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Cours en ligne par WhatsApp

Date : 14/05/2020

Professeur : Maliki Sanoussi DIALLO

Classes : L1 GEII S2

Objectif : Lire le texte et comprendre l’essentiel du contenu, enrichir le vocabulaire de l’étudiant,

renforcer ses capacités en grammaire et l’initier à la traduction.

Travail à faire : (work to be done) : lire attentivement le texte et comprendre l’essentiel du

contenu, chercher le sens des mots que vous ignorez s’ils ne sont pas expliqués par le professeur,
répondre aux questions de compréhension basées sur le texte, faire les exercices de vocabulaire
et de grammaire et faire les deux traductions.

Titre: Text: How a computer works

A computer operation is composed of five essential parts, and the simplified illustration shows
them in their relation to one another. They are the input, the arithmetic (or logic), the memory
(or storage), the central, and the output.
The input is the beginning of the computer’s operation. This is the way the machine is given
the information it will need to solve the problem the operator wants to be solved. The problem
itself is fed to the machine through the input, as well as any facts or numbers that should be
stored in the memory until they are used. The coded information that goes into the input is
called program, and the person who prepares the instructions for the machine and who codes
the information into computer language is the programmer.
Once the machine has been programmed, the central unit determines what bits should be taken
out of memory unit and when, what operation should come next and the whole progression of
steps up to the solution. Note that the central does all this according to the program it has been
given by the operator.
The memory is just that: a place where we store information until it is used. The arithmetic unit
follows the orders of the memory and is dependent on the information stored in it. Finally, the
computer has reached a solution to the problem, and is ready to give an answer, or to take some
kind of action, then this is called the output.

VOCABULARY: sens et explication en français de quelques mots clés du texte.

Input : entrée, données introduites, énergie absorbée.

To store: enregistrer, stocker, garder.
A store: magasin, boutique, stock.
Storage : stockage, mémoire, entrepôt.
Output : sortie, résultat, production, rendement.
To feed: (irregular verb) fed - fed: alimenter, nourrir
A program : un programme
Programmer : un programmeur
A bit : un bit, un moceau, une unite, un peu
To reach : atteindre arrive à
A kind of : une sorte de

A- INFORMTION QUESTIONS: Answer to the following questions from the text in full
sentences of your own.
1. What are the parts composing a computer operation?
2. How is named the coded information and the person doing it?
3. What permits the central to do its different actions?
4. How do you call the final result given by the machine?
B MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: Choose the best answer to complete the following
1. A computer is composed of:
a) Input and Output. b) Arithmetic or logic.
c) Memory and central. d) All of these parts.
2. We can say that an output is:
a) The information stored in the computer. b) The final result coming out of the computer.
c) The program put in the computer. d) The way the data is given to the machine.


VOCABULARY: Find in the text the synonyms of the following words: logic, energy, result,

GRAMMAR: conjugate the verbs between brackets into simple past/preterit then put each
sentence into the correct form (affirmative, interrogative, negative, or interronegative).
(Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses aux Simple Past / prétérit puis mettre chaque phrase
conjuguée à la forme qu’il faut, soit la forme affirmative, ou interrogative, ou négative, ou
1. The woman (to watch) nice TV films last night.
2. The gentleman not (to go) to his village last year.
3. The boy (to learn) his lessons yesterday?
4. The big boss (to buy) a beautiful car last week.
1. Translate into French: the 2nd paragraph of text.
2. Translate into English: the following passage.
Le clavier est le principal périphérique d’entrée de votre ordinateur. Il permet à l’utilisateur
d’introduire les données dans la machine. L’écran est le dispositif de sortie le plus important de
votre système informatique. On peut y voir le résultat des informations du programme codé par
le programmeur.

I hope you will enjoy this lesson before the others follow. Thank you for reading me.
Have a nice day.

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