Unit 3 Test A-Scalone

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Unit 3 Test | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 03 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct options.
1 Which statement is true?
A Kara is reading about political science.
B Samson was unaware that Kara was studying anything.
C Samson and Kara are meeting for the first time.
D Samson had the wrong idea about Kara’s studies.
2 Kara says that her research specifically involves
A discovering the number of those actively involved in environmental campaigns.
B keeping up to date with the extent of climate change.
C persuading people to become more concerned about environmental issues.
D learning how best to organise campaigns to help the environment.
3 The scoring system that Kara talks about concerns
A people’s attitude to inequality in society.
B people’s status in society related to finances.
C people’s desire to be respected.
D people’s dominance over others less fortunate.
4 One possible way to change people’s attitudes to the environment is to
A convince them that it is good for their country.
B appeal to their instinct for survival.
C link it to financial improvement.
D frighten them into action.
5 Which statement is INCORRECT?
A Kara believes that the people at the top influence behaviour.
B Samson believes that the studies may improve environmental campaigns.
C Kara sees how environmental campaigns are changing.
D Kara thinks that a change in behaviour at the top can spread down.
___ / 5

2 Choose the correct options.
1 Documentaries are a good way to heighten ___ of environmental concerns.
A knowledge B emotion C awareness
2 They are demolishing several houses to make ___ for a new road.
A area B access C way
3 Rising ___ standards in the area is something to be widely celebrated.
A life B living C liveable
4 Some weed killers can ___ a threat to wildlife.
A pose B provide C point
___ / 4

3 Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives from the box.
fallible flaky fundamental judgmental materialistic
1 One of the best qualities in a good friend is not to be _________________ about the decisions and actions
you take.
2 A _________________ change in environmental law would bring about significant change.
3 He’s a nice guy, but a bit _________________ in that you can’t really depend on him.
4 My cousin is extremely _________________ and is always talking about what he’s bought recently.
5 Anyone who thinks that they are not _________________ is in for a shock because life shows you
just the opposite. ___ / 5

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4 Choose the correct options.
1 I wish we ___ in the countryside – there’s a real lack of local amenities.
A wouldn’t live
B don’t live
C didn’t live
2 We ___ in this situation right now if we’d installed proper flood defences.
A wouldn’t be
B wouldn’t have been
C weren’t
3 ___ to suggest these changes at the meeting, I’m sure everyone would agree.
A Should you
B Were you
C Have you
4 ___ told about the meeting cancellation, I would be at home now finishing the report.
A Were I to be
B Have I been
C Had I been
___ / 4

5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.
1 I would like to have volunteered for the scheme, but I don’t know much about it.
If ____________________________________________, I would have volunteered for it.
2 The charity fundraising day was not well organised and there was a lot of confusion.
Had ____________________________________________, there wouldn’t have been so much confusion.
3 There are a lot of homeless people on the streets because there aren’t enough shelters to accommodate
If ____________________________________________ to accommodate homeless people, there wouldn’t
be so many of them on the streets.
4 We ought to bring all the garden furniture inside now because the storm might hit during the night.
In case ____________________________________________, we ought to bring all the garden furniture
in now.
___ / 4

6 Complete the blog with the correct words formed from the words in the box. There are two extra
commit initiate include judge power prosper reverse
Thank you for giving me the chance to represent the students of this college, and I assure you that I am here
if anyone of you has a problem that you would like me to take further. I shall do my best not to be
1 _____________ and consider both sides of any situation. When the college board meets, we shall be
discussing new 2 _____________ that can improve the college experience for everyone, and I have
a(n) 3 _____________ to represent your views at all times. I think it is vitally important to 4 _____________
all students to fight for a better college life and to promote 5 _____________ at every stage. Thank you once
again for choosing me as your representative.
___ / 5

