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I. A c11p11c11or •~ chul'J!.o:J by a baltcry 'l11c ball.

cry (a) 8 mC (b) 2 111C (c) 5 mC (d) 7 µ C

1s rcmn\'cd und nnulhcr 1dcn11cnl uncharged ¢,'EET -II 10161
cupnc1lor 1i uonncclcd 111 1>a rallcl The lolnl
!I. /\ porollcl-plotc cap111!1b .r nr.:o , I. plate
ulocll'l'-1lnllc cnerg:,o of rcsulung system
11<:ponituintland cnpu~ rilled wnh four
(n) ducrcnscs hy a fuctor of 2
d1dcctnc mn1enotll:M'7111 d1clcc1nc conslnnls
(b) n.'1t1Ums lhc 1111111c:
k1..t :. k1 und k, :is sllnmdn lhc figure If u siue,lc
(C) lll<.'l'CIISCS by o liicior of 2
dicl...:tm:.a!al1.:J'llll is 10,l,c US<.-d 10 hll\'\! the same
(d) mcrenses by n factor of 4 (.\'[;ET J0/ 7)
capoc~ @'1btiu1..t'i1pocitor. th,"11 11s dielectric
2. Suppose lhl.l churgc ,o f ti prolon and an c:k-.:tron C<n<~ji\1&1 by
differ slti!htly One of them ts~. the other i,;
(e + t\~) If lhc net of clcc1ros1a11c forcc and
gnl\1tut111nnl force bclwc.'\.-n two hydrogen alnnu 'f
pluccd nl a d1sloncc d (much tlfClllc:r 1111111 atonuc ,112
size) 11p11rt 15 zero. then Ill' u of the order cial (I •· ... :,: ;.;au:11 a:n:.i
HH~i~H;i~Hm~t•;~!~i ~!l!l
IGi\'CII 111058 ofhydi-oglltl n,• = I 67 < IQ 'b.}
(o) 10 ! • C:
(c) to•· c
lb) 10 ,. C:
(d) IO :o c
1 s1111u1u1111u,111t1:111u1!11
.. Piii;;:.: =j iiisi;:;=;P=;iii i

(a) k = k1 +k: +k, + 3k,

J. Thc diugro111s b,dow shO!II ~ ns of 2
c,1111polcnhul~ (b) k a (k + k + k ) + 2k
J I : ' '

: ·~:1 •r ..J»)·
2 3 I
(c) - • +-
Ii 111 + i 2 + k3 kJ
I I I I 3
(d ) k • k1 + k2 + k3 + lk-1 (NE/;i' -II . /'JUI--
IO V .IO V In.I,' 2Q V 40 V 'CJ V
/\ capocll<X of 2 µF 1s charged as shown m 1hc
/\ ,;.~l~,...,.IS

moved from A 10 IV
B in each dm[IJllm. \Vh;:n Ibo: SWIICh S IS tumc:d to posi110n
2. Ibo. p aca11.1gc of Ill! slon:d ~~y dL<Slp!lh:U IS
ln) In lill the: four cases the worl: Jone 1s the I 2
r-)_j _
(b) Minimum work 1s n:4ull'cd 10 mo\'c ,, in
figure (I)
(cl M11.~1mum work 1s rcquirlld lo mo,'\! q 111
fi[lurc (II )
VT 2~1 r•~P
(J) Mwumum work u r.:4u1red lo mow q m (a) 75% (b) 80"/o
fi[IUl'C (LI I) (,\'/:.'f.T JO 17) (C) Oo/e (d) 20%
(Ne'ET-1 20/6)
.a. /\n cluctnc dipole 1:< placed 01 1111 w1glc of 30°
with on electric field mtcnsll)' 2 ~ IO' N C 1 7. Two 1dcn11cal chllr[lcd spheres sttsp<.'lldcd from
II Clql<.'flCIICC:S a lorquc cq1111I 10 -I N m 1111: o common poml b)' 1wo mossluss slnngs of
chare,c on thc dipole. 1f the dipole 1s lcn1.11h.~ /, ore 11111111lly 01 o Jis111ncc ti (d · I)
2 cm. is opan h<.'l!nU.<c: of llu:1r mulual n.1111ls1011 The
p (l
chnr[ICS 1>..'gln lo lo:ok from bolh the sphc:ro:s 111 a

