Popular Mechanics 05 1988 Text HSTVL

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Changing Gears For

The indy 500


Army Newest

Tactical Destroyer

Test Vehicle,
a concept tank
o i tomorrow.

Loaded Bats, Scuffed
And Spit —
FREESTYLE^ And Why They Work
Parent's Guide
To The Hottest
Bikes For Kids
An Easy-To-Build MuscJe Car Power Hot Custom Looks
Workshop Project Sports Car Handling And More !

rear step humper...

suggested price

--THAT’S WHY FORD RANGER well below he sug-


gested price of the

items if purchased
THE NO. 1 SUING SMAU TO BEGIN WITH. include a list
t pop- CAN'T MATCH.
PICKUP/ OUTSTANDING The Ranger XLT ular features frem The box at the right
VALUE IS ONI BIG looks great, It’s built two-tnne paint to compares Ranger XLT
REASON WHY! tough. And it's fun to
You km»W g<n>it vnJue dii \ c—ai vvw 1 h re. You
u lien you we It, right? get mull if Ji -purr fuel
Right! Rm
you 'ii- mu injected [Hjwer. Wide,
the only smart shop* handsome regular rah.
>r the oven n cornier
]ht around. So many r

people have discovered Ranger Sn( n*i1 ’al <

what a buy Ranger is, SPECIAL XLT VALUE.

it^ now
Lhe best selling But the buy gets
small pickup of illl even hotter XLT Spe-
: 1 1 4 1


equlvaleni Ibyoia GUARANTEE. TRUCKS 7 YEARS
Deluxe. Look how BOTH HANGER AND Purl hi paling dealers RUNNING.
much hanger gives TOYOTA INauDf hack (heir uslomer- i
liii-scd in an average

you -from power tower So •vring paid work with a free of owiier-rejxiilefl
si coring <o hig * !\wit Rrakvs Lifetime Service ( iiiar problems in a series of
outlined- while letter ’ AM I’M Strive antee. g<xxi !br ils long surveys of ’Sl-'WT nu«J-
(OWL) tires. Atul its - HiKlysKlv Acvmts as you own yuvir els designed and built
sticker price still * Sliding Rear Window vehicle.** in Nh ullt America, At
'HOfrdrftl bUi vl aiL iiihl ili- irH -h'l V.n
beats Ibynufslt t'lulh Split bench Seat nuui iJ.m flin r- n |-ir1-iMl n'UilJ liHhi-llvx
Knirl, 'yoality is .foh 17
Whats more, Ranger Carpeting ‘ +
Ahk nmr Ffird Drak'f lur 1 1
!! -

* Thill'll ( (Li:-.'. lln-ir Urn il Vi ILTHIlht l>.


backed hyali/fin
1 1

is ~ l-Liiix^ L .jji oallnil in?v \ur*

* < ’limine Rviir Step p

1w sLalp
warranty that Tbynta Bumper ilkewd ifli munuLaj-MiR r- -'iiflft ->i i--

doesn't match. Small * Clm Mw Rxinl I1 uhi|kt leriul pjn

I-* d luribZ-T M.T
( j,i(1l S|-tujI
V.lIi n E m knife ^U.A ji .iniqun-il will.
wonder it's No. 1! Deluxe Wheel TYim Ti<iil:i 1 h'lnui- TiHf-. till .mil >l> * i n nM
rJwrfle*. k r.L



Covers powertrains
for<> years Hll.briO
- KVi Engine
miles and hr >dy- panel
rust -through ford
years! It 10, (100 miles.
- HtiJEji
* full 'mil Wipers
Restrictions and Halogen Hrinllamjis
deductible apply V

FREE PIZZA from Pizza Hut® when make your purchase at your Stanley Tools dealer.
you buy Stanley tools. Then send it in with proof-d-purchaseand receipt,
New when you buy any of these Stanley0 and Stanley will send you a certificate good for one
t0Q s *
ggj more t ian
| nurn t)er delicious free pizza at a participating Pizza Hut®
one hand tool in America. M^u'li also get a free, restaurant. What could
top that7
one topping, medium size
Stanley Pizza F^rty request
pizza. Pick up a
form when you
LIB SarwirlnL Dwnintf ttalAvifi Nm
Hin *11 uv rti^ua *Jt


npi ^xa **ir. i nc
Vh tL* nil h L'vmr

MAY 1 900 VOLUME 1 65 NO. 5

63 Leading Mar*
Winning races and setting up race cars
come naturally to Paul Newman.
72 200T ?The Inside Sto ry
Part 5 of our "Car Of The Future" series highlights the
21st century automotive cockpit where onJy the
occupants will remain unchanged.

86 Divide And C on quer
Our easy-to-build, contemporary room divider is

the ideal place for books and collectibles.

“ft A comprehensive guide to
Anew i
' il44ir-i.|Jl fltpllM .lllJ'Hjr If'.-I? the latest hole -boring cool 5-
151 Th e B etter Home
r v, h h J rl h- r - f-! fiy . Tr 14 1
H M- i-vJI>
Li 'i A* 1 t, i! jl i r'f H ‘h ! I
.-.J! vj j A 'I

rmi-i.jr in Jtn r *fir i rrcujy • Investing in your home

—PM HluiUitSlon by
• Choosmo a lawn soreader
ITd 'w'.^M-rjur’jiky
• Homeowners' clinic
• Appliance clinic

IS Tech Update
The latest in aviation, energy, fusion, electronics,
medicine and entertainment technologies.
25 Th e Wr it e Stuff
Jn an age of impersonal computer printouts, the
fountain pen is reasserting its technological
sophistication and distinctive individuality.

jfl Tal k ing b<foe cp your Md MILITARY

PERFORMANCE TUNING GUIDE Low-silhouette, rapid-firing stealth armor is on the fast
95 More Show, More Go— For An y Car track in the U.S. Army's drive for rapid deployment.

98 Wore Performance Far Any Car
1Q2 Before You Begin know when your son
What you need to gets
T04 Appearance into totally rad 0MX, Freestyle and
With monochrom.
the hot new Formula One bikes.
ing engine detail-
82 Fouf Ball!
ing, new paints, Former mound ace for the St. Louis Cardinals, Jim
bodywork basics
Kaat. delivers the inside pitch on baseball's hijinks,
and that
bottomless shine, DEPARTMENTS
you’re looking hot 4 Editor s Notes 46. E|«trpnici
fl 2 Drlvpt raim
IQ Letters 51_ Workbench
From do-tt-yourwir
12 Time Machine Rasies
fuel injection to
26 Outdoo rs 52 Audio
powershiftrhg your auto-
matic, here's how to get ultimate performance.
30 Imports 58 Photography
128 Chassis 32 Inside Detroit 60 Hints
Hot wheels, better brakes, just the right size 34 OJd House 132 Worth
[ires, shock treatments and anti roll bars give 39 Science Writing For
you sportswear hand ling on the road. 40 C ar Clini c 174 Nea t Month

IN INVISIBLE TANK? Well, not quite. But the nest generation of
battlefield armor have such a low silhouctto (or alow visible Slg-
Inature, as they say around the Pentagon), that it will be much more
difficult for enemy radar and infrared detectors to see our tanks. Anri o-f
course, that means survivability cm the battlefield will be greatly enhanced.
If you're at ail familiar with older-generation armor, you’ll Ik* surpris'd at,
the appearance of this new
coming generation that will
be operational in the nexL 10
years. . _ Everyone « unis

a car that runs and looks bel-

ter. And that’s the whole
premise behind this month's
gigantic Performance Tun-
ingGuide that begin son page
95. In it, you'll find loads of
Lipson improving under hood
muscle, over-thoroad han-
dling and visual appeal. The
Guide represents months of Auto Department Editors Alien and Swan.
IHISISACUAR work by Automotive Editor
Tony Swan, Assistant Automotive Editor Mike Alien + Contributing Editor
OPPORTUNITY. Norman S, Mayersohn and Contributor Paul Stenquist, If you can't find
something in this Guide that will improve your car, Til hang it up. + + Since

With a Nuvus wind- our January 1986 issue, we've run 13 installments of pur {ingoing hand tool
series. The series, written by Shop & Took Editor Joe TruinL Lakes an itv
shield repair franchise, ilepth look at a different category of tool in each inslatlmenL. This month, the
your opportunities are focus h on drill bits (page 91 —
those small, but vital tools that are often

unlimited. overlooked in one's toolbox. The newest high-tech bits feature titanium-
nitride coatings, alloys that siaj
Because as a Novus superhard, and seemingly last for-
franchisee, you can easily ever. There are some bits you'll
repair broken and cracked recognize as longtime favorites
and others that will be new even to

windshields to like -new

the most experienced do-it-your-
condition. selfer. If you've got a hole to drill,
The fact is, wind- we've got the hit for the job,
, As you read this,, opening day
shield repair is a profitable t.

For the 1988 baseball season is im

new growth industry With minent. For some of us here at
expansion opportunities. Popular Mechanics, opening
Untiniited earnings poten- day is a religious holiday. For a Few
of the 601) or so major league base*
tial, And the investment hall players of America, opening
is modest. day 1988 signals the start of the
For more informa- [L to Rj: BMX Action Executive Erfllor Craig new cheating season. Perhaps
Barren^, bike racer Of eg Hill, and PM Out- cheating is too harsh a term, as au-
tion on the world leader doors Editor Joe Skdfupa calk Inf bike. thor Jim Kant explains in hb arti*
in windshield repair, call cte, "Foul Ball!” beginning on page
1-800-328-1117 In MN 82. Kaat, a major league pitcher himself for 25 seasons and now a broadcast’
er for the Minnesota Twins, says that rule bending is part of the game and al-
call collect (612) 944-
ways has been. Last year it was corked bats and scuffed balls. I can't wait to
8000. Or write: Novus, see what happens in + ,Hair you heard a strange language spoken in

10425 Hampshire S., your home recently? Is your kid walking around saying things like chrome-
Department PM-58, indy; downtube, titanium crank, freestyle and stem? If so welcome to the

wonderful world of high-tech kids' bikes. Depending on whether your kid is

Mpls., MN 55438. into freestyle, BMX or Formula I, his bike
may look like a motorcycle road racer, a
motorcycle off-r oad racer, or a gangly con- (
ghimeration of salvage-yard parts, But
make no mis Lake. Today's bikes are ongi- ^ Jpe Oldham
neered to a fare- thee- we 11 and are very
specialized. To learn the language, check
out page 78. Til next time.



\\7aiting for the new arrival.

v r
He had wan ago.
max] ordered some 70 yuan
hid been mail asro. Been
Bedrt keeumu
keeping outside heat out
OLil^itle h&it out there.
handed down from Everett to Ruby to Mike as their time for IIS Special coating makes Sunt/a/e coated glass Up to 70%
such a trustful friend first came, then went away. more effect ivt at insulating than unrelated glass.
Today, the bear rests in his latest home Awaiting his
latest charge.
nights ago
Bom. more or less on schedule, just a few short
The arrival. Light shines tJimugh the
coated glass as the nursery door swings open. A napping
infant moves from a mother's arms into an antique crib,
The house. This
from the ones the bear had known before,
home wa5 different A long-time family friend sits watching from the window,
And finally, is lifted from the sill and introduced to Jason
He thought the difference was all the windows. That For more information on bow windows made with Svngate
made tins pktce sttsii wore spacious than it was. That Set the coated glass from PPG can add to the warmth, beauty and openness
light Hood in. That kept the cosiness from slipping cut- of your home, send foryour^ee hiptbure. Or, call l-SOO-2-GtT-PPGto
in part, he was right The windows were, in fact, some- find out who in your area sells windows and donis with
thing truly special. coated glass.

of the
The windows.
windows .
from the big bay in the living
. .
area to the round-topped one he anxiously waited
in. ..was The Intdiigem Window' A kind made
with just one type of remarkable glass.

SLatt_ -&P-
GQ i

Simgate' coated low- E glass from PPG. 1

Muul to: PPG trtdicM rm J ne ,
M .irJiftmE Group.
SCJ15. PD Hde
Sungate coated glass lowers heating
bills In winter by keeping inside heal inside.
And lowers cooling bills in summer by
SungatE r JWID f£ 4LF, -

iwbri fLiii mj4
fTO I^uiSeieL tdt
B727, Hamfibur*. PA If SO 5-

Jht ApIf ffiprar Utndflov he rapjbKEd traifasmHfcj


Joe Oldham

Managing Editor
Rill Haitford

Graphics Director
Esryan CannifT

Horn# And Shop

Kiev eft WfclUoci, Eidjlur
Imepb Truini, •shnp jlcii L tnota editnr
Tbwnas Kleiiu’k ,
N’orman Becker Rosario CapoLnelo, h

Steve Tuth, Hob Vik P

mniribuLiiip erlttorp

Tony Swim, editor
Jim Umm. Itemui editor
Miki1 AUen h Lw-^UinC editor
MiuhacL Liunm Normui S. Mnytmnihn, h

Mart Schulli, Rich Taylor,

njolrtbutlrii^ Hfitora

New NEUTRA RUST Gets Rid of Rust For Good! Stephen A. Booth editor l

Frank Vizard, ctnitributijitf editor

NOT A MllfT NOT A COVER-Up r but an betora amazing] No lineals scraping, wire

entirelynew and revoliJlKxiajy process tor elimi- brushing and sanding to gel down to bare
Sdcncc.’T Khnploqy'AffOipair
nating rusl Neulrfl Huai was onginaJly devel- metal Nautra Rust works host applied nght evor

Timothy \l. Cute, rditor

oped id control the incredible rusl on oi ngs in rust* 11 pemimtes the rust.Gels fight down there Fred Muckerodi cantribiuintf editor ,

ttw North Sea and on ships of the Royal N avy and chamcaJly changs lha rust into an entirely
Think d tt>a rust problems Ihey have! Naturally new substance— a hard, black, paintabte com-
mey use vasJ quantities of Neutta Rust and buy it pound called leractensc. The n& is gone— not Joe Bkojmfmp editor
in huge SO gallon drums. For a long Irm* iftal cowered up-^GJQNP Fpr good- h
just rip Igngpr
was me only way you could buy n. But at last ewen exists.
Editorial Production
MeuTra Rust is available in smaller s^es tor home
and shop
NEUTRA RUST I* EA*Y TO U*E John flstftoninj] Jr. , art editor
First knock ofl the loose or scaly rust, but leave Uphamh Frank, production editor
Now you can get rid of rust tor good just the Nanry Cogging Ml
lbs rasl of the rusl (Remambe# Neulre
way they do at mchfsinaland munary mstallaliana Jodi L. Tarhman. assL production editor
Rust works wtift rusl.) Then just brusti Neulra
all ovcf the world!
Rust orv Within minuter that rust will be gone
WHET NEUTRA RUST 001* and the new surface will be there. Thai's ati there Art
Nthilia Rusl is like nothing you've over used isioiL Clean up cs easy, ti*a Jusi soap and water
Alan Andresen, Ann Bennett,
art dimtiJN
Lorry RuQivuip sbdant art director


J ragpMflfi ( ‘annua. udmumlrativc f^dptant
Barbara A. Novak. executive assistant

Editorial DfiicH
Now York, SY 10019
WestBTlh SL.
Wt> cannot be n^jMinsible far lass at
nnsn-LiritEfl queries. mnmj^riptH, nr
phot F or ret um
they must, bp accom- ,

panied by adequate praln^f.

When you first brush on Neutra Rust 19 whfte it black, Whal you hawe seen s the
rust being
Then, as you watch, turns pale green, men
it chemically converted The herd nmt surface
WRflCKimdffl SKkYlf' 1 ]: Pnmhir Mrrhrina--
darker green than finaky a deep wrought- iron can be panted any color you want, or left as is. u\iJ. ui^rti rvi.T^. rvmkriiriii.MTii!4^ nt"A ic
‘uhw-.n|ri.HMi -.rd-T. ulmbflak*. PiiUUtju^rV Uml wtHt
mf r.v A
linrt> 4 r- like- firm ci^n' ^trlivrry «rihtT tu Lhr r vn--Ki- ir

witIv- lflnr*iiftfc* f+mm-
USE NEUTRA RUST ON; Automobiles Boa ts Ihu. ranrrf be
i^irv-rh infWnitfc tu
<km r jiw uriB be piriTTr|P(ly m»dfrd nf the bm
Outdoor Furniture * Drain Pipes Gu Iters rUdr that vnil hrfm viiilt fdttpvnpi iim. mlh d mjji'rt fir in
funJuT rnstruilm- vm* rmy Ilhvm KfKVTrwnv vur <intr
Mailboxes - Swing 5#t* - Toots Lawnmowera V.V- wIcIn-.-K^ #4jcfl i-n If-ry iu
Appliances ' Toys * Bikes Wagons Hinges ^


HWfI, ten Mrinc<. 3 jS Wfiu

I SiatiM }im hffiT v\y
jtmt Milno1 |ilhjn. ;>hw iM-ik Jiam Ham-,
u.- ;il I'ihjuIit Mi-cfiahin,


Ratlings * Anywhere There s Ru sf. 1

i ’Lr/naikT Kcrw-K LViiurtnu'ni, ' <Hikir Hrchura&i. V.O iliix I

For Mail Orders Call: nxra. mwik it ,vai i-mm-tm

R*»- yiiuif ttuMre bibt v1v*m wTitire u> iv> v
1-000-221-6645 tm'w u .yiHlr
Li knn-4-oJ imVr> m\ In- n.^. m^\ m
For funner tntormahan
a kncL “.jhl v. ivL*- tt'-t In c-yqiimiiiin Lu aamv cncAimwl

about Nautra Rust

write ter
IW iJiim MdarCTi|^p-n irpiiT^
\'ir fr I'ia'S.

AH MiS'llANtOi. I'D ksx HfN

I M I limn znui
VP Marketing
Jeff Morrison.
New >brk Biwze Pwcfc»r Co . Inc
461 Doremus Avenue, Newark New Jersey Q7I05

e DomMa*T Hfwoa

6 Rotten

National Sales Manager

J, Coleman

Ruri Gilbert
Advertising Offices

m West New York

57th St,
Nev Yark NY h 10019
(2121 &J 93135

1 Smith Wackier Dr.
Chicago IL 6060G
(312) ftMrGMO
j£HUl West Big Beaver Bead
Troy, Ml 4tttM
(3 IB) &J920K1

3000 Ocesm^w-k RLvri,

SanUi Mcmica, CA 90405
(212) 4fiflkSB81 aioimrking St MtkJcvv
Direct newriH Advertising
224 West 57th St.
New Yurk NY r

AJ Cohen
( 212 )

Austin: C. Suss
(212) G49-BI42

Butirtttt Manager
Apies P- Milliard

Marketing Director
Edwjinl Vaqijero
Production Manager
Lori Ellwtjod

Advertising Production
Patricia A. Tinnier
(212) 649-3164

Ciircvlfled Sain Manager

Sophie Gronowicii
£212) 649^167
Reader Sendee Department
Garv Frederick, suu^rviaar
ffi-l Wesl Wtlh SL New York, NY I0Q19 f

(212) 640-31 28

FulhlLilird by The Elrmril 1-nrp-iiriil inn

Frunk A Ikniwlc Jr, l^idi'nl
Kurrli.'lj^i A. Hcutnl, L'hiiJinmn
i^iliM’Tl r Mnurw. iYunirJi'ol FifjigidnM Jhvbitfin ,

Rkhard E. Ownu. Publinhiry CthmiMmi*

Look for ihc Cuprinol*' name on Siains, Doik Stains. Wood
KPPIFLAR HKlEfAMCS publfcihnL imnUiEy hy Uir
IVeservativesand Sealers to fight the effects of weather on siding,
hemn' (.'arpnraLiiai, &5!f Kijrfitii AvrrnM;, Nfw VwN, h’Y
RNJLJ. U.S.A FrthiA Bcunftrk Jf., Prnklcril; J'!jniJiil|jK
A. 1nr 1
'I:.4 irirL&n
! .
llnr-ve-v I. Ljptcm, Vifr-PramrS+Til
decks, fences and other exterior woods. No matter where you live,
Mud S*cn.Hflry. EiWm A, V|(*-Pir*rtitlwLi H hd Tr*&-
-urn. JLi'drr.L XI^Lfiuiu'n lAvifJiiru IiMImmI i! M-iiii'd there’s no more beautiful way to preserve wotxi\ natural beauty.
I'rvxiknE. N riH.jfc llJUiri-nbUhS EiWPUtlV* Vlt*-
pPfcMlfeut. K. Rtilrtfl Brink. fcj.w-ul.ivf Vict-PrajUmiL;
IpWjrfT J. [3mn, 3EimJ|iTT VIcc-Pj-mM^wI; Mark >\
Hitler, K ti'L lt! n i Vic#.Pn«kitift. G*rwml Hutuer; R*u-

nuiwi J ExerUlk'r Vknt-PnmUitJit, TWnin J.

Hsiifln Vk i- J'rrddcaiL £ itetiidenL £ lunLrulU-r Li. mb-
Cnflnrain, V*+ i Ti i.v\rni fur FtopdHT WwhmiCP-


C(1 L

VS A SERVICE I CP kKAPtlLS, t^uiur JAnduuric*

]nlbij)ihM nrwnwuftfajr
iniJ tedi*urlq|fcsf rtB^wlinwiit#. Du* Ut [unwiblr vifiint*
I i-L'h nir^iu-i and Hru-nt illi
When it^ wood against weather.
h tiur •|i:-*lil\ uiiEci^tMilLhiii dT malumi.- uiil workramndhiii,
I'npuiur MiHrhiUiL^h^ajinriiL Lifumi- rv?|h Ti>iinl.:y fur pwifHir
j|i^ili>-!i;iiii. iif Ifdinluu** nr pr^H-r *Ik1 4iiv ftjnriJnfiJjwij Faramttttier mfamaiian cdl Cuprinot ' Brand TcchrskalScmcts:
lii-j iiuIk.
:iir'.H I plrxlurtj nr erjuk-r built prujcfL- jeuu]LL-n|[

rrioi jikiiM publLibixl bn Lhix rr^LT^i-nr

np FuLf+ti»KhioJlpMjTin«.lii
m-624-FROS CT: 3&0-228-?M u mm—i,on~.
- - iSi


rv f|
i rt Vrii
L i i , 1 \
i li

Chevy’s new 4x4 is off to a fly

Four Wheeler magazine has named

Chevy's new full-size 4x4 the 1988 Four
Wheeler of the year.
Not because our big new 4x4 won its

class at theOff-Road World Championships*

Or because it's the first all-new full-size
4x4 pickup introduced in this decade. But
because the editors of Four Wheeler drove
it. And loved it.

you can test drive that same Four

Wheeler of the year at your Chevy dealers.
Do it and you’ll fed the winning edge
in power from a fuel-injected Vortec V6 with
15 more standard half-ton horsepower than

Ford, Feel the precision of the standard

5-speed manual transmission with overdrive.
Feel the ease of shifting on-the-fly with
Insta-Trac that's also standard. Feel the
ride of the double A-arm independent front
suspension system.
Test drive a new Chevy full-size 4x4
pickup and you feel quality built to
'FI last.

Quality built to win.

"fcce- modified 4m 4 sponsored by GW Pant and outfitted with squired ufrty equipment.

ynwr ptny dwairr inr mrmn and
: jrd-luirY. d riiH-lu'T.VJl -jri |-il

Barf taekid Clio vya awr. t-yea* 60,000. miiii trtvnu

Pain wfrr&rttv protection arvd 6 years or 00 000 milff?

QP OoUy^u^MrirOtHjjfi prelEK-lion build pro^t or IhH

qualify buih info every new Ctievy Ml-sfcrB p£Xup


Radio For Help would Eke a copy can obtain
World-Class Cars It's about time
thanked you

one from meat P.O. Box 133,

Villanova, PA 130H5 for $25
GONE HAS to spend for “Shortwave Light-
11 h postpaid.
that kind of money for weights (page 84, April 85)
a luxury car! I'm re- and your mentioning that STEVEN K. VERNON
ferring, of course, to your shortwave listening can be VELLANOVA.PA
"Lapping In Luxury" com- helpful for polishing up
parison test of the Jaguar knowledge of a foreign lan-
XJS BMW 735-1, Maserati
h guage, As a clergyman, T
425i and Mercedes-Benz “How To Repair A Doorbell"
560SEL (page
Too bad you
57, Feb. m
didn't see fit to
studied German in
cause most theological litera-
ture is in German, Still, 1
school be-
your January'filS issue
(page 103) contained good
compare an '88 Cadillac Se- wasn't proficient enough to tips for most readers, but
dan DeVille and an "88 Lin- use the texts I have in my was wasted on me: Fvegot an
coln Continental with the —
library until I started lis- electronic doorbell of my
four European sedans. [ tening to German language design— surely the only one
think you'lt find that Cadil- broadcasts several times a in town* and maybe the only

lac's new 4 5-liter V8 engine

r week over the last couple of one anywhere. The buzzer is
and the Lincoln’s computer- February fifl iuue: Top right- years. in the house, but the doorbell
controlled suspension would hand corner shows the Mer- P,S,: In addition to QSL pushbuttonis on my home-

make the American entries cedes -Benz 5605EL winner of

r cards, many stations offer made mailbox which is locat-
comparable in terms of engi- Super Sedaru comparison test various items like program ed on the front gate. My
neering and overall perfor- guides, calendars and other doorbell also buzzes when
mance, Why weren't they use lightweight cable and literature—free* the lid oft he mailbox is lifted,
included? Detroit can build clamps to do the job, and I RH IL P BOH LKEN PASTOR
I ,
so I 'm “paged when the mai l

ears that are world-class in think these safety w ires r

OUR SAVJ0R is delivered! My design uses

every respect. should be standard equip- LUTHERAN CHURCH a low-powered transmitter

STEVE .STONE ment on garage door springs! QOLTEWAH.TN and a receiver such as used
TRENTON, MI WILLI A WF, KACZOR for garage door openers.
While waiting for the 88 7
Jim Value"
Riishline’s ^Rcet SACRAMENTO* CA
models from Detroit we fig- Bet Your Boots (page 70, March '881 was an
ured we d take out the mega- As someone who has been excellent introduction to a
buck luxury sedans —
cars in doing his own front -wheel- fascinating hobby. The work- Rea ler Award
a category by themselves be- drive maintenance for 20 manship* ingenuity and ar- Why do you show left-hand
cause flf their prices, not years, I found your article ts silk design that have been tu Lr-iC drills in the two illus-
fcemijse of their conn try ofor- “Servicing Const ant- Veloci- applied to such a humble tool trations that accompany
ty Joints ( Saturday Me-
igm. In a comparison test of '
as the fishing red is amazing. “Saturday Mechanic” in the
Detroit's latest luxury models chanic, page 147, Feb/SS) Many of the early handmade January '88 issue (pages 115
coming up in our A ugusf is- to be a perfect review of the reels so sought by collectors and nmh
it a lack of atten-

sue, we'll be. looking to see if importance of periodic GV- were constructed with a pre- tion to detail, carelessness,
world-class value has to start josnt inspection (and thanks cision usually reserved for or a deliberate attempt to
at $50fi00. for debunking the split- fine watches. Others were hug the perfectionist reader?
hoot myth). equipped with interesting Please render threads the
Safety Tip But there w as an omission
features such as weird level- right way in your mechanical
Your article "How To Repair boot maintenance. winds and unusual clutches* drawings showing screws,
An Overhead Oarage Door" It's true that C V joints often in the Rube Goldberg bolls, drill bits and so on,
was excellent (page 125 ?
should last the life of the car tradition. LA IJ RAN Clr KA W Y Eft
Feb. *88). It would have been (which* for me* is 100,000 1 hope that novice co Hec- RINGGOLD, GA
more eomplete however, if
1 mUes+L but the boots won't tors will bear in mind that, as
you included a paragraph on last this long unless they're with any antique or collect-
the dangers posed by the cared for. able item, the values of most
large springs used on either At alternate oil changes reels will not increase rapid-
side of the door. Recently, (more often if the car is get- ly.Prices, as usual, reflect
one of my overhead door tingold), I clean all four boots quality and scarcity. There is
springs broke with a crack with a product like Armor- more to be gained by admir-
that sounded like a rifle shot All or BTP vinyl rubber pro- ing the beauty and variety of
and it smashed a hole in the tector, massaging the boot the reels than by considering
/s-in plasterboard on the ga-
r well while rotating the them merely as in vestments.
rage wall. wheel. As you implied in Let me mention that my
Cheap insurance against your story: As the boot goes, book. Antique Fishing Reels,
injury and damage is the ad- so goes the joint. that Mr. Ba^hline kindly IMost ration fiWrt Saturday Me-
dition of safety wires in- DAVID R. CAMERON mentioned, is currently out chanic s nowt a left spiral twist
stalled through the springs. I UNION WELLS, NO of print. But readers who drill bit Instead at right-hand.



Ihe Power &The Glory


With Makita cordless p»nvr ti mis anything is pi ‘ssiblc. You

can turn raw lumber into finished furniture. Add a new room
to your house. Even build a new house.
Because Makita tools do more than tree you from a power
cord. They connect you to two heavy-duty cordless systems.
An extensive15-toot, 7.2VDC system. And a versatile lG-ioo!,
9j6VDC system. Each with an interchangeable battery that
gives you more than enough power to get the job done.
In fact, more professional builders use Makita power tools
than any other cordless*Maybe they're impressed by the
quality of our tools. Maybe it’s their power.
Maybe it’s because we have the power tool industry’s
broadest cordless me. I

Or maybe they know rhat the most impressive thing about

Makita cordless tools is what they huild.

Its AllTHe power you Need


75 YEARS AGO: May 1915
G^ng busters Would-Be But rocket travel was an ob-
Jn 1913 PM introduced read- Astronaut session in the pre-WWI
ers to possibly the world's ~

Robert Goddard's pio-
F>io- years thanks to Jules Verne
first SWAT team, The Paris neering experi- and other writers. This New
police force had its hands full ments with liquid York man tried to start the
with the ^ Apaches
— propellants were Space Age fjfl years ahead of
robbers who holed up in bar- over a decad e away. schedule by launching him-
ricaded buildings. Police self on a massive skyrocket
countered with effective loaded with 1504) pounds of
hardware, Assault teams ad- gunpowder. He intended to
vanced on hideouts behind descend by parachute. A
folding chrome-steel shields huge crowd, complete with
mounted on wheels. Once motion -picture crews, gath-
within range, the gendarmes ered for the launch, but it
launched knockout -gas gre- was not Lo be. The rocket ex-
nades from handheld can- ploded on igni tion and hurled
nons. The cannons also fired the daredevil 30 ft. Incredi-
fiium'-exting Lushing bombs bly, though burned and in-
and heavy projectiles. jured severely, he survived*

50 YEARS AGO: May 1918

Eye In T7ie Sky Oddball Auto ft-vehicle up to flfi mph,
By the 1930s America's "Teardrop" automobiles averaging 17 mpg. Inside,
mafis-produeti on machinery were forerunners uf the VW the car 44n, head-
hart fi-ft-
wan cranking out automo- Bus, although they never room. A periscope allowed
biles to an eager market. achieved widespread popu- the driver unobstructed side
Traffic engineers had to con- larity. A rear-mounted en- and rear views.
tend with a new phenome- gine propelled the 22-
non: urban gridlock. To aid
intersection design, they
used cameras hung from
Goodyear hydrogen- filled
balloons that were tethered
on guy wires over crossings.
The guy wires served be elec-
tric cables, enabling shutter
operation from the ground.
Motor-driven gyros main-
tained vertical stability for
Snapping xratfk inarlf. the airborne cameras.

25 YEARS AGO Mav 1963 :

New Look Aft Indy Space Shot

PMs cover story previewed Also in our May 1963 issue,
the 1963 Indianapolis 500, a aci-fiace Robert A. Hebileln

SSS»“«5 pivotal year for the “Brick-

yard." Though beefy Offer
hau aer- engined roadsters
detailed NASA's Gemini pro-
ject. The mission's goals:
Send up a 2-man capsule on a
had dominated Indy, a modified Titan II I CBM
change w a* in the wind. A give Lhe astronauts control of
VerfUfl lean, maneuverable Lotus their craft via external jot
powered by a rear- mounted thrusters so they could dock
at IN®*' Ford Vfi look second place in with an unmanned orhiter r

an electrifying finish with Space walking was also part

Jim Clark at the wheel. The of it, Heinlein brought Gemi-
lighter engine burned gaso- ni's implications to life with
line instead of a methanol an imagined 1984 rendezvous
blend, and the car featured with a space-station- bound
Own* r
independent ^pension and cargo-tanker. m
a chassis design inspired by
Pounding the bricks. Grand Prix machines Riding booster JnKo orbit.


The new box
isn’t the
real news.
Frankly, we
anyone to flip over Merit Ultra Lights
don’t expeel
simply because they now come in a box, OK, sure, it's a terrific package— the Rip-Top® is
very handy, and the sturdy sides stand up to all kinds of abuse. Whafs really exciting is inside.
Thanks to Enriched Flavor. * Merit Ultra Lights delivers real taste satisfaction.

And that’s great news in ultra low tar smoking.

Enriched Flavor* ultra low tar. A solution with Merit,



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traIlRig EDGE


9T ^ PROPELLER Tlp-driv« p^rop-elferi powered by p* daring

'-SHAFT pNat pull Dn Vinci s ralpr hJades In apposite
Even at a rotation a% slow ai £ y


BLADE-TIP" TJP-DRIVE^%<^ rpm. The 14Q-ft-dla. rotor h expected to l\f% /
II SKID STRUT PROPELLER [350 RPM) the craft and k »pIt airborne for 5 minutes.

Human-Powered Helicopter blade could bring the coning

Close to Liftoff tendency under control. The
Da Vinci team is currently
SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA— tor blades at high speeds, shaft of a propeller. To lift experimenting with a system
White human-powered air- generate lift by spinning icing off, the pilot pedals, turning that would send output from
draft successes have grabbed blades at a slow speed the spool and winding in the tip-mnunlof! height sensors
headlines, one challenge re- The resulting craft the — threads. By putting out 0.35 to aileron servo controllers.
mai n.s —putt! ng
u nans we red
Da Vinci 2— features two 70- bp, a pedaling pilot can spin The other stumbling block
a helicopter ft.rotor blades that end in each propeller like a top at has teen finding a place to try
into the air. propellers. At 285 pounds 350 rpm. That moves the ro- the Da Vincir the craft will
Nine years ago the Ameri- (including pilot) Da Vinci 2 is tor blades at 6 rpm, enough only fly in windless condi-
can Helicopter Society made a showpiece for lightweight to levitate. The thread keeps tions. Last February the
this offer: H ove r 10 ft off the
. materials, from the graphite- the craft airborne for 5 min- team tested the craft in a 1.1-
ground in a human-powered reinforced plastic-foam rotor utes before it runs out. million-sq.-fL. Douglas Air-
rotary-wing Liraft for fSO sec- blades, to the Kevlar- cov- Two hurdles still stand be- craft Co. hangar, but the
onds, and you'll win $20,000. ered foam propellers, to the tween the Cal Poly team and company has earmarked the
Vertical teJcenff te required, carbon -tubing framework the prize. First, the propel- space to build C47 transport
and you have to slay within a that supports the pitot. lers have been lifting the planes. Despite this draw-
30- ft. square. The prize bus Da Vinci drivetram blade-tips ton high. The low back, the Da Vinci group an-
never teen claimed consists of two lines of poly- rpm of the turning blades ti ripates claiming the prize

A team of California Poly- urethane-coated Kevlar doesn't generate the centrif- sometime next year.
technic University students thread. Each thread runs ugal force needed to counter
has been trying since 1981. from an elliptical spool at the the rotor's tendency to form Edila r :Tin7Cak.'
AaBBJltEcMDT CutpqiyT Pope
Their approach: Instead of pilot's feet through each n cone shape. An
aileron Conrntjufars/ John Rnr
spinning relatively short ro- blade and winds around the mounted near the tip of each MrfcrFi'fcjn. p^i Rubers


m 15
. - ^ - 9

mat 1 $ a a

Spinning Oven
Crafts Mirror
TUCSON, AZ— The Uni-
varsity of Arize naV second-
genen-atian rotating furnace
has cast its first telescope
uiimir and i« working on an- PHQTD

other. Spinning puts a natu- i

rally concave surface on the WhJppie Observatory got W&ZGfllA

furnace's product, saving furnace's first output

years of grinding and polish
ing. Insiile, glass melts blocks.What's left is a light- ffSlTYOF

around hexagonal blocks of weight, honeycombed un-

ceramic fiber Once I he glass derside that allows air to eir-
has cooled and hardened, wa- cu ^ ^ 1 °w * rofloet o r Furnace does 0 rptn for 14 hours art
1 I IOO to 2000 F.
ter jets blast away the fiber and relieve heat stress.





Hedd-flnt low ftlnwsi leii spetm whaslc

Hirfate at will and breathe through blowhole.


