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Oceanbot Gruppe D Aarhus maskinmesterskole

OceanBot: An Innovative Solution for Sustainable Life Underwater

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal, SDG 14, "Life Below Water," aims to protect and
sustainably use oceans and marine resources. It addresses threats such as overfishing, pollution, and
climate change. The goal promotes conservation, sustainable fishing, and the restoration of coastal
ecosystems to ensure the health and resilience of our oceans for future generations. Our choice of subject
is based on the fact that Rasmus has a great deal of knowledge in this field of fishing.

A research question: how to reduce pollution in the water or how to clean up the existing rubbish.

Abstract - Ocean bot and human behavior

In pursuit of this goal, this abstract introduces an innovative solution by group D called “Ocean Bin”, which
represents an approach to addressing the challenges faced by marine ecosystems.

Ocean Bin is a waste management system specifically designed to reduce the impacts of ocean pollution.
This innovative solution combines cutting-edge technology, smart design, and community engagement to
effectively tackle the pressing issue of marine debris.

How does the Ocean bin works?

Ocean Bin is a waste collector and recycling system. Equipped with sensors and sorting mechanisms, it
efficiently detects, collects, and segregates various types of marine debris. By autonomously navigating
through coastal areas and strategic locations, Ocean Bin proactively targets and removes floating debris,
including plastics, fishing nets, and other hazardous materials that pose a threat to marine life.

The collected waste is then processed through a comprehensive recycling and upcycling mechanism
integrated within the Ocean Bin infrastructure. Utilizing advanced recycling technologies, the system
efficiently transforms the collected materials into valuable resources, reducing the reliance on materials and
minimizing the overall environmental footprint.

When the Ocean Bin reaches its waste capacity or requires maintenance, will the robot turn to nearest
pickup point, where a designated team of trained professionals deploys specialized equipment and vessels
to perform the emptying operation. This process will not will only take a few minutes and depending on the
maintaince process up to an hour.
Oceanbot Gruppe D Aarhus maskinmesterskole

Our solution to reduce overfishing.

Our approach to addressing the issue of overfishing focuses on the need for human behavior change as it is
not easily resolved with a robot. Restoring the resilience of fish stocks requires a tailored and
comprehensive strategy that considers various factors. Our proposed solution includes the following

1. Implementation of fishing quotas and regulations: We advocate for the establishment of well-
defined fishing quotas that prioritize ecological sustainability, taking into account the stock's
condition and reproductive capacity. Additionally, fishing regulations such as size limits and closed
areas can be implemented to support stock recovery.
2. Reduction of fishing effort: Allowing stocks sufficient time to recover necessitates a reduction or
temporary cessation of fishing effort in affected areas. By reducing fishing pressure, we can give the
stocks the opportunity to rebuild their numbers.
3. Protection of spawning areas: Identifying and safeguarding crucial spawning areas and habitats is
vital for the growth and reproduction of fish populations. Protecting these areas ensures the
survival of future generations, contributing to the recovery of fish stocks.
4. Monitoring and research: Continuous monitoring of population size, health, and behavior,
combined with scientific research, plays a crucial role in informing effective management practices.
By understanding the ecology and dynamics of fish stocks, we can adapt our measures accordingly
and make informed decisions. By implementing these measures, we can work towards reducing
overfishing and promoting the sustainable management of fish stocks, ensuring their long-term
viability and preserving the health of our oceans.

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