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Which one of the following quotations MOST clearly represents the concept of stereotyping?

"People from that part of town just aren't ambitious."

"Boys should line up to the right and girls to the left."
"If he's one of your friends, tell him not to apply."
"Matthew just doesn't seem interested in spelling."
Which of the following best describes what Zone of Proximal Development is all about?

ZPD is the area where the child could not achieve with adult guidance or by working with “a more fully
developed child
ZPD is the area where the child could achieve with adult guidance or by working with “a more fully developed
ZPD is the area between the child’s current performance and the level of performance that the child could not
achieve with adult guidance or by working with “a more fully developed child”
ZPD is the area between the child’s current performance (the problems the child can solve independently
without any support) and the level of performance that the child could achieve with adult guidance or by
working with “a more fully developed child”

Which type of learners tend toward step by step and linear processing of information?

The students are thinking about their thinking. They reflect on what they learned and their ways of learning.
What approach was described in this statement?

Problem-based Approach
Research-based Approach
Metacognitive Approach
Whole Child Approach

Which of the following examples is most consistent with constructivist views of learning?

Jenny looks up a telephone number, writes it down (realizing she won't remember it), and later dials the
Despite an explanation about the phases of the moon, Cliff concludes that the reason for a full moon is due to
the absence of clouds.
Danny knows that he is unlikely to remember the tasks he has to complete the next day, so hemakes out a list
each evening to be sure he doesn't forget something.
Andrea has a list of all the commands for her word processing system, which she memorizes and refers to on
a daily basis.

Which of the following statements describes a learner with intrapersonal intelligence?

Benny is interested in solving puzzles and riddles.
Silvino is always telling good stories to his classmates.
Pepito has outstanding coordination and balance.
Alex enjoys his own company while reflecting on his behavior and actions
Some children are more active than others. How may a teacher help a child who is hyperactive?
Make him/her a leader of the class.
Transfer him/her to another class.
Give him/her challenging activities that are appropriate to his/her ability level and interests.
Allow the child to stay longer at the playground until he/she gets tired.

Peejay’s schema for “cat” includes having a furry body, with 4 legs, and sounds “meow”. When he saw a small
cat, his mother explained that small cat is called “kitten” and he starts to call every small cat he saw – “kitten”.
Pedro took that new knowledge into his existing schema for “cat”. This is a case of ________.


Which statements describes Law of Recency?

First thing learned has strongest connection.

Stimuli and responses are strengthened through being exercised frequently, recently, and vigorously.
If the learners are mentally and emotionally ready, learning will take place.
Concepts or skills most recently learned are least forgotten.

According to Piagetian theory, the most essential component of constructivism is when students

are given guidance to build positive social interactions through learning.

are given assistance to create physical constructs through experiences and interactions.
actively build meaningful understandings through experiences and interactions.
actively experience emotional uplifts through learning.

Teacher Anna’s students observe that she was giving limited time to the task she assigned to them They find it
difficult to process thus, giving them low scores and was not able to achieve the standards. Their teacher
noticed the scores and make adjustments. What kind of process was exhibited in the scenario?

Extraneous processing
Essential processing
Generative processing
Elaborative processing

Kounin claims that “with-it-ness” is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager. What is one
sign of “with-it-ness”?

Giving attention to students who are having difficulty with school work
Seeing only a portion of the class but intensively
Knowing where instructional materials are kept
Aware of what’s happening in all parts of the classroom

When the learner was able to account for a greater concentration on ways of developing his autonomy and
meeting the requirements for lifelong learning, he has what so .
Deep learning
Superficial learning
High fluid intelligence
Organized schema

Positive outcome of this psychosocial stage is awareness of uniqueness of self, but when not achieved may
lead to inability to identify appropriate roles in life.

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Identity vs. Role confusion

Which is the primary aim of making teachers understand principles involved in individual
differences among her students?

To help all learners achieve the same level of academic achievement

To give each child opportunities to develop according to ability.
To make slow learners feel the need to learn and to achieve.
To reduce the possibility of developing feeling of inferiority among the slow learners

Which scenario best illustrates the law of exercise?

The teacher discusses the material in-depth.

The teacher provides immediate feedback.
The teacher demonstrates the procedure and asks the students to repeat.
The teacher reteaches a lesson since half of the students did not pass the quiz

Which of the following is typically controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain?

Learned voluntary movements
Arithmetic reasoning

Teacher Gina would like to employ Operant Conditioning on her students to increase the probabilities of
greater participation during discussion. It is highly possible that teacher Marissa will______

put more emphasis on sharing and consistently guide them to new ideas
allow them to think about thinking
give a star token to those who will participate
let them exercise metacognitive approaches to better understand the topic

As a future educator, how can you apply Law of Exercise in your classroom?

