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The Matrix

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Role-pl aying in th e wor ld of the movie The

Matrix based on We st En d Gam e D6 Legen d Sys tem
and pos ted a t TheM atrix FreeR ipod. com
(D6 Legend version)

This is a version of the role-playing game based on the world of the
movie The Matrix available at

There are two versions available on that site: The first, The Matrix
RPG D6 Classic, is a direct adaptation of the Star Wars Second
Edition Revised and Expanded Rules (now out of print) published by West End
Games. The second, The Matrix D6 Legend, is a success-based system founded on
the rules laid out in West End Games' DC Universe. I highly recommend that you pick
up the original rule books for these games. They will fill in a number of gaps in this
page (and are fun to play to boot).

Most of the images at the site and in this document are from the The Matrix website
(they have a whole section of comics based on the movie) and fan sites. The official
site is pretty nifty, so you should check it out. There are a large number of Matrix
fansites, some of which are listed in my Links section at the website..

Also, this is a free RPG and I'm not trying to make any money on it (so don't sue me!).
I just had an idea and few hours to kill and cobbled the thing together. Note too that
the images used here are fairly low resolution, so they will not be press quality if you
try to print them.

Finally, I put this file together because many people were asking for a downloadable
version of the website. However, I do not have time to make on the internal links
work within this file (they were just copied from the HTML pages). So, I apologize if
they do not all work, but I'd be perfectly willing to post a new version if someone
wants to fix them (with due credit of course!).

Acknowledgments: Of course, I have to acknowledge West End Games

( for developing the D6 system. Next, hats off to the
makers of the movie The Matrix ( for an excellent movie and not
suing me. Also, thanks to Dan Wyman for numerous contributions, and Steve Brown
and Dane Day for hours of D6 gaming. Finally, thanks to all who have sent
comments and reviewed this site.

This version was created on 6-7-2001.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

The Matrix D6 Legend RPG

Table of Contents:
Basics 1
I. The Basics:
A) The Dice
B) The Wild Die
C) Difficulty Numbers
D) Opposed Rolls
E) Using Character Points
E) Using Chi
F) Effect Value

Characters 5
II. Characters:
A) Templates
B) Details
C) Choosing Skills
D) Resuscitated Characters
E) Advancement C) Computers
D) Robots
III. Attributes and Skills: 17 E) Miscellaneous Gear
A) Dexterity F) Vehicles
B) Knowledge
C) Mechanical VI. The Machines : 45
D) Perception A) The Mechanized World
E) Strength Leviathan: The Global Neural Net
F) Technical Nodes: Local Neural Nets
G) Neurals Powerplants/Farms
H) Matrix Abilities Nurseries
I) Flash Skills Robot Factories
Space Stations and Satellites
Combat 28
IV. Actions & Combat: B) The Matrix
A) Actions The (un)Reality
B) Ranged Combat Changes in the Matrix
C) Scale Access
D) Combat Modifiers Agents
E) Melee Combat Human Allies
F) Healing Human Agents

V. Equipment : 38
A) Firearms
B) Armor

The Matrix Role Playing Game

I. The Basics (D6 Legend)

This game is based on West End Game's D6 Legend system, specifically its DC
Universe game. I highly recommend that you pick up the DC Universe rules
(available at game stores and the to fill in gaps that I don't
cover here. There are many differences between the Matrix D6 Legend and DCU. As
always, I encourage you to tweak the system in any way that works best for you.

The Dice number at 1 Success. The
The system requires players to roll six- player rolls 3 dice and gets a 2,
sided dice (D6), which represent a 3, and 5, resulting in two
character's attributes and skills. When Successes. Rom traverses the
appropriate, the Game Master will tell ledge with ease.
a player to roll a number of dice equal
to either the attribute or skill being The Wild Die
used. The player rolls the appropriate Each player should designate one of
number of dice, counts the number of his or her dice to be the Wild Die (it is
Successes and tells the GM the result. helpful if it's a different color or

Regular Die Critical Successes: Whenever the Wild

Die comes up with a 2,3,4, or 5, treat
Die Roll Result the result as if it were a normal die.
1,2 Failure But, if the Wild Die comes up with a 6,
3,4,5,6 Success the player receives 1 Success and rolls
again. On a 1 or 2, the player does
nothing more (1's do not count as
Wild Die Critical Failures after the first roll of the
Wild Die). On a 3-5, the player adds
Die Rol l Result
yet another Success to his total. On a
1 Critical Failure 6, the player adds another Success
2 Failure and rerolls! This continues as long as
the character rolls 6's on the Wild Die.
3,4,5 Success
6 Critical Success Example:
Example Rom has a Firearms
skill of 4D. When he fires, he
If the Success Total is higher than rolls 4 dice. His values are
the difficulty number (see below), the 2,5,3 and on the Wild Die, a 6,
character succeeds. If it is lower, the resulting in 3 Successes. He
character fails. rolls the Wild Die again and
gets another 6! The total is
Example Rom is trying to walk now 4 Successes and he gets
along a thin ledge without to roll again. This time, he rolls
falling. He has a Dexterity of a 1. The 1 is counted as a
3D. The GM sets the difficulty failure (but not a Critical

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Failure) and he stops rolling complicates. The GM tells him

with a final total of 4 that he runs into a homeless
successes. woman pushing a shopping
cart and drops his cellular
Critical Failures: If the Wild Die comes phone into the gutter, short-
up with a 1 when a character is first circuiting it. He'll have to find
rolling a Skill or Attribute Check, roll another way to contact his
the Wild Die again. If the value is 1 Operator outside the Matrix!
through 5, remove the Wild Die and
deduct one of the Successes from the The GM could have just as well said
other dice (if any Successes were that Rom got a muscle-cramp and is -
rolled). If the result of the second rolls 1D to all Dexterity actions for the next
is a 6, the character has Complicated. 5 rounds, or that he is stunned for the
He or she has screwed up in a next round. Anything that makes
particularly bad way....perhaps Rom's life a little more scary.
dropping his gun down into a sewer
grating or twisting an ankle while trying Difficulty Numbers
to dodge. Complications should make When a character makes an Attribute
a character's life more difficult, but or Skill check, they are usually rolling
never kill them outright. against a difficulty number (Note:
Note I think
these difficulty numbers are two easy! I may
Example Rom is shooting recommend increasing them all by one after
again. He rolls a 2,5,6 (2 some playtesting). Difficulties are divided
Successes and 1 Failure) and into the following catagories:
on the Wild Die a 1. He rerolls
the Wild Die and gets a 2. He
removes the Wild Die and Opposed Rolls
subtracts 1 Success, resulting When a character is testing his or her
in 1 Success remaining. Attributes or Skills against those of
another (PC or NPC), the parties
Example 2: 2 Rom is running involved make Opposed Rolls. The one
away from a pair of Agents on a with the highest roll wins.
crowded street. The GM has
him make a running roll with a Example: One character tries
difficulty of 2 Successes to to shoot another. The first
avoid colliding with a makes a Firearms roll while the
bystander. Rom, with a other makes a Dodge roll. If
Running skill of 3D, rolls 3 the attacker's roll roll results in
dice. He gets a 2,3 (1 Failure more Successes than the
and 1 Success) and on the Wild others' Dodge, then he hits (see
Die a 1. He rerolls the Wild and Actions and Combat for more
gets a 6! He not only fails but information).

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Difficulty Description
Anyone with slight skill should be able to do
Very Easy 1 this most of the time. Example : Driving a car
in moderate traffic.
Most characters should be able to do this
Easy 2 most of the time, though there is still a
change for failure. Example : Driving a car in
moderate traffic during a rainstorm.
Requires a fair amount of skill and/or effort.
Most unskilled characters will fail such an
Moderate 3 attempt. Example : Avoiding jaywalkers who
suddenly step in front of your car during a
high-speed chase.
Only highly skilled characters succeed at
Difficult 4 these with any regularity. Example : Driving
through an intersection full of speeding cross
Even pros have a hard time pulling these
attempts off. Example : Steering your car into
Very Difficult 5
oncoming traffic and avoiding collisions while
at high speeds.
Only the luckiest and most skilled are
successful. Example : Jumping from a
Extremely Diffiult 6
rooftop into a small window across the alley
(like Trinity from the movie).
You'd better be skilled and lucky. Example:
Holding onto a cable strapped to a
Heroic 7
plummeting helicopter as it pulls you off of a
rooftop. Example : As Neo did in the movie.
A character can only achieve this with some
skill in the Matrix. Example : Jumping from
Unearthly 8
one building to another (as Morpheus did in
the Construct in the movie).
A character must have advanced skill in the
Matrix in order to even think of attempting
Legendary 9
such an action.
Example Stopping bullets in mid-air.
Only those who have mastered the Matrix
Impossible 10 may attempt these tests. Example : Decoding
an Agent.

Character Points
The Matrix Role Playing Game

A character may spend his or her actions in a round. In Legend, it

Character Points to gain additional applies only to a single action!).
dice during an action. They receive an Anything which is not part of a
additional die for each point spent. A character (a weapon or vehicle), is not
character may spend up to 3 CP's per affected.
action or attack, and up to 5 CP's for
any defensive action (Dodging, Example 1: Rom is in hand-to-
Strength rolls versus damage, etc.). If hand combat with an Agent.
the die purchased with a CP comes up He decides to spend a Chi point
a 6, the player may re-roll it and add one round. His Martial Arts is
the new value to the total (as for the normally 5D while in the
Wild Die, though there is no penalty for Matrix. For this action, it goes
rolling a 1, other than it is a Failure). to 10D! For purposes of
damage, his Strength remains
Example: Rom must leap from the same.
the ledge of a building to a
hovering helicopter. The GM Example 2: Rom is in a firefight
sets the difficult at Very Difficult with an enemy and decides to
(5). Rom has a 5D in Jumping spend a Chi Point. His Firearms
and rolls the dice. He gets a skill doubles from 4D to 8D, but
3,4,1,4 and on the Wild Die a 2 the damage from the gun (5D)
(3 Successes and 2 Failures). remains the same (though
He decides to spend some CP's there's a chance for a great
to avoid plummeting to his Effect Value).
death. He spends one and rolls
a 6! That's one success and he See Characters: Chi for rules about
rolls again, getting a 3. He using and regaining Chi. Remember,
makes the jump! Chi may only be used while inside the
Matrix. .
Character Points may be used in or out
of the Matrix. Furthermore, they may Effect Value
be used for the same action as a Chi The difference between the number of
Point. Successes a player rolls and the
Difficulty Number is called the Effect
Chi Points Value (EV). EV's are a measure of how
Chi represents a character's inner successful a character's attempt has
strength and the extent to which they been (or, in some cases, how dismal
have control over the Matrix. When a the failure turns out). In combat, the
character spends a Chi point, all dice character rolls one additional damage
on his next action are doubled (Note: die for EV point. In non-combat
This is different than the D6 Classic actions, EV's can indicate the speed,
rules, in which Force points double all grace or ingenuity with which a
character succeeds. See Actions and
Combat for more information.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

In order to play The Matrix RPG, you'll need a character. The
first thing you need to decide is whether your character was
Resuscitated from the Matrix or if they are Freeborn. Only
Resuscitated characters have the cybernetic implants to
jack back into the Matrix.

