaming experience.

- Tech Enthusiasts: Customers who are passionate about technology and who, in order to stay
up to date, seek out the latest developments in gaming laptops.

- Competitive GamersVery For those who participate in e-sports or other competitive gaming,
high-performance laptops are essential.

- content CreatorsGamers who create content related to gaming, like video editing or streaming
game reviews, need powerful laptops to support their creative ideas.

A few segmentation and targeting tactics for premium gaming laptops are as follows:

a. Gaming Enthusiasts: Developing marketing campaigns that showcase the immersive gaming
experience, powerful graphics, and faultless gameplay offered by top-tier gaming laptops.
focusing on online communities, gaming forums, and social media groups where players hang

b. Tech Enthusiasts: Emphasise the cutting-edge features and state-of-the-art cooling systems
of premium gaming laptops. This market can be reached through niche websites, tech blogs, and
YouTube channels that review and discuss gaming laptops.

Targeting Strategy:
Selecting the most desirable segments based on segmentation evaluation and creating strategies
to efficiently reach and service those segments is known as targeting. High-end gaming laptops
can be targeted using the following strategies:

1. Digital Marketing and Influencer Partnerships:

Utilising digital marketing channels is crucial because the target market for high-end gaming
laptops consists of tech-savvy, online-active individuals. This covers contracts with well-known
YouTubers, streamers, and e-sports athletes in addition to content marketing, social media
advertising, and search engine marketing (SEM). Working with well-known influencers who
have a substantial gaming fan base increases brand recognition and credibility.

2. Gaming Conventions and Events:

E-sports competitions and gaming conventions offer an opportunity to introduce high-end

gaming laptops to the target market. Interactive demos, prizes, and competitions can generate
interest and attract new clients. By allowing for direct communication with players, this strategy
makes for an unforgettable experience and increases brand recognition.

3. Customization and Personalization:

High-give-up gaming laptops allow users to customise their experience by choosing different
features, lighting effects, and hardware components. Customization choices and tailored
suggestions can satisfy the tastes of specific players and improve the overall shopping

4. Competitive Pricing and Financing Options:

An important consideration in the gaming laptop market is price. Financing options and
competitive pricing can help increase the accessibility of high-end gaming laptops for potential
buyers. Additional guarantees, helpful manuals, and alluring post-purchase services can also
foster client pleasure and loyalty.


High-end gaming laptop marketing is heavily dependent on segmentation and targeted strategies.
Companies that comprehend the lifestyles, possibilities, and demographics of their potential
customers can more effectively customise their marketing efforts to reach and interact with their
target audience. Using virtual marketing techniques, influencer partnerships, gaming events
participation, and customization options can increase brand awareness, boost sales, and produce
an unforgettable buyer reveal. Additionally, a wider range of consumers can now afford high-end
gaming laptops thanks to competitive pricing and alluring financing options. Businesses can
establish themselves as market leaders in the high-give-up gaming laptop segment and meet the
varied demands of ardent gamers by implementing these tactics.
Q.2 One Plus after being successful in the mobile market is now planning to sell
refrigerators in the market and is ready to make a sizeable investment to compete with the
market leaders. The company has planned to name it as Cool Plus. It has limited idea
around the product and wants to understand the same through levels of product. As a
product in charge explain all the levels of product for the product refrigerator Cool Plus.



One Plus, a well-known competitor in the smartphone industry, has made a big move by entering
the refrigerator business. One Plus hopes to use its solid track record in the mobile sector and its
devoted customer base to take on the well-established market leaders in the refrigerator space. In
order to guarantee a thorough comprehension of the product, let us ascertain its various levels,
specifically for the One Plus refrigerator referred to as Cool Plus.

1. Core Product Level:

At the core product level, the OnePlus Cool Plus refrigerator meets essential needs for food
storage and preservation. It serves the crucial purpose of prolonging the shelf life and keeping
perishable goods fresh. The main advantages of the Cool Plus refrigerator are that it preserves
the safety and quality of food products while guaranteeing customer convenience and
encouraging a healthy lifestyle.

