Ent300 Individual Assignment

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1.0 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 1

2.0 My ENT Registration ...................................................................................................... 2

3.0 Project Description ....................................................................................................... 3-4

4.0 Business Model Canvas ................................................................................................... 5

5.0 Experiential Learning ................................................................................................... 6-7

6.0 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 8

7.0 Appendices................................................................................................................. 9-11


The purpose of this business opportunity is for introducing students to the process of spotting
business possibilities in the real world. A circumstance known as a business opportunity
involves an entrepreneur offering marketable goods or services to a potential customer. An
entrepreneur's role is to come up with fresh ideas and implement them.

For this business opportunity, I have decided to sell handcrafted accessories. I created a
handcrafted accessories such as necklace, pants chain, bracelet, earrings, phone charm and last
but not least a wired ring using variety of charm design. The prime reasons of selling my
handcrafted accessories for this business activity is that I can finally enjoy doing something I
am passionate about, alongside this charm accessories being a trendy accessory item nowadays.
This product is mainly targeting the young generation amongst the females also males aged 14
to 23 years old. This business activity took place on a business Instagram account and launched
on October 2021. Most of the promotional activities are posted there.

After a month of launching the product, I have received orders mostly from my mutual on
Instagram, with four pieces of bracelet, three pieces of necklace and three pieces of ring. The
handcrafted accessories that I sell has a different price of each item starting from RM15 to the
RM70. I admit that the profit I got from selling this handcraft accessoriesis not is not what I
expected in mind, but the entire business process was enjoyable.

The guidance I have picked up from YouTube videos is another important piece of information
that i have learnt from creating the handcraft accessories. It is crucial for me to educate myself
on the product I sell because doing so will improve my technical skills. In addition, I discovered
how to simply assess the size of my own accessories at home. In the meantime, I have
also discovered how to design a logo for the business I run, distinguish between a personal and
business Instagram account, and enhance my photographic skills. Therefore, mistakes are
frequently made in business, and I am also unable to avoid them. Most significantly, clients
have expressed satisfaction with the handcrafted accessories they have purchased from me.



The handcrafted accessories that I made is actually from using Crystals, Seed and Acrylic
beads, Plastic beads also Wires. All of this item I used is actually bought on Shopee, Lazada
and any Craft Shop. In the making of this handcraft accessorie it takes about three to five days
to be done depend on the difficulties and the design requested by my customers.

Initially, I started to making this handcraft accessories for my ENT300 subject during
my semester break on Syawal. But I am actually stating my business since October 2021. I've
always wanted to offer handmade items, but I have been discouraged by my dread of having
sales go unfulfilled and by the criticism I have received. However, this assignment on business
opportunities has given me the confidence to turn my dream become a reality. The handcrafted
accessories trend, where big colourful accessories are considered as attractive. Therefore, I can
say this as a supporting reason why I am selling this goods.

Additionally, I've made the decision to sell it online on Instagram. The target market
from all over Malaysia may easily browse the goods on the app, which is more well-liked
among the younger generation. Despite releasing the handcrafted accessories on October 2021,
I started a business Instagram account also on October 2021 with the identity @goldbeadz.

On top of that, I started making the first and second batches of my handcraft
accessories for my business in the late week of October 2021. My first idea for marketing was
to make the handmade bracelet publicly available as an accessory with a single pattern and a
defined size. However, estimating the number of the intended customer is challenging. The
idea of selling the handcrafted items on a pre-order basis has thus been revised. As a result, the
customer can request any design they want to make in their size. It will take up to five days to
finish their order, as I previously stated, depending on the complexity and requested design.

Promotions have also been done on my personal Instagram account because I

announced the existence of the business account there in an Instagram story. On their feeds, a
few of my friends have assisted me in promoting the business account. They may both
acknowledge my handcrafted accessory business by doing this.

Here is the calculation of my average sales for a month

In a month I managed to make five batches of handcraft accessories which are 50 pieces. So it
means that I have restocking my pre-order 5 times in a month. My modal for a batch is only
RM100 above so if five batches it would be RM500 above.

