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Date: Monday, 4 March 2024, 12:27 AM

COBMA1-11 Assessments (2024)


Market Day Event!

Earn your marks...

Display your skills, initiative and creativity!

1. Assignment: Market Day!

Faculty: Commerce and Law

Module Code: COBMA1

Module Name: Business Management 1A

Content Writer: Rhona Gericke/Monique Visser

Internal Moderation: Kapil Doorkapersadh

Copy Editor: Ingrid Viljoen

Total Marks: 100

Submission Week: Week 5

This module is presented on NQF level 5.

5% will be deducted from the student’s assignment mark for each calendar day the assignment is submitted
late, up to a maximum of three calendar days. The penalty will be based on the official campus submission

Assignments submitted later than three calendar days after the deadline or not submitted will get 0%. [1]

This is a group assignment.

Groups should consist of 5 members.

The following campuses are granted a concession of 7 members per group: Midrand, Pretoria and Tyger

This assignment contributes 20% towards the final mark.

[1] Under no circumstances will assignments be accepted for marking after the assignments of other students have been marked and returned

to the students.

2. Instructions to Students

1. Please ensure that your answer file (where applicable) is named as follows before submission: Module
Code – Assessment Type – Campus Name – Student Number.
2. Remember to keep a copy of all submitted assignments.
3. All work must be typed.
4. Please note that you will be evaluated on your writing skills in all your assignments.
5. All work must be submitted through Turnitin. The full originality report will be automatically generated
and available for the lecturer to assess. Negative marking will be applied if you are found guilty of
plagiarism, poor writing skills, or if you have applied incorrect or insufficient referencing. (See the
“Assessment Rules” section on the COBMA1 assessment page on myLMS.)
6. You are not allowed to offer your work for sale or to purchase the work of other students. This includes
the use of professional assignment writers and websites, such as Essay Box. You are also not allowed
to make use of artificial intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT, to create content and submit it as your
own work. If this should happen, Eduvos reserves the right not to accept future submissions from you.
7. One group member should be nominated to submit the assessment on behalf of the group. Multiple
submissions by various group members will result in an inflated similarity index on Turnitin.
8. Refer to Annexure 1: Market Day logistics for more information about the rules and logistics of the
Market day.

3. Section A

Section A
Learning Objective

The learning objectives for first-year students participating in the Market Day assignment include applying
theoretical business concepts to real-world scenarios, fostering teamwork and collaboration skills, and
developing entrepreneurial thinking through the creation and execution of a business venture. Students will
also enhance communication, logistical planning, and financial literacy skills while engaging in critical
thinking, problem-solving, and reflecting on their experiences for continuous improvement. The assignment
aims to provide a holistic learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge with practical application
in a dynamic business environment.

Assignment Topic

Students will plan, execute, and evaluate a business venture by participating in a real-world market event,
emphasising the application of business concepts, teamwork, entrepreneurial thinking, and practical skills.


The assignment will cover all learning outcomes and assessment criteria covered in this module. It will be a
two-part assignment, consisting of a report, explaining the business plan and a presentation. The
presentation will be the practical application of the business plan.

Full-time students will demonstrate their business concepts on Market Day on Campus. Part-time students
may arrange with their lecturer if they also prefer to participate on campus. All part-time groups must submit
a presentation including a reflection on their business plan. Full-time students participating on campus, must
submit a reflection on their experience and business performance on Market Day.

General guidelines when answering the assignment:

Focus on the quality of your responses rather than the quantity.

Before starting, carefully understand the assignment question and consider creating a simple plan.
Remember that the goal is to improve your ability to think clearly in business situations.
Be specific in your answers and avoid vague statements.
Address basic questions like what, when, where, why, who, and how.
Use headings, subheadings, and numbering for a professional presentation.
If writing an essay, include an introduction and conclusion.
Pay attention to spelling, grammar, and referencing using the Harvard style.
Be creative and original, especially in visuals; reference any images used.
Support your points with facts when possible.
Be detailed and specific in your analysis.
Include a bibliography to list your sources.
Technical Aspects

Assignment (Report)

You are required to produce one assignment (report) per group.

Your assignment should include a word count, table of contents, introduction, an executive summary,
conclusion and bibliography.
Your assignment should be presented in Arial, 12-point type, 1.5 line spacing. Ensure that you have
proofread your assignment and have run a spellcheck before handing it in.
Remember to ‘justify’ your document.
The referencing and bibliography are also important and should be included in your final assignment.
One group member should be nominated to submit the assessment on behalf of the group. Multiple
submissions by various group members will result in an inflated similarity index on Turnitin.