Whale Rescue Gear Saves Stranded Animals

BRONX, NY — City Island, a harness is double- and triple- fish containing massive safe force-feeding,
small maritime community in sewn nylon, coated with a lu- doses of antibiotics. During North Winds inflatable
this New York City borough, bricant to protecl the whale's the process, a sperm whale pontoon rafts transport small-
is home base for a team ol ex- sensitive skin. The harness, is once clamped down on er marine mammals such as
perts who have developed secured around the whale's Sandlofer's arm, Though he dolphins and manatees. The
special harness and notation middle. Quick-release buck- was released unharmed, he rafts are mobile and insure
gear to save stranded whales les enable the animal in be decided to develop an inilal- humane handling of Ihese
and oth er marl ne mam mais set tree by divers in the water able collar he could insert in animals, often relegated to
North Wind Undersea Ingto or rescuers on a boat. the animal's mouth. The col- ropes or the iron scoop of a
tutOp founded by Michael Stranded or sick whales of- lar, which the diver-rescuer front-end loader,
Sandiofer, a commercial div- ten musl be force-led wilh slips over his arm insures
r One
of the most important
er and licensed ship's cap- firststeps rescuers from
tain, has bean working on North Wind perform at the
special equipment that en- scene of a whale stranding is
ables rescuers io tow whales keeping the animal's skin
safely out to sea head first. wet. Spray equipment with
"In the past they'd tie a dousing nozzles forms pari of
rope around the whale's tail North Wind's rescue gear,
and drag it oul to sea,'* says designed lor mobility and
Sgndiofer. "The whale would quick deployment,
likely drown, it must breathe The technology lor whale
through the blowhole on lop rescue designed by North
of its head, which was oflen Wind is simple yet effective,
forced underwater when enabling speedy treatment
towed by the tail," for stranded, sick or net-
North Wind’s whale rescue Inftatob^e collar Jama whale's mouth opw, allowing force-feeding. trapped sea mammals,



Latest Twist FDLDONL
vaneed Toroidal Facility
(ATF) is a newly built high-
effidency fusion plant at the
National Laboratory.
The plant features an ar-
rangement of external mag-
netic coils whose combined UAOAJM
fields suspend the plasma in a
donuUsfaaped "magnetic bot-
tle/' The ATF's coils give the
“bottle '
a twisted, crullqr-
likeshaf>e, which can sustain
a higher plasma pressure
than the smooth donut shape
of a conventional tokamak
plant. The ATF will also op-
erate in a steady-state rather
Lhan pulsed mode, since it re- PlA^AA
quires no in-plasma current
to reinforce the magnetic Helrcaljcofkscrewj and 0*TUJUUST«*TiQN

confinement and drive the polridal [cirrulffl-] magnetic fields

fusion reaction. hold 50-fnil ion-dtgiee plasma.

for the largo one and up to 345 mph for Ihe small These
Super Tunnels Bring speeds represent critical takeoff and landing velocities, not

Wind And Sun Indoors just lor rotorcraft and fow-speed ai rcrah but also for high-speed
craft such as the Space Shuttle and the proposed grounds
NEW YORK, NY— Reproducing unusual conditions is the job orbit National Aerospace Plane,
of new wind tunnels in California and Sweden. Meanwhile. Saab s climatic wind tunnel at its Trolthitten,
At NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Fisk). CalHor- Technical Center features equipment for the realistic simula-
nia, the world s two largest wind tunnels are now open tor busi- tion of sunlight. The apparatus consists of 800 lamps that can
ness. One 40 ft. high x SO ft. wide, the other 80 it. x 1 20 ft. the N
be switched on or oft in computer-controlled cycles. The lamps
two tunnels are in the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Com- pul out more than 1200 watts per sq. yd., equivalent to the
plex (NFAC). maximum solar radiation at the equator. The equipment can
Full-scale testing —
next best thing to actual flight-will be simulate variations in solar elevation of up to 30* from the ze-
conducted on vertical/shoh-takeofFand-landing craft, which nith and the test chamber s floor can be heated to 85* F above
require large lunnels Tilt-rotor aircraft wi also be tested there
. II the air temp. The wind tunnel will help in the design of air condi-
Both tunnels operate in the low-speed range: up to 1 15 mph tioning compressors and windows .
(Please tu m to mm W



NFAC tfans put out 1 30.000 hp and move 63 tom erf air per second. Saab (urmelrdfig*! from Id l HS'Fwirh up to 95% humidity.



" If it’s tough enough

for the Guinness Book
of World Records . .

It was a from Tierra del F uego to the

truly incredible journey,
Arctic Circle from the southern tip of 5ou th America to the
northern tip of North America
Garry Sowerby made this adventurous, record -setting tnp in
just 23 days, 22 hours and 40 minutes. And oh, the stories he
could tell.
' k
a world record. Garry Sowerby didn't take
Naturally, to set
T|- r

-U^E- -
chances — he took a
Sierra, GMC
Trucks ultimate full-size f fnik
pickup The comfortable, reliable Siena Insta-Trac 4X4. with
standard anti lock rear brake system (operates only in two-wheel
dnve mode on 4 X 4s) not only survived, it thrived. For 5,000 1


grueling mHes from mud to snow, through jungles and Over

If the Sierra is tough enough to handle a tiek like Scrwerby 5,

imagine how we!f it can handle your everyday needs. _

r >i i /ii.'i ,w .*.ir

it's tough enough
for you.” Cs?
IT Gairy Sowerby

You don’t have to go for a world record to appreciate all the

ixties the Sierra has to offer The Siena rs much more
S an a full-size pickup —
it's a GM
C Tru ck full-size pickup. J

Its toughness and are evidenced by Garry Sowerby

reliability 5

record-setting journey. Its aerodynamic good looks speak

for themselves. Its 4' X S’ bed and standard GVWR
of 5,200 «
pounds (including passengers, cargo and vehicle} show its
capacity to take care of business.
Its choice of five engines —
from the standard 4. 3 liter

rrs not just a tevat anymore.

Superconductor Foot-Launched combines sailplane per-
formance with hang-glider
Motor Sailplane convenience. When thepitnt-
STANFORD, CA — Aero- cnntmlled inboard flap in de-
nautic engineers at Stanford flected downward, lift over
University dreamed up this wing in*
the front part of the
flying wing. Called SWIFT creases pitching the nose

(fur Swept Wing with In- up. Prototypes will be tested

board Flap fur Trim), the this summer.
Electromagneti on piste
ttaEEOm are srmply polls wound
with copper wire.
motor is an Hl4-i rt. aluminum
plate with 24 elect ruimag-
nets. Graphite brush cnn-
tttcta allow the magnet* to he
switched un and nff as the
plate spiras over two diamet-

rically opposed disks made of

the new HiiperersrrlucLoriH.

The contacts arc- positioner)

so that an electromagnet i.s
Argonfieted-inkJaii thlJis motor switched on as it approaches
with Nqulcf nitrogen,
a superconducting disk. The
ARGONNE, i r, superconductor repels the
Argonne Nil- magnet, pushing the plate
tinnal Laboratory have built and bringing the next elec- pyiUJ^TTHnONBYEn

the mu-
worlii'ft fjrsL electric tromagnet into position
tor based nn high-tcmpera- ^uh-d'Up industrial versions
ture superconductors. could put out 100 hp by the
The h«?art nf the Md.^ner 21st century. 5WIFTi35-ft, vving5panfriinstat« into a 23i l lift-to-tfrag ratio.

CAT Scans Leave The Hospital

roots, watching undisturbed
growth and water uptake.
Meanwhile, quality-control
professionals are using CAT
scans to test everything from
aircraft engine components
to food products to corked
baseball bats. One advan-
tage industrial CAT scanners

have over their medical coun-

terparts is the freedom to
g train intense radiation beams
on their subjects.
f fjfeosf ifafrn lojKgrEt)




Twig Child" skull as reconstructed try CAT scan. Petunia In University of Geor-
NEW YORK. NY—The tech trafopftftecvs aftiesnus. The gia'i agricultural CAT scanner.
oology lhal revolutionized question: Did this creelure remove any one from a CAT
medicine in the late 19705 is develop as slowly as a hu- image. Washington Universi-
now providing diagnoses in man child? Clues lay hidden tyresearchers used CAT
olher fields A CAT scan of a in ihe fossilized upper jaw scans to find lhal At/strafQ-
2-million-year-old skull re- —permanent leelh lhat had pf/fiBcus teeth developed PHOTO

cently solved a long-standing not yel surfaced when the more like a chimp’s than a hy-
scientific mystery. The skull child died.Rocky debris, pet- men's. At the University of
belonged iq a child ol the ex- rified bone and teeth differ in Georgia, experimenters have NASA CAT sem of Shuttle
tinct ape-man species Avs- density, and a computer can turned CAT scans on plan! engine's Air -injector ncuok


w i i F

R-410 US.

The ttiffiTi'iiu' between work and work man ship.

HtninjncHfJtfn umpbell comert credent lufh.in Merrill wtnOLsaw p\umu m+wHR Tgjrwer MrtU.tR wire wrM* *is* icfute
a pimivi^O* trCKil't NiHHiJ3TRrf S INL
1 990s Promise Wildest Thrill-Rides Ever
Amusamon'Lridfc engineers
are drawing up biuepnnls for
lOrnOrrOW'6 thrills. Currently
under development are new
lechnoiogtes that will put rid-
ers inside huge arcade
games and subject them la PMOrO

u n tea retool sensations

The amusement park hit of PRODUCTS

(he 990s may be Mega Ball,


which re-creales the pinball

experience with you as the
ball On a huge inclined plane
outfitted like a pinball ma-
On-board monitor helps you dim Top Gun s Infrared beams. SriTturailng thewmtf blast
chine. you are earned to She
of a flash flood
top in a round, 4-person bumper car Once released, loystick inhand, you maneu-
you roll down the slanted plat- ver up. down and sideways, unleashes 1 75 gallons at
form, bouncing off waits and trying to shool down oppos* once, literally flushing riders
posts. You can even activate ing ships while dodging oppo- helplessly down the ride.
she flippers from within (he nent beams. If hit, you drop Fordisorientalicin aficiona-
car, thanks to a radkMre- to ground level for one revolu- dos there's Alpha Dyna-
quency hookup. Mega Ball is tion be lore reluming to ac- iron— an enlarged 2-rlng
still on She drawing board of a 1 ion . Il ends with a battle- royat gyroscope wilh a seat in the
Swiss manufacturer. shootout, leaving only one center A 3- speed motor
Infrared-beam combal ship airborne —
ihe top gun. spins Ihe outer ring in somer-
adds a video-game feel lo Water-slide fans will enjoy saults while you control the

Top Gun, which will be Flash Flood at Myrtle Beach, side-spinning inner nng with
installed this summer at South Carolina, and else- your weight and position, ex-
Gurney Park in Allentown, where. Instead of sending periencing Iree-fall weight-
OynatfOn S top speed will bp 34 Pennsylvania. Hydraulic water down (he chule at a lessness. This gut-wrencher
rpfn for oaring rFders. arms lift 1 4 rocket shhps. With constant rate, Flash Flood i s sti 1 1 in prototype stage l





Human pinball nwhtne: Rider -controlled flipper ai me bottom of Mega Ball fires vehicle bade up the cable., pf olonglng ride.


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Kings 4 inn's Solr HI ng 'Ur'
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Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.
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T— Av bn FtC'iflethnil
r T vKAuVb
MJF ’/"Il 1
. . * <s

mrV\ w**-

First Ek rtm Starting

Our very first day in t he water, nearly a cen-

was the day of our vm first wrinkle.
tury ago,
That was the day we mw med the outboard >lnr m
as we know' it today
But even a young whippersnapper knows it s
not enough to be the oldest, ibu also have to be
the wisest.
And so, horn the very first, we at Evinrude
have made it our business ft) create more wrinkles.
’!<> make sure that every major advancement in
First Trite outboard technology comes from us.
Marina Oil infection for instance, we were the first In conquer
corrosion— back in 1921— when we introduced an
outboard motor made with aluminum.
And of course, we can still remember the day
we invented, in 1954 the first truly quiet mt board.

Like it was yesterday - ,

And over the past
three decades, when the
V4, l'f> and V-8 motors
were introduced— each
marking a revolutionary
stage in V-block design —
they were ours.
Which is why we be-
lieve nothing on die water
today is as ratable, as
durable and as powerful as
an EvinRideoutboard-
Evinnide. We’ve stood
the test of time, because
we're way ahead of our time,
S ir more information,
or the location of an Evinrude
Outboard dealer near ’you*
dll 1800 255^ 2550

First Pibrtgfass Motor Cover

£ |>iK* EjuthniiTil VLuniib' Cuirm'miri All art|fhih: resm'wd

— 1 *1 t m . W


ATV Wheels Of Misfortune

WAS DRIVING b 4- thorited instruct nrs, The
whcel ATV thrmigh guidelines, and how to mi-
the Forbiddii^ mmn- tacl the nearest instructor,
seapt* fif Itsih's (-any mi and I
I are available free of charge
desert hi hI mi m in er feeling Hie gu ic li Li h rue in I w* j 1
like a hlgh-Lechvow boy. The I * formuts: print, which ran be
frying-pan hcMil and muscle- fkblaitied by calling (sdfb M 7 -

tiring paw
turning mj wmj
-ITi H i
anti videu T which cun he
M-day Lnp into u grueling or- obi siiiied for mi-flay loan by
deal,. hut Lhe payoff wa^ calling (TMiail-aSift.
wurth iL We were exploring SifKMB the ferniutioii nf the
deep wilderness that few get S V A and the increase of au-


tu see, and enjoying every thorfeed imdniictors, the ar-

min ute r eidelU rate hie- gu IM? Llr.jW'U In
I remember many things ndalioii Lu total ATVh Hi use.
ahrmt that trip gr><ise necks Sn why all the fuss 1

of the Juan River Lw tHi

Seiji In 1^87, through Si'fU 4.
lug t h rough sh per canyon there were Do ds-al hw and I

w jj L ] >n low coring sculpted iht JHH injuries from ATV ,lc

rrjrk formal ions, a twiJighi Only 4-wh«lcrt Wkt Honda Fourth <,in Nast ihrougJh ih< cauiback ciderith, according to thi 1

swim in the Lake PnWiell Lit VPSC. In the past fiveyear^.

end of a parched day, ami a nenLly hazardous.'* Suzuki 4- We nnarty *tm pnuple die d and
night sky Filler! with impossi A eeo rn p>ii n y n g the s u i i agreed hat (be first thing
I 271 JKH) we nt inj li rei I

bly bright stars- w us si p re m n a r y v ns e n I i i

* i
t any new ATV rider mauls is -J Ksirmon* people drownt^i
But thi* strufigewt memory decree. which is an agree- to Ji lariu]^ of safe rjdiilg in- while swimming during a
af all 6* nf a fellow rider flip- ment between Jill iwilies in- htnicLiOTi. similar period ur wore In-
ping his ATV' on a rocky* vol Vi U r -sc ve the s li it V. s-
1 y il i Safely has been on the jured while raw fiat.hhng. J'ut
ntsir-vertiral slope. I run still *l»h voluntarily. Tlu* result mmi- of ATV manufacturers siatifitics like hose, oft rn i

see the HQU -pound ATV nf the eourtroimi wrangling fnr many yearn. Five years UHi'tt hy lawyers, reveal lit-

lurching acrtiaa the incline wins an inumfliato kin un the ago H u m la Sukli k Kaw- mu-
, i ,
tle- Thi re arv only 2-pJ-mil-
and railing in topofhim- r sale oft:- wheel AT Vs ami (he ki and Yamaha bunded tn- lion ATVs in the U.S.. while,
Sly companion hure the n-ruuvsil of unsold & wheel i-rs gether In form a cnJiliniiing, preaunuibly, the entire popu-
prUM ufhis injuries like a Trn- from stores. m u pn ifit ATV sa t'ety
* ir^in i- latiiin takes bathx.
Jan. He was transported lay 3 was i*tjm|iarinp noLes re- zatcon culled the Specially Although it s true hal L

1x4 ruck from the uiithack If

L j cently with I M's Detroit Vehicle Enstilute nf America there have been no demon-
i due tor. while our group Automotive Editor Jim iSVlAh The a Vi A devel- st rations h> rfingrunlled
pushed Several liays lat- i in. Dunne. win? oral mont hs oped u set of guidelines fur ATV riders or evidence of
er we Js+Hrmi-d he suffered a agi * wen 1 o the- hill w*u n t
ry ( uf ATV upcralinn und u
ssife angry lottHrs flootiing inln
HepLiruletl shoulder, cracked N as h iUc Ti'i in ess* \
i li i
rii Je prugrum for certifying au- mail rooms, recent media
ribs and a severely broken coverage has been nrHieal
ankle. The day we relumed ami regtiJulury aentlutent
tu base camp he underwent Iuls ta-on gnivrifiu
surge ry to implant a jfermai- Last year, the television
Rent steel pin in his ankle. shows ,l2fMBlP” ami "CO Min-
"JV1 y hesirl bleeds fur any- uti^” aired CHiiiLnvversijd re-
body who's been Injured and ports on ATV accident rates
for any parent who's lust a and showed film of rider iribn-
child,mean that sincerely,
f u^i . dr ei] s- r rruttponsi hi
I ity
swyx Kurt Antoniu^ of and interviewfi with ^«nouii-
American Honda, abtnit re- ly injured riders. They iilsn
ported ATV accidents. And 49
showt*d chort^ngraphed forjt-
I tee] just: is badly fur anyone age desigiml to demonstrate
hurl -
1 ra u net nf swings or hit the inherent instability of
by a car.
The Department nfJusliw Krit only did ihese brnsid-
feels bhil T too. It recently casts spur the Justice De-
1 fc

filed u suit, in Jjairtmeut forward
arkij E E'Sl

with the Consumer Product nn E f hut 'nngress-

ii-iir xiiit, E

Safely nunmiKsifin (t-DS-t'l

i iiu i n began leaping mi the
tn the U.S. District Court in regulatory bandw Ligon.
the District ofl 'ohmibiu tie Even sifter l he preliminary
daring that ATVa art* “muni- Kaw^fhl'i t«utc 4 Jan t likely t*gti stock In smftlng leg ai umets. *
1 1 o^i !ttn\
' fti fjtiiji j,


you 'll find a hid-
den eyebokmpt
hwiks cm ciltj St
hook to make it
models Set vxjlj
even easirr to tie
tiedown hxtds
down cargo
And keep tU'
hxfy lines iri-aji

when nor in wsr

A Nissan
hbidhody gives
yuu the largest
cargo volume of
any leading
CbnoBKMi-cr^tinf compact truck
a seamless M de-
sign help present

The double-wall
is de-
signed so the inner
panel absorbs
the shock of shift-
ing loads, whik
A Oukbtckasc the outside sheet
tailgate is designed
metal remains
so you an tmow motionless
tt in a matter of

Although you might not realize it, Nissan's " been You II also find the largest cargo volume of any
in the exterminating business for over fifty years leading compact truck and a hauling capacity of up to
Exterminating shoddy workmanship, inept design, 2,000 Tbs. After all, if a truck is to haul things with, we
and thoughtless engineering From the truck industry. think you ought to be able to haul a ton.
Take for example, something as simple as paint At And then there's our quick-release tailgate Its de-

Nissan, we always match our primer to the paint of signed to be removed in a matter of seconds But, youif

the truck. So if you get a scratch. no one will notice. really want to examine a Hard body visit one of
You'd be amazed how many truck manufac- |
NISSAN our showrooms and talk to a salesperson
turers overlook this minor detail You won t find any pests there cither

Built for the Human Race:

OLFTPOORS cither than fight an image^Iamaging war. haven't jumped out of a plane in

f( 'rmitutiffi JtH But can the government really legis- years, hut when 1 did, people told me
late behavior? skydiving was a much more dangerous
decree banning 3- wheeler sales was an- "“You can't believe how many people sport than, let's way, backpacking.
nounced. UhS- Rep. Doug Barn hank of are injured on ATVs by being hit by However^ I recall one hackpacking trip
cars/' says Honda V Antoni us, “They're in New Hampshire * Presidential

Georgia, said his subcnmmiLLet on com-

ment and consumer affairs would press not built fur paved -roads, but people Mountains when ll driving rainstorm
fowurd it* study of outlawing ATV still drive them there. Getting drunk, forced me off an exposed ridge. On the
sides, and U.S. Rep. James tL Florin, nf riding double, which is also prohibited, way down. the trails turned to rivers
New Jersey said his subcommittee
going too fast for conditions, not wear- and the steepest descent* to waterfalls.
would continue to fight fora recall. ing helmets and kkk riding at ton young I couldn't stop where 1 was and I
ITessurt was mounting froin wveral —
an age that's why people get hurt,'

couldn't go back.
directions m
ATV manufacturers, in- Outdoorsmen are constantly called on Every move J made for several hours

cluding intern oily sales were off due to use their judgment to determine the had a high-risk quotient. A mistake dur-
to the adverse publicity, Su l hey deckl-
difference between unacceptable risk ing that descent could have resulted in
ed to give up the battle voluntarily. and personal safety. serious injury' and v en death, f had to

play the percentages and make every

move count, all the while wishing was I

doing something safer, like skydiving,

"Everyone in the industry is con-
cerned about safety says Mel Moure, S

of the Kawasaki division, '"but the real

issue to come out of the preliminary con-
sent decree is that a privilege ha* been

taken away from consumers by the mis-

Use of riders who don't follow rules.
Most cjf the terms of the decree cover
issues nf safety, such as: Notices must
la1 sent to all known purchasers of ATVr
in funning them of risks associated with
the products^ retoilers must prominent-
ly display t x 4-ft. signs containing
warnings, manufacturers must affix
warning labels Lo all ATVs marketed in
this country, and su on.
These are reasonable, ifovercau-
tirjus terms. But the decree wont one

giant slop further. It banned the sale of

u recreational and utility vehicle.
The good thing about the decree is
that no inherent defects in ATVs. in-
cluding 3* wheelers, were found. In fact,
according to Rit LaFraneois, of Yama-
sometimes the ha's ATV division the ban un sale* of

HARDEST WORK new 3- wheelers will only be in effect un-

til performance standards arc finalized.
DOESN’T START UNTIL But even if the bail on «£- wheelers is
YOU’RE OUT OF THE WOODS. fief 3, there’s a.strong likelihood they
I i

Husqvama trimmers are wouT be reintroduced. Industrywide,

designed to handle every* niche sales have been dropping
for the past
and comer ofyou ryard. Few years, according in LaFrancois.
They re lightweight The models with the fastest growth rate
and balanced for have been the large, utility 3-wheel
easy ust’r An elec- models used for work and play,
tronic ignition makes w
ATVh are m
more dangerous than
starting easy. any other off- mad says Craig

Choose from Giromla, manager of Stamford Cycle &

five models. All cut clean Sled, in Stamford, Connecticut, and a
and run smooth. certified SV1A instructor. "They're no
See Husqvama m are dangerous t ha pi dirt bi kes or s now -

trimmers fanjs/icuttcrs and
, mobilefi, for example. Thu mam issue
blowers at your dealer today here is operator safety.
The clearing saw professionals. Outdoor recreational spurts always
involve risk, and those of us who enjoy
them do so with our eyes wide open. If
we choose not to play it safe, to take a
chance and go against the percentages,
that’s our decision and we accept the re-
sponsibility. That's the way it is off- roar!
or in the wilderness* unless the govern-
ment decides otherwise. FMi




The official authorized model

of the most famous
Rolls-Royce ever.

* HfflnrVM.TV.il y/J h nnfi

*'* Vjk t it

(i ft I) E H- FORM
Now you can own n Rolls-Royce. it has been officially authorized hy HIi-am mail hy May 31 , WHH.
Holls-Rnyce Motor Cars l id.
The official die-aK model of Ifiiiklifi Mam Avi'riinfl
The S&nx Ghost Crafted in exacting detail frrakJm 1

Each imported model as plated with I Hi LWikr '

Elk- Sihrer Glv^l .
prrciwuri i nfled in
Distinctively plated with sterling tbc'CtM mHaJ wlEhitcrlinpciblm pl jkd inm
sterling silver— protectively - to coated
silver like the famous ihriginaJ. prppicaivd|i cujctd. U* ill ht mist id mrfullt
match the original. H:md assembled fmm a>'*TTiMr'J iml Andy kw Jipfibi ! tprtbcF liti ll*

more than 27 separate parts. Every del ail QnlAcif uf Authcnn* in

Only one Silver Ghost was ever huilL 1

E Iknfd MrlfcJ tin itumr) tUM Pn-ir kp^h lpint fl!. I *it\

And this \9*P masterpiece established authentic. Doors that open and close he trilled l.ir a iJrpnll ul I3H - jnJ jfltf Yhifimriil lul-

Removable spare tire. Tiny instruments lin' h jLuk r m Ehfrr ni-'r.llili uEiUlhni rib uf
RnRsKnycc (brail time as the world's * "
i uJlijiI

and engine parrs Priced at just S 20 and

*Mw wtfrtr Mt
most distinguished bulkier of flue 1

motor cars not available in any store SfpTlllUlT

<11 iff •»[
Officially authorised by Rolls-Royce Ik Tradtanurti KMJS'WOTCE, MH jraS rl*r Hm3 |ir id
HOLLVftmt hpk Hid hit.St.K £jHOV( 4 ftd I^Jui-HT r-,r.ll vH Mr •Mrn Mm
Now this legendary car lias Ixicn MmLU-NdH LI' Muluf fJJ* Ultlllcnt Ml- Utand UO&tt Sk^mc

re-created by FranklEn Mint Precision The iumf WMI.i H* jpfx*r^ipfi itir urt* h> ^rni^wi rrf

Models In j die-casl work so exceptional hF li re*! LIKUrnunt {ji-y.’MUr/ip

H 5 30 a- !'* ?

THE SlLVERGHOSTfrom Franklin Mint Precision Models



Concept Cars Probe The Future

controlled components flinch
faster and more fail-safe than
oven a superhuman Indy
driver. The ilnys when the in-
dependent suspension of a
BMW 20U2 was the height of
sophistication keep slipping
further iota the past
When Nissan touched
ils ARC-X
down here with
concept cur, the term “fully
loaded got '
new meaning.

The experimental model i*

packed wit h bruin power that
you’d think it would come
fheXiS 2-seai ipora car. Mitsubishi i latest rowing test bed, h a km. 100 bpi'llter high-tech showcase With a modern -day equiva-
lent of lh& riding mechanic
DU DON'T need ;i priorities Iwl to focus on ex- from the early days of motor
dashboard mininled haust omisahris and fuel raring. But you don't need
pJa^tiu cumpara to Lei I economy, That wan in the an electronic* engineer us co-
which direction tomorrow's early 70s ami. as they say* pilot- The reliability and
car* ;ire beaded. You'd he thereat history Thepea- speed of solid-state systems
getting Ho*r, Smug hi if t Kite1 brain of early computer are amazing, in the ARC-X.
you've seen, any. the 'KR Pon- controls has grown into a for example, large-scale inte-
tiac Grand Prix KE„ Iff? half central nervous system grated circuit technology
way to the future with neat where synapses are replac- (LSI and a central process-

feature like a rnmpuHH dis-
X2£ interior li a model of ergo* ing grease fittings. Intelli- ing unit (CPU) make instant
I iluy in t he center cr>n m *lv .No nomki, or ' fcansei. nw the Jap**- gent vehicle runt ml" 1* w hat deriftinns that control sus-
I jail floating in a viscous fluid nne calf human engineering. we ll be getting frum head to pension, drivel rain torque
here. Now, were in Ja-if you tiKf- 'from [diinrjelectrie roof split and the se lev 1- by -wire
pan at the wheel of a Toyota at that gin's In the metal: ll panels to Llie ay sterna that automatic trail* mission inxt
Crown, u J jipcinf>tj home- wu> al your itchy rig hi foot deternu tie just him Ehe ru ti- electrical connection re-
market model not Hold here, where the rlerLmnii.^ ri-viilu ller meets the mud. Recent places the linkage between
ytniMknow exactly whieh «r1 1 t ion started. Controlling ii(lvnncf4 in a u* pc mu cm, shift lever and valve burly}. A
rection earn headed; T3ir fuel-air mixture and spark brakes and steering alone lock Hi today's concept curs
future's mappiKl out onafi-ld. liming with pn'didoji became haw been astounding, and shows mIhfU t he future may
megabit disk. The CD sys- irnpurumt when automaker*' possible because cumpuler- \m even do?er than 2lNU. m*
tem packs a navigational grid
Nissan AffC X concept car,
that fiivGp :d of Japan. .Turt I

rniDDth an the outside..

punch in and pull Up ymir des- twist lei with microchip
tination. The system — you
gu essi 1 1 i — 3 llelcct
t- ri m i c
Anri ihnfs what's re v-ultiL ium
izing the automobile.
Soon* yfiu11 Hud a navi-
gation screen labeled
"sat el Lit e gif dial posi-
tioning’' In your new
car, and find that the
only hlng* going thmogb

ihe firewall are wires. Al-

ready. BMW
is using a fly.
Iiy- wire thmtlli- system in-

stead of a rod or cable link-

age, and every automaker is
chipping awiiy .jr mechunical
sys terns with computer elec-
1n mlcK see H: Tile Ins irli-

Story” on page 72).

Steering ywheel. seat ancf mirror Catharie-ray rube CRT) Splays TwEn-ram 24-vflivp, 3 -I Her V6
It’s Appropriate t hat I P

penilium are stored in computer. rasps, vehicle pari lion and read- hai 16- bit microcomputer that
BMW's applimtinn of fly-hy- Phone hfli voke recognition. phone and CD pfayirr.
outs from adjusts for component wear.
wirc trduii jlogy is at the ped-


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When an unwelcome infiuder wanders into

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Wre y our hometown Air National Guard Pilots, engineers, radar techrurians,
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It's a big respond bility So we need good people. Maybe you’ve got what it takes. Call 600-638-0936

us guard Americas skies. Ai| ifaHnwai Guard™

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Olds Ciera Update

LDEMQR1LE plans WOWs Ocm to feature a
|an extensive facelift a more former roam™?.
Tor Ciers models
for the 1989 model year, with
new sheetmetal that will firm
up its body lines and reduce
the rake of the backlit e for a
more format appearance
overall .

Look for this car line to get

a couple of new engine op-
tion*, including u. high-out-

put version of lhe Quad 16- I

valve powerplant and a soon-

to-be- announced 3.3-liter
VH coded internally as the
h bestselling F- series line Lo
3300, mb off on the Banger.
The tape on ihis prepro- Ford also plans to give Fiero Killed wiling feature. That’s also a
duction prototype (photo Ranger a little more mil&de, Recently, Bub McCiirry* partial explanation for why it
above right) is used to secure in response to Chevy s 4. 3-Lb Toyota’s president in the appears in the Reatta as
trim panels during shipment. ter V6 $- If! pickup. Look for tf.ft. ,
said that high insur- standard equipment.
Olds marketing types ex^ a bigger VG Ranger engine in ance rates arc a ^big enntrib- As to the problem with the
pect the styling update to 1989, possibly the X8-1itcr utoF’ to the 4 fb percent drop automotive press, one CM of-
help torn around a serious powerpEant now available in safes of sporty cars in the ficial wryly slated, "We
sales slump in the division's with the Taurus and Sable last year— cars like Cdica, should have waited until the
top volume line, which fell sedans. MR2 and RX-7 particularly. Japanese introduced a CRT.
from 33fl r fl00 in Lo nsu ranee costs wiped >u The press would have
344, CKH) last year.
The Eternal I

the musdecar market in the

* t

Town Car ‘70&," aaya Me Curry, who
Restyled Ranger One of the ba*nc rules of life is waa a vice president at Counternoise
Ford’s midsized pickup truck that if it ain't b roke, don’t fix Chrysler at the time. "And A new development in noise
gets a fresh face for 19^9, one it,which m why Ford plans now the same thing is hap- suppression zeroes in on
only a modest facelift for its pening again. counternoise, a technique for
highly popular Lincoln Town Indeed. The latest fatality canceling out noise vibra-
Carln im inthe Pontiac Flcra, to be tions in the all 1

The redesign features discontinued after the The development uses

composite headlights model year for reasons in- speakers like thn.se in your
like those on the cluding high insurance rates. car radio. They omit sound
Mark 11, and a plus* waves that run counter to the
tic-covered front They Love CRT unwanted noi.se,
bumper. Though it has been a [Kiint of One application is in earn
Even with the controversy, claims LhatCM wiLh 4 -cylinder engines,
change to a slightly 80 percent of Huick Riviera where Lhin castings and high
more aerodynamic ap- Owners like the CRT instru- speeds transfer unwanted
pearance that's more ment setup in that ear. noises. Rig speakers project
consistent with the Widely panned by the noise on a preset wavelength

afford Ranger fra$ F-l 50 look

current Ford family automotive press aft a driver when the engines reach
look, Lhe Town Car's styling distract ion, CM neverthe- noise-making speeds. The
itshares with the Bronco 1 1. is still the kind that continues less t h i nka \ he C RT is a gi tod caFs interior becomes quiet-
Bright metal detail h in the Lo find favor wilh the big-
grille, larger flush-mounted ticket sedan buyer.
headlights, new fenders, This is hardly surpri&mgH
larger bu mper and reposi-
tioned turn signals give the
front a more massive appear-
ance similar to Ford's full-
size pickup.
This is rm coincidence.
since Lincoln sold an impres-
sive 126,000 Town Cars last
And despite the age of the
platform, which it shares
with the Ford Crown Vic-
j m
Though the Ranger has been toria, the flagship sedan is
a strong entry in Ford's cur- expected to stay in produc-
rent success story; the com- tion with only cosmetic revi-
pany wants the magic of its sions well into lhe 1990s. Lincoln Town Cm tor 99: Mine# fa<chft Ivan ageleu winner.


w —

€r as the speakers kick in As the engine ,

Top Kick
changes speeds, the countemoise also
changes wavelengths or shuts of! alto-
And Kodiak
gether* GM's medium-duty trucks the Chnvy —
The system is under development at Kodiak and GMC Top Kick will get —
Lotus Cars Ltd. in England- braid-new feres when they roll out for
the 1990 model year.
Olds Silhouette The look is intended to suggest so-
Rumors persist that Olds mobile’* futur- phisticated toughness, covering a range
isticSilhouette 2-door coupe will have of trucks that includes semis, dumps
gull-wing doors and a tiny rear window and delivery vans. QM s medium-duty tmck5 fur T?90,
that can be rolled down for an open-air Engine offerings include a pair
feeling of V8 diesels —
b.6 and 8.2 liters will range in price from about $20,000 to
But there is controversy concerning and two V&s of &.7 and 7.0 liLers. De- just over $42;CX30.
gull- wing doors T as one GM executive signed tu compete with the Ford The trucks shown here were snapped
pointed out. They leave o high sill at the F '700 and International 1600 series, during severe weather testing laRt win-
rocker panel, creating a high step-over
for passengers.
GiNfs new Top Kick and Kodiak entries ter in northern Minnesota, m
That problem rules out many older
buyers who don't like to, or can't, nego-
tiate the barrier, according to GM plan-
ners. So for now, the gull -wing layout is WITH THE NEW T-50XP
still being studied. "Jk A Staple Gun Attachment
Model Proliferation And Fastening System
GM president Bob Stempel ways that by
year's end there may be as
different brands in new-earshawroDiiLS.
many 40 your cars ^Accessories will
What this means m that you" El have a
choice of GOO or so different models to
choose from if you arc in the market for a
new car.
Even experts who were once able to
rattle off specifications like a baseball
With one squeeze
fan reciting statistics now have refer- of the Staple Gun
ence books on hand at all times. you can fasten
Look for this phenomenon to continue
as manufacturers strive to address spe-
almost anything
cific market niches. - from alarm

systems to zinc
Plastic Car m m«*
Chrysler is reportedly working on a car
body panels. and boh%
hard Id reach areas.
for the mM-199Gs that makes wide use of It's Ihtrdeal fastening

No more
composite materials in place of steel. loot for attaching all
bauble gripping
types of auto a rtvcl gun.
Both body panels and underbody struc- Yrith
ture are said to be elated far the light-
Th« unique I--i(UCP do Slrp On fcpandc F
weight materials, At *ihm*ril irutmnHy Lonwwtt in*
1 nuts And bcfli k> liuun fcuvi} LHkinp. uawi imhilUi-
Chrysler apparently considers itself ftrra^T-Sb. T- 5 WB and T-55 Bon ter ritnoU my utembti** Martina prakttf
S-lapk Guns inlrt mulU- purpaii
pferi hoN, mrrt Inlnwr,
to be well ahead of the competition In llAlVHna rmji* MiltJTi+ri 14
Jfp*xh^s etbcFeuM omr

planning uses for these carbon plastics Hpjnda Faitarmnf Iti In nd mcurw/bf rut-emed
that are of a type far advanced from the
Gberglass used in Corvette bodies and

Price-Cut Policies
Record profits and improved manufac-
turing efficiencies would seem to mean
an opportunity for lower prices.
While the fact that this rarely occurs
isn’t surprising, the reasoning behind it
may be.
“The old owners feel betrayed when
their car offered in the next model
year for less money/" according to one
GM executive.
Instead of outright cuts, the manufac- Discover the jpjmdo-Mrty and ease of adding accessones to yotr car with the
turers pass savings along by offering Hr Atrow Xpaodo fastening Systmt!
the buyer more equipment— power
Send today tot otqpMv mfotmahon »ttt XPANOO and oUm Arrow Faatmmg Took.

windowe deluxe trim levels, cassette

Arrow Fastener Company Inc. 271 May hi it siree* saddle Brook, nj 07662
radios— as standard, with only a token
price increase.


l w y
l 0


Restoration Landscaping
I PILING is In the air. holes properly After some-
am] with it rotnes the th rs g pi rh ti pn a re t a n n g
i i i

lluih to get outdoor*. wall nr even a plant, m re-

So, in honor of the season, moveil, So note any eloper or
this cuiuinn is devoted tu dis- detl ling that look unit-
iru^-riinij; something iminy of —
iual tlufse sjjots could have
yon might nut think ton much contained n struct tire nr veg-
j-jinmL But it ha* m great deal etation at one time.
of impact on your hume's res- A ft v r y v humughl
£ 1

toratmii: nsuiicly, historical combed your land fur dues to

bnd^aptn^ its |iust , the next stefi i* to
Finding out how yuur checkout any historic re-
home's early landscape sources which may show how 1

looked may take a bit of de- your house and its surround
tective work Thu first *tept* mg grounds once looked. If
making on acrtlial phymotl in- you r old house is of some val-
reject ion uf the land, fu] lowed ue, VoUr local historical soci-
by gathering as much duett- ety may have photos or
mentation un yuur property sketches lift he- property that
M you can find. date bnuk inn ny years. The
This sleuth work can actu- society^ library may also
ally bn ;i JipI of fun yuy'll be — have a book or twn, written
amazed at what vntfU learn by a lucul author, that 4e-
ijbxsut the early days of vour scrihos yuur house in all its
house when you know uhai |>ust grandeur. You can a
to look for. ways try the local newspa-
The next thing y ml 'll have per*. too. They may have
Ludo i& decide what time in dime a story or have other
your home's history you relevant in format ion that
want to return the* land tn will help you document viUir

Although a struct ure usually In n cE re s t ora \ n 1 f yt a u re .

has b distinct, obvious date very lucky, ytm may find old
fur its restoration, you may phot of or sketches- ufynur
have inure flexibility with house done by past o wners or
the landscape. Finally you'll H
ke cw Ing i\ piece of property can go we beyond t he pram Ingi o In-
F2 1 1 t
family members in a forgo!
have to landscape ar-
fl m I a clude ifruetures Nice retaining walls,, walkways, reflecting pools and ten nnok or cranny that tell
chitect capable nf carrying such- structures *u the restored i 9t h century rose Erei I h surrounding a great deal about its ground*.
through on this project. fitting arbor shown above. {Flrtt&r t tfrv hi rn fit r Jft J

Ghosts Of a sub-base for an old side-

gardens past walk. Sometime*, thinks to
Finding dues of whai owed to che h hi pi \y wt irk of r j u v v nu- i

be from the ground surface owner, you’ find footings

1 1

and existing plant material left in the ground to indicate

cm Bthef landscape features Where II Wall Used Its be.
cm be surprisingly success- Finding Either signs ui Lhe
ful. Begin yuur investigation past mjiy literally Luke some
vhise to thehuuse,, Iheri digging. You see, flame mot
ymir way out to the perime- structures can Live under-
ter uf your lot, ground fur a longtime before
Some uf the obvious things deteriorating. If id pikslowti
v i
imay find include do Eerie
l er recently removed any
rated stmte walls, planter trees nr shrubs by cutting
boxes or remnants of old them off i their base, the

walkways. Be on lhe lookout rents may Mill be there* Su,

for indications nf the tatter, turning the trip layer of suil
like pi eves of broken rock, may reveal where these _

wh ich may ha ve been used as plants wf?ro.

