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sv, DREAMFORCE Review and Trainin ng Conte er The Ne. = 2) & RME Review Center in NORTHERN & CEI PHILIPPINES, BERRA AGM eT aE RGeTbcerteen ont tg con” Q31 - ILLUMINATION QUIZ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1. The primary function of capacitor across the supply to the fluorescent tube Is to A. stabilize the arc . Improve the supply power factor ®reduce the starting current D. reduce the noise 2. Dispersion is used to describe the {A splitting of white light into its component colors B. bending of beam light when It strikes a mirror C. propagation of light in straight lines . bending of a beam when it goes from one medium to another 3. Which of the following is a cold cathode lamp? ‘A. fluorescent. B, sodium lamp C. neon lamp D. mercury lamp 4 provides lighting only over a reatively small area occupied by the task and its immediate surroundings ‘A. Direct Lighting System . Logal Lighting System B. Special Lighting System D. Indirect Lighting System 5, A 250 candlepower lamp gives sufficient light to read a book at a distance of 8.5 feet. Ifthe lamp depreciates to 100 andlepower, how much closer in feet should the book be placed to read with the same illumination with i? (round of to 3 decimal places) 6: hn of th elovng dene nia ote tl umber les rncing te wring pln tet ‘number of lumens emitted by the source?’ 3 As coefficient of utilization (5 Cispace to height ratio 7° 4B. depreciation factor ts D. maintenance factor & 7. Wich ofthe folowing instruments i lated to elec ighting? ‘A. pyrometer B. lux meter C. sofiometer * D. thermometer 8, A building 25 m long and 18 m wide is to have a minimum lumination of 56 Im/m#, ‘Beétic lamps of eictency 10 ImifW are to be suspended 3 m above the floor, the space/height ratio being 1. If the coefficient of utilzation if 0.6 and maintenance factor Is 0.8, calculate the number of fittings required and the rating of each fitting in watts. A, 40,131.25 W B. 35,150.00 W C. 50,105.00 W D. 60,87.50 W aS ne ial trib ar twig nb ore en a ot a zs ca |ho.give an average ilumtination of 27 n/m? atthe: ne vk ‘Assume that i aoa ing pane u 3 sth tuna a so nn sa Se. timer Te mats fatorand the-egeflent of Ulzation arg 63.1% and 64.54 respactively Edch fluorescent lamp tobe Installed précuces 3300 lumens. Tr here are four rows ofluminaes, how many lumina ae there per ow? 11. Which ofthe folowing lighting control methods uses a special blue tinted glass for flament lamps to reduce unwanted radiation? ‘A. refusion G. absorption BB. refraction D. reflection 12. A certain ight source produces an illumination of 100 lux on a surface. Find the llumination on that surface ifthe distance is to be halfed. > a tera mo te 13, How much should a 100-watt lamp be lowered to double the llumination on the object which s 80 cm under It? A. 20.50 B. 16.7. cm c.49.5em D.23.4cm Q31 - ILLUMINATION QUIZ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Page 1 Scanned with CamScanner 9¢ DREAMFORCE Rod G Review and Training Center PPINES ‘The No. 1 REE & RME Review Center in NORTHERN & CE! PHIL se Bldg, Zamora St, San Rogue, Tarlac CHY ‘SUSAN Teer mas tae Seepertn Mle Soe ei and rl ee 14. A light source which radiates light in all directions has luminous intesty of 100 Candela. What isthe illumination E Jn 2 perpendicular working area 10 feet below the soruce? Brot 8.3.0 fe C25f 0.208 0 T= 10 ty {15.The sty of urination invas ia”! mseP tae . study of photometry and its application C. study of lighting and wiring system.” 