Provide rewards and prizes every time they did a good job.
Review and always repeat important concepts of the topic discussed.
Make sure learners are mentally and emotionally ready for the lesson.
Provide nice, rich, and real-life experiences for every lesson discussed.
Ruben is reading a selection. He finds some words that he does not understand, which hinders his
comprehension of the story. If you were Ruben, how would you find a way to get the meaning of ambiguous

Use contextual clues to the meaning

Read the word aloud repeatedly
Call a friend to help clarify
Look for configuration clues
Teacher Caleb finds concept mapping as one of the best strategies he can employ in the construction of
knowledge. What is the best out of the given strategies below will be best for teacher Caleb to use?

Integrating concepts across the curriculum

Using core knowledge
Provision of not deploying students in field related areas
Seeking out opinions and ideas for open-ended curriculum

Knowing HOW TO DO THINGS belongs to which type of knowledge?


Which statement describes conservation?

it refers to the ability to group similar objects based on color, size, or use
it refers to the ability to know that the object still exists even when out of sight
it refers to the ability to know that whatever the arrangement or appearance, as long as nothing is added or
decreased, the number or amount would remain the same
it refers to the ability to arrange objects according to the given dimensions

Which statement is true about Freud’s Genital Stage?

The center of pleasure of this stage is through oral stimulation.

This stage is considered as “dormant” stage.
This stage is experienced by children around 4 or 5 years old.
People of this stage find pleasure through sexual or intimate relationship with opposite sex.

Who among the following students does NOT demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning?

Melanie looked for other alternative ways to solve the issues she encountered in her computer.
Maita was curious about Prehistoric Philippines after their lesson in Social Science so she researched more
about it.
Moises prepared for his exams three weeks ahead because it is a priority for him.
Renee did not attend the training-seminar because he thought it as a waste of time.

In the use of technique, strategies and methods, which of the following can be deemed as true?

There is only one best teaching method.

The teacher must be disregarded in the 21st century classroom.
More than technique or method may be used to effectively teach.
Techniques are inconsistent with approach, methods and strategies.

Eduardo has become a renowned poet in his country. According to Gardner’s multiple intelligences, what type
of intelligence does he posses?


Teacher C, a Reading teacher, advised her class to “read between the lines”. What does she want her pupils
to do?

Make an educated guess

Determine what is meant by what is stated
Apply the information read
Describe the characters in the story
Mrs. Lastimosa’s ninth grade science class is learning the difference between the states of matter: solid, gas,
and liquid. She tells them to imagine the molecules in these states of matter as Ping-Pong balls. Therefore she
tells them to envision a solid as a group of Ping-Pong balls lumped together in a mass, a gas as all of those
Ping-Pong balls moving very fast over an area, and a liquid as those ping pong balls moving but slower than
they did as a gas. Mrs. Lastimosa is helping her students remember by___________.

serial positioning effect
construction of images
A child who is learning to draw is slapped on the hand every time he draws on the table and wall. This form of
punishment is used to_____

Increase the likelihood of an undesirable behavior

Decrease the likelihood of an undesirable behavior
Decrease the likelihood of desirable behavior
Increase the likelihood of desirable behavior
Which of the following factors does not make an individual leaner different from another?

Mental and intellectual factors

Social and Environmental factors
Materials used for learning
Family background and culture

You are scrolling on Facebook one evening when an advertisement appears showing your favorite artist
wearing a new brand of sunglasses. The advertiser hopes that your positive feelings toward the artist will make
you want the sunglasses. In this situation, the sunglasses would be the

Unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned response
Conditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
Jane, a preschooler, insists on dressing herself each morning for school. When her mother tries to dress Jane
or fix her outfit, Jane brushes her mother off and insists on doing it herself. What stage of psychosocial
development best describes Jane’s behavior?

Trust vs. Mistrust

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs. Inferiority
How can students with interpersonal intelligence be taught?

They can be taught by turning lessons into lyrics.

They can be taught through physical activity.
They can be taught through group activities, seminars and dialogues.
They can be taught through drawings, verbal and physical imagery.

Which one of the following in the correct sequence of phases for Bandura's model of observational learning?

attention, retention, production, motivation.

motivation, attention, production, retention.
motivation, retention, reduction, attention.
attention, retention, motivation, and production.
Which of the following set of terms is associated to Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory?

motivation, affective, individual differences, sexual stages

assimilation, adaptation, oral, phallic
trust, autonomy, generativity, ego integrity
accommodation, assimilation, schema, equilibration

Why do we need to connect learning to our students’ everyday life?