Fxsi mining the grade of When a from poren was rniofed on mu [um-ofme-ceniuiry house.
Contributing Editor Bah the lalld, too, may tell you a NsiorrcAi larntjcaping w*ti retreated as well- N^ttve bJuevrane wa*

Vila is hast of'public trier* hit about the purft. Some- uicd for the waJh ^nd o l
pr of Je period pianh ngs and ground c over

H T’ ware added between lhe wafk and porch.

sian's This Old House. times people iloii'! backfill


"My desk was under loads of oJd paint, but

only » step he spotted the potential


away from the Form by 's Paint Remover

Salvation removed
Army." layers of old

That's Dave Bostic h

paint, with-

Purchasing Agent, calking out hurt-

about the piece he relinished ing, rhe

with BormbvV Condition wood"

ing Furniture Refi n isher * report*
This recent discovery from i Bob.
the Formby s Wbrkshop Indeed,
contains special wood one of our
achievements is our

Every day, people who are ail rhumbs—
people who probably failed Shop in High School
—are getting fabulous results with the
JX remarkable product* that come from The
Formliy\ Workshop.
Because we start hy creating the finest
products we know, then do everything to help
you along— including an 800 number with
conditioners fhnt pene- experts standing by. That's why nothing works
trate to help prevent drying
Like thi ngs from the Workshop.
and crack-
ing. So, you her fable was finished
dissolve Igave my ij with polyurethane.
the built- drop-leaf jP ; "They don't believe
up varnish, table the mm |
it "says Heidi,

rtRMrtftli lacquer look of "‘because they expect

H El 1 IMSHtER h
and shellac time old English lhat artificial look
to reveal furniture, with Fcirmbys hand-
the glory polyurethane rubbed Rolv Finish,
ofthc protection 1* however will have Paint Remover that ?
Jrl -
L*£ wood* Heidi Kruger, none of thus artificial
tough when it has to

Textile Designer, plastic gloss Because it's

original patina— while be (on paint and |

condi e ion ng you r wood

just loves to tell rubbed in, not brushed gentle when it has to
people rhat on, Formbv's pene-
as well. be (on your wooJk
trate? deep into the
If ynu!d like infor-
wood to give polyur-
mation on anything
ethane protection
vquVc read, or if
with hand-
youd like some
rubbed richness
advice on a project
and beauty
you're coiuWerlng,
drop us line ;?t the

Rinn hv ? Wl >rk shop,

^This chair Olive Branch, Mis-
went from a sissippi. TO want you
garage to my to know 1
that you
living room." can always turn to
When Bob the Formbv’s Work-
Si kora, a bu sy mechanic, shop -where ut
found this striking oak always help things
chain it was submerged turnout right

1 I
u §£ Tko^mn & ftpmmbv Inr
. -

OLD HOUSE RESTORATION that there was a time or times when the tant to research the complete history of
fCmiliniint fmm jjfMjnr .ij J landscape was totally renovated, or the hou tie, if possible.

when ce H ain portions we re added Restoration purists, of course, wUI

aware t hat most of the documenta-
lie The landscape may have been mod- want to restore the land back to the way
tion 've described would exist in an ide-
ernized several times even though the it was originally. Lots of folks do this,

al ritual iun. Unfortunately, many of hnuse was nut. There may have been a but are sometimes disappointed at its
you will probably find little, if any, his- time when your property reflected a sparseness by today's standards. De-
torical data available on your old house. great ileal of the initial landscape and pending on the era of your home, you
But you never know until you try. The was compatible with Lhe period of the may find going back to the original Land-
value of a single old photo far outweighs house itself. For example, you may find scape just doesn't rofic-ct the level of ef-
the time spent searching fur it. that the design of your home's grounds fort you've put into restoring the interi-
lOyears, or so, after its construct ion h al- or and exterior cjf your old house. You
Going back In time though not the original landscape, is can always follow the period strictly in
Choosing the time in history to restore better suited to your needs today and h the front yard and take more liberties in
the land to can the the most difficult part you wouldn't want to return it to its The choice is yours.
the back.
of this project. Your research may show original state. This is why it s so impor- There are clear differences in land-
scape design from period to period. HI
discuss just a few of them here, In gen-
eral, the Colonial period was driven by
function, Du ring this time you might see
a mixed herb garden near the house,
fenced in to keep the animals out. Fruit,
and vegetable gardens were placed in
the most environmentally advanta-
geous spots on the land.
The Victorian era marked the begin-
ning of porches, front stairs and raised
foundations. (Surprisingly enough,
foundation plantings weren't seen much
before IHflj. Their improper use is one
of lhe biggest mistakes see in land- I

scape restoration.} Accent plants,

sometimes placed at the comers of bays,
fnr example, were popular. There was
great experimentation with plants go-
ing on in the early- to mid-lSOOs, They
were imported from ad over lhe world.
Many times trees or shrubs were plant-
can do so much,
It ed individually with lawn around them,
producing » very focal, spotty effect.

it's almost unfair to call It The period plan

When you're ready l o call in a landscape

a sander. architect to develop a period plan for

your property your local historical soci-

The new Delta 1" Belt

Sander is so handy that there's almost ety, garden club nr stale chapter of the

no end to what you can do with it. And at only $69.95, just think American Society of Landscape Archi-
tects .should l>e able to lead you to a pro,
what a great addition it'd make to your shop.
experienced with historical restoration
tou can use it to sand, grind, deburr, con- in your area. The specialist you ulti-
tour, sharpen, huff, or polish just about any mately choose should be attuned to the
material. uses standard 1" x 30" abrasive
It peculiarities of your region, well ac-
belts. And there’s a power take-off for mount- quainted with local history, and have
ing an accessory' flexible shaft with attach- some knowledge of plant materials used
ments that can do dozens of extra jobs, during the period you've decided on.
He or she should be able to fill in aome
In feet, our new 1" Belt Sander 'J
of the holes" you've probably discov-
does so many things so well, you may won- ered on your land with suitable plant
der how you ever got along without it. Call -species. Be aware that the historical
the name of your Delta Dealer.
toll-free for plant palette was much more restricted
Delta International Machinery than is today. Like the early inhabit-

Corp., 800/438*2486
(in PA, 800/438-2487). aiDELTA
Building On Tradition
ants of your home, you probably won't
have a lotto choose from when replacing
bushes, trees and other plant materials.
Again, your landscape architect should
be acquainted with what was available
then, and is available today
So, now is the time to bf^gin your de-
tective work- You'll he amazed at what
secreLq to the past the (and around your
home may hold, it!



Build something exciting. .

— *

Pegasus A T’fs dbmelcr hovercraft,
which (he ground. US
fiuais ID Inches olT
built 1'rnm plywood and is powered hv a IH- Flyer You grab the Joystick. twist Etw throttle grip and suddenly you Vo Hying
3.5 hp engine thill runs nearly 3 hours on iii spcstls (i\ni 73 ttiph un land or wdlur ThalA PM^ latesl high-tor h hcivercrafl.
iigallon of gq*. Plans come campleie with pmpellod by a 65 -hp s mm* mobile engine lhal powers a four-hladed fern Lift comes
drawings and a 3 2 -page phntO’i lustra ted I
mm trl-hjj muivek- engine that carrier yrm and two passenger.* mer obstacles and

ins l ruction baaklnl. Groaf far weekend uj i hills Plans include $i\ blimp HnE^pap shells and a tiApagB instruct inn booklet
sports and leisure, IFL-ISOO— S9.35P with drawings, phi ilm and building lips. If
!-- IHO-Ti S S UJil 3

Send your morn rand aridmss with
H-riihj Ibu Sid Lining a single
liny hailing motor, this scuba lust
tihecfc or money order to: Ripular
glides you along M a kisumk 3 Mechanics. Bax 1014, Dept. 9&B,
miles per hour. L-su it with or Rad io City Stia tion. New York NY .

without scuba geari il'll work on 101 D 1

Ihe water's flurfare or heinw. r i[julul Mm l.uriii h \m m ^uL.lj, H^N h.1Jii|i il

Plans include hill size cut ling Mduajsni1 ^ ndirLiimanlmr Mr. ml [jtiqKimtiHin
I r-;; "!h- 1 1
- . - 1 L !::» |>:imli ihii
pattern and an illustrated in&lmc- All fljjhM -i-» rn-l j

ison manual. iPi.-1747-S10.95l

Popular Mechanics plans

Tmd h mat G flieho- Th

I* i s f* ;t-i pn n n I Rjv^bo wi 1
give vnn i r

x-isni fttleln^nl Link, mniitiisr.cjiL uf die Ylclnrian pnrlud.


El provide thti perfect spot lor ouldnoi- ^titerlamltu^ .-met

thr. lattice mnl a rows suflllghl Id filter pitti Ebfi gazabo.

1 1

Deck Vnn Can Pin re Anywhere

A beautiful, free -standing redivoud GomlOfttthlH^al^ IhiR Iter inside. MnamiFER Kinin thall fight
deck that either stands alone or EtiaL you can modify lo fit ynur H-t Feel aooa to provide plenty of mom for ynu and yulir
tfufr&ls. |PL- 1 g 6tMS 9 9 Sl
durable won’t decay, and provides more than 23pj^uaif feet of extra

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and bonus instructions far building a mulching bench and planter.
IPL-IZ&U— $7,951

—For more great plans,

send for our catalog.
Adirondack hiH ii Fu mi lure T his traditional
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then assembled with watnr-rcsL&larU glttr, sealed
Our catalog has these and hundreds

with wood prewrvntiv'e nod painted a ta malm 1 1

more from Fbpular Mechanics. Only $1.95. Uiciii iviUi-sEand the rigors of outdoor use.
IFL-J75J $5-953—
Send for your order lodey! Make check or money payable to
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r NY 10101.

3 Band Radar Detection Is Here

BEL EXPRESS 3 detects X K t
and new Ka Band (Photo Radar)

he EXPRESS 3 is. the first radar detector communications, provides optimum recep- worn you in lime of their presence Even
able to detect X, K and the recently tion of satellite signals transmitted from tens "false" signals can he recognized and elimi-
introduced Ka Band (Photo Radar}. of thousands of mites away. nated with more precision than ever before.
The key to detecting 3 Rands is Image The EXPRESS 3 contains this same tech- A decided plus in city travel.
Rejection Technology, or IRT* This BEL
. nology, adapted and enhanced by BEL engi-

breakthrough also provides the EXPRESS 3 neers to new standard in radar

provide a Designed For You
with twice the X and K Band sensitivity of detection. When combined with BEL 'a Com- The EXPRESS 3 is outfitted with precision

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The EXPRESS 3 is definitely the new industry the sensitivity of any other superheterodyne alerts for X, K. Ka Bands, False Signal
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IRT Technology (Radar Safely Brake * )
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IRT' reduces microwave "noise" so that and a 5 LED Signal Strength Meter.
police radar signals previously undetected Sleek and compact, the EXPRESS 3 is a
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UPS delivery is free. Or ask about our

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Tl\t! EXPRESS I utilizes surface mount tompoiuRts A police radar signal is often buried by
not completely satisfied, simply return the
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direct only). The EXPRESS 3 comes with a
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During 1987, Ka Rand equipment was full l year warranty on parts and service.
surrounding microwave "noise" making the
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H\m' u cntrValtiWHij fX'PBESSJa'itttmr
IRT Breakthrough fcrs ww* xitfwl
A signal processing technology called radar dtacftr.fm a rfcorfy itv rte$itfin$ BEL-TRONICS LIMITED
police rm&zr uqrwi microu'div “naan" The Intelligent Choice
image rejection, used in mltilary satellite


t . - a t I


The Infinitesimal
EEl Ntl the unsee st am ing A ] i ' t ho a ti uni c Ka t i ees
able has Long been a t hat form a given material,
scitmlifLC preoccupa-
tion, with >-i [lj ill
prstt-licj t-[]
fervor by the astronomer as Computing
well as t ht- biologist, Sktnfiff What V next in the field ofsu-
far or seeing near. the goal of jieivomptiting after Cray and
expanding our knowledge of ETA? Experts point to Hy-
the world remains the same. |iercnbe. a pandltd pniceMsor
While 9- and 10-meter tele- invented at CalTech now br-
scopes for astronomy are ing developed hy the Jet Pro-
moving nf T the drawing pulsion Laboratory. A paral-
boards and ontu the wo rid V lel processor solves immense
mountain tups Sn the Soviet computing problems by par-
Union Chile and Hawaii, R celing rail pkws of the prob-
equivalent strides are taking lem to linked "'nodes” with in
place in the field of micro- Lhe computer, The computer
scope technology. Scientists cun hen work on those indi-

are peering closer than ever vidual pieces simultaneously

before at the mislecular rid It or him answering each1

S nn: Lire of Li r uni verse

t L < i problem step-by-step.
At Duke University* These "mneurwmC com

s ea rc 1 1 e rs h a v e m od s fur I j i
inters are e x| uTt h ti rt jpet

i i


Lried-and-true electron ini- u.- into the next era in cum-

L r(jst! 0 |M
similar to the Iy[h fc

puti-r science, and Hyper-
first developed in t h late L
t-Ljfcn- technology is being ex-
?30s to accept a spectrome-
H plural by companies like In-
ter sind a su pe rconrl u cling u?L N-Cubi d, Floatingpoint
lemu S.wt ema and A met k hi an li 3i- i «

t quid li et ij m c ryi
' si ng Li i i
t i M st-vera] 3 ft wni'f
i j j l e 1 1

genies. they are able to in- firms. Already Hyper-

crease specimen preaerva- tuhe is under consul oration
lio3i a hundredfold over at the Deportment of Ener-
readings taken ui room tem- gy. the Strsik-gic Defeaise
Dvkrn University j cryomi c rascopc rtPFeS an super: and LKling Ifitft-
perature, An electron micro- Initiative t.irganj?aitinn the
noiogy and spearoMopy for omervl ng molecular structure. H

scope sends a beam of elec- John Tactic el Fiiiion Prti- I

trons through a thin film of "It's a microscopic way of The microscope uses posi- gram NASA and the C.S. P

the subject being examined. stepping on the scales." says trons in a way similar to the Air Force. IW
The specimen scatters them professor Lam vik. way an e let-trim microscope
in a unique fashion, and Similar microscope im- usee electron*. A beam of
count ing the electrons yields provements are taking pi Eire positrons is directed sit a thin
information about the rfpoei- at the University of Michi- film id' the specimen being
men's molecular composi- gan, where scientists have studied. Positronsemerging
tion. developed the first positron from the opposite side pass
'However/' says Duke t r jis in ssio n mi c r is eoj
i < i
. through magnifying lenses
anatomy professor Michael Positrons are the antimatter and onto a detection device
Lamvik* “LCs like trying to count erparts of rlecttt ms am I where they are eountei and I

weigh a flour sack that has a last for only a few hi 11 tout hs analysed.
hole in it.* of si seconds They are pro The positron transmission
Kp 1
1- ui ii li- ti d v to H >ra L in
i j l duced hi the radioactive de- TiHu-rjtLcope i
- cuNsiderml
caused by the electrons con- cay of cert h n sub&ta nees.
i supplemented tot he standard
stantly changes the values. “Pnsitmim can pm vide in- electron microscope, provid-
Keeping the specimen at or formation co m pk- m ent&ry if? ing an additional piece nf in-
near absolute aero for -Ido electrons s give us a better
i formation about the speci-
Ft makes the specimen more idea nf whatV going nn in the men being studied. also
[ t.

durable. And when a spec- materials that we sire view- paves the way for a positron
trometer is attached to the ing/* says,fames CL Van re-enushiori microscope pro-
microscope column, the scat- House, who developed the posed by University of Mich-

tered electrons con be conve- University of Michigan de- igan scientists. They hope
niently counted to judge vice in collaboration with ths-st the absorption and re-

weight, shape and molecular phvsics profess or Arthur erj dss i cm of \n ml roris will fur- TV ca mei a fottra pan ,

of U oF M s

structure. Rich. Nish an even greater und er- poniron tr^ntml iston scope.


v 1 i 1 1-


Out Of Print something

cooling fan that seems to
t do with the mechanic tell^ me he's
checked every pi^siblc
IZECKNTLY pur- manual is generally sold out work overt ime? cuu.se, and his advice its to
I chattel bL Dodge
lliSfi ru about 18 months. PATRICK dKUSP \ keep l h v sr t 1 n ivr o ff in l nil
1 !

1 lUm rid. which cumc One solution in your proh* EUtt-iNhti.WA fk\ I.h there rm better ^nJu-
without an owner's manual, lem is to contact the vehicle's tinn thjiii thiH?
A Dodger dealer pvp mt? an original owner, if that's fww -
/ doubt if it has anyth mg to do riCTt'R HttESN AK
order form which I dutifully Me. in ft ad out if he if she has * tilth the cooling fan but that t DKKV|3lt. ns
Filled out and mailed, Hlong fheglnivhtn njamnil doesn't mean the condition is
with ai'hivk, in I ly merit IMh- A man Hat that you should Unsaleable, There are tt number f things ij

iritmtiniL Service in Strongs- he able la get from yourdealer In stop-and -go driving, that should keep a Vok'nfmm
ville, diio, got the check
i I ts the factory service manual, when the fuel supply is less overheating with then can m
back with a letter stating tfs the best reference fir any- than a quarter nf a tank, gas titow traffic.
thju the manual la no longer one mho Wants to da his flLEVJ van plash mmy from the fuel r Make sure fan tension, Mt
available and won't be re- tntsinh nance The only other . pickup. This recalls in fre- voolan t let vi and a lolan r li m
pr in Leri Whitt's a second thing f eon suggest is to buy a quent hut momentary periods tine are up tofkir. Volvo rec-
M w rie r w huV ini e reslet l in do- general repair bank, such ci.s of furl titan at urn which \ou ommends only a 50:50 min -
ug > i nip Je 1 1 in lj it i
Ha n i r hisks M t 7]\ i ft A ii t u ! Le ia r
( i. M it 1 feel as flu f spt ?f s n engine pgr* j tim of Volvo fyi** C antifnrw
supposed to do? init Motor Publications, 555 format W \ . Yon Have two way.' and water
KRt-IUMAi K IV 57th St., New York, NY to go; You ran keep the fuel Matte certain the ntr guide
HAST EH ‘li HAM, NY / f tO J .4 1
If tvn Id ? '-try well pro -
* uppty fro m fa it i ng he l o w behind the spoiler ts- open,

vide you with i he information tme-ifut irier of a tank, or you and the ate condenser and ra-
r IFrvemnn, whu funtdzi the
. L. you want. con install a new fuel pump diator ci re free ofdebris .

Chrysler Motors publication* and pickup an descri bed in So far so gOf Ki J Then, tent
department, says that onto
Solving The technical service bulletin the rlectric cnnhng fan fa
mtinnfrii- tfitvrji or* obligat'd Umolvable r TSR 1
87-22-17. make sure it's working, Lo-
by law to supply an owner's W e been tukl hat the prob- l cate the thermal switch at the
manual with every new rdii- lem I have w it h b I9S6 Ford Dog Days upper left side of the radiator.
tie An
additional supply of Tiitirus is urniroJvable, At read the summer, For this

1 There are flea iifjjts With the
manuals i* a 1st required M t limes in ^imji-ind-f’u traffic past three of them haven't 1 ignition switch on, discon-
fill request# from those lik the car's 3-liter Vfi engine been able tu drive my I UK \ nect the two wires and touch
yourself Oner ike supply in hesitates and jumps as if it Volvn 760 GLE V6 engine) i
f har terminals together, by-

depleted, that's it Another wore starving for gas, in slow traffic with the air passing the switch Th e fan
printing is mg usually made, [l has been this w
ay since 1 conditioner Lamed on. If I should start. If it doesn't the
T lu* ru -t n lory fa r any o rj r
got the car. Duea thin have do + the engine jverheats. My i
fan or fan circuit is bad. Atso r

make sure the ignition timing

jjf set at 23 BTDC plus or 4

Invisible Enemy minus J*. with the engine

H you're under Ihe impression that your battery doesn't ne-ed running at 2500 rpm and
tender loving care, because- It s called ma in la nance- free and vacuum disconnected,
has side cable term! rials you il bo impressed w ith some contrary .
ff non e of the above help,
slatisucs. Atlas Supply Go reports Ihwe survey findings: ‘Sixty- then an* these nwdifwtithm*

to try.
eight percent of posMive battery cables and 56 percent of nega-
tive cable ends were corroded,, and of Ihese 22 percent of the positive and 24 percent of nega- M Install different fan
tive were sevEnefy corroded
xwih ‘h fxirt No 12 749H2-&
i •

Thisdoesn necessarily indicate outright neglect. More IrkeSy, H probably indicates that the
which will activate the /bn at
owners didn't look closely enough during their periodic inspections a lower temperature f IMF
Don't get complacent just because you don’t see corrosion Unlike corrosion thal forms on Use « new rubber hushing
lop of posMype batteries, corrosion that devel- i
part No. 127404b 0 with the 1

ops on side-terminal batteries builds up under new switch A tong with the
terminal connecting bolts new snitch, change to a W&*
Since the starter motor engine computer F thermostat \ part No.
system and other electronic units rely on the 273480-4*
battery tor voltage that can be interrupted by A new expansion tank
corroded cable terminals, you should unscrew pressure cap tpurt No.
terminals from the battery every slsc mo nibs. ]357390-2) will increase the

Clean the bolt, both sides of the cable termi- boiling point ofoaotan t
nals and the pads on the battery with a baktng M Install n new water pump
soda- water paste and a wire brush, Reconnect pulley part No. 12710455

cables snugly and then spread a thin layer of This ml/ also require a dif
petroleum jelly over Itiem, to retard corrosion ferent drib* belt parr No '

until your nexl inspection 95697&-3L The new pulley

will i mmeaw pump $f*red
t t 'ii'i}*v fun t to ti.'i’j


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The #1 minivan in owner satisfaction handling, powerful 2.5 liter fuel-

just got a lot more satisfying. Because injected engine and Plymouth's
now Plymouth Voyager offers a value 7-year or 70,000-mile Protection
package that includes automatic Plan* The longest powertrain
transmission, air conditioning, warranty of any minivan.
AM/FM stereo, rear window Plymouth
defroster, deluxe sound insulation Voyager.
and more. A package that saves you The Pride's
$549. You also get Voyager's front-
wheel drive, outstanding car-like
Inside. Before
You're Inside.
Division of Chrysler Motors

1 1
Bmwd cm Ipadihunnl si ichor pncwot separately purchased ufflicria °J.D. FPwer & Assaciates l£fl? Compact Truck CS^CUStomer satisfaction wi|ti c^erall produd
quality and dealer ifcrvi w on I90£ models BUCKLE UP FOT WETV
. .

f CtuUiTT wdfrom pogf w Aligning The Aligner
Sections of concrete floor on which a wheel align-
"Forgotten" Parts
ment rack sils can be disrupted by variations in CARE
]have a 1968 Chrysler Imperial in
seasonal temperature, throwing ihe rack oui of
level. When this happens, inaccurate camber and
dream condition, What need ia a check l caster readings result, which means car wheats
valve (part No. 3004626) for a brake vac- may noi be set accurately. Knowing this, a diligent shop owner will occasionally
uum booster. IVe tried Chrysler parts lest side-to-skte and end-to-endeach comer of the rack with a carperv
level at
departments and wrecking yards with- ier $ Eevel and shim a low side to make even Bui you have no inslant index asit

out luck. AN DR EW KU L LAH to who has been diligenf and who hasn'S. So the question becomes, what about
ENUMCLAW.WA those who don't take this precaution?
Unless you've got a lot of time lo spend on research, the direct approach is
Sim:# the n umber is stiLl listed by Ch rys - usually your best bef You'll have tOdipJomalicalty question Ihe shop owner or
ter, one would expect the part to he in :
r_ l=--p;S manager when you
stock, Rut the part is not to be found in bring your vehicle in
the Chrysler supply system. So, io find a for alignment. Qrve
source for you / Ei’en* to Hcmmings Mo-
- good question to ask
tor News. One of the places listed in the is when was ihe last
publication that I called has the part. Ft is time the alignment
Vintage Auto Purts 24300 Highway 9. 3 equipment manufac-
WoodviUe, WA 98072 The toll-free ,
turer pulled a routine
number outside the state of Washington calibration check.
is (8001 426-591 L Since you live in the Evaluate his reply
(206 486-0777
state, call 1 .
and judge whether
In case this outfit sells out all their you should have an
check Lalves for the 68 Imperial vacuum
alignment job done at
booster by the time you reach it Hem- his shop. After all. it's
mings can he ordered from Box 1 96 Ben - , you your tires that are at
nington VT 05201. The publication

IB/EL stake
usually has about a dozen pages of list-
mgs for Ch ryster Mopar) parts for sale.

Lip Service
lm having all kinds of trouble with the
the. web and hub assembly and fork, The SERVICE TIPS
transfer case of a 1983 Ford Bronco, part n umber is E4 TZ - 7A 1 74 -C. It you own a i $05-86 Honda Prelude St
which was manufactured 2/S2. The shift M A new front half of the transfer case Of 1986 Accord. thecountafshaM flange
nut m the au torn alia transmission may
gear and fork have been replaced three (part No. EtEZ-7(X)5 -D: which has the
work loose.
times. The fork keeps wearing out the groove to support the drtp clip.
If you don t allend to immediately the
lip on the gear. I’ve had the best trans- In addition io all this ihe amount of ,
transmission could be mined. Gel Ihe car
mission shop in tow n working on it after required lubricant has been increased lo a dealer and lei Nam determine if your
three Ford dealers failed. The last fork from 7 to 9 pints ofD EXR IF Unfor- ON car is one of inoso affected as outlined in
and gear tasted less than 230 miles. tunately, you can't get mare than 7 pints T$B S7-007
What's wrong? c A lv N caldwellE of lubricant info the case before it over- A punch ol 986-B7 Chrysler Molors 4-

CALHOUN. G A flows the hole What you have to da is fit! door TUDdeis built before 3 1 87 have slug-

the case and screw in ihe fill -hole plug gish or erratically operating right-rear
electric door locks, Dealers a re empow-
It sounds like lack oflubrication, But be- Then, remove the speedometer gear*
ered io replace molars in door's wilh more
fore I explain the necessary repair Steps, which is on top of the case, and add the
powerful moiofs.
let me quibble a hit. The plastic lip is no* add itianal 2 pin ts If this becomes a pain
The new one carries part No- 4407252,
wearing ouL It s melting. Inadequate lu- you ca n get a new rear case halff part No. and Eheautbonzalion is TSB 03-20-07 Re-
brication between the fork and gear E4TZ 7005 -Ch vision A.
causes the fork, which isatuminum f to A t this point* you may be wonderi ng if Poo let anyone teH you n s impossible

rub against the plastic gear and create Ford will pay all or pnrf of the cost of the to gela 19B7-BS Nissan Senlra or Pulsar
heat buildup. WA«n the lip melts away r
repair, f don 't know. In your favor is the E10: engine purring like a kitten while it’s
the fork comes into contact with a steel fact that you apparently complained running at idle There's a new
washer. Subsequently the fork gets , about the condition to a Ford dealer
T&B— TS8B-001— Itial takes 3 Nissan
worn away. Broncos built after 2/7i83 wh He the truck UHis still under warrun tv mechanic by the hand and leads him
down the path pf righteousness.
have new parts installed that provide (I hope yoa kept doc ume ntat ion ) .
Owner complaints of various kinds of
improved lubrication between the fork Against you is the fact that you didn't noises from EFi systems are being ad'
and web and hub assembly of which the have a Ford transmission shop work on dressed by car manufacturers, and Gar
gear and lip are part Trucks built on or . it, You have nothing to lose by trying, C?irnc willconlinug to bring nifomtaljon
before this r late will benefit by having Work through a dealer or call the Ford about repairs to your attention This one
these parts installed. They are: district office and plead vourcase, Its in concerns luel- line knocking or harnmermg
A new web and huh assembly (part Atlanta (404) 76241440 M from Ehe multiport fuehlnjeclion system OP
19B7-BB Chevy Celebrity 2. &4Hef en-
No, E2 TZ- 7B066-A )
gmpH. TSB 86- t09^6E advises dealers to
V A new reduction fork assembly (pari 1K1 YOU HAVE A CAR PROBLEM? iry nind etiminato the noise by ^plating
No ElTZ-7289-Rl- Ja.i/tUti Fu/i
.f akwt rV Jflf ruf jtf ti ryu* jtti ti to t(i fkr
njrf/^ir, Pwpu hi r Mrth ti ?r tr* JJ4 fl 'ntfSrf/t ,SV.„ ihe luei-teed pipe and expansion chanm
A deflector ( drip dip) that attaches to
AVw' ytirl', /WHS AT

hllrr* SfiuttiTf hr ber assembly wilh a new one ipart No.

the front halfof the transfer case. Lubri- rtrtAttv'tvff inrfitirffHilfy pn-Wt-ffv fkat nfr ufprttfrn/ 10115809},
cant bounces off this drip clip a nd onto ttt Icmsf ait/ hr riumstdt tN t/r&ctdMmrt,



19^8 4


Getting The Big Picture

processor chip, not cork*
might be responsible fur
Johnson's M homers.
and give you a 6-fL-wide pic- Throughout the winter
ture? Well, awake, dreamer. preceding the 'HI season,
You can make your wi&h Johnson practiced his hand-
come true— for under $1500. eye coordination on a com-
As Expand- A- View prexy puterized, audio visual de-1

Bill Bergfekll like* to say N

vice called START
the bumblebee ian't sup- Sports Technique And Reac-
posed to fly* but dues so tion Trainer ) from Innova-

nonetheless. tive Training Products of

What Expand- A- View of- Syosset, New York. Quite
fers an amazingly simple
Is simply the briefcase-size

retrofit package that enables machine recreates real game

a 13- or 14-in. TV to project situations in smaller Set-
an Image on the company's Lings.
&U-, 60- or 7^-in. diagonal In Johnson's case, the
screens. It isn't perfect but p
START computer and three
it's amazingly good, especial- red iighthulbs were set up at
ly when you consider the the distance of a pitching
much greater coat of compa- mound from home piste,
rably sized, 3-tube front pro- where two batting tees were
jectfanTVs, placed in the expected loca-
BcrgfeldUa system begins tion of an inside and outside
with an S-in.-dia. GILO, fros-
. pitch. The three lights at the
nel tensassembly that atta- mound would indicate, ran-
ches to the TV with Velcro domly and unpredictably, an
straps, A floor stand aims the inside, outside or knockdown
TV at the proper projection pitch. Upon seeing a light
angle. Also necessary is a flash, Johnson had half sec- st

converter switch that inverts ond to react appropriate-

Sc*d pr TV wndi
the picture oil the tube so
picture from 1 3-in. set.
ly— aboUL the speed of an 80-
that it’s projected rigbt-side- Jnph fastball. A buzzer kept
up on the outboard screen. Compared to a direct-view the arrival of spring with a time,
You can buy a procnnv pried tube TV, Expand- A -View's very informative— if some- How did HoJo do? Accord-

TV from the company, or projected image is a bit on —

what offbeat view of the ing to the manufacturer, his
have your local TV shop in- the soft side though — g&ine by former pitcher Jim reactions improved to 0.4 se-
stall the switch on your own brighter and no softer than Kaat, who now provides the cond —
the equivalent of hit-
set. Though the set will oper- the screen image of most TV and radio commentary ting or ducking a 100-mph
ate normally when you front- projection TVs, Ulti- for the world champion Min- fastbaJL
charge the switch position, mately. the sharp new* and nesou Twins. (See "Foul Johnson also used START
brightness of the little TV
this is likely to void your Ball! on page 82 What hab . to hone his basu-sleuling
manufacturer warranty. determines the quality of the this got to clu with electron- skills. With a major league
The key to Expand-A- Large-screen image. For off- ics? Hang in and you’ll see. 12-ft, lead, you have 1,2 sec-
View s effectiveness is in the center viewing by large R&aVs story ia a no-holds- onds to get back to first safe-
company's new’ high-gain c row'd s in large rooms, the barred look at baseball’s nut- ly on a pickoff throw. This
screens. system ought to be raised or la wed practices, among them winter, he worked on his
Normally, a single-tube ceiling-mounted. the use of corked bats. One fielding.
TV would not have the neces- For more information, in- player often accused of the START vras originally de-
sary brightness to project a cluding a dealer near you, deed Last year was Howard veloped for tennis, and has
visible image. But where 3- contact Expand- A- View at Johnson, third baseman fur been used by Ivan Lendl and
gun sets use screens with a 119 E. 51st Terr,, Kansae the New York Met*. Though Martina Navratilova, U s

gain-rating of 10 + Expand- A- City, MO

64111!. [816) mi- HtiJo’s bal passed X ray e>o driven by a variety of RDM
View's 30-pound screens 1896 . hitis with flying cobra, the computer cartridges, so de-
boast ratings of 18 or more. shadow of douht is hard tn pending on the sport and the
And yes* you can use a re- Play Balll shake. But in the course of drill, the system ranges in
mote control even though the It was a Eojig, long winter, researching this month's sto- price from $14(10 to $2500.
TV set has it* back to you: 1
but baseball * back and all is ry. PM turner] up some infor- This should drop m
the num-
The infrared beam reflects well with the world. In case mation that might dear the ber of individual, team and
off the aluminum serein to yon haven't already noticed, ball player's name. institutional customers in-
reach the TV. this month's issue celebrates It seems that a micro- creases tFU*Q&t
r thft\ tn


Heavy Duty

P S® SS ;

Eveready, Super Heavy Duty Batteries.

All the power you need to get the job done.
Even when it’s play. At a price that isn't heavy duty.

ELECTHQAflCS cial interests known ah Major League laugh, checkout two videotapes at your
fCiitthruictl/mw jwryr JffJ base ball (dans to scramble all feeds, di- rental store. M Funny Side Up"
rectly from the parks, And the scram- [Scotch aM, (800) 328.57271 delivers 45
Three Strikes bling sy.stem used is not compatible with minutes of maje>r-k ague bloopers. "'Nol

Although I wouldn't Imde mason’s tick the one intelligible to household decod- Ku tire at Moments In Sports"' |HRO
etri fur a projection T\\ I’ve gut to admit ers, If this were not enough, a conn in Video, (£12) 977-8990 J run* 54 minuto
it’s —
the next-best thing especially if Minnesota recently ruled that picking and is worth the money if only for ( Jay-
the tiet'S h^Kaked up u? 0 satellite dish. op a feed and showing it fur commercial lord Perns spat ball seminar.
Trouble is-, dish own prs won't bubble to gain is illegal — and fined three Twin Whatever you do to kill time between
tune -in on a daily baker's dozen of pro Cities area bars for doing so last year. ballgames, do not attempt to cork a hat.
jerries anymore. Satellite TV has taken Until the program owners offer a Master craftsmen Rosario I’apotosto
a called third strike, at least where package that permits you or your local did the unr that illustrates dim Knot's
baseball’s concerned, tavern In pay to view these games, all story. Ro burned a drill bit in the pro-
As it is, you need a descrambler 10 you can do is enjoy what's available on cess* and lost his sense of humor when
watch many popular programs these local broadcast cable or radio. If yon
machining block cork into a dowel, "Bat
days. Now, the ctmfedaftit inn of finan- want to spe more baseball and m*ed a doctoring/' he insists. "» a good way tn
drive yourself batty. Just building the
jigs ia a challenging job. and I don't rec-
ommend it as a weekend diversion I*

Busy Signals
Happily* the videophone form at -war
that was brewing between Mitsubishi
and Sony (“Electronics/' page 50, Feb.
'08) isn’t going to happen. A ministry of

the Japanese government has gathered

Jill the parties at the conference table to

work out their differences. Details are

not yet available, but you can rest as-
sured that one company's videophone
H ,p
will taJk compatibly with another's.
Meanwhile, in ease you were wander-
ing fa videophone gives outside parties

an opportunity tn spy into your home,

-style, the answer is no. Only you
contra! the output frnm the vidooeam-
eru in the phone. Rul this doesn't mean
your domicile will lie entirely impervi-
ous to electronic intruders, any more
than your telephone cars currently re-
ject nuisance calls.
In fact, the videophone might breed a
whole new type of obscene phone call —
video equivalent of the "breather/' Un-
til rh£ manufacturers of videophones in-
stall modesty panels over their screens,
your only defense against the phone
flasher is to lake the video part of the

videophone off the honk- Or, you might

ill vest $50 in another new device called

Privacy Plus,

$ A ceordi ng tn March etta Distributors

300 to replace. 10 to repair. w hich sells the unit the device protects
you from unwanted tails by requiring

the caller to enter a 4 -digit access code

Now there’s a wood filler for the
High Iferibmm*
crack or fall out- It
big jobs, indoors or out.
Vfood Filler by Min wax, It won’t shrink,**-
hardens in 15 minutes and can be
^ after making Lhe connection tn your
line. This code is available only from
you, and you can change it. If the code is

sanded, planed, drilled, painted or stained. ^

WOOD not entered in 10 seconds, the call is ter-

If the wood is soft because of rot, < “DENlh minated.

Privacy Plus patches between your
prepare a rock-solid base with High phone and its modular w all jack. To or-
Performance Wood Hardener der, call Marchetta toll free at (800.) 547-

Send today for our free 30-page 8921 . No access code is needed.
booklet. Tips on Wood Finishing. Late News
Minwax Company, Inc., Dept. PM -097 The National Bureau of Standard* has
PO. Box 426, Little Falls, N3 07424. withheld approval of the Copycnde sys-
tem proposed by CBS as a way to pre-

/A vent digital audio tape recorders from

High ftfhr mancc\fcoJ Filler copying CD* Stay tuned . WH .
1 !

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He pressed the on' buttons and every- (Alsu included are all these free software
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tive Filer;™ My Calc;™
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Hot Pop-Up™
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Services, plus
Headstart™ him to. King Kong
over $1,000 in
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Headstart's" exclusive Operating
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Toyota means quality, through and through. A certain

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and Service keep Toyota Quality going strong.