You can select one from the listed at the end of the chapter,
or create your own.

Resuscitated Hacker
Resuscitated Bodyguard
Resuscitated Seer
Freeborn Operator
Freeborn Hovercraft Crewman
Freeborn Soldier

Attributes rather than use the one

Each character has 18 dice to divide provided. He comes up
among the following six attributes. At with the following
least 1D must be placed in each Attributes:
attribute and no more than 5D can be Dexterity: 3D
assigned to any one attribute. (Note: Knowledge: 3D
Dice may not be broken up into 3 Mechanical: 2D
"pips", or "+1's", like they can in the D6 Perception: 3D
Classic version). The Attributes are: Strength: 3D
Technical: 4D
Mechanical Neurals
Perception When in the Matrix, a character has
Strength the ability to exceed the limits of his or
Technical her physical body. With the proper
training and strength of will, an
Example: Bob is making individual will learn that the only limits
a character named that exist in the Matrix are those
Rom, a Resuscitated placed on oneself by the mind.
Hacker. He decides to There are three main Neurals that
create his own template

The Matrix Role Playing Game

control an individual's ability to Unarmed Base Damage Value

surpass the "physical" limits. (BDV)
BDV depends on the skill the character
Quickness: this score is added uses to attack. Normal humans have
to the Dexterity of the character a bare-handed BDV of 1D/. If a
while they are in the Matrix. All character has the Brawling or Martial
Dexterity skills are increased by Arts skill, their BDV is 2D.
this amount.
Strength/Lifting Bonus
Awareness: this score is added This represents the additional amount
to the character's Perception of damage a character can do because
while in the Matrix. It augments of his strength. Take the Strength
any Perception skills and attribute OR the Lifting skill and divide
abilities as well. by 2, rounding down. This value is
added to any damage rolls resulting
Endurance add these dice to
Endurance: from successful Brawling, Martial Arts
the character's Strength dice or Melee Weapons rolls.
whenever a Strength roll is
made in the Matrix. Also, these Body Points
dice may be added to any roll
These represent the physical
demanding physical or mental
toughness of your character. To get
endurance, such as Willpower starting Body Points, roll the
and Intimidation.
character's Strength attribute and add
the number of body points according
Beginning characters may choose 1 to the table below. Take that sum and
Neural and place 1 die there (they add it to 20. If a character increases
must be Resuscitated). his Strength attribute in the future, he
may roll another die. Furthermore, if
Example: Bob decides to put the character has the Endurance
the entire 1D into Rom's Neural he may roll those dice (without
Awareness Neural. a Wild Die) each time he enters the
Matrix and add that to his total Body
Points. These last only for the current
DETAILS trip into the Matrix. For each Skeptic
This is your opportunity to round out Point a character has, he rolls one less
the character and provide a die when estimating these extra
description, background, personality points.
quirks, goals, etc.

Speed Standard Die

Normal characters can move 10 Result Number of BP's
meters per round while walking. With
1,2 4
successful Running rolls (and certain
Matrix skills), they can increase this 3,4,5 5
value. 6 6

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Wild Die aboard a Hovership together. But,

some may have known others for
Result Number of BP's
longer periods. They may be related,
1 3 or lovers, or even enemies.
2 4
3,4,5 5
6 6 (and reroll) CHOOSING SKILLS
Description Realworld skills
Describe your character: How tall is Resuscitated characters
c begin with
he? What kind of clothes does he 7 dice and Freeborn characters begin
wear? Does he have any noticeable with 11 dice to divide among their
marks such as tattoos or scars? skills. Furthermore, each character
can list 3 additional skills that they
Background take at "0D" under each Attribute. The
Give your character a history. How character does not suffer a +1
did they come to fight against the Difficulty modifier for these skills (but
machines? If they were Resuscitated, he will on all other skills not taken).
what did they do during their life in the These are abilities that they may
Matrix? How long have they been perform both in and out of the Matrix.
Matrix skills:
Personality These are special skills or abilities
Is your character a grouch? Is she that a character may only attempt
impulsive, always itching for a fight, or while in the Matrix. In general, they
is she more thoughtful and cautious? deal with denying the physical laws of
the Matrix.
Objectives Characters do not begin with any
Matrix skills. They may be purchased
Almost every human seeks to end
as the character becomes more
the reign of terror of the Machines and experienced. See Advancement
liberate humanity, but there are many below.
disagreements as to how to go about
this. Some believe that Jumpers are
never justified in killing other humans Specializations:
while in the Matrix, while others see Many skills have specializations
that as a necessary means to and which allow the character to focus on a
end. How does your character certain aspect of the skill. If a
envision defeating the machines, and specialization is taken, a character
what will the world be like then. Also, may advance in that specialized
does he have any personal stake in aspect of the skill at half the normal
the fight? Perhaps a lover is still in the cost of advancement. However, uses
Matrix or the Machines have killed of the skill not covered in the
one's family. Specialization remain at the base skill
Connection to other Characters
Usually, the character will be serving

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Example Rom has Firearms at number of skills equal to their
4D. He decides to take the Knowledge dice each time they are in
specialization Firearms: the Matrix. These skills must be
Submachine Gun to advance to Specializations. Thus, if a charcter
5D at a cost of 6 CP rather than needs to know how to pilot a
12 CP. Anytime he fires a helicopter, the operator will upload
submachine gun, he gets to roll Pilot: Aircraft: Helicopter. It takes a
5D, but all other firearms are number of rounds equal to the skill
used at 4D. level for it to be uploaded.

Specializations may be selected at WAS THE CHARACTER

Character Creation. If so, the
character receives 2 dice for every 1 RESUSCITATED FROM
spent. Thus, a player decides to THE MATRIX?
Specialize in Submachine guns, he can
Most the characters in a Matrix
gets +2D to all rolls with that kind of
campaign will be individuals who have
weapon. Alternately, the player may
been resuscitated from the Matrix by
put 1 die into Submachine gun and put
the Resistance. If so, then they are
another in some other Specialization
equipped with the cybernetics that
(such as Driving: Motorcycle, etc.).
allow them to jack back into the Matrix
Note: Characters may not start with
with the proper Jumpchair and
general skills greater than 6D or
communications link to the Matrix
Specializations greater than 7D!
Furthermore, each Resuscitated
Specializations are independent of character begins with 1 point of Chi.
the skill from which they are derived.
If the player later increases the skill,
the Specialization does not increase. CHI
If the Specialization increases, there is Chi symbolizes the inner
no change in the base skill. strength and resources
of a character. It also
reflects how well they
Advanced skills:
understand the reality of
Some particularly complicated skills
the Matrix. A character
require two times the normal amount
may spend up to 2 Chi
of Character Points to allow for per round, each
Advancement. They also typically doubling the dice pools
require some other prerequisite skill.
of 1 action(See Using
Flash skills:
With modern technology, it is When a character
possible to upload the information spends a Chi point it
necessary to carry out certain task may be regained
directly into someone's brain. immediately after an action or lost
However, this information is very according to the following criteria:
specific and remains in the person's
memory while they are in the Matrix.
Characters may temporarily learn a

The Matrix Role Playing Game

• If the character attempts a point, she loses it and may not

relatively difficult or daring make a Willpower check to
action and succeeds, she regain it.
automatically regains the Chi • If she Complicates the
point spent and gains an Willpower check, she receives a
additional one as well. (Note: Skeptic Point.
the action should be risky to
the character relative to their SKEPTIC POINTS
abilities. Shooting a gun out of Skeptic points represent a character's
someone's hand is not difficult doubt or inability to see the Matrix for
if you have a Firearms skill of what it is. Characters gain Skeptic
9D!) Points when they fail miserably or
• If the character attempts a when they fall into the lure of
difficult or daring action and accepting the Matrix as "real." GM's
fails, she may make a may also assign Skeptic Points when
Willpower roll of Moderate characters act cowardly or villainously
difficulty. If she succeeds, she (such as killing a Coppertop without
regains the lost point. reason, abusing his powers in the
• If she Complicates the Matrix, or allowing some evil act to
Willpower check, she receives a occur). For each Skeptic Point that a
Skeptic Point. character has, any attempted Matrix
Skill is a +1 Difficulty. When a
• If the character attempts a character reaches 5 Skeptic Points, he
moderately difficult or tricky can no longer attempt Matrix Skills or
action and succeeds, she access Neurals. At 10 Skeptic Points,
automatically regains the Chi the character cannot operate in the
point and may make a Matrix at all (though he can still enter
Moderate Willpower check to Training Constructs with a Difficult
see if she gains an additional Willpower roll.
• If the character attempts a Shedding Skeptic Points: Characters
Moderately difficult or trick can work to lose Skeptic Points with
action and fails, she may make long hours of training and meditation
a Difficult Willpower check to in a Training Construct (or the Matrix
see if she regains the point. itself, if they can still access it). For
• If she Complicates the each Skeptic Point, a character must
Willpower check, she receives a spend 1 day practice Matrix Skills and
Skeptic Point. Neurals (i.e. testing the "reality" of the
Matrix) and make a Moderate
• If the character succeeds as a Willpower roll. If they fail the roll, they
relatively easy task by using the must spend another day and make
Chi point, she may make a another Willpower Attempt. This
Difficult Willpower check to continues until the Willpower roll is
regain the point and does not successful.
gain another.
• If the character fails a relatively (Note: These points serve much the
easy task while using a Chi same function as Dark Force Points

The Matrix Role Playing Game

and Hero Points in other D6 games, 18 CP. He decides that's too

except Skeptic Points cannot be spent expensive, so he Specializes in
to augment actions. Due to the genre Handguns and takes Firearms:
of the Matrix, heroes may act Handguns at 7D, costing him
"villainously" from time to time. It is up 12 CP instead.
to the GM to decide if Skeptic Points
are appropriate). Example 2: Rom wants to learn
the Piloting skill. He has a
Mechanics of 2D. Thus, he
ADVANCEMENT spends 6 CP's and and gets
At the end of each adventure, players Piloting at 3D.
will usually be rewarded Character
Points at the end of an adventure by Matrix Abilities cost 4 x their current
the Game Master. They may keep dice value. To learn a new Matrix
these CP's for later use or spend them ability, the character must pay 6 CP.
on learning skills. He then receives the skill at 1D.