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7 Read the text and answer the questions.
Paying it forward
When you borrow money, you pay it back. Similarly, when someone does you a favour, you try to do something
kind for them in return. This is known as ‘social reciprocity’ and is part of the foundation of many cultures.
In fact, some people believe that we only survived as a species because we learnt to help each other out –
to cooperate and collaborate. But what if you can’t repay the money someone gives you or return the favour
someone does for you? If you look back on your upbringing, there are lots of people who have helped you,
and you can’t always do anything to say thank you. That’s where paying it forward comes in.
Basically, paying something forward means doing something for others without expecting anything in return.
It is different from generous and unselfish behaviour in one significant way – the desire for this behaviour
to somehow be part of a chain of events. What this means in practice is that you do something to help
someone because someone else has helped you. Either that or you help someone on the understanding that,
instead of paying you back, they continue the kindness with a future act towards someone else. Of course, it’s
quite common for both of these sets of conditions to exist together. Since there isn’t one fixed set of rules,
there are some who believe that they themselves will benefit from their act of kindness at some time in the
future. Others feel that it is somehow selfish to do this and such behaviour has no place in the philosophy.
The idea gained a little more popularity with the release of the film Pay It Forward in 2000. Catherine Ryan
Hyde wrote the book on which the film was based after she had been on the receiving end of an act
of kindness. While she was driving in a dangerous area at night, her car broke down and smoke started pouring
out of the engine. After she quickly got out of her car, two people, who she assumed were intent on harming
her, rushed towards the car and used a blanket to put out the engine fire, at the same time preventing
a possible explosion. When she finally collected her thoughts enough to thank the strangers, they had gone.
The book, she explained, came out of the realisation that you don’t always get the chance to help the people
who save you. However, you can look for someone else in trouble and help them.
The pay it forward idea has expanded into the business world. Already, there are many examples of cafés
where they encourage you to buy, for example, two coffees instead of one, on the understanding that
the second coffee will be given to someone who is in financial need. A restaurant that started in the USA
in 2007, Karma Kitchen, is thriving and has now spread to many cities in the world. Here, you will not receive
a bill because someone has already paid for your meal. Instead, you are asked to make a contribution to pay
for the meal of a future customer.
Although there’s now a global Pay It Forward Day (28th April if you’re interested), most supporters believe that
this is a way of behaving that we can, and should, use all year round, whenever we are in a position to help.
People who are passionate about the idea claim that it makes a world of difference. They feel that it inspires
people to perform acts of kindness. This, they say, can transform the world we live in so that it becomes
a nicer, more caring place.
1 What has helped to guarantee the survival of humans?
2 What interpretation of the meaning of paying it forward do some people object to?
3 Why did Catherine Ryan Hyde decide to write her book?
4 How does payment in the Karma Kitchen work?
5 How do some supporters feel about Pay It Forward Day?
___ / 5

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8 Choose the correct options.
1 X: I need to push / run something past you. Will you be around for a chat in about half an hour?
Y: Of course. I’ll be in my office.
2 X: I like the idea, but is there any room for compromise / settlement? It’s a little beyond my budget.
Y: OK. Shall we look at the numbers again?
3 X: Regarding the implementation of the planned cutbacks. I’m wondering if there’s any reconsideration /
flexibility about when we start.
Y: Unfortunately, the dates are set and we can’t change them.
4 X: Thanks for getting back to me with those details. Let’s progress / go with your suggestions.
Y: Excellent. That’s good to hear.
5 X: We wouldn’t be against employing another member of staff, but the lowest / bottom line is that we
don’t currently have sufficient funds.
Y: OK. But could we possibly consider a part-time position?
___ / 5
9 Przeczytałeś/Przeczytałaś artykuł o tym, że wiele rodzin, zwłaszcza mających dzieci, lub osoby starsze
pozostające pod opieką, zmaga się z coraz wyższymi kosztami życia. Napisz do redaktora czasopisma list,
w którym wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat przyczyn tego zjawiska i zaproponujesz, jak władze lokalne
mogłyby pomóc rodzinom w największej potrzebie.
Twoja wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów.


