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In designing a prototype for the diary system discussed in Section 7.2.

3, where usability
metrics are specified for testing, an appropriate prototyping approach would be rapid
prototyping. Rapid prototyping emphasizes quickly creating a functional model of the
system to gather feedback and refine the design iteratively. Here's why it's suitable:

Speed: Rapid prototyping allows for quick creation and modification of prototypes. This
speed is essential for meeting tight deadlines and ensuring that the development
process remains efficient.

Iterative Development: Rapid prototyping supports an iterative approach to

development. Designers can create a basic prototype, gather feedback from users,
refine the prototype based on that feedback, and repeat the process until the design
meets usability metrics.

User Involvement: Rapid prototyping encourages user involvement throughout the

design process. Users can interact with the prototype early on, providing valuable
insights and suggestions for improvement. This helps ensure that the final product
aligns with user needs and expectations.

Cost-Effectiveness: Rapid prototyping is often more cost-effective than traditional

development methods. By identifying and addressing usability issues early in the
process, designers can avoid costly redesigns and modifications later on.

Flexibility: Rapid prototyping allows for flexibility in the design process. Designers can
easily make changes to the prototype based on user feedback, evolving requirements,
or new insights gained during the development process.

Visualization: Prototypes provide a tangible representation of the final product,

allowing stakeholders to visualize how the system will look and function. This can help
facilitate discussions and decision-making throughout the design process.

By employing rapid prototyping, designers can efficiently create and refine prototypes
for the diary system, ensuring that it meets the specified usability metrics and effectively
addresses user needs.

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