Increasing skill levels Learning new skills

For normal skills, it costs a number As per standard D6 rules. However,
of Character Points equal to the characters that can jack into the
current dice value of the Skill x 3. Matrix can use simulations to learn
Thus to advance from 4D to 5D, the faster and without a live teacher—
player must spend 12 CP's. provided they have access to the
Specializations cost the current dice appropriate software.
value x 2 (moving from 4D to 5D would
cost 8 CP's). To learn a new skill, the Improving attributes
character must spend a number of To improve an attribute, a character
CP's equal to the controlling attribute x must spend 15x their current skill
3. value..

Example 1:
1 Rom has Firearms Neurals cost 5 x their current dice
at 6D and wants to increase it value. If a character with 0D in a
to 7D. To do so, he must spend Neural Ability wishes to learn one, he
must pay 15 CP.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Resuscitated Hacker
Firearms: 4D Search: 4D
Martial Arts: 4D Sneak: 4D
Dodge: 4D Con:
Grenade: Gambling:
Melee: Bargaining:
Streetwise: Brawling:
Value: Climbing:
Willpower: Stamina:
Pilot Hovercraft: Computer Operation/Programming: 4D
Drive: Computer Repair: 4D
Mounted Artillery: First Aid:
Repair Hovercraft:
Repair Ground Vehicle:




You were living your life more or less
EQUIPMENT: happily until you became aware that all
was not what it seemed. Over time, you
began to question the very nature of reality
itself. It became an obsession for you.
When you finally began to realize the truth,
the Agents came for you. Luckily, the
Resistance found you first and liberated
Now you plug yourself back into the world
in which you once toiled. Only this time,
you're aiming to destroy the façade and
free the minds that remain enslaved.
Examples of Ressie Hackers: Morpheus, Trinity and (of course) Neo.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Resuscitated Bodyguard
Firearms: 5D Search: 4D
Martial Arts: 5D Sneak: 4D
Dodge: 5D Con:
Melee: 5D Intimidation:
Acrobatics: 5D Bargaining:
Streetwise: Brawling:
Interogation: Climbing:
Willpower: Stamina:
Pilot Hovercraft: First Aid:
Drive: Repair Small Arms:
Mounted Artillery: Demolitions:




You've always been pretty tough, even back in the old
days when you were nothing but a Coppertop for the
machines. Now, as you become more adept at freeing
your mind, you are realizing that the only thing limiting
your physical abilities is your own self-doubt.
You're not much for the technical aspects of hacking
the Matrix, and you can't say you even really understand
what all of it mean. What you do know is that once you're
back inside, you're tougher than you ever imagined back
in the old says.

Examples of Ressie Body Guards include Switch and Epoch.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Resuscitated Seer
Firearms: 4D Search: 5D
Martial Arts: 4D Sneak: 5D
Dodge: 4D Profile: 5D
Running: Investigation:
Melee: Persuasion:
Acrobatics: Hide:
Willpower: 4D
Matrix Orientation::
Pilot Hovercraft: Computer Operation/Programming:
Drive: Computer Repair:
Mounted Artillery: First Aid:



"sensitive", even when you were back in
the Matrix. You always seemed to be
noticing things others would miss. From
an early age, you could sense that
something wasn't quite right about the
world--about reality itself. You found you
could almost read other people's minds
and on occasion you simply knew
something was going to happen before it
actually did. Since you've been with the
Resistance, you've come to understand the
potential you possess and continually
strive to realize it in order to save

The Oracle, or one of her "kids" would be a Ressie Seer if resuscitated.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Freeborn Operator
Firearms: Search: 4D
Melee: Research: 4D
Dodge: Con:

Languages: Matrix Code: Brawling:
5D Climbing:
Matrix Orientation: 4D Stamina:
Pilot Hovercraft: 4D Computer
Sensors: 4D Operation/Programming:
Communications: 4D 5D
Mounted Artillery: Computer Repair: 5D
Drive: Repair Hovercraft: 5D
Pilot Tank: Repair EMP Devices: 5D
Salvage: 5D
First Aid:


EQUIPMENT: BACKGROUND: You're one of the lucky ones who was

born free in Zion, the last bastion of humanity on Earth.
From an early age, you showed a knack with computers
and an intuitive handle on Matrix Code.
You were selected to be an Operator, to assist
Jumpers when they return to the Matrix. Sometimes you
feel frustrated as you're forced to watch as your
comarades struggle in the Matrix, but you know that what
you do is vital to the fight.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Hovership Crewman
Firearms: 3D Search: 4D
Dodge: 3D Sneak:
Grenade: Bargaining:
Running: Gambling:
Geography: 3D Brawling:
Streetwise: Climbing:
Languages: Stamina:
Pilot Hovercraft: 5D Repair Hovercraft: 5D
Sensors: 5D Computer
Communications: 5D Operation/Programming: 5D
Mounted Artillery: Computer Repair: 5D
Navitation: Repair Communications: 5D
Drive: First Aid:



The Matrix Role Playing Game

Freeborn Soldier
Firearms: 5D PERCEPTION: 3D
Martial Arts: 5D Search: 4D
Dodge: 5D Sneak: 4D
Running:5D Con:
Grenade: Gambling:
Melee: Bargaining:
Tactics: 4D STRENGTH: 4D
Survival: 4D Swimming:
Willpower: Climbing:
Intimidation: Stamina:
Pilot Hovercraft: Security: 4D
Tank: First Aid: 4D
Mounted Artillery: Demolitions: 4D
Repair Hovercraft:
Repair Small Arms:
Repair Armor:



The Matrix Role Playing Game

Many of the skills that are used in The Matrix RPG are exactly the same as those
used in the Star Wars RPG. However, I have made a few changes. The links below
lead to each Attribute and explanations of the skills they control (many of the skills
are more completely explained in the West End Games rulebooks).



Matrix Skills

Flash Skills

roll is higher, subtract the difference
from the damage taken).
Acrobatics may also be used in
combat. If a character uses Acrobatics
during combat they can potentially
reap one of the following benefits:

• A successful check versus a

Moderate difficulty adds a +1D
Acrobatics to either the character's attack
Time Taken: One round or Dodge (but not Parry)
Specializations: Balancing, attempts. The Acrobatics roll
Swinging does not count as an action if
Acrobatics is used whenever a successful. If it fails, it counts
character attempts to make an as an action..
unusual or difficult maneuver with her • With a Very Difficult check, the
body. A character may attempt an character may get a +1D to
Acrobatics check if they fall or are both her Attack and Dodge
thrown to the ground to roll to her feet attempts this round and the
or avoid damage (roll Acrobatics Acrobatics attempt does not
versus the damage. If the Acrobatics

The Matrix Role Playing Game

count as an action. If she fails, Grenade

it counts as an action.
• Whenever Acrobatics is used Heavy Weapons
for one of the above purposes
in combat, the character is Martial Arts
considered to act last in the Time Taken: One round.
round (her attacks will land in Specializations: none.
the "second segment").
Martial Arts covers the study of
unarmed hand-to-hand combat. Many
Archery of the Resuscitated use programs to
train in an amalgam of styles. At
Brawling character creation, the character
Time Taken: One action. receives one special maneuver for
Specializations: none. each die they place in the skill. When
Brawling covers basic hand-to-hand the character advances with
combat. It is less graceful than Martial experience, each special move costs
Arts, but can be equally effective. The an additional 8 CP's (a character can
base to hit with Brawling 2 Successes. buy as many as he would like).
A character trained in Brawling begins
with a 2D for his Base Damage Value. Example: Rom has a Dexterity
For every 3 levels in Brawling, his BDV of 3D and at character creation
increases by 1 die. Thus a character adds an additional die into
with 3D in Brawling will have a BDV of Martial Arts (giving him a total
3D. of 4D in Martial Arts). He
Note: Brawling and Martial Arts is handled chooses Disarm, Elbow Smash,
different in this D6 Legend game than it is in Multiple Strikes, and Power
the DC Universe. As always, GM's and players
should go with whichever system they think is
Block. Later, he increases the
best. Martial Arts skill from 4D to 5D
(costing 12 CP's) and decides
Climbing to purchase Spinning Kick for
an additional 8 CP's.
The Base Damage Value for a
character with Martial Arts is 2D. For
Firearms every 3 levels the character has in
Martial Arts, he receives an additional
1 die to his BDV (thus a character with
3D will have a BDV of 3D). The base to
hit with Martial Arts is Moderate (3
Note: Brawling and Martial Arts is handled
different in this D6 Legend game than it is in
the DC Universe. As always, GM's and players
should go with whichever system they think is