2. Generic Product Level:

Moving on from the main offering, the OnePlus Cool Plus refrigerator has features that are
common to all products. These consist of adjustable shelves, multiple storage compartments,
temperature control, and energy efficiency. The Cool Plus refrigerator strives to satisfy
customers' fundamental needs in terms of usability, dependability, and functionality.

3. Expected Product Level:

The expected product level includes all of the characteristics and features that buyers usually
expect from a refrigerator. OnePlus is aware that in order to effectively compete, it must meet or
surpass customer expectations. Features like frost-free operation, intelligent cooling systems,
digital displays, advanced water filtration, and smart connectivity are all available on the Cool
Plus refrigerator at this level. The convenience, effectiveness, and general user experience of the
product are improved by these features.

4. Augmented Product Level:

In order to establish a unique market position and gain a competitive advantage, the OnePlus
Cool Plus refrigerator goes above and beyond customer expectations by offering enhanced
product features. This level includes the special features that distinguish the Cool Plus
refrigerator from rival models. OnePlus might release cutting-edge features like voice control,
integration with smart assistants, Internet of Things compatibility, and customizable settings.
These improvements go above and beyond the refrigerator's basic features to provide users with
more value.

5. Potential Product Level:

Future developments and enhancements to the Cool Plus refrigerator that One Plus may bring
about are referred to as the "possible product level." To keep ahead of the competition, it entails
investigating new technologies, market trends, and consumer preferences. Advanced meal
preservation methods, energy-saving devices, sustainable materials, and customizable designs
are all things One Plus might take into account. By continuously changing and adjusting to meet
the needs of consumers, the Cool Plus refrigerator can stay attractive and relevant in the ever-
changing market.

Concept & Application:

In order to effectively establish and implement a clear idea, OnePlus needs to successfully break
into the refrigerator market. Important factors for the design and use of the Cool Plus refrigerator
are as follows:

1. Brand Image and Reputation:

OnePlus has a solid foundation for entering the refrigerator market thanks to its strong brand
image and position in the mobile market. The business can create interest and obtain a
competitive edge by utilising its current clientele and brand loyalty. OnePlus ought to underscore
its dedication to excellence, innovation, and customer-focused approach in order to facilitate a
smooth transition from mobile devices to appliances.

2. Market Research and Consumer Insights:

For OnePlus to comprehend the needs, preferences, and purchasing patterns of potential
customers in the refrigerator market, extensive market research is essential. This include
determining the target market, researching the products and services of rivals, and running focus
groups or surveys to learn more about the opinions of the target audience. The data gathered will
assist OnePlus in creating a refrigerator that satisfies user requirements and has distinctive

3. Product Design and Aesthetics:

The Cool Plus refrigerator's appearance and design are important factors in drawing customers
in. OnePlus ought to design a product that complements contemporary cutting-edge kitchen
design in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Careful consideration of details like ergonomics,
material quality, and finishes will improve the refrigerator's perceived value while also
improving user satisfaction.

4. Quality and Reliability:

Prioritising quality and dependability in the Cool Plus refrigerator's manufacturing process is
something OnePlus should do. This entails carrying out extensive product testing, employing
robust materials, and putting strict quality control procedures in place. In the refrigerator
industry, OnePlus can establish a strong brand reputation and win over customers by providing a
dependable product.