M 3TD.pL€3J3. 3JT— mHHuf 1


How To Apply A Wax Finish

OST factory-built the elbow grease— with a
furniture has a was soft,dry doth, An electric
topcoat that acid* a polisher with a lamb's wool
rich luster to the wood's sur- bonnet can also bo used.
face while protecting the fin- Stop buffing when the sur-
ish, Therefore, it's important face acquires a uniform,
to maintain a protective wax highly polished sheen. A sim-
finish on your furniture in- ple thumbprint test will de-
cluding flhopbuilt projects. termine if more buffing is
There are many liquid and needed. Push your thumb on
spray-on furniture polishes the surface. If a clearly visi-
availably but the one recom- ble thumbprint is left, contin-
mended by professional Fur- ue buffing. Wait about one
niture finis hers is old -fash- hour and then apply a second
ioned paste wax. This is wax coat. Buff the second
usually a blend of carnauba coat to a lustrous sheen.
wax, beeswax and turpen- If a furniture piece has
tine. When applied and several coats of old, dirty
buffed properly, pa^te wax wax, it's best to clean off the
forms a surprisingly hard, wax and start from scratch.
durable protective coating. Use naptha or mineral spirits
A waxed piece that has un a soft cloth Lu remove
grown dul] and flat can often built-up wax HsaJbJy on pieces
be revived by simply buffing finished with varnish, shellac
To obtain a prafcisrcmal-quaPiEy wax finish on wood furniture, all you
the surface with a soft, dry
need is some paste wax, a soft, dry cloth, and some elbow grease.
r paint. On lacquered sur-
cloth. If this fails to restore faces* u&e mineral spirits.
the luster, then it's neces- Spread on a fJjm evun coat
r will bo nearly impassible in Naptha may dull a lacquer
sary to re wax, and How ii to dry Etbnut iu
el buff nut. Once iho w ax hrir- fininh. Once the surface is
Apply paste wax with a minuter DnnT overiipply the drit-d. buff the surface by clean, apply two coats of
soft, water-dampened doth- wax. A thick, heavy wax cuut —
rabl ling briskly don't spare wax. FM

An electric drIPI fitted with a polishing bonnet tf you can press a thumbprint Into the wax
speeds the buffi ng process, A right-angle drive awt. Then mare buffing Is required. The final
accessory converts the drill Into a polisher wax coat should dry hard and reflective.

Uw naptha or mfrwral ipl rto to clean the sur- Apply paste wax with a soft water dampened Hand -rubbing will be more effective If you
face prior io waxing. Rub gemfy with more cloth- Apply an even coat and allow the wax lo wrap the doth around a firm rubber sanding
solvent to entirely remove the old wax. dry for about 20 minutes before buffing . block The blocks are sold at paint stores


?flS SI
6 —


Hi-Fi For Video

erSp however, achieve
S/N ratios of 103

dB truly remark-
The Ik- bit CD play-
ers also have mure go-
ing for them than just
an extra two bits.
Technics' SL-P999
model, for example*
sports two DACa fnr
each stereo channel.
The idea is to eliminate
Kenwood's remote-cant rcdied receiver often 25 1 wam per thannel And marly video fund torn. any distortion that
might occur at the zero
The K R-Y12GR also sports extra two bits mean better crosspoint between the posi-
a built-in 7-biind equalizer d eroding of the digital in for tive and negative voltage
Eli E'S AN update on with its own spectrum ana- m nt ion on the compact disc, swings of the signal, as it
Lhe increasingly so- lyzer— a particularly useful particularly as it relates to changes from digital to ana-
phisticated hi-fi re- tool if you 're maki tig cas- the Fidelity of low-level musi- log form.
ceivers used to anchor audi n settes for a dramatically dif- cal informal ion, Digital crossover distor-
video home entertain men* ferent environment, such as To understand the signifi- tion might not be high on
centers. Amunf? the most a car interior. The equalizer cance of this you must re’ ycrnrlM of world problems,
feature-laden of these Units also haii 10 preset positions, member how CD players but the SLrP&SO does have a
is Kenwood's KR-VT2GR ma- five of which are fixed, so work. Digit al-iu-unulug con- number of features that will
chine. The Libit price it= $G50, that specific equalization fur verters (DAC) translate the make your life easier. Chief
not too had considering what different types of music re- numbers encoded on the disc among them is an edit guide
you're get ting for the money. main nn file in the receiver's into music. .Standard lb" hit that automatically computes
The KR-V12GH pumps nul memory. CD players sample the music the songs and the playing
125 whies per channel and in sections represented Id Limmhat will fit on each aide
has most of the audio fea- Bits N' Pieces digits, in length. If the sam* of a selected blank tape.
tures found in any compara- "T wo used to be slang
bits" pting window were widened Tapers will aIbo like the
ble receiver. Less common, for 25 cents, but in audio to Ik digits, the encoded mu- "Auto Peak Level Search 11
though, is Lhe inclusion of these slays it’s used to differ- sic could be decoded mure ac- feature. This scams the entire
three modes of surround entiate a new class of com- curately. disc for the highest signal
sound, one of which is for use pact disc players. The effectiveness of lb-bit peak, thus allowing you to
with videotapes encoded An extra two bits is what CD players can be seen in set ymir record levels accu-
wiLh Dolby surround sound. the newest CD slay era from
their sigrial-to-noise (5-’N> rately.
flexibility, though, is real- Technics, ftnkyo, Akai, Pio- specifications.The older 1ft- The Technics SL-F990
tythe receiver’s chief attrib- neer and Sony have over bit CD
players generally lists for$825 and has a lot of
ute, The 2(1 presets of the their 1 counterparts.
tv bit achieve a S^'N ratio of 93 convenience features and in-
KR-V126R allow you to pro- So what does m
extra two d,8 —
not shabby by any to mal en ginee ring that j testi-
gram stations not only from bits buy you? Simply put, the means The Ik-bit CD play- fy the price, The same may
the radio, but also from be said of the other 18-bit CD
broadcast and cable TV chan -
players on the market.
nels. Alternatively, the pre-|
— - v
Prices may vary somewhat
sets can be used to classify according to the inclusion or
radio stations by musical cat- exclusion of certain features.
egory. If, fur example Jazz is .A,i. “ In any event, for the first
the category selected, the re- —
lime al least in my mind
ceiver will display those sta- there's a very quantifiable
tion* preseL fnr jazz. The TetnnJu SL-P990 (above of me first CD player difference between CD play-
KR-V 12BR can also be preset with Improved. fl-blt sampling. Sharp RG-FB
I 1 ers.
using lb station's popular
{below delicti < ar st tr to thlevw yvim pop-biri module.

name or call sign. Stealth Radio

M 11
From a recording stands No Radio is a sign of the
point, the three video inputs times, particularly in urban
offer a great deal of flexibili- areas where a note to that ef-
ty. There's also an Audio In- fect is a common site on car
jection feature that makes it windshields and windows.
easy to add a soundtrack onto Many of these car owners
a videotape. tPSran* hm\ 1

. —

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Cub Cadets are exceptional lawn tractors.
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PO IKn Ofn-ititd {Xmn^ftn
AUDIO Hi-Fi Legend
( viQefyJ) Bose Corp. the well-respected loud-

speakermaker* is using the expertise

have ca^ctte receivers that pull oul of gained in developing autosound sys-
the dashboard for safe keeping. The only tems for Delco/General Motors and ap-
problem is that heavy, bulky car radios plying it to cars from the Acura division
are a chore to carry around. of Honda, The Ruse/ Acura system now
A more lightweight approach is being available as an option in the Legend is
adopted by Panasonic* Technics and similar in many ways to the system de-
Sharp, The CQ-E430 and CQ-E4 1 0 from veloped for Delco t but the Japanese
Panasonic and its sister units from have fine tuned it just a little.

Technics are installed so that the ampli- One example of this fine tuning {no
fier section of the cassette receiver re- pun intended) is the AM.'FM cassette
mains in the dashboard. This means that receiver. Performance- wise, it seems to
you remove only the lightweight tuner be on par with comparable Delco units,
and cassette sections, TTiese removable but the Alpine -made unit in the Acura
units list for $400 and $500, respective- has some nice extras, I particularly
ly, and have a variety of features consis- liked the volume control, a toggle switch
tent w ith other removable units in this that juts out from the control panel for
price range. easy use. In our test car* though, the
Sharp* however; has the most light- volume control proved a mite redundant
weight approach to theft protection. All since the same type of switch also ap-
the key operating controls of Sharp's pears higher up on the dashboard just
RG-F81S cassette receiver are centrally behind the steering wheel.
mounted on a 2-in. rectangular front Just below this second volume control
panel that pops out to render the unit is another button which advances the

useless. tu ner to the next preset sta ti on in eit her

Once the control module is removed, a direction. In the tape mode, this same
bright yellow-orange warning sign be- button advances the tape in the desired
comes visible and indicates that, the RG- direction to the next selection, I think
FH16 is inoperable. Unfortunately; a every car should have these types of
thief may have to break the window first controls on or near the steering wheel
to gee the sign. The convenience they offer is wonderful
The RG-FB1G lists for $350, and they make for safer driving. Unfor-
tunately, the operating controls of most Ai Armstrong, we've been
Mini-Discs ratlins require you tu glance away from
building toughness into our
Hi-fi com panics are betting that the the road for the second or two that could
lires for over 75 years.
3-in. compact disc become
format will make all the difference in the world.
Like our Five Star premium
the darling of home entertainment- The The Acur a system is a 4 sjjeaker array
radial. With a road gripping all-
20-minute mini-CDs retail for around comprised of two 4.5-in. full-range a

drivers in the doors and two IS x 9-in. season an aram id -over-

$4* a price many expect will help stimu- lv
late the sales of players. Existing full-range drivers in the rear deck. Each steel Durafold belting system
CD players must use an adapter to play speaker is powered by its own 25-watt and our best 50,000 mile
the mini-CDs* but the drawers of some amplifier* capable of 50-watt peaks* limited warranty.*
new CD
players are being molded so Each of the four speaker 'amplifier as- See your local Armstrong
that they will play both standard size semblies also contains an electronic dealer today for the tires built
and the mini- CDs without an adapter. equalisation circuit that contours the tough as a rhino.
While the 3- in. discs are likely to find sound to the interior of the Acura Leg- "For complete deiails oonlacl your
their way into home and portable audio end. Armstrong dealer.
products, their use in car CD players at The Acura system also deserves ku-
this point seems ill-advised. dos from a design standpoint. Speakers
CDs are dropped into most home au- are installed in the doors without sacri-
dio units but car players suck in the disc* ficinglegroom or map pockets, a feat
amotion that is likely to dislodge the largelydue to the downsizing of the am-
mini-disc from Us adopter. plifier— a development that occurred
Since there is no easy way to remove some IS months ago but w hich has not
the jammed mini-CD from the player* worked its way into many cars until
you will have to return in your auto- now. In addition* tht- rear speakers arc
sound dealer for help. At this point you effectively hidden from view—no flag-
might experience warranty problems waving logos in evidence for a change.
because chances are the adapter you pars ears found the sound stage to be
used was not made by the company that placed slightly behind the driver, an im-
made the CD player. You'll be in bigger pression caused perhaps by the large,
trouble if more companies follow the assertive 6 x 9-in. speakers in the rear
lead taken by Pioneer which recom-— deck (most Bose systems have uniform-
mends that the mini-CDs not be used ly sized speakers throughout the car).
with its products at all. While the sound is far from unpleasant,
The mini-CDs also present a pmbiom the slight shift to the rear is noticeable.
for home and car CD chargers, so don't Like other Bose systems there is no way >dHMSTROragjffi^
expect a solution to the problem of mini- you can make an adjustment since there
CDs anytime soon. is no frontyrear balance control, IM


1988: The Year Of

The Bridge wide-angle 35mm lens snd a
"portrait" telephoto 70mm
HE LINE hoi wi>nn setting. Meanwhile, many of
single-Len^-reflex the same manufacturers
35min cameras anti have Introduced SLRs with
their auto-everythine. euiTh interchangeable autofocus
pact rangefinder ha^ lens systems. What's been
been binning for lacking is a small, lights
Rome time now. weight 35m tn camera with
But 1988 will be com puLer- programmed ex-
remembered as posure automation and a
the year when built-in, aulufo-
camera manu-
facturers enured
the distinction
completely. You totLri OJU S0
Step up ami with powered
thumbWheel* on
shake hands
earner A i rear
with the "bridge^
This merging of ver-
satility and automation Fuelling, shutter what you sue through
gelled during the recent Pho- and aperture settings, even the viewfinder is what the
to Marketing A&sn. show in film advance, rewind and lens will get. Although many
Chicago, where cameras fur speed selection are automat- SLRs offer a great deal of
the new model year make ed. What the auto-every- computer-driven automa-
Count Kyocera,
their debut. thing rangefinder has lacked N
tion, they are bulkier and
Olympus, Chinor, Fentax until recently, is the ability heavier than compacts.
and Canon among the avm Lo vary the focn] length of the To bridge the gup, camera
garde. built-in tens, and to match makers have introduced bifo-
As you're probably aware K the viewfinder image to the cal or dual- Ions compacts In
the small, lightweight 25mm image the lens sees. Single- the past twn years. These
compact rangefinder offers lens-re Ilex cameras let you point-and-shooters give you SluFp, in focLii picture of double
pomt-and-shnot simplicity. change lenses a! will, ami a choice between a moderate subject, like that above was r

taken with new Chinan with cri-

jtllitlfiltllM1 plfl-beamfcKiis-Ing. In Eapphota,
1 T|nc FQW Choose The Right Film a camera without the new fea-
1 Better Piet ture FoanecF on the background
and 1600. These films are of- sure range. Medium-speed
between the subjecii
ten far too sensitive for daylight films. ISO 100 and 200, are

EVEN THE most advanced

aulo program camera
must rely on the photographer
The camera,
be greatly
therefore, will
limited in its expo-
ideal for general daylight
flash photography.
Keep in mind Ihal changing
and cus fen £ hi jl L offers 4 brunt]

can .set

variety of focal lengths you

through t fun view-
to choose the right film lor the the ISO setting on a camera finder. Finally + it's here*
job in order to lakefull advan- will effect exposure and not the In a sense,it was here hist

tage of its exposure capabili- film's sensitivity. A discrepan- year in Pen Lax lQZooin
ties. Films are rated by Ihe cy of more than twice between (sec “ Photogra phy page 28.
International Standards Orga- the values may require apodal Nov. "STL Thfo neat little
nization. Higher ISO values in- processing. compact sports a 05- to-
dicate more sensilivity lo The photos seen hem were 70mm zoom lens plus a view-
light — Ihal is, the film is able to taken with 400-speed him. finder and flash that track
capture an image with less ex- Garry a roll of ISO 400 film in with the lens. This spring's
posure bo Jighl. your camera case even when introductions from Kyocera
Tho price we pay for greater planning to shoot in daylight (“Photography/' page 50,
sensitivity,or speed. Is image The extra speed may come m March 88) t Olympus and
quality. Grain and contrast in- handy lor shooting with tele- Chinon build on the basic
crease with higher-speed phone lenses, or in the shade, PonUx design but in most
films. Use slow films, such as or io obtain the fastest shutter casus either offer greater fo-
ISO £5, 50, S4 and 10Q for opti- speed possible for action cal length (105mm in the cane
mal quality. shots. ISO 400 films will oven of Olympus) or mure auto-
Motion stopping, particular- help ouf for ‘available dark- mated and creative options.
ly under low light, requires fast ness" shooting. Most strikingly, the H bridge"
films such as ISO 400, 800 — Armand Ensanian cameras don't resemble their


- _

film -shutting; forebears. With the ex-

ception of chc Pentax and Canon en-
tries, the new models look more like a
cruss between binoculars anti video
camcorders— with a right-side hand-
grip and all.
You'd get an upfront view" of these hy-

brids along with hands-on field tests
—in upcoming columns. For the mean-
time, suffice to flay the Kyocera Samu-
rai, Olympus Infinity Super Zoom,
Chinan Genesis, Pentax IQZoom-Tfiaiid
Canon Sure Shot Multi Tele are worthy
of your consideration if you're looking Cottn cr?at tve filters fit compact cameras,
for a camera that can "do it alt" with a
minimum of fuss. If you're looking for a shoot cameras. Basically, the filter
bit more creative control, you might holder is attached to the bottom of the
give the Olympus 0M4ib a tryout. Basi- camera with Velcro fasteners, and
cally, it's an SLR with power focus square filters are si mply si ipped nto t he i

— another bridge, if you will. It does not holder.

focus automatically, but instead of turn- Nearly a dozen creative filters are
ing a focusing ring on the lens, you ma- available, for a variety of special effects.
nipulate a thumbwheel until the camera The system w as designed for Min-
first F

tells you thal your sub ject’s focused. oltacameras, but will work with most
The camera sells for including a other compacts on the market. The fil-
50mm f/2 lens. ter holder costs $20 with one filter.

HocuS'Focus B&W Is Back

If point-anri -shoot compacts have one I must admit that the percentage of
failing, it’s inthe unintentional misuse biack-and-w hite photo entries to last

(if their autofocus operation, year's contest— 25 percent surprised —

Sometimes, usually when shooting me a bit and delighted me a lot. Real
two or more people, the user fails to tar- men shoot b&w for the challenge (but
get one of the subjects within the view- this doesn't explain why three of the
finder's focusing brackets. Instead, in a four honorably mentioned b&ws were
misguided attempt to Compose the shot by women).
At Armstrong, we've been
scene, the photographer has the focus- Photo companies are once again pay- building toughness into our
ing brackets aimed at thin air. As a re- tires for over 75 years,
camera mistakes the back-
sult, the Like our Norseman All

ground for the subject, focuses Season, With a road gripping

accordingly, and makes a blur of the de- tread, a woven aramid
sired image. The out-of-focus picture of Tredloc belting system and

the two boys, shown opposite, occurred our best 40,000 mile light truck
because the brackets were beamed on limited warranty.'
the gap between them.
See your local Armstrong
Camera maker Chinon has come up
dealer today for the liras built
with a solution to this problem. Instead
of having a single infrared focusing
tough as a rhino.
beam Lied to the central brackets, the New FJfprd paper offers fatter processing. 'For complete details contact your
Armstrong dealer.
company's Auto 3001/MAF camera
($860) boasts a triple-beam system that ing serious attention to b&w. For exam-
spans the viewfinder area. The closest pie,Kodak's new T-Max LOO and 400*

object to the camera that is sensed by by a film rated

films soon will be joined
any of the beams is the object t hat will at ISG-8200 (and capable of being
be in focus. In this design, Chinon its pushed to lSO-bO OOO!). Fuji now' offers

playing on the od ds that the desired sub- its ISCMOO Neopan Professional in the
ject is usually the one closest to the cam* U-S-i Agfa weighs in with Agfapan, and
era. Il H nut a fuulpruof assumption, but Ilford offers XP-1 which can be pro-

it is one that probably will yield correct- cessed in color chemistry and shot at
ly focused pictures more often. ISO-200 to 1600).
To make b&w shooting easier, Kodak
Creative Options has resumed processing the films in its
Another criticism often leveled at com- labs. If you run your own darkroom, Il-
pacts is that their preprogrammed sim- ford's new Multigrade III paper will
the cause of
plicity inhibits creativity in make the job go more quickly.
accuracy. You can't use specialised
lenses, or lens filters for that matter. Ready, Aim, Fire I

The Latter claim is no longer true. Get your earner aft cleaned and loaded.
Cokin^ the French company known Next month’s issue features a special re- >dRMSTROnig^r
for its camera and video filters, has port chock-full of summertime photog-
come up with a system for point -and raphy tips from the pros. m

Uncompromising qualify and
authenticity. Our Jaguar SS-1D0 replicar is a rnort1 HINTS
and easier to build than you would believe! Front engine and

rii'fnrdaljli?, kit
VW models available.

Grit Aids Removal

N.Y, and CANA

M 4 '
Itxisonwil Drive, Dept PMoflB, Buffalo, N.Y 14J25
1 have
hasr& enclosed $1
I it..00 5urtd mu
GO. Send rnu yehjt umpire, lull
v[*ur LomnlutEfc. bmc him*.
crjlor barn
lull rplorc.

If you’re like me, you've discovered

Charge my: Ci -M^^lurCjrd ID VISA H Qmprx. Ouh Ampri r.fn Expfw Lhat at least one of the wood screws to
Accourl Exp. Dale be removed in a repair project simply
Same .
refuses to budge. Instead of exerting
Lhat extra bit of torque lhat may
Stale cause your screwdriver to slip out of
Home Phone \ .Bus. Phonu r the slot and min the head, try sprin-
kling a small amount of abrasive grit
into the alot. This will help the screw-
driver stay in place by providing bet-
ter traction. Extra leverage can be

jj Exercise obtained by using a screwdriver bit

with installed in a brace or, if the driver



IFSS TIME Bidcaube Nurdic-
shaft is square, fitting a wrench to the

Push-Stick Holder

Walter R urton

licating he motion of crqss country

I Tratk is so efficient, you One frustration for woodworkers is to
skiing the world's besl exercise, bum more calories and btiginjoiqtinga long board only to find
NordicTrack, provides the get a better aerobic that the push stick, necessary for
idea! aerobic workout. workout in 1 ms time. safely completing the pas a, is some-
MMORE COMPLETE MNO IMPACT Run where else in the shop. This idea
Unlike bikes and other ning and some aerobic solves the profile m. Attach the push
sildown exercisers, workouts can Cause stick to a cord which runs through a
NordicTrack exerciser painful and poten- pulley mounted on the ceiling- On the
all the body's major tially harmful jarring, other end, secure a weighted can. To
tnuisdts for a total NordicTrack workout keep the can from hitting anything,
body workoul. is completely jarless- set up a cardboard tube for it to ride
in. Now the push stick is available for
BURNED In te&ts ar a other exercise machine use and automatically retracts until
major university, NordicTrack burns- more calories than
the next time. —
Robert Tupper
burned more calories than an NordicTrack ... so you can lose
exercise bike and a rowing weight faster without dieting,
MMORE CONVENIENT With REQUIRED Easy and fun to use.
NordicTrack, you can exercise In the -
comfort of your home. TrTOro®ure"andvIdTo
NordicTrack easily folds, requiring CjJI Toll Fret Oi Writs:
storage space of only I7 x 23^'- 1 -S0O- 32S-5888
I In y inHHti 14U-HMW? Is Cuxb HOOhIIVBK

-ScUffllitK l£*( ir%ullh me tuilfd ifi 141 lonathjr. Bivd ?f. ChasILt. MM 55318
NordicTrack brochure El P3 eik Hnd Eik brudiun
C AU* fm vi4*v VHS BETA

fflordicfrack Litv _ . Sbilr .

C I'm Nr-raiL Tr Jft.


Outdoors, what you build has With LifeWood everything is For a copy of our limited
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why you need wood that's guaran- together— from spindles to stringers LifeWood dealer call i^OG-328-
teed to last. LifeWbod™ from —so any size project goes together 4646. ext. 725, LifeWood, Fora
Weyerhaeuser. easily. lifetime of outdoor living.

LifeWood is a full line of .40 To find the best wood for build-
CCA treated lumber and decorator ing outdoors, just look for the red
specialties warranted for as long LrfeVUood tag bfeWood can take what

as you own what you’ve built you or Mother Mature can dish out Weyerhaeuser



Profile in quality For the 7'thyvar t/t a row owners offord Motor Company cars and trucks FORD
have reportedfewer problems, on aivrtipi\ than owners of any other vehicles deft fated and built in MERCURY
North America mi this reliability in harked by Ford with a 6 war/fiO.OOO mite powertrain
warranty on all Ford. Mercury and Lincoln runs and Ford light trucks**

One more reason

Ford Motor Company
has designed and built
the highest quality
American cars and trucks
for 7 years running.

Quality is Job 1.

*IWd .... ji b ijivmtp of im nrf-n'pjfirJ ^ml Ji-m-

m u scrips of of HI- H” moilelh and built m North America.
^Kr-siriiiftimfe uud drdurtilili ji|p|jJ\
your rlruh-r for u copy of ibi." In nurd warranty. Buckle up 'lugeihrr we ran save lives.
he pit area —
T at Indianapolis*
Motor Speed-
way, alive cmec
again with the aural sen-
nations of horsepower
Winning races also comes
naturally to Paul
Contributing Editor
ship driver and team
owner of w hal is almost

certainly the strongest

driver/car combination
at the Brickyard —Paul
Newman has come to In-
after eleven months of racdess hibernation, dianapolis not to socialize, but to wm
teems with celebrity spectators on Memorial In feeding the hunger of fans, New man's

Day weekend, each one eager to make small second career in auto racing, has repeatedly

talk with the racing legends who have come been given the once-over-Sightly treatment.
to contest America’s 500-mile classic. But But to dismiss these fast -lane activities as
there is one star in the crowd, proprietor of some personality short circuit or a Walter
the most recognizable pair of blue eyes Mi tty weekend fark would be an unfortunate
among all of today's screen actors, who is error. The urge to compete on a race course
here for more than visibility. Currying the hooked him years ago, w hen acting and rac-
weighty credentials of a National Champion- ing intersected in the 1S68 film, "Winning,"



MAN under his right foot, or mastered a
loO-mph corner, or saw his team's
driver take the checkered flag.
The determination to excel that
propelled Paul Newman to greatness
in his acting career shines through in
his Indy raring partnership as well*
As co-owner with Carl Haas of the
team that employs Mario Andretti,
Newman IS a key member of a true
front -row ope rati im, Fumed in WdS.
the Newman Haas,- Andretti triutnvi*
And with typical Paul Newman deter- rate won the CART Indy car champi-
mination, he'll Inn at it until he's mas- onship in UbS-t- It iluesnT hurt, of
tered every subtlety. course, that Haas is the American im
The fact oft he matter is, Neuman's porter for the Lola racing chassis, Together for their tlxth i?a*pn fMewman

at tract ion to mot rspo rt s s com plete-

j i owner of the team that dominated conferi wUh Andretti and partner CarJ Haas.
ly free of the motives that attract Can Am racing in the late 70s and for-
most participants. Already at the mer employer of luminaries like Jack- Larger than life in his own profession^
peak of his profession and financially ie Stewart ami Alan Jones. Paul Newman still has his heroes, and
secure Ho understate things a trifle), This season, for the first lime in six Mario bone of them.
Newman is hardly here for [he glory , years, t he question of Andretti's an- But in the end, Lhe decision was
the public acclaim or the winner's nual contract renewal made a gener- based largely on potentials. The
payout. His life's lung list of accom- ous contribution to the yearly game of Porsche "s early outings were abys-
plishments woifl wither if he fails Lu musical driver seats. Porsche courted mal, and it was dear the car's aerody-
become the SCCA Trans- Am champi- Mario to shoe its new Indy car entry, namics w ere thoroughly outclassed.
tm this year, or if his team s Indy ef- and il was clear there were serious With no promise from Porsche to plug
fort comes up short. deulsche marks involved. the German VS into a competitive
Why race, then? X doubt Newman tried every March or Lola chassis, the 4>S-y eur-i >ld
“Why Hot?” Nemwun shoots hack, form of persuasion to keep Mario Andretti reckoned his best chances
effectively turning aside the question short of a promise for the leading role for another championship remained
of a spirts writer who certainly never in bis next film, as Andretti is a key to with the Newman H rum team.
dimpled the thrill oftiOD horsepower Newman's enthusiasm for he team. t Even though he's a co-owner of Lhe


Power for the Newman-Haai Lota iupptled by the 2 .6 5 lUer, 1 2 valve Chevrolet Indy VS.

wri«. It oflen compact pacKaplng. IIghi owall wlflftf

Built specifically for thfc racing
and row Internal friction, The drive lytiem for the four overhead earmhaftt Is located at
the rear of the engine, reducing the variations In valve timing caused by crmluhaft tor-
jfonal flex Compared to the Cosworth V®. Il offers higher output and a wider powertund



in sponsorship decisions can be a pow- by the Ilmor Engineering group* The

erful influence. Amoco Ultimate lu- engine is widely
2. bb- liter, 32- Valve
bricants has signed on to back the acknowledged to offer a broader
team this season. powerbandand higher peak output
To imagine how Newman might see than ho Cosworth V8, but reliability

his part inrunning a racing team, con- has not been its strong point.
sider his feelings about being on the After a winter's worth of develop-
management side of a motion picture ment at YDS Engines in Texas and
camera: "Directing is wonder- preseastm testing. Haas is confident
ful . + * 1 geUo play all 29 parts/ 1

that the team’s first -year teething

The New man.' Haas team’s [josition woes with the Ilmor-Chevy are be-
as a leading Indy 500 contender is hind them. Coming right to the point,
strengthened by the return of master Haas sums up the cold reality of major
engineer' aerodynamicist Tony Ci-

league racing. “If we weren't optimis-

cale, The Lola chassis is a known plus, tic that the problems were over, we'd
Newman at Indy, lVH7. St/«i fer team own- too. having carried Mario to eight pole be looking else here. Porsche has al-

ers often runs hFgher than If tfots far driven. positions and two wins and Bobby Ra- ways been strong on engines and the
hal to the CAKT
series title. Chassis -Juhd'Honda will be promising, hut 1

anenitinn PNewman’s rigorous sched- sales spurred by that success put the don’t know of any engine with heller
ule demands prevent him from being Lola in an even count with the previ- potential than the Chevrolet/'
part of the day-to-day decision-mak- ously favored March ears. The role of Paul Newman, as a team
ing.His experience in competition is a Good luck is always a factor in the owner doesn't presage his retirement
valuable contribution to the team, and success of a race team, and Andretti’s from driving any more than his work
when the time comes to quit his own good luck a ecu u nt is far from over- as a film director spells his departure
driving career the Indy car effort will drawn. He hasn't won at the 2-5-mik? from acting. In fact, he's abandoned
make good use uf his talents. Indy oval since I9ti9. All tnn often in his annual ritual of pronouncing each
Paul relates well to Mario/' Carl 1987 his commanding qualifying per- season to he his laat behind the wheel.
Haas explains, referring tes the two formances and early domination of Now it’s simply, As Jong as I don’t

drivers speaking a common dialect of races culminated in showdngsDNF slow down Pit keep going." A consid-
the racing world, “The more he gets due crashes nr engine failures.
to erable achievement when you recall

involved, the happier we'll be/ Some of the blame clearly falls to the that many of the racers in his rear-
And for a team financed by outside Chevrolet Indy V8 a purpose-builtS view mirror are 40 years his junior.
sponsorship, New man's participation racing engine developed in England Even at an age— — when many





MAN character's psyche when the cameras
roll let him block ouL all distractions
here. Nothing but a cool, professional
command is evident as Newman
snakes into the driver seat, entering
Lh rough the window and between the
roll cage tubes with enviable agility
The Newman-Sharp Racing effort
is centered around the Nissan 3Q0ZX

2+2 built Iasi season specifically tu

Labe advantage of its longer wheel-
base, With a steel-tube chassis and
people are counting the days until pop-on body panels there is pmdoue
u-iii] Security checks start showing up little you can call a Nissan here, save
in l he mailbox, Newman still ha.^ plen- for Lhe engine block, cylinder heads
ty of enthusiasm for the Nissan and a handful of trim pieces.
ftbllZX Tnrbu he drives in competi- In l9H8Trans-Am racing, they'll
lirtn With Spirts Car Hub of Amm-
use a special aluminum alloy block,
t-si National Championships in D/Pro- homologated fur raring hy Nissan but
duction, B/Hrotluction and GT-I actually cast in the Lf.S. hy Hodeek, a
under his belt, he will concentrate oil dragster engine foundry. The light- ing been well trained in his appren-
the Trans- Am category in 1 988. By weight 2.8-liter Vli engine helps to ticeship with drag racings secretive
any measure, this is no amateur un- shill b5 pounds rearward in the car, Kill Jenkins, but if you persist the
dertaking. improving its front/rear weight bias very conservative figure of fitH) horse-
Ambitious plans for a 12-race and, consequently, its handling. power nt 2 1 -psl turbo boost slips out.
schedule the coming year will re-
in Team engine builder -Tim i nk-man is After qualifying on the pole ami
quire ±t delicate balance between the Light -lipped with power figure*, hav- winning the first race of the '88 seitson
time earnmitments of Paul Newman
the actor and Paul Newman the ruee-
i'ii r driver. Referring to hi* hiatus

frrim aitin^ since filming 'The Color

Of Money/ Newman unleashes that

audience- melting grin and complains

half-kuldingly. “My avocation is slow-
ly becoming my profession/" He
claims to be seriously looking for the
next movie role, anti the supporting

evidence is nearby a shoulder bug
vviLh four thick paper stacks that look
a lot like scripts.
The seriousness at this level of ram-
petition doesn’t mean that Newman
eaiVt enjoy himself at it, though. He ^
arrives for a prerara practice session T
at Connecticut^ Lime Rock course in =
an outrageous bright orange Plym- g
outh Su pe rbird one of th use h e mi^n -

ginecL high- winged caricatures of |

NASCAR speedway machinery firm ?
the early 1970s. Looking very fit, but §
without the excesses of the health
dub suntan and bulges, he taunts his
crew and the other drivers while leav-
ing his Hollywood personality outside
the (kit gate. Requests for autographs
from the throngs of admirers are
gently almost apologetically denied.
, h f,

Immediately Newman's role as j£

part of the Rob Sharp racing enter- g
p rise is apparent. Consulting on each
det ail of the chassis setup and every
change to the car, he stores the infor- g
mat ion for comparison with the he- ^
havbr hell fed on the track. The B
same power of concentration that al- c
lows htm to step convincingly inside a l



tent each lap, as. y radar gun check of

hi# cornering speeds confirms. And

when he comes into the pita, he's sihle
to download a wealth of data on the
ear's actions. All those years of memo-
rizing film script# haven't been
Newmans precise answers to crew
chiefGene Crowe's questions need no
prompting, "The gearing is tall in Sec-
ond and Third, and we'i^e pulling THHI
rpm in Fifth at the end of the
straight.’ A check against the on-

board recording tachometer proves

Newman to be spot-on accurate.
Climbing out of the ear, Newman's
memory for statistics proves uncan-
ny. He remarks that his Jap times are
under the course record, and the
track'sown listing verifies it. Only
at Sebring, Newman -Sharp Racing ifigthe brake bias and front and rear when he reads over to the coin inn
set up winter development testing sway lw action, he nicks tenths of a with the lap record-holder's name
farther south in Florida, at West second nff the lap times. Turbo boost does his memory take a jolt —Jim
Palm Bench. Almost alone cm the h also driver- adjustable in the test Fitzgerald, his teammate, teacher,
New man's prowess as a touting
track, sessions, (hough it is not permitted co-driver, fallow prankster and casu-
dri v er su rfaces C|U iekly Learni ng t he
. during the race. alty of it fatal crash at the end of the '87
fast line while.* simultaneously adjust The actor/racer proves Ln beconfiis- reason. The talk w as that Newman
would quit driving when Fitzy died t
but those close to the team dont be-
Power Mapping lieve he ever considered it.
ACE -CAR lulling sin what
I It used Id Ask Newman what style of a driver
be. When Paul: Newman s Nissan he is and his answer reveals the les-
pits dunng a praclice session, itie swarm sons of 15 years of experience. *Tm a
hi mechanics who descend dp siiii lake M
luster, he says, kr jo wing that you've
Ihc lempt'f Eisuifi ql hres and: brake rotors,
got to he running when the race ends
(rddle with spoilerangles and set ihe sus
pension adjyslmentB Bui the car’s new
m order to w in. The tracks be likes are
custormbmll engine management sys-
those where smooth driving pays off
tem. which corilrols bolh Ibe sequential —finesse, rather than berm hashing,
luei injection and di&tnlbulDrte&s ignilion, is his preference.
is now fine runed hy plugging a laptop Equally impressive are Newman's
compute nnlo the dashboard Aftorations powers of observation w hen Sharp
to lha fuel delivery and ignition curve takes practice laps in the car. Pout
graphs, or maps, are made instantly on switches roles without missing a heat,
the keyboard with no need to change a tuning into the engine pitch, gear-
memory chip. Using such hair-sphl Ling ad-
change points and chassis behavior.
improves both response and
economy vilal now hat a rules change
When BcoU pits, heritable to share im-
hasdropped the maximum fuoicell capac- pressions of areas for impro vement
ity (rom 31.7 gallons !o 2B.Q.— Af.M. and Interpret what the younger driv-
er feels but can't easily define.
To watch Paul Newman at the race
track, it would seem by comparison
that hi# moviemaking is just a
jnh — l hait racing is w herc h\& heart

really lies, fn reality, of course, heap-

plies that same relentless effort and
energy into acting. When he acknow l-
edges the payoff of that hard work
you canT help but perceive that the Il-
As fans prro close for a took (top
lumination in those famous blue eyes
Newman settles In for OusinFii behind the
is steely determination,
wheel erf his Tram^Am car (top right}. Mis
Tram- Am car fat speed, above Feft will be
"I've been acting professionally

the totui of the learn s attention in BB, since 1951* and seriously IVe just >

Speeds In praetke are monitored with a cuUgh! on to w bat acting is in the last
radar gun f left]. Scott Sharp, Newman and A Laptop computer quickly alters the pro- few years. I figure about by the time
the late Jim Fitzgerald | above | ponder gram of the engine management system. Vm HO I'll have this racing figured
.strategy at time Rock Park. ? out." m
selecting the aptly described (orCCVL) pares the crew down to
tank of ihe next century. So three through the integration of an
HE ARMOR mission —
has re- far, three strong contenders all in autoloader. It also features a “‘hunter-
mained the same. Knock out the ^tl-Lon weight class have — killer" sight system similar to that
hardened concentrations of emerged to vie for the Lille, The most pioneered by the prototype High
enemy troops* tanks and air- traditional of the trio is the Cadillac Technology Test Vehicle/Light pic-
craft in a lethal gjone of decision ma- h
Cage Commando Stingray, a 4-man tured above. The most technological-
neuver and nrefjower. mode) Lhat liears an uncanny resem- ly advanced candidate is the Tebdyne
Rut in the next century, this crucial blance to the? 55-ton General Dynam- Continental Motors entry dubbed

role— particularly in the light divi- Ml Al Abrams main battle tank.

ics the AGS for Armored Gun System,

sions will be performed by a new FMC s Close Combat Vehicle, Light
Using an extremely low-profile.
generation of agile armor that evades
the enemy and increases the U.S.
Army's battle field punch.
They're called light tanks, and
they be airlifted with the so-called
1 1

rapid deployment forces of the U.S.

Army Central Command, adding
needed staying power to ground
troops committed in the early stages
of some future war. Law, sturdy, le-
thal, they'll precede, augment and
bolsLer the main battle tanks that will
hold the line on the high-technology
battlefield of tomorrow.
Army planners are in the midst of

€*dillpc {page hai adapted the 105 mm

41m on an alr-mniportabl* hull.
The sleek, low-slung lines of the
High Survivability Ten V'CrhJtlt.
ft prototype tank, has given

Army planners a new direction

for future armor.

