Statistical Modelingof Hydraulicand Mechanical Propertiesof Pervious Concrete Using NDTs

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Statistical Modeling of Hydraulic and Mechanical Properties of Pervious

Concrete Using Nondestructive Tests

Article in Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering · March 2018

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002268.


5 2,703

3 authors:

Kamran Amini Xuhao Wang

Iowa State University Chang'an University


Norbert Delatte
Oklahoma State University - Stillwater


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Statistical Modeling of Hydraulic and Mechanical
Properties of Pervious Concrete Using
Nondestructive Tests
Kamran Amini, S.M.ASCE 1; Xuhao Wang, Ph.D. 2; and Norbert Delatte, P.E., F.ASCE 3

Abstract: Because of its lower mechanical properties and durability compared to normal concrete, pervious concrete demands better quality
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control and greater inspection efforts to remain functional. Nondestructive tests (NDTs), ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) in particular, were
used to increase the effectiveness of the quality assurance of pervious pavements. Predictive models for hydraulic conductivity (main feature)
and compressive strength (main concern) of pervious specimens were derived using only UPV combined with total void ratio. The results
confirm that UPV offers a technique for rapid assessment of in-place properties of pervious concrete, either to supplement or replace core
testing in some cases. Combined use of UPV and void ratio was found to outperform the models based on a single test result. Based on the
obtained results, statistical models were put forward for predictions of pervious concrete’s hydraulic conductivity and compressive strength.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002268. © 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Pervious concrete; Hydraulic conductivity; Compressive strength; Nondestructive tests; Predictive modeling.

Introduction In this direction, nondestructive test (NDT) methods are ad-

equate tools to predict the in situ properties of concrete without
Pervious concrete is recognized as a stormwater runoff manage- the need for in situ sampling. Although many research studies
ment tool mainly because of its potential to infiltrate large can be found regarding the application of NDT on conventional
quantities of water through its connected porous media. It is com- concrete (Amini et al. 2016; Jin and Li 2001; Malhotra and
posed of a relatively uniform size of coarse aggregate with little or Carino 2004; Washer and Fuchs 2004) and self-consolidating con-
no fine aggregate in the concrete mixture, leading to a more porous crete (Calabrese et al. 2015; El Mir and Nehme 2015; Wang et al.
structure. Depending on the application, the porous media consists 2015), to date, there has been little research on the suitability of
of 11–35% of the volume of the concrete (Schaefer et al. 2006; NDT methods to pervious concrete. Some previous similar, but
Tennis et al. 2004). This high porosity is necessary to allow for limited tests were conducted by Delatte et al. (2009) and Amini
water infiltration through pervious concrete. However, it leads to et al. (2014). Their research found the application of ultrasonic
lower strength and durability than those of conventional concrete pulse velocity (UPV) suitable for the evaluation of pervious
(Beeldens et al. 2003). Consequently, the majority of research con- concrete structural and hydrological properties. In addition, they
ducted on pervious concrete has focused on its pore system reported an exponential relationship between void ratio and HC.
(Kayhanian et al. 2012; Luck et al. 2006; Neithalath et al. 2006, Chandrappa and Biligiri (2016) applied UPV to investigate the
2010), improvements in its strength (Chindaprasirt et al. 2008; effect of mix parameters on the pore properties and modulus of
Deo and Neithalath 2010, 2011; Lian et al. 2011), its flow proper- pervious concrete. According to their results, they reported the suit-
ties (Kayhanian et al. 2012; Luck et al. 2006), and mixture propor- ability of the UPV application in pervious concrete pavements for
tioning (Ćosić et al. 2015; Güneyisi et al. 2016; Gupta 2014; Huang the periodic assessment of structural and hydrological properties.
et al. 2010; Jo et al. 2015; Martin et al. 2014; Shu et al. 2011). Less In addition, in another study (Chandrappa and Biligiri 2017), they
attention has been paid to monitoring the durability and in-place showed that UPV can be used to assess the tortuosity of pervious
performance quality of pervious concrete, where estimating the concrete.
in situ hydraulic conductivity (HC) and compressive strength (CS) UPV has been widely used as a nondestructive tool to evaluate
is crucial for assessing the existing pervious concrete pavements the mechanical properties and monitor the in situ performance of
during their service lives. cement-based materials (Amini 2015; Ng et al. 2014; Popovics
2005). This test relies on the fact that the velocity of a compression
wave through a solid material is a function of the material’s density/
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental void ratio, modulus of elasticity, and Poisson’s ratio [BS 1881-203
Engineering, Iowa State Univ., 427 Town Engineering Bldg., Ames, (BSI 1986); (Bungey et al. 2006; Malhotra and Carino 2004)]. That
IA 50011 (corresponding author). E-mail: being said, considering the correlation of void ratio with hydraulic
Project Manager, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, conductivity and UPV, the UPV test can exhibit a strong relation-
Iowa State Univ., 2711 South Loop 4700, Ames, IA 50010. ship with hydraulic and hardened properties of pervious concrete.
Professor and Head, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The main objective of the present article is to use statistical mod-
Oklahoma State Univ., 207 Engineering South, Stillwater, OK 74078.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 9, 2017; approved on
eling to investigate the application of UPV to enhance the feasibil-
November 7, 2017; published online on March 16, 2018. Discussion period ity of quality control and inspection of pervious pavements.
open until August 16, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted for Therefore, predictive models for the HC and CS of pervious spec-
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil imens are derived using only UPV combined with total void ratio.
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561. The proposed models can provide an approach for more accurate