ii ll
,mnslunl role As a rcsull. the spheres npprooch
c.ich other wilh o ,-clnc1ty v Then v , -imcs as a
l\mcl ion or the d1s1nncc :r b..1wccn the sin,n:.,. ns
{n) " .. x- 1'= (h) v « x 1
{c) "°' x ,:
1 (d) ,, .. x K1 < Ii:
(XF.f.7:J 10161
8. A parullcl plate air capacitor hus capacity C.
t :L.; ,.___
dislnncc or scpuruuon bc1wccn plates 18 d and
polcnlrn l J1ffcrencc I · 1s npphcd bch\'\."C1l 1hc (a)
plnlcs. Force of altmcllon hc1wccn the plnles 0 ,_
of the para llel plu1e 111r capacitor 1s
cvi c1v2 civi cvi
t : .
(n) d (b) 2d 2 (c) 2d (d) 2d
~ 7
(10 /5 /
0 1r - .
9. If polentinl (in \'Olis) tn a region 1s c:xprcs....:d
n., I '(.r. y . =) =6x;v - ,v + 2Y-. the dectn c field
. . .
(m N/C) •• 1:,om1 ( I. I. 0) is
--- (o) -(2i+3J+k)
. .
-(3i+5J + 3k)
(b) -(6i+9J+k)
. . .
- (6/ + 5J+2k)
(]0/j / t
c clec1r1c field in a certom n:(IJon 1s ulnti
; .
mJmlly oulwurJnndis (IJWD by E,"a ,lr ~ (d )
conlum.,J in o sphere of radius •a ' c:cn~ailie
ong111 of 1hc f1elJ. will be: [11\'1:0 by
0 ,,,...
(o) 41U!✓la' (h) Ec,'lli' 13. A .:onducung sphere of radius R 1s s1vcn u
(c) 4111!/ lal (d) .y charge Q. ·11,c clll\:tnc polcn t1nl und the clcctnc
( ]U,.J C01,ce/ledJ f1elJ al the centre of the sphere rcspcclivdy nre
11. A parallel plate air ciplcifill: or..poc,111nce C ., Q
(a) zero and Q (b) 4 lll!oR und zero
com1ci:tcd to a cell of d I.uJI tho.-n di,coonorc•1,d 4,a,oR2
fr001 iL A diclcclliul3b df,d1elcctric cooswu J;.
which can just ill & •r gap of the capocttor. is _g_ wx1 Q d
(c) 411£oR 411£oR2 { ) both nrc zero
now inscmi8 ill I Which of the followine, 1s
incorreab (10/.I)
{a) U. lbll11ge rn cncrtty stored is
14. In a region. the potential 1s represented by
~! -1). I·ex. y. : ) = 6x - 8.l)I - Sy+ 6yz. where , • is in
,-oil< nnd x._v.: arc III mctrs-s. The clcc1rtc force
(h) The charge on the cnpmcllor'" nol con,cn,,J
(c) ·me potential dilfcn:ncc between the plates cxpcncnccJ by a clt:irttc uf2 cuulnmh situu1cd
dccrcnsc:s K times 31 puml ( I. I. I) 1s
{d) ·n,c mcrgy stored in the capiac1lor Jec.= scs (a) 6/5 N (h) JO N
K tamc.1 (1()/S Canalled) (cl 24 N (d) 4./EN ( ]()/./)

12, 'l\\'O thin d1elcctnc sl11bs of d1clcctnc eonslllnts 15. , I. 8 and Core three poinlJI III a unifom1 ckctric
KI nnd K: (K1< K:) arc 111scrtcd h..1w..,.,,1 plot\.-S field The electric polcnlia l ••
or o pnrnlld plate ca pacitor. 35 shown III the
lit1urc. ·n,c varrnllon of ck~lnc field E bc1w1X.11 II •II
the pintos w1t11 d1st1mcc d u measured from -------
plate /' 1s corrcc1ly shou11 by

(o) maximum ot C 21. What is the flux through o cube of side a if a

(b) some al oil the three points A. Band C point cha~e of q is at one of its comer?
(c) maximum al A
(d) maximum at B (NEET 20/3/
16. Two pith balls carryintz equal cbartzes arc
(a) ~ (b) ta (c) l (d) ~6a2

suspended from a common point by stnnp of (20/2)

equal lcngllb. the: equilibrium separation between 22. /\ parallel plate capaeitoc hos u uniform electric
them is r. Now the strings arc rigidly clamped at lield £ ID the space bc:tw~'ffl the plates. If the
holf the: height. The equilibrium separation distance bc:1w,:co the plates is d ond orea of each
bc1ween the blllls now become plate is, l. thcCDCl&Y !IV.Rd in the cap,citoris
(c1) E.£Ad
(KT_aim 1012. 1011, 2008)

