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Page 1 Skyshot Yesondlo Risk Assessment

Process / Task
commissioning Guidelines for Risk Matrix
or Activity
and controls

22 to 25 (Ex) – Extreme Eliminate, avoid, implement specific action plans / procedures to manage & monitor

16 to 21 (H) – High Proactively manage

7 to 15 (M) – Medium Actively manage

1 to 6 (L) – Low Monitor & manage as appropriate

Risk Ranking / Matrix

4 Hazard Effect / Consequence

1 2 3 4 5

Loss Type
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Cathastrophic

May result in overall project May result in overall project

No impact on overall project May result in overall project May result in overall project timeline overrun of 50% or
(T) Timeline timeline timeline overrun of less than 5%
timeline overrun of between 5% timeline overrun of between 20%
and less than 20% and less than 50%

May result in overall project May result in overall project May result in overall project
No impact on the budget of the May result in overall project budget overrun of 10% or
(B) Budget project
budget overrun of less than budget overrun of between budget overrun of between 5%
2.5% 2.5% and less than 5% and less than 10%

(F) Financial Loss (Asset loss or damage) Less than R5k R5k to less than R50k R50k to less than R250k R250k to R500k R500k or more

Minimal quality issues that can

Some quality issues that Significant quality issues that Significant quality issues that requires sponsorship
be addressed in a short
(Q) Quality No impact on quality
timeframe with minimal
requires immediate requires senior project intervention with significant resource and cost
management action management interaction implications for rework

Minor impact on the output of the May result in a non- Non-conformance, delay to Major non-conformance, or severe delay on client or
No impact on the output of the
(P) Process (Non-compliance to requirements) process
process, acceptable to client or conformance, correction deliver output, or unsatisfactory next process, that requires urgent management
next process required. result to client or next process. interaction with significant resources, costs implications.

Single fatality or loss of quality of

First aid case / Exposure to Medical treatment case / Lost time injury / Reversible
(S,H) Safety / Health minor health risk Exposure to major health risk impact on health
life / Irreversible impact on Multiple fatalities / Impact on health ultimately fatal
Minimal environmental harm - Material environmental harm - Serious environmental harm - Major environmental harm -
(E) Environment incident incident remediable short term incident remediable incident remediable
Extreme environmental harm - incident irreversible

Minor legal concerns with minor Some legal concerns with Serious legal concerns and Legal non-compliance with risk of shutdown of
(L) Legal & Regulatory No legal impact
impact manageable level of impact significant impact on operations operations with significant cost impacts

Slight impact - public awareness Limited impact - local public Considerable impact - regional National impact - national public
(R) Reputation / Social / Community may exist but no public concern concern public concern concern
International impact - international public attention

Likelihood Risk Rating

5 The unwanted event has occurred
frequently; has a 90% and higher 11 Medium 16 High 20 High 23 Extreme 25 Extreme
Almost Certain probability of reoccurring
4 The unwanted event has a probability of
between 60% and less than 90% of 7 Medium 12 Medium 17 High 21 High 24 Extreme
Likely occurring
3 The unwanted event has a probability of
between 30% and less than 60% of 4 Low 8 Medium 13 Medium 18 High 22 High
Possible occurring
2 The unwanted event has a probability of
between 1% and less than 30% of 2 Low 5 Low 9 Medium 14 Medium 19 High
Unlikely occurring
1 The unwanted event has never occurred,
has a probability of less than 1% of 1 Low 3 Low 6 Low 10 Medium 15 Medium
Rare occurring

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Process / Task or Activity Chiller commissioning and controls risk assessment Risk Assessment No. SHE-004-RA

Task Step Hazard Risk Consequence Type Raw Risk Preventative Measures and Control Residual Risk Responsibilities


Risk Rating

Risk Rating
(What can go wrong)



(Source of Danger)
Injury, Health, Process, To Ensure Preventative Measures
Who will do What, Where and When? Injury, Health, Process, Material or Impact / Effect the risk have. Eliminate Risk, Control at Source, Procedure, Provide PPE
Material or and Controls are in place

Hire qualified electricians experienced in chiller control systems.
Chiller damage. Electrical Electrical burns
1 Commissioning a chiller and controls Improper Wiring S,H,Q 3 4 12 Conduct a comprehensive inspection and testing of all electrical 2 3 6 Supervision
shock. Injuries Delays in projects
connections before commissioning.
Corporate image tarnished

Engage experienced technicians certified by the chiller

manufacturer for proper installation.
Equipment Damage during Delays in projects. Adhere strictly to the chiller manufacturer's installation guidelines
2 Commissioning a chiller and controls Chiller damage Q 2 4 8 1 2 2 Supervision
Installation Corporate image tarnished and recommendations.
Perform a pre-installation risk assessment to identify potential
hazards and implement appropriate controls.

Regularly calibrate temperature sensors following the

manufacturer's recommended schedule.
Inaccurate temperature Delays in projects. Implement redundancy for critical temperature sensors to ensure
3 Working on a chiller Sensor Calibration issues Q 3 3 9 2 2 4 Supervision
control Corporate image tarnished system reliability.
Monitor temperature sensors closely during commissioning and
address any discrepancies immediately.

Use industry-standard and reliable communication protocols, such

Inability to control chiller Delays in projects. as BACnet or Modbus. Perform
4 Working on a chiller Communication Failure Q 2 4 8 1 2 2 Supervision
remotely Corporate image tarnished communication tests during commissioning to verify proper data
exchange between the chiller and control system.

Source control software from reputable vendors known for reliable

5 Working on a chiller Software Bugs Control system failure Equipment damage Q 2 4 8 and thoroughly tested solutions. Regularly 1 2 2 Supervision
update the control software with the latest patches and bug fixes.

Install uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units to provide backup

Keep loadshedding schedule for
power during short outages. Develop
6 Working on a chiller Power Outage Complete shutdown Delays in projects Q 2 4 8 1 2 2 proper task timing and scheduling.
emergency restart procedures to safely bring the chiller back
online after a power outage.

Provide comprehensive safety training to all personnel involved in

commissioning and operation.
7 Working on a chiller Safety Hazards Injury or accidents Serious injuries and/ fatalities S 3 4 12 Implement strict safety protocols, including the use of personal 2 3 6 Supervision
protective equipment (PPE) and lockout/tagout procedures during

Conduct pressure tests on the refrigerant lines before

commissioning to ensure system integrity.
Air pollution. Use refrigerant leak detection systems and implement a rapid
8 Working on a chiller Environmental Impact Refrigerant leaks S,H 2 4 8 1 2 2 Supervision
Frost bites from refrigerant leaks response plan for leak mitigation.
Train personnel in the proper handling and disposal of
refrigerants, following applicable environmental regulations.

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