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Debarring (V) Banned

2. Insurrec on (N) Rebellion/ व ोह
3. Precedent (N) Past Example
4. Inevitable (ADJ) Mandatory/ Compulsory/ Unavoidable
5. Ironic (ADJ) Sarcas c
6. Incumbent (N) Occupant
7. Prospect (N) Possibility
8. Propriety (N) Discipline/ Decorum/ Courtesy/ Manners/ Comity
9. Par san (ADJ/N) Biased
10. Bode (V) Foretell/ Forecast
11. Juncture (N) Point on me
12. Demit (V) Resign
13. Chide (V) Rebuke/ Scold
14. Dile ante (N) Unprofessional
15. Diabolical (ADJ) Devilish/ Evil
16. Effulgent (ADJ) Shinning
17. Prosecu on (N) Perpetra on
18. Culpable (ADJ) Guilty
19. De (ADJ) Adroit/ Skilful
20. Per nent (ADJ) Suitable/ Relevant
21. Refuge (N) Protec on/ शरण
22. Impaired (ADJ) Broken/ Corrupt
23. Demonize (V) Harass
24. Proverbial (ADJ) Axioma c/ कहावती
25. Burgeoning (ADJ) Shoot-up/ (grow rapidly)
26. Ameliorate (V) Improve
27. Travail (N) Drudgery/ (hard work)
28. Semblance (N) Facade
29. Knave (ADJ) Scoundrel/ बदमाश
30. Logger-heads Hatred/ द ु मनी
31. Revanchism (N) Retalia on/ व ोहवाद
32. Stray (V/N) Get-lost
33. Legi mizing (V) Validate
34. Expedi ng (V) Accelerate
35. Specious (ADJ) Misleading
36. Nipping (V) Quick bite
37. Li ga on (V) Lawsuit
38. Depreda on (N) Lo ng
39. Dei es (N) God/ Goddess
40. Precinct (N) Boundaries
41. Explicitly (ADV) Overtly (openly)
42. Disconcer ng (ADJ) Perturbing/ Upse ng
43. Astounding (ADJ) Stunning
44. Adjudica ng (V) Deciding
45. Sedulous (ADJ) Hardworking/ Laborious/ Industrious
46. Apropos (ADJ) Appropriate/ Suitable
47. Imbecilic (ADJ) Asinine/ foolish
48. Sumptuous Zayada karcha hojana
49. Ri (N) Disagreement
50. Disheartening (ADJ) Depressing
51. Seman cs (N) Defini on
52. Overwhelmed (V) Flooded
53. Prevailed (V) Spread/ Get Success
54. Interim (N/ADJ) Temporary
55. Aerial (ADJ) Upraised/ हवाई
56. Mi ga on (N) Reduc on
57. Ambit (N) Jurisdic on/ े ा धकार
58. Formulate (V) Contrive
59. Assessment (N) Evalua on
60. Usurp (V) Expropriate/ Seize
61. Venerate (V) Respect
62. Cordon (N) Encircle
63. Padawan (N) Fresher
64. Perennial (ADJ) Everlas ng
65. Stratagem (N) Manoeuvre/ tac c
66. Duel/ Spat Fight
67. Dilemma Doubt
68. Sentenced Punished / punishment
69. Backed (V) Retreat/ Step-back
70. Rebel (N) Mu neer/ व ोह
71. Solidarity (N) Unanimity/ Unity
72. Suspend (V) Postpone/ Adjourn
73. Prompted (V) Inspired
74. Prompt (N) Encourage
75. Strait (N) Anguish/ Pain
76. Strait (V) Connec ng two things
77. Consensus (N) Concord/ सवस म त
78. Plunge Decrease
79. Skewed (ADJ) Serpen ne/ Round
80. Timorous (ADJ) Cowardly
81. Coddle (V) Pamper
82. Engender (N) Produce
83. Assay (V) Inspect
84. Lou sh/ Uncouth (ADJ) Ill-mannered
85 Sapient (ADJ) Prudent/ Intelligent
86. Widening Increase
87. Euphoria Great Excitement or happiness
88. Bonanza (N) Windfall/ success
89. Yielded (N) Submi ed
90. Yielded Produce
91. Mandarin (N) Top-Official