(n) ( TJ1(b) ( ~ ) (c) f1 {d)f (ii] 23. l\vo ....Oi~ of radii I cm anJ 3 cm llre
are aiS'~ of-I • 10-:c and S • 10: C,
~ lrthcscan:cmncct.c:dbyaconduclin11-
C,1££1' 20/3)
-.ile. lie final cha~e on the bi~er sphere is
17. An electric dipole of dipole: moment pis alip.ncd (I) l • 10-'C (b) 3 • IO·'C
tQJ -1 x 10-: C (d) I x tO·' C
parallel to a uniform electric field£. The: c:ncr'!!li
required to rotat.e the dipole by 90° is /Mailu 20 I 2)
(a) p'E {b) pE n. /\ elw.~e Q 1s enclosed by a Gaussian spherical
(e) infinity (d) pl-..~ I surface of radiu., R. If the radius is doubled, then
(Kam a1al.a ,\-,;;a,)Jfl,JJ
18. /\ cbn~c: ,q is pliwcd at the celllls"llf Ille line:
·oioin11- two equal charges Q n. a.'ftlah of the
charges will be: in CeflllabriWRtq"is ~ I to
(a) -Q/4 (b) Q/4 (\) -.g2 (d) Q/2
the outward clcctric flu.'( will
(•) inc:re;ase rour times
(b) be rcdUlled to half
(c) remain the same
(d) be doubled
@ (
0:al'Wltaka NEET 10/3) 25. Four electric chaq_ics +q,+q, -q and-q a pl!j
It.,,. electric dipoll ol'toomeot p i! placed m an at the COJ1lCn of a &quart ohidl: U. (sec l!ll!!L
electric field otilllilmdtyC:. The di.pole acqwn:s The clectnc potential al point A . midway
a positio~'ffie axis of the dipole makes between the two aharges +q and +q. is
an anl!la 8 lliNli the direction of the l'ield. 1
(a) - - 2q (t + Js)
J\•4• ~ potcntu,I c:ocrtzYof the dipole

Js) :□
., -<J
to bl! IICl'a When O = 90°, the torque and the
po1eotifil co.:IID' of the dipole will n:spoe11,-ety be
(a) 11Esm8, - pEcos8 {b) pEsin8, -2pEcos8
(b) 4~ (1+ ~
(c) pEsin8, 2pEcosO (d ) pEcos8, -pEsm8
(]012) (c) ~ ~(1-j;)
20. Fourpoinl c:baJ&cs-Q, -q, 2qand2Qan:placed.. (d) 7.ero (2011)
one 01 each comci- of the square. 1be relation
between Q and q for which the po1.cotial at the 26. Three c:borp.cs, each +q, arc "
placed al the COJTK.'TS of an
centre of t:hc square is zero is
isosceles triangle ABC of
(u) Q=-q {b) Q= _ ! sides BC lllld AC. Za. D 11ncl
q E are the mid pomts of BC
(c) Q = 'I' (d ) Q = -1 (20/1) and CA. The wort done ID talang o cbnrgc Q
q from D lo Eis

JI . 1\,-o pcunllel mdlll plat•-s IIDnng chnrgeil +Q and

(n) ~ (b) JqQ (c) JQ_ (d) 1.cro
4iwc,a Simon 4llfoll -Q face: each olh<.-r al II curtain distance bctw•-en
lhl.-m If the plates arc now dipped m kcnosc:n.:
(Maim 101/)
oil tank. the elc:ctric: field between the plates will
27. The electric potential Vat any pomt (x . y. z). all (11) bcwmc zero (b) increase
in metres in space is gi,,m by V; 4x' ,'OIL The (c) decrease (d) n.'ltMlin same
electric field at tbc point ( I. O. 2) in ,'Oltlmetcr. is rMai111 20/0J
(a) 8 olonll ncgath'I: X-axis 3
(b) II along po,iiti,'I: .\"-ax11 .Jl. lb,: electric field nl II diJtana: ; fr11111 tbc centre
(c) 16 along IM.11J11iw X-ax1J of II charged oonducting sphcrfoal shell of radius
(d) 16 along pcmlJ\'O X-oxis (Mai111 10 II J R is £ The cloct.ric fiehl Rid dilltancc !!. from
28. 1\vo po"ili\'c: ion". each canymg a charge q. an: 2
the centre: or tbc sphcnut
s•'ll:lrated by 11 d1.slnnoc d If F 11 the foiu of
repulsion between the ions . the number or (a) 1.cro (b) E "''
~ _S> (d) -E
electrons mil<Smg from ca.c h 100 will be 2 3
(Maim 20/0)
(c• being the charge on on electron)
». Three c o ~ sphcrfcol shell• M\'O radii a, b
(a) --''=""""-
(h) J '5f
- 11nd e1 (II < • • er
and ha vc surface: charge
t2 Jcnsill~aand arc,pccti\'ely. lfl~. r·,anJ
~~11moit'111e potential8 or the thr•-c shells, then,
o 47WoFd2 fol c-c,tb. we how
(ll) (J) ( 10 /0)