___ / 13
TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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Unit 3 Test | Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 03 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct options.
1 In the opening exchange between Samson and Kara,
A Kara corrects a misunderstanding of Samson’s.
B they discuss their different studies.
C Samson invites Kara to give a talk on the environment.
D Kara explains why she loves political science.
2 The studies related to social hierarchy concern
A individuals’ awareness of environmental problems.
B the attitudes of different groups of people.
C the reasons there is a social hierarchy.
D how levels of awareness have changed in recent years.
3 According to Kara, people at higher levels of society are
A blind to the facts about climate change.
B protective of their own possessions.
C unconcerned about their legacy.
D more worried about healthcare and education.
4 How does Kara respond to Samson’s comments on lower levels of a hierarchy?
A She agrees with his ideas.
B She asks him to rethink his opinion.
C She adds more information.
D She expresses her concern about the situation.
5 Which statement is INCORRECT?
A Kara believes that if people at the top change their ideas, others will follow.
B Kara thinks more research needs to be done on the subject.
C Kara agrees with Samson that campaigns could encourage more involvement.
D Kara hopes to use her new knowledge to target the right people.
___ / 5

2 Choose the correct options.
1 I would have screamed, but my sister didn’t turn a(n) ___ when she saw the spider on her pillow.
A muscle B hair C eye
2 Some people thrive on a hectic ___ of life – but others don’t.
A speed B pace C rate
3 It’s far better to be active in a worthwhile campaign rather than stand on the ___ watching.
A edges B sidelines C corners
4 It’s understandable why people give up something when the ___ gets tough, but often it’s worth
A going B getting C making
___ / 4
3 Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives from the box.
congested irreversible overwhelming refreshing subtle
1 The damage to the shrubs caused by the drought is _________________, unfortunately, and we’ll need
to replant.
2 Elena dropped a(n) _________________ hint that she and Jon have got engaged.
3 Looking at the photograph of the desert gives you a(n) ______________ feeling of emptiness and
4 The roads around the city centre are always _________________ at this time of the morning.
5 It’s _________________ to see so many positive comments on the environmental blog post. ___ / 5

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4 Choose the correct options.
1 I wish the council ___ the whole project, but it’s unlikely.
A will finance
B financed
C would finance
2 They ___ in Canada now if the plane hadn’t been delayed.
A were
B would be
C are
3 ___ strengthened, the houses wouldn’t be flooded now.
A Were the sea defences to be
B Have the sea defences been
C Had the sea defences been
4 ___ to adopt the new policy immediately, it would make a great difference.
A Should the committee
B Were the committee
C Had the committee
___ / 4

5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.
1 The disaster appeal attracted a lot of donations, and many people were helped.
Had ____________________________________ a lot of donations, fewer people would have been helped.
2 I went for a ten-kilometre walk yesterday and my legs ache a lot this morning.
If ____________________________________, my legs wouldn’t ache a lot this morning.
3 I regret not learning more about environmental science when I was younger.
I wish ____________________________________ environmental science when I was younger.
4 If they opened a charity shop in this road, I think it would attract a lot of customers.
Were ____________________________________ in this road, I think it would attract a lot of customers.
___ / 4

6 Complete the blog with the correct words formed from the words in the box. There are two extra
commit diverse high power prosper reverse speak
I am honoured to have been selected to represent my college class and be assured that I shall stand up for you
all – as you know I can be very 1 _______________ when necessary! Many of the decisions taken last year
by the board are, unfortunately, 2 _______________. However, I have a(n) 3 _______________ to ensuring
that future decisions, particularly regarding inclusivity and 4 _______________ in staffing and student intakes,
are properly addressed. I also hope to push for more initiatives to 5 _______________ awareness of the need
for volunteers in the local community, and would welcome your support with this.
___ / 5