© ASCE 04018077-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2018, 30(6): 04018077

and simpler prediction of hydraulic and mechanical properties of aL h
pervious concrete. UPV and void ratio were found to be statistically k ¼ 2.3 log 1 ð1Þ
At h2
significant variables. Therefore, multivariate regression analyses
based on a combination of these tests results were conducted, where k = HC coefficient of permeability (cm=h); a = cross-
and corresponding models were proposed. The accuracy of the sectional area of the standpipe (cm2 ); L = length of the sample
models was verified through the prediction of independent data. (cm); A = cross-sectional area of the specimen (cm2 ); t = time
for the water to drop from h1 to h2 (hr); h1 and h2 = initial and
final water levels (cm), respectively; and log = base 10 logarithm.
Experimental Procedure The density of all the specimens was first determined by calcu-
lating the ratio of the measured dry weight of the specimens to their
With no prior knowledge of their expected hydraulic and mechani- volume. The void ratio was then measured by calculating the differ-
cal properties and no information about their background (e.g., age, ence in weight between air-dried samples and those saturated with
mixing proportions, and so on), 25 concrete cylinders were gath- water using Eq. (2) below (Park and Tia 2004)
ered from several field installations (parking lot, sidewalk, and so   
W2 − W1
on) by coring throughout the northern United States (Amini et al. Vr ¼ 1 − × 100 ð2Þ
Downloaded from by Kamran Amini on 03/16/18. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

2014). They were then tested for ultrasonic pulse velocity, ρw × Vol
hydraulic conductivity (HC), compressive strength (CS), total where V r = total void ratio (%); W 1 and W 2 = weight under water
void ratio, and density. A 10-cm coring drill was used to core and dry weight (kg), respectively; Vol = volume of sample (mm3 );
the pervious specimens with various heights ranging from 15 and ρw = density of water (kg=mm3 ).
to 20 cm. The UPV test was performed in accordance with ASTM C597
The HC, also known as the coefficient of permeability, of the (ASTM 1989). The test is used to estimate the uniformity, quality,
specimens was evaluated through a falling-head method, compat- and strength of the tested specimens through a direct, semidirect, or
ible with ASTM D5084 Method C [ASTM D5084 (ASTM 2016)] indirect method. The direct method is the most accurate method,
for porous materials. The details of the falling head permeability but impractical in the field, and the indirect method is normally
test setup is shown in Fig. 1. All specimens were kept in a water applied instead. The UPV test determines the required time for
tank for 3 days to be fully saturated prior to the HC test. The spec- an ultrasound vibration pulse to travel through a specimen. The
imens were then wrapped in duct tape. Since the diameter of the changes in the wave speed indicate the variability of the material
specimens was smaller than the diameter of the standpipe, speci- properties (i.e., density and dynamic modulus of elasticity).
mens were wrapped using a flexible foam material to adjust their All the specimens were kept at 105°C for 3 days prior to the
size to the standpipe. To ensure accuracy, the HC test was repeated UPV test. A direct UPV test was carried out three times on each
three times for each specimen, and the average was then calculated. core, and the average values were reported. The rough surfaces of
The HC was determined using Eq. (1) (Das and Sobhan 2013) the specimens were trimmed using sandpaper to ease the coupling
of UPV transducers.
Eventually, after all the NDTs were performed, the CS of the
cores was evaluated based on ASTM C39 (ASTM 2015).