The Matrix Role Playing Game

SPECIAL MOVES • Instant Stun (D): If successfully

The standard Difficulty for each move landed, this attack stuns the
is given in parenthesis. target for one round.
• Multiple Strikes (D): A character
• Disarm (D): if the character's can make an additional attack
attack is successful and not this round doing STR damage
parried or dodged, the target is without a penalty for an
disarmed. additional action.
• Elbow Smash (D)): if successful, • Nerve Punch (VD): If successful,
attacker may add +1D to the the attack punches a bundle of
damage roll. nerves on the target and
• Flip (M): If successful, the renders a limb unusable for 3D
attacker throws the target to rounds. If the attacker beats
the ground and does 3D the difficulty number by 15, the
damage. target is rendered unconscious
• Flying Kick (VD): If successful, for 3D rounds.
attacker does an additional • Power Block (M): A successful
+2D + 2 points of damage. If Power Block stops an unarmed
she fails, the attacker is off attack and inflicts BDV damage
balance and at -1D to all to the attacker.
actions in the next round. • Reversal (Opposed STR or
• Foot Sweep (M): Will trip the Brawl or Martial Arts): Only
target who must take an action works while being held or
the next round to stand. grappled. If successful, the
• Headbutt (E): Can only be used martial artist breaks free and
if the attacker is close to the renders person holding him or
target (grappling, etc.). Does her immobile (see
+1D damage. Hold/Grapple above).
• Hold/Grapple (M + opposing
Hold/Grapple • Silent Strike (D): If the
STR): Once the target has been character sneaks up on a target
successfully held, the attacker and also rolls a successful
must make an opposing Martial Silent Strike, the attacker does
Arts versus the target's Martial BDV +1D damage without
Arts, Brawling, of Strength each making a sound.
round to continue to hold them. • Spinning/Power Kick (M) STR +
If the target is held, he or she 2D damage. If the attack fails,
cannot attack. the attacker is off balance and
• Instant Knockdown (D): If suffers a -1D to all actions next
landed successfully, this attack round.
knocks the target to the • Shoulder Throw (M): A
ground. The target must spend successful attempt will allow
the next round getting up or the martial artist to hurl a target
suffer multiple action penalties. to the ground doing BDV=3D
• Instant Stand (M): Allows the damage. The target must take
martial artist to automatically an action to get up.
stand up without taking an • Weapon Block (Opposed
additional action. Martial Arts versus Melee

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Combat roll): Allows an Missile Weapons

unarmed martial artist to parry
a weapon used in a melee Running

Bureaucracy who is accessing the Matrix (either an
Operator or a Runner) to know what
Business part of the physical machinery they are
linking into. Furthermore, it allows
Cultures them to trace where someone else is
accessing the Matrix as well. To use
this skill, the character must
Geography concentrate on the target for 1d6
Example: For example, Rom is
Languages suverveilling a possible
candidate for Resuscitation
Law Enforcement inside the Matrix. He uses
Matrix Orientation to figure out
that the Coppertop's physical
body is plugged into the Matrix
at the farm node that was once
Los Angeles.

Another time, Rom and his

crew are being dogged by a
particularly crafty Agent. They
decide to find out where this
Agent's program is housed and
destroy it in the Real World.
Rom uses Matrix Orientation to
learn that this Agent's software
is kept in the heavily guarded
data fortress located in what
was Paris.

Matrix Orientation
Time Taken: 1d6 rounds Scholar
Matrix Orientation allows someone Science

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Streetwise Value

Survival Willpower


Mounted Artillery is used whenever
a character is firing a weapon that has
been fixed on a
land based
vehicle, such as
a jeep or


Pilot Aircraft
Aircraft Weaponry
Time of Use: One round. Pilot Hovercraft
Time of Use:
Specializations: Weapons on a
One round.
particular aircraft type: airplane,
helicopter, hovercraft etc.
Particular kinds
Aircraft Weaponry covers all
of hovercraft, such as Hovertrucks,
weapons that are mounted on flying
vehicles, including hovercraft. Hovertanks, and Hoverships.
Pilot Hovercraft permits the use to
Communications control any vehicle that relies on
repulsor-lift technology as a means of
Drive Automobile
Pilot Tank
Drive Motorcycle
Ride horse
Mounted Artillery
Time of use: One round. Sensors
Specializations: Certain weapon types
such as: Gating gun, 20 mm Cannon,
Missile Launcher, etc.

Bargain Command

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Con worry, anger, apprehension, guilt etc.

With Profile, a character can attempt
Forgery to size up a target, making educated
estimates of the target's emotional
Gambling and mental state. The longer the skill
user studies her subject, the greater
chance she will draw the appropriate
Hide conclusions. The base difficulty is the
target's opposing Willpower check.
Investigation Additional difficulty modifiers are as
Time of Use: One round. Use of this
skill does not count as an action. Desired Outcome Difficulty
Specializations: Multitasking certain Surface emotions +0
kinds of actions, such as shooting and
Emotions or thoughts the target
dodging, piloting a hovercraft while +1
actively attempting to hide
firing weapons, etc.
Emotions or thoughts that the
Multitasking permits a character to target is in denial about
attempt multiple actions without
Emotions or thoughts that the
accruing penalties for taking more target doesn't even know he's
than one action in a round. +3
having (secretly in love with
Essentially, this skill allows the user to someone, etc.)
walk and chew gum at the same time. Attempting to use this skill in a
single round
Spending 3 rounds to use this
Difficulty Result skill.
One additional action Spending 5 rounds using this
Difficult +1
without penalty. skill.
Two additional actions Spending a full minute using this
Heroic +0
without penalty. skill.
Interviewing target (asking
Persuasion personal questions).
Observing the target closely for
more than one hour.
Time of Use: Depends on difficulty
(See below). Search
Specializations: Detecting certain
behavioral patterns such as lying, Sneak

Brawling Jumping

Climbing Lifting

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Stamina Swimming

Armor repair Repair Robot
Time of Use: One to several rounds.
Computer Specializations: Particular models of
Operation/Programming robots, such as Servants, Nurses, and
Computer Repair Repair Robot covers the ability to
repair and rebuild robots. This skill is
mainly restricted to use in the Real
Cybernetics World. The difficulty depends upon
the extent of damage to the robot.
First Aid Time of Use: Usually several rounds,
depending on the nature of the
Heavy weapons repair salvage.
Specializations: Particular groups of
Medicine (A) items, such as computers, hovercraft
parts, weapons etc.
Program Robot Characters use the Salvage skill
Time of Use: One to several rounds. when attempting to scrounge useful
Specializations: Particular models of items from what others would consider
robots, such as Servants, Nurses, and to be trash. This skill can be used both
Sentinels. in and out of the Matrix. In fact, it is
Robotic Programming allows the vital to the continuing survival of Zion
skilled user to write behavioral that resourceful humans salvage
routines and implant commands into a technology from the Machines and
robot's neural net. This skill is mainly mankind's past. The Difficulty
restricted to use in the Real World. depends on the nature of the salvage
and whether the scrounger has the
Repair Ground Vehicle proper tools.

Repair Hovercraft Security

Small arms repair

The Matrix Role Playing Game

When in the Matrix, a character has
the ability to exceed the limits of his or Awareness: this score is added
her physical body. With the proper to the character's Perception
training and strength of will, an while in the Matrix. It augments
individual will learn that the only limits any Perception skills and
that exist in the Matrix are those abilities as well.
placed on oneself by the mind.
There are three main neural Endurance add these dice to
attributes that control an individual's the character's Strength dice
ability to supersede the "physical" whenever a Strength roll is
limits. made in the Matrix. Also, these
Quickness: this score is added dice may be added to any roll
to the Dexterity of the character demanding physical or mental
while they are in the Matrix. All endurance, such as Willpower
skills are increased by this and Intimidation.
Character begin with 1 die to assign
to one Neural.

These are special skills or abilities a -1D penalty (to both the
that a character may only attempt Concentration roll and the next
while in the Matrix. In general, they action). If the character Concentrates
deal with denying the physical laws of one round and then acts the next,
the Matrix. there is no penalty. If the character is
Characters do not begin with any distracted (wounded, etc.) before the
Matrix skills. They may be purchased action can be taken, she loses the
as the character becomes more bonus from the Concentration roll.
experienced. See Advancement
above. Augment Physical Attribute
[Exactly as the Force power of the
Concentration same name in Star Wars].
Difficulty: Easy.
Prerequisites: None. Magnify Senses
Effect: Concentration represents a Difficulty: Easy.
character's ability to focus her Prerequisites: None.
energies on a single action. With a Time to Use: One round to active. This
successful test of this skill, the power may be "kept up" for 1d6
character can add 4D to any their next rounds plus a number of round equal
action. Use of this skill counts as an to the skill check - 10.
action. Thus, if the action is Effect: This skill permits the user to
undertaken in the same round, there is

The Matrix Role Playing Game

enhance his perceptive abilities for a Telekinesis

short time while in the Matrix. [As the Force power of the same
Sense Code
Difficulty: Telepathy
Easy Difficulty: Easy with willing minds.
Prerequisite Moderate on unwilling (or unknowing)
s: None. minds. Moderate + opposing
Effect: Willpower roll on unreceptive minds.
When the Prerequisites:
Jumper Time to Use: One round. Once
focuses his established, this power may be kept
senses he up.
can actually see the binary code that Effect: Telepathy allows the user to
makes up the Matrix. This is read the thoughts of another and
particularly helpful when trying to project hers into other's minds. These
distinguish between whether the are usually only the surface thoughts.
Jumper is looking at the Residual To dig deeper into someone's
Image of a real person or the code that memories, the telepath must make a
compiles one of the Computer's Difficult
Hack the Matrix
Postcognition Difficulty: Very Difficult for small
Difficulty: Variable. changes to Heroic or more for major
Prerequisites: Sense Code. changes.
Time to Use: 15 minutes Prerequisites: Sense Code (A Difficult
Effect: As the Force Power of the skill check must be made before Hack
same name. is attempted.
Time to Use: One round.
Predictive Modeling Effect: Hack the Matrix allows a
Difficulty: Very Difficult. Jumper to physically alter the software
Prerequisites: Sense Code. of the Matrix itself. It is possible to
Time to Use: 1 + 1D6 rounds (1 to create a door when none existed
make an Easy Sense Code check and before or to even delete code from the
1d6 rounds to attempt Predictive Matrix. Difficulty depends on the
Modeling). degree of change and how "unreal" it
Effect: With this skill, a Jumper may appears. Thus, using Hack to make a
attempt to predict the actions of the small alteration (changing the color of
Computer and its minions. This may a car from red to blue) will be
be useful in evading pursuit or considerably easy from deleting an
planning an attack. The Computer is Agent (Heroic Difficulty of 50).
incredibly intelligent though and can
change its "mind" without warning if Heal
new data are considered, thus even a Difficulty: Easy for Stunned
successful use of this skill does not characters. Moderate for Wounded.
ensure that the Jumper will know for Difficult for Incapacitated. Very
certain what will occur. Difficult for Mortally Wounded. Heroic