5. Pricing and Value Proposition:

OnePlus needs to offer the Cool Plus refrigerator at a competitive price to draw customers and
gain market share. The target market segment, competitor pricing, and the product's fee
proposition should all be taken into account by the agency. The Cool Plus refrigerator from
OnePlus can be positioned as a premium, feature-rich option that offers great value for the


In conclusion, the company's exciting entry into the appliance market is exemplified by the
OnePlus Cool Plus refrigerator. OnePlus can enhance a refrigerator that meets centre needs and
surpasses customer expectations by using its understanding of the product tiers. With consistent
innovation, accurate features, and a strong logo image, OnePlus has the ability to take on
established market leaders and make a name for itself in the refrigerator sector. With clever
positioning, successful marketing, and an emphasis on customer satisfaction, the Cool Plus
refrigerator can rise to the top of the market among customers looking for cutting-edge
technology, dependability, and functionality in their refrigeration needs.

Q.3 Read the case & answers the questions based on the case:

The Aditya Birla Group has announced a foray into the premium casual dining space in
collaboration with chef restaurateur Rahul Akerkar. The group’s hospitality arm housed
under Aditya Birla New Age (ABNA) will build premium casual dining restaurant chains
across India. The vision is to build the best F&B brands with a clear focus on both quality
& value for customers. The company is aiming to launch the first restaurant in Mumbai.
Based on the above information answer the following:
a) As a consultant to Aditya Birla New Age (ABNA) suggest suitable steps involved in new
product launch.



In my capacity as an advisor to Aditya Birla New Age (ABNA), I would recommend the
following actions for the introduction of a new product, particularly a chain of upscale casual
dining restaurants in Mumbai:

Concept & Application

1. Market Research and Analysis:

Thorough market research and evaluation must be carried out prior to the release of a new
product. This entails comprehending the target market, determining consumer preferences,
examining the competition, and estimating Mumbai's demand for upscale casual dining. In order
to help ABNA make wise decisions, market research will offer insights into consumer
expectations, market trends, and potential obstacles.

2. Concept Development:

The results of the market research should help ABNA create a distinctive and alluring concept
for its chain of upscale casual dining restaurants. The goal of creating the greatest F&B brands
with an emphasis on customer value and quality should be in line with this idea. The concept
ought to set the restaurant chain apart from its rivals and appeal to Mumbai's target market.

3. Menu Development and Culinary Expertise:

Working with famous chef-restaurateur Rahul Akerkar, ABNA should prioritise menu planning
and culinary know-how. The menu should include a range of tasty and creative dishes that are
tailored to the preferences of the target audience, such as 86f68e4d402306ad3cd330d005134dac.
The restaurant chain will benefit from Rahul Akerkar's experience and credibility, which will
increase customer appeal.

4. Location Selection:

Selecting the ideal site is essential to a restaurant's success. It is recommended that ABNA
pinpoint high-traffic areas in Mumbai that are easily accessible and in line with the preferences
and demographics of the target market. There should be enough room for the restaurant to
operate at full capacity and to create a comfortable dining environment.

5. Branding and Marketing Strategy:

In order to raise interest in and awareness of the new restaurant chain, ABNA needs to develop a
strong branding and marketing strategy. This entails creating a strong brand identity, creating
eye-catching signage and a logo, creating an approachable website, and promoting your business
on social media. To create buzz and draw clients, ABNA should also think about working with
local media, food bloggers, and influencers.

6. Staff Recruitment and Training:

A quality dining experience depends on selecting and preparing the right employees. It is
imperative that ABNA carefully selects employees with the necessary skills, such as chefs, wait
staff, and managers, who share the company's vision and values. To guarantee consistency in the
quality of meals served, customer experience, and service, extensive training programmes should
be put in place.

7. Soft Launch and Customer Feedback:

ABNA ought to think about holding a soft launch in advance of the official opening, inviting a
small number of patrons to sample the restaurant and offer feedback. This will help find any
problems with operations or services and enable ABNA to fix them in time for the grand

8. Grand Opening and Ongoing Evaluation:

The restaurant's grand opening should be accompanied by a carefully organised launch party that
includes media attention, special events, and promotional offers. It is essential to continuously
assess the restaurant's performance in order to make the required modifications and
enhancements. ABNA will be able to assess the new restaurant chain's performance and pinpoint
opportunities for expansion and improvement with the aid of market research, key performance
indicator monitoring, and regular customer feedback.