q- la) , . _ , .
..C I
,t , .
(h) I'
otrI ,ti •'
bi)) I" .. , ... ,. (d) 1· .. , . ot l"
29. /\ sqW1rc surface or sulc l meter m the plane of C • ; t: ,1 '
the: pap.-:r is placed in II uniform electric l!!lit (1009)
E(volt/m) along the same plant al Ii) • II. Three: capacitors each or capncitoncc C and of
angle Owith the hori1.ontal side of the squilc ff bn:al.down \'Oltogc J• ore joined in series. The
shown m figure. capa citance and breakdown voltage of the
oombina.tion will be
(a) JC.3 (b)
3 . 3V
(c) lC. 31 ·
(d) 3·3
l!t "lbc electric potcnual nt a pomt (.r. y. : ) is giwn
by l '=-.ry - .rz' + 4
1ne clcctnc field at thnt pomt is
The: clectolfllm.: linked t.o the surface. in units
of \ 'Olt ■ is J
(a) E= 1 + (x' + l> + k (le - 1•1)
(a) EV (bl £/,!cosO
- •11
(b) £=1 : + .c:i,z +k r
., .
(o) ~ (d) (20/0) - -, J f "
(c) £ = 1( -: )+J ,ry 1 + k 3: 1x
JO. /\ series combination of 11 1 eapacllon. each of ·1···
(d) E.; ,I (LI)' +: ) + .r· + k Jx:· (2009)
,·otuc C1, 11 charg~-d by a IIOUfcc of pot.ential 36. A thin c:ooductmg ring of ,1
diJTcrer1cc 4V. WhcnllflOlhcrpon1lld combmat100 111d1us R is gi,'l:n a char(!e K
of II: capacitors. each of \'aluc C~ is charged by -+Q. The clcctnc field at the ,
a source of potential diJTcrcncc V. it has the 5IJllC centre: 0 of the ring due to C .....b]· ······ B
(Iola!) CIICll!)' stored m iL os the first combination the charge oo the part ,IKB ,
hu . The value ofC:. in terms ofC.- is then of the ring 1s £ The electric '
2C1 n, field ol the centre due to the L>
(a) (b) 16 ~ C.1 charge on the part , IC DB of the ring is
11 11
1 2 "• (a) /£ along KO (b) 3£ nlonl!, OK
(J) l6C1 (20/0) (c) 3£ along KO (d) £ along OK
"1"~ (2008)

J7. lbe ck-.:lric potcnlial ot o point in free space
Jue to charge Q coulomb 1s Q x IO 11 \'Oils The
electric field ut thnt point 1s
-=. V IC1Jen
411e.Q x 1011 ,-olt/m
12n:e,Q ~ IO" ,-olt/m
I ( h) -3 Cv'.
(o) 411e.Q >< 10" ,-olt/m 4 4

(d) I 2ite,Q" 10'" ,'Olt/m (10(}8/ (C) .!.cvl (d) 2c r~ (1007)

JH. A hollow cylinder has a chruy.c q coulomb \\1lhin 42. A parallel plate air capacitor is churgcd to n
it. If/ is the cle.:tric Ou.x in units of \'Oltmctc:r potcnuol d11Tcrcm:c of 1•m ils Mier discl111111.-ctini!
11.'l.'!OCUIIW ,nth the cumxl um 8. the nil'( hnked the: chnrgmJ buttery the ~ between the
with the plane surfocc: A in 11nit.s of V-m \\111 be platc::s of the c.upn,,tClli .i., lllallall$cJ ll.'ling an
insuln tm11 handle. Al II n.11111 the potcnt in l
d1ffcrcncc hctWCt.'11 lb!! ~
(a) mcreas..-s (b) decreases
(c) docs 11111 change (d ) bci:omcs zero

(d) .!.(!!..-
2 f
♦) 4J. AnJliactOL-..tapole of moment i> is lying nlung
a!llldl,oo clcctnc field i. The work done m
t1a1ing- the dipole b)' 90° 1s
J9. Chnrtics I q ,mJ -q arc plawd nt pomlJI A :ind
00 /IE ( h) ,lip£
H rc,,x.'Cll\'1:ly which ore o d1slancc 2/. op:111. (' L~
(fl pf.'12 (J ) 2pE r2006J
the nuJpouu bctw~-n A anJ 8 n11: Wlll'K doa 1•
1110,, nll n chnrtic +Qalon1:1 the 11enucu'Clc CRolr a . A s<iuarc surface of
side l met.res 1s in the