The meaningfulness of what we teach is considerably reduced by our practice of teaching simply for teaching.
To learn is to simply solve problems existing in school.
We learn to live independently through learning.
All of the above.

“There is nothing in the mind which was not first in some manner in the senses.” What does this imply?

Students should use their multiple intelligences in order to learn

The more senses involve in learning, the better the learning.
Learning becomes an active process when the five senses are involved.
Student needs to function their senses for effective learning.

During a music lesson, Lisa enthusiastically sings aloud with her class, but the teacher comments, "Lisa,
please... you sound like an owl in a torture chamber." Lisa turns bright red. The next week she feels ill when it
is time to go to music class again. Feeling anxiety at the prospect of going to music class is an example of:

classical conditioning.
social learning.
cognitive learning.
an unconditioned stimulus
In contrast to Freud’s concept that the primary motivation of human behavior is sexual in nature. Erikson’s
theory focuses on _________ nature.

Among the following statements, which does not define Gardner's multiple intelligences?

Every learner has only one type of intelligence.

Intelligence should not only be limited to linguistic intelligence.
Intelligence is more than mathematical competence.
Option 4

All students with a GWA of 2.0 and above are placed in section A, students with a GWA of 2.25-2.5 belonged
to section B, and those with GWA of 2.27 and below are placed in section C. This practice is one example of
what Gestalt law?

Law of Closure
Law of Similarity
Law of Proximity
Law of Continuity

Application of Vygotsky's zone of proximal development concept would include:

requiring the learner to work completely independently, regardless of success or failure.

making new tasks slightly beyond the learner's current level of ability.
using highly structured materials to introduce new content rather than semi-structured tasks.
not introducing new tasks until prerequisite tasks are satisfactorily mastered.
Before testing students, Kathy gives several practice items similar to those that will appear on a quiz. After the
students have responded to the items, she provides a detailed discussion of the solutions to each item, with
reminders about how to attack the problems. Of the following, which instructional principle for applying
constructivist views (about learning in classrooms) is best illustrated by this practice?

Provide learners with a variety of examples and other representations of content.

Connect content to the real world.
Treat verbal explanations skeptical
Promote high levels of interaction.

How did Vygotsky view cognitive development?

He saw development as subject to mutations during its course.

He saw development as a sequence of learning stimulus-response associations.
He proposed that intellectual development can be understood only in terms of the historical and cultural
contexts children experience.
He saw development as genetically predetermined

As a future teacher, how can you help your learners recall what they have learned? The following are some
ways, EXCEPT?
Stay in just one place and speak in monotone.
Begin a lesson by asking a question that can stimulate their interest.
Provide repetition and review of information.
Present material in clear and organized way.
Which among the situations shows the Law of Effect in learning?

Madame Chui Ang yelled at her student after passing an awful output in trigonometry.
Teacher Lino prepared his students for an intensive review.
Principal Spencer called for a meeting, so classes were cancelled.
None of the above.
Who believed in each stage we face an emotional crisis that needs to be resolved before we move onto the

Lev Vygotsky
Erik Erikson
Howard Gardner
Lawrence Kohlberg
Martha has trouble reading, and she is a bit clumsy when it comes to sports and athletics. However, she does
well in her math classes, and she is quite popular among her classmates. Which view of intelligence is best
reflected in Martha's pattern of strengths and weaknesses?

Sternberg's triarchic theory

Gardner's multiple intelligences
Spearman's concept of "g"
The notion of distributed intelligence
Which statement below describes the law of proximity?

It holds the idea that people tend to connect individual components together to form meaning.
It holds the idea that all possible organizations could be perceived in a stimulus array, one that possesses the
simplest and the most stable.
It holds the idea that things close to each other are put together.
This law holds on the idea that related or similar objects are put together.

Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: “The brain’s emotional center
is tied into its ability to learn”.

Establish the discipline of being judgmental in attitude

Come up with highly competitive games where winners will feel happy
Tell the students to participate in class activities or else won’t receive plus points in class recitation
Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feeling and ideas freely

To train her puppy to roll over, Karylle began by rewarding it for simply lying down. Later, she only rewarded
the puppy if it lay down and turned to one side. Later still, the puppy only got a reward if it lay down, turned,
then rolled over. Karylle was using:

classical conditioning
a fixed interval schedule
A teacher regularly gives students brief quizzes of three to five questions covering material taught in the
current or preceding lesson. Which of the following is likely to be the primary benefit of this practice?

helping improve instruction through ongoing feedback on teaching effectiveness

minimizing the amount of reteaching required for students to master curricular content
ensuring that the teacher has adequate performance data to assign students a fair grade for the class
enhancing students' engagement in the learning process and recognition of key learning goals

The school’s curriculum focuses more on experiential learning. There will be visitors who will observe your 50-
minute Science class. Your topic for that period is “Layers of the Earth”. Your principal told you to create an
activity for that topic which will also show experiential learning among your learners. How will you create an
appropriate activity for this?

