Checklist What Kind of A 1-2-1 Lesson Can Cost $50+

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What kind of a 1-2-1 lesson

can cost $50+?

Your confidence. Your skill. Your freedom.

What kind of a 1-2-1 lesson can cost $50+?

My name is Lesia, and I'm a language coach certified by Cambridge

(Celta, Delta M2) and the International Coaching Federation.

I'm one of the most expensive language trainers in Ukraine, with

individual lessons priced at $50-75, depending on the duration and the
student's specific goals.

The reason I can set such a price for individual lessons (considering the
average price in Ukraine is $8-12 per lesson) is because of the unique
teaching system I've developed.

It’s based on a few elements, or as I like to say, it stands on a few whales:

Personality of a teacher.

Methodological skills and knowledge.

Knowledge of how to work with adults (andragogy).

Coaching techniques and instruments.

Knowledge of how our brain works and how to use this knowledge
while teaching.

Your confidence. Your skill. Your freedom.

Check list
What kind of a 1-2-1 lesson can cost $50+?

In this guide you will be provided with a checklist that will help you to
understand what areas you are strong at and what areas have some room
for improvement.

My true belief is that the price of any service is a direct reflection of the
value that is provided to the client.
In our case, it’s the intangible and tangible value that a student gets
from each lesson and from the cooperation with this particular teacher in

Read the statements below and put a mental (or a real) tick
next to the statements that are true for you.

Place a cross next to the statements that do not apply to you.

So let’s evaluate the tangible and intangible value that you provide your
students with.

Your confidence. Your skill. Your freedom.

Tangible value

I’m familiar with the main methodological approaches and instruments

and I use them well while teaching.

I have a defined niche (e.g. I teach Business English,

or General English, or IT English, etc.) and I’m a professional there.

I understand how teaching adults is different from teaching kids.

I know that there are very specific peculiarities,
I’m familiar with them and they are reflected in my teaching system.

I know how to set SMART goals with my students.

I can help my students create a learning path to achieve their goal.

My lessons are visually attractive and interactive.

I use a few instruments and metrics systems to demonstrate

progress to my students.

Your confidence. Your skill. Your freedom.

Intangible value

I get a lot of psychic income and gratification from what I do


I am a person who is not afraid to express my true self.

I can present myself and my services absolutely confidently and if a

potential student has any questions related to my background,
approaches that I use, etc., I will feel absolutely comfortable
answering them.

I accept criticism calmly.

I’m able to provide honest and objective feedback after which my

student feels inspired and NOT devastated.

I always listen to my students actively and attentively.

I never multitask during a lesson.

I understand that people around me influence me and my levels of

energy that’s why I’m very conscious about my friends and
acquaintances and minimize contact with people that make me feel

I understand that in order to set a price of $50+ for one 1-2-1 lesson, I
should feel okay paying this amount of money myself for a 1-hour
service of another professional.

Your confidence. Your skill. Your freedom.

How to analyse the results

The more ticks you have, the closer you are to the price of $50+

for one 1-2-1 lesson.

And if you pay attention to the points where you put crosses, you will

have a chance to create an action plan and work on those areas.

If you are willing to learn more about each point from this checklist,

follow me on Instagram – @teachers_inspirer.

And if you are ready to work on all these points under my guidance

and supervision, join our mentoring program.

Your confidence. Your skill. Your freedom.

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