AAi ri«TO

front-engined hull as platform, the

its 1982 t when the U.S. Army began a ing the line for their beefier brethren
Teledyne AGS mounts a turret esa I sweeping reorganization of its combat should the ^balloon go up” in Central
overhead gun (see diagram on page forces under the "Air Land Battle" Europe- They were ;Jko foremen an a
71) serviced by an automatic loader, initiative. One major item on the more effective reaction force for "me-
thus diminishing the crew comple- agenda was the development ofsever- dium- to low -intensity environ-
ment to just two. al light Infantry divisions to shore up ments* —a Pentagon euphemism for
The three contenders have the rapid deployment force, an unoffi- Third World brush fire wars and cri-
emerged following a prolonged de- cial pairing nf the H2nd ami 101 st Air- ses like the one in Grenada that re-
bate by Army planners foeusing on borne divisions. sulted in "Operation Urgent Fury."
what the next-generation armor As originally conceived, these light In rendering these troops strategi-
should achieve. The debate began in fighters were to be tasked with hold- cally mobile, they were to be stripped
of their conventional main battle
tanks, armored fighting vehicles and
self-propelled artillery pieces, as
these iron leviathtme fire too large to
be deployed quickly by existing mili-
tary air transports. Instead, a Lillipu-
tian light tank, a militarized dune
buggy (called a “Fast Attack Vehi-
cle") and a new-gener&tion high-tech
attack and utility helicopter, the once
(and future?) LUX, were put on the
drawing board to take their place.
But when push came to shove, the
light divisions were indeed relieved of
all their tracked support vehicles, but

fMCi version u»s hunter-killer sight

and autoloading 105 mm gun,
- I05MM 5—


tin cmal Armored EXHJOTOW-ffiMSTANl GUNIMEK T
Gun System Is ihowni Rja CBIS
lupcrJmpoicd over the
silhouette of a much
larger — ^nd much more
vlfJhle — Genera I Pyntrtlid
mi? a i main bATtieiArtk. BULKHEADS DOUBLE FLOOR
Crew is down to just two.

for various reasons the new equip- cise was* to increase the tank's strate- cover to leliver fire. This gun was re-

ment never came on One — Lhuii rele- gic mobility and battle field surviv- placed by the ARES 75mm smooth-
£at jng thb nation's first wave of the a hi it y by minimizing iU physical
| bore cannon, which was mounted on
revitalised rapid deployment force to signature. The catch was Lo reduce the Sheridan test bed now called —
pajper-ti^er status. size w ithou aacri fir g the fire >o w e r_
L i 1 i
ELKE, or Elevating Kinetic Energy
The critical nature of the siLualiuti The Marine Corps, too, had been Vehicle. The next developmental step
has not escaped the attention of newly attempting to define its need for a w as HI MAG, or High Mobility- Agil-
installed Army Chief of Staff, General light tank ami in 1978 the two services ity Lest vehicle. The program married
Carl Vuono t who recently announced tentatively linked their fates in the the A RES overhead gun pod to an ait-
Lhal his service is in the market for a Advanced Amiamtnr Vehicle Evalu- new chassis.

C-iSO air transport ah ie tank to infuse ation (ARM VAL). The increasing awareness of the
the (ighi divisions with some staying Under A KM VAL, the Army's need configure itimnr for an antiair-
power. Tank Automotive Command went craft role let) to the placement of the

The search fora light hattle Lank is through several intriguing exerciser. 75mm smooth-bore gun on a refined

not new. In fact, Vuonu ? program, They first re con figured the M55I version uf the H1MAG
chassis in a
called the Armored Gun System, or Sheridan Airborne Reconnaissance deft turret, allowing the gun to dip
AGS, is actually the resurrection of a Vehicle ti accept the innovative over-
well Into the hull for a 40 elevation.
series of efforts which officially began head gun (OHG) pod. The weapon This resulted in the High SurvivahiL
in 19TG w ith the Aray-spmutored Ar- rested flat along the Lop of the turret ity Test Vehicle* Light (pictured on
mored Combat Vehicle Technology less chassis for transport and maneu- page 69), which also illcuE^wiraiiHl im-

The idea behind this exer-

analysis. vering, then popped up from behind proved "hunter-killer' sights, laser
range finder, fire control computer
and a severely raked frontal armor to
fcnd off bow-on assault a.
Hut military Lh reals are constantly
changing, irrespective oflugicor con-
venience. After all this development
work, military intelligence revealed
advances in Soviet armor thal now
rendered the 75mm gun inevitable of
achieving frontal kills on front-line
Soviet tanks. A 1 1 In, they said, was
now the bottom line. Complicating
t he ve fo r Lhr ligh t tank, L he 20-t on
[ Iri

platform was deemed loo unstable to

absorb the recoil generated by a stan-
dard 165mm cannon.
While the Army vacillated over the
caliber controversy, the Marines on n-
tinued to search fora light Lank Lu as-
sist the leathernecks in their job nf
mounting amphibious assaults. Un-
convinced that the hypervducity
7umm ARES gun couldn't do Lhe job,
the Marines continued Lu develop the
75 for itflmvn development vehicle,
called the Mobile Protected Weapons
System (MPWSJ. In contrast to the
Army's perceived need for a 105mm
lank destruyer delivered In the the-

ater by €-130 Hercules parachute ex-

traction system, the Marine Corps en-

A ifrt rank dfinanitritvi the Incrtir

U\ Jrt gly Important antiaircraft rale.



POP-ilP overhead gun


The overhead gun reduce! tank profile by lying flat along a turrecfeit
chaxxfx for maneuverirrg, and popping up from behind caver geftj. The
ovcxhead gun has an obvlaui edge In concealment.

visioned a vehicle that could be lution of the whole effort— the quest portant funding will be forthcoming),
deployed from ship to shore and has ted to the present efibn aL .select- Ei curious thing has happened. The

throughout the hcuehhead by CH- ing the 20- ton tank of tomorrow* Army and Marine Corps have an-
ASE helicopter, lei effect, the Marines The turning point came when Gen- nounced that they will once again co-
were looking fur an amphibious "hun- eral V u on o entered the picture. As operate on an AGS. Even more sur-
ker busier, ” Hence their reliance on a former head of the Training and Doc- prising, the Marines have announced
lighter veh ic e wit h smal ter cal ber ar-
I i trine Command, he was fully cogni- that they are willing to set aside sev-
mament, sant of the urge n l need for a light eral of th eir key requirements to see a
Respite these conflicting objec- tank. Being further aware that the vehicle adopted in a timely manner.
tives, the Army and Marine Corps Army had already invested over SI These include helicopter deployment
were forced into a joint search for the million in searching for a suitable ve- and fully amphibious operation. What
light tank in 1981 Unable to resolve
. hicle to deploy with the light divi- will the Marines do with a tank that
crucial differences, however, the col- sions, Vuono vowed to see one of the cant be transported by CJL53? Or.
laboration ended and the Marine candidate AGS systems fielded. that can't hv auLminmoUsly piloted
Corps pursued the notion of mounting Ideally Vuono has indicated bed
, ashore during un assault? Insiders
several different light-caliber can- likt* Lu see the Army get around 700 of hint that the Murines may not be look-
nons, including the ARES Tomm, on the new tanks by the early ItttKta, with ing for the entire AGS system—just a
their highly successful LAV-25 am- a price tag of around $700 million. The few good turrets mounted with the
phibious 8x8 wheeled vehicle. three vehicles under consideration for 105mm cannon. These AGS turrets
After the Marine Corpj* and the the lighL tank title are nondevelop- could then be mounted on the trusty
Army went their separate ways, the mental “off the shelf vehicles, owing LAV-25 amphibious vehicle, giving
Army research and development staff to Vuono's desire to avoid an endless the Marines Lhe heavy-hitting belts-
successfully demonstrated the tech- and expensive pursuit of equipment transportable gun system they’ve al-
nology to male a 105mm gun to a rela- that's not quite ready fur fielding. ways wanted*
tively light armored platform. This But now, while the manufacturers It appears that in t he trench war-
led to renewed interest in the light are patiently waiting fur the Army to fare nf military budgeting and Com
tank issue. Following budget debates issue its official requirements fur AGS gressirmal oversight, brains go much
and spending cuts— and a near disso- 1as well as some assurance that all - im- fart h or than brawn , Sw

will one day appear
POT on the General
fl Dynamics Ml At
Block III main

battle tank.



The Next Heavy Hitter ers and improved Iit^i control Tin? Block III version, aside
from aerodynamic Molqwn styling, is expected to reduce
While development conimues on the low-prohle Armored craw srze ihrough the use of aula malic loading, increase
Gun System, General Dynamics is looking over the horizon smoke generation for better concealment, improve reluct
at the main battle lank ouf forces will drive into the lulu re. mg turnaround and benefit from a peppier lurbine engine
The Ml Block II already boasts a satellite-based land navi- and powertrain Physical charade ns tics will si ill be lean
gation system, thermal sights and viewers, laser range find-

and mean, the way today's lankers like it.— T.C.


When we get into the next century
of automotive interiors, only the
occupants will remain unchanged.
BY JOHN LAMM; PM Illustration by Jeff Mangiat
I AVE YOU Iriukcd inside any of the new
car* yuu'w seen i»n tin- m»rl lately ears —
like tlir Pontiac Grand Prix, Olds Cutlass
Supreme. Honda Civic or Ford Taurus?
The changes inside these i-urs are as significant as
the ehtingftft outside, with new concepts in sratingfciid
instrumental ion drawn up to an old idea whose time fi-
nally seems to have come: ,'ul the glitter, forget the !

chrome and let form follow function.

Even so, what weseetuiw is only a hint of what well
have inside the ears of he early 21*1 century. Put the

foundations are being laid right now, mid the advances

have more to do with attitude and clear thinking than
hardware, To discuss it, we first need a definition.
Ergonomics: The study of the interaction between
man and machine
In describing the development of the interior of the
new Taurus and Sable sedans, Ford's publicity mate-
rial expanded on this fundamental definition, suggest-
ing that ergonomics " means locating switches
r , .

within easy reach, cunt ml functions that are easily tin-

the 2 lit century cockpit:Voice comm.>nd npUI, 2. HCMMJp

1 . I

display, 3- Digital tudl. 4. TV monitor;

S. Steering wheel Controls Include turn ilgnab top lelt and right), I

CMnpultrOn-Ofl|Mppirr left|, iMvlgailun display On-Ofl

left above], air-wheer drive On QFf |left). Voice command
On-Off (below left sound ijrrtcrn [right j and

cruise control [below right J; 6. Rear-view TV manlier,

1. Satellite navigation. 9. Radio and climate controls,
5. Computer keypad. 10. ft tpees) transmisiion, 1 1 Cellular phone. .
dcrstood . , ;ini| dear instrumentation. Ergonomics
> ing drivers to tailor an optimum driving position that re-
evaluates reach, haml/eye movement, frequency of use, turns to its setting at the push of a button. And as the
field of view, control design logic and numerous other de- microchip memories of new cars expand, expect Lhis indi-

s i gn-based c haractcrist ics a fleet ng the dri v e r

i vidualizing of seats to increase. J list by using your person-
An easier way of thinking about it is that good ergonom- alized key to unlock the dour, for example, the seal will go
ics makes the difference between a car that treats yon like to your preset position, a pudJLiun that includes distance
a friend and one that's a festival of irritating idiosyncra- from the wheel, scalhuck angle, lumbar stifTnt sa. ride bol-
sies, And that's why the discipline of ergonomics is at the ster angle, thigh cash toning, steering wheel position and
center of planning for interiors in tomorrow's cars, rear-view angle.
This matter of designing automobiles for easy use is an You can also expect the radio to zip to your favorite sta-
old story for some automakers, a current one for others tion at your favorite volume with the climate controls di-
and a dawn endeavor for still more. Mercedes-Benz for ,

aled in just so as you like iL,
example, has long been studying how to beat configure its A little further into the future, we'll see seats that will
interiors to be used by their owners. As a result, you won’t automatically— and very gradually— adjust themselves
find the gauges on a Mercedes instrument panel obscured over Ihe course of a lung drive to combat fatigue, That's
by the steering w heel Though the German company has a real User friendliness.
steering wheel that will adjust in and out, it has lung re- One other likely change in seating is more connected
fused to use a wheel that tilts up and down just to make cer- with the fu r ure of aenxtymm ics than with ergonomics. To
tain that "steering wheel obscuration

to use an ergo- accommodate faster w indshield angles that w ill lower
nomic term—doesn’t happen. rooflines and thus reduce frontal area, seatbacks will be
Detroit was once a great offender of proper ergonomic laid back a trifle more, though you won't see this as much in
principles, bm the Motor City now has ergonomic leaders family sedans. It’s a theme that works better with perse ri-
of itstiwn + Ford prominent among them. But advanced or al cars— coupes, specialty sedans and sports cars.
not, every carmaker in the world has developed a much There was a tendency in the past half decade by some
higher conscious ness of this discipline than ever before, automakers to solve ergonomic problems by moving as
and positive results are already beginning to show' up in- many switches as possible very close to the driver. Several
side the new cars we're seeing today. models have a great variety of controls mounted on pods
Sealing provides an excellent example of this trend. within fingertip reach of the steering wheel. There are also
Seats used to be fairly standard—and uninspired kerns — show cars featuring steering wheel hubs littered with
for most automakers, differentiated from one car to the function buttons.
next mainly by their upholstery. Rut not any more—and The idea seems sound, but in practice can bo almost as
certainly nest in the future. confusing as a dash strewn w ith buttons and knobs. It has
Porhajjs the biggest change in interiors of the past five to be done right: In the future, expect torae frequently
y ears has been the increasing quality of car seats, not only used switches posit ioneri near the stirring wheel the —
in basic form, but also in adjustability. Possibly l he best 1988 Pontiac Grand Prix is a good example with these —
current examples are ihe front bucket seats in I he new used less frequently, such as climate controls, kept on the
Pontiac Grand Prix and Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme. dashboard.
They're among the best in the world, from an automaker There has also been quite a bit of confusion the past five
that used to provide some of the worst seats in the busi- years o ver the use of digital displays. Initially, automak-
ness. In tomorrow's cars, reclining backrests, good lum- ers jumped in quickly, because there are numerous advan-
bar supports and movable side bolstering will become tages to using digital, from their high-tech a ppeamnee to
commonplace, as will details like individually adjustable the fact that they are light, simple compact and accurate.

thigh supports. However, many new car owners objected to the overuse
Memory power seats are already in top-line cars, allow- of d igital gauges, min t he future rlt tm tu re
t pttye wti


Although seating has improved dramatkjlly in f emu of comfort, Mofp m? at bank rake and near-hordzcnial steering column angle will
fcwie driving position stiff tend* to he generally upright. allow lower roofllnes for better aero In sporty models.


In an age of impersonal computer printouts, the fountain pen is reasserting
its technological sophistication and distinctive individuality.
BY DAVID LANDER; PM Photos by Brian Kosoff

ymbol of lasting value, the fountain pen is a ry. A fountain pen aficionado will no more lend you his
£ classichand tool. It's designed and built to
be used time and time again. And a pen’s flu-
pen than a pipe smoker will share his meerschaum. In-
deed, fountain pens often become valuable, functioning
idmechanics make a long stretch of writing less tiring collector's items on a par with wooden hand planes, tin-
than grinding out the equivalent number of words with plate trains and vacuum-tube radios.
a hard- driving ballpoint. Because they are not disposable Commodities, foun-
Besides this utilitarian virtue, fountain pens also tain [lens should be considered as much an investment
boast a high degree of craftsmanship, with handsome —
as a good ratchet set, miter box or binoculars and their
exteriors often fashioned with precious metals, rich lac- cost reflects this fact. Currently, prices range from be-
quers, line woods or other natural materials. It is this low $ICM> to $1000 or more for new pens, depending on

combination of function and form that raises the foun- performance and adornment. Good performance begins
tain pen's status to that of a cherished personal accesso- at $25, without frills, improves around the $50 mark


1 1
i 1 I „ . ".

ill m i hep n> 1 r i

recei vi ? t ?t .#mei vent inn is That it

embellishment betw een

it? colltairiei l its own ink supply.
i75tuidSbW. elmilnuLing l he need for an
Thu reii ft er st-rfo Fm u nee „ ]
in nip fusel n itkw el L i These
iiiirl fashion pure onvltig early fountain fn-ns hurl to he
tothe ini'roudji.^ last- if spe- Riled with an eyedropper.
ciallyl raft ml partis, cnjsLly
Later came built on pumping
materials a nr] h-mr -worker I I
devices That draw ink
Giibhe?, Ehreugh the am's tip up into |

its In h ly .then sc] Let mini ned

Improve IhrowawAy ink cartrWffes,

your writing Iro Rurally. the ballpoint
Like many other butler — whidieiu|!|ijy^i a thick* vt*-
though raps,, Lhu fountain fH*n eous ink fudthn raghaftihetu
is mi American ilitmYuMuiu ii purous., milling bait cap- —
T hr first [irncl.iirsi] version tured the mil irk anil health of
wtis devdopoii and mm JsoL ri r fc
A rii e r c a a t I he v u r y time i

by Watentian tbujulrr Lewis fountain pun miiiiiitYicI lifers

K . W
it( rniiii
i st rv a « m- i
j 1 i i
were making quantum leaps
tury iipp- in U'ch oology and quality.
Ponple already hurl been The 11-1 Os a in TjOs were ll 1 I

us inp pens for mnre than liivaklhroueh pen ml snaulo-

aiH Miyesits, The earliest wi re malerl mamifauturing and
hull cm straws urn-oda that i
v 1

materials, aernnl-
1 1 . • t
l sists of U idb, li culler to f u l hr nib ami into hr ^lc. So I

cxntlil hutil small amounts of in}? In James Ih Kukuk. mm- rilling -ysEein and reser- :i usJJed "i'urtriflp'" fountain
Hqiilil . Later tame inatru- aizff nf j i r oil uc s imginemng voir- the place where lluirl ^ with Ihe filting

meals crafted from feathers, Hi the Ihirker I'+.-n t.V Ad- inklsHtiireil. h.vmckii: Tin- uouvioiiunt^lii^

with hardemnl shafts ami sill vances in j n as such as injec- For modem m if* t here are [w^uhl<’ cwrtriil^ servu^ 1

tiiis. The use of these '| a ills Mmi mi j line pr‘nviili.-r| elnsi i wo kinds of filling systems, boih tin- illlifig syfrtum itnil

prevailed fur more than 2<MWJ tolerances* thereby impimv- «hie is he pislnn s> stem 1 the n^urvdir.
years, and they are (he Enj: uonsislemy and Integra- whose sure w-driven plunger Mo,Ht muilorn pmni &re
lL .

MUimMif the name [m-u. from Lion nf Ip lj] lain pen ioltlpj- i i draws ink through the rilb for d as> fi U4 US i n M v u Ft b tu s
1 I i

pt n a a „ wh i 4- h is l he I -at i n tivnis. This virtually s Enrage in a rigid n-servnir. Tht-y sport onu nr Lbv nthur
win'd ft if feather. eliminated problems such as The filling operation and tv jir iiftmrlitiisriii! filling fr>>-

The advantEi^e of leakage and uneven meter- sE i ira ge wi -|L i? ii ssely rusei n dr 1 tom, whiuli you i-;m rrirmvr
Water man T in- ing inconstancies in ink !
t hi i if t h n i*y r i ngv [h irt inn a tn iiiini rupluuv witli a cm*-

BawX Today* materials and of n hypodermie urwllv. A tnelgii* ThL^ vorHiititity offers
method* uf fubriesitimn make vai ialion of his is the pump i two ymi t]wl
hencfliH. If n

rhe i
ie n>l letters,! ill. tnad lug; system with flexible you can leave thfe ink bottle
When con mu tic resurv r. H en. Is n ger n
i ii .
i lii-liinJ ml moTK easily jsor-
ji 1

ernliellislimeiiis s u n m u t] n :il bur x| iris ai r
i i *
t ugr h nuju u f esi fi r it ge s
i i i

stripperi it way, u bum ii flexible sac- like reser- A 1 Hi 1 he |
ii A i iti or |
m m] ^ cc m
junta in pen Vr in-
f> voir thereby cmiling a vac-
veriitr" tmfihles you to fiu^h
uum that drowp ink through the \m\ at will — atnl flushing
h tjici vtirijerfrtonc offomi-

^ 1

Hal s blue at blacker red all avat. contains

fungicides. bactericnJes and is sometimes
r mpist containers -an Ideal
dark and moist
breeding place lor germs. This is the reason
The answer
is ink, and though the tlmd used in today s loynlain
drunk by children? f or adding lungicides and baclEricides.

m c ro organ isms di ff or Ihroughout the world- $0 do

pens cun have a Inrmula as complev and closely guarded as Coca Ihe biocides in inks deslined for particular regions.
Cola's, the writing stufl is distinctly not recommended as a beverage. Beck says thai when he was wilh Parker, ihe company
Fountain -pen ink consists primarily q| distilled or deionized waler received periodic phone calls from frantic customers
and organic: dyes. The latter are as saM-lree as possible to prever! the whose children had jusl swallowed ink. Though he dotsn T

ink ram cry stalizmg. whjch would corrode a pen s metal parts and
I recommend imbibing the stuff, the chemist say? Ihai in his
clog its reed system. three decades at Parker he never heard at HI cl feels pro-
Chemicals known as surletlants are also included 1o duced by ingesting ink. He credits I his lo rigid federal
control inks surface tension. Too much surface Tension regulations governing manufacturers. all LJ.S.

would impede even metering — the consistent fig W q| ink — yes deiermme whelher an ink is washabJe. or classified

as well as drying, which i$ a function of boih evaporation as pe^Tla^enr.“

ond thio- ink s penetration of the paper Too little su rface ten- . Beck fjomls out that reslorable' belief describes ink in
sion might cause ink lo saturate Ihe paper bom Irqnf tp back Ihe latter category since even so-called permanenl inks
or to spread laterally, a phenomenon known as feathering. will lade m sunlight end can be washed put of paper.
Forrest E. Beck, a former chief chemist for the Parker Pen When lurried with sulfur. Though an iron sulhde forms
Cn ,
Fikens fnunlatn pens tp incubatory. When carried a m pn the faded ink line and it reappears, hough usually l

breast pockel he explains, they are warm. . rtol In the original color. - D.L
, H

Capillary attraction
The physical principle that
enables fountain pens to
function is called capillarity.
Capillary attraction i$ fest il-

lustrated by the medical de-

vice used tcj draw a drop of
blood from ;i person's finger
tip:Once the skin is pricked,
blood enters the tubelike
container and flows upward,
against ih.9 force nf gravity.
In h fountain pen, t hat
same attraction of a liquiei's
molecules for those of a solid
tube combines with gravity
to feed ink along the narrow
chain is from the reservoir

to the nib.
These feed channels make
what Parker's James Kukuk

cults "intimate contact with

the nib. enabling ink to How
into the slit that bisects the
lower portion of the nib.
At the same time, a vent or
ANATOMY OF A Pen prices and features vary [from left a&nupfi tlysee Lapis
with yol u nib, lacquer barret. Br ais shelJed 5h rafter Targa 580]
hole at the tup of the slit feeds
HAND TOOL with Inlaid nib (or heavy wrrferi Sterling iliver Parker 75 [-SI 10)
air back to the reservoir, en-

with I4K nib shares ton loured grip with pi aslit -barrel, ir Eel -nib suring equal pressure inside
La my Safari S25J. Piston-fill OmJis Paragon 1300 with 2-J ided 1
1 r
and out, Jf atmospheric pres-
| )

gord -banded barrel. Ornate nib on opening page belong* to M ont sure outside the reservoir is
Blanc Diplomat 52110) Hand-tooled Waterman Le Man 100 ton
greater than within, the ink
vertlbJe [1400J mates brlanxaod and gold- Umited-editiori Pellkan won't flow and the pen won't
Totedb S495) bcWcti haniJ-cngi«lwtd flrrllnq sleeve wtth 2-W Dwrby.
write. But if the inside pres-
sure is greater than externa!
pressure, the ink will gush

out of the pen. Il s the collec-

tors job to prevent just this
kind of unpleasant, and in-
creasingly rare, occurrence.
The collector is the finned,
comblike component usually
visible at the back end of the

\im nib. Kukuk describes this

CH ANNFL5. Filling systems above) Include
a “quicker
fail-safe fie vice as
picker-upper/ Under nor-
I'NK- AiP| piston with rigid reservoir, pump
with nejribfe sa<i; and cartridge. r mal atmospheric conditions,
Parker oblique nib (right) angles ei cushion of air separates it

peNet for lefty writers. from the ink-feed channels.

But any rapid change in am-
they lack converters, pens perature water laced with ei bient pressure (such aw might
that use cartridge* only can’t few drops of clear iunmotiia. occur in airplanes) eliminates
be flushed, (Generally car- t If the pen isn't used regular- this cushion, making the col-
tridge-only pens are Eeem ex- ly, you should flush it before lect or— rather than the
|H nsivci than Lh-t^ir bottle-fed
siking on
L fresh mill uf ink.
ei I —
nib she path of least resis-
brethren. Some, though, T o reduce the intake uf paper tance for the ink.
have top-quality nibs, enm- particles — and to promote Surface tension holds the
tnnenta and finishes, merit- smoother -writing — use a liquid beLwoen the collector's
ing higher prices. I ho rd - u rfaeed ca end e ret
.a ,
I 1 fins, instead of letting il flood
Manufacturers recom- bond paper, the higher the out through the nib. When
mend that you flush a pen pe- rapr or Mtt oil-fiber content the? pen is turned nib-up-
riorlically toprevent clog- the better. Never put nib to right. the excess ink flows
ging. This can be* caused by soft, pulpy papers. back into its reservoir.
crystallized ink or by paper The reason for periodic
particles that might be flushing becomes more evi- Nib-picking
drawn into 1 he system. Ac- dent when you get to the Collectors and nibs Eire preci-
cording tu Nuncio Dc Pietro* business end of the fountain sion instruments, and slit-
CaplJlaiy attraction
PFLI.FT tiiEisterpen mechanic at New 1

pen: its collect nr and nib. ting a nib requires more pre-
mows ink to nits,

vent returns air to York's Art Brown & Bro +t This is whEire fountain pens cision still. Tolerances at
equalize pressure. you should flush ynur pen give a physics lesson to A her i Parker limit any variation to
Collector holds ink, with u dilution of room-tem- systems. f Phnbi' iftn\ it) jHiijf Iffltjt

Greg HIM |Abqv«) and P«t Lonarevtth
(oppc»Ue|. top
SMX raters, demonstrate
Mr over a cameibacH Jump
A Reblrmn Pro Team and
Hill ride?
LonCArevich a Haro Group RSI1
What you need know when your son gets into totally rad
BMX, Freestyle and the hot new Formula One bikes.
BY CRAJG BARRETTE, PM Pfioioi by Rich Cox
RE comet? a Lime in e very

[H E participate in the buying decision, platform*, full-body fairing# and nth
father's lift when hi* 12’ But there V a hig problem You know er totally awesome developments in
year-old want* a bike. Nut precious little about the world of HO- the world nlkids'bikes.
just any bike, but one he tan in. wheeled bikes. Tun-speed anti bab
be proud of. one that pay* something loon-tire model*, the bikes of your BMX Bikes
about his world anti how he* fits into il. youth, are as dal edasdlnosaiufs, BMX Jdands for bicycle motor™**
[fyfliTrc a Hail, you know this is an Time to bruah up on the geometry —
and the bade netup smal frame,

important immunl and ynu want to of rhrome-moly frame,h, rear-triangle high handlebars, * ingle gear and
Cmg Barrette in a fatmerBMX racer and in executive editor ofBMXAi'tfan. re
. .

Frmtyfp stuOti above] require


ipecEal brakt-Gbrt footing, s&

on tills Mong&oie Decade FY®.
A\ rjgm. Haro pro rider.
Lontarevich Erlgnt|u gets into
racing action wFrh EgUfy King,
on a Diamond Back Reactor..

knobby tire a was intro- — Cpiii Ih j fell on i he race bar stem. Junior frames, Choices rrf wheel sizes
duced about In year* aj?a track, A good RMX fork an- forhoy* 8 years to 2 years 1 range from tubeless rims of
Within the past decade, gle is about 72% as on the are 16 in, to 17 in. and weigh less than an inch in width
RMX and spinoff bikes, Karn Group 1 RSI (S550* about 4,5 pounds. And the for the smallest tykes, to
such as Freestyle and For- $iMKh + or 73", as on the Rob- n giikir or st nrithird fr hue I'Vin. rims fur juniors, to
mula One models, have inson Pro Team ($5&Uj. for buys 12 years and older, i. 75-iii. rim> for older kills,
completely dominated the Hardcore racers can go up is 17 in. to 18 in. and weighs A good RMX wheel has
2U-in, bike scene. to 76 on the Diamond Back about 5.5 pounds. 36 spokes and sealed bear-
RMXbikes are built to Reactor $550- $590
( 3 Quality frames on the ings. The most widely used
ride on dirt courses, The Frames also come in vari- market today are marie of tread i*a knobby pattern
well-groomed tracks are oussizes. The 3-pound mini 413(1 chrome-moly, a light, tailed Comp-Ill, by Tioga,
twisting courses of hump- frames, for boys 8 years strong stedl alloy. Steel and of Glendale, California.
back hills and steeply and under, is 15-in, from iri-moly frames, ran be Choosing frame size and
banked turn*. Up to seven top uf j^uii tube tn handle- found on budget bikes. fork angle are personal de-
competitors ranked in age cisions. Best approach is to
and skill race against each test ride several models.
other in 30- to 40-second
sprints. Local events can Freestyle
lead to regional, state and Within the past couple of
national championships. years* an offshoot of RMX
Although customization bikes has exploded in popu-
is possible, good bikes can larity. It's called the free-
be purchased off the rack- style bike and it's built for
Entry-level, racing-quality performing skilled acrobat-
bikes begin at about $180. ic stunts.
Anything less is better for The main reason for free-
neighborhood riding than style riding's booming pop-
competition. A common ularity is that "styling' as
mid-range price i* -3230, called, can be done on
Topmf-lhe-llne bikes cost any street corner or park-
around $550. ing lot. Organized freestyle
RMX bikes are decep- events, like RMX races 1

tively simple. They have a can lead all the way to a na-
single-speed gear and one h on al championship.
side -pull brake in the rear. Freestyle riding falls into
But weight and frame ge- two categories— ground
ometry are vital. A single and ramps. Ground or flat-
degree of variation in the land. riding consists of a rid-
steering-head angle— the er performing a complex
degree of front fork tilt routine of wheelies, hand-



Front brakes. fH on the GT Pro

Free style- ^bcvcj. ^rc vitflJ far
balancing stunts. At left, the
ilfitk fairing* on Hutch
Supefblkfl designed by Dan
Hancbrlnfc (left are

bfeakihrmighFl compocwnti.

stands and many intricately tween a freestyle and a ade Pro (|350) has 1- piece ($3E5-$4ll>) has a rear peg
balanced maneuvers. Arms BMX bike are bolted-on pegs that screw into front that'san integrated part of
and legs fly in a blur of high- platforms and pegs. Plat- and rear mountings. Bolt- the frame.
speed motion as the kid forms are mounted on the on platforms are a hit more Another distinctive fea-
hops over the bike,
all fronl forks and rear trian- versatile because they flip ture on freestyle bikes is
llampH, on the other gle (on the frame near the out of the way wh en not be -
the front and rear brakes.
hand, are sloped wooden rear axty). Top- tube pegs ing used for "styling Many freestyle stunts in-
structures that propel rich ate an integrated part of Screw-on platforms need to volve handlebar spinning,
ers into the air where hey t the frame juet below the seat. be removed to accomplish Standard brake-cable mut-
do high-flying tricks. As The GT Pro Freestyle the same thing. Dyno Pro ing would wrap around the
with ground riding; the Team Model (S55Q-$fiO0h Comp ($S00) and Haro head tube and lock up the
mindboggling maneuvers for example, has front and Team Master (8620-8690) w heels. Good freestyle
defy description. rear bolt-on, fllpHtown plat- have holt-on platforms. Di- bikes run the front-brake
The main differences be- farms. The Mongoose IJee- amond Back Strike Zone cables through the forks
and use a rotor spinning de-
vice for the rear brakes
NEWF-I STREET MACHINE — both of which prevent ca-
ble entanglement.
Wheels vary, too* Cur-
rently, 4B-$pc]ke wheels are
y-flMANO 5JS
THUMB- SH^FTEM most popular. As with
BMX bike*, good competi-
tion freestyle bikes begin
around $200, while high-
tech machines go for $600.

Formula One
There's an all-new model on
the 20-in, -wheel bike mar-
ket called Formula One, or
F-l hikes.
The prime movers in
Formula One bike develop-
ment are Haro, of Carson.
California, and Diamond
Back, of Newbury Park,
California- These compa-
nies simultaneously pre-
ftEAJTDEKAJUEUP miered the new models for

(Pkfi*r1 un tomonUtit


, c "

Outlaw pitches. Loaded bats. Rabbit balls. A former major league mound ace
delivers the inside pitch on baseball's hijinks.


ROM THE very fir Ft pitch thi^ I h

iea each recei v
tl u 1 b flay a us- pi the rs a n f bat t e rs w hn B
1 1 1

Opening Day, muny of us will pension for bringing to the mound break (he rules fin a con-
begin measuring the 1988
baseball season against the mi lp
an abrasive lhal mighl be used In
scuff the hall sandpaper in the —
very small. At the
basis is actually B
strings achieved last year. ease of r.rnftp, an emery board in siimelime, believe I B

One that stands nut is the retard Niekm’s, And when a bat that that because of certain ^B '

4458 hunu- rims. Ansi although il 45 shattered in the hand? nf Ho us- changes in the game uverB^B-
more brills left ih*‘ park than in ton's Billy Hatcher on the night of the past 20 years or so, therelspwT
major league pitcher? chalked up Sept I was found to contain some-
. ably a greater tendency and tempUt-
25,099 strikeouts —
he highest ever I thing other than the legal ash lion today to took for an edge,
fur a reason, wood, Hatcher got an involuntary whet her it ? a legal one, like t he
Meanwhile* 1987 was memorable vacation with pay and hi? manager split- fingered fastball, ur trying to
ff?r a more dubious snrt <if achieve- got to pay a fine. simulate the splitter's movement by
in+ j ni. Three players were penalized There's no doubt hat the sub- i loading the ball
ll s :i fa rt that halters a re m us -
under the rules that prohibit the de- j ects n fill egal pit ehos and doet ored
facing iif ball* or he use of freak i bats received more attention in ding up, swinging lighter bats
bats, ThnE rule again? pitching a I
1987 1 ban in any season before, de- and swinging them more ag
hall t hat has been roughened, wet spite ho fad hat hey had to share
1 r 1
g re > a v el y And
i . why
polished nr otherwise tampered the limelight with questions about not? The effective
with entered the books in 1920. the allegedly livelier ball. strike zone is ^^^B
Through IS80. a period of 00 years, From my perspective in the smaller
only two pitchers had ever been dis- broadcast booth, from Talking to ^^^B
ciplined. That number was matched players ofr-camera and from my
last si-asrm alone, when -foe Niekro iiwn e.xperit-ncir in The Lrame. be 1

oft lie Tu ms and Kevin <4mss of the i. yj. i

h:n i
h - 1

fn-MH !«i :i.l!i n“'

F|i- V r rtHO PHOTO flf fflL UHE


^ i}urinff£5 Men vans ax a n?q/or h 'ngur pi trhrr,
author Jim Niuit rompitni a 2S&-237 won loxt
Tji U pk record and a 3. earned- run average u'tth 3Q SI
jtirikeautn. A tang the tiny* the 6 -ft. 5- in, lefthander
earned Jfi rofliwirWi'p Gatrt Glare award#— a number
malrhed antg toff Henriks Robinson Tadfig he Kmex up the rotor m

rnmmentary on Tl nod radio far the irnrtd ehampinn Minnesota ttrinx.

ffeiourccfulneii Is evident In the bate ban

sc off Jaw s toolsof the l fade [fra*™ topj.

wourd-bc sluggers iturr super bans dr
-, cork as in cutaway! into a bole bored

through Ih-c business end of m bat. Snppery
EJ lozenge i and K-Y Jelly reduce friction
when applied Id a ban. This enables a
pitcher to release the ball wirhoul spin,
causing the spilbail's sudden drop. By
adding friction to the ball s travel, a pitch
will vwr decsplpvely. It's done by cutting the
| ball wrth a sharp item, such as a concealed
S Stack, or by scuffing It Jai depicted here] with
abrasives such as emery boards.


than ever before, so a, pitch-

er realty has a tougher lime
keeping the ball off the M
of the bat.
Whal the pitchers are
throwing! from amateur
ball to the majors, is more
otT speed stuff and break-
ing bails, including the
split-fingered fastball.
Fewer pitchers are chal-
lenging the hatter w ith nat-
ural live, trust-your-stuff

fsutlballB, especially during

the late innings of a close Although Gaylord Perry jOtitTorti Iclt j mad* np Se-
gam e H ft ve you n diced t he cret of throwing iptttcn* knuckleballure me luujJ

inordinate number of late- rrjidfrfTwk o( Twin*' pFtctier Joe fdlefcro |Abwt|. Sue when

inning, often game-winning unips oatibecf IMiekro wltti sn emery bewd lent summerr Ue wm
suspended for leaving a different mark on the baft. Dr,
home runs hit off a breaking Joel Hoftenberg [below) gathers wind-tunnel data
ball? That kind of pitch ore? ban.
loses its crispness when the
thrower gets arm- weary carry 20 ft. farther under warm,

and it tends to hang. The moist conditions, w here the air den-
sa m
e goes, for spli t-fi ngeretl sity actually decreases, thereby
fast balls, acuffbftlk and exerting less drag.
even sliders^ although Watts' research goes beyond
these Lake their toll in climate systems and carbon- ti
swinging third strikes too, dioxide depletion in the at- j

especially with more bat- mosphei-e. |

ters swinging wildly in- All the talk about trick
stead of merely trying to pilches, corked bat?;, liveli-
make contact. er balls and w hatnot last
Speaking of the fences, year sparked a good deal of
they keep getting closer research and speculation in
and closer in today's ball- many science lab b alt
parks Resides these fac-
tors, last summer's relative
high temperatures and hu-
midity might have turned a
few fly ball outa into home
Dr, Robert Walts, a me-
chanical engineer at Tul an
University, actually com-
puted how far a ball w ill
travel on a hot, humid day
compared to a cool, dry erne.
Walls says that a hall might
mr**D*o& ••

around the country, restitution was no different If it’s any lower, it’s some-
Last year, the belief than in 1986. Size and thing that only a pitcher
was widespread among weight were also within the could love,
baseball professionals tolerances permitted. The I f the 87 ball didn’t have

that the ball waa livelier coefficient of restitution is a more hop, then another
than in 1986. 1 believe measurement of how well ball-related factor might
so myself, from Lhe — or how jmorly— the ball account for why so many
miracles I’ve seen fly- bounces back upon hitt ing a missiles went into orbit.
ing out of places that hard surface. After being Dr* Joel Holler berg, of the
arc not hitter's ball- fired by machine and collid- prestigious Cooper Union
parks. ing at an initial velocity of engineering school in New
Nonetheless, the 85 ft. per second 68 — York, speculates that the
leagues conducted ntph— a major league base* stitches might impart some
lab tests around ball must show a coefficient extra mileage.
mid-season and an-
of restitutionbetween 51.4 Since the early 1980s,
nounced that the and 57.8 percent, [fit’s any Ho lien berg has studied the
hall's coefficient of higher, the ball is too lively. aerodynamic forces that


cause the knuckle bail to be- spin. Like the which is on the covers,
have In its erratic fashion. stitches, this specu- never the scams. The
His research shows that the lation remains to be object is to eliminate
knucklcr’s shifting side- tested in a wind tun- friction in the grip* so
ways motion is determined nel. that the hall has no ro-
by l he orientation of the Whenthe majors tation or spin when
ball’? stitches against the introduced a livelier it's released.
airflow as the pitch travels ball for the 1920 sea- Preparing the
to the plate. son, batters got anoth- smooth surface can
Last year, Hollenberg er treat in t hut pitchers be accomplished by
was rerunning some of his were prohibited from the wet or the dry
1983 experiments hut with delivering a ball that had method. The bat]
the 1987 major league ball. been defaced or treated cnii be moistened
His data on da-ag kept com- with any foreign su with saliva*
ing out differently. The stance. which can be-
only variable, he realized, You'll rarely find come a little
could be a different texture law who admits to it sticker when
to the stitches. After re- he s an active player. the ball-doctor
pealed tests the evidence chews lozenges
just stared him in the face: made from the
He describes the stitching bark of the slippery elm
as rougher, or more pro- tree.More up-to-date phar-
nounced. Others have no- maceuticals. include lubri-
ticed that the stitches on cants such as K-Y Jelly and
the 87 ball seemed slightly petroleum jelly. Snap will
mure raised than usual. do the trick. Loo. Usually,
Thai type of bail is usually a these substances are
pitcher's delight. smeared on l he pitcher's
Resides the number of skin* hair or uniform, and
stitches and type of string, they're difficult for an ump
the major league speciflca- to detect.
tions aren't too specific The dry spitter can he
about stitching. If they are prepared with powdery
higher, ehis means the materials. Talcum will
shape of the ball is rougher work, And I clearly recall
— uni form iy round but not that the mound in Cleve-
uniformly smooth, at least land has a fine, filmy dirt
as the air sees it. You might that's perfect for the task.
find this surprising. I did. Getting some on your fin-
But Hollenberg and others gertips is literally as easy
state that a rough sphere is as tying your shoes.
more acrotlynamicafiy effi- Wet-head or dry-look,
cient than a smooth one. the spitter is thrown with
This Is the secret behind the same motion and veloci-
the golfball, with its 336 ty as a fastball. But when
dimples. seems that the
It it's released— a nd it virtu-
roughness creates a more ally squirts nut between the
turbulent airflow around firigerH. as a ping-pong ball
the hall, which has the ef- turn topoefr
fect of breaking up or re-
Y«*n afterwinning the 19*1 A,L turning cite, the fcsrt* Norm Cash
ducing the hall’s wake. The
invisible wake exerts drag
{right Jadmitted he COriced his bat mat Mtoa
Hut Houston AsIOO s
Silly Hatcher top] pJc*de<J ignorance halt summer when Limps seized

on the ball. But if the wake a bat he broke and found cork. Photo* from the computed Industrial
is reduced, the ball travels camography scanner at Austin- based Scientific Measurement Sys-
farther. tems {above [compare Lirrtampefed bat with one that s been corked.
A somewhat related hy-
pothesis, from Dr. Peter
firancazio of the Brooklyn Gaylord Perry and Bill and former pitcher, once
College physics depart- "Spaceman” Lee. But the indicated he can detect a
of felons who ve con-
ment, contends that a scuff list spitball from hands-on
on the ball might play a sim- fessed after retirement in- experience.
ilar role in reducing drag. cludes Whiiey Ford, Jim To make what is com-
Brancazio and others point Rrosnan, George Bam- monly called a spitball
out that this would depend berger and the a oge Re- effective* the pitcher

on the ba s rate of spin the

11 . sounding duu of Sc hoolboy must make the surface
degree of scuffing, anti the Row e and Preacher Roe. of the ball as smooth as
position of the scuff in rela- Even Bill KunkeL the possible in the area
tion to the ball's direction of American League umpire where he will grip iL,


Divide And
Our contemporary room divider is the ideal place however, that this pintle of wood
isnut normally used for Indoor fumi-
for books and collectibles. And, it's easy to build. ture* If possible, go to the lumber
dealer and pick out the best pieces for
BY NEAL BA RRETT Ihis project. Then, stack Lhe wood in
an environment with the same humid-

M OST bookshelves
signed to * It
wall. Thin makes sense if
you're trying to maintain one large
open space. But it s not uncommon for
arc de-
against a
ity as that of your house. Place 'Vin.-
sq, stickers between the layers and
let the lumber dry completely
may take at leapt two weeks before
starting construction. When stack-
ing. place the stickers about 12 in.

both homeowners and apartment

dwellers to need distinct spaces in t he apart and keep each now of stickers di-
same room. This combination book- rect ly above the last. On the tup
case and room divider fills this need. board, it a helpful to lay a last raw uf
stickers and place a very heavy board
Freestanding and finished til! around*
this piece can be placed anywhere to
on them Lo ensure that the boards will
hr Id books and collectibles while sepsi-
dry flat-

rating areas of t he room that may Note that two diffei-ent thicknesses
have different functions. Anri, it can
1 Uie 3Vj-in.-u4de %pine Hock For the
Tram?. Cut each piece TO BJtat* length.
of boards are needed —
full %-im-
thick pine (called -in- st uck) and J /ir
be moved along with the re»t of the Apply glm? and nail with fid fmiihlng nalli.

furniture when t he inspiration crimes

thick stock The thicker st oc k is u sual

to redecorate. We
got this clever de- ly called %. You may find that the %
sign from booklet called The
pine at your local dealer is less than
Breaking Room Book. It's loaded TVl(i in. thick. If so, simply adjust Lhe
with innovative storage projects far dimensions shown accordingly.
just about every room in the house. It
costs 1 1.9b ppri. from Western Wood
Starting construction
Products Assn., Venn Building, 522 First, crosscut "&% -in. -wide stuck %
8.W. Fifth Ave. Portland, OR9720L to length for the base frame pieces.