~-- -W


plane of the pnP<,-r A
wuform electric field
E (voltlm), Dito m
the: plane of the pap.-r
1s lurutcd only to the lower lullf of the sqlllu:ITC'-
211t0 l ffllt.ol surface (sec figure) The t:lcctric Om: in SI umls
usociatcd \\1th the surface 1s
(cl -~ ,(ti)
...!!SL (1007; (a) El} (b) E/}11.E;i (c) EL112 (d) zero
6Jreol 471£ol (1006)
.40. Three ponil!c,._,,_ +q. -J.q ond +q ore placed
ot poin(J Da.~-a. =0). 1,r =0. y =0. : = 0)
untf (I • 'Iii , = O. z = 0) rcspcctl\'cly The
45. A network of four capacitors.
of c.upacity equal to C 1 = C.
c.-,c c,- ,c ... c. 0
,--i h
_i _ C, _

mogn'fulilr-Jnd Jirccu on of the dcctnc dipole a;e con~cctcd to u honcry os C,
mom~nt ,-c·ctor of LhLs charge assembly ore sho\,11 m the figure. The ratio
(o) ,fiqt_1 alonti the line Joininl,l points of the: chargo::s on C1and C, is
(,f = 0,y= 0. : = 0) and (:c • a. y • a. : • 0) (a) 4n · (h> 3122 v
(b) 'I" olon[I. the: hnc Jommg point• (.\' = O. (c) 7/4 (,I) 22/3 11005)
,, ,. 0. = 0) anJ (,r • " · y • a. z • 0) 46. As per the duil.lJllm a y
(c) ,r2qo
along +,r dirccllon po int chutic +q 1s
(J ) ,r' .ulons +y dm:cuon (1007) ploced at the on1.1,m 0 ;I
Work J ono m tnL:mg
,4 I. Two condmucr•. one of cupacuy C and Olh,'f another point chall!C
uthc:r uf cupacity C/2 arc e<1n"'-.:tcd to u I '•\'Oh -Q from tho: point A
both:ry. as sho\\11 m the figure l lic work done
111 churgm(I fully both tbc conJcoscrs 1s
(coordmutcs (0. ")I to
another point B
o•' -- -.. 8- - ·•

Ic:oordinatcM (a. 0)1 along the stra11_tht path AH Ill ldcnllcal cruugcs (-q) urc plnc,:.-d ut cnch comor:i
{a) 7.c:ro nf cube of ,t1dc b then clcctro,tnt1c potential
energy of charge (+q) which 1s pluc<.-d at centre

4m;1 a· ) · a
(b) ( qQ ~ of cub.: \\ 111 he
JQ;J, rcr.J,
}✓2 a
(o) (b)
qQ I ) a
(c) ( ~ : ~ 2 (d) ( 4J!Eo a l . -4 q 1 8✓2 ql
(c) JS 71E b (d ) 4 rcej, (100])
(]005) 0

47. Two chnr1.1c.~ q, and c ":... A copncllor of capacity C: 1 chnrgcd upto I· volt
q, ore placed 30 cm nod then conn,-.:tcd to an ullllllitr(!L'O c.,pucllor
upurt. u shown m of cap.,ctty C 2 l11c ftnnJ ra,.'IIIMII d1ffcrcncll
the figure A third 6
ucrou each \'111 be
charge q, ia mo,'Cd Si
ulon1.1 the arc of a 'I, ..E!_
circle of radiu., 40 'I, ... - - - --
(a ) c, +c,
n 30.:m H D
cm from C lo D.
Tho chunl,lC in lhc potential cnc:r-sy oflhc l)'"Stcm (c) (1+~
1s ..!!.L. k. where k is
~ s being 1!,l\'CD to a conductor Then
(a ) 8q1
D p&dhal is
{c) 8q2
Iii) lllltximum 111 surface
4H. A bullet of mas~ 2 l.l 111 hn,1ng a of ~ maximum at caitn:
2 i•C Through whnt potcntu1l difference musl ~ rem11m snme tbroul_thout the conductor
11 be nc,;clcrah:d. star11ng from rest. to ac:.(!ii~ (d) ma:omum S(lffl(.'\Yhcfc between surfoc:e and
u sp,-cd of IO 111/s ., centre (1001)
(a) 5 kV (h) 50 kV
A dipole llfdipole nnnmt p ts plo~-cd in unifomt
M SV {d) SO V l'J/ll,J/
ol.:..1nc field E. then l<lf<(tll! nctmg f"t 11 L< lll\\:11 hy
49. Anckctnc dipole hns the mopn1tlA~c

us q and 11s dipole moment 1s p,. O.Q pfliccd m ~l t=~t ~> f •fixE
u um fonn clcctnc field Ii.. ll'i.ts dlpote moment (c) t:p+i. (d ) t•f,-i.. (1001)
onl.l the dirccuo■ of'Uie l'tiilJ, the force on
Energy per umt \'olume for n capacitor
1d its JX>lenllal COCIJl\' iu-e rcspc,ctin:ly
area A and separ1111on d kept ot pl
2q ·E and muiin'lltm
dttrcrcnce I. IS (11\'Cll by
q ·E and p.,.IJ
I yl I yl
7.c:ro uncl miilt.ia.-n
(a ) 2Eo "'jf (b) 2£ 7
(d) q ·Ii 11111 iadatum /100-11 0