Market Day Exhibition (All full-time students in groups)

Each group will present and sell their product(s) on campus on the day as specified and arranged by your
lecturer and campus management. All rules and guidelines for displays must be adhered to and groups
must be prepared to explain and present their products and answer questions about their business plan.
Lecturers will evaluate each group against the criteria set out in the marking rubric. These groups must
remember that a reflection of their experience and business performance must be submitted on the due
date after Market Day.

Presentation (Only for Part-time students in groups):

Each group should make a presentation giving a summary of the contents of their report. Your presentation
should last no more than 15 minutes after which you will be expected to answer content questions.

Every member of the group must take part in the presentation. Not all members of the group need to speak
for the same length of time.

Any group member who does not take part in the presentation without alerting the lecturer in advance to
extenuating circumstances will receive a mark of zero for the presentation part of the assignment.

Your presentation will be assessed on its content (what you say) and also on your presentation style (the
professionalism of your slides and your ability to keep within the time restriction). You will be stopped after
15 minutes, whether you have finished your presentation or not.

Presentations will be done online in Week 5. Your lecturer will schedule the time for online student groups.

Marking Criteria

You will be awarded marks based on the following:

Evidence of detailed research and evaluation of a business venture/idea
Preparation according to the guidelines provided
Skilled application of Market Day
Originality – evidence of your own ideas and analysis

Plagiarism is a serious offence and if any part of your report is found to be plagiarised you risk a zero grade
which will apply to all members of the group.

Your final mark will consist out of the following sections:

80 marks: a single group mark will be awarded for the report.

Each group must complete the assignment (report) together and submit one copy for marking. All group
members will receive the same grade for the report. If there is a group member who makes no
contribution whatsoever to the report then the lecturer reserves the right to give that person a lower
mark, or zero.

20 marks: a single group mark will be awarded for Market Day Exhibition (Full-time students).

All group members who take part in the Market Day Exhibition will receive the same mark. Any student
who does not take part (without a valid medical certificate or details of other extenuating circumstances)
will receive a mark of zero.

20 marks: a single group mark will be awarded for the Presentation (Part-time students).

All group members who take part in the Presentation will receive the same mark. Any student who does
not take part (without a valid medical certificate or details of other extenuating circumstances) will receive
a mark of zero.

3.1. Question 1

Question 1 80 Marks

Your group’s task is to develop a comprehensive report for a business venture or idea to be executed during
the upcoming Market Day. The report should not only showcase creativity but also demonstrate a solid
understanding of the key business concepts, from market analysis to financial planning.
Your group must submit a Market Day report in Week 5, which will be assessed using the rubric provided in
Section B: Market Day Report Rubric.

The report must be structured as follows:

(Question 1.1–1.6 must be completed before the Market Day on the due date)

1. Executive Summary – (10 Marks)

Provide a detailed description of the chosen business venture.

Explain why this venture was selected. What stood out in this specific market?
Detail the research conducted to understand the market needs and identify opportunities.
Identify the target audience.
Justify the selection of a specific industry.
Express belief in the marketability of the products/services.

2. Product/Service – (10 Marks)

Evaluate the feasibility of the product/service.

Assess the demand for the product or identify a gap in the market.
Anticipate potential challenges.
Specify the resources required for product/service production.

3. Financial Projections – (10 Marks)

Estimate startup costs, considering materials, labour, and other expenses.

Set the prices of products/services.
Project expected profits and expenses.
Determine the quantity that needs to be sold to achieve profitability.

4. Marketing Strategy – (10 Marks)

Outline how the business will be presented on Market Day.

Describe promotional activities, advertisements, or special offers.
Confirm the visibility of prototypes/samples on Market Day.

5. Operations Plan (on the day) – (10 Marks)

Describe the logistics for Market Day, including setup, staffing, and scheduling.
Assign roles to each group member (Manager, Sales, Consultant, Finance, etc.).

6. Risk Management – (5 Marks)

Identify potential risks and challenges associated with the venture.

Questions 1.7 and 1.8 must be completed after Market Day

7. Documentation and Evidence – (10 Marks)

Capture photographic or video evidence of the stall setup, customer interactions, and overall
activities during the Market Day.
Ensure that documentation supports the execution and evaluation of the Market Day Exhibition as
outlined in the report.

8. Reflection and Evaluation – (15 Marks)

Reflect on the success and challenges encountered during Market Day.

Discuss lessons learned and insights gained from the practical execution of the business venture.
Identify areas for improvement in future entrepreneurial endeavours based on the day's

Remember, the report is a comprehensive guide that not only demonstrates your understanding of
theoretical concepts but also serves as a practical plan for the successful execution of the business venture
on the Market Day. Each element should be thoroughly researched and clearly presented to convince the
audience (evaluators) of the feasibility and potential success of your venture.