7 B, design of lighting system D. calculation of wiring sizes for various lighting fixtures 16. The illumination of a room is being designed. The data as follows: room length = 30 ft; room width = 20 ft; Coefficient of utilization = 0.6; maintenance factor = 70%; required footcandles = 50; lumens per lamp = 3300; watts pero =o voltage = 230 V; power factor = 71.7%. What is total current of the lamp required to satisfy the A250 A B. 5.00 A ©7074 f 0.6.76 17. AN office, 17 m by 8 m, Is lighted by 8 lamps and each lamp has a luminous intensity of 200 Cd. Allowing an Absorption loss of 1610 lumens for the reflectors, walls, and ceilings. Calculate the average illumination of the working pre, ~ | 136 lux B. 152 lux pl C177 ux \1,.0 D. 188 lux (eae Lae 4 peed = ne woe 18. To which of the following is stroboscopic effect NOT related? (ween ‘A, mercury vapour lamp G.Fluorescent lamp é.07 ar ete B. sodium vapour lamp. + sndescent lamp @ pos 200.2 cy = 2M = [E10 19, A room 20 ft x 30 ftis illuminated by five 200-watt 3,500-lumen incandescent lamps. The average illumination intesity at the working plane as measured by a foot-canidle, meter is 16.33 lumens per square foot. Calculate the utlization factor“? of the lamps. Assume mf=1. AL 56 percent B. 32 percent. = €. 23 percent cope 45 percent “ ‘ a 20. A piece of paper lies on a table 2 m away from a point directly below a bulb of 150 Cd and is 4 m above the table. \ Calculate the illumination ‘on the'ceniter of the paper in lux. st ¢ 21. A what distance from a screen should the lamp of 120 Cd be placed to produce the same illumination on the screen as a lamp of 30 Cd would give when placed at a distance of 40 cm from the screen? T Be Bees = th th ‘Comers of.a square 3 m'sides Ea i oe Pa el aontor oe tose. e vy # C. 10.59 Im/m? b ae 4 = f: + G88 $k school classroom with a general dimensions of 24 fx 30 fts lighted with 10 fluorescent fixtures of 4 lamps per ag ‘010 lumens per lamp. What: isthe ital lumination in fodtcandles assuming that coeffident of ublization:is 2 on Ole i oe Ges ended illumination level classroom. aot B. 300 lux CC. 100 lux D. 200 lux lations, wheels of rotating machinery appear to be stationary due to ; 25, In fluorescent lamp instal wt er iat tot b ete effect D, fluctuating electric supply 26. Acoliery workshop 20 m x 10 m requires an average lumination of 100 Im/m onthe working plane. Calculate the yr required for the purpose. ‘Allow a coefficient of utilization of 0.45 and.a depreciation factor of 1.35 and electrical thé efficiency of the lamps Is 12 Im/W. a ede Q31 - ILLUMINATION QUIZ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Page 2 Scanned with CamScanner yy, DREAMFORCE <”G Review and Training Center ‘The No. 7 REE & RME Review Center in NORTHERN & CE! PHILIPPINES ‘SERNA ERM a ase ae eee and lg Cater 27. A 40-watt fluorescent lamp 120 centimeters long produces 3, 300 lumens of light in a room having general dimensions of 10 x15 Find the yrraton on the floor. « ne A. 28 fe fe c.16 . BR ‘i 5 ~ #. -£ - 212 Var? ( I yous 28. A workshop measures 7 m x12 m and is lighted 10 lamps which are each rated at 200 W and have and an effiency of 15 Im/W. Assuming a depreciation factor of 1.62 and a coefficient of utilization of 0.5. Find the illumination on the working place. A, 110 lux B. 102 tux C. 106 lux D. 114 tux € 29. The illumination at a point of a surface Is the luminous flux per unit area of the surface. and its unit is Alu B. candela C. candela power D. lumen ‘ L 30. Two lamps Sed and 20 cd are 150 cm apart. At what point between them will the same anette produced by each? ‘A. 50 cm from 20 ¢d lamp goin 6 C. 50 cm from 5 cd lamp B, 100 cm from Sed lamp D. 80 em from 20 cd lamp 31. A solid angle is expressed in terms of A. radians/meter B. radians C. steradians D. degree 32. Defined as the mean of the candle power inal directions above or below the horizontal plane passing through the source of light. a Sat A. luminosity ‘8, uminous intensity > ——_C. luminous flux D. illumination 33. Two lamps’A and B having intensities of 400 Cd afd 500 Cd are hanged at a horizontal distance of 40 ft between them. Lamp A is 10 ft while lamp B is 13 feet above the working plane, respectively. Determine the illumination on point In the working plane directly below lamp A. A. 2.08 fe B, 3.08 fe 34. A school classroom with a general dimerisons of 24 ft x 30 ft is lighted with 10 fluorescent fotures of 4 lamps Der. Fixture and 3,200 lumes per lamp, What isthe intial llumination in footcandles assuming that coefficient of utilization Is 0.35 and maintenance factor is 0.70? 