I will bring my learners outside and let them dig a very deep hole until we can what we’re looking for.
I will use mock-ups or models to show the three layers of the Earth.
I will give a thorough discussion or lecture about the layers of the Earth.
I will bring them to the library and research the layers of the Earth and ask each one of them to share to the
class what they have read.

What is the name of Thorndike's law stating that if an act is followed by a satisfying feeling, the likelihood that
the act will be repeated in similar situations?

Law of exercise

Law of effect
Law of practice
Law of freedom

Which one of the following is the best example of scaffolding?

Before her beginning guitar students start to play "Jingle Bells," Ms. Cruz reminds them the chords of the song.
Mr. Manzano gives a detailed lecture about the events leading up to the Gulf War.
Mr. Christian has his students write a ten-page research paper on the African country of their own choosing.
Mr. Chico equips her kindergarten classroom with a variety of art supplies that her students can use during
their free time.

The correct order of the stages of psychosexual development is which of the following?

anal, oral, genital, latency, phallic

phallic, oral, genital, anal, latency
oral, anal, genital, latency, phallic
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Which of the following is the best example of a teacher using a constructivist approach to student learning?

The science teacher uses hands-on materials and real-life problems based on their previous experiences to
acquire new concepts and information.
The English teachers gives additional five points in every paper well-written.
The social studies teacher uses visual aids and logical progression of ideas when presenting a new topic.
The P.E. teacher takes away the 10-minute free time if students cannot perform the task assigned to them.

Peter tried to do all his homework and review early in the morning before his class. He thought that adrenaline
rush will help him get a higher grade. As early as the result came, he tries to assess the effectiveness of the
strategy he has used. What type of essential skill for metacognition is being applied?

Planning and Evaluating

Leslie, a grade 1 pupil, cannot read a sentence even a simple word quickly. Teacher Cha guided her student in
one on one session where she teaches Leslie the basics of reading. Later on during their second periodical
examination, Leslie can finally read word by word on her own. What is the one on one session of Teacher Cha
and Leslie called?

Learning gap
preoperational stage
zone of proximal development
Cognitive Development

In this stage, the child is aware of wider rules of society. At this point, a student is good because of what
society says.

Why is Latency Stage considered as the “calm” or “NO-pleasure zone” period?

Children’s attention is geared towards physical and academic activities.

Children at this stage are suffering from identity crisis.
Children at this stage are both into oral and anal pleasure.
Reason is not stated in Freud’s theory.

To nurture students’ creativity, which activity should a teacher AVOID?

Ask “what if…” questions

Ask divergent thinking questions
Emphasize the need to give right answers
Be open to “out-of-this-world” ideas

According to Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development, the stage in which a child needs to learn
important academic skills and compare favorably with peers in school to achieve competence is the ______

Trust vs. Mistrust

Identity vs. Role Confusion
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs. Inferiority

Why is Bandura’s social learning theory sometimes considered as a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive
learning theories?

Because it can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors

Because it demonstrates that people can learn new information without demonstrating new behaviors.
Because it describes how the world and a person’s behavior cause each other
Because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation

In Math subject, teacher asked his students if what is heavier, a kilo of sugar or a kilo of mango. To answer the
question, two students raised their hands. Student 1 answered a kilo of mango is heavier while student 2
answered a kilo of sugar and mango weigh the same. In what stage student 2 will fall under according to
Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory?

The Sensorimotor Stage

The Concrete Operational Stage
The Preoperational Stage
The Formal Operational Stage

Which of the following teachers illustrates a method used to promote the processing of information?

Mr. de Leon creates a test-free environment in his class and believes in reducing all anxiety for his students.
Ms. Chu’s classroom faces the school administrative office where there is much student activity. She always
leaves her door open.
Each morning, Mr. Soriano allows his second graders to choose from several different review games to
reinforce the previous day’s lesson.
Ms. Santos, a fifth-grade teacher, jumps right into her lesson plans each day without giving her students the
opportunity to “chat" with her.

Which defines the constructivist approach better?