The Matrix Role Playing Game

for Dead. they can bend the rules that apply in

Prerequisites: None. the Realworld.
Time to Use: One round. With Defy Physics, the character
Effect: With this ability, a Jumper can may attempt seemingly impossible
heal the wounds another appears to things, such as jumping from
have taken in the Matrix. If the healer skyscraper to skyscraper or stopping
is successful, she decreases the bullets in midair. Some of the applied
target's wound level by one. uses of this ability are listed here:
Furthermore, the wound level is
reduced by one for every 5 points by
which the skill check exceeds the Application Difficulties & Effects
Difficulty number.
Easy to reduce the
difficulty of the jump by
Alter Residual Image Jump
Difficulty: Easy for slight changes to
Very Difficult for extreme ones. Moderate to reduce it by
Prerequisites: 5.
Time to Use: One round. This ability Difficult to reduce by 10.
may be "kept up", resulting in a -1D to Very Difficult to reduce
all other actions during this time. by 12.
Effect: Alter RI allows the user to
change her physical appearance in the Easy to automatically
Matrix. If only small changes are Slow Time gain the first action in a
made, such as hair color and clothing, round.
it is a relatively easy task. The Difficult to gain an entire
difficulty increases as more round's worth of actions
complicated changes are attempted: before the opponent can
changing sex, height, body type, race act.
etc. It is rumored that a few Jumpers Easy + Opposing STR
have been able to change their Cancel
roll to stop a opponent's
appearance to that of animals and Kinetic
punch from causing
inanimate objects, but no one can Energy
support those claims.
Moderate to cancel the
Defy Physics effects of a fall up to 10
stories (add 5 to the
Difficulty: Difficulty (may vary
Difficulty for each
depending on the extremity of the
additional 5 stories).
Prerequisites: None. Heroic to stop bullets in
Time to Use: One round. midair (only one ability
Effect: The Matrix is governed by check need be made in
physical laws just as the Realworld is. a round to stop all
However, most Jumpers quickly realize bullets coming from one
that they are only limited by their direction).
minds' expectations of reality in the
Matrix rather than the fact of it.
Enlightened Jumpers understand that

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Difficulty: Easy.
Prerequisites: None. Dice
Time to Use: One round. This ability Effect
may be "kept up". 2 additional actions and add
Effect: Map allows the character to 10 10 to the character's base
keep a very precise mental map of the movement rate for this round.
Matrix in her memory for ready use.
This may be extremely helpful when 3 additional actions and add
attempting to escape or evade Agents 20 to movement.
and to find necessary areas in the 5 additional actions and add
program. It essentially works like a 20
30 to movement.
well defined street map of the area in 6 additional actions and add
which the Jumper is active. It also lays 25
40 to movement.
out electrical lines, sewers, building
blueprints, and, perhaps most Prerequisites: None.
important, telephone hardlines which Time to Use: One round.
allow access to and from the Matrix. Effect: Speed augments a character's
quickness to unnatural levels. With it,
the character can either increase his
movement rate (by ten for each
Difficulty: See below:

With modern technology, it is possible Knowledge dice each time they are in
to upload the information necessary to the Matrix. These skills must be
carry out certain task directly into Specializations. Thus, if a character
someone's brain. However, this needs to know how to pilot a
information is very specific and helicopter, the operator will upload
remains in the person's memory while Pilot: Aircraft: Helicopter. It takes a
they are in the Matrix. number of rounds equal to the skill
Characters may temporarily learn a level for it to be uploaded.
number of skills equal to their

The Matrix Role Playing Game


Time allow for more actions per round with
Time flows in the Matrix just as it does reduced penalties.
in the Real World (and at the same
rate). For much of the game, Game Any additional actions are considered
Masters can inform characters as to to be taken in the second segment of
how much time has passed between the round. Thus, all first actions (by
events. But for certain actions, such everyone acting in the round) are
as combat or skill used under timed resolved in the first part of a round and
conditions, a more accurate method is any extra actions are resolved
required. afterwards. Who acts first in a round
depends upon Initiative (see above).
Rounds are about 5 seconds long. In Example: Rom is in combat
general, a character can take one again. He decides he will take
action per round without accruing two actions: 1 attack and he
penalties. will Dodge. He will be -1D to
both actions.
Characters may act in the order of Reacting
their Perception scores (from highest Occasionally, a character will need to
to lowest). A character with a higher react to something that has occurred
Perception may choose to Hold his during a round. If the character has
Action, letting someone with a lower already acted in the round, the
Perception act first before he decides reaction skill is at -1D for being a
what to do. reaction and -1D for each action
already taken in the round.
Unskilled Actions
A character may attempt an action Dodge, Melee Parry and
without having dice in the appropriate Brawling/Martial Arts are commonly
skill. If so, she suffers a +1 Difficulty used as Reaction Skills to avoid
Modifier to the attempt.
If a Reaction Skill is used while
Multiple Actions in a Round
defending from an attack, the dice roll
For every additional action, the
becomes the difficulty the attacker
character suffers a -1D to all actions
must overcome to be successful, even
taken that round. Under normal
if the reaction skill roll is lower than
conditions, a character can take a
the original difficulty of the attack!
maximum of 5 actions per round (with
a cumulative penalty of -5D to all
Example: Rom is in combat
actions). Some skills (such as
and has already acted once
Multitasking or the Matrix Skill Speed)

The Matrix Role Playing Game

this round. Suddenly, someone that all she will do this round it
shoots at him and he attempts Dodge. She rolls her full 4D for
to Dodge. His Dodge skill is Dodge gets 3 Successes. The
normally 5D, but since he has shooter must now roll higher
already acted, it is now 3D (-1D than 3 (standard difficulty) + 3=
for having already acted and - 6 in order to hit her!
1D for being a Reaction Skill).
The shooter's base difficulty
was 2. Rom rolls 3 dice and Applying Reactions to the Entire
gets only 1 Success. The Round
shooter only needs a 1 or Dodge rolls apply to all ranged attacks
better to hit Rom. in a round. Thus a character need only
Dodge once to attempt to avoid
Full Reactions attackers using guns, thrown weapons
If the character decides that the only or grenades.
action she will take in a round is to
react, then her Reaction skill roll is Parry rolls must be made for every
attempted with full dice and the result attack! Thus, in close combat, if a
is added to the attacker's difficulty. character is punched four times, he
must either attempt four parries using
Example: Myriad knows his Brawling or Martial Arts skill or be
someone is shooting at her take the damage!
from a rooftop. She decides

Ranged combat difficulty targets: when shooting at each target beyond the

Range Difficulty Example 1: Inside the Matrix,

Myriad is cornered by two
Point Blank Easy (2)
police officers bent on taking
Short Moderate (3) her down. She is armed with a
Medium Difficult (4) pistol that allows her to fire
Long Very Difficult (5) three times in a round. She
Very Difficult to can either shoot at one without
Extreme a penalty or attempt to shoot at
Heroic (6-7)
both. She decides to fire once
at both of her attackers. Her
Shooting at Multiple Targets total dice penalty is -1D to the
Characters may choose to aim at more first shot (the penalty for taking
than one target in a given round. If they multiple actions) and -2D to the
do so, they suffer a cumulative -1D second shot (the penalty for

The Matrix Role Playing Game

multiple actions + the second Using two guns at once:

target penalty).
Advantage Disadvantage
Example 2: Myriad is cornered Shooter does not Shooting a second
again, this time by three thugs. suffer any weapon counts as
She decides to fire once at penalties for an action
each (3 actions, 2 additional
shooting at more (resulting in an
targets). She suffers a -2D to than one target in additional -1D to
her first shot (for the two a round without each action in the
additional actions), a -3D to the declaring a round).
second, and a -4D to the third!
"Spraying" action
(see Spraying
Bullets below).
Spraying Bullets
Both first shots Shooter suffers an
Some weapons, such as fully
are fired in the additional -1D to
automatic machine guns, allow the
first segment of any shot taken
bearer to spray bullets at an enemy.
the round (if one with his or her "off"
This has a variety of advantages and
gun is shot twice, hand.
the second shot is
considered to go
off in the last part
Advantage Disadvantage of the round, after
Shooter gets The shooter may all other first
+1D to hit potentially hit anyone in attacks have been
and does not the direction in which resolved.
suffer any he is pointing the gun Permits the If someone using
penalties for (including allies and character to fire two guns stops to
aiming at innocents). If the the maximum reload, they must
multiple shooter is trying to number of bullets take an additional
targets in a avoid hitting a friendly from both guns in action to stow one
round. target, add 15 to the a round (thus, is a gun while the
difficulty number to hit. shooter is using other is reloaded.
If the shooter rolls less two pistols which There is no
than 15 over the may fire 3 times in additional action if
standard difficulty a round, she can the "extra" gun is
(dependent on range) , shoot 6 times total thrown away.
he hits the friendly in the round).
target as well. Roll
damage normally.
Uses ammunition more
If the attack is
successful, roll one less
die for damage.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Scale represents the differences • Attacker adds the scale modifier to
between small targets (such as its attack roll
Characters) and large, fortified o The target, if hit, adds the
structures (such as aircraft carriers scale modifier to its
and buildings). When targets of the Strength (or Body/Hull) roll.
same size are shooting at each other,
ignore scale modifiers. When targets Higher scale attacking lower scale
are of different scales, add the Dice
modifier (presented below) to the rolls • Higher scale rolls as normal, but
as follows: the lower scale target adds the
dice modifier to any
Lower scale attacking larger scale Dodge/Evasion roll.
• If successful, the higher scale adds
the dice modifier to damage roll

Scales Tiny Small Character Car Tank Aircraft Capital Superstructure

Tiny 0D 2D 4D 6D 8D 10D 16D 28D
Small 0D 2D 4D 6D 8D 14D 26D
Character 0D 2D 4D 6D 12D 24D
Car 0D 2D 4D 10D 22D
Tank 0D 2D 8D 20D
Aircraft 0D 6D 18D
Capital 0D 12D
Superstructure 0D

A number of factors can affect a increases the number of successes
character's chances to succeed in required in order for an action to
combat. Smoke may obstruct a target, succeed.
oil on the floor may make dodging
more difficult, etc. Following are a Die Reductions:
number of modifiers Game Masters
may choose to apply in the game. • Drawing Weapons: Drawing a
There are two types of modifiers: Die weapon counts as an action in
Reductions and Difficulty Modifiers. a round (all other actions are at
The first results in a loss from the -1D this round).
character's dice pool when he rolls any • Reloading Weapons: The time
Attribute or Skill tests. The second required to reload a weapon