End of Question 1

3.2. Question 2

Question 2 20 Marks

Market Day Exhibition / Presentation

In this section, you will breathe life into your Market Day proposal by actualising the business venture. This
hands-on experience enables you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, emphasising the
significance of effective planning and adaptability in the business landscape.
For Full-time students: Your group’s performance will be assessed on the day, resulting in a mark out of
20. Please refer to the rubric in Section C: Market Day Exhibition Rubric.

For Part-time students: Your group will be required to present a comprehensive overview of your report
and findings, as if you were participating in a Market Day. This will also be marked out of 20. Please refer to
the rubric in Section D: Market Day Presentation Rubric.

End of Question 2

4. Section B: Report Rubric

Section B

Market Day Report Rubric


Unsatisfactory / Not applicable = 0

Needs improvement = 1

Satisfactory = 2

Good = 3

Excellent = 4

Outstanding = 5

1.1 Executive Summary (10 Marks)

3 2 1 0
Detailed Exceptionally detailed Detailed with a good Presents a basic Fails to provide a
description and insightful, level of insight into description with detailed description
showcasing a the venture limited insight or lacks
profound understanding
understanding of the

2 1.5 1 0

Clearly and Provides a sound Offers a basic Fails to convincingly

Explanation of
compellingly justifies justification for the justification with justify the choice
the selection with a venture selection some gaps
strong focus on
market relevance

2 1.5 1 0

Thoroughly outlines Presents research Provides basic Lacks substantial

Research on
research, identifying findings and research findings research and fails to
market needs and identifies with limited identify opportunities
opportunities opportunities identification of convincingly
effectively adequately opportunities

1 0.5 0

Clearly identifies the Identifies the target audience with a good Fails to clearly
Identification of
target audience with understanding of their needs identify the target
target audience
in-depth insight into audience
their needs and

1 1 0

Presents a Offers a basic justification for the industry Fails to justify the
Justification for compelling selection industry selection
industry justification for convincingly
selecting a specific
industry, aligning with
the chosen venture

1 0.5 0

Expresses strong Expresses a basic belief in marketability Fails to express

belief in the without strong supporting arguments belief in marketability
marketability of the or lacks supporting
Expression of belief arguments
with convincing

1.2 Product/Service (10 Marks)

3 2 1 0

Clearly and Evaluates the Provides a basic Fails to evaluate the

Feasibility convincingly feasibility adequately evaluation of feasibility
evaluation evaluates the feasibility with some convincingly
feasibility of the gaps

3 2 1 0

Thoroughly assesses Adequately Provides a basic Fails to assess

the demand with assesses the assessment of demand adequately
effective identification demand with demand with limited or lacks identification
of market gaps reasonable identification of of market gaps
identification of market gaps
market gaps

2 1.5 1 0

Anticipates a Anticipates potential Identifies some Fails to anticipate

Anticipation of
comprehensive range challenges with potential challenges potential challenges
of potential reasonable with basic strategies or lacks effective
challenges with clear strategies for for mitigation strategies for
strategies for mitigation mitigation

2 1.5 1 0

Clearly specifies all Specifies most Provides a basic Fails to specify

Specification of
necessary resources necessary resources specification of necessary resources
required for the with minor omissions resources with convincingly
production of the notable omissions

1.3 Financial Projections (10 Marks)

3 2 1 0

Estimation of start-
up costs
Provides a Provides a good Provides a basic Fails to provide an
comprehensive and estimation of start-up estimation of start-up accurate estimation
accurate estimation costs with minor costs with notable of start-up costs
of start-up costs oversights oversights

3 2 1 0

Clearly outlines a Outlines a good Outlines a basic Fails to outline a

Pricing strategy
sound pricing pricing strategy with pricing strategy with sound pricing
strategy with effective reasonable rationale limited rationale strategy convincingly

2 1.5 1 0

Projection of Presents a detailed Presents a good Presents a basic Fails to present an

expected and accurate projection with minor projection with accurate projection
profits/expenses projection of discrepancies notable of profits and
expected profits and discrepancies expenses

2 1.5 1 0

Determination of
Clearly determines Determines the Provides a basic Fails to determine
quantity for
the quantity that quantity for determination of the quantity for
needs to be sold to profitability with quantity with limited profitability
achieve profitability some clarity clarity convincingly