Students are expected to create knowledge and meaning out of what they are taught.
Students are expected to master the lesson after they undergo a series of practice and drills.
Students are expected to listen to what the teacher is discussing.
Students are expected to be individualistic in the classroom.

Who is responsible for the principle of subsumption, which is a process wherein a new material is related to
relevant idea in the existing cognitive structure?


Provides precise timing for skeletal muscle activity, regulates equilibrium and balance, and produces smooth
and coordinated skilled skeletal muscle movements
brain stem

Tricia and Roman are both 7-year-olds yet, Roman lags behind in reading ability. What principle does it

Orderly and sequential development

Critical periods in development
Individual differences
engaging in identification

All of the following are characteristics of schema, except.

They are basic knowledge

They are highly structured
They are general categories of knowledge
They provide negative transfer

All of the following statements about brainstorming are true EXCEPT:

Generating as many new ideas as possible is a good creativity strategy.

During a brainstorming session, participants are encouraged to criticize and evaluate other ideas.
Brainstorming can foster team-building skills in the classroom.

For many individuals, working alone can generate more and better ideas than working in groups.

Which of the following concepts stands for Learning Objective:

define the expected goal of a curriculum, course, lesson or activity in terms of demonstrable skills or
knowledge that will be acquired by a student as a result of instruction.
A specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.
something that one's efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target:
None of the above

Anna cannot concentrate on the class discussion because the classroom is not properly lighted and ventilated.
What aspect of learning environment affects Anna’s learning?

Psychological atmosphere
Physical environment
Emotional aspect
Intellectual aspect

The following statements are CORRECT about Constructivism, except for one. Which is it?

The mental processes are to identify in terms of the behaviors to which learners lead.
The learners derive meaning and form concepts out of their own experiences.
The learner is the active creator of their knowledge and understanding.
The learner reflects on the experiences and then creates a new understanding from it.

Which is an example of the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?

A teenager trying out new fashions and hairstyles

A preschooler insisting on picking out her own clothes, no matter how mismatched they are
A middle-schooler completing a challenging math assignment
An adult looking for his partner in life

According to Erickson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence?

High School years

College years
Pre-School years
Elementary years

Drake’s first-grade teacher ignores him when he leaves his place once or twice during the period. What is his
teacher attempting to?

Decrease undesirable behavior by ignoring it

Reinforces the desirable behavior of others
Allow undesirable behavior
Establish control

He first introduces the notion of Metacognition in 1976.

Lev Vygotsky
Jean Piaget
John Flavell
John Dewey

One’s approach to teaching is influenced by Howard Gardner’s MI Theory. What is he/she challenged to do?

I, II and III

II only
III only

Why is it important to help students realize that there is a limit to various attributes?

So that they can give specific examples thus moving to complex ones
Things are constrained in parameters that limits to what we would like to do
So that they can understand critical attributes and can discriminate between simple and complicated ones.
Assigning qualities or attributes to something is not an easy task.

Which statement describes neutral or zero transfer of learning?

learners apply their knowledge and skills in situations or contexts that are very close to those in which the
learning occurred.
learners perform a skill in a context very much different from the context it was learned.
learners’ past learning or prior experience does not enhance or hinder the acquisition of a new skill
learners use the same skill to solve a related but different problem

Miss Honey, a preschool teacher used configuration clues, shape and appearance of words to help her
students in word recognition. What kind of memory did Miss Honey use?

Teachers often complain of numerous non-teaching assignment that adversely affect their teaching.
Does this mean that teachers must be pre-occupied only with teaching?

Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice demands that they be properly compensated.
No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for the good of the
communities around them.
No, because they are also tasked to lead community activities as leaders.
Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.

It is believed that songs, jingles and rap can enhance learning. Why do so?

It provides extra sensory input to the brain.

It is more interesting to learning through music.
Kids are more into lively songs and movements.
None of the above.

The process of metacognition helps every learner how to learn effectively. Which of the following statements is
not a result of metacognition?

It makes the learner realize his strengths and weaknesses in learning

It develops the learner’s self-motivation to learn and improves his study habits.
It trains the learner how to learn on his own more efficiently and effectively.
It teaches the leaner to know what to learn for him to accumulate more knowledge.

If students receive a lecture lasting 20 minutes:

They will remember material from the beginning, the middle, and the end of the lecture with about equal
They will remember material from the beginning and middle of the lecture best.
They will remember mainly the material they heard at the end of the lecture, and will be very lucky to
remember more than one thing from the beginning of the lecture.
They will remember the most from the end of the lecture, followed by material they acquired at the beginning of
the lecture. They will likely forget most of what they heard during the middle of the lecture

What should a teacher do for students in his class whose ability are behind their grade level?

Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them, trying to bring them
up to a grade level.
Give them the same work as other students, because they will absorb as much as they are capable of.

Give the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won’t feel embarrassed.
Give them work on the level of the other students and work a little above the classmates level to challenge

What metacognitive strategy allows the reader to make an educated guess about the content or plot of a text?

Making a Connection

An infant experiences the need to eat, drink, eliminate wastes and other basic needs that seek immediate
gratification. What does Freud term this personality component?


Which of the following professions can a person with logical-mathematical intelligence pursue?


Teacher Nice is a teacher of English as Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blank
sentences, dialogues, dictation, and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on
this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?

The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because students have different learning styles.
The teacher is applying the Revised Bloom’s of hierarchy of cognitive learning.
The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills.
The teacher wars to make her teaching more student-centered by having less talk.
Whose theory emphasizes the importance of sensory wholes and dynamic nature of visual perception?


What must a teacher do to ensure orderly transitions between activities?

Allow time for the students to socialize in between activities
Have the materials ready at the start of the activity
Assign fewer exercise to fill the allotted time
Wait for students who lag behind

Erikson hypothesized that people pass through eight psychosocial stages in their lifetimes. What happens at
each stage?

At each stage, there are crises or critical issues to be resolved.

At each stage, development does not stagnate.
The id transposes with the ego.
The person's family will have a formal "rite of passage" ritual at each of the eight stages.

Recognizes spoken words, translates words into thoughts and helps us sound out strange or new words

Broca's Area
temporal lobe
Wernicke’s Area

The practice of giving of awards and medals at the end of the school year to students who
performed excellently in academics is being anchored by whose theory?

Burrhus Frederic Skinner

Ivan Pavlov
Robert Sternberg
Urie Bronfenbrenner

Simple recall and memorization can fall in which of the following?

Basic Rehearsal
Complex Rehearsal
Maintenance Rehearsal
Production deficiency

When a student was asked of an idea not previously discussed but was learned many years ago and he or she
was able to answer it, what information processing ability did the student use?

Short term memory

Long term memory
Working memory
Primary memory

After a car accident, Steve was having an impossible time solving a calculus problem. He normally did not
struggle with this. What part of his brain may have been damaged?

Spinal cord
Left hemisphere
Right hemisphere

Which of the following approaches to instruction would be most consistent with constructivist views of learning?

Guided discovery, in which learners acquire an understanding of concepts and principles based on examples,
together with guidance from the teacher.
Lecture-recitation, in which teachers explain important ideas, and learners summarize the ideas.
Drill and practice, in which learners develop a mastery of skills such as math facts and grammar rules.
Direct instruction, in which teachers review and present important information, and learners practice skills, first
under the guidance of the teacher and then on their own.

Louie is always checking his performance from time to time, what level of metacognition regulation is he in?


Nicole, a grade II pupil, plays with her classmates but cannot accept defeat. Based on Piaget’s theory of
cognitive development, in what developmental stage is Nicole?

concrete operational
formal operation

Which is an application of Multiple Intelligences Theory?

Teacher Sarah always gives oral exam to determine how much the students learned in her subject.
80% of the students’ individual grade in the final period will come from their dance showdown.
Sir Manuel gives varied activities like speech play, dance drama, singing activity in his classes.
The teacher focuses on the lecture method the whole period.

You are a preschools teacher. In your class of 4-year old kids, you notice that one of your pupils kept on
fondling his genital. As a teacher, you should?

pupils kept on fondling his genital. As a teacher, you should?

Bring the child to the principal’s office because of that undesirable behavior.
Bring the child to the guidance office, he might need psychotherapy.
Deviate the child’s attention to other areas or activities.
Scold and punish the child for doing the act in front of you.

Who among the following teachers promotes experiential learning?

Ma’am A grouped her students into teams to help each other learn.
Ma’am B deployed her students to different public schools for their field study activity.
Ma’am C encouraged the principal that they should have homogenous groupings for their sections.
Ma’am D provided her students with different books and educational materials.

Which of Freud's stages of psychosexual development take place from age 6 to puberty in which the source of
pleasure shifts from self to other people?


The following statements are TRUE about Id, except for one. Which is it?

It is the rational, logical, and problem-solving component of personality.

It is known as the biological drives with which the infant is born.

It is the easiest personality structure.
It operates with the goal of seeking pleasure.

A child at this stage begins to understand that different individuals have different viewpoints. In other words,
they may understand that what "dad" thinks is right may be different from what his/her teacher may think is


Which does NOT promote meaningful learning?

