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Here it is, from thirty-thousand feet, as they say.

Why Study Algorithms • Classifying Algorithms

Why Study Algorithms

Studying algorithms helps you develop widely applicable analytical
skills—you learn not just how to solve individual problems but to
develop recipies for getting answers to many problems.

“A person well-trained in computer science knows how to deal

with algorithms: how to construct them, manipulate them,
understand them, analyze them. This knowledge is preparation for
much more than writing good computer programs; it is a general-
purpose mental tool that will be a definite aid to the understanding
of other subjects, whether they be chemistry, linguistics, or music,
etc. The reason for this may be understood in the following way: It
has often been said that a person does not really understand
something until after teaching it to someone else. Actually, a
person does not really understand something until after teaching it
to a computer, i.e., expressing it as an algorithm . . . An attempt to
formalize things as algorithms leads to a much deeper
understanding than if we simply try to comprehend things in the
traditional way.” — Donald Knuth


“Algorithmics is more than a branch of computer science. It is the

core of computer science, and, in all fairness, can be said to be
relevant to most of science, business, and technology.” — David

Primary dimemsions:

By domain
By complexity class
By underlying data structure
By problem solving strategy IMPORTANT

Secondary concerns include:

Is the algorithm sequential or parallel?

Is the algorithm deterministic or randomized?
Are you looking for one solution or all solutions?
Are you looking for any solution or the optimal solution?
Are you looking for an exact or approximate solution?
Are you computing
Whether f(x) is true or not (decision),
The value of f(x) (functional),
Any x such that f(x) = y (constraint), or
The x that minimizes (or maximizes) f(x) (optimization)?

Problem Domain
What kind of a problem are you trying to solve?

Numeric (esp. super large numbers, floating-point numbers with

errors, ...)
Sorting (putting things in order)
Searching (finding an element by search key)
String (pattern matching, compression, sequencing, crypto, ...)
Partitioning (fair division, ...)
Network (routing, spanning trees, connectivity, flow, ...)
Combinatoric (permutations, combinations, subsets, ...)
Geometric (convex hull, closest pair, bounding sphere, ...)
AI (computer vision, machine learning, ...)

Complexity Class
Let n be the input size and k be a fixed constant.

Constant (k )
Logarithmic (log n )
Linear (n )
Linearithmic (n log n )
Polynomial (n k where k > 1)
Exponential (k n )
Superexponential (ZOMG)
Underlying Data Structure
There is a huge list of data structures at Wikipedia, but here are some
of the more common ones:

Sorted Arrays
Linked Lists (singly-linked, doubly-linked, with sentinels, ...)
Hashtables (with several collision resolution strategies)
Unbalanced Trees
Balanced Trees
Skip Lists
Heaps (min, max, binary, Fibonacci)

This isn’t a complete list, but it covers some of the more famous ones:

Brute Force. Enumerate all possible solutions, unintelligently,

and try them all.
Divide and Conquer. Break down a problem into multiple
independent subproblems, solve the subproblems (recursively),
and combine those solutions into a solution for the original
Decrease and Conquer. Like Divide and Conquer but break
down in to one subproblem.
Transform and Conquer. Reformulate problem into an
equivalent problem in another domain.
Input Enhancement. Precalculate results for certain inputs, or
create a cache of partial results, so that the actual run is faster.
Prestructuring. Pre-arrrange data for faster processing.
Dynamic Programming. Solve an optimization problem by
breaking it down into multiple overlapping subproblems, solving
the subproblems (recursively), and combining those solutions
into a solution for the original problem.
The Greedy Method. When searching for solution, take the most
promising next step and never backtrack.
Backtracking. Systematically generate possible solutions to a
problem sometimes having to back up when realizing your
paritally generated candidate can’t possibly be extended to a real
Branch and Bound. Bactrack in an optimization setting.
Hill Climbing. Solve (or find an approximate solution to) an
optimization problem by generating candidate solutions that are
(hopefully) improvements over the previous candidate.
Particle Swarm. Solve an optimization problem with a bunch of
decentralized particles all searching for a solution with something
that looks like its has a collective organization (e.g. ant colonies,
bird flocks, animal herds, etc.
Las Vegas. Generate possible solutions non-deterministically in
a way that always produces the correct answer but makes no
guarantees on how long it will run or how much space it will need
(in the worst case).
Monte Carlo. Generate possible solutions non-deterministically
in a way that has has time and space guarantees but has a small
probablility of giving the wrong answer. The probability of error
can be reduced by running the algorithm longer.

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