A new, high-quality casual dining restaurant chain must be carefully planned, launched, branded,
and executed, including market research and concept development. Aditya Birla New Age
(ABNA) can improve the likelihood of a successful launch in Mumbai by adhering to these
guidelines and utilising the experience of chef-restaurateur Rahul Akerkar. Strong F&B brands
recognised for quality and value in the upscale casual dining segment will be built via ongoing
evaluation and adaptation based on consumer feedback and market characteristics.
b) Recommend appropriate advertising strategy for launch focusing on appropriate
message decisions & specific media vehicles (combination of media vehicles is expected
including social media).



For the Aditya Birla Group to launch a premium casual dining restaurant, the target audience,
brand positioning, and intended message must all be taken into account when recommending an
advertising strategy. This is a suggested advertising strategy that uses social media and other
targeted media vehicles, with an emphasis on message decisions:

Concept & Application:

1. Define the Target Audience:

Determine who the premium casual dining restaurant's target market is. Take into account factors
like location, income level, and age. The target market may consist of young professionals,
foodies, and people with more disposable income.

2. Establish Brand Positioning:

Identify the restaurant's unique selling propositions and main differentiators. Is it the setting, the
standard of the food, the creative menu, or the skill of the chef? Establish a brand positioning
that distinguishes it from the market's current competitors.

3. Craft a Compelling Message:

Identify the restaurant's unique selling propositions and main differentiators. Is it the setting, the
standard of the food, the creative menu, or the skill of the chef? Establish a brand positioning
that distinguishes it from the market's current competitors.

4. Choose Relevant Media Vehicles:

Employ a blend of conventional and digital media channels to efficiently connect with the
intended audience. Here are a few suggestions:

a. Social Media:

Use social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to interact with the target market
and increase brand awareness. Distribute eye-catching content that highlights the restaurant's
atmosphere, food presentation, and clientele research. Interact with followers by holding walk-in
competitions, giving special discounts, and quickly answering their questions.

b. Influencer Marketing:
Work together with bloggers, local celebrities, and food influencers who have a large following
among the target market. Kindly extend an invitation to them for special tastings and request that
they share their reports on blogs, videos, and social media.

c. Online Food Portals:

Collaborate with well-known restaurant discovery platforms and online food portals like
Dineout, Zomato, and Swiggy. In order to draw in customers who use these platforms for
restaurant recommendations and reservations, make sure your restaurant's profile is optimised,
upload appetising food photos, and provide special offers.

d. Print and Outdoor Advertising:

Advertise in regional lifestyle publications, newspapers, and billboards at key intersections.

Emphasise salient features of the eatery, like the partnership with Rahul Akerkar, the upscale
dining encounter, and the location of the first restaurant in Mumbai.

e. Email Marketing:

Create an email list by providing customers with incentives to subscribe, like exclusive deals or a
chance to win a free meal. Distribute newsletters on a regular basis detailing events, special
offers, and updates from the restaurant.

f. Public Relations:

Reach out to regional media and culinary writers to secure press coverage. Plan press
conferences, restaurant tastings, and press releases to highlight the restaurant's distinctive
features and its collaboration with Rahul Akerkar.

5. Track and Optimize:

Monitor the performance of each advertising channel using appropriate analytics tools. Track
engagement reach conversions and customer feedback. Optimize the advertising strategy
based on the data accrued to maximize the go-back on investment.

Conclusion A successful marketing plan for the Aditya Birla organization's premium casual
dining restaurant launch could combine influencer partnerships, social media marketing, online
food portals, print and outdoor advertising, email marketing, and public relations. Through
efficient targeting of the desired demographic and communication of the brand's distinct value
proposition, the restaurant can create a buzz, draw customers, and position itself as a major
participant in the upscale dining market.

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