Simple Cashflow Record


1 10 RM65 + (RM15 x 9) 10 RM10 x 10 RM200 – RM100
= RM200 = RM100 = RM100

2 10 (RM45 x 3) + (RM30 x 5) 10 RM12 x 10 RM321 – RM120

+ (RM18 x 2) = RM120 = RM201
= RM321
3 10 RM65 + (RM15 x 7) + 10 RM9 x 10 RM230 -RM90
(RM30 x 2) = RM90 = RM140
= RM230

4 10 (RM18 x 3) + (RM45 x 7) 10 RM15 x 10 RM369 - RM150

= RM369 = RM150 = RM219
5 10 (RM65 x 4) + (RM15 x 4) 10 RM15 x10 RM 368 - RM150
+ RM30 + RM18 = RM150 = RM218
= RM368
TOTAL RM1,488 RM610 RM878



I can now identify all the good and bad aspects for managing my business after completing this
assignment. In addition, I was able to gain new experience, abilities, and information. This is
my first venture into business. I used to be terrified to work while attending school full-time. I
have a lot of things I need to be mindful of, especially in terms of time management. However,
my expectation went beyond that. Here is where I discovered effective time management.
Successful people are adept at managing their time between academics and extracurricular
activities. A Malay proverb once said ‘Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian’.
It implies that we should work hard initially before enjoying the fruits of our labour when they
are at their sweetest.

I also mastered the use of every printing press in existence. I initially struggled to set
up each machine, but now I can use it without any issues. Aside from that, I am also an expert
in the design-related software. I've wanted to learn how to design since high school, and
eventually my dream came true and I was able to make money doing it.

In addition, I get to develop my social skills as I have met many people with various
tastes and aspirations. Furthermore, having a good friend who is constantly supportive of how
I do business has helped me improve both my business abilities and my ability to deal with
clients and customers. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, we need a strong network. I
was able to transform myself from a timid to a confident young woman. This is because it takes
courage to stand out in the business world. I consider myself to be rather introverted. But once
I started this business, I was able to overcome the issue by stepping beyond my comfort zone.

Not only that, I believe I should develop more innovative marketing tactics such
as I need to learn how to advertise my company more on other social media platforms
like TikTok because many of their users are from the younger age, which loves customised
goods, especially handcraft item. In addition, I should practise writing material in a clear and
concise manner when advertising the company. This is due to the requirement that all
information be clear and correct in order to effortlessly pique the interest of customers with the
method we advertise a good or service that can catch their interest.

As some one who just entered the business world, it is more likely to do some mistakes.
Same as me I have recognised various mistake that I have made while executing the business.
Such as ready stock product. This is so because handcraft product of course has different size
of customers , so if I only do ready stock with fixed sizing it can make me lost my customers.

My second mistakes is I am not using any pricing strategies. My observations show that product
bundle pricing, price reductions for purchase along with purchase, and other strategies are
among vendors' most popular ways to draw in additional clients. In my situation, I needed to
have made delivery free for orders of three or more accessories. This is so because you would
understand how much the phrase "free shipping" means to customers if you were to browse
through online purchasing sites like Shopee and Lazada. The majority of the time, the phrase
"free shipping" would persuade customers to buy the product without second thoughts.

Regarding the selling platform, I had created a business Instagram account, which
brings me to my subsequent mistake. Before creating the Instagram business account, I should
have started by selling the rings on my personal account. In this manner, I would increase
interaction with and exposure to my goods. Starting a business account is beneficial, however
it is a nuisance because it will take me a long time to get followers and engage with users. In
addition, I think my account gets more engagement overall.

In my opinion, this bussines opportunity is an exhausting both mentally and physically

becauseI had to stay up all night long just to make the orders done. Not to mention that I have
a tonne of assignments and classes with deadlines that are pressing. I'm unable to present solid
thoughts because of the little time I have to do this assignment. But i am very thankful and
happy that the customers are nevertheless happy with their purchases. And last but not least, I
am also thankful of started this business since I love what I am doing right now. Even though
it does not appear like my business is doing well, I would never give up and will carry on in
order for it to expand. I also hope that I will be able to expand my business's product line in the

As a result, this research is crucial in locating the best business prospects that can contribute to
meeting the needs. Additionally, there is room for growth in the handcrafted accessory market
because adults and teenagers who favour modern fashion are always in great demand for them.

The profits of this business can increase because accessories are always the choice of
the people regardless of any season. Additionally, effective leadership is a must for growth
potential since it serves as the catalyst for achieving organisational goals. Therefore, research
should be done to determine our future strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and dangers
before starting a firm. By recognising this, precautions can be made to lessen the damage when
a threat exists.

I am so grateful because I learned a lot of useful knowledge from this business

opportunity that I can apply that to my future in business also I have gained numerous priceless
lessons from this business opportunity that I can use in my daily life too. Despite the fact that
I did not make much money from this venture, the encouragement I received from those close
to me gave me boundless enthusiasm to finish my entrepreneurial endeavour. The route may
appear to end here, but another journey is about to leave.



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