!IO. -~ each of capacity 4 µF nil! tu be (c) !cv l Q'

(d ) 2C (1001)
cunnated In such n wny that the etTccll\'c 2
l!ll(>l!CIIMKll 1s 6 µF llus can be done by
!11 . A clw'llc Q µ <: 1s pl need nt the centre of a cubo,
(n) conne,;tml,l all of them III scnes
the Ou.x cominl,l nut front each face wi ll he
(h) conncctmg them in pnmllcl
(c) com1ect111g twu III scm:.<and one in pnrollcl (a) .fl.. x 1o-6 (b) .Jl..x 10- 3
(d) connecting two in parallel and one: in scnes 6Eo 6e1,
(c) .JL
(d) .fl..
8£o (1001)
!11.. A charge q is located ut the centre of a cube The:
electnc lllLX throul_th any fuce 1s A charge Q is situat.c d 111 the comer of a cube.
2rcq 4rcq the electric llux pnsscJ throul_th all th.: six faces
(a) 6(4nc ) (h) 6(4 71Eo) of the cub.: 1s
Q .fl..
rcq q (n) -
(b) .fl..
(c) .fl
£0 Cd) 2t:o
(c) 6(4TCEo) (d) 6(4111?0 ) (]00.1/

!19. Elcclnc field al centre O or scnucirclc

or radius " ha,ing lmo:or c.harge
density /, g1nm as O
9 a
" · A particle of mass "' and charge q is pluccd ut
1\.-SI 111 3 uniform clc:ctnc licld £ and th.:11 rclca:;cd.
·1nc k111c11c energy nun med hy the par1Jclc allc:r

2), Alt mo,'lnl.l a distance y., 1s

(u) Eo{I (b) EfP (:,) qEy (b) q£1y., (c) q£y (J) tf£.11
A A (1000)
( /998)
(C) 21!£otl (J) rteoO
'7. A pomt Q hes on the pcrpcnJ1culnr biscclur nf
60. A cupac11or is ch:11'1!,cd with n h:incry nnd CUCfl!Y an clcctm:al dipole .,r Ji pole momcnl p If the
slorcJ is U Afkr WSL'Onncclm[I banc:ry another dL<l11nce of Q from the dipole- 1s r (much larger
cupncllor of some cup:1c1ty 1s connected m lhon the size of the- J1polc),.1hcn lhc clc.:lnc
r~rnlkl 1111111: first Cilflll~llor Them =l!Y :iloml field Ill Q IS proporuonat •
in cnch CIIJ>llcllor 1s (n) Ji- unJ r ) 00 I' and r 1
(n) 11/2 (h ) U/4 (c) p I and r 1 II) ,,-nnd r ' (1998)
(c) H / (d) 2V ,10001 '8. A po-1111 charge + q Iii ,ili,ccd nt Lha ccntra of 11
61 . Whal 1s lhc cffecl1vc uupno11nncc bctwccn cubc of s1d,,./ ·1nc clee1r1c fllL~ cmc'l!llll! from
point s X und r-> c• • a,,..-
... 1he cubJ;.111

{u) 12 µF r::-.-::1t-::-::J ,. _ .!J...

(b) 18 µF
(c) 24 µF
(d) 6 µF
X A t~
c I ,t.
(d) en
( /996)
'DI.: l!IICJ'l!Y slnrcd 1i1 a capacitor of cup11c1ly C