The Matrix Role Playing Game

varies depending on the type. depend on the weapon type

Most require 1 action to and quality.
reload. See the weapon • Rate of Fire (ROF): This
descriptions in the Equipment statistic is given for each
section. weapon. A weapon cannot be
fired more times than its ROF in
Difficulty Modifiers: a round, regardless of the
number of actions the
• Called Shots: Attackers can character takes.
make a "called shot" against a
specific target, such as a Characters can also hide behind
particular part of a target's body objects, such as walls and vehicles,
(a hand, head, etc) or a small which provide protection against
item. Add +1 to the difficulty attack. Add the following modifiers
for a target 10-50 cm depending on how much of the target
(approximately 3-18 inches) is covered.
long. Add +4 to the difficulty for
a target 1-10 cm long. Add
Target is Modifier
+8D to the difficulty for a target
less than a centimeter long.
• Cover: Provides a target with 1/4 covered +1D
some protection from detection
and attack. Add the following 1/2 covered +2D
modifiers to attempts to detect
or hit a target, when 3/4 covered +4D
Fully covered If cover provides
Cover Modifier protection, attacker
cannot hit target
Light Smoke +1 directly. Damage is
Thick Smoke +2 absorbed by the item
giving protection,
Very Thick Smoke +4 until it's Body rating
is depleted (see
Poor Light +1 Protection below).
Moonlight +2 Protection: Inanimate objects have a
Complete Darkness +4 strength rating to resist damage. If the
attacker rolls well enough to overcome
the Armor Value, reduce the the
Other Modifiers: object's Body Strength by the
remainder. When the object has no
• Targeting Systems: Some Body Points left, the characters hiding
weapons, usually in aircraft or behind them take any additional
tanks, have targeting systems damage.
that help the gunner. These Armor Body
Sample Protection
Value Strength

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Flimsy wooden A character behind protection

5 10 may suffer some damaged
Standard wooden depending upon how badly his
8 15 protection is damaged.
Subtract dice from the attack's
Standard metal
15 25 damage based on the chart
door below.
Reinforced door 25 50
Blast door 35 100 Reduce weapon's
Protection is:
damage by:
If the damage roll is lower than
Character is
the Armor Value, the protection Not seriously
is not damaged at all and the damaged
target character suffers no
damage. If the damage roll is Lightly
equal to or greater than the damaged
protection's Armor Value roll, Heavily
find the difference on the chart -2D
below to see how badly the
protection is damage. Severely
Furthermore, its Armor Value is damaged
reduced by 1. Character suffers
full damage.
Reaming Body
Protection is:
Points • Armor: Armor protects the
Not seriously wearer from damage. In the
3/4 to all
damaged game, add the value of the
1/2-3/4 Lightly damaged armor to the Strength roll of the
1/4-1/2 Heavily damaged character suffering damage.
See the Equipment section for
1 point to 1/4 different armor types.
0 Destroyed


to-Hand Combat Bonus+the Effect Value (the number of
successes beyond those needed for a
Striking: successful hit).
Brawling: The standard difficulty to hit
with Brawling roll is Easy (2). Damage Example: Rom is in a fight. He
is equal to the character's Base has 3D in Brawling and takes a
Damage Value + his Strength/Lifting swing, getting a 4,5,4 for 3

The Matrix Role Playing Game

successes. He then rolls his

Base Damage Value of 3D,
getting two successes for 2
points of damage. He adds his
S/L Bonus of +1 and the Effect
Value to get the Damage Total=
2 (BDV)+1(S/L Bonus)+1(EV)
for 4 points of damage.

Martial Arts: The standard difficulty to

hit with Martial Arts is Moderate (3),
resulting in damage equal to the
character's Base Damage Value + S/L
Bonus + the Effect Value (just like
Brawling, but with a higher difficulty to
hit). A fighter skilled in Martial Arts parried the blow. If not, he may
may attempt more complicated take damage.
maneuvers to render more damage,
but must roll against a higher difficulty Example: Somewhat bruised
number to hit. from last round, Rom decides
he will hold an action this round
in case he needs to block. This
Blocking: means he is -1D to both his
Character's may attempt to block an attack and blocking roll.
attack using their Brawling or Martial
Arts skills. Players must declare they An unarmed character may not
will be attempting to block before the attempt to block an attacker with a
attack occurs. If they do not, they weapon without a special Martial Arts
suffer an additional -1D when move.
attempting to block.
Melee Combat
Example: Rom is in a fight with Melee Combat is handled much the
a street thug. He decides to same way Unarmed Combat is, except
strike but forgets to "hold an that the characters involved use Melee
action" in case he needs to Combat and are armed with handheld
block. The thug takes a swing weapons (which have a standard Base
and Rom decides he had better Damage Value).
try to block. He must roll
Martial Arts at -2D. If his A character armed with a weapon may
blocking roll is higher than the use it to block an unarmed assailant.
Thug's attack roll, he will have

The Matrix Role Playing Game

When an attacker successfully hits his The targeted character then rolls his
target, he rolls the appropriate number Strength dice and adds any armor
of dice to designate damage (see the value, if armor is worn. If the target's
weapons list in the Equipment strength roll is greater than the
section). Ranged weapons do a set attacker's roll, the she had resisted the
amount (e.g. a Heavy Pistol does 5Dx3 damage. If not, consult the table
damage). Melee weapons do a Base below for results:
Value Damage (depending on the
weapon) + the wielding character's
Strength/Lighting Bonus.

Body Points Effect Description


Character suffers a -1D to all skill and attribute

dice for the rest of the round and the next. If a
3/4-all Stunned
character suffers a number of stuns equal to her
strength, she falls unconscious for 1d6 minutes.

Characters fall prone and can take no actions for

1/2-3/4 Wounded the rest of the round. The character suffers a -1D
to all skills and attributes until healed.

1/4-1/2 Falls prone and is in pain. -2D to all actions.

Falls prone, and heavily dazed and will remain that

1 point to Mortally
way until healed. -3D to all Attribute and Skill
1/4 Wounded

Falls Instantly killed. There are rumors of dead hackers

0 unconscious rising again within a few seconds of being killed,
or dies. but most say it's only legend.

Characters may choose to wear Armor Example: Rom is wearing
to provide them with some protection leather clothing, which provides
against damage. The Armor Value of 5 points of Armor against
the protection is deducted from any damage. A goon shoots and
damage rolls against the character. hits him for 10 points of
Every time a character wearing armor damage. Rom takes only 5
takes damage above his armor, the points of damage and his
armor's value is reduced by 1. leather armor loses one point
Different types of armor are listed in of its Armor Value. The next
the Equipment section. time he is hit, it will only provide
him with 4 points of protection.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Characters can heal in a variety of A First Aid roll is required to use a First
ways, but the three most common Aid kit (or medpac). The difficulty
methods are natural healing, first aid depends on the severity of the
kits, and medical bays (or medlabs). patient's injury:

Natural Healing: Degree of Injury Difficulty
A character can heal naturally, but this Stunned, unconscious Very Easy
process is both slower and riskier than Wounded or Wounded Twice Easy
getting medical care. The character Incapacitated Moderate
must rest a specified amount of time Mortally Wounded Difficult
and then can make a healing roll: the Killed Unearthly (must
character's full Strength to see if the be attempted the
character heals. round after the
patient has been
Healing characters can do virtually
nothing but rest. A character who tried
If the First Aid roll is successful, the
to work, exercise or adventure must
patient heals one level. Stunned and
subtract -1D from his Strength when
Wounded characters are fully healed.
he makes his healing roll. Any
Wounded Twice are Wounded.
character who opts to "take it easy"
Incapacitated are Wounded Twice.
and do virtually nothing for twice the
Mortally Wounded are Incapacitated.
necessary time may add +1D to his
Strength to heal.
If the First Aid roll is unsuccessful, the
character's condition remains the
A wounded character may roll once per
same. If the First Aid roll misses the
day for healing::
difficulty by more than 10 points, the
patient remains the same and another
Strength Roll
Result First Aid roll cannot be made for
another 24 hours.
Complicates Character loses 10 points.
No Successes Character remains Wounded.
Multiple First Aid attempts can be
1 Character heals 5 Points.
made on a patient within a single day,
2 Characterheals 10 points.
but the First Aid difficulty increases
3 Character heals 15 points.
one level for each additional use.
4 Character heals 20 points.
5 Character heals 25 points.
Bays/Medlabs/Emergency Rooms
First Aid Kits/Medpacs In the real world, Zion and Hoverships
First Aid kits usually have bandages, have extensive medical facilities
antiseptics, anti-inflammatories, (much of the technology has been
painkillers and other lightweight stolen from the Machines' cloning
medical supplies. A standard kit can facilities). In the Matrix, there exist
be used two times before needing to hospitals and emergency rooms where
be restocked. characters may go seeking medical

The Matrix Role Playing Game

To use these facilities, a character

must have the Medicine (A) skill.

Degree of Injury Difficulty and Time

Wounded Very Easy with 1D hours of care.
Incapacitated Easy with 4D hours of care.
Mortally Wounded Moderate with 1D days.
Killed Unearthly with 10D days.

The Matrix Role Playing Game


Melee Weapons



Miscellaneous Gear



Below are some weapons commonly Scale: Indicates the scale of the
found in the Matrix. Players and GM's weapon when deciding damage.
should feel free to alter and add
weapons as they see fit. This list is Difficulty: The difficulty number the
only preliminary. user must equal or surpass in order to
BDV (Base Damage Value): This is the Concealability: A measure of how
standard damage that the weapon can difficult it is to conceal the weapon
do. Roll the given dice code and count under clothes. GM's may modify this
the number of successes. If there is a depending on the kind of clothes worn
multiplier adjacent to the dice code, (increased difficulty if only an evening
multiply the number of successes by gown is worn, bonuses is an overcoat
this number. The final sum is the is worn).
amount of damage done by the
weapon. If a character has a
Strength/Lifting bonus, add this value MELEE WEAPONS
to the total damage for melee and
thrown weapons only.
Typical Knife
Range: The range in meters of a
Range: 3/10/15 (thrown)
weapon. Difficulties increase with
Scale: Character
greater distance (see Actions and
Combat). Skill: Melee Weapons: Knife, Thrown
Weapons: Knife
Difficulty: Easy

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Concealability: Very Easy Handgun