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7 Read the text and answer the questions.
Paying it forward
When you borrow money, you pay it back. Similarly, when someone does you a favour, you try to do something
kind for them in return. This is known as ‘social reciprocity’ and is part of the foundation of many cultures.
In fact, some people believe that we only survived as a species because we learnt to help each other out –
to cooperate and collaborate. But what if you can’t repay the money someone gives you or return the favour
someone does for you? If you look back on your upbringing, there are lots of people who have helped you,
and you can’t always do anything to say thank you. That’s where paying it forward comes in.
Basically, paying something forward means doing something for others without expecting anything in return.
It is different from generous and unselfish behaviour in one significant way – the desire for this behaviour
to somehow be part of a chain of events. What this means in practice is that you do something to help
someone because someone else has helped you. Either that or you help someone on the understanding that,
instead of paying you back, they continue the kindness with a future act towards someone else. Of course, it’s
quite common for both of these sets of conditions to exist together. Since there isn’t one fixed set of rules,
there are some who believe that they themselves will benefit from their act of kindness at some time in the
future. Others feel that it is somehow selfish to do this and such behaviour has no place in the philosophy.
The idea gained a little more popularity with the release of the film Pay It Forward in 2000. Catherine Ryan
Hyde wrote the book on which the film was based after she had been on the receiving end of an act
of kindness. While she was driving in a dangerous area at night, her car broke down and smoke started pouring
out of the engine. After she quickly got out of her car, two people, who she assumed were intent on harming
her, rushed towards the car and used a blanket to put out the engine fire, at the same time preventing
a possible explosion. When she finally collected her thoughts enough to thank the strangers, they had gone.
The book, she explained, came out of the realisation that you don’t always get the chance to help the people
who save you. However, you can look for someone else in trouble and help them.
The pay it forward idea has expanded into the business world. Already, there are many examples of cafés
where they encourage you to buy, for example, two coffees instead of one, on the understanding that
the second coffee will be given to someone who is in financial need. A restaurant that started in the USA
in 2007, Karma Kitchen, is thriving and has now spread to many cities in the world. Here, you will not receive
a bill because someone has already paid for your meal. Instead, you are asked to make a contribution to pay
for the meal of a future customer.
Although there’s now a global Pay It Forward Day (28th April if you’re interested), most supporters believe that
this is a way of behaving that we can, and should, use all year round, whenever we are in a position to help.
People who are passionate about the idea claim that it makes a world of difference. They feel that it inspires
people to perform acts of kindness. This, they say, can transform the world we live in so that it becomes
a nicer, more caring place.
1 What is understood by the term ‘social reciprocity’?
2 How does paying something forward differ from normal acts of selflessness?
3 How was Catherine Ryan Hyde helped by strangers?
4 Why do some cafés promote paying for two coffees instead of one?
5 What does the writer conclude will transform the world?
___ / 5

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8 Choose the correct options.
1 X: It’s good to exchange ideas like this. Is there any opportunity / chance we could make this a regular
Y: I don’t see why not. Let’s check our diaries.
2 X: The number you’re suggesting is higher than I was considering. Can we join / meet halfway on this?
Y: Sorry, but I don’t think I can go that far.
3 X: Do you think we could get this started as soon as possible?
Y: Provided my colleagues agree, I see no cause / reason why we can’t proceed immediately.
4 X: I’m afraid that’s a bit far / out of my price range. Could you show me another model?
Y: Certainly. What is your budget?
5 X: If you’ve got a moment, there’s something I’d like to run in front of / past you.
Y: Fine. Just let me finish up here.
___ / 5
9 Przeczytałeś/Przeczytałaś artykuł o tym, że młodzi ludzie, chcący kupić swoje pierwsze mieszkanie,
nie są w stanie znaleźć odpowiedniego lokum w przystępnej cenie. Napisz do redaktora czasopisma list,
w którym wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat przyczyn tego zjawiska i zaproponujesz, jakiego rodzaju
inicjatywy władz lokalnych mogłyby pomóc tym ludziom.
Twoja wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów.


___ / 13
TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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Unit 3 Grammar Short Test 1 Unit 3 Grammar Short Test 1
Group A Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____ Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 We would know much less about wildlife if Attenborough _____________ (not make) 1 If I _____________ (not read) the newsletter last week, I wouldn’t be volunteering
such informative documentaries recently. today.
2 People would have voted for Harry if he _____________ (hold) different views about 2 If I _____________ (not be) allergic to dog hair, we would have taken in a rescue dog
the economy. by now.
3 If I’d read up about the topic, I _____________ (be able) to better understand this 3 We’d have been able to invite more people to today’s celebration if we
article I’m reading. _____________ (have) a larger house.
4 If I _____________ (know) about the beach clean-up, I’d be there now. 4 If I had slept better on the plane, I _____________ (feel) much fresher than I am.
5 If the company’s attitude to waste disposal _____________ (be) different, 5 I’d have already bought one of these laptops if they __________ (not be) so expensive.
we wouldn’t have boycotted them. ___ / 5 ___ / 5
2 Choose the correct options. 2 Choose the correct options.
1 I wish I didn’t drop / hadn’t dropped Environmental Science at college – a big mistake. 1 I wish public transport is / were cheaper, then I’d catch the bus instead of walking
2 They’ve been discussing this for ages – I wish they will move / would move onto to college.
something else. 2 The neighbour’s tree is blocking the sunlight from my room – I wish they would / will
3 I wish I could / would remember where I left my house keys – I’ll be locked out cut it down.
if I can’t find them. 3 I rushed writing my essay last night and now I wish I didn’t / hadn’t. It’s full
4 There’s a job going in our Madrid branch – I wish I spoke / speak Spanish, of mistakes.
then I could apply. 4 If only people would take / take their litter home with them after a day on the beach.
5 If only I revised / had revised the effects of pollution. There were three questions 5 I really wish I would / could go to the lecture on Friday, but I’ve made other
about it. ___ / 5 arrangements. ___ / 5
3 Rewrite the underlined clauses using the correct words from the box. 3 Rewrite the underlined clauses using the correct words from the box.
but case long otherwise supposing case but happen imagine provided
1 If the weather hadn’t been so bad, we could have collected mushrooms in the forest. 1 I need to pass all my exams in June and then I’ll start studying at university
____________________________, we could have collected mushrooms in the forest. in September.
2 Global warming can be addressed, but that’s dependent on extreme measures being _________________________________, I’ll start studying at university in September.
taken soon. 2 If you saw an injured animal on the road, what would you do?
Global warming can be addressed _________________________________________. ____________________________ an injured animal on the road. What would you do?
3 If 10:00 might be too early for some people, let’s timetable the meeting for 11:30. 3 I’d have left the office on time if I hadn’t had to take a last minute phone call.
______________________________________, let’s timetable the meeting for 11:30. I’d have left the office on time,__________________________________ I had to take.
4 If the trains are delayed again because of the strike – how are we going to get to the 4 It’s unlikely, but if you see Mary on the way, could you ask her to get in touch?
conference? ________________________________________ on the way, could you ask her to get
_______________________________ because of the strike – how are we going to get in touch?
to the conference? 5 You might encounter some problems, so here’s a contact number to call.
5 Tom took extra science lessons. That’s why he passed the exam. Here’s a contact number to call in __________________________________________.
Tom took extra science lessons. _______________________________. ___ / 5 ___ / 5
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Unit 3 Grammar Short Test 2 Unit 3 Grammar Short Test 2
Group A Group B
Name: _________________________ Class: _____ Name: _________________________ Class: _____

