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Nowadays, more and more are being encouraged to get on buses, trains due to several reasons.

However, what are the benefits of this situation and what are the drawbacks? In this essay, I will looking
at both sides and try to draw some conclusions.

Let’s start by looking at the advantages of using public transport. One of the main positives of
using this sort of shipment is that it is more environmentally friendly than the number of private
vehicles. In other words, our environment is being significantly damaged by many private vehicles on our
roads. Besides, public transport such as one bus can carry many passengers at once, which can save five
or even ten private vehicles in some cases and is less harmful to our natural environment. This can make
roads less crowded, reducing air pollution.

Another advantage of using public transport is its low cost. For example, when riding a bus for a
month, it only costs 100.000d, but when traveling by private vehicles, typically a motorbike, it costs
400.000d, not including the cost of buying it and other fees. This can lead to public transportation
becoming more convenient and popular now and in the future.

Turning to the other side of the argument. One of the biggest disadvantages of using public
transport is not flexibility. To be more specific, when people want to go where they need to go such as a
friend’s house, store, center or so on but they can’t get off whenever they want. Because it follows fixed
routes, schedules and the bus stop or train station. This can lead to the reason why people still prefer
personal vehicles.

Another major drawback is that it can sometimes be unsafe. For instance, crowded public
transport can lead to uncomfortable situations, such as pickpocketing or sexual harassment, which can
compromise passenger safety. It’s because crowded conditions can create opportunities for criminals to
target unsuspecting passengers, and the lack of personal space can make it easier for harassment to go
unnoticed or unreported, affecting passenger safety. This can make them feel vulnerable and hesitant to
use public transport, especially during busy or late hours.

In conclusion, there are clearly both positives and negatives to using public transport. You need
to weigh up the pros of environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness and so on, and the cons of being
not flexible and sometimes being unsafe. Personally, I believe the benefits in terms of environmentally
friendly eventually outweigh any negatives.

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