Plan sheets for most of the projects Then, mark the position of the center
block oil the lung frame pieces and as-
are also available for 75 cents.
The construction is even more semble the base frame with M

straightforward than the design sug- ing nails and glue. The %
stock is used
gests. All that's necessary are a few 1 Glue and nail the upf ignis to the base. for the frame uprights {C and l))as
Use brcKks lo support The A well. Cut these six pieces roughly to
basic tools and the skill to measure uprlgJ-it*. 2-ft.

and cut tu a line. If your shop isn't Steel Square ensures accurate assembly. length. Rip the corner uprights to G
in. wide and the center pieces lo 5 in.
equipped with a table saw or rad al- i

arm suv*a portable circular saw can

Then, mark each piece squarely and
be used for all lhe cuts. Be sure to use cut toeSftct length.
a sharp, smooth -cut Ling blade and Prepare for securing the uprights
have a fence attachment on hand for by marking their positions on the base
ripping. The joinery is simple and the frame. Lay the frame, edgeside
entire uni Us fastened with nails and Mown, on the worktable. Set up scrap
glue. We also opted for wood that's blocks to Lhe same height as the frame
available just about everywhere: No. Lo support he ends of the uprights*

2 common pine. Then, glue and nail the uprights to the

Be aw are when buying your mate- frame (photo 2) + Use a 2-ft. steel
square Lo ensure that the uprights arc
CokwpholBjJP Rmi fastened squarely tu Lhe base.
B!*ck'*nd-wNlepttoTov Nt 1 Tack temporary strips to the upright To keep the upright tops in line,
Tetfvilc*i«rt: Ei^ene r rir>- n^ci
luck spacer strips first across, then

D«lgn: C Jftpf-k .=n\l ErdpnOrrqpr topi to eniure consistent sparing, leave

Pftotoityiirt: GaOrflrmO: ruH heads exposed for easy removal. along the upright free ends. Make


1<?BB 87

ROOM DIVIDER Milking the shelves

Thf shelved are ripped from 1x12
apply glue and seemr (he first sup-
port using the .scrap piece as a posi-
sure that the spacing at the top is the pine. Before ripping;check (.he width tioning gauge.
same as al. the bon uni (photo across the busi*- it should he 1 in. 1 After t he first row of supports are
Next, roughly ml lo length Lfu 1

Then, use yniir ciirub' saw to rip the fastened* glue and nail the next tier of
in. thick 2 -in. wide nisi- rim stuck tEh correct width. Prepare

:l -
I I shelves Lo the Laps of the supports.
board*- Hold each jiiece in ]iosiiirm on Munich stock For aH l he shelves and Repeat this procedure for the remain-
the base frame and mark fur the mi- shcdf support pieces H ) at the same
I ing shelves and supports. When you
ters. Because these pieces will be visi- time. Determine the correct length of reach t he lop shelf, remove the Ling
ble in the finished case, you It want in l he shelves by men* wring the distance spacing strips to make the muling eas-
get the miter joints just right. between the uprights. Then, cut the ier. After the Lop shelves are in*
After marking, cut the miters with shelves squarely to length. stalled, remove the short spacers.
a miterhox and check for fit with the Glue and nail the two lower shelves
base. Then apply the glue. to the base, making sure that their Completing the fascia
Its helpful to have a small dampen edges are flush with the base trim. I LnpLrim boards in the same
hand to hold these pieces in pusilii >u as Them crosscut the shelf supports to manner as the base trim. Make sure
you nad. If you dnn't have a dump le igL b I *\ isi Lio n t he fi rnt s fie If su p |n irl
i . t he top trim sits firmly on the top shelf

handy then, before applying the

. using si piece of scrap 'q-in. -thick and, after inti ling to the uprights, nail
glue, drive a few finishing nails stock to ensure correct overhang al through ihe Lop shelf from under-
through the base trim su Lhai their the uprights (photo 7i_ Lightly mark neath into the trim.
fH lints just poki- through. The points lines near each edge of the piece to aid The two vertical trim boards at the
will help keep the pieces in position in positioning the niiib. Partially ends should now be ripped to width
while you drive the naits. drive a few nails in the support piece, and cut to length. Check the dirrien-

4 Aficr cut ling b air trim id length using a 5 After ripping stock to width for shelves 4 n&talJ iPie bottom shelves so Their edges

ml ter bos n Ha with nails a nd glue C la mp

. I 1 1 . and 5-heff iupporn. cross* u E to length on a are Mush with the base trim. Secure with
holds The work In place while nailing. radtal-m m saw or pcftable circular saw. glue and 6d nails. Set all nails with nailsri.

1 Use a %-in.- thick spacer block to ailgn B The second row of shelves ceiTS on melt # You n«d To remove the long spacers

the ih elf support with upright. Have nail supports, Makesure shelf edges are flush from upright topi when nailing the top
started In board before assembling. with the supports. Glue and naif in place. shefves. Then, remove the short spacerc-

1 0
After installing the upper trim In the 1 1 installing end hoards reaves a recess 1 1 The top is rut to exact size f rem % pine
same manner as the base trim, nail up Id!the Upright trim. Cut TO exact width and stock. Make sure edges are flush with

through the cop shelf for a tight joint. length. NaM and glue In place the top trim before Initialing.


1 j ) j 5 A

16 X 6S"

4 "i—

MATCRIALS— l>J V L I )fc R/B( K tKi AKti '

Key So. Si /.€ and dcsmpliori u?w i

A y m A 3H * ffi" Jiiw tan." niift*l

'l 1 1

J ,
T5 ri 1 !„, J :i r 1 fllJH- I i^U^f iHli
C 4 ]
' lh \ Ss .f fiirK- 1 l'Ijitilt upiTiifftil i

If j! ] i
..^SK>‘\‘"|Mi|*'iivnti riqiH rhtJ ,

K 1

s : i

\ x +3ii^" |iicif fa ml i inmi

K 4 ’
tVlP/jX If pirn- -i nkli* l Hal'
fi l» \ s 3E
II ifi % Kl! fcirptiwfMifi|wril
£ %M 31 fc fill V prim Ivml Inm i

J 4 \ x r>.\ ftl ‘
|" |M c lojrrmf Lnru
1 1 - i

K ^ 1 a -IJ 1 j- 1 rine i^atir trim i

L | I vm x JUfKVpinriliii^
-M 2
^ i£

?? |*|* ^ nK" jiiw nv4diistf
I y 1(1 '
a x '
j \ ll VL piik’ I nhvlF nwldinH i

1 , x '-j * «
piit LhlitSrincfliJLij|; i

4 N %s | '/j-a 1 V/ pin* ftfed* l

Miiri L utirn brvfc. Irt TiiuHlun^ iuaL- Hit Rsunh- ,

iri|r nail*, ifiuu,, J^li- irntl fflU-yril uinrijsuper.

aiaiL-nil > g - :« i n
Murale rs JU-.L I - AJula-^T
(Nrj. I IriA-lEii *t, Cjrtv j|urxi I Xu. LHiB-UU
I '^rtnv ;l| Rim 1
1 Nil
jA I A h Whn I
t N«. IMM i.

tA^r J-



. >

ROOM DIVIDER ier to do with the molding off.

The Vj-iiu-wide molding is made
are the decorative blocks placed over

each column, It s bent Lo use a table

rtiofi arrows the first.This trim from a length of 1x12 nr 1x8 stock. saw to cut these / r in. -thick squares

must overhang % in, on both rifles Clamp the board to the edge of your First rip a 20- n. long piece of stock to

After rutting tn size, use the %-iri.- worktable ami install a %-im-rad. 1% in. wide. Then, resaw the stock to
thick scrap piece to accurately posi- rounding-over bit in your router. Ad- %in. thick. Crosscut the eight l A-in.-
tion each board in the same way you just the bit depth so it will cut a radius sq. blocks from this strip.
lined up the shelf supports. that's fl ush with the surface of the A stop block fixed Lo the table saw'
The remaining boards tu install are stock. Then, rout one edge of the or radial- arm saw makes this job go
the corner and center trim pieces. board to ere ate one hal f oft he m aiding faster. Don't use the table saw fence
These must fit precisely into the re- profile. Simply flip the hoard over and for a stop block. The piece can jam be-
cesses formed by the- shelf support mut from the other face to finish the tween Lhe blade and fence anti get
pieces and end boar [Is. Measure the half round. If your router bit includes thrown back at you. Install each block
widths accurately arid rip to the out- a pilot, don't be tempted tn use it as a with glue and wire brads us shown in
a ide of Lhe marks 1 f t he pieces fit a lit
. guide for Lhis opera Lion. After the the drawing,
Lie jo tightly, trim the excess with a
[ i first cut is made, the pilot will no long- Set all nails and fill with wood filler.
hand planer Be sure In nail through er have a proper edge Lu run against Then, give the piece a final sanding
the shelf supports and end boards as and the next cut will go too deep. with 220-grit sandpaper.
well as nailing through the trim face. Equip your router wit h an edge guide
Finally, cut the case lop from 4 xl2 instead (photo 13), Finishing the unit
stuck. Lay it in position and check After each half-round is cut, set We finished our room divider- book-
that its edges are flush. Then glue ami your table saw fence or portable circu- case tu highlight its visual elements
nail it in place. lar saw guide for a %-m. rip and cut while allowing the wood grain to ap
the trim off the board. For the top pear as subtle surface decoration. The
installing the molding trim, use %
stock and g /tfi-in^rgd. main part of the case whs given a pick-
The five horizontal bands accenting roum ling-over bit. Rip tu in. wide.

led finish. This imparts a bleached
the shelves and top are cut from lre|Mire for installing the molding
quality tn the wood- Use Mura In A In-
pieces nf half round molding. You’ll by first marking square lines around hauler oil -based paint. LhinnedttO per-
need two widths for the job— l’^, tl for the end columns and across the middle cent with mineral spirits, Let the
the top and S
for the shelves, if columns at the shelf positions (photo paint soak into the wood for about five
you’re unable to find half-round mold- 15), nstall the long pieces first. Tem-
I minutes and then, wipe off with a
ing in these sizes at your local lumber porarily tack each piece in place and clean rug. Allow to dry overnight.
yard, you can make the trim yourself mark for cutting the miters. Then, The top piece, its trim and the base
with your router. use a miterbox to make the cuts. were given two coats of high-gloss
Before starting the trim, however, After mar king the short end pieces, Muralo Gray Mood. The shelf trim
is a gom Li me l o check t he entire piece
1 fasten the long pieces in place with was painted with high-gloss Muralo
fur flush joi nts and perform some pre- glue and Id nails. Then, carefully cut Carnival Red and we used Muralo
liminary sanding with 120- followed each short piece to fit and install. high-gloss white for the decorative
by 220-grit sandpaper. This job la eas- The final trim pieces to be applied blocks. m

1 1 Make the molding with your router t# After routing tootft corners To msike the 1 $ Use a square to Fay out maiding posi-
and roundlng-o^er bit. Uit a Va -ln. rad. bit half-round profile, rip The sheU Trim to In. % tion around end columns and across center
for ihe shelf trim and In. bit for the lop. Top trim Is ripped to V* In. wide. column f«e. Miter trim to length.

I# After marking and culling miters, ln- 1 7 The decorative blocks are crosscut fft Install block* wlTh glue and wire
sialF with finishing naifs and glue, Frisian from V4 -ln.-|hJck stock TO Vj-in. squares.
1 brads. Don't nail Ion dose to edge nnr
long pieces first and cut short lengths to fit. Use a stop block for accurate cuts. place two nails on trie same grain line.


A comprehensive guide to
the latest hole- boring tools


Shop And Tools Editor

PM Photos by Brian Kosoff

r K
i^HkOKING precise, clean holes is something

drill bits

Just imagine trying to

out one.

shop's most underrated tools

Drill bits are available in

most of us perform routinely
time. Therefore, it's

make a perfectly round

d, metals, plastic, concrete, brick, glass

a few. MoBt
and ceramic
designed for use in a portable electric
bits are
Lher hits are made specifically for use in a hand brace, hand
all the

not surprising that

are taken for granted and are perhaps a work-
How val uable are drill bits?

hole with-

an astounding number of sizes and

yles for use in nearly every' imaginable material including
tile to

ill press. Home bits can be used in more than one tool, but it's
important not to use any drill bit or accessory in a tool that it s not

r designed for.
Drill bits
are classified
gauge numbers or
fractional sizes
are sized according to the diameter hole they bore. Most bits
in fractional sizes -inches or metric. But some bits use wire-
letter sizes. Twist drill bits are most commonly available in
from 1/64-in. tu 1/2-in. dia. Bits up to about 1-in. dia. are also avail-
able. but they're tougher to find. Wire-gauge number bits range from No. I (decimal
equivalent: .2280 in.) to No. 80 (.0135 in.). Note that the higher the number, the
smaller the bit’s diameter. Letter -size bits range from A (.2340 in.) to Z (.4130 in,). For
use as a comparative reference, note that the decimal equivalent of a 1/64 -in, bit is .0256 in.

i -» rr|j c
— -

While twist are designed for drilling holes in

drill bits 14 limes longer t him a standard bil according to B & D, ,

metal, they’re also commonly ilroi! to bore holes in wood The pilot-point tip ensures tm-ivitlk starting and an eh-
and plastic. To bore large diameter holes iti wood there larged flute chamber hastens chip removal to prevent
are several bits available including spade, Forst tier and jamming. Acut e-angle cult in podges mean faster drilling
auger bits, Selecting tile light bit depends on the work- and, more importantly, no binding and lockup as the bit
iece, the size of the hole and the required quality of the breaks through the backside if the workpiece. Bullet bits

ole. Some bits produce perfectly round, smooth, flai- come In 2f> sizes ranging from lti in. $2 for Wo HBB hit s: i I

bottom holes. But in some cases, such as rough carpentry S&1..SP each for titanium-coated) to in. dia. IS 15. GO far

work, asuperprecise hole isn't needed. HSS;: $26. 65 for titanium-runted), t intact Black & I lock- 'i

Here, we’ve collected Si hits to handle virtually every er, 10 X. Piirk Dr,, Box 7PH. Hunt Valley, MU 21 mill.
hole-boring job. However, it's not likely that you'll need 2, Split -p<»ini masonry hit —
Up <o now. hairing a htde in
every bit shown. Instead add hits to your toolbox as you
, concrete, hriek. cement block and plaster has been a
need them and remember that price is a good indication glow laborious process. The m.'w bit shown, called Lick-

of quality. In other words, you get what you pay for. ety- Split, features an aggressive cutting, split-point,
carbide-steer] Up that bores three limes faster and lusts
What's new? IP times longer than regular masonry hits, according t"
Tool makers have recently developed sumf exciting :md Vermont- American. Lidteiy-Split bits come in five sizes
truly Unique drill hits. The newest of these is Black &-

from V in. ($2 HtOto . in. i$Fj.OrmLi:i, (’not act Vermnnl-


Decker’s Bullet bit (see No. 1). The hit's built-in pilot American, BuxM), Lineolnton, NC 28003.
point helps it cut quicker and minimize walking the ten- !, MuIttKpur hit— For precise holes in fine woodwork,
dency of the bit to wander off course. try a multispiir bit. Designed for drill press u- e. it fea-
Step drills (No, 5 and No. til allow you tn drill several tures a rttn-guiried cutting head hat makes it easy to I

different size holes with the some bit. They’re designed bore angled and overlapping holes. The cutting head has
for drilling in thin materials, especially metals and plas-
raw™ of sharpened teeth and a h-Ih. long center spur for
ties. Other new bits include: a earbide-tipjied brad -point smooth, neatly flat-bottomed holes. The 1-in. -din. bit
bit (Nek 7), imp if wed spade bit (No. 14}, and Vermont- shown costs SI 8, “5, plus shipping, from UarrelL Wade,
American's new split-point masonry bit No. 21.
( 161 Avenue of the Americas. New York, NY 1 0013 Oth-
Also, note that many manufacturers are now offering er sizes range from in. to 1% in. dia,

titanium -nitride-coated hits. These gold -colored hits i. Hollow -spiral uuieer Idl —
Also known as a ship-head
boast superior performance over standard high-speed car hit, this lk-in,-long bit is used for deep boring m large
steel hits, Now ltd's take a look at each of the bits shown. timbers, telephone poles, docks and bridges. The bil fea-

1. Bullet biii: —
The unique design of the Bullet bitallows tures a single-twist, hollow-center design and a screw-
it to outperform standard —
wist- drill bits
< especially point lip that hoklsthebit on course. The bit’s
when drilling metal. In fact, according to Black <$ Deck- chuck-end is tapered to fit a hand
er, the Bullet bit will drill four times faster and last seven brace. Just above t he tapered end,
times longer than standard high-speed steel HSS) bits.
( the bilV shank is hex-shaped, Tn
The tiUruurn-nitride-coated Bullet bit, also shown, lasts use the bit in a portable Electric
simply hacksaw off the tapered end.
The V+ -in.-*lia. hit shown costs about $19.85 at
hardware stores. It's also available in size* ranging
from '/« in, f( 15.70) in II* in. ($37.50) dia. Contact Irwin

Co. Box 829. Wilmington, OH 45177.


5. Step (frill— The UoibiL step drill shown (model No. 1»


can drill 13 different size holes from V,,. in to %

in. dia.

The high-sjjced steel bit has a sure-starting paint and a

single flute. The bit’s multiple-step design enlarges the
hole a little at a time- Simply stop drilling when the de-
sired size hole is made. Designed primarily for drilling in
steel, copper, brass, aluminum and other thin metals,
Unibits can also be used to bore holes in plastics, compo-
sition boards and thin wood. The bits' high prices are off-
set hy the fact Lhnt you need fewer bits anti by the conve-
nience of not having to change bits so often. The No. 4
Unibit shown costs about $39. The No. 1 Unibit ($18.50)
drills 13 different size holes frnrn % in. to '-i in, dia. For

details on the entire Unibit line, contact American Tool

Co,, 301 S. I3t h St., Suite Hffl, Lincoln, NE 68508.
<i. Titanium-nitride step drill— Vermont -American re-

cently introduced it,' own version of the step drill, called

the Drill Tree, it’s similar to the Unibit mentioned
above, except that it has two cutting flutes and a titani-
um -nitride coating that stay? sharp six times longer than
HSS step drills, according to the maker. The bit shown
($17.1*5) will drill 13 holes ranging from % n to Hri n di a -
i , ,
m A

DRILL BITS zontal, band-sharpened edges. Use versatile wood working bit is infinite-
Forslner bits in a drill press to bn re lyadjustable for boring holes from 1 %
A 9-hole Tree—
Drill through in, % perfectly flat- butt omec holes. prE?eist
in to3VH in. dia. A sharp center point

in.—costa about $30.

Contact Ver- angular holes, overlapping holes and ensures accurate, nonslip boring. Al-
mont-American. Box 340, Lincoln- any fraction of a hole in the workpiece though it is similar to a regular expan-
ton r
NC 28093. edge. Like most unique, quality tools h
sive bit, it cuts cleaner and more pre-
7. Carbide^ lipped hrad-poinL hit Fnrstner bits are not cheap. The IVi- cisely. It's $63.50 postpaid from
— Regular high-speed steel hrud- in.-dia, bit costs $34.34. Sizes range GarreU Wade, 161 A venue of the
poinl bits*, such as Nil 15, are ex- from V4 in. ($20) to Sm. ($lU0)dia. plus Americas, New York, NY 10013.
tremely popular with wink! workers, shipping, WVlte Li Lhe manufacturer
i 13- tirrle cutler —
Iso known as ally
Gam U Wadr HOW offers durable car-
or cull toll-free (HO01 &J6-0Q76, cutter, this tool cuts large holes in
hide-tipped brad-point hits that will 1(1. Morticing chisel — It may he hard wood, sheetmetal, brass, copper, alu-
outlast HSS bits many times over. Ln believe* but this woodworking bit minum and plastic. Designed for drill
The bits have supersharp carbide cut- hi ires square holes, Use it in a drill press use only it features a pilot

ting edges and a center spur that elim- press to bore a series of overlapping twist-drill bit and a replaceable high-
inates walking. These are excellent holes to form a mortise to accept a speed steel cutter. The tool adjusts to
bits fur boring very hard, exotic matching tenon. The tool consists of a cut holes from %
in. to 4 in, dia. Oper-
woods. TheVt dn.-dia. bit shown costs wood-boring bit housed in a hollow, ate the cutter at 601) rpm and wear eye
plus shipping, from Garrett square chisel. Chuck the bit in the ] rt ect ion I Vs $11. .M
. posl paid from

Wade. 161 Avenue of the Americas* drill press. A special yoke (not includ- Constantine 's 2050 Eastcheater Rd.,

New York. NY
10013. Eij*ht other ed) attaches to the drill press and Bronx, NY 10461.
si^s are available: %
in. to %
in. di». clamps onto the chisel. As pressure is 14. Spade bHs^ The %dn. -Ella. Irwin

Left-hand hit Nnrico something applied, the hit removes a vast major- Rpeedbor H8 spade hit shown is one of
odd about his %-in.-dia hit? That's
i r ity of the stock and the chisel cuts the the most popular woodworking bits in
right, it has left-hand spiraling flutes. round hole square. The 'Tin, -wide use today. Spade bits are fast -cutting,
This unique bit is used to extract bro- mortising chisel shown costs $52.50 inexpensive and easy to sharpen with
ken bolts, screws and threaded studs. postpaid from Constantine's, 2060 a file. Use spade bits in a portable
Operate the bit counter-clockwise En a kfistchester Rd. Bronx, NY 10461.
elect ric drill or drill press.
reversible drill. In mosL cases, the 11. Sul id-renter auger bit Thisl-iii- Irwin recently introduced an im-
left handed drilling action alone will dia. wood boring hit ($11.85), also roved spade bit (see the ^-in.-dia.
loosen the brokers piece. Otherwise, known as an electricians auger hit, is it shown) called the Speedhor aoofi.

use a straight- flute screw extractor. designed for rapid, if not smooth, bor- The new hit has two protruding spurs
The bit shown costa about 3)L Other ing. It's most often used to bore holes Lhal scribe thr wood for faster cutting
bits range? from % in. to V,* in. dia. in house framing to run electrical and a sharpened horizontal groove on

Contact Vermnnt-American, Rux wires. The 9 Vi- in. -long hit features a each side for cleaner holes.
340, Lined nton, NC 28093. deep, chip-clearing spiral flute and a Both styles are available in 17 sues
9. Forstner bit —
-For fine wood work- quick-start Bcrew-pnmt tip, A sharji- from \ in, to 1 Vj in, dia. Speedbor 88

ing and cabinet making, the Forstner ened cutter, located near its tip, bits cost between 52.25 and 54.15.
bit is in a class by itself. However, scribes the wood and speeds the bor- Speed bor 2000 bits cost slightly more:
don't be fooled by imported Korstnf r ing process. It can be used in either a $2.40 to 55.55. Contact Irwin Co. f
fy/whits, This is the genuine Forstner hand brace or electric drill. For use in Box 829, Wilmington, OH 45177.
bit invented by Oregon gunsmith an elect ric drill, simply cut off t he hit's 15. li rurf-puiiU hit —
A favorite of
Benjamin Forstner and patent ed in tapered end to expose the hex-shaped many wood workers, a brad -point hit
1886. The bit is now made by Connect- shank. Other sizes range from V, in. to features a sharptmed center point for
icut Valiev Manufacturing, Box 320th V/a in, dia* Contact Irwin Co,, Box quick, sure starts and two cutting
New Britain, CT 06050. 829, Wilmington, OH 45177. spurs Lhal scribe the wood For fast,
Contrary to popular belief, the bit's 12. Heavy-duty expansive bit — smooth holes. The high-speed steel
circular flange only guides the tool. Here's an improved version of the did hit also features extra-deep flutes for
ThE actual cutting is done by two hori-
reliable expansive bit (No. I!)). This boring. A 5- piece set
fast, clog- free
costs 538.70 postpaid from GarreU
Wade, 161 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY
10013. IL includes
& 7
y, /ir« %-f ^r "/-in -dia, bite*
16. Titanium-nitride bit— VgrmojiL-
A men can offers a full
line of titanium-
nitride-coated twist drill bits. The su-
fierhard bits have many advantages
over standard high-speed steel hits
— especially when drilling metal. The
main advantages are that they stay
sharper longer and cut easier.
According tn Vermont American,
their titanium-nitride bits last six
times longer than HSS bite. The hits
also slay cooler at high Speeds and re-
quire less pressure.
Titanium -nitride bits aren't cheap,
but may be economical for anyone
who does a lot of drilling. Available in
20 siz«s from / ]rt in, ($1.75) to M- in.
fpltmttr lttn\ fn p\ujr

Here's all the how-to you need
to get better automobile
performance, handling
and looks.
more com- kind of mileage that
fortable ride. Michelins have olways
The XCH4 been famous for.

con also Your Michelin dealer

offer you of sizes to
rarely seen in

o light (ruck

tire: perform-
ance. So
Michelin has some soothing you'll experience crisp handling
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Thanks to the Michelin neered to lost. Because its . icur-wfieel-drive vehicles.
All- Weather XCH4 radial. designed to wear slowly and See him soon.
The XCH4 has o evenly. Which helps pre- After all, why learn
unique tread design vent premoture about life on the
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These (2) 16 oz. bottles will

give your t i

car a Sj ESj
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For Any Car 98 campoumj. pred&aw. restorers. cobrfcd wax and

polishes -quids and pasle Whatever the coiar el your

tar. nothing abselinely nnrtiing fenjl Malm's two formu-

Before You Begin 102 las,can mahi your «r $ tine teller thin the day yen
bought it!
rn positive ql r products
1 APPEARANCE Smcc 1&BD we 've backed up ctam with lfwstrang-
can’t tie bsat
I hart

Monochroming For The Euro Look 104 estguaramee in she Easiness Cto aide by side tests
Compare Malm's Camay da Wax and ftMfi with any-
thing Wf II OUTSHINE fevery "Single one’ IE tor sexhe
Engine Detailing 106 reason yflu don't
days. We II
Lhin-k £o,

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simply notily us
They'll pick i|

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refund Every coni flu paid, including shipping EAaiges

New Paints For A Hot Look 106 The more your car costs,
the more it needs Ma inn’s care.
Shaping Up Soft Bodies no Thousands of Potscm. Mercedes, and csohc car own-
ers have discovered the Excitetwl oi (he Malm s Better
Than StM-wfw Shine The top detailers in America use 1

A Bottomless Shine in M sanddon'i even gel adikoufit! TFiey wouldn't try

anything Else even li you gave them a life lime supply


Maim 5 Ulra-Fine Ralishc^ans and smouihs inepami


Installing Throttle-Body Injection 112 Ed an unbeliEvauie mirror gloss Fallow wnltv Maam s
ridiculously easy Lc apply. feaDy sotl. Iiquiu CaroiitDa
Wax. The results art IncrtdlW Voti'll be very proud
Cylinder Head Shapeup 114 Friends and even sira*>ger& will actual ly
dr lying your tar
ask flu how ymi gel you* car so shmy 1

Deep Breathing Intake Systems 116 * SPECIAL BLINDS DF GAHNAUSA ES * NO FOWDERT
Choosing High-Performance Oils 113
Have you r MasterCard or Visa hamJy anti call 9-5, Mon
Supercharging 121 FrI. at (914) 76*5775. Or coupon now Ws'il in- mi 1

clude our 30-page tuidE sd detailEr's secrets lor waning

Computer Tuneup 122 and Finishing, plus four Irse sarnie packs of wax and
ctasftBf to give to your friends (instant) oi letting them
borrow yours when they gel a look al your car!)
More Spark From Any Engine 123 1 pinl [jrnautJi Wa* HA.fi \p\m ft, M tit. / Ml. -Mil' I
1Z2.-I5J H t. rpsiCents ADO 53*5 1 DJ
Fuel Injection Basics 124 I
pdl Ca< uuly Wax pol ftili^tnnG'Cfeanw £&*
1 M jfifcji *

WMH/ihh -ihiI«uI>n
oi r v mitm 1

Poweishifting Your Automatic 126 \Z D&abla IrBighd cM#gi
PwfId Nici.
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Better Brakes 130

Crwitil Cvn Hn ISVinl ALL d hi h$im kin it

Tire Talk 131 We ll ship in rn HUUH&

Shock Treatment
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134 ir taller


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Flat Cornering For Better Handling 136 300 BB, PM-D6B iMon.-Fn )

Pound Ridge. NY 10576

Cover A wider wnfe^tlr# tombm^iion n Lruj^lfy the first !\[i*p ran ffu> rra»E! 3fr ri ifL#
pfrfnrmflnc r nwrlirnp Npht frar thK Cam^rra n FjP tPl eraqrne miht* bar liaTV
PM phcTto by Bm AiFip
Amu ess
FprrornjRnLf lumn^ CjLude p/Qrfijffd by [Me PWI Agfa Pfpafrmen? lUPSHM*WttwgPD 1

FM Cnficrrtigror* Norman ^ Mdyertann. FauI ^trnqurS-l

PM ptNiTOSi by Cfltr Ijf nmer Norman S Mayer ^ho. Pau^rtntJuUT
Color illLlllr^tinn^by Skidmore Sahr^EiOn sun .

TccHn^fli Jhus,trfil:rans by Don M-inncs Frent Wdlfe

liUl .


1 I :


hether ifs new, Eieur-tiew ur it veteran of
many summers* there are two w ays of look-
ing iit your ear. You ean do as most ear
owners do and regard it as a marvel of

technology! complete and ready to go as is. Meas-

ured by most transportation criteria, this is true of virtu-
every ear sold in this country
Hut as a PM reader, you belong to a much mure select
hey < lay
»f hi
nc h V8s a

rubber. Although 0 to GO
1 1

cl ou
always be

important part of the equation, today's idea of per-
formal] ce also includes handling and even appearance -
k of vaporizet

how well the ear performs at the hamburger stand or just

sitting in your driveway.
The complexity of today's ears has more than kept pace
with the perception of performance as a total vehicle con-

group, individuals whtp view all automobiles, humble ur cept, and this is a mixed blessing. On the positive side of
high zoot, as opportunities for improvement and or self- hi- ledger, tmr car* are more technolpffically sophisticated

tispressiuN. And when iL comes to performance, mere ade- than ever before, which equates? with more efficient and
quacy simply doesn't get it. generally better. Rul the down side of all ibe emphasis
Perfor mance, of course, has become a much more cum on black boxes and preprogrammed combustion i^ that
pivhensivc concept than it was in the ) -dimensional cars seem more Forbidding in work on than at any time in

-trlii it :• "

the (ttntiu^v-phiA they Vi? hcvn in u^t?. form the way you really uuiiL it to- to took better, go
While it^ ha iv tn deny that some aspect# of main ten ante
I Iletter urn! handle better.
hi if repair have gotten bey mid the capabilities of feeler
I For the sake nf continuity, the stories fall under three gem
, gaugi * uu J trouble ij^U, we belie v e i h e ne are st ill
i I eral categories: Appearance, Powertrain and Chavis.
ample opportunities for the Saturday mechanic Before launching into the suggestions for improvement?
tn improve every aspect nf hi> cur’s per for m- however, we suggest that you make sure that you begin
:mee. That's every aspect- Including mv your pmjiHA (or projects) with a car that's in the best piissi-
lev the hm.id* Regardless uf the car.
i ble operating condition. Accordingly, we’ve provided a
Ami that’s what our lSWs checklist, "Before Vuu Begin,'’ which specifies the systems
Performance Tutting Guide is in y our car that should be in good as- new condition before

\ all alwjut-a broad tulle it uni

of ho iv -to sturies aimed

modifications get underway, driven if you decide that this
isn’t the time fur car projects, this checklist is a guild guide-

at helping you make line tokeeping your car in optimum health.)

your car per Fromthere, y >u may cc if ie to skip over the appearance
i r I

suggestions anil go straight into the realm of horsepower -

the most extensive category in the guide, by the way.
Or you may decide your ear's muscle quotient is
okay fur now and what you really need is re-

finement in the handling department

Then again, maybe n pretty face
is more important after all.
Whichever way you fie
cide to go, we've got
you covered, IM

Without resorting to wild iheetmeMi

changes Or radical wheH^tlrc thcjrifin,
you cun i *e by tHii illustration how
a iTArtd^rd Camaro Sport Coup*
£Ari bttOmp onp-Of klnd, fl


Motorcraft mainta
is doing it right,with t
With Motorcraft replacement parts., you
can maintain the same quality and perform-

ance that was in your car from the start.

For some its a labor of love. For others, its

just plain labor. But for everyone, it’s satis-

faction knowing the job is done right.

So if you take the lime to do it your-
self, take the extra step and do it with
Motorcraft Quality' Parts.
Every Motorcraft
replacement part
demonstrates that
Ford quality extends
down to the smallest
details— details that provide you with the
performance you need on the road.
Some examples: Motorcraft FL-1A hi-
ins that peace ofmind
he right parts.
ters arc engineered with a filtering element
that traps more dirt and protects your
engine better than other leading brands.
Motoreraft Tested lough batteries have
a computer-enhanced design that improves
their cold cranking power and increases
reserve capacity.
In Motoreraft spark plugs, special
ceramic insulators and nickel-chrome elec-
trodes are designed to handle the intense
heat of today’s smaller high-performance
Even Motoreraft part is designed and
engineered to deliver qual-
ity performance and peace Motoreraft
of mind . We insist on it . So
should you. quality parts for quality cars

There’s a full line of Motoreraft Qual-

ity Parts for Ford, Lincoln-Mere uiy and
all other makes of cars and trucks.