1 Complete the sentences with had, should or were. 1 Complete the sentences with had, should or were.
1 ________ the company to win the bid, they would invest in alternative energy sources. 1 ________ there been more investment in public transport, there wouldn’t be so many
2 There would be fewer homeless people ________ the council made shelters available traffic jams.
earlier on. 2 ________ the opportunity arise, I would like to be considered for promotion.
3 I’ll be at my desk all day ________ you have any additional questions. 3 The houses would not have been flooded ________ they been built outside the flood
4 ________ the river banks not been strengthened, the floods would have been more plain.
severe. 4 ________ you have a moment or two this afternoon, we can discuss the matter.
5 ______ the director to have seen this complaint, he would have been extremely angry. 5 I would be very surprised ________ Dave to have followed up on this enquiry already.
___ / 5 ___ / 5
2 Complete the inverted conditionals with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 2 Complete the inverted conditionals with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
Add any other necessary words. Add any other necessary words.
1 ________________ (they / follow) our suggestions, we would see immediate benefits. 1 ________________ (you / think) it’s a good idea, we shall arrange another series
2 ________________ (I / not / check) the date on my passport, I wouldn’t be travelling of talks on volunteering opportunities.
today. 2 _______________ (I / not / leave) college so early, I would have got caught up
3 The family would have been able to afford the rent ________________ (cost of living / in the long tailback on the motorway.
not / rise) so dramatically. 3 The company would be able to start employing extra staff ________________
4 ________________ (you / know) about the meeting, would you have attended? (the director / sign off) on the contract today.
5 I’m working at the library this afternoon, ________________ (anyone / ask). 4 I wouldn’t know so much about the economy ________________ (I / not / take)
___ / 5 a course at college.
5 How would local people respond ________________ (they / ask) about a possible
3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. wind farm in the area? ___ / 5
Use inversion and the word in capitals.
3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.
1 If we offered a meal donation service, I’m sure it would be popular. TO
Use inversion and the word in capitals.
_____________________________________, I’m sure it would be popular.
2 If the delegates arrive before me, please show them to the meeting room. SHOULD 1 If you had the chance, what would you do to improve the levels of recycling in the
_____________________________________, please show them to the meeting room. community? TO
3 If the app hadn’t been successful, we wouldn’t be in such a good financial position _________________________, what would you do to improve the levels of recycling
today. NOT in the community?
_____________________________________, we wouldn’t be in such a good financial 2 I wouldn’t have been able to check on the weather details if I hadn’t downloaded
position today. the app. NOT
4 If I agreed to the plan in principle, what would be the next steps? TO I wouldn’t have been able to check on the weather details ______________________.
_____________________________________ in principle, what would be 3 If I had realised how much work was involved, I wouldn’t still be working on the report
the next steps? now. HAD
5 Would you have accepted the position if they had offered a higher salary? HAD ______________________ was involved, I wouldn’t still be working on the report now.
Would you have accepted the position _____________________________________? 4 If they send men to the Moon again in the next few years, it will be amazing to watch.
___ / 5 SHOULD
______________________________ in the next few years, it will be amazing to watch.
5 It would cut pollution significantly if companies were fined more heavily when they
violate the law. BE
It would cut pollution significantly ____________________ when they violate the law.
___ / 5

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Unit 3 Vocabulary Short Test 1 Unit 3 Vocabulary Short Test 1
Group A Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____ Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are two extra words. 1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are two extra words.
commitment initiatives lengths making momentum rose sidelines account empower making momentum occasion shaping slip
1 The problems that humanity is facing now are of its own ________________. 1 Having good role models to fight for change will ________________ others to follow
2 It is important not to simply stand on the ________________, but actively get involved them.
in helping combat climate change. 2 The industrial revolution had an enormous influence on ________________ the world
3 The winner of the award ________________ to the occasion and gave an excellent we have now.
speech. 3 Many people who achieve great things ________________ under the radar because
4 Some people go to extraordinary ________________ to avoid paying taxes. they do not like fame.
5 Increasing numbers of protests about fossil fuels are fuelling the ________________ 4 People in debt, because of being careless with their finances, are facing problems
for change in the oil industry. of their own ________________.
___ / 5 5 It’s the major polluters that we need to hold to ________________ for the poor air
2 Choose the correct options. quality in this area.
1 With so many bad news stories, the good ones often shape / slip under the radar. ___ / 5
2 Politicians should lead from / by example when it comes to reducing their carbon 2 Choose the correct options.
footprint. 1 My parents went to extraordinary distances / lengths to find an apartment in the city
3 The recent sewage spills have lifted / heightened our awareness of the potential centre.
dangers of open water swimming. 2 Good teachers will instil a(n) commitment / acceptance in their pupils to endeavour
4 Big companies must be held / taken to account when it comes to using recycled to look after the planet.
products. 3 The government has come up with certain advantages / initiatives to lessen
5 Overheard / Outspoken activists have made the headlines once again. the impact of extreme weather conditions.
___ / 5 4 We need to lead by / off example and not simply talk about what should be done.
3 Complete the adjectives in the sentences. The first letters are given. 5 The programme definitely rose / heightened my awareness of the increase in crime
1 There has been a s _ _ _ _ _ change in policy regarding tax benefits that not everyone in this area.
will be immediately aware of. ___ / 5
2 It is a r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ change to see so many younger politicians entering 3 Complete the adjectives in the sentences. The first letters are given.
government after the election. 1 There has been a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ change in policy recently regarding building
3 Unfortunately, much of the damage we have inflicted on the environment is on green spaces.
i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 2 The decision to cut benefits was sudden and d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and reflects rising
4 It seems a simple decision, but it is one that will have f _ _-r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ economic fears.
consequences. 3 The speaker talked about the f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ differences between people’s
5 Adapting to a new green lifestyle will require a f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ change for most willingness to accept charity and their desire to earn money.
families. 4 The u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ return of certain fish species to the river brings a glimmer
___ / 5 of optimism.
5 A s _ _ _ _ _ change in the wording of the law has enormous implications for free
speech. ___ / 5