Relating new learning with previous experience

Organizing materials to be learned
Making use of advance organizer
Rote memorization

Which of the following indicators demonstrate the child’s attainment of the sense of industry?

The child enjoys learning new things.

He or she exhibits sense of pride in doing a great job.
The child loves experimenting with a new combination and ideas.
All of the above
Mrs. Reynolds is teaching the concept of reptile to her students. She displays the definition, "Reptiles are cold-
blooded animals with a spinal cord, a three-chambered heart, and protected eggs." She then shows students
pictures of a snake, turtle, and lizard, telling the students that these beasts were reptiles. As an application of
constructivist approaches to instruction, of the following, the best assessment of the implementation of her
lesson is:

it is consistent with constructivism, because she used multiple representations of content (her pictures of the
it is inconsistent with constructivism, because she merely told the students that the examples were reptiles.
it is inconsistent with constructivism, because she provided the examples instead of having the students find
the examples for themselves.
it is inconsistent with constructivism, because understanding reptiles isn't an authentic task and therefore
shouldn't be taught.

Aiella was bitten by a dog when she was a child. Now, that she is an adult, she still sweats and her heart
begins to race every time she sees a dog. According to classical conditioning, Aiella’s physical response to
dogs is ________.

conditioned response
assimilative response
unconditioned response
psychosocial response
Rehearsal is a strategy best used when students need to ___________.

generate examples of a concept

encode information for long-term memory
remember a list of items for a brief period of time
organize information

After being attacked by a big Alsatian dog, Daniel was scared of other big dogs but he was not scared of little
dogs like Chihuahuas. This pattern demonstrates:

Latent learning

There were times when some children in Teacher Ana’s preschool class were seen fondling their genitals.
Children are more interested with what makes boys and girls different. These children are in what stage of
Freud’s psychosexual theory?

What should a teacher do to reduce the probability that a student will repeat undesirable behavior in the

Reward desirable behavior

Reprimand the students for inattention in the class
Make work more interesting
All of the above.

A pre-school teacher takes a lump of clay, divide it in a two equal pieces and give a child a choice between two
pieces of clay to play with. One piece of clay is rolled into a compact ball while the other is smashed in a flat
pancake shape. Since the flat shape looks larger, the child chose that piece. What stage in Piaget’s Cognitive
Development Theory is present in the scenario?

The Sensorimotor Stage

The Concrete Operational Stage
The Preoperational Stage
The Formal Operational Stage

Which of the following does not belong to the analogical processes?


Which of the situations apply modelling in a classroom setting?

In PE class, Teacher Merlie shows basic dance steps before letting students dance Figure 1.
After having a perfect score, Risa is rewarded with a candy from Teacher Anne.
Jeneva did not behave in the party so she was punished.
Every time Mary visits the doctor, she is conditioned of getting injected.

Which of the following scenarios shows Behaviorism?

Part of the lesson is to teach life skills

The teacher takes away the five-minute computer time for students for the who are not paying attention during
The teacher asks more questions to refine students’ answers
Cooperative learning and group activities are done in the classroom
According the Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, the dimension that would most contribute to success
in cooperative learning activities would be:

bodily kinesthetic.
People with this kind of intelligence is also known as “life-smart”.


Teacher Wiling Tuwit always makes his students actively involved in the learning process. He always makes
sure that his learning task should be participatory and appealing. What kind of cognitive strategy is he using?

Concept Learning
Activating Prior Knowledge
Student- centered Instruction
Provision of Cognitive Flexibility

Teacher Carla has students with multiple intelligences in her classroom. How will she design her instruction to
suit their abilities?

creates an atmosphere conducive to learning

provides varied activities for the students
modifies her instructional materials
prepares her lesson plan very well

“Scratch my back, and I will scratch yours!” is associated with what stage of Kohlberg’s Moral Development

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4

Mr. Soriano wants his physical education students to learn how to dribble a basketball so well that they can
perform the skill almost without thinking. In other words, he wants them to learn the task to a level of
automaticity. Which one of the following strategies will best help his students achieve that goal?

Tell students how important it is for them to learn to dribble.

Explain the logic behind dribbling one way rather than another.
Demonstrate dribbling while students observe.
Give students a lot of practice dribbling.

Which of the following is NOT under cognitive domain?

Which of the following is most important for teacher modeling to be effective?

Provide more examples but fewer explanations.

Demonstrate consistency the desired behavior
Provide rewards for good models of the desired behavior
Provide opportunities to pupils to show the desired behavior.

Cognition is involved in metacognition. In what ways do cognition work during metacognition.