• l> µF
( li99J I 9'1 p>Mlllal I ' i, I.Ii \'l.'11 hy
62. When mr 1s replaced by u d1clL-.:lnc n\\.-diillld' CV CV 1
(D) (cl
CtlllSIOlll K. lhc 11\DXlmum for.ic of nllr8111111 2 2
hclwcun two churgcs 1c:p11ru1cd h\', lllu.aa :c ( /996)
(ll J IOCl'CMCS A. limes
70. 1\, o m<.1alhc spheres of 111J11 I cm und 2 cm
~ ~ rc:mnms unchanged 1.11\'-TI chnqzc.• 10-: C nnd S x 10-: C rcspc
(c decreases A. tunes
(d) increases A. 1 Li11111,'1 ( /999)
Jr they arc conncclcd by o conJuctini; ,
final charge on 1he s maller sphere 1s
6J. ~ ,rini;mi; un clcctro11
IO!,v1illl• another c:k-clrun. (u) 3 x 11r: C (b) -1 x 10- 1 C
the dcctmslnl1cif1111m1ullcncr1.1J of the system (c) I x 10- J C (d> 2 x 111-: C
(n) hccomcs an (h) mcrcasc:s I /995)
{c) deer_,'! (d ) rcmnms same
71. lb~-rc is an cloxtnc Geld Em x-d1rcc11011 If lhc
( /999)
work dnnc nn mm,n:1.1 a charge of0.2 C through
u. A 1>~ c condenser \\1th 011 between the a dislllncc of 2 m along n hoc mnkml! un unglc
plale.1 ~\cc1ric et>nslllnl of <111 K c 2) has a (,C)" ,,1th.r-.1x1s 1s 4 J. then whnt 1s Ille ,nluc or f.'I
cupuciluncc r
Ir the ml is rcmo,·cJ . lhcn (11) S N/C (bl 20 N/C
cupuc1111ncc ,,r
the ..:opnci1or hcc<,mcs (c) .Jj N/C (d) -1 N/C (/995)
C r. C
(n ) Ji (b) 2C (C) v2 C (J ) 2 72. A charge q •~ plae<...J nl thc centrc or lhc hnc
JOlnmg l\\'O L"XOCtly equal pcmlfrc charges Q.
I /999/ l1ic ")'l<lcm of lhrcc chaqzcs wdl be III cquihbnum,
6!1. A hollow insulnleJ conduction sphere 1s 1.11\'dl ,r q IS equal 10
u pos1L1 vc charge of IO µ<.: Whal will he the
(ll) -Q (hJ Q/2 IC) - Q/4 (d) + Q
elcclnc field nl the ccntn: of the sphLTC if 11.s (/995)
radius 1s 2 mclrcs7
{u) 20 µCm : {h) 5 µCm-: 7J. An clecim: dipole nf momcnl p 1s placed m the
{c) zero (d i R µC m : ( /9981 pos1tmn or s1nhlc cquihhnum m wuform electric

lidd of tnh.,mty £ This 1-~ rotahid lhroui!h an 75. Charge q 2 1s al the centre of II circular path wnh
angle 8 from the uuual position lne potenual mdtus r WorL: done m caJl)ing clwrgc q 1. once
011<.T(I.Y or lhc clccmc dipole in llx: fmal positmn ,. around 1h1< cqu1p<>tcn1ial puth. would b.:
tn) - pE cos 8 (h) pE ( I - cos 8) _ l _ xqlq? b - 1- xq1q2
(c) pf cos 8 (d) pE sm 8 (1994) <11) 4J1Eo r 2 ( ) 4m:0 r
(c) zero (d ) 1111inile , (/99-1)
74. 1l1e given ligurc g1,·cs electric lines of for•~
due to two charges q 1and q 2• Whal nn: the signs 7'. A hollow lll<!tnlhc sph,m: of rndms 10 om is
of the two charges'/ charg,"tl such that potcnllal of llll surface 11 80 V.
'In,: po1,'11t111l nl the CLillrll of the sphcru would he
(o) KO V (b) 800 V
(c) Lero ( /99-1)

77. Poml charges +4q. -q111111.~n: kepi on lhc

X-axu at point • l!I Cl. I ; u and x 2" Q

respective ly.
(o) only ~ 11 m stli'fi!c equilibrium
(11) '11 IS JlClSlli\'C hul q l I~ ncgallw (b) oil thr~c,i ;arc in stnhlc cquilhrium
(h) ,,1 is ncp,.,ti\'1: but q 2 is pos1ll\'C (c) alloftbo'~s nn: in unswblc equilibrium
(c) both arc oc1c1n1i,'C (d ) 911110 ol the charge, ts m equil ibrium
{d) holh arc prnnuw ( /994) ( / 988)

( ~K•l )
II. {b)
(a) 2. (b)
1.2. tc)
(b) ,... (b) 5.
(d) LS.