Impulse 5 B2+/C1 Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2023 Photocopiable Impulse 5 B2+/C1 Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2023 Photocopiable
Unit 3 Vocabulary Short Test 2 Unit 3 Vocabulary Short Test 2
Group A Group B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____ Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1 In my opinion, people have become far too ______________ (material) and are mainly 1 One of the most important qualities in a friend, for me, is ______________ (loyal).
concerned with possessions. 2 In the last decade, I believe people’s attitude to ______________ (include)
2 The director did not even have the ______________ (courteous) to give me has changed for the better.
an explanation for his decision. 3 I don’t think I’m being ______________ (judge) when I say that what you did was
3 It is good to see so much ______________ (diverse) these days in the workplace. wrong.
4 We have to accept that everyone is ______________ (fall) and that it is impossible 4 My friend is very ______________ (compassion) and has adopted several rescue dogs
to always make the correct decisions. over the last five years.
5 I do not wish to show any ______________ (respect), but are you sure that all these 5 People should show others the same ______________ (courteous) that they would
facts have been checked? like to be shown. ___ / 5
___ / 5
2 Complete the sentences with the phrases a–e.
2 Complete the sentences with the phrases a–e.
1 People should not be concerned about ___ – just their own.
1 I’m afraid it is far too late to ___ at this stage. 2 It’s rare to meet someone like Luke, who never ___ anyone.
2 People who are patronising and ___ irritate me enormously. 3 If I’m in an argument or getting into trouble, my friend always ___.
3 Usually, a strong group of friends will ___ when there’s a problem. 4 Please don’t ___ – I’m not a child.
4 It is not always easy to ___, particularly when they are high. 5 If you ___ now, we’ll be in difficulties.
5 Toby is a very kind guy, who never ___ anyone.
a has my back
a has a bad word to say about b talk down to me
b talk down to others c living up to other people’s standards
c back out of the project d back out of the agreement
d live up to other people’s standards e has a bad word to say about ___ / 5
e stick up for each other ___ / 5
3 Choose the correct options.
3 Choose the correct options.
1 We are all ___ – it’s just that some of us don’t like to admit it.
1 He has shown great ___ by refusing to back down on what he believes in. A diverse B fallible C moral
A morality B inclusivity C integrity 2 During the meeting, I think we ___ a lot of bases and now we’re in a good position
2 Just say what you think in the meeting and don’t worry – I’ll ___ your back. to move forward.
A have B get C make A managed B studied C covered
3 There is a huge ___ between what the government is borrowing and what it needs 3 It’s not his ___ that I’m questioning, it’s his reliability.
to borrow. A disrespect B prosperity C trustworthiness
A commitment B discrepancy C diversity 4 There was a slight ___ between the two reports of the politician’s speech.
4 When the going gets ___, you need as many friends as possible to help you through. A change B discrepancy C range
A problematic B flaky C tough 5 It’s important to ___ up for things that you think are right – like the right to all be paid
5 I think we’ve covered all the ___, haven’t we – invitations, room hire, catering? equally.
A foundations B bases C standards A stick B lift C support
___ / 5 ___ / 5
Impulse 5 B2+/C1 Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2023 Photocopiable Impulse 5 B2+/C1 Tests ©Macmillan Polska 2023 Photocopiable

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