F YOU WANT your car to leap

lu attentionwhen you crack the

I throttle am1 tenaciously hug the

lapex when you steer into a
switchback, your maintenance proce-

dures should bo mure than just a se- a voltage check, both at rest and un- der that doesn't develop
ries of parts and lubricant replace- derload, when servicing your car. It's full compression. A leakage test will
ment exercises. Although the also essential that you keep terminals help pinpoint the problem.
renewal of worn parts is necessary, free of corrosion, w hich can increase 4. Idle Speed
that's not enough to keep your ma- circuit resistance, thereby reducing Before you can correctly moke other
chine in com hat -ready condition. available voltage. adjustments, idle speed has to be set
Listed below are 2d items that 2 Sportkphig Condition
. to manufacturer's spec,
should be checked and possibly cor- Don't just toss those old plugs away. 5. Ignition Timing
rected he for? making any high-per- Study the color and condition of the Incorrect ignition liming can cause
formance m< n fi eu ions Ye rfr trmance
I i t , electrodes and insulator. Look for in- loss of power and, in more extreme
modifications on si car that's not in consistencies. f one cylinder Is oiling,
I cases, even engine damage.
peak running order make as much its 13 lug will be greasy or black, J f it's 6 D Lstiibuto r Cap t Rotor

sense the old piglet ice of mail-order

sis nut running properly, its plug will he And Plug Wire Condition
brides! It seems e^sy. but you never darker or lighter than theoLhers. If ignition voltage meets with high re-
know what you’ll wind up wjlh. 3. Cylinder Compression sistance or a short on its way to the
Battery Condition And Voltage And Leakage plug, spark voltage will be lowered
Batteries don’t last forever. Perform A rr impress] on test will reveal a cylin- and the cylinder could stop running,


for unusual wear patterns. Check air
12 . Belt And
Hose Condition pressure every Lime you buy gasoline.
Don't wait for bells am vacuum hoses
1 fi
. Shock A b sc t bo r Co ndltlon
to break. Replacethem every t hree to If your car bounces up and down more
four years, or sooner if they show than otk'e when you hit a good -si zed

signs of deterioration. bump, your shocks are worn uuL and

13 Fluid Levels
. should he replaced.
7 Air Cleaner
. Co rxcHUon Check all engine, brake and drive- 19 Ride Height

A clogged air cl eaner

will train fluid levels when you change —
Check ride height the height of the
limit the engine's power output. your nil and Also, be sure to
filter. body as cr lmpamt to the rear axle and
d. EGR Operation check engine ml level every time you front steering knuckles —
and com-
Almost modern engines require it
idl buy gasriline. pare to Lhe manufacturer's spec. In-
certain amount of EG ft flow In pro- 14. Stealing And sufficient ride height is a sign of worn-
vent spark knock. Check RGH valve Suspension Components out. springs.
operation. Steering and *u sponsion components, 20 Exha usl System Condition

9. FCV Operation including tie-rod ends, ball joints, A leaking exhaust system can fill the
If PCV valve doesn't keep crank-
the control ;nni bushings, if Her arms and car with deadly carbon monoxide
case pressure in check, pciformarice pitman arms, should he checked ev- fumes. Check all joints and seams pe-
will suffer* ery lime you're under you rear. riodically, particularly if therms an in-
10 . Hat Air And ManUold EFE
Initit 15- Whoel Bearing crease in engine noise, a symptom
The inlet hot uir systL found on
m 1
Lubrication And Condition that might indicate a problem.
most cars, duels heat to th t- air dean- Clean, examine and repack the from All of these checks can be done with
er when the engine is cold. The Early wheel bearings uf rear-drive cars and hand tools, so don't be intimidated if
Euel Evaporation system heats the the rear wheel hearings ufmonL front- your car is computer controlled.
intake man Hold with exhaust or elec- drive cars following manufacturer's Aside from wrenches, sockets, a com-
tric coils. If these systems are not sjjerifications* press ion tester and the like, the most
functioning, you'll lose cold-engine 16- Broke Pad And Lining Wear imporbmt tool is the factory -author-
driveability. Check the thickness and condition of ized service manual from the dealer,
It.Cooling System Integrity brake pad and shoe friction material N ot only does it spell out the Intervals
Leaking hoses, a corroded cooling periodically. Examine drums and ro- for maintenance (you'll do welt to per-
system and/or worn-out coolant can tors forsignaof deterioration, uneven form your maintenance earlier}* and
wipeout internal engine components. wear or heat cocking, coirecL specifications for settings and
An annual flush and refill is your best 17, Tire Pressure And Wear tolerances, it also specifies the correct
insurance. Keep an eye on your tires and watch Lubricants and filters. iw

H'f FIRST Urn* the I -color of 1 te ear, A Ih ty w hee is a k a re e ven der routings are eVrs rostalically

: J
ti i

LTratfHenL appeared eiil tlu Eu-

more stylish when color-matched tn sprayed, offer better adhesion than
ropean show t ircuit, it Inuked the body jiai lit. convention:! pain: mg. and are less I

like be entire car had been dipj s-din a

1 Getting paint to adhere U\ a likely to dull nr pee J-
huge vat of white pigment, Only the chrome-plated surface h a nearly im- ParLfi to be powder coated must be
glass escaped possible task. For heavy-gauge parts disassembled for spraying and sand-
Though it was popularized by Ger- like bumpers, complete stripping by a blasted tn roughen the surface for the
many's AMG custom shop, mono- plating shop ensures the beat surface coaling to grip. The final stop of the
chrominjr actually has its roots in the for the paint to bite. Roughing up the process requires baking, the parts m
dechromed hot rods of the '50s, Today plated surface with commercial sand- must be able to withstand 4fHP F r

it's become automotive high fashion, es- blastng is al m t ist us good but if a ny of
i „ Clear powder coating is also available
pecially among high-ticket customizes. the chrome starts to lift during this for preserving polished metal sur-
The most popular trim treatment is process it must all be removed before faces, Far more durable than clear
the black-out look, achieved by simply proceeding. coats, it’s a long-term solution to
replacing the bright finish uf chrome After straightening the bumper keeping copper, brass and aluminum
moldings with a matte or aernigluss and Me moving any dents, it's ready for pieces free of corrosion. PM
black coating. This is an effective way an etching primer Lhat will assure
tr personalize your car's appearance
h good paint adhesion. Re sure the HOUHCE LIST
I >1 titer 1

‘i i i AulMmi itfr r F I n Kta-h

i ,

. S J lios
without departing radically from the primer is appropriate for the paint
original color scheme. you'lluse for the final color coats. Uu l p
H>rini,Hti E*n iducta, Ui h
i irLL H. 0 uiTlhLiI ,

Refinishing the ehimne uf bumper* Smaller chrome-plated trim pieces rofnmem. £7

R-Jf PTudUrl*, MS Ar1r.-,iu IUveI CVrrltnk,lift
and grille work to match the color of will keep Lheir color coat longer when

the body panels requires more disas- treated to powder coating; a process Sf-H-ri-?; i'tvr|» .
3H]M] S Maple AVi\, liiiFrli-ni,

sembly, but smartly updates the look available at many plating shops. Pow- cA Mails

Instant-on radar:
How it works. How to defend yourself.
Irtsiani’Or* radar-sometimes called “ouise" 19 B 7 Ca^nef Driver. Foster Mechanics
in .

radar- has boon around for years. Bui its doing ci each published independent tests
n it iRpuriifipJ
used more frequently now as fader operators of radar detectors. And each gave us the highest
Uy tD defeat detector usera, Here's bow i[ worKs. ratings, call foil free and well send reprints of
Fli»t thl ngi first the complete tests, not just excerpts or quotes.
Ordinary radar ana instant-on radar use WflVfl ft* dona a* your phono
exactly the same type of radar Hearns, In fact, wg sell cHr&ct to you, and we guarantee your
most radar guns can operate either way, It's just satisfaction. If you're not entirely satisfied
a matter of which buttons the Dpetator pushes. within 30 days, return your purchase. WeNi
How ordinary radar work* refund your money and shipping costs.
In an ordinary radar trap, the radar gun is To order, call toll-free. Orders in by 3:00 pm
aimed at traffic and it continuously transmits fhfl Srfin*!* HH 13 BNHffl-LLtW) &rt*ie rflBrt* rada* eastern time go out the same day by UPS and
a beam of radar waves- The effective range for uniti ttms cm b« oOT^teU In &n m&isnt-Qrvar puW mo&e we pay the shipping. Overnight delivery is guar-
me radar to ‘'see" your speed is less than a anteed fry Federal Express for only 110 extra
half itifIg for mas! cars, longer for trucks. You're looking far weak radar that lasts only Call now and the best defense against
How rad if dotocton work a few seconds, finding even one such "pulse” instant-on radar can be in your car lomorrpw.
A radar detector is a radio receiver tuned to is cause for alert. Finding a senes of them,

radar frequency- A high-performance radar each atrongef Eh an the previous one, indicates
detector is sensitive enough to pick up the you’re approaching an instant-on radar trap Ofdflr Today
radar waves before you drive within speed hat’s pec king off traffic ahead
TOLL FREE 1800 543 1608

measuring range, ft's as simple as that. Santa aid atratafr

Haw Irtitant^n radar works Identifying instant-on radar before you come i
Mon-Fn Bom llprr, Sat-Sun 9 3 QM5 : E 5T i

The instant-on radar trap is sat up just like in range is the only defense today, just as it
an ordinary radar trap. The only difference is was when we first introduced Escort. That’s why

that [tie gun doesn’t transmit until the operator our warning system used on both Escort and

pushes a button. So there IS no radar Signal Passport, you both she strength of the
for a radar detector to find. sign q and the length of it You need to know
By mail send to address below. All ordeis
Then when you're within speed-measuring both so defend yourself.
processed immediately, Prices slightly
range, the operator triggers ine beam. Hence Nothing but tho truth
higher for Canadian shipments.
the term "instant- on!' The radar reads your Our wsming system Indicates Signal Strength
speed within a traction of a second, loo quickly two ways: by a meter for a visual check, by a
for a human to respond. variable-rale beeper if you prefer to listen. The
Yogr only hops
Because Intstant^n radar is faster than your
length of the signal is indicated by She dura (ton
of the alert. Knowing signal strength and signal PASSPORT
reflexes, your on^y defense is to identify it length of every radar encounter is the only way
before you are- with In its range. You must tfetect to find ifiitant-cm radar before it finds you.
i| when the operator laps the traffic ahead of Escort end Passport are the most effective Ptiekot-SIzG Rad or Protection $ 295
you. For this, your detector must reach out rpr radar- warning instruments available. But don't OrM>rHx HUl! tlS23ta-'
distant rador signals. lake our word font.

The Clnsalc of Rndar Warning $245
l’Oh»fl*S H^5?04S1flN-

Cincinnati Mkcrawave
* Department S 685 B
One Micrpwatfo pi
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 9502

1 L3M X>IT*CinnB|i M^ii i tat-

- ,


W HENEVER gearheariF
gather to check out a new
machine, sourer or later
(usually sooner), the hnnsl goes up.
Srmit of us take pride m the drab but
A little color under the hood makes
big difference. Stall with the spark-
plug wi res —m ial i ty si licone j acket ca-
bles are available in flashy yellowy
blue and other hues, adding a bright
If li £fon'E go. ChrOmc ii_ If IE
jnodJze It
II It's ^itcirnlj-iIJin,

or anodized aluminum add a w elcome

custom trme h f y n u* re re lu eta nt

fool with the vacuum hoses and in-

tel hesfl, feriNcf It.

efficient ]fj^>k of well-maintained stock focal point and improving ignition scrutable widgets that live under t,he
equipment, Hut the gathered heads performance, too, use wire looms and air cleaner, look for a replacement
are mure likely to nod with approval separators to keep wires away from housing top.
when the engine shows the extra care exhaust manifolds— and each other. The ultimate cosmetic enhance-
that goes with underlined detailing. Nothing adds a dressed' up look ment is a set of braided si am less-s teel
There's no enrl to the help available faster than chrome. Valve covers or or nylon fuel anil water hoses with
ifyou want to add a Milk underimod breather caps arc available for mnsl ronLnistmgiiuridi/ed ends. This high-
sparkle. From ]M dished valve covers engines in chrome steel as Well as pol- tech aircraft equipment can he costly,
to braided steel buses and chrome air ished or black-highlighted cast alumi- but you can get the look with easily in-
cleaner housings, huinJ3'E ds iif detail- j
num. For sirs exotic look, track down stalled slip-on hose covers, fM
ing highlights make the engine buy a aluminum covers with gold, red or
sight In behold* anodised finish.
hi Lae
sum sma r Show' -quality chrome engine acces- K(K krULIST
yo lj r v h ( i ce
L ,
t he cos Acf-p-l rfnrmiUHe' ]>r?dk}fL!-, kault iTlfi,

t it: improvements can al si] result in sories are also available in ready -to Ui’aaifnpcL CT 06105
functional gain. hit? look at the under-
S install form, including alternators, Eddbrrx^r^iiii HI Cnnjl rin.

horn! cleanup program in progress by fuel pumps, power steering reser- CA W-tf*
FI Sr^Hfciiln L
.Unru'-ii I'urriirmupiL’i' tiiiEul'1 h, Llartur Dr.
Detroit tar makers makes it clear that voirs and covers for the timing chain

tidy layouts are not only more appeal- anil brake fluid reservoir. Replace- Mr. iljL-krl L’n.. H700 Rrrjakjmrk ftd..
ing Lrj look at. hut easier to work on. ment air cleaner housings in chrome neitlwui, OH 44125




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$ ^ ^


T USED to be hat you could gel a

Model T Ford in any color you

Aside from the fact that the newer af-
termarket paint systems designed for
oft he car * and (sigh) start over.
The good news is that your car will
I wanted, as long as it was black.
Henry's flivvers were painted, often
these base coat/clear coal finishen of-
ten contain toxic chemicals in their
look better,, longer. The clear over-
coats. in —
use are hard they 11 stand

using a brush, with the cheapest ceilu- fonnulation h

it s much more difficult up more scratches and sunlight.
lose-and-cariwn-black paints he could to apply them properly. Blending a Just remember to take it easy when
buy. It made
his life simpler, anfl also new base coal over an old, original polishing with abrasive rubbing com-
made life simpler when it came Lime to clear finish, and then blending the pounds or waxes containing “clean-
repair or repaint. new clear over both of them is difficult ers'" (a polite word for abrasive). Once
Lacquer-type paints came into for even a full-time professional in a you've ground down to the base coat,
their own in the hot-rod era of the proper spray booth. which is easy to do on high spots like
'50s. The solvents in lacquers melt It used to be you could sand out a the sharp comer of the fenders, you'll
their way into the layers of paint un- minor imperfection in the middle of have to repaint the whole panel.
derneath them, providing what is es- your repair, and continue on. Now the Still want flames? Or maybe just a
sentially a single layer of color light only alternative is to wait until tomor strobe stripe, over the lop of the fac-
down to the primer, ft was easy to mw ,sand the whole mess off the side tory base/dear? No problem just —
keep sanding out the bugs and dust, mask off the stripe and apply the paint
applying additional coats of lacquer in color COAT as if you were repaiming the entire
the driveway, until your Kandy Apple panel. But you mouses paint that is
flames looked righteous. Rodders COLOR COAT 2,0 m compatible w ith the original. What's

who covered their flames with clear to compatible? Well you can't use a lac-
protect the delicate gradations of yel- quer over anything except lacquer
low and orange discovered that the without the danger of blistering the
dear overcoat gave a deeper look and original paint. That has always been
more shine. true. Some base/clear systems can be
Acrylic resins I'epiaced cellulose in used over either original or refinish
the '60s. providing better durability lacquers or enamels. You may have to
It was stall possible, especially with use a sealer between the old and new
solid, non metallic colors, to achieve a paints. Always use products from the
creditable spot repair w ith a spray same paint manufacturer.
can of touchy p paint. All you had to do Your best resource is the counter-
was sand, prime, sand, paint, sand a man at the automotive paint supplier
little more, and polish out the sanding He’ll be up to date on the paint sys-
scratches with rubbing com pound. tems on your vehicle, and which prod
Those days are past. A few years ucts will and won't Work. The direc-
hack the auto manufacturers had to tions are right on the side of the can,
meet new clean-air requirements for right under the paragraph that says
painting cars. Making a layer of paint "For professional use only." You don't
(and most had switched to acrylic have Lobe a professional, but you u/z'if
enamels by then) Containing pigment have to know a lot more than you
or metallic content flow evenly and needed to for lacquer.
dry shiny required a kiL of volatile Remember the pearleseent colors
Lhimiers in the paint can. And it's CLEAR COAT 1.5 MIL from the *50*7 By applying a middle
those thinner* that were exact ly w hat coat of paint containing ground moth-
was forbidden. MJGCOAT 0 MIL er-of-pearl or mica flakes between the
But by using a coat of dear over the base and clear coats, it's possible to
pigmented layer, a layer that wasn't achieve a slartlingly subtle effect.
required to be anything except shiny, Look at a new Cadillac Allante. or
the auto manufacturers discovered some Volvo^, for an example of jM-arfs
was shinier and
that the overall finish flip-flop effect, making the colors
deeper-looking than they could
achieve with single-layer paint— par-
change as you walk past t he ear. m
ticularlywith metafiles, since the ori- 30LRCE LIST
entation of the flakes of aluminum in A!lt-r?m<iUvF ItafinEP-h PnsdurtR, Pu knnl i'n.
Average thkknei^es are shown for different
WLlmin^ton, PE 1SMH
the base coat was less random. paint Jobs. In pearleiccFTl, the midcoat Is PPCPiEuiiheR P n !W|fl.Tra.v,MI4flfln7
Here comes the bad new s. Drive-
filled with mica flake; or ground oyster shells Shf rwiri Wi]ltd[n* |D1 Profi|i*rl Avt, N.W.*
L ,

way touehups are a thing of the past. for a more luminous effect. Ckvnbiri,OH4m&



Liquid Gle$s
Choice ate the
winners in the new generation
ol advanced products.
The result of hi-tech research and
development, these two products bring
the space age down to earth,
A specially formulated auto mo live
polish/hnish. Liquid Glass not only beautifies
and protects nomporous surfaces, but has two
distinctive features lacking In olher polishes:
superb quality and unmatched durability.
Liquid Glass bonds In the surface ol the vehicle,
creating a smooth, hard glass-like finish impermeable
to the elements. With regular application. Liquid Glass
builds up a protective shield thal can last a life-time.
For vinyl, leather, rubber, and finished wood surfaces.
Connoisseur's Choice is a superior prolectant developed with
special Ingredients such as mink oil and exotic fragrances.
Connoisseur's Choice restores luster and softness to lea her
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For mtorniation about Distributors in four area, finished wood furniture. Pick up these new generation winners.
call toil-free 1-B0Q-54B-S3Q7 between 9 and Liquid Glass and Connoisseur s Choice, and enler the space age

5 p.m. f eastern rime;. Itt NJ. call (291) M 7-6 755, yourself. Bolh products are sold in quality stores nation wide
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Power Tools a Log
SOFT BODIES OFT have helped
plastic parts
• Hand Joels
Gas Engines
and Equipment
a Air Compres sors
and Air Tools
S make
cars less susceptible to
minor body damage. But repair
procedures that worked on the uld
B Hydraulic a Trailers and hard plastics don't work on the new
Parts Trailer Parts t hermoset plastics. Rut structural ad-
a Welders a AND MORE!!! hesivea do. The most widely used pro*
Sen of for rout ?J5 Piage JEftscounr dud is called 3M Flexible Parte Repair
Toots. Parts and figwopnignj Catalog' Material Nu. 06900). In additiE >n. you'll

! Mama need some aluminum 3M Autobody

A#e» Repair Tape Mo, 06935 or 06936).

Thoroughly clean Lhe repair area

i Cicv
with solvent. Then, with No, 180
sandpaper, remove paint from the

Non hem Hydraulics. ihc .

pppr pT 3930. area surrounding the damage. Clean
RQ Box 1219 BumwftiUe. MN SS&TjQHS
at least a few inches of plastic on each

Clean i He repair area wttti a grease, tar and side. Then use a No. 50 gri t disc or N o.
The Handyman's all solvent. Wipe oft any of i.he wttu. 50 sandpaper and a half-round file to
Headquarters enlarge the damaged area. Taper an
NEW Swing- inch in each direction. Make sure the
Rack Trailer Jack surface, front anti rear, is free of dust
Hf^vv duly HOC' Cd
PBCily 31 ‘
Hi Brsfla
and debris and apply autobody repair
nnlrj ocnaue up O tape to the back side nf the repair.
3 "W L*l 00
keffl i 13739 Apply a light coat of the repair ma-
w, $ 29.99 terial over the damage. Do not over-
DoulSs Whwl lap paint. Continue to apply the mate-
1200113 Swlng-
0w5 k Ji«h
rial until iht patched L
is slightly w™
O*0rm Mm above the surrounding plastic.
1W * 127+0 After the mixture bus cured for
s«i» $ 47.99 about half an hour at 7(f F + contour
a,400 GPU with a curved -tooth body file. Then
2" Wafer Pump HHrrGfiB
Che«iuciil uniJ
Adju Btad*e Sotfcol sand using So. £20 sandpaper on a
ahrminr n« -.ijLni FleplK** Iwifity jr*

5 *aH 79 '
mfli lih S4 vXM* IS. ywnfRfd . sanding block until approximately
I’Md 3 HP and mUitc-
04 J _r^ C level with the surround Eng area. Fi-
Armine l_i« S32995 Htf-n

IIpHTI N 1 D99 B
Safe $ 13.99 %*) nally, feather the edges of the repair
$ 159.99 AAfi-mOTK with No. 320 paper. If pinhole or mi-
Atfirgnic nor imperfections remain, fill them
ADOC Continuous Mi* equal parti of the flexible parts repair with 3M Flexible Parts Repair Mate-
Won Generator
material art a nortporpus j urfate- rial. For touch up painting of the re-
|u ivt area. make sure you use paint
i.i i

4000 and primer that. have elastomeric

EJudrk Start
(flexible) properties,
Sflinr fcpocv us
M ?5 If the repair is in an area w here
$ 399,99 i

sm $ 469,99

structural strength is important, such

as along bolt holes, damp the dam-
Mlhu aged sections, anil clean and prepare
the area 21s described above. Then a|j-
Hlk' ply adhesive to the back side of the
damaged plastic and lay a piece of fi-
berglass doth on top of the adhesive.
£>i> $ 39.99 Coat with adhesive. Then, after al-
4 h#-n.j rU ^auUBjl CiMtf Tit*u yst ri lowing 30 minutes to cure, repair the
[i I! Northern front as above. pm
fr Hydraulics
TO ORDER CALL Smwth plnhoiei or uneven areas with lome m AiuamiHivt Trails Divtatat, ;iM Conte
flexible parts putty and a: body squeegee Ki.i(r lawEN-ui, si. Phui mn .ttm
1 - 800 533-5545 * .



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•For vinyl Ic.iihei rutts* and triftni ro-ida * £T :

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1.84 Armor
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DifflB'lvM Mr [ind lLuIo, Iruck. purposo dtsarror sqnjbtHhya washes *Ni.' 1-75 rtJty ctircKTie
bug spoil*. marine and morn *h pi
jLi? :-! :
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•Ud TR j
S No EB” and ptes^c *No SQiW Hi'. T-2-EH •Ho r 2r-iA

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- jjmfflAhm.
M Ji :l
And Struts
SHINE For Road-Hugging
Response And

M OST CAR buffs are almost

as concerned about appear-
ance as they are about per-
formance. And it gues almost without
saying that perceptions of appearance
Extra Driving Comfort

gas smock
start with the car's skin— a level of I

finish that's both lustrous and, all too

often, elusive. Searching fur that 6- original
ft, -deep shine, they ifturliously pon- equipment
der the wide assortment of waxes and
polishes available and expend consid- Highest quality
erable elbow grease trying to make shocks, struts,
ana cartridges
them work.
To provide uur readers with a real Lifetime
high-performance waxing technique, limited warranty
we huddled wiLh one of the country's Apply compound or wax with a circular
top detailed John Herman, operator
motion, When dFy buff with a soft doth.
If you have more than
20,000 miles an your

of a Baltimore-based chain of detail- shacks, its probably

ing shops known as The Wax Man. polished, it with warm water
wash time to replace them
John has developed a T-step wax oper- and dry with a chamois that has
Every KYB shock, strut,
and cartridge meets
ation fur use in his establishments been snaked in clean water and wrung our exacting quality
that restores the paint's smoothness out. As you dry wring the chamois r
standards to assure a
great ride today- and
and natural oils, protects with a poly- out from time to time, to prevent the tomorrow fCYd nas

mer layer and then lays on a brilliant formation of streaks and water spots. 60 years of ride control
expertise, proven on the
surface shine. Next, apply the polymer following world s test tracKs.
Four products are needed in order the directions on the can. This prod-
to carry out and complete the Wax uct, sometimes called resin glaze, is a With KVi. you
can choose me gas
Man process: bug and lar solvent, a liquid and is available in spray bottles shock mat's right For
fine-grit polishing compound intend- end pour containers. The latter type your driving style.

ed for hand application, one of the is applied with a rag. The polymer
kyb Ga va-Just shocks

have higher gas pressure

widely available polymer sealants and dries to a haze and then is buffed up to and a patented design
a pure camauba wax. a hard finish with a soft polishing for superior road-
handling and rife, while
If your paint is metallic, substitute cloth. The hard polymer surface will KYB CR-2* shocks, struts
a liquid metallic-pa! til polish. The car- protect your car's paint job for six and cartridges are the
economical way to
nauha wax must be free of abrasives months to a year. upg rade to the
or il will remove the polymer sealant. After the polymer has been buffed, improved ride and
apply the pure camauba wax on top of handling pfga$ shocks.
Some products currently available
that use the word camauba as a brand it, U$ea&ift t d amp ckith or applicator
Demand kyb quality
name contain abrasives, & take care pad and work in sections of about 2 Ah shocks and struts
in your selection. Abrasives can be sq. Allow be carnauba to dry to a L
far your ll.S.-ntldl
or impart ear, van,
particularly damaging to the clear- haze, then polish with a soft. lint- free or tight truck.
coat finishes, removing the exterior polishing doth. Buy them at your
KYB dealer today!
coating that gi vew the paint its sheen. you started the operation with
However, there are new* products paint thatwas in good condition, the
available, such as Armor All's low- resulting shine should appear to be
abrasive Car Wax Pa.nte. formulated about {[ ft . deep. m
to avoid this problem.
After removing any stains with the SOURCE LIST
A rmur Al ]
n*iu.t L
Irvkne. t.’ A !fc£7] 15
solvent, apply polishing compound to

Blue ('uni Inc,, 5W0 Movant Avt-..

a 2-ft -sq. area with an overlapping, CIcA-pUiIhI, OH 4410Tp
circular motion. The instructions on Lit|uliltilib^. P.O. Jim 1 1 7^. Ti'wrM'rk. N-T l

most products of this type will tell you Newport II

Al-r^uiur- Iim1., Him, 1
. ,
SSuite S?Q,
Newpurt tk^-h. CAB2WVJ
to use a clamp cloth or rubbing pad. AluLhfft- P^tlluh, IradiiHtnatDr., Hkintin^lun
(Don't rub hard on sheetmetal edges
as you could remove the paint, \ 1 rrwirilyi »nr Premium n*rf :»Fr Pfrtdurtii,

The next step in to buff off the pol- |:M-i Hi‘nm-1 l>r.. ] inp*i I ,
Slarbriti IMJoU HftcwncU
Filvil F51 Hjl F.
ishing compound by rubbing lightly
. .

FL Liiuilrrriult-. FL3TIS1H kyb corporation of America

with a soft polishing cloth. SL
Turllf Wiix line., iirifflW TTJnl Lombard IL sm 4B pept PH-ssa
Once the car has been completely rhir.itfu, |



UEL INJECTION, The words Control of injector operation relies

F alone promise peak horsepower

with lightning-quick throttle re-
sponse. And it delivers that promises
on input from several sensors. The
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS} is fit-
ted, to the throttle body and reports to
not just in race cars, but in most of to- the ECM.
day's new models. And soon you'll be Engine temperature is read by a
able to bolt the advantages of elec- eoolant temperature sensor mounted
tronic fuel injection onto recent car- in an intake manifold water passage.
buretur-equipped V8 engines* Engine rptn, or Uich .signal, is picked
Set for release in the fall land in full up from the ignition coil. An adjust-
production by next year), the replace- able fast-idle solenoid provides extra
ment EFI unit has been developed by rpm for warmup periods.
the makers of those legendary Holley AH of the components are tied to-
4-bbL carburetors that lop nearly ev- gether by a foolproof wiring harness
ery hot-rod engine built. The system Reiuwy supplied with the kit, To isolate the
is designed as Throttle Body Injection sensitive electronics from underhood
(TB I) so it will bolt directly to the ex-
heat and vibration they recommend
isting intake manifold once the origi- mounting the ECM inside the passen-
nal equipment 4-bbL carburetor has ger compartment.
Hinottfe'bocfy Injector repFacw 4-bbL cart),
been removed. Of course the power Once installed, the TEI system cun
has better throttle response, more punch.
gains will be even greater if an after- be tailored for peak performance.
market high-performance intake to the engined requirements. Fac- Three ranges of adjustability idle —
manifold is installed at the same time. tory TRI systems can’t be adjusted by mixture, part throttle and wide open
The Holley TBI can offer a boost to the owner in this w ay. —
throttle are wet using screw-and-
your car's go-power on tw o fronts: air Kits under development now (for locknut settings. This can be done us-
flow and electronic control accuracy. 1981 and earlier Chevrolet 805 to85H- ing seaL-of-the- pants tuning, but the
With a pair of 2-in. throttle bores, it eu.-in. V8s, Ford 302 to 351 and ideal method will be to set Lhe idle
will move 670 cu, it of air per minute Chrysler 318 to 400) include throttle mixture with an exhaust gas analyz-
[at i /st-in. manifold vacuums placing
linkage arid fuel fittings for each appli- er. The partial and full throttle mix-
it in the same category with the pre- cation. The factory mechanical fuel ture can then be adjusted on a rear
ferred 4-bbL carbs and up to 25 per- pump is replaced by an electric pump, wheel dynamometer,
cent better than the original-equip- ensuring a continuous supply of pres- Holley comes to the project with
ment carburetors. And because of the surized fuel. considerable TRI experience ac-
Grange adjustability ofits Electronic An adjustable regulator precisely quired over the past two years with
Control Module ECM }. it permits the
t controls fuel pressure. A return line its replacement EFI system for Gen-
fuel delivery Lube matched accurately to the fud lank must be installeEl. eral Motors 1.8-. 2.0- and 2.5-liter
Fours, This single-bore unit is a
straightforward parts swap, mating
to the factory-supplied electronic sen-
iors and controls, Besides offering an
increase in CFM
capacity, this 4-cyl-
inder TB] is also California Air Re-
sources Board certified.
For V8 engines that have perfor-
mance modifications, the Holley TB
allows custom tuning not possible
with original-equipment fuel sys-
tems. Future possibilities include a
twin THi application, l he equivalent
of dual 4-bbl, installations in years
ast. Holley's goal is to market V8
Eits with a jingle 2-hore TBI unit and
all thf required support equipment

for under $500. m

HuIJify Pfljrlri Ijjvimuri, JlG&G E
Eletfrkfuel pump replaces rtock mechanluir pump, and the control unit FnstiirJs under dash. X m- Mik
I Wlimn, M
RcE. . 1 4WU9ri


Why buy spark plug: wires
from someone wlio isn’t
number one in spark plugs?

A ft or making: spark plugs for 81 years we knew exactly

how top quality spark plug wires should be made.
That’s why our premium spark plug wire terminals me
specially designed tosnap in place to insure a tighter connection
with the spark plugs. Or why our terminals, unlike others, ai’e

made of stainless steel to avoid corrosion.

Or why our premium spark plug wire sets are covered by
a lifetime warranty.
What’s more, our spark plug wires have the largest boot
available for easy installation and removal. And our spark plug

wire jackets am watertight and tough enough to resist cuts.

Champion also makes battery cables. They’re made from
lOG percent stranded copper wire and have a P VC jacket.
So now you can be sure of not only getting the best
connection for your spark plugs, but for your battery as well.

- f>, irfprr 7

} Cfl


1 ,

u r

find. And
seat, your engine will idle
rough, waste fuel and lack power
valve job is hard to

The problem is that it's difficult Its

if the valves don't

correctly grind a seat using Lhe porta-

ble equipment that most machine
shops use. The solution? We've found
that hose shops most likely In grind

seats and valves correctly are the

one. ? specializing in high-performance

work with a good reputation among Check valve spring Installed height.
the local racers,
A valve seat that doesn't shroud the to bring it in: The machine shop w ill

valve can help wake up the engine by have to regrind the seat.
allowing the cylinders to fill more Once all valves have been seated,
completely. What we're talking about scrub the head thoroughly with hut,
here is the hot- rodder's 3-angle valve soapy water to remove any remnants
job, a procedure that will add little to of the machine shop's grinding abra-
the cost of a proper valve grind, and sives* well as your valve lapping
could easily add 20 “free" horsepower compound. Use a small bore cleaning
to a small-block engine, [f you're brush to clean the guides, Dry imme-
handy with a wrench you should also Valve lapping require* poJiihed technique. diately and coat with a light film of oil
ask your machine shop to deliver your to prevent surface rust. Place each lu-
heads unassembled. Then you can Make sure the gray area extends ail bricated valve in its guide.
check the and un*? ruble the
h. j
s. 1 1 j-i the way around (he valve pocket and Double check the installed height
heads yourself. Have your machinist is uniform. This Is where you're most dimension against a specifications
check the valve springs for you and likely to discover a prnhlem, chart. You’ll find a chart in the engine
provide an installed height dimension If the seat area isnot uniform —us chapter of most service manuals.
and some shims. indicated by varying shades of Assemble the head using now valve
You'll need a lapping stick and ajar —
gray repeat the lapping procedure peals. You'll find instructions and pic-
of valve lapping compound, which can as necessary until you have n good tures in your service manual. When
be purchased at auto parts stores. seat. If the seat doesn’t even come you're finished, inspect each spring
You'll also need a valve spring com- close to completing a circle around the assembly carefully to make sure keep-
pressor, which can bo rented pocket, no amount of lapping is going ers anil retainers are fully seated. PW
To check a valve seat, smear a little
valve grinding et impound on the valve
face. Insert the valve in its guide and
position the lapping stick on the
valve. Place one hand on each side of
the stick, palms in and fingers extend-
ed, Move your hands hack and forth so
the stick spins between them. Half a
dojien times hack :mel forth should he
plenty, unless there's something out
of round. Remove the valve and W'ijie
its face. Jf the valve face Waa ground
property, the seat urea should tie seen
as a gray circle that is uniform all the
way around the face. U should be po-
sitioned within approximately 0.010
in. of the outer circumference
Now, wipe the grinding compound
off of the valve seat in the head. You
should find a gray seat area of the
same width as that on the valve face. fhrrt-angJc valve tan tennlbure sJgnlflcantJy to Improved engine performance.


Firehawk driver Doug Goad wilt tell you.
Pui the hammer down ana anyone can win a

lap. Bui when you're racing up Id 24houis

straight, it lakes Brains as well as nerve.

Thai s Firestone Ftrehawk Endurance

Championship racing. All ol il on perform-
ance tires we build for the street like our
V-speed rated Ftrehawk SV " and H- speed
rated FirehawkGT."

Owerone million high speed miles in our

first three years of Firehawk racing. Close lo

2,000 cars. At America's toughest tracks from

Sebring to Sears Fbint, Road Atlanta to

Watkins Glen.
So if you're looking forperfonnance tires,
look to the ones proven in endurance racing

like mothers. Firehawks from Firestone.

Where we're driving harder to w in you over.

fmvm PerformanceRadials
Driven to Win.

In competition, Rrehawk performance radials are modified by shaving their treads gracing depth.
See your FLreslone retailer for written speed rating and tire safety information.
m ) .

O 1
—particularly on carbureted
4-stroke engines — intake
manifold design can contribute great*
iy m
power output and efficiency. Yet
engines tzed ,
fuel droplets are kept in suspen-
sion, cylinders are filled to
and engine performance is improved
substantially. And, because the en-
gine runs more efficiently at any giv-
both single-plane and dual-plane,
split-plenum designs. Because the
dual -plane- split plenum manifolds di-
vide the manifold runners into two
groups by splitting the area under the
original-equipment intake manifolds en speed, fuel economy can actually carburetor {called the plenum eh am-
are a compromise. be improved by swapping your old ber h they transmit a stronger vacu-
Rather than optimizing all the vari- Detroit manifold for an aftermarket um signal to the earb at tight throttle.
ables that can affect engine tune, street-performance model. Of course, This is important in terms of main-
manufacturers must balance cost anti if you decide to utilize your engine's taining good law-speed driveability.
production concerns with other de- new-found power all the time, the Thus, this type of manifold is usually
gn c rileriu. As a direct conaequen ce
si p
tank will empty rather quickly. better for street-driven cars.
most standard-equipment manifolds The other side of the coin of course,
One of the current leaders among
severely restrict the performance po- is that an aluminum intake manifold street intake manifolds is E del brock's
tential of a given engine. can lop off 40 or 50 pounds of your car's Performer model, which is available
Aftermarket suppliers are not overall weight. for a range of carbureted engines.
ruled by the same constraints as the Although aftermarket engineers Rather iban tuning to a single engine
original-equipment boys. They’re use a wide range of tricks Let improve speed, the patented Performer de-
free to pursue performance optimiza- manifold performance, the most spec- sign uses two different port sizes-
tion wit hin the limits of what will fit on tacular results are achieved by tuning Those for inboard cylinders are
the engine and under the hnnrl (and, in the inlet runners. tuned for a lower engine speed than
recent years, within the limits of state Tuning an intake manifold simply Lhqse for outboard cylinders. Thus,
engine emissions inspections). means adjusting port cross-section cylinder filling Is optimized over a
Intake manifold modifications im- area and length to a size that fill* cyl- broad range rather than for a narrow
prove performance because the way inders most efficiently aL a given en- band. The happy result is a very fiat
fuel and air are delivered to the cylin- gine speed, thereby causing torque tonjne curve*
ders has a great effect on huw well the output to peak at that rprn. An Eddbrock spokesman claims
engine i-un^ If distribution is equal* Tuned manifolds are available in gui nonfat least lSlos,-ft for the aver- r

age application and gains nf 25 to 3b at

the maxi mu That's h< irs^js We r y OU
. i

can realty feel,

(These figures are for replacement
of the manifold alone with all esnis-
sir jusequipment reinstalled and the
stock carburetor used.
Because the Performer manifold in-
cludes all the vacuum hookups of the
stock unit and EGR accommodation,
installation is relatively easy. Some
care is required, however, as a
Cutaway of a high-performance manifold:
The passage under the plenum Is for exhaim
botched intake gasket can ruin perfor-
heat, which li needed to maintain driveabil- mance and, in same cases, damage
ity In cold-weather condlllom. your engine* Instructions provided
with the manifold should be supple-
mented wit h the manifold installation
and removal procedure found in your
car’s service manual. m
2700 California ML. F,0. BolOB3fi.
Turrsiief. CA fcji509-:»3fi
Wan*n. Ml 4MP0
t IWa Miw MLIr M
( KaJf- C'ru-|.i. ,
^SYl A llkiiijibm Aw. ,

Intake-runner arrangement of a typkaP Ederbfock Performer an aftermarket rnanl-

p, 0
H -Ih.
r [ji Arijfi-lfa, iTA
tuned Intake manifold for a VS engine with foPd for small 'block Chevy VBs- Note prwfi- a Wdanil AufUirawtivt E^unirfe*. ^3H Sati
ipllt-plenijrFr'cfiial -plane design. stpn for EGR and manifold vacuum port. Fi-rmwHd ReI., Lu» Angde*. CA £sswtTp


Creators Syndicate, Inc. 1988

And Give The Old Dinosaur A Better Ride.
Now's a great time to give the "old dinosaur" a better ride.
Buy three of our premium Monroe ‘Gas-Matic* shocks, struts or cartridges,
or three Monroe Gas -Magnum * shocks, and get the fourth shock free,
See your participating Monroe retailer for complete
details. But hurry, the Monroe Free Ride Sale ends June 30, 1988.
America Rides Monroe

Monroe AuLo Equipment
1>viiion ! Iflnnpco Au-Idp- ! **'
ubricating oil keeps your

L engine
is u
alive. And if your
high-nulput design that revs
freely, lubrication is critical. But goad
lubrication isn’t the only thing you're
looking for in a motor oil. Oil also helps
to cool moving parts, seal piston
rings, control foam,, resist trotTnsion.
inhibit Foaming and more.
Just changing your oil ami filter at
the manufacturer's recommended in-
tervals may not be enough. Our ad-
vice is to disregard suggested oil CQIWENHOMAL MEDIA WEAflGUAflD 10-20 MEDIA
change intervals and change your oil tram 1 Wear guard Q-2Q tillering media traps more contaminant pari id'ei from Oil flow.

and filter every 200b tu SDQO miles.

