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Test I: Identify the following .Write your answer your answer in your answer sheet. Use CAPITAL letters. Erasure in any
form is incorrect.
1. It is the instinctive highly functional knowledge, understanding and control of language usage rules.
2.It is an integral part of society, it connects us and helps us to have better communication and
transmission of information to each other.
3.The ability to grasp words and language.
4. The use of language, words, gestures, sentences, and writing to produce a message or transmit a meaning5. It is
the oral mode's expressive capability.
6. It is the process of observing, evaluating, interpreting, and building meaning from visual pictures, and it is essential for
enhancing the understanding of printed and non-print sources.
7. Capability to create effective visuals to communicate concepts to others.
8. These are the principal, most important, prominent, and essential extensive skill set in a specific situation.
9. Capability to critically think about the different picture compositions
10. It is the unconscious state of understanding of the language code, including its grammar and vocabulary, as well as
the standards of written representation
11. It is the ability to blend several types of language patterns into a coherent and cohesive oral or written text.
12. It is the study of spoken sounds and their physiological production and acoustic properties, as well as the anatomy,
neurology, physiology and acoustics of speaking.
13. It is the ability to detect and remedy communication disruptions before,during, and after they happen.
14. It involves the instruction and acquisition of the language considered acceptable to specific situations, predicated on
what speakers actually use as opposed to what is assumed to be used.
15. It is the objective study of what speakers actually know. It does not presume to tell them how to use their language
16. It conceives languages as a linguistic system composed of numerous subsystems, ranging from phonological,
morphological, lexical, etc. to sentences.
17. .It refers to the smallest grammatical units of a language
18. It can also be called speech competency since it refers to the capacity to carry out and explain communication
objectives based on the communication goals.
19. It is the analysis and study of how language creates meaning
20. Addition of an affix that creates a dictionary or a new word entry
21. Understanding of grammar involves how to arrange words in sentences
22. .Give grammatical information to existing words; they do not produce new words
23. It refers to both a linguistic system and a tool for accomplishing tasks.
24. It is the view of language as a tool of communication whose primary function is to develop and maintain social
relationships between individuals
25.It is the study of the creation and description of sounds and speech
26. Commonly derived from brand names
27. It focuses on the study of words, their formation (word structure), and their connections to other
words within the same language.
28. It deals with what the grammarian believes to be right and wrong, good or bad language use.
29. Creating new terms unrelated to existing ones
30. Assigning a single word to many syntactic classes
Test II: TRUE OR FALSE . Write the word true if the statement is a fact and FALSE if it is not.
31.Language is exclusively verbal communication.
32. All humans are born with an innate ability to acquire language.
33. Grammar only refers to the correctness of language.
34. Language is static and unchanging.
35. All languages have the same number of words to express concepts.
36. Language and thought are entirely independent of each other.
37. Language is limited to humans; other species cannot develop it.
38. All languages share the same sentence structure.
39. Language is solely a tool for communication.
40. Sign languages are not considered true languages.
41. All languages have the same number of phonemes.
42. Grammar is the same in every language.
43. Language and communication are synonymous.
44. Languages are only spoken; they are never written.
45. Language acquisition is limited to childhood.
46. Languages can be objectively ranked based on complexity.
47. Language is only a human phenomenon.
48. All words have a one-to-one translation between languages.
49. Language is only about conveying information; it doesn't involve emotions.
50. Language is an intricate human phenomenon.
TEST III: Identify the purpose of language on each of the following scenarios.
51. Two students are engaging in a conversation, and one of them is struggling to find the right words to express a
complex idea. The other student helps by providing alternative words and phrases.
52. A language class is discussing cultural differences in communication styles. The teacher encourages students to
share personal experiences and observations about how language is used in various social contexts.
53. During a group discussion, a student realizes they made a grammatical error while expressing their opinion. The
student quickly corrects the error and continues the conversation seamlessly.
54. A language teacher assigns a project requiring students to create a dialogue that accurately reflects a real-life
conversation. The students must pay attention to details such as turn-taking and coherence.
55. A language learner is visiting a country where the cultural norms around greetings differ significantly from their
home country. The learner adapts their greetings to match the local customs.
56. A student is participating in a language exchange program and encounters a word they don't know. Instead of
resorting to their native language, the student uses gestures and context to convey their message.
57. In a formal presentation, a student uses appropriate register and tone, tailoring their language to suit the
professional setting.
58. During a conversation, there's a misunderstanding between two students. One of them clarifies the meaning by
providing additional information and context to resolve the confusion.
59. A language teacher incorporates role-playing activities in the classroom, where students take on different social
roles to simulate real-life communication scenarios.
60. A student is struggling to express themselves in a way that is culturally sensitive. Another student offers guidance on
how to adjust their language to avoid unintentional offense.
TEST IV: Identify the different views of language on each of the following scenarios.
61. Language is examined as a system of rules and patterns, emphasizing the analysis of linguistic structures and forms.
62.The primary focus is on how language functions in communication, with an emphasis on the practical use of language
to achieve goals.
63. The emphasis is on the social aspects of language use, including how language is shaped by and shapes social
64. Linguistic structures and patterns are analyzed to understand the inherent system governing language.
65. The primary concern is how language is used in real-life situations, focusing on the dynamic and interactive nature of
66. The analysis centers on the roles and functions of linguistic elements in achieving effective communication.
67. The primary goal is to understand language as a tool for expressing and negotiating social identities and
68. There's a focus on the practical and communicative functions of language, examining how language serves specific
purposes in different contexts.
69. Language is viewed as a dynamic tool for interaction, with an emphasis on the negotiation of meaning in social
70. The analysis involves looking at how linguistic elements contribute to the overall structure and organization of
TEST V. Identify the violation from the point of view of prescriptive grammar. For each sentence, (a) identify the
violation, (b) give the preferred prescriptive form, and (c) provide the prescriptive grammar rule.
71-73. I seen him at the party last night
74-76. Over there is the guy who I went to the party with
77-79. Bill and me went to the store.
80-82. There's some boxes left on the porch
83-85. To boldly go where no one has gone before
86-88. I have little idea about the project than my friend .
89-91. The teacher asked the students to give the difference prescriptive grammar among descriptive ramar.
92-94. My mother is a well example of a good parent.
95-97.I have a great number of funds to be given to the charity
98-100.I seen him at the party last night

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