Data Modeling

The analysis began with a univariate linear regression analysis. The

regression model is presented as follows [Eq. (3)]:
y ¼ Xβ þ ϵ ð3Þ
where y = response variable; X = independent variable; β = unknown
parameters; and ϵ = residuals. In this study, HC and CS are the re-
sponse variables, while UPV, total void ratio, density and an intercept
(constant) term are the dependent variables or predictors.
Linear regression makes several key assumptions that need to be
validated. The key assumptions are about the residuals (random
distribution and zero-mean value) and the normal distribution.
Based on this assumption, the residuals from any fitted model
should be randomly distributed with no sign of an identifiable
structure (Draper and Smith 1981; Hjorth 1993). If the assumption
is met, the model can predict the expected values. Therefore,
residual analysis is necessary before making inferences using
the regression models.
Four different forms of the most widely used models proposed
to predict the HC and CS, as a function of UPV and/or void ratio,
Fig. 1. Falling head permeability test setup (reprinted from Cement and in this study are (1) the simple linear, (2) the second-order
Concrete Research, Vol. 36, N. Neithalath, J. Weiss, and J. Olek, polynomial, (3) power, and (4) exponential models. For the case
“Characterizing Enhanced Porosity Concrete using electrical impe- of HC, these models are expressed respectively as follows
dance to predict acoustic and hydraulic performance,” 2074–2085, with [Eqs. (4)–(7)]:
permission from Elsevier) E½HCjUPV ¼ β 0 þ β 1 UPV ð4Þ

© ASCE 04018077-2 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2018, 30(6): 04018077

E½HCjUPV ¼ β 0 þ β 1 UPV þ β 2 UPV2 ð5Þ

E½HCjUPV ¼ β 0 UPVβ 1 ð6Þ

E½HCjUPV ¼ β 0 eβ1 UPV ð7Þ

where HC = hydraulic conductivity; E½: = expected value of HC as

a function of UPV; UPV = reported velocity of ultrasonic waves;
and β i = coefficients estimated from the data using the maximum
likelihood estimation method (MLE). For the case of CS, the equa-
tions are similar. These models were fitted to the experimental data,
and then the residuals were assessed. As well as these models, a
fivefold cross-validation scheme was used in order to build a series
of predictive multiple regression models.
For this purpose, initially, the data were randomly partitioned
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into five equal-sized samples (with five data points in each sample).
One of these samples was retained as the test set (or validation set),
and the remaining samples (four samples) were used as training sets
for fitting a regression model. This cross-validation process was
repeated four times, with each sample used exactly once as the test
set. This part of the study was also used to evaluate the predictive
contribution of predictors, their powers, and their interactions using
stepwise regression analysis (Krzanowski 2000). This means that
the statistical significance of the following exogenous variables was Fig. 2. Correlation among different responses
tested: UPV, VR, and density.
Further, to measure the quality of the models and to confirm the
results obtained by cross-validation methodology, the Akaike infor-
mation criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) elastic modulus (E) falls as density decreases and void ratio in-
methodologies were used. The model fit was optimized by mini- creases and also because of the longer path around the voids that
mizing AIC and BIC. These criteria were selected because they the acoustic wave needs to take. On the other hand, the effect of the
provide a trade-off between the model complexity and the quality aforementioned factors on the strength of the concrete is observ-
of the fit of the data, and they also highly penalize for overfitting able. The lower the void ratio is, the higher the density, and the
(Dziak et al. 2012). faster the ultrasonic pulse velocity is, the higher the value of CS
obtained. However, the relationship between these factors with
the HC and/or CS of previous concrete is not well understood,
Experimental Results and Discussion while it can highly improve the engineers’ judgments for quality
Univariate Models Using Individual NDT Results Fig. 3 shows two regions of quality as a function of void ratio.
Fig. 2 demonstrates the correlations between the variables and the The figure shows that all the pervious specimens exhibited a void
responses; the diagonal squares show the names of the investigated ratio higher than 18%. The regions correspond to Region I, which
properties, squares above the diagonal present the correlation co- has a HC between 1,000 and 4,000 cm=h and CS between 10 and
efficients between the properties, and squares below the diagonal 22 MPa, and Region 2, which has a HC between 4,000 and
show the relationship between the variables and responses. From 8,000 cm=h and CS between 4 and 10 MPa. As expected, regres-
the shaded squares, it can be observed that UPV is highly correlated sion analysis of the results shows that there is a close relationship
with other investigated properties in this study. Given basic knowl- between UPV and porosity of the mixtures. UPV is normally used
edge of science, HC is known to increase with increasing void ratio to predict the total porosity of the cementitious materials. However,
[ACI Committee 522R-10 (ACI 2010)]. Previous research con- the relationship between the porosity and permeability of pervious
ducted by Delatte et. al (2009) and Amini et. al (2016) demon-
strates an exponential relationship between the HC and void
ratio. According to their results, Eqs. (8) and (9) can be derived:
HC ¼ 1E þ 08e−0.0012 Void Ratio ð8Þ

