Do You Prefer X or y

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Exercise 1: Error Correction

Some of the sentences below are incorrect, some are correct. Identify the incorrect sentences
and write the correct sentences in the spaces provided.

1. I prefer to go to the cinema to watch DVDs at home.

going to the cinema to watching
2. My sister prefers writing letters to write emails.
writing emails
3. I prefer to talk with friends on the phone rather than using emails.
4. I much prefer to live in a town rather than a big city.
5. My mother prefers shopping at the market more than in supermarkets.
rather than
6. My friends generally prefer to send text messages to talking on the phone.

Exercise 2: Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences below.

1. My mother prefers to eat at home rather than eat in restaurants because she says it’s ___
for one’s health.

A. more better B. best C. better

2. I think that I prefer student life to working life because we are allowed to be ________
in our attitude and express ourselves more.

A. more creativity B. more creative C. creativer

3. Most people prefer taking the airport express light railway to taking a taxi to the airport
because it is __________ .

A. much quicker B. more quick C. more quicker

4. I prefer to go to parties with friends rather than with family - partying with friends is so
much _________ because I can drink wine and let my hair down.

A. exciting B. excitinger C. more exciting

5. To be honest, I prefer travelling to work by bus rather than by foot because it’s _____ .

A. easier B. more easy C. more easier

6. I don’t like taking the subway - it’s definitely _________ as the bus.

A. more comfortable than B. less comfortable C. not as comfortable

7. For me, sending text messages is ______ sending emails.

A. funner than B. more fun than C. not as fun

8. I prefer studying to working because I feel _________ and ________ when I study.

A. Freer; more independent

B. More free; more independent

C. Freer; independent

Exercise 3: Gap Fill

Write the words and expressions below in the correct spaces.

in fact also needless to say besides actually in addition to

1. ________________ , writing emails is a lot cheaper than mailing letters.

2. I ______________ prefer to eat at home rather than eat in restaurants.

3. Writing letters is a more personal way to communicate. _____________ , I like writing

by hand.

4. I prefer watching TV to going to the cinema because _____________ being cheaper,

it’s ______________ more comfortable.

5. Many people think it’s dangerous to travel by aeroplane but __________ , it’s probably
the safest means of transport available.

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