1.4 Marketing Strategy (10 Marks)

3 2 1 0

Clearly outlines how Outlines how the Provides a basic Fails to outline how
Presentation on
the business will be business will be outline with a simple the business will be
Market Day
presented on Market presented on Market strategy presented
Day with a Day with a good convincingly
compelling strategy strategy

3 2 1 0

Description of Describes Describes Describes basic Fails to describe

promotional promotional activities promotional activities promotional activities promotional activities
activities effectively with with good ideas with limited creativity convincingly
creative and
persuasive ideas

4 3 1–2 0
Confirms the visibility Confirms visibility Confirms visibility Fails to confirm
Confirmation of
of prototypes / adequately with with notable visibility convincingly
samples effectively, minor oversights omissions
ensuring a strong
presence on Market

1.5 Operations Plan (10 Marks)

5 3–4 1–2 0

Clearly outlines Outlines logistics Outlines basic Fails to outline

Logistics for Market
logistics for Market adequately with logistics with notable logistics convincingly
Day, including setup, minor oversights omissions
staffing, and

5 3–4 1–2 0

Assigns roles to each Assigns roles Assigns basic roles Fails to assign roles
Assignment of
group member adequately with with notable gaps convincingly
effectively, ensuring a minor gaps
team effort

1.6 Risk Management (5 Marks)

5 3–4 1–2 0

Identifies a Identifies potential Identifies basic risks Fails to identify

Identification of
comprehensive range risks adequately with with notable potential risks
potential risks
of potential risks and minor omissions omissions convincingly

1.7 Documentation and Evidence (10 Marks)

5 3–4 1–2 0

Captures Captures Provides basic Fails to capture

comprehensive photographic or photographic or convincing
photographic or video video evidence video evidence with photographic or
evidence of Market adequately with notable omissions video evidence
Day activities some omissions

5 3–4 1–2 0
Documentation Ensures that Ensures Provides basic Fails to ensure
supporting documentation documentation documentation convincing
execution supports the supports execution supporting execution documentation
execution and and evaluation and evaluation with supporting execution
evaluation of Market adequately with notable gaps and evaluation
Day as outlined in the some gaps

1.8 Reflection and Evaluation (15 Marks)

5 3–4 1–2 0

Reflects thoroughly Reflects on success Provides basic Fails to reflect

Reflection on
on the success and and challenges reflection on success convincingly on
challenges adequately with and challenges with success and
encountered during some gaps notable gaps challenges
Market Day

5 3–4 1–2 0

Discusses lessons Discusses lessons Provides basic Fails to discuss

learned and insights learned and insights discussion of lessons learned and
gained from the gained adequately lessons learned and insights gained
practical execution of with some omissions insights gained with convincingly
the business notable omissions
venture effectively

5 3–4 1–2 0

Identifies areas for Identifies areas for Provides basic Fails to identify
Identification of
improvement in future improvement identification of areas for
areas for
entrepreneurial adequately with areas for improvement
endeavours based on some gaps improvement with convincingly
the day’s experiences notable gaps

5. Section C: Exhibition Rubric – Full-time students

Section C
Market Day Exhibition Rubric

Unsatisfactory /
Criteria Outstanding (4) Excellent (3) Good (2)
improvement (1) Not applicable

Exceptional Clear Adequate Presentation Poor

clarity and presentation with presentation with lacks clarity and presentation,
Overall professionalism professionalism, some clarity, but professionalism, difficult to
Presentation in presenting the maintaining occasional lack of with notable understand, and
business venture audience engagement audience no audience
(4 Marks) and engages the engagement disengagement engagement

Outstanding Good Adequate Communication Poor

Communication verbal and non- communication communication lacks clarity, and communication,
Skills verbal skills, both verbal skills, occasional some information difficulty in
communication and non-verbal lack of clarity is poorly understanding,
(4 Marks) skills conveyed and lack of

Exceptional use Good use of Adequate use of Limited use of Poor use of visual
Visual Appeal of visual aids, visual aids, visual aids, visual aids, aids, displays,
displays, and displays, and a displays, with displays, and the and the stall lacks
(4 Marks) overall stall well-presented some room for stall lacks appeal any appeal
presentation stall improvement

Outstanding Good ability to Adequate ability Limited ability to Poor ability to

ability to engage engage to engage engage engage
Sales and
customers, customers, customers, with customers, customers, no
effective sales employs effective occasional lapses ineffective sales effective sales
techniques, and sales techniques, in sales techniques, and techniques, and
positive customer and positive techniques and negative negative
(4 Marks)
interactions customer customer customer customer
interactions interactions interactions interactions

