Reso 25

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Republic ofthe Pilippines Region XIl Province of Cotabato PROVINCIAL PROJECT MONITORING COMMITTEE ‘Amas, Kidapawen Cty EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PROVINCIAL PROJECT MONITORING COMMITTEE HELD AT THE SKYROOM, ADMINISRATION BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MINDANAO, KABACAN, COTABATO ON AUGUST 17, 2023. PRESENT: 4. Dr. Francisco GiIN. Garcia - Chairperson, Academe 2. Engr. EmestoA.Solven - Member, Technical Adviser 3. Engr. Eddie M. Amir = Member, Technical Adviser 4, Engr. Dolores P. Arenas - Member, PICE 5. Ptr. Rogenio M. David = Member, Reigious Sector 6. Mr. GilB, Sabinorio ~ Member, Private Sector 7. Ustadz Saidamen G. Cali - Member, Kid Cty Musi Advisory Council 8 Mr. Manuel G. Jayme = Member, PDC-CSO REPRESENTATIVE: 1. Engr. KrisnanR. Panisa —_ Representative of Dir. AliB, Abdullah of DILG ‘ABSENT: 4. Hon, Roland D. Jungco __~ Member, Chai-SP Com on Infrastructure 2. Ms. Teresita. Gementiza - Member, PICPA RESOLUTION NO. 25 ‘Series of 2023 ‘A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FINDINGS, OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROVINCIAL PROJECT MONITORING COMMITTEE DURING THE CONDUCT OF INSPECTION AND EVALUATION OF THE FOREGOING PROJECTS IN THE PROVINCE OF COTABATO AND RECOMMENDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF PARTIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR BILLING OF THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS WHEREAS, presented for consideration ofthe Commitee are the requests ofthe Contractors for partial ‘and final biling of projects implemented inthe Province of Cotabato; Fund Oe Project Name Location und | conactCost | Contactor | Status | Moni Source Moa PARTAL BILLING DISTRICT! Conakurionat | Barangay Tos Pater aa resem MYER | ores | cnn |u| uid yan i I, ed : won oan ae Pate | onaing | August we bawow Gen. Fund | 46000848 | Constucion a — (PEO) 8754 ‘and upay_| 629%) | 9.2829 Constustondt Bata Egy Covered cout | Bar ov 2023 Servces and | Ongoing | August 3 Cored | te taderey | zur | M92478826 | consuctan | (550%) | 9.2023 and Sine Supp Scanned with CamScanner DISTRICT ‘Construction of 3K's Industrial Covered Gout | BarangaySan | cy 2929, Ongoing | August «\eareeacs | ee tana |S? | asnaerra | wane | MESS | a and Stage. fi a Beargay “eh Conzatng of cranes Ongoing | August 5 ‘Sibawan, 9,991,538.07 | Developer Barangay Roed | Kgapavan ty _| 20%0F and Supls | 6005%) | 3, 2023 Conauciono an | Soveescout | saangortom, 072023 | gaceasaer | ME% | Ongiog| Art winGbcchos | Pres Roxas [Zour | 49964042 | Devens | CSen) | 9.2003 and Stone er Tina Conaetngt | Barangay cv200 Orgone 7 490088109 | Hantenanee tt Barangay oad | Broongan,Nakan | 20% OF bees | (eo) | oth Concreting of Barangay Sallab, | CY 2023 Saha On-goir ‘August 8 | SarengayRoad | Magpet aowor | 49912091 | Montonace | Tssfom) | tt, DK TH . RS aa Conaetngat — Y Baangaytew | cv 2023 Ongang | nt 9 = 9.989,23075 | Maintenance 5} 10 Barangay Road | Abra, Mata 20% OF Serves. ine._| (929%) | any fone one Uspay, | CY 2022 JARGON ‘August Hanging Barangay Uspay, on ui 10 5,994,923.91 | Construction = Uppartiow | Ming SosoF i kao and Sup” | ©2208) | p35 FRAC BLI DISTAICTI Tealaon of] Puck 7 Barangay Baratne 11 |Sozrvismr’ Rovner, ] 2°72 | santstas [ocr | com, | Aman system Pigcawayan and Supply | Petes | 8.2023 DSTRCTH + EST | ROAR Taal 12 _ -~ DRRM Fund | 998,280.43 | Builders and Com | May 23, Powua, | Kidapavan cay , Evacuation Area. & ‘Supply = a) ‘Conereting of rangay cya Ground Font 113 | Lamitan. ‘Taluntalunan, 12,997,519.68 | oo BulocononRoad_| Mila ar ne [Senstuton | olted | hy Asphalt vi | 8 2s nds 4 Provacal Road | Barangay cv con | dno te ‘4oige0806 | Marten By Boundary Lina | Guanger Malila | 20%0F news | 22 Sur and Hew Sens, a aided Goering oT ar 15 | tingotiaaase | Banger uska, }¥2"22 | oosarsig | arenes | om, | “i Gastafoad Sends, mn Concetng) | Barangay wae BCS HE can. Ty a is | Aspnangot | Lnanged, 1490486028 | ates Provincial Road _| Kidapawan City. man ‘Senvces, Inc. | Peted | 2023 DETRCTHT onsaion TT pa Tie hi | Covredcourat | B32r32"omr— | ser amex | sagszren | pmancand | Som, | aus WosyaeS Sey ’ WHEREAS, these projects were monitored and evaluated by the member ofthe monitoring teams and ‘come up withthe findings, observatons and recommendations for each project WHEREAS, DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2016-04 enjoins the Provincial Governors, Cty and Municipal Mayors to require Project Contractors to secure the concurrence and endorsement ofthe Local Project ‘Monitoring Committees prior to the acceptance of completed projects by the implementing agencies; Scanned with CamScanner of Cotabato and recommending for the Pr ‘complshment and certict of completion fe biting ofthe above-mentioned enpropate soLvED FINALLY, to transmit °°PY ofthis resoluion to the Govemor for her Infomation and UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED, "hereby centiy ‘0M corectnss othe above quay Resolution, Proviciel Penning & Devt Heed, PMC Socetaay ‘Serbisyong Totoo” eh aT a, RMN OW, POET Towa TS TIS “Sse Foal Soe Scanned with CamScanner

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