But don't use just any oil off the to deal with the stress of high tem- can maximize desirable characteris-
shelf of the local discount store. The perature, high-speed driving and/or tics. Tests demonstrate that synthet-
oil you fiour should be hi f the correct the severe speed ami temperatures ic oil flows extremely well in cold tem-
viscosity fur your driving conditions, that turbocharger shaft bearings perature amt resists the high
and It should he a premium product. have to contend wiLh. Those market! temperatures generated in turbo-
You'll find an oil's viscosity rating Energy Conserving'' reduce friction, charger shaft bearings and in high-
on the top of the can. A multigrade,, increasing horsepower—and improv- jjerfnrmance aluminum engines (alu-
like 10W-30, is usually best For most —
ing rnpg slightly compared to simi- minum engines transfer more heat to
ears. High -mileage engines might lar oils without the adrliti ve. the than cast iron types).
benefit from a 2UWdj(J viscosity oil, Gil intended fur racing applications Most makers of synthetics claim oil-
hut high-performance engines proba- is better yet. providing it is of the change intervals can be extended. We
bly will not.According to Valvoline still recommend that you not exceed
expert Norm Hudeeki,
there's a 4000 miles or the manufacturer's sug-
horsepower penalty when heavy oils gested interval whichever is less.

are used in high-rpm engines. Heavy Mobil 1 is the most widely available
oils offer tnnre resistance to moving synthetic and is available as EW-30 or

part? aod can "drag” an engine down. 15W ^10. Three Indy entries used Mo-
Even at 6tHK) rpm, a speed exceeded bil 1 15W-30 last year.
by many passenger car engines, the Red Line Oil, another synthetic, is
horsepower penally of a 2UW-60 oil very popular with racers 10 of 22 win-

versus a ll)Wd)U is dose to 2 |)ereent h ners at last year's Sports Car Club of
a significant amount. America National Championships at
When it comes to finding a quality Road Atlanta used Red Line). This
product look for the API service rat-
h company manufactures a product
ing on the top of the can and stick with calledRace Oil intended for racing use
major suppliers. As we go to press, On every OFF container you will find tfw API only that does not include low- tem-
the premium rating for gasoline en- service rating and £AE viscosity rating. perature antisludging additives. Red
gines is KF. Jf you purchase brand Line's Motor Oil is intended for every-
name oil with this designation, you manufacturer's recom mended viscos- day passenger car use. Laguna Seca
can be sure you're getting the addi- ity and is A PI -rated (You have to be Raceway's Assistant CM, Art
tives the American Petroleum Insti- sure you're getting the additives you Glattke, tells us he's been running
tute recommends for gasoline en- need for daily beating about town.) Red Line Motor Gil in his van for
gines. By the time you read this, the Synthetic nils are the ultra pre- 161,000 mites.
new- upgraded KG oils should be avail- mi unis. And they're priced according- Just as all motor oils are not the
able. These will have more resistance ly at approximately three times what same, oil filters are not of equal quali-
to sludge buildup than t he HF oils. you'd pay fur a conventional premium ty, Some offer advantages over oth-
Most of the major brands also offer oil. Formulated by working up from ers in terms of filtering efficiency and
high-performance SF
or SG oils that chemical building blocks rather than contaminant capacity. In general the
contain additional additives designed distilling down from crude oil, they premium offerings of the nationally


ft* tSdSSSf-
2 SSSl 2 !Sw»»“ 3 ggsg&

&ssh#sss** JSb ID. ^ptcW


w*""° StfSS» ’'StSJvSlm ass-g* v#*5®496
s'jer ^ tocaf^'
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is eas^ *^Ly ct


wc ve made an easy -to-

assemble way to lum
back the clock - ton a
time when the auto was
more than transporta-
tion - it was beauty in
motion! Imagine the
pride when you're able
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lit MLlMMtH tdll i%l2> *4*-W*

hum _


CRy se^i*

frrpi. . f¥i! Ml", It- hpivi d^UrniW. Rmr

Hmrs- 1‘bi-nr
| _ _
I JiLiV for our rihpluy* in ow SO major
- |
1 1
PrH-,. HU 1 idM. mUW Bus PthHIc I
m .#*-*- *,ii

J Am Awn*
*-* ,**nr ph- VW* fiift C iV.*7 fihr rlilV fumuii^uf
.1 Nn *f Daa
, . .

Follow the

Division* prescription
for fuel tank
advertised brands an? beat, in labora-
tory testing by a consumer magazine,
the Lop |)erlbrmer was the new Fram
Wearguard filter, made by Allied
Automotive Aftermarket

However, the new Lee Maxi Filter


The number two St jot went to Lee,

was not available at the time this test

was conducted. Based on the perfor-
mance of the previous Lee filLer we
A luel tonic Lhat hisses oi gurgles when expect it to be a top-notch product.

you take afl the cap may mean high In addition to their great Wear-
fuel lank vapor presses The new .

guard filter, F rain markets m racing

PRE-VENT tuel cap !rom ^ioueu &«!»
Slier that allows hjgh-eaparily, high-
Slant is the right remedy
preHsm-e flow This (liter is just ihe .
(or "hiccups" because i

ticket for racing engines with some-

relieves fuel tank pres-
what large clearances and high-pres-
sure betoie the cap is
sure lube systems. They are nut well
removed from Ihe
suited to passenger car use as maxi-
filler neck. Look
for Ihe bright red
mum flow takes priority over contam-
inant filtration.
tuel cap wher-
in other words, they’re designed
ever you buy
for people who drive at 2i k mph and \

auto parts
change their oil every day
Be sure you're buying the correct

Starkl Inc
filter for your car. Size compatibility
and good sealing aren't Lhe only crite-
ria.Some filters have an internal
ConnersvU]& Indiana 47331
r valve that opens tu bypass oil when
GlWfr Slant Zfi£ the pressure differential gets Urn
high— when the oil in Lou cold, for ex-
ample, or the filter element Is
PICKUP, VAN, SUBURBAN OWNERS! plugged. Other engines rely on a by-
pass filter built into the block to
Why crawl in? Roll it out! achi e v e t he same pu rpose .Mixing ai id
matching could cause trouble. iw
Now you can save time and * Fits ail sizes import and —
reduce Injuries wiiii this domestic pickups, vans, SOURCE LIST
amazing new Joey Bed suburbans, uci]jiy boxers and ms
Easy Roll Ouf Cargo Drawer! motor coaches. A nwtcu i Ulr iiFHiii Synt hKlt J. Z'hj K ICi^ndul ph
Ur .Ckioffa, LLftMfUl
* Ideal for years of heavy and. AniHriLI, Imr. iKynLhfLk'U Arifemi Builtlintr.
light-duty useT All sted drawer
roils easily on eight precision Ilurmuh-O^trijl Inc.. 4iii HHhtvbttfhAvu,,
Uidsniick. NJ Otfflll
Meets OSHA Standards for
llhevmn ^Kub-Zcrn Fluid ^yi^hetkt
.\Lu-kriSr., Sun Vrmnti*ei tl CA 1M UK
Safety. tlnflopfj. liw (Cmhppi UNl^NlhtytllllHKl, F.Or
* Easy Install at li>nr Box £1HT, Hauuftniv TX TTfiSlii
* Guaranteed Satisfaction! ( ill T i hi 1
1 In If Super E Kul y 1 1 SynLbrl k I
HjLrkMSt., S;li i Fnnrt^P, I A U ! I U- P

30 Day Risk Free Trial Offer. MnliiK Mdul I SyiLtlii-Lic j. ITril E. 42ftd Si.,
For Exciting FREE BROCHURE NnwYork, NY ii hi |7
MoloiTtilt B0U0 Sfkw'fL'f R*l Drnrbum,.
CALL: 1 BQD- 622-5639 Ext PM 5 BS M14H121

{24 hrs.) XiM3 I III I. '.it. ( SyiltlW“tJCJ. ‘lNl<r 1 j UEUlry A vc.
or mail this coupon today. [.citijE IWh, I' A IJlIWKi
Ji N’r Ik'd Trw E^L-tiiLu'iU, “'HI Milam St, Pi-ntmti] 1

1 ,
Punl jfut, i J~2l 2
QuakurBut^OJ] Etdlnii^Cnr]i ,
I* i*. 1AK9,

TF&r Flew send me detail

OilCily, FA |KWI
krii E jfu Oil iSynthi&Uc). miO Parfitn . RLvrf.
^Lbouc the Easy toll Olh t:arfo
flfefTilimiil Njurtlm CA S4->S3
Drawer . . including iptcLfkauotis, VilVotlneOiJ'Oi.. Ijdllii^n AitaktlVllati
and current bonus gafo with
prler-s, Mlil*r . . LtfiinjftBTL, KVJCKilii
purchase valued up to 1^5 each. Fillers
Name AlLiiH I A L4C i imriti vp ( KrtHTi i, luSFBttliwkut Au-.
Eart I ti I UC5U t\
Address Ijl^ HICltp,, ^Si r
? rhuKTin BkdJVfptMT I

Oty OH l-L I L-U

Mi>lnft“rjn, 3otd Sdiarffr llil., IJwu'tmrn.

Suie Zip
F Kline — - - -

limltilor IVofhJrta I nc. . 5TD Nrw J Snan ^wick.

ticwrnmtJii re lJ U e lr^ Pickup Van Suburban oiher Am., Kahwiy, HJ0706&


1 ) s

HE ULTIMATE power-boost- SUPERCHARGER BASICS Initial tests show 6-second O-to-60

T ing accessory may well be the

Roots-type supercharger. lt s
this type sujjercharger, coupled with
The purpose of a supercharger is
forced induction: packing air and fuel
oil name thane fuel, that enables top- into the cylinders in greater quanti-
fuel dragsters to top 2HG mph in aboui ties. Because the air/fuei mix is deliv-
5 seconds from a stand tng start. ered at a higher density and in a very
While Detroit has been standing al- turbulent state, it will bum more effi-
most sUll on street supercharger de- PRESSURE feELOWi ENGINE DRIVEN ciently _ Thus horsepower gains are
velopment, a number of automotive
realized both in terms of better cylin-
‘St SI Ft A
aftermarket companies have been ~S\C MARGE!' der filling and improved combustion.
producing them for some time. Dyer In terms of what you feel, a Roots-
Machine Service of Summit, Illinois, type supercharger differs from a tur-
isusually credited with introducing bo in that there is virtually ho boost
the supercharger to the street perfor- lag at low speed because the blower is
mance market some 13 years ago. ATWOSPNEP*: driven directly off the crankshaft.
The problem to overcome in adapt- INTAKl Nail the throttle and go!
ing a Roots blower to a street-driven MANIFOLD Because a supercharger delivers
automobile has always been packag- more air than the engine uses per rev-
ing. However^ the current compact olution, Lhe intake becomes pressur-
setups marketed by Dyer and several ized. "Rack/low compression" is what
others will fit under the hood of many TO INTAKE VALVES lhe engineers call iL The ratio of air
vehicles without modification, allow- pumped by the supercharger ver-
ing retention of stock accessory Spinning rotors push air Jnio manifold at sus air used by the engine remains ap-
drives and cooling system hardware. pressure higher than atmospheric. proximately constant throughout the
These kits come with virtually every- rpm range. Therefore, engine torque
thing needed for the conversion. engines in S-10 pickup trucks and is maximized over a broad range and

( 1 you wan i some! h

g a ittle more i n 1 Blazers that, unlike other kits, re- performance is spectacutar.
ostentatious than a small blower that tains the original emissions-control Of course, like anything that in-
fits under the hood, some of these —
equipment including the black box creases cylinder pressure and output,
companies will sell you a big blower — and has been certified by EFA and a supercharger increases stress on en-
that sticks up through the hood. CARB for street use. By the end of gine components. The ideal conver-
K.F. Industries, Inc. offers a su- the summer^ K F. will have a kit for sion includes a complete high-perfor-
percharger kit for Chevy 2.8-liter V*3 the Pjero version of this same engine. mance engine rebuild buL the cost is ,

prohibitive for most. You should also

know that a supercharger can be dam-
aged by a serious backfire. Aftermar-
ket kits include pop-off valves de-
signed to vent backfire pressure to
the atmosphere, but in extreme cases
that may not be enough to prevent
Yon should also realize that, in
stales where emission inspections in-
clude an original-equipment under-
hood check, the inspector will gleeful-
ly ground you. The exception to this,
of course, is the K.F. installation s

which come with verification ef emis-

sions certification, w
I $ it M Autflirmtkve, S152 InH-opend-pncc Av*_.
ChELsw*KTth r CAffOZtl
Flower IMvr-Servii, *. 1
LCUU WiribinjftMi,.

Summer, 1L
K.F. Industries lnc. r P.O. Bos tMS£.
B&M supercharger on 7 1 Corvette: Note stock alternator mount and radial or hose. Jirmil, CASHES



T USED I U be that cars bad me-
chanically operated systems tike
I carburetors, distributors with me-
chanical advance mechanisms anti auto-
matic transmissions with hydraulic/ va-
cuum control. It was easy lo make im-

provements there was no end to the
ways Lhat cans could be “apUniized”
Times have changed. You can't look
at the computer chip in a fuel-injected
car and see how it w orks. Electronics
is something you have to lake on faith
— you can't just wiggle something to
set? what else it moves. But there is a
chip you can replace Lo gel more per-
formance from your engine. It's called
a PROM, an acronym for Programma-
ble Readonly Memory. Several kinds
of information are stored in the
PROM, and all can be changed.
Transmission shifting points, for
example, can be moved t o higher q>
under full throttle for increased accel-
eration. Shifting them higher under
part throttle would increase drive-
ability on some vehicles, especially
smaller-engined cars with a full load
or towing a trailer.
The spark-advance curve, particu- able now are for
cars. Ford appli-
larly on cars without a knock sensor, cations should be available soon.
is set with the ignition retarded far Replacing the PROM
itself Is about
enough In keep from blasting holes in as tough aa replacing u fuse. Find
the piston crowns on lower octane your Electronic Control Module
gasoline. In some vehicles, if you Ye (ECM) The instructions with the chip

willing to burn expensive premium will tell you w here it is, but it's proba-

92+ octane gasoline, there's a lot of

room for improvement.
TffffffTfffr bly under the seat, in the kick panel
or under the dashboard.
Electronic Control Module Is usually under
The all-important "knock map " pro- cUuti cm- behind hick panel. FftQM Ij easily re- Pull the ECMout to give yourself
grams the computer lo keep fuel de- placed: High-performance chip plugs In. enough room to work on it. ItY not
livery and spark advance at just the necessary to remove the umbilical ca-
correct values, constantly checking of fuel mileage. Add in higher shift ble attaching the ECM
to the engine's
airflow, temperatures and exhaust points, and suddenly the old adage wiring harness. Open the access panel
gas oxygen levels. The intent is to about speed being expensive comes on the ECM. and you'll see the origi-
keep the air/fuel ratio as close to per- around again: You might very well nal PROM in its socket.
fect as possible, and the spark ad- burn more gas. This is likely if you Don't remove the new FROM
vance at the edge of knock for best spend much driving time on the pail its packaging until you're ready to in-
powder. Carburetors and distributors of the knock map that trades fuel for stall it, as a stray spark of static elec-
can only approximate these ideals. spark knock, tricity can erase the information
The knock map takes into account A replacement PROM is about stored on it. With your finger, touch a
many more factors, and keeps the en- $1011.That's pretty cheap compared grounded part of the car to dissipate
gine much closer to the edge. to a new camshaft or carburetor. any static electricity, and lift out the
How can an aftermarket PROM, Also, you might need to replace the old PROM. Pry gently if necessary,
with a different knock map, improve thermostat, because the new knock but lift straight out and don't bend
on what ihe car manufacturers have map is biased toward cooler combus- any of the pins. Repeat the grounding
spent si) much development time and tion chamber temperatures. procedure, and push the new PROM
money on? Well, willingness to burn The speed ait vantages range from a into the socket. w
better gas helps, and remember that few car lengths to over a half- second
richer mixtures burn slower and are in the quarter, according to Hyper- SOURCE LIST
less prone to detonation. Trading off tech, manufacturer of the PROM AtttuBpptive PitfibLl Svftttfjn*.
Tyk-i TX 7*7m

lean mixtures for more spark advance shown being installed above. H Hyptirtoh, £104 nilletiiri' Cirtk, Mraiphu,
can yield more? power at the expense Most replacement PROMS avail- TN 38134


— ™

j—! ^ —gfe a


many shapes and
forms, from
available ing this problem has been the fitting
of carbon-core static suppression
I capacitive-discharge controls to
complete replacement distributors.
sparkplug cables. The shortcoming of
this type of w ire is its fragile nature.
AJt hough care must be taken to avoid Rough handling while performing a
problems of compatibility with the tuneup will cause internal breakage
computer controls of the very recent and gaps in the conductor. High un-
models, performance gains can be der hood temperatures, particularly
made with almost any car. Anti Accel in the crowded engine bays of new
Performance Products does offer a cars, break down both the conductor
drop-m replacement coil for General and its fnaulator jacket.
Motors High Energy Ignitions (HE I) Today's high-quality silicone insu-
that installs quickly and won't cause lation can tolerate far higher tem-
the computer to revolt. peratures, up to 500* F. ITs also far
The Accel HE [ Su]H?r Coil delivers more resistant to damage from fuel,
higher voltage to improve starting oil and grease, and its bright jacket
and throttle response, yet requires no adds an attractive touch of color. AcmIotII gerraraf« hJghvpftsg* spark


modifications for installation even However, though it's clearly supe-

the color code of the wires is identical rior to original-equipment wire jack- strutted of graphite-impregnated
to stock equipment. ets of years past, it isn't impervious to fiberglass strands that allow'
it to sur-

High-powered ignitions and high- damage. I fallowed to rest against an vive rough handling.
output sound systems often won't co- exhaust manifold, it will burn The ultimate sparkplug wire design
exist peacefully in the same automo- through. Furthermore, the silicone fur high-performance road use uti-
bile without extraordinary measures,. jacket is much more vulnerable to me- lises,a spiral -co re construction. The
The Radio Frequency Interference chanical damage from mishandling. conductor is metallic, so it carries full
(RF1 ) radiating from sparkplug wires For maximum KFJ suppression, a voltage to 1 he sparkplugs with a mini-
can make the stereo all huL useless graphite conductor wire is still the top mum resistance loss. Static is con-
— unless those wires are designed of the line. Struct u rally, the newest trolled by constructing the cable with
specifically to suppress the static. aftermarket cables are vastly im- the metal conductor wrapped in a spi-
For many years, the most effective proved over the old carbon-core ral wind mg around a core of fiberglass
and w idely used method for combat- w ires. The conductor itself is con- and aramid fibers*
Here's how it works: Current flow-
ing through the spiral- wound conduc-
SPIRAL-CORE IGNITION WIRES tor creates a magnetic field around
the wire anil induces a reverse cur-
HIGH DIELECTRIC STRENGTH rent flow in conductive fibers located
SILICONE INNER in the wire's core. The reverse cur-
rent flow acts ELS a filter, suppressing
the higher frequency portions of KFI
radiation without the losses that oc-
cur in carbem-eure sparkplug cables.
OUTER JACKET EtFl suppression isn't as effective as
in carbon -core plug cables, but it will
be far lower than racing-type solid
metal core wire. Computer-con-
trolled engine management devices
and radios are unaffected by the spi-
ralnrare wires. m
HIGH IfMPERATUffr Al-ltI J V rfi iriruniLV I'iiP-iucl.-L Routt MR.
HELICALS WfXJhL? M i \fim> PerfrinTMiKv Prodirt*. Int . ,
Cart* r
FHERtkASi AND CONDUCTOR A liI nE mri im Cfiiilralp t '-orp. . IMHenry
aram-ij r IHS fft TWnaKtV . EUWTXTtm
Reverie current. Row Induced In hben by spJral tonduaew [jniFt|anteb RFI from spark,



Thh late model Camara engine b fitted
with whai may wdl be lhe industry * moat
tT-dy.meed fti-eJ injection JyiTCfl1. If gasoline
without enough deiergem Is used, v^rnith
will auumoiate around the pintle.
Interfering with the injector i spray pari cm
and fuel-delivery capacity.

1^1 Pit VALVt


That Never Need


The Teflon bows co^d under UEL-INJECTLON systems are Next, disconnect the negative ter-
Jerquing pressure as the so\i frber
almost maintenance free, Bui minal on your battery. Then, forcers
face seals even wtiere rn^nur
aurlaco Irregulari lies occur years of neglect could leave you with electronic fuel injection (meet of
Designed foi riorneslif: and Import in the lurch, On the oLher hand, a little theism sold today), unplug each injec-
engines 1 1
-of preventive maintenance van
i L tor and make sure the terminals are
help keep you oh the road. free of corrosion. If not, scrape and
PRtNT©SEAL Before we talk under-the-buod pre- spray with electrical contact cleaner.
For engunos with critical sealing ventive care, we should mention in- Severe corrosion of a connector is
needs. REIN TO SEAL gatkets
th e-tank precautions. The detergent grounds for replacement. Check all
Nhvij a high lompamlure fubbet
additives in the gas you use can have a sensor connectors and the control
bead Tor nn extra anti-leak barrier
lot to do with how well your injection module connector. Never unplug or
Da he jots right, do once, and do
l il
system works. Those commercials even wiggle a connector when the
eI fuse — buy where F EL -PRO
that say you can “fix” your fuel -injec- car’s battery is connected.
sealing products ate sold
tion system as you drive are actually If you do have to replace a connec-
'PFUrJTrj^f At und«r hfrmsn Ircim telling it like it is. If you haven't been tor,buy the orfginal-equipment part
bawly ie-ils Lkj G'hiII Bnldin
U S'. i MO HT7H7 using gasoline u ith injector cleaner F
from your dealer. If you have to re-
T|*hu' ,
ifl iAQ;i«k»rpii solvents and your engine runs rough place a multiple- wire connector, re-
hrj|dorr;irh nl Ihfp DuPchM at idle* add a can of fuel-injection place Lhe iv hole wiring loom that it’s
Camp&nj FEJzRRO cleaner fnr a tankful or two. connected to. For single-wire connec-
To start preventive care clean the p
tor^ you'll find replacement instruc-

FREE The compete

No-Rstorque Head Ga&kei story
throttle plate linkage with carb clean-
er and lubricate it with engine oil or
tions in the service manual,
Replace the fuel filter according to
Irgm lhe «l gpsket manulaclbrer
light machine oil. Check to see that no the manufacturer's maintenance
parte are damaged or missing and schedule. Because you never know
Mail To: fet-Pfo Incorporated that there no possibility of binding.
is hiiw clean your gasoline is, it's best to

?45D N McCormick Blvd 11

Qqx C 1103 Dept PM-5SS On throttle-body fuel-injection sys- follow the “severe usage recommen-
Skokie. Illinois &00?6 tems (those with the injectorn in a unit dations fnr fuel filter replacement. In-
that looks like a carburetor rather tank filters are replaced only if they
NOmir , than in each intake port), check the fail. When replacing a filter on a fuel-

Address mounting-bolt torque. On all systems injection system, relieve fuel pres-
City - check the gas cap gasket to make sure sure before you begin, as gasoline un-
Sun* Zip
^ there ts an e ven mprint al around in-
dicating a good seal
i I ,
der high pressure stays in the lines for
d ay s after t he e ngine is shut off. Ifi


" -

Save Gas, Save Engine with ‘POLY’

GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE (see details below)

The following introduce* one of the Up 90%

of the engine wtar on a car
Ml futtr tested add |wo » ott gu Uf- can be caused try lubrication starvation
lo|, bic tlonrtduc loj engine treat cars experience when first started before
the oil begins to circulate. Slick 50 can
eliminate this problem for tot* thu die
Th® Secret la “Poly"
cMtottn teak* of gaa.
"Poly'' la short for pdytetrafluoroethy
lene ITFEJ, the slipperleSL substance Slick SO Will Net
known to man. (lMlGuiiKuSeokor Affect Your Warranty
World Rocordal, Petrolon Corporation, Slick 50 Is suspended In an excellent
makers of Slick 50, invented a way to grade of petroleum oil which meets or
permanently bind this slippery chemical exceeds every manufacturer's engine
to your engine with one treatment, Just warranty requirements. In addition, this
one quart of Slick 50 can reduce engine oil carries an American Feiroteum Insti-
friction. increase gas mileage and horse- tute service class! Head on SF-CC-CD.
power and reduce engine operating
temperature, causing yuur oil and engine There's Ho Risk with
to last Longer,. .plus it reduces metal wear, Our Money Back Guarantee
defraying costly overhauls. Use Slick 50 for 3000 mllriL If you don't
Vears of Testing and Ueo notice an improvement in engine perfor-
mance. return your invoice with short fl
Have Proved it True! note telling why, for a prompt full
Slick 50 has been thoronglily tested in
refund— no questions asked.
independent laboratories and out on the
road: Profit from Selling
The March/April 1962. p. 35 issue of Slick 50 Yourself
XcutusHr Dljfwt" magazine stated. Here's an opportunity to make hand-
"Slick 50 does reduce engine heat and some profits. Having such solid test
ordinary wear, and our Informal tests results from major institutions make
Indicate that it will Improve gas mileage It’s- Easy to Tr«af Your Eng no i Slick 50 easier to sell than many other
by about 2 or 3 miles per gallon.™ A
few minutes before oil and filter products. Free dealership Information is
One of the county's nut respected change, add Ihe engine fink got jm Sent Upon request.
mourch iwtttutoa reported applying Are* with each order to clean out the
a powerful ultrasonic dcanlng process to engine. Lei Ihe engine Idle for 5 minutes. GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE!
a Slick 50 treated engine and were sur- Then drain the oil. change the Alter and Ifat time of purchase you have seen Slick
prised at its permanence, ”We actually add the proper amount of olL, less one 50 advertised In a current magazine at
expected the Pe Union Slick 50 TFE Resin quart. Add one quart of Slick 50, drive a lower price, we wlU beat that price by
coating to also be removed, but later for 30 minutes, and leave it In tite crank- A2-00 per quart-
found it was still there. case for at least 3,000 miles. As the engine
TtJV, a German testing laboratory with operates, the oil carries the “Poly” call taU-bw 1-&00- 5354024 cst 5 ,
credentials every bit as prestigious as our between (he parts where' it is burnished (ia California 1-40C £53 9559) or
Underwriters Laboratories, tested Slick Into the pores of the metal.
50 In 1986- They found substantial aitan*
increases in both gas mileage and horse-
Only One Treatment Necessary Dept* PM5&8, San Marco*, California
power. Their tests showed that these
gains were due to a reduction In frictlon.
permanent, so you do It only once,
It's MOW,
not each lime you change oil One quart
The Mertl Aviation Adsiniitn^
of Slick 50 will treat all standard 4 6 and Ym, wanl lo improve my car's paftofmanoe
dm has accepted a similar product
e-cylinder gasoline and

diesel engines.

and save my engine— rush me risk Iree:

for aircraft— Slick 50 Aircraft Piston
Engine Treatment (FAR 33,49). This One Slick 50 at 539 95 + $4.00 sapping and
FAA endurance test simulated 1400 Works with Most Oils handling dirt S-i« In

hours of engine ust Sifok 50 will work with all petroleum Give me free shipping, and handling lot my
The power technology laboratory at a based tills and all synthetics compatible order of 2 or more al $39-95 each-
leading louthweitcrn pfiittrlltj with petroleum-based oils with the exrep
lion of graphite oils. However, once an Check C.O.D. Visa/^csierCard
stared, "Slick 50 does Increase horse
power and decrease fuel consumption In engine is treated, you can go bark to a Card Jf

graphite type If desired.

tests done al the university”
The fifwce fiftmitde Cohunblm u.ws t hr Ew Dale
4 Ways Slick 50
chemioal "poly” In Ha grara and bearings
because the only chemical lubricant
it la Saves You Money Name — —
which can withstand the heat and cor- Your actual percentages may vary
depending on your driving vehicle con- Address
rosive elements of space.
(GJvo bItm! address il -paasible lot UPS -delivery]
Perhaps most dramatic of all is a tor- dition. weather and geographic location,
ture test overseen by the ADtanwtin bu l no mat ter what your conditions, slick City State _ Zip .

Swt ee* Council for PeiuuyfTania aiid 50 can:

shown on WTVE television. Three cars 1 . Increase mileage
with 75,000 to £9 00 miles on them were
I r
2. Increase horsepourr [small economy
treated with Silck 50. Six months Later cara and large RVfl really need tills) FYngnessfiG En&rjv Corporation
the oil was drained from each vehicle, and 3- Keduce operating tanperatures, thus
255 South tend Awrwfl, t&-l, DepL PMSa$
the cars driven without the oil plugs for Inerting the lubrication and life of San Ma^rjoi Cainainta 92069
about a half hour. The water temperature theoil and engine,
never rose and the engines sustained no 4. Mini mize or eliminate costly overhauls TOLL FREE 1-600-233*9559.
apparent damage. by reducing engine wear * 1968 ProtpvUm* En*ayC0*p
LUSH BUCKETS. That's how

S some folks describe automatic

transmissions that make a lei-
surely slide from one gear to the next.
But, because the commute is a long
one and the old left leg can get. awfully
tired pumping a clutch, they drive 'em
Drive them we must, but suffer
with sloppy shifting? It s unneces-
sary, because most automatic trans-
missions can be reprogrammed to
shift with considerably more author-
ity and at a higher speed. The treat-
mem. that produces this cure is called
a shift kit. And in addition to sharpen- Control-valve springs provided with kit are Separator prate, dotted with hofef 10 con-
ing those shifts, it’ll give you true installed In the vaPv* body trol hydraulic metering. I j replaced.
manual control of the transmission.
That means if you start out in Low or pressure, which applies the clutch balls are changed, a separator plate
First, the trans wdl start in Low and packs with more authority and less between the valve body and trans
won't shift until you move the lever to slippage. case changes orifice sizes, pressure
Second. Furthermore, with a shift kit There's a trade-off o feu urse. If you
regulating, governor and modulator
installed you can downshift to any inadvertently shift to First gear at springs (where applicable) are
gear at any speed and get immediate high speed you could send the ear inLu swapped.
results. You'Ll still get fully automatic a skid and overrev the engine. The Shift kite arc available through a
shifting in Drive, of course. same is true of a full-synchro manual number of high-performance after-
In most cases the kit also reduces Lrans mission and even some produc- market manufacturers and your local
transmission operating temperature tion automatics. high-performance autn parts store
and lessens wear. This fringe benefit How does a shift kit work? Briefly ,
probably has them on the shelf. We
comes from the added hydraulic line it alters the system hydraulics: Check sampled one Lu make sure this modifi-

• irmrnn [ VALVE

vrmmn „
« I


—hssp with


am i



TraramJ&Elon milt kit includes ail springs, Dlva»erntMy b not necessary to inslsll direct dutch accumulator and hi shift valve.


A , 1 6

cut ion within the capability of otir

"Saturday Mechanic" readers. Our
kit for a GM THM 350 transmission
was provided by A-l Automatic
Transmissions and manufatLuml by
Trans-Go kits are available in two
variations. Those with a -2 suffix on
the part number provide harsher
shifts than those with a 4 suffix. We
opted for the -2 kit because the trans
on which it was to be installed w as a
high-mileage unit
The folks at A-l Automatic Trans-
missions Lold us that on an older trans
with loose dutch packs, the -1 kit
might not provide much improve-
ment, On extremely high-mileage
cars with lots of dutch-pack clear*
ance, even the -2 kit won't do much in
terms of making the trans really snap
from one gear io the next.
You will get full manual control on
anv working transmission, though.
We found that the Trans-Go kit in-
0 8
^ >

cludes everything you need to do the

job including gaskets. The instruc-
tions were very complete, fairly well
illustrated and included cautions
where appropriate.
Be careful, however, Lu follow Lhe
important to
instruetionri exactly. It s
note the color coding of the springs
and pay scrupulous attention to whal
goes where*
Some tips included in the instruc-
tions. such as retaining those elusive
little check balls on the separator
late with grease, were extremely
E elpfuh This is not a job that you can BEST ONE MAN BUSINESS EVER
do without reading the instructions. Earn yp lo Sli30-&fi(B per duy

When you install the kit you should

change your automatic trans fluid and
pickup filter while you're al i! t so have
these on hand. Trans-Go recommends
that you not use ''specialty'" racing
trans fluid or similar products. Use
the type recommended by the vehicle
manufacturer. H^S Offers WOOL ror you 1

You can also have a professional Serve# Hf\ mofrl or slslipnary kx&ron * Serves nstan
puCil'C * Cac* Keounte rnunicipairlies cat
mechanic do the job. In must cases it
wastes * m Bry Gfliers
should lake lest; than 4 hours, so you
Eqdipmenl | Supplies efe
can figure on paying anywhere from
about $120 to labor, depending Tire Customizing Unit
on the local rate. Ahiteimallri'S blflCfcwa r re-5 * repair curs damage
v lemnverasKl ipfrws -"-add
Alter the kit has been installed and color 5irqes, gold #*c
the fluid level renewed, drive the ear R? pair Kh
rtindJjliild i CorrunprciJl Hppanr & Dywng
nice and easy for a few miles, shifting Kit « Praresiional Velour Repair Kn * Pin Slnpmf *
up and dow n through the forward Bad^Side Waidmg Package * Polish i Wgung
speeds. Then, at rest, shift in and out
of Reverse a few times. Check the flu- We p^vidC'tEEhnhca-gniEniaiKi^ngiJajf'fipal oyr i"i^Lile
id level one more time before you go to in Da'iis Tea&s

wring it out. vm. Expense paid ir* to Dallas

ftiancflg lofflua f-M ffldwdufe

S500 renla far *deo shcrimg aclual use of eomcnier' £

.VS AubORtiitieTraEinm^irjMK. ’TTi^KIinri^n
Ave CaiHrHU Pirk, r
. For Fih Inlgimallqn M Seid Name. Ad dress. A- Ffwnt
A ve. Gh&l*worth CA 9131
, h
i054t Royal Club Lane
TCI ChK-TfE Dr ArIiIsihJ. M£ 3S0m

Tnma-Uo. Wi2l Merred Av-t?.. El Monte. Dallas, TX 75239 [21 4 [351 -4757 E*1 21

T of the wheel hasrFt changed in
the &tMKJ years since it first ap-
peared in ancient Mesopotamia, but
the styling certainly has, No longer
are ears fitter! with utiEUarian steel
discs concealed by decorative cover-
ups. Now all but the most basic mod-
els are treated to attractive wheels.
The only remaining problem is that
they don't seem quite so special when
just about everyone has the same
There's more to aftermarket
wheels than a pretty face, though.
They offer a number of possible ad-
vantages, depending on the mode]
you choose, Rims wider than original
equipment wheels, with larger sec-
tion width tires, help tn maintain
proper sidewall profile and quicken
the steering response.
Lightweight aluminum alloy

WHe«is like i m Is can be disassembled to boll on a traceable firmer or outer rim half

wheels reduce unsprung weight, po- constructed and where it locates the
tentially aiding the suspension in both tire. Several dimensions are critical to
ride quality and roadholding. Many of proper Fit, notably wheel offset and
the new smooth-faced designs will re- backspace (backside setting). Offset
duce aerodynamic drag, and at the is defined as the measure of how far

same time, pump air over the brakes the mounting surface of the wheel at
for additional cooling. the hub deviates from the wheel cen-
So il/s obvious that buying wheels terline. Zero offset wheels have the
requires more than a simple re vie w of mounting surface at the wheel center-
the available styles to find one that line. You must compare the offset of
agrees with your taste. For starters, the w heel you intend to purchase with
you'll need to find wheels available in the factory w heel to make certain
the proper diameter and bolt pattern. they are close. If the difference is
It must have the same number of at- larger than the manufacturer's specs
taching bolts as the original wheel and allow the suspension geometry will

the same bolt circle diameter. Univer- be unfavorably altered to the detri-
sal-fit wheels are available, too. In ment of handling and wheel-bearing
some cases these wheels are double wear.
drilled for two bait circles. Others use The backspace dimension demo li-
reversible inserts to accommodate how much of the wider wheel's
st rates r

multiple holt patterns. Many high- width is moved toward the center of
performance chassis shops shy aw ay the car. Specifically, the backspace
from multi fit wheels, recommending measurement is the distance from the
a specific-fit, single-bolt-pattem hub mounting surface of the wheel to
wheel, particularly when hard driv- the inner aide bead or tire-seating lip.
WHEEL CENreftJJNE ing and high cornering loads are in You can easily measure this by laying
yotir program. a straightedge across the back edge of
of h replacement whefJ 1$ tflrrwcaiQn Whether a replacement wheel will the w beