Telephone Phrasal Verbs

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1.- The following are common phrasal verbs we often use while on the
telephone. Match the correct meaning with each phrasal verb and then,
translate them:

1. hold on (g) a. put the receiver down

2. put (a call) through (e) b. return someone’s call

3. get through (i) c. answer a call, lift the receiver to take a call

4. hang up (a3 d. stop talking on the phone

5. call up (k) e. connect one caller to another

6. hang on (g) f. deactivate (a cell phone)

7. call back (b) g. wait

8. pick up (c) h. talk louder

9. get off (the phone) (d) i. to be connected to someone on the phone

10. get back to (someone) (b) j. return someone’s call

11. cut off (m) k. make a telephone call

12. switch off/turn off (f) l. wait

13. speak up (h) m. to be disconnected abruptly during a telephone


2.- Some phrasal verbs are separable (e.g. call someone back ) others are not.
Complete the chart below sorting out the phrasal verbs from ex. 1 and then
translate them.

Separable Not separable

Put a call through- passar la trucada

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