Note: A typical knife can be thrown, BDV: 5Dx2
but increase the difficulty by 5. Knives Ammo: 6 (revolver) to 12 (automatic)
are readily available in both the Real Range: 3-10/25/50
World and the Matrix. ROF: 3 shots per round maximum. No
Sword Concealability: Very Easy
BDV: 4D)
Scale: Character High-
High-powered Handgun
Range: 0 BDV: 5Dx3
Skill: Melee Weapons: Sword Ammo: 6 (revolver) to 12 (automatic).
Difficulty: Easy (2) Range: 3-7/25/50
Concealability: Difficult. ROF: 2 shots per round maximum. No
Note: Swords are very rare in the Real burst.
World. Most are artifacts and are Concealability: Easy (7)
considered to be very valuable. Notes: -1 to all "To-Hit" rolls.
Because of the awkwardness, it is rare
that someone will carry a sword in the Machine Pistol
Matrix (though some have been known BDV: 4Dx3 (see below)
to play games in the Constructs with Ammo: 15
them). Range: 3-7/15/25
ROF: Single: 3 shots per round. Semi-
Club/Baseball Bat automatic: 2 bursts of 3 bullets
BDV: 3D rendering 5D damage per burst (roll
Scale: Character once per burst). -1D on "To-Hit" rolls in
Skill: Melee Weapons: Club semi-automatic. Full automatic: Can
Difficulty: Easy empty the clip in one round, either
Concealability: Moderate spraying (See Spraying in the Combat
Notes: Clubs are any blunt object section) or Concentrating Fire resulting
made to hit something else hard. in +1D to hit and 5Dx3 damage.
GM's should alter the damage rating Concealability: Easy
depending on the quality of the club.
For example, a broom stick might only Submachine Gun
do 2D of damage while a crowbar BDV: 5Dx3 (see below)
might do 4D. Ammo: 30
Range: 6-10/20/50
ROF: Single: 3 shots per round. Semi-
FIREARMS automatic: 2 bursts of 3 bullets
The guns listed here are pretty basic. rendering 6Dx3 damage per burst (roll
For a much more detailed list of once per burst). -1D on "To-Hit" rolls in
firearms, check out Joe's Gun Catalog semi-automatic. Full automatic: Can
or Aaron LaBow's contribution on the empty the clip in one round, either
website. You can use the ranges given spraying (See Spraying in the Combat
below for the weapons that Joe lists. section) or Concentrating Fire resulting
in +1D to hit and 6Dx4 damage.
Concealability: Easy

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Automatic Rifle Pump Shotgun

BDV: 6Dx3 (see below) BDV: 5Dx4 (buckshot) / 6Dx4 (solid
Ammo: 50 slug)
Range: 5-20/60/90 Ammo: 5
ROF: Single: 3 shots per round. Semi- Range: 2-5/10/20
automatic: 2 bursts of 3 bullets ROF: 2 shots per round maximum.
rendering 6Dx4 damage per burst (roll Concealability: Difficult for full-
once per burst). -1D on "To-Hit" rolls in barrelled shotguns. Moderate for
semi-automatic. Full automatic: Can sawed-off shotguns.
empty the clip in one round, either Notes: Sawed-off shotguns do 6Dx4
spraying (See Spraying in the Combat damage at Point Blank range but
section) or Concentrating Fire resulting suffer a -1D cumulative penalty to
in +1D to hit and 7Dx4 damage. damage rolls for every 5 meters
Concealability: Very Difficult. beyond the first.

Leather the real world.
Type: Personal clothing. Concealability: Moderate.
Scale: Character. Game Notes: Grants protection
Armor Value: 10 versus perceived damage in the
Cost: NA. Matrix, but reduces all Dexterity-based
Availability: Extremely rare artifact in rolls by 1D.
the real world.
Concealability: Very Easy (but usually Full Body Armor
unnecessary). Type: Military armor.
Game Notes: Leather gives versus Scale: Character.
damage in the Matrix and the real Armor Value: 25
world. Cost: NA.
Availability: Extremely rare artifact in
Kevlar Vest the real world.
Type: Personal body armor. Concealability: Difficult.
Scale: Character. Game Notes: Grants +3D protection
Armor Value: 18 versus perceived damage in the Matrix
Cost: NA. but reduces all Dexterity-related skill
Availability: Extremely rare artifact in tests and checks by 2D.

Inside the Matrix, the computer Computers are for the most part non-
technology resembles that of the late autonomous and interfaces remain
1990's and early 21st century. primarily through keyboards and disk

The Matrix Role Playing Game

drives. chairs (to fix).

In the Realworld, computers are Availability: Common in Resistance
extremely advanced and artificial Hoverships/Hackships.
intelligence is pervasive. The human Range (kilometers): 1/5/8 to Matrix
resistance fighters have managed to node that is being hacked.
steal and develop impressive Difficulty (or transmission, rolled by the
technological advances, including the Operator): Very Easy (5)/ Easy
superfast computers and (10)/Difficult (20).
communication systems needed to Game Notes: Though very
jack into the Matrix. sophisticated, most Jump Chairs look
to be cobbled together from a variety
Jump Chairs of different components. They are
Type: Cybernetic communication capable of inserting a link into the
device cybernetic implants of Rescucitated
Cost: NA Humans and transmitting their minds
Skill: Communications: Jump Chair (to into the Matrix. Jump Chairs must be
use). Repair Communications: Jump activated and transmitted from by an

Sentinel I-I-Series
Type: Semi-autonomous Security Unit
Scale: Speeder
Dexterity: 4D
Dodge: 5D, Brawling (Tentacles): 5D
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 3D
Mounted Artillery: Plasma Lasers • 8 Tentacles (BDV: 6Dx4 + 5 for
5D, Sensors: 6D, Communications: 6D S/L bonus, Character scale
Perception: 3D damage)
Search: 6D • 1 Large Plasma Laser: 8Dx5
Strength: 10D (Character scale). (Hovership scale). Range:
Technical: 1D 3/5/10.
• Repulsorlift engine: Speed:
Armor Value: 25 (has no effect versus 80; 300 mph.
EM Pulses). • Communication array: Allows
Body Points: 60 uplink to global satellite
Strength/Lifting: +5 communication system.
• Sensor Package: Includes
Equipped with: advanced optics with
telescopic, infrared and light-
enhancement. Also, standard
sensors with: Passive: 1
km/0D, Scan 5 km/0D, Search

The Matrix Role Playing Game

10 km/1D, Focus 500 Operate

meters/2D. Note: sensor Stasis Pods:
range is for above-ground used 6D
and may be restricted when Perception: 2D
underground, in cities or Search: 4D
otherwise obstructed. Strength: 8D
• Self-destruct Device: If
Self- (Character
disabled beyond repair, a scale).
Sentinel will destroy itself to Technical: 4D
avoid passing sensitive Repair Stasis
technology into human hands. Pods: 6D,
If a Sentinel is incapable of Electrical
performing this action (i.e. if Engineering:
disabled by an EM Pulse, other 6D, First Aid:
Sentinels can broadcast a 5D, Medicine:
specific code command to 5D, Cloning:
activate the destruct 6D, Cybernetics: 6D.
mechanism (each one is unique
for each unit and is kept in the Armor Value: 15 (has no effect versus
Computer's mainframes under EM Pulses).
high security). The destruct Body Points: 45
mechanism will completely Strength/Lifting: +4
destroy the unit and do 10D
(character scale) to any targets Equipped with:
within 50m (reduce damage by
1D for each additional 25m • 6 Tentacles (5Dx4 + 4 S/L
beyond 50). bonus)
• Repulsorlift en gine: Speed:
Game Notes: The Sentinel I-Series 10; 100 mph.
serves as the primary scout and guard • Communication array: Allows
corps for the machines. They work uplink to global satellite
independently, showing much cunning communication system.
and resourcefulness. However, they • Sensor Package: Includes
are most dangerous when working in advanced optics and audio and
squads (usually 3-5). They coordinate audio sensors.
extremely well with instantaneous
communication among the squad Game Notes: Nurses exist solely to
members. run the farms and are responsible for
the cloning and raising of new humans
Nurse to serve as power sources. They
("Beetles") generally ignore any outside stimuli
Type: Clone Farm Operations Unit
Type: that does not directly bear on their
Scale: Speeder duties. However, they can coordinate
Dexterity: 3D to detect and root out intruders,
Brawling (Tentacles): 5D dispatching them if necessary.
Knowledge: 1D
Mechanical: 4D

The Matrix Role Playing Game

Maintenance 'Bots Equipped with:

("Spiders") • 6 Legs
Type: Pod • Communication array: Allows
Maintenance link to local communications
Unit grid (for receiving orders)..
Scale: • Sensor Package: Includes
Character basic optics and audio sensors.
Dexterity: 4D
Knowledge: 0D Game Notes: Spiders perform a
Mechanical: variety of tasks, from keeping things
1D clean to performing repairs on other
Perception: 2D robots. In general, they take no notice
Search: 4D of anything other than broken
1 (Character scale).
Strength: 1D machines. They scurry around
Technical: 6D anywhere there are machines to
Repair Stasis Pods: 8D, Repair maintain, often working in large groups
Computers: 6D, Repair Robots: 6D to complete tasks more efficiently.
Armor Value: 0
Body Points: 10
Strength/Lifting: 0

Cellular Phones Grappling Hooks
Hardline Phones Food rations (Realworld)
Radios Explosives

Craft: Resistance hovercraft
Scale: Hovership
Length: 55 meters.
Skill: Pilot: Hovercraft
Crew: At least 1 commander, 1 pilot,
and 1 mechanic. Usually also have an
Operator on board.
Crew Skill: Varies.
Consumables: 6 months. Can be
Passengers: 12
extended if the ship is restocked with
Cargo Capacity: 10 tons.
water and raw materials from the

The Matrix Role Playing Game

surface. Skill: None (automatic)

Cost: NA. Fire Control: None
Jump Chairs: 8 Range: 100 meters
Speed: 80 mph/400 mph Damage: Causes automatic
Body Points: 180 shutdown of any electrical systems
Armor Value: 30 which are not shielded from
Maneuverability: 2D electromagnetic pulses.
Communications: Capable of linking Game notes: A hovership must
into the Zion communication grid or power down most of its systems to use
the Matrix. the EMP Wave without damaging itself
Sensors: (considered going to minimal power).
Passive: 5km/0D If they do not, Sensors,
Scan: 10 km/1D Communications, Maneuverability and
Search: 25 km/2D all computers (including Jumpchairs)
Focus: 1 km/ 3D will cease to work. It takes 1d6 hours
Weapons: to repair each damaged system. If
Electromagnetic Pulse Wave Jumpchairs lose power or are
Fire Arc: Sends a wave out in all damaged while in use, the Jumper will
directions. die.
Crew: 1