II. (d) 9. (d)
Ill. (n) 1.9. (n) 20. (n)
10. (a)

21. (b) 12. (c) 23. (b) 2-l {c) 25. (c) 2'. (d) 27. (a) 28. (c) 2'. (d) JO. (d)
<•> JJ.
(d) J,l
(b) J5.
(d) 36. (d) J7.
{b) ""- (a) ..7.
(c) lll. (d) 39. (c)
. ,. (n) ....
(a) (D) (d) (c) -tlJ. {b) (C) 50. (C)

!II. (b) 52. (c) 53. tbJ 54. (e) 5.5. (bJ ~-(a) 57. (n) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (b)
71. (b)
(d ) 65.
(b) 7... (c) 75.
"·(al 67.
(c) 76. (a) 77.
68. (d)
"· (d) 70. (dJ
Q.1. The equivalent capacitance of the
system shown in the following circuit is
3 µF


3 µF
Q.2. A capacitor of capacitance C = 900 pf is
charged fully by 100 V battery B as shown in
figure (a). Then It Is disconnected from the
battery and connected to another
uncharged capacitor of capacitance C = 900
pF as shown in figure (b). The electrostatic
energy stored by the system (b) Is

(a) (b)
+ -
100V .__+_ ----
.____,+~ <>-_
-- + -
8 C

A: 3.25 x 10-6 J

B: 2.25 x 10- 6 J

C: 1.5 x 10-6 J
D: 4.5 x 10- 6 J

Ans: B
Q.3. Two hollow conducting spheres of radii
R1 and R2 (R 1 > > R2) have equal charges.
The potential would be (2022)
A: More on smaller sphere
B: Equal on both the spheres
C: Dependent on the material property of
the sphere
D: More on bigger sphere
Q.4. The angle between the electric lines of
force and the equipotential surface is
C: 180°
Ans: B
Q.S. A parallel plate condenser has a
uniform electric field E(V/m) In the space
between the plates. If the distance
between the plates is d(m) and area of
each plate is A(m ), the energy (joule)
stored in the condenser is (2021)
A: .!_E0 E
B: enEAd
C.. 2eoE
1 2
Ans: C
Q.6. The equivalent capacitance of the
combination shown in the figure is:

C A: C/2B: 3C/2C:

Ans: D
Q.7. Two charged spherical conductors of
radius R1 and R2 are connected by a wire.
Then the ratio of surface charge densities
of the spheres (01/02) is: (2021)
A: (~)
B. Ii[
• ~

Ans: D
Q.8. Twenty seven drops of same size are
charged at 220 V each. They com1bine to
form a bigger drop. Calculate the
potential of the bigger drop. (2021)
A: 1520V
B: 1980V
C: 660V
D: 1320V
Ans: B
Q.9. In a certain region of space with
volume 0.2 m3, the electric potential is
found to be 5 V throughout. The
magnitude of electric field in this region is:
A: 1 N/C
B: 5 N/C
C: Zero
D: 0.5 N/C
Ans: C
Q.10. The capacitance of a parallel plate
capacitor with air as medium is 6,1,1F. With
the introduction of a dielectric medium,
the capacitance becomes 30 1,1F. The
permittivity of the medium is : (2020)
(eo = 8.8Sx10· 12 c 2 N- 1 m•2 )
A: 0.44x10· 1 0 c 2 N- 1 m•2
8: 5.00 c 2 N- 1 m •2
C: 0.44x1o•tl c 2 N-t m•2
D: 1.77x10·12 c2 N-t m•2
Q.11. A 40 µF capacitor is connected to a
200 V, SO Hz ac supply. The rms value of
the current in the circuit Is, nearly:
A: 2.5 A
B: 25.1 A
C: 1.7 A
D: 2.05 A
Q.12. The electrostatic force between the
metal plates of an isolated parallel plate
capacitor C having a charge Q and area A,
is:- (2018)
A: Independent of the distance between
the plates.
B: linearly proportional to the distance
between the plates
C: proportional to the square root of the
distance between the plates.
D: inversely proportional to the distance
between the plates.
Q.13. A capacitor is charged by a battery.
The battery is removed and another
identical uncharged capacitor is
connected in parallel. The total
electrostatic energy of resulting system :-
A: Decreases by a factor of 2
B: Remains the same
C: Increases by a factor of 2
D: Increases by a factor of 4
Q.14. The diagrams below show regions of
equipotentials:- (2017)
20V 40V 20V 40V l0V 30V 40V

A1-+-e.... B A B

l0V 30V l0V 30V 20V 40V 30V

{a) (b) {c) {d)

A positive charge is moved from A to B in
each diagram.
A: Maximum work is required to move q in
figure (c)
B: Minimum work is required to move q in
figure (a)
C: Maximum work is required to move q in
figure (b)
D: In all the four cases the work done is
the same
Q.15. A capacitor of 21F Is charged as
shown in the diagram. When the switch S
is turned to position 2, the percentage of
Its stored energy dissipated Is: (2016)
1 2
r - - - - - - - 0. o--- -
v·-- 21,LF


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