92. Lamented (V) Mourn/ वलाप
93. An cipated (V) Foresee
94. Bestowing (V) Donate
95. Exchequer (N) Treasury
96. Up ck (N) Prolifera on/ Raise
97. Spurred (V) S mulate/ encourage
98. Fervour (N) Vehemence/ excitement/ enthusiasm
99. Steered (V) Guide
100. Bu ress (N) Support
101. Grotesque (ADJ) Deformed
102. Taciturn (ADJ) Untalka ve
103. Furore (N) Commo on
104. Languor (N) Exhaus on
105. Munificent (ADJ) Boun ful/ उदार
106. Factored in Included
107. Insipid Uninterested
108. Homicide Killing of one person by another
109. Aggravated (V) Exasperate/ messed up
110. Scru nized (V) Probe/ Inves ga on
111. Abstaining (V) Avoid
112. Fatality (N) Casualty
113. Onus (N) Responsibility
114. Implica on (N) Consequence
115. Strike (V) Beat/ Wallop
116. Lynching (V) Kill
117. Bedizen (V) Adorn
118. Parse (V) Analyse
119. Gale (N) Storm
120. Opulent (ADJ) Wealthy/ Affluent
121. Avarice (N) Greed
122. Insouciance (N) Carelessness
123. Malfeasance (N) Misconduct
124. Entreaty (N) Urge /request
125. Chariness (N) Suspicion
126. Empha c (ADJ) Unequivocal
127. Deliberate (ADJ) Inten onal
128. Probe (N/V) Inves ga on
129. Pertaining (V) Related
130 Capricious (ADJ) Erra c
131. Assuage (V) To calm down
132. Conglomerate (V) Gathered
133. Alacrity (N) Enthusiasm
134. Abs nence (N) Pure
135. Remit (V) Transfer ( money)
136. Expedi ously Speedily
137. Screed (V) Booring /non-interes ng
138. Jeer (V) Mock
139. Sunder (V) Spit
140. Denuding (V) Bereave /वं चत करना
141. Flabbergasted (ADJ) Astonish / shock / भोच का
142. Deliberate Sochna samajhna
143. Unfe ered (ADJ) Free
144. Tug (N/V) Pull
145. Commenced (V) Kick off ( get start )
146. Lo ing High throw
147. Stride (V) March
148. Unanimously (ADV) Collec vely / mutually
149. Turmoil (N) Turbulence
150. Pursue (V) Follow / chase
151. Doofus (N) Insane
152. Pris ne (ADJ) Immaculate
153. Yelp (N/V) Squeal
154. Testy (ADJ) Grump
155. Sham (N/V) Counterfeit
156. Bedazzled (V) Fascinated
157. Halcyon Happy and peaceful past me
158. Remission (N) Amnesty
159. Searing (ADJ) Painful
160. Quashing (V) Cancel / rescind
161. Facilitate (V) Smooth
162. Garland (N/V) Festoon
163. Defunct (ADJ) Expired / non-func oning
164. Complicit (ADJ) Conspiracy
165. Usurpa on (N) Takeover
166. Reitera on (N) Restatement / repeat
167. Encompass (V) Surround
168. Omnibus (ADJ) Full work in one place
169. Beguile (V) A ract
170. Menacing (ADJ) Threaten
171. Aplomb (N) Balance / self-confidence / paise
172. Demarcate (V) Boundaries banana
173. Tenebrous (ADJ) Dark / gloomy
174. Frenemy (N) Rival
175. Posit (V/N) Postulate
176. Underscore (V) ज़ोर दे ना
177. Rebound (V) Bounce
178. Ebb (N/V) Diminish
179. Vagaries (N) Quirk
180. Vigour (N) Enthusiasm
181. Unenviable Unpleasant
182. Accompany (V) Go with
183. Spigot (N) Valve
184. Hapless Unfortunate
185. Impasse (N) Dead – end
186. Sans Without
187. Wallop (V) Beat / strike
188. Dishevelled (ADJ) Un dy
189. Ingra ate (V) Fla er
190. Hinterland An area that is not close to any city or town
191. Maroon Akela chood dena
192. Sojourn (V/N) Dwell/ Stay
193. Derogatory (ADJ) Disparaging
194. Summoned (N/V) Gather
195. Accruing (V) Increasing
196. Antagonize (V) Anger
197. Fu lity (N) pointless
198. Egregious (ADJ) shocking
199. Foray (N) Raid
200. Paramount (ADJ) supreme
201. Jinx (N/V) Bad luck
202. Hoax (N)
203. Animadversion (N) Cri cism
204. Chary (ADJ) careful
205. Discombobulated (ADJ) Confused
206. Slugfest (N) Contest
207. Adjudica on (N) Verdict/ Judgement
208. Presiding (V) lead
209. Regime (N) Reign/ शासन
210. Fac on (N) Group/ Clique
211. Defec on (N) Deser on
212. Conceded (V) Admit
213. Ceased (V) Stop
214. Violate (V) Contravene/ उ लंघन करना
215. Tenacity (V) Determina on
216. Whip (N/V) कोड़ा/ चाबुक
217. Rue (N/V) Regret
218. Coque sh (ADJ) Flirta ous
219. Kerfuffle (N) Commo on/ बेहेस
220. Nigh (ADJ/ADV) Proximate/ Near
221. Felicific (ADJ) Joyous/ स नतापूण
222. Valedictory (ADJ) Farewell
223. Disconcer ngly (ADV) Disturbing
224. Precarity (N) Uncertainty
225. Dizzying (ADJ) Bewildering/ confusing
226. Derail (V) Distract
227. Tepid (ADJ) Unenthusias c
228. Dichotomy (N) Division/ split
229. Apprehension (N) Anxiety
230. Mull (V) Ponder/ वचार कर
231. Nudge (V) Prompt/ Encourage
232. Rejigged (V) Redesign
233. Entails (V) Necessitate
234. A ermath (N) Consequences
235. Withholding (V) Refuse/ denying/ forbidding
236. Upsurge Bounce
237. Prone to Depend on/ subject to
238. Tableau (N) Exhibi on
239. Exclusion (N) Barred/ Banned
240. Empanelled (V) Pick-out/ Select
241. Splendour (N) Brilliance/ वैभव
242. Accommodated (N) Serve
243. Fugi ve (N) Escapee
244. Sleuth (N) Detec ve
245. Blasphemous (ADJ) Insul ng
246. Disconsolate (ADJ) Disappointed
247. Memories (N) Autobiography
248. Metamorphosed (ADJ) Convert/ change
249. Uproo ng (V) Annihilate/ eliminate
250. Assailant (N) A acker
251. Conspiracy षड़यं
252. Conspire ष यं रचना
253. Conspirator ष यं कार
254. Provisional (ADJ) Interim
255. Garnered (V) Gained
256. Apartheid (N) Discrimina on
257. Genocide (N) Massacre/ नरसंहार
258. Holocaust (N) Cataclysm/ लय
259. A ributed (V) Ascribe/ Accredit
260. Libel (N/V) Defama on
261. Aspira on (N) Desire
262. Trajectory (N) Route/ Path
263. Dwarf (V) Surpass
264. Conclave (N) Gathering
265. Entrant (N) Fresher
266. Constraint (N) बाधा
267. Acquisi on (N) Achievement
268. Emancipa on/ salva on Release karna/ Raksha karna
269. Dwarf Small in height
270. Ad-hoc Temporary
271. Caucus (N) Mee ng
272. Scooped (N) Gather
273. Delegate (N/V) Representa ve
274. Quagmire (N) Swamp
275. Dent (V) Diminish/ reduce
276. Indictment (ADJ) Pious/ religious
277. Status-Quo (N) Current situa on
278. Outright (ADJ/ADV) Completely
279. Reunifica on (N) Reunion
280. Conten on (N) Argument
281. Referendum (N) Elec on
282. Mooted (V) Men on
283. Salience (N) Prominence
284. Helming (V) Steering
285. Cohorts Small-small group
286. Cope Manage/ Adjust
287. Voca onal (ADJ) Occupa onal
288. Inkling (N) Feeling
289. Rosy (ADJ) Bright
290. Deter (V) Discourage
291. Proxy (N) Ambassador
292. Sovereignty (N) Dominance
293. Bedrock (N) Base
294. Rapprochement (N) Friendliness
295. Vengeful (ADJ) Vindic ve/ revenge
296. Anchored (N) establish
297. Ta ers (N) Pieces
298. S pulate (ADJ) Schedule
299. Deploying (V) Sta oning/ Pos ng
300. Pioneering (N/V) Leading
301. Ascertain (V) Find-out
302. Propellant (N/ADJ) Promoter
303. Patch (V) Mend/ Repair
304. Terrain (N) Domain
305. Bygone (ADJ) Past me
306. Dissociate (V) Separate
307. Disregarding (V) Ignore/ Insul ng/ Defame
308. Hinge (N) Depend
309. Wield (N) Wave
310. Potency (N) Power
311. Counterproduc ve (V) Pointless
312. Traverse (V) Travel
313. Forge (V) Build
314. Proponent (N) Patron/ Supporter
315. Invoked (V) Call-on/ आ वान करना
316. Concep on (N) No on/ धारणा
317. Grievance (N) Complaint
318. Reconcilia on (N) Resolu on
319. Malleable (ADJ) Flexible
320. Accentua ng (V) Emphasize
321. Backsliding (V) Relapsing
322. Eroding (V) Corroding/ न ट करना
323. Farcical (ADJ) Ludicrous/ Jolly
324. Downgrade (V) Demote
325. Enacted (V) Approve
326. Paranoid (ADJ) Suspicious/ Insecure/ Fearful
327. Stringent (ADJ) Strict
328. Indices (V) Indicator/ सूचक
329. Impinge (V) Strike/ Collide/ Smash
330. Breach (V/N) Infringe/ उ लंघन
331. Offender (N) Criminal
332. Provision (N) Term/ Rules/ नयम
333. Backdrop (N) Background
334. Spiking (V) Increasing
335. Rhetoric (N) Eloquence/ (Excellent way of talking)
336. Disputes (V) Bicker/ Argument
337. Hawkish (ADJ) Aggressive
338. Incen ve (N) Encouragement
339. Diploma c (ADJ) Ambassadorial/ कूटनी तक
340. Prolifera on Extension/ Increasing
341. Encroaching Forcefully illegally
342. Hos lity (N) Antagonism/ श ुता
343. Polarisa on (N) Dispersion/ Separate/
344. Compounded (V) Aggravate/ बगाड़ना
345. Thaw (V/N) Defrost/ Melt/ So en
346. Chauvinist (ADJ) Bigoted/ अंधरा वाद
347. Vi ate (V) Spoil
348. Imposi on (N) Enforcement/ implementa on
349. Perilous (ADJ) Dangerous
350. Insurgent (N/ADJ) Rebel/ व ोह
351. Porous (ADJ) Permeable/ वेश के यो य
352. Skew (N) Tilt/ झुकाव
353. Notoriously (ADV) Dishonourable/ अपमानपण ू
354. Bulwark (N) Strong wall
355. Hue (N) Colour/ Caste/ Tone/ Shade
356. Eschewing (N) Give-up
357. Paradigm (N) Epitome/ Model/ तीक
358. Defiant Disobeyer
359. Embrace (V) Welcome/ वागत करना
360. Puta ve (ADJ) Supposed/ व यात
361. Conferment (N) Honour
362. Obliquely (ADV) Dubiously/ Doub ully
363. Prelude (N) Introduc on
364. Revival (N) Resurrec on/ Relaunch
365. Robust (ADJ) Strong
366. Peculiarity (N) Characteris c
367. Haste (N) Swi ness/ Speedily/ ज दबाजी
368. Premise (N/V) Basis
369. Intriguing (ADJ) Exci ng
370. Op mis cally (ADV) Hopefully