35, A light source emits a total luminous fux of $00 lumens distributed uniformly over a quarter ofa sphere. What s the tu j at 2,5?" Bee a L, Beet a D, 400 cd 36. Thé lament of CLS dma lanp is made of A, tungsten B. copper C. carbon D. aluminum 37), A 145 Candela lamp emits ight uniformly in all directions and is suspended 2 m above the center of a Workifig table which Is 3 m square. Calculate the illumination at ‘each comer of the table. A. 23.54 lux B. 4.04 lux C. 8.07 lux D. 11.70 lux : 3 g-u3 uss" 38. A floodlight emitting 30,000 candelas in the center of its beam is aimed at 60 degrees to a point on the ground 20 meters away. The illumination of the point in lux is 7 < 2 cor (Go) - =3.S 39. A 40-watt fluorescent lamp 120 centimeters long produces 3,200 lumens of light In @ room having general dimensions of 10 ft x 20 ft Find the luminance if the reflectance factor of the wall is 40%. A.64 fc B, 2.56 fc €. 40 fc D, 102 fe 2 ven (Gy fem SS Q31 - ILLUMINATION QUIZ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Page 3 Scanned with CamScanner ra DREAMFORCE Review and Trainin ng Center Ss No. 2 REE & RME Review Center in NORTHERN & CEI PHILIPPINES SARLCRAREELIN = Whee Sue sy 40. Lamp efficiency is measured in . ~ A.lumen/watt & Ccandelaywatt © B.lumen/lux D.luxjwatt 41. A 20 m by 40 m office is to be illuminated with double-lamp fixtures. The required intensity level is 60 fc. The maintenace factor is 75% while the coefficient of utilization of 64.44%. Each fluorescent lamp consumes 53 @ at 75% pf ‘and emits 3300 lumens. The power supply is 230 V, three-phase. What is the current of the feeder circuit? A. 59.12 Amp B, 51.67 Amp C.57.47 Amp” D. 53.75 Amp Ke WMO 42. The illumination of a being designed. The illumination intensity required is 20 footcandles. The maintenance factor is 80% and coefficient of utilization is 71.43%. If the room is 20 ft by 15 ft, what is the total required lumens tut of the lamp? poste lumens B. 6,300 lumens . C. 12,500 lumens ae lumens povig 8 N7R KOE 21094, 79 43. tow far fom a 150 ght source wold a picture ave tobe placed so sto rcv Wersame WiGrinaton as heh itis placed 12 m from a 82.3 Cd light source? A.15.94m B.1S40mM 7. pat (61620 m _ D.16.46m . io te 44. In which of the following lighting systems, mn than 20H fe tt flux is mad to a directly on the working plane with the help of deep reflectors? @ direct lighting B. indirect ohting C. general diffusing lighting _D.. semi-indirect lighting 45, It is the unit of illumination when centimeter is takes ‘as the unit of length Aclux yi? B. candle “= ‘Ciphot 41°D. footcandle 46. The luminous flux emitted in unit solid angel wy a norm point source having luminous intensity of 1 candela is Saunton C. luminance ,P lux. 47. Which of the following la as the shortest/leés life span in working hours?» w/1!)° | ‘A, sodium vapor lamp fluorescent lamp CC. mercury vapor lamp D. incandescent lamp ©. 20.57 lux’ eer roe BEM, is Cet Be te oy GP 1 eeststance wher Muminated BY ne saled _ Oy ngtance which change fs ele f protceondctve, 5 ~ 0) Denne of these . 3.0" y ~ ~ - eat ee ATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Page 4 ‘034 - ILLUMINATION QUIZ = Scanned with CamScanner oY

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