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Torque is the ability of force to change the rotational motion of a particle. It is also called the
moment of force. It is always specified with regard to the axis of rotation. This means that as much as
torque is directly proportional with the force applied on a particle, it is also dependent on the
perpendicular distance of the applied force to the axis of rotation.

For a body to be in rotational equilibrium, the total torque on the body must be equal to zero.
This is also known as the Second Condition of Equilibrium.

In this experiment you will analyze systems in equilibrium and how it can be applied. You will
also see how torque is affected by the forces acting on the system and their radial distance from the axis
of rotation.


1. To apply the 2nd Condition of Equilibrium in analyzing systems that are in rotational equilibrium.

2. To determine the weight of a rigid body using the 2nd Condition of Equilibrium.

1 set model balance axis
1 set weights
1 pc meterstick
1 pc protractor Frad
2 pcs weight pans
1 pc spring balance r

Figure 1

Consider a rigid body in the form of a rod to be rotated about an axis at its left end (See Figure
1). A force F is applied at the opposite end of the rod at an angle  with the rod. Torque  is defined as
the vector product of the displacement vector r and the force vector F. That is,

⃗τ =r×F
 = r F sin.

But from Figure 1, F sin  = Ftan.

Therefore, τ = r Ftan (eqn. 1)

Equation 1 shows that only the component of F perpendicular to ⃗r is effective in rotating a

Considering a net force F acting on a differential mass, dm,

Ftan = tan . ∫a dm
But, atan = r α α
( is the angular acceleration in rad/sec2).

Therefore, τ = ∫ r2 dmα .
∫ r2 dm is the moment of inertia I of a body about an axis of rotation with the unit kg-m 2.

τ =Iα (eqn. 2)

Equation 2 shows that torque is directly proportional to the angular acceleration or the rate of
change of angular speed of a body. But we know that,

α = dt ; ω - angular speed (rad/sec).

Therefore, τ = I dt ; dL=Id ω ; L – angular momentum (kg-m2/sec)

Therefore, for a particle acted on by net force F ,

τ = r ¿ F = dt . (eqn. 3)

For several forces acting on a body,

∑τ = dt . (eqn. 4)

Equation 4 shows that the sum of torques of several forces is equal to the rate of change of
angular momentum of a particle.

A body that is in equilibrium must not rotate. If it is not rotating, then its angular
momentum is zero; that is L = 0 and d L /dt is also equal to zero. This leads us to the second
condition for static equilibrium; for a body to be in equilibrium, the sum of all the torques on a
body, ∑ τ , must be equal to zero.
Summarizing the two conditions for static equilibrium;

First condition:

∑ F=0
∑ F x =0 ∑ F y=0 ∑ F x=0
Second condition:

∑τ =0 (about any axis)


A. Determining the Weight of the Pans

1. Setup the model balance as shown in Figure 2 and make sure that the axis of rotation is
passing through the center of gravity of the beam.

2. Mark your pans as P1 and P2. Place W1 = 10-g weight on P1. Place the two pans on the
beam so that the system is in equilibrium as shown in Figure 3. Measure L1 and L2.

Using the 2nd Condition of Equilibrium, write an equation for the setup in Figure 3.


3. Take off the weight from P1 and place W2 = 5-g weight on P2. Set the system again in
equilibrium and measure L3 and L4. See Figure 4.

Using the 2nd Condition of Equilibrium, write an equation for the setup in Figure 4.


4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for trial 2. Use W1 = 15-gm and W2 = 25-gm weights for trial 2.

5. Using the equations formed in procedures 2 and 3, compute P1 and P2 for each trial.

B. Determining the Weight of the Beam

1. Use the second hole in the beam as the axis of rotation so that the center of gravity of the
beam does not pass through the new axis of rotation.

2. Place W1 = 50-g weight on P1. Adjust its location so that the system will be in equilibrium,
as shown in Figure 5.

3. Measure the distance of P1 and WB from the axis of rotation. Mark it as L1 and L2,

4. Compute the weight of the beam, WB.

5. Repeat steps 1 – 4 for two more trials using different values for W 1.

Using the 2nd Condition of Equilibrium, write an equation for the setup in Figure 5.



Name Group No.

Course/Year Seat No.
Subject/Section Date

TABLE 1. Determining the Weight of Pans

Actual value of pan 1, P 1 = _________ grams

Actual value of pan 2, P 2 = _________ grams

Trial L1 L2 L3 L4 P1 P2
(computed) (computed)

W 2 =10 g
1 cm cm cm cm g g
W2 = 5 g

W 2 =15 g
2 cm cm cm cm g g
W 2 =25 g

Average weight of pan 1, P 1 = _____________ grams

Average weight of pan 2, P 2 = _____________ grams

Percent Difference for P 1 = ______________ %

Percent Difference for P 2 = ______________ %

TABLE 2. Determining the Weight of the Beam

Trial L1 L2 W 1 +P 1 WB WB
(Computed) (Measured)

1 cm cm g g

2 cm cm g g g

3 cm cm g g

Average Weight of Beam, W B = ______________ grams

Percent Difference = ______________ %

Approved by:

Instructor Date

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