371. Conceived (V) Imagine/ Visualize
372. Diaspora (N) Emigra on
373. Commensurate (ADJ) Equivalent
374. Priming (V) Preparing
375. Fellowship (N) Camaraderie/ Friendship
376. Momentous (ADJ) Important
377. Comply (V) Abide/ Obey/ Follow
378. Obliga on (N) Duty/ Responsibility
379. Conven on (N) Conference
380. Vindicated (V) Emancipa on
381. Tenable (ADJ) Arguable
382. Cessa on (N) Ending/ Conclusion
383. Goad (N) Provoke
384. Humilia ng (ADJ) Insul ng
385. Shelling (V) Bombard
386. Slammed (V) Cri cize
387. Propaganda (N) Dissemina on/ Publicity
388. Mobiliza on (N) Marshalling
389. Annexa on (N) Seizure
390. Viola on (N) Transgression/ disobey
391. Counteroffensive (N) Reprisal/ Countera ack
392. Delusion False belief/ concept/ Idea
393. Allusion Reference
394. Unedifying (ADJ) Immoral
395. Infidelity (N) Betrayal/ Disloyalty
396. Afflic on (N) Suffering
397. Proclaim (V) Enunciate/ announce/ promulgate
398. Consolida on (N) Unifica on/ merger/ amalgama on
399. Erosion (N) Corrosion
400. Defanged (ADJ) Crippled/ weak kar dena / nuksaan pohochana
401. Besmirched (V) Tarnish/ dishonour
402. Grace (V) respect
403. Bedfellow (N) Colleague
404. Speculate (V) Conjecture/ अनम ु ान लगाना
405. Condemna on (N) Stricture/ नंदा
406. Cu ng-edge (N) Pioneering/ advanced
407. Plumbing (N) Measure
408. Encomium (N) Panegyric/ Compliment
409. Stoke (V) Increase
410. Complacency (N) Smugness/ Self-sa sfac on
411. Outlook (N) Vision
412. Reckon (V) Calculate
413. Inherited (V) Hereditary/ Gene c
414. Unpalatable (ADJ) Unappealing/ unpleasant
415. Convoluted (ADJ) Complicated
416. Trope (N) Cliche/घीसा पीटा
417. Underdog (V) Oppressed/ कम मता का य ती
418. Toppling (V) Tumbling/ नीचे गर पड़ना
419 Fancied (V) Conjecture/ अनुमान कया हुआ
420. Permeate (V) Pervade/
421. Mojo (N) magic
422. Tussle (N) Scuffle/ हाथापाई
423. Stalemate (N) Impasse/ ग तरोध
424. Floundered (V) Stumbled/ लड़खड़ाना
425. Endure Tolerate
426. Tardy Delay/ Late
427. Rigging (V) Provide
428. Convic on (N) Sentence
429. Exile (N) Expulsion/ न कासन
430. Oust (V) Displace
431. Grepping (V) Struggle/ Scuffle/ Tussle
432. Ve ng (V) Probe/ Inves gate
433. Vende a (N) Rivalry/ Revenge
434. Tenability (N) Legality/वैधता
435. Render (V) Prepare
436. Render Translate
437. Abound (V) Plen ful
438. Persecu on (N) Torture
439. Unsavoury (V) Absurd/ भेहुदा
440. Subservience (N) Slavishness/ Obedience
441. Surmounted (V) Overcome/ Conquered
442. Reinvigorated (V) Revived
443. Imbuing (V) Suffuse/ भरना
444. Averred (V) Declared
445. Nonchalant (ADJ) Unconcerned/ बेपरवाह
446. Geriatric (ADJ) senior
447. Blooming (V) Progressing
448. Conjured (V) Fascinated
449. Recalibrate (V) Amend
450. Relegate (V) Downgrade
451. Triumph (N/V) Victory
452. Flux (N) Flow
453. Sensa onal (ADJ) Amazing/ Shocking
454. Burnished (V) Shine

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