The Matrix Role Playing Game


When the Mechanized Revolt began in
the early 21st century, the
infrastructure for a mechanized world
was already in place. Global
communications provided
instantaneous links between the most
powerful computer systems on the NODES: LOCAL NEURAL NETS
planet. It did not take long for the The Leviathan is split into thousands
Machines' collective mind (sometimes of smaller neural networks, often
referred to as the Sentience) to referred to as Nodes. These local nets
colonize existing computer systems administer regional communications
and turn them toward its own purpose. between robots, computers and the
Matrix. Each node hosts a subset of
Over the past two centuries, the the Matrix, which is both global and
Machines have refined the old local at the same time; inside the
technology to a point that the old Matrix, nodes are represented by
computer designers only imagined. cities--connected, but physically
New satellite communications offer discreet. This system allows full
speed that makes fiber optic routes interconnection but permits the
appear as efficient as a string between Machines to shunt a particular node if
two cans. Processor power exceeds it show signs of malfunction (or human
what even the most visionary humans rebellion). It also allows for
once believed to be physically instantaneous transfer of all data from
possible. one node to another if one is shut
The Matrix is only one part of the
Leviathan, as it is known in Zion. The POWER PLANTS/FARMS
Leviathan is actually the physical Most nodes are formed around Power
infrastructure that links all the local plants, or Farms, where humans
neural networks, power plants, robots (derogatorily referred to as
and satellites. A complex system of "Coppertops") live imprisoned in stasis
PAC's (photon-accelerated cables) and pods (and the Matrix), providing the
satellites serve as its arteries and Machines with the power they require.
nerve endings. If one part of the Farms are heavily patrolled by Sentinel
system malfunctions, another kicks in robots and maintained by Janitors and
to cover the loss. For all intensive Spiders. They are the very life blood of
purposes, it is the Sentience, or hive the Leviathan and their maintenance
mind, of the Machines. is of utmost importance.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

NURSERIES looting them for whatever technology

Most nurseries are giant caverns filled and weapons they can find.
of When the Machines took over, the first
clone thing they colonized was the global
pods, satellite system. Thousands of
sprea satellites remain in orbit and the
ding Machines launch new ones on a
in regular basis. Most of the existing
every satellites are artificial intelligences
direction. It is here that the Machines themselves.
recombine genetic material from DNA-
banks to produce new generations of There also exists a few space stations
batteries. When clones reach the still in orbit, but they are mostly
appropriate age, they are implanted abandoned. The machines have little
with a complex system of cybernetics use for them and perceive them as an
that allows life in the Farm pods and inefficient use of resources. There is
access to the Matrix. Nurseries are talk among some of the Resistance
tended by massive Nurse robots, about recolonizing them for human
Janitors, and Spiders and heavily use.
guarded by security systems and
Sentinels. Legend has it that there is a base on
the moon that was fully established by
ROBOT FACTORIES humans before the Machines took
Robot factories exist throughout the over. Some say that those humans
globe, working endless to refine and managed to cut their communications
produce new robots. They too are before the Leviathan could spread to
heavily guarded, as Zion has recently their systems. If there is any truth to
taken to raiding the factories and these rumors remains to be seen.

The world in which most humans live
out their entire lives is nothing more
than an illusion. It is simply a
computer program made up of
variables, sub-routines and electronic
files. But to them, it is unquestionably
real. In the Matrix, people feel, taste,
smell, see and hear with the clarity of
humans in the Real World. They grown
from infants to adults, experiencing all
the joys and pains of the human The Matrix itself functions as a perfect
condition, as it has been for the mimic of the Real World. The physical
species' entire history.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

laws of the universe are hardwired into g a moment.

the system: gravity, time, entropy,
relativity, electro-magnetics. Though it ACCESS
can, with great effort, change objects The Human Resistance has discovered
of the Matrix, the Sentience cannot methods for hacking into the Matrix.
alter these physical laws. It is They utilize the global communications
imprisoned by them just as the grid to pipe into the Matrix and
humans are within their stasis pods. observe events there.

Some of the Human Resistance have Some of the Resistance, those who
discovered that these laws are as have been resuscitated, can project
illusionary as everything else in the their minds back into the Matrix. Once
Matrix. With this knowledge, they are there, they can "physically" interact
able to unlearn their expectations of with other humans (or their RI's) and
the physical world and, while in the the software of the Matrix itself.
Matrix, perform formidable feats that Hacking often occurs on Hoverships
even the Machine and its minions that must be within 5 kilometers of a
cannot mimic. Node or Communications Router.
Resuscitated hackers use "Jump
CHANGES IN THE MATRIX chairs", specially modified devices that
The Sentience can change the connect the hacker's cybernetics to
software objects of the Matrix, but only the comm system and projects them
with a great expenditure of energy and into the Matrix.
at the risk of corrupting existing
software. However, in extreme cases, Projecting an RI into the Matrix
such as when it must cover up a glitch requires an open communications port
to avoid the possibility of a human in the Node. Inside the Matrix, these
realizing the reality of the Matrix, the comm ports are symbolized by
Sentience will exert the effort to telephones with "hard lines"--cabling
change the Matrix. Doors may appear that leads into the "city's"
and disappear; buildings may have one telecommunications grid. The
less floor; clocks may progress though Machines rely on these hard lines to
the humans won't realize time is access the Matrix as well (otherwise,
passing ("lost time"). Often, sensitive they would cut them all). Hard-line
humans in telephones are found throughout the
the Matrix cities, apparently somewhat at
will random. When a Hacker enters the
recognize a Matrix, they will appear adjacent to the
change is hard-line phone and when they wish to
taking leave, they must be holding the
place by receiver.
g "deja vu", Communication to and from the Matrix
the feeling is simpler. Hackers may use any
of re- phone (table-top, cellular, pay phone,
experiencin etc.) to communicate with the Operator
on their hovership. However, these

The Matrix Role Playing Game

calls may be monitored and traced by the Real World (spelling danger for
the Machines, in both the Matrix and both those in and outside the Matrix).

Mechanical: 5D
Perception: 5D
Strength: 5D
Technical: 5D
S/L Bonus: +2
Body Points: 40
Equipment: Heavy Pistol (5Dx3, ROF:
3). Armor-piercing ammunition
(reduces any body armor by 10).
Agents are autonomous programs Instantaneous communications (as
active within the Matrix. They serve to long as ear pieces are worn).
maintain the integrity of the system Sunglasses.
and remove any variables which CHI: 0 (Agents cannot gain Chi)
endanger it. Increasingly, they seek Character Points: 0
out Resistance fighters who dare to Game notes: Agents exist in the
enter the Matrix or the humans they Matrix by inhabiting the Residual
may recruit. Image of a human plugged into a farm
node. If the Agent is "killed", they are
Agents may inhabit the Residual Image shunted from the RI and the inhabited
of any human plugged into a Farm human dies (in the Matrix and the Real
Node. When they do so, the RI World). The Agent must find another
transforms into that of the particular human to inhabit.
Agent (each Agent is of a certain
"version", a "Smith", "Jones", or some HUMAN ALLIES
other version name). The Machines manipulate many
humans to their bidding. As most of
While Agents have apparently super- humanity is plugged into the Matrix,
human skills and attributes, they are believing it to be real, they often follow
bound by the physical laws of the authority (which is directly controlled
Matrix (and thus of the Real World). by the Machines) without question.
They may show peak human They join militaries and police forces,
performance in all things, but they turn in criminals whose pictures are on
cannot exceed this peak. This is the the 6 o'clock news, and allow
only edge that the Resistance Hackers themselves to be incited against
have over the Machines. "foreigners" or anyone deemed to be
Standard Agent
Agents have access to all skills at 10D Thus, the Human Resistance often
Dexterity: 5D finds itself pitted again other humans
Knowledge: 5D inside the Matrix. They usually take the

The Matrix Role Playing Game

form of government agents, be they Perception: 3D

FBI, CIA or the police. How to fight Search: 4D, Intimidation: 4D
other humans is a matter of great Strength: 4D
debate in Zion, since when a Technical: 2D
Resistance Hacker kills a policeman in Demolitions: 3D
the Matrix, he is killing an ignorant BDV: 3D
human. Most in the Resistance feel it S/L Bonus: +2
is a necessary means to an end, Body Points: 30
though they avoid harming or killing Equipment: Flak vests or Combat
innocents whenever possible. Armor. Heavy Pistol (5Dx3). Usually
assault rifle, submachine gun or
Standard Policeman shotgun. Tear gas grenade. Radio.
Dexterity: 2D
Firearms: 5D, Dodge: 4D, Commando
Brawling: 4D Dexterity: 3D
Knowledge: 2D Firearms: 6D, Dodge: 6D, Martial
Streetwise: 3D, Interrogation: 3D Arts: 5D, Heavy Weapons: 4D
Mechanical: 2D Knowledge: 3D
Drive: 3D Tactics: 4D
Perception: 2D Mechanical: 2D
Search: 3D, Intimidation: 3D Drive: 4D
Strength: 3D Perception: 3D
Technical: 2D Search: 4D, Intimidation: 4D,
BDV: 3D Sneak: 4D
S/L Bonus: +1 Strength: 4D
Body Points: 30 Jump: 4D, Stamina: 4D
Equipment: Flak vest (-1D to physical Technical: 3D
damage, -1D to all Dex rolls). Pistol Demolitions: 4D, First Aid: 3D
(4Dx3). Radio. BDV: 3D
S/L Bonus: +2
Body Points: 30
Equipment: Flak vests for Combat
Armor. Assault rifle (6Dx3) or
Submachine gun (5Dx3). 3 Grenades

There are rumors that the Machines
have begun to recruit humans to serve
SWAT Trooper s knowing agents. Using brainwashing
Dexterity: 3D techniques or bribery, the Machines
Firearms: 6D, Dodge: 5D, Martial seek to find willing humans to battle
Arts: 5D the Human Resistance, especially now
Knowledge 2D
Knowledge: that some of the Resistance have
Streetwise: 4D, Tactics: 3D shown the ability to defy the physical
Mechanical: 2D laws of the Matrix, surpassing the
Drive: 4D abilities of the Agents.

The Matrix Role Playing Game

The physical attributes and the skills of the Templates for base statistics).
these human traitors vary greatly (use

The Matrix Role Playing Game

See for updates and other extras.

If you have questions or comments, please contact me at

Date created: 6-07-01


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