Exceptional Good teamwork Adequate Limited teamwork Poor teamwork

Teamwork and teamwork and and collaboration, teamwork and and collaboration, and collaboration,
Collaboration collaboration with effective collaboration, noticeable evident lack of
evident coordination with occasional coordination coordination
(4 Marks) throughout the among group coordination problems among among group
presentation members issues group members members
6. Section D: Presentation Rubric (Online) – Part-time students

Section D

Market Day Presentation Rubric (Online)

Unsatisfactory /
Criteria Outstanding (4) Excellent (3) Good (2)
improvement (1) Not applicable

Exceptional Clear Adequate Presentation Poor online

clarity and presentation with presentation with lacks clarity and presentation,
professionalism professionalism, some clarity, professionalism, difficult to
in presenting the maintaining occasional lack of with notable understand, and
business venture virtual audience virtual audience virtual audience no virtual
online and engagement engagement disengagement audience
(4 Marks)
engages the engagement
virtual audience

Outstanding Good Adequate Communication Poor online

verbal and non- communication communication lacks clarity communication,
verbal skills, both verbal skills, occasional online, and some difficulty in
communication and non-verbal, lack of clarity in information is understanding,
skills in an online effectively the online poorly conveyed and lack of
(4 Marks)
setting conveyed through presentation coherence
online channels

Exceptional use Good use of Adequate use of Limited use of Poor use of
of visual aids, virtual visual aids, virtual visual aids, virtual visual aids, virtual visual aids,
Visual Appeal
digital displays, digital displays, digital displays, digital displays, digital displays,
and overall virtual and a well- with some room and the virtual and the virtual
(4 Marks)
presentation presented virtual for improvement setting lacks setting lacks any
setting appeal appeal
Outstanding Good ability to Adequate ability Limited ability to Poor ability to
Sales and
ability to engage engage the virtual to engage the engage the virtual engage the virtual
the virtual audience, virtual audience, audience, audience, no
audience, employs effective with occasional ineffective online effective online
(4 Marks) effective sales online sales lapses in online sales techniques, sales techniques,
techniques techniques, and sales techniques and negative and negative
online, and positive virtual and virtual virtual customer virtual customer
positive virtual customer customer interactions interactions
customer interactions interactions

Exceptional Good teamwork Adequate Limited teamwork Poor teamwork

teamwork and and collaboration, teamwork and and collaboration, and collaboration,
Teamwork and collaboration with effective collaboration, noticeable evident lack of
Collaboration evident coordination with occasional coordination coordination
throughout the among group coordination problems among among group
(4 Marks) online members in the issues in the group members members
presentation online setting online in the virtual
presentation setting

7. Section E

Section E

Plagiarism and Referencing

Eduvos places high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students and adopts a zero-
tolerance policy on cheating and plagiarism. In academic writing, any source material, e.g. journal articles,
books, magazines, newspapers, reference material (dictionaries), or online resources (websites, electronic
journals, or online newspaper articles), must be properly acknowledged. Failure to acknowledge such
material is considered plagiarism; this is deemed an attempt to mislead and deceive the reader and is

Eduvos adopts a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism; therefore, any submitted assessment that has been
plagiarised will be subject to severe penalties. Students who are found guilty of plagiarism may be subject
to disciplinary procedures, and outcomes may include suspension from the institution or even expulsion.
Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with referencing techniques for
academic work. Students can access the Eduvos referencing guides on myLMS.

8. Annexure 1: Market Day Logistics

Market Day Logistics

Market Day Logistics and Arrangements

1. Confirm the names and number of group members with your lecturer.

2. Submit a detailed description of your chosen product/service and how you plan to present it on Market
Day to your lecturer for approval (not more than 300 words).

3. Fill out the campus requirements form to confirm what you will need on the day, e.g. table, a chair, etc.

4. Check the list of items that will NOT be available on campus and what you need to bring should you
need it for your product or service. This will be available from your lecturer.

5. Make sure that you have read and understood the Do’s and Don’ts of the Market day.

6. Please take note of the type of products/services that cannot be approved and keep this in mind when
choosing your product/service.

7. Submit a list of identified risks that might be associated with your concept and explain how you will
overcome those risks.

8. Market Day Participation:

Only groups that were approved by the lecturer may participate.

Only groups on the nominated bigger campuses may have 7 group members. All other groups will
consist of 5 members. (This decision was taken based on capacity and number of students on the
respective campuses.)
Each approved group will receive a number to confirm their participation.
Date and time of the Market Day will be confirmed by the lecturer as arranged and approved by the
campus management.
Groups that are late will be penalised and will NOT receive an opportunity for another day.
If a group fails to present their business concept at the Market Day, they will lose the 20 marks for
execution and their assignment will only count out of 80.

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