Memorizing concept and rules

Monitoring the progress of work
Solving the problem cautiously
Recalling rules to apply

At what time of life does Erikson stage Industry vs. Inferiority occur?

old age
school age

What is the best way to develop math concept?

Solving problems using multiple approaches

Solving problems by looking for correct answer
Learning math as applied to situations, such as being a tool of science
Solving problems by applying learned formulas

Which of the following describes the process of repeatedly verbalizing or thinking about a piece of information.
Example: repetition of number to dial?

Basic Rehearsal
Complex Rehearsal
Maintenance Rehearsal
Production deficiency
Which set of terms is associated with Freud’s Psychosexual theory?

Psychosocial crisis, oral, anal, pre-conventional

Scaffolding, MKO, pleasure areas, analytic
Erogenous zone, phallic complex, five stages, latency
Pleasure areas, pleasure principle, Oedipus complex, five stages
Kindergarten teacher Ms. Santos learned in his teacher education program that five-year-old children have a
short attention span and can cause distraction in class. How should the teacher reduce classroom distraction?

He should limit the amount and variety of activities with this age group until they are cognitively more mature.
He should provide less breaks to keep students on task.
He should use a variety of activities every day to catch the attention of his students.
He should give his students practice staying focused on a task for a lengthy period of time.
Why does most forgetting occur?

Because the brain cells responsible for storing the information in question have made new connections with
other brain cells, thereby weakening the memory trace.
Because of interference from new material acquired between an item's acquisition and its attempted recall.
Because information in working memory was never transferred to long term memory.
Because of the passage of time between when the item was perceived and when its recall was attempted.

Which of the following is NOT an example of promoting children’s emotional development?

Encourage young people to suppress their feelings.

Discuss emotions experienced by characters in literature and history.
Ask children to guess that emotions people may feel in particular situations.
Model appropriate ways of dealing with negative emotions.

Lisa is a child who enjoys concrete learning experiences such as field trips, model building, or participating in
role play, games, assembling objects, or physical exercise. What intelligence is Lisa good at?


People at this stage develop their own set of moral guidelines that may or not fit into the law. Things like
human rights, justice, and equality are most important even if they have to go against society and have to face


Ms. Arevalo uses images and language to represent and understand her various lessons to preschool
learners. What stage in the cognitive theory of development explains this?


Concrete Operational
Formal Operational
Jean Piaget was the first psychologist to systematically study of which of the following?

The Spiraling Curriculum

Cognitive Development
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The Absorbent Mind

In which situation is a student elaborating new information?

Gloria thinks, "Hmm, World War I ended on November 11. That's my friend Cecily's birthday."
Martin thinks, "I see that many California cities have Spanish names. So early settlers in California were
probably Spanish."
Francine says to herself, "The capital of South Dakota is Pierre. Pierre, South Dakota. Pierre, South Dakota.
Pierre, South Dakota."
Neil says, "The first ten elements in the periodic table are hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and neon. Let's see if I can remember all ten in the correct order."

A thirteen-year-old can create and solve logical problems on the computer but is not usual reasonable, mature,
or consistent in his or her thinking when it comes to people and social relationships. What finding
that this support?
Some children reach the stage of formal operational though earlier than others.
The stage of formal operational though is not attained by age 13.
Formal operational thinking may be demonstrated in certain domains and not in other domains.
Older adolescent and adults often do poorly on standards tests of formal operational though

The grade 4-Narra sings their Christmas song performance everyday before they start the class to make sure
that they will memorize the song and the choreography. What law of learning is being practiced?

Law of Effect
Law of Readiness
Law of Exercise
Law of Freedom

Three of the students below show warning signs for being at risk. Which student is LEAST likely to beat risk?

Andrea is absent from school about two days out of every five.
Bill is still in sixth grade, even though he is almost fourteen years old.
Connie has been getting low grades since elementary school, and her reading comprehension skills are poor.
Dwayne has spent so much time at practice for the football and basketball teams that his grades have dropped
According to Howard Gardner, a student that is socially adept and capable of interacting with other students
effectively is high in which type of intelligence?


According to Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development, during which age does the psychological
stage of trust vs. mistrust develop?

early childhood
Jose’s main concern is whether he has made any difference in the world during his lifetime. Jose is in what
stage of psychosocial development?

Integrity vs. Despair

Generativity vs. Stagnation
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Identity vs. Role Confusion

A child who gets punished for cheating may not cheat again immediately. But this does not mean that the child
may not cheat again. Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that
Punishment strengthens a response
Punishment does not remove a response
Punishment removes a response.
Punishment weakens a response.

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