HC ¼ 0.0211e0.1056 Void Ratio ð9Þ

The reported R2 values using the above equations are 0.62 and
0.6 for Eqs. (8) and (9), respectively. It is clear that higher statistical
adequacy and model validation should be provided to generalize a
model. This paper attempts to increase the accuracy of the previous
models and predictability of the pervious concrete properties
through univariate and multivariate regression analysis.
For this research, it was hypothesized that the UPV would be
Fig. 3. Concrete quality classification results and relationship between
related to in-place density and void ratio, with velocity decreasing
UPV and void ratio
as density decreases and void ratio increases. This was because the

© ASCE 04018077-3 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

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Table 1. Univariate Regression Models to Estimate HC and CS from UPV
R2 Ftest
Model HC as a function of UPV CS as a function of UPV HC CS HC CS
1 HC ¼ −8.663UPV þ 30707 CS ¼ 0.0161UPV − 38.38 0.72 0.70 0.98 0.22
2 HC ¼ 0.0077UPV2 − 55.49UPV þ 101925 CS ¼ −1E − 06UPV2 þ 0.024UPV-49.95 0.75 0.70 0.82 0.24
3 HC ¼ 2E þ 27UPV−6.787 CS ¼ 1E − 16UPV4.8518 0.73 0.73 0.28 0.04
4 HC ¼ 2E þ 06e−0.00214UPV CS ¼ 0.0819e0.0016UPV 0.73 0.73 0.89 0.25

concrete has been discussed in several studies (Kevern 2006; Low of higher than 3,000 cm=s correspond to mixtures in Region I with
et al. 2008; Mehta and Monteiro 2005; Schaefer et al. 2006). In a void ratio between about 18 and 28% and comparatively adequate
other words, it has been shown that higher interconnectivity would CS. This classification is expected to be useful for researchers and
generally exist in the porous media of the mixtures, with a higher field engineers to estimate the strength and HC of pervious concrete
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total porosity resulting in higher HC (Ong et al. 2016). That being based on UPV and/or void ratio values.
said, according to the results obtained in this study, application of The statistical parameters found through the simple regression
UPV can provide an adequate estimation of the porous media, analysis of all four univariate models [Eqs. (4)–(7)] to predict the
which can directly point to the hydraulic properties (permeability) HC and CS are given in Table 1, and the respective regression lines
of the pervious concrete. The results show that when the mixtures are plotted in Figs. 4(a and b). The statistical values in Table 1 show
have a void ratio higher than 30%, the UPV is relatively constant that all four models are approximately similar. Before making in-
and less than 3,000 cm=s, and the concrete suffers from very low ferences using regression models, however, the validity of the mod-
CS (Region II, 4 < CS < 10 MPa). On the other hand, UPV values els should be verified. Figs. 5 and 6 illustrate the residuals of these

Fig. 4. Accuracy assessment of the developed different univariate models to express the relationship between UPV results and (a) HC;
(b) CS

Fig. 5. Predicted HC versus residuals for different models based on UPV

© ASCE 04018077-4 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2018, 30(6): 04018077

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Fig. 6. Predicted CS versus residuals for different models based on UPV

models versus the predicted HC and CS, respectively. According to The MSE of Models 1 (linear), 3 (power), and 4 (exp.) are 170,
the basic regression analysis assumption (mean = 0 and sd = 1), 179, and 169, respectively. Although Models 1 and 4 are approx-
Fig. 5 shows that the residuals plot of the exponential model seems imately the same, the lower MSE value confirms that the equation
to meet the assumptions the most. derived based on exponential regression is the most adequate model
In the case of CS (Fig. 6), except for the polynomial model, all for predicting the CS of pervious concrete based on UPV. Also, the
the residual plots are almost similar and possibly adequate for stat- small coefficient found for the second-order-polynomial equation
istical prediction of CS. However, mean-square-error (MSE) analy- suggests that the underlying physics of the problem can be ex-
sis may confirm which of the models can be the most adequate. plained by a first-order model.

Fig. 7. Cross-validation prediction results for multivariate model using combined variables to predict HC

© ASCE 04018077-5 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2018, 30(6): 04018077

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Fig. 8. Cross-validation prediction results for multivariate model using combined variables to predict CS

Multiple Regression Model The results of multiple regression, AIC, and BIC are tabulated in
Tables 2 and 3 for HC and CS, respectively. When fitting a model,
Four multiple predictive regression models (Models 1–4) were in-
adding new variables can possibly increase the likelihood of the
vestigated through different statistical methodology to find the
model; however, this may result in overfitting. For this discussion,
most adequate model. Equations for the case of CS are similar.
BIC and AIC are used to resolve this problem by introducing a
• Model 1 (univariate model): Hydraulic conductivity ∼αUPV
penalty term for the number of parameters in the model. This pen-
• Model 2: Hydraulic conductivity ∼αUPV þ β Void Ratio
alty is larger in the BIC compared to the AIC. Results from Tables 2
• Model 3: Hydraulic conductivity ∼αUPV þ β Density
and 3 confirm the previous findings by cross-validation analysis.
• Model 4: Hydraulic conductivity ∼αUPV þ β Voids Ratio þγ
As expected, Models 2 and 4 show the highest and similar R2 val-
ues. However, because of the lower number of the variables in
The cross-validation analysis was first carried out on all differ-
Model 2, as highlighted in Tables 2 and 3, Model 2 exhibited
ent models, and then AIC and BIC criteria were used to measure
the lowest BIC values for both HC and CS. Therefore, the results
the quality of the models to confirm the results obtained by cross-
indicate that the optimal model order is Model 2 for both HC and
validation methodology. The results show that both Models 2 and 4
CS, as the average test error was minimized at this model order.
produce a significantly better prediction of HC than the univariate
Finally, each model (developed by fitting to 4=5 of the data) was
model (1). Fig. 7 shows that Models 2 and 4 have lower dispersion
used to predict its corresponding test set of the data. The predictions
compared to Models 1 and 3.
are presented in Fig. 9. The best model is chosen as the average of
Therefore, based on the results obtained in this study, a combi-
the five and is presented as Eqs. (10) and (11):
nation of UPV and void ratio can improve predictions of the HC of
pervious concrete. In addition, backward elimination on this full
model showed that all variables should be retained. Similar infer- E½HCjUPV; VR ¼ −4.16 × UPV þ 239.909 × VR þ 10299.36
ences were obtained by fivefold cross-validation analysis. The in- ð10Þ
teraction variables (UPV × VR and UPV × Density) were not
significant in any of the partitions. Similar results were obtained
for CS prediction (Fig. 8). E½fc0 jUPV; VR ¼ 0.0082 × UPV − 0.5 × VR − 0.39 ð11Þ

Table 2. Statistical Results to Measure the Relative Quality of Different Table 3. Statistical Results to Measure the Relative Quality of Different
Models to Predict HC Models to Predict CS
Measures Measures
1 0.73 425 429 1,305,996 1 0.71 368 371 135,806
2 0.81 418 423 1,052,755 2 0.79 360 366 105,959
3 0.72 427 432 1,427,247 3 0.69 363 368 119,929
4 0.81 418 424 1,135,642 4 0.79 361 367 103,348

© ASCE 04018077-6 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2018, 30(6): 04018077

Fig. 9. Actual versus predicted values from (a) Eq. (10); (b) Eq. (11)
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Fig. 10. Residuals plot of the model proposed in (a) Eq. (10); (b) Eq. (11)

The average of the ratio between measured and predicted values core testing in some cases. One difficulty is likely to be coupling
for HC and CS are 0.97 and 1.00, respectively, which confirm the the UPV transducers to the rough surface of a pervious concrete
predictability of the models. There are, however, a few outliers. pavement. This can be eased by trimming the surface using
Overall, the proposed models appear to predict HC and CS data sandpaper.
with suitable accuracy, and may be useful for the prediction of
new data within the range studied in this paper. Fig. 10 shows
the plot of the residuals corresponding to the developed multivari- Acknowledgments
ate models using the UPV and void ratio. It is evident that the re-
siduals are randomly scattered around zero, indicating a good fit. This study is based on work supported in part by the National
Therefore, the proposed models seem adequate for predictions and Science Foundation through Grant No. IIP-0917994. The conclu-
inferences. sions expressed herein are the conclusions of the authors and not
necessarily those of the National Science Foundation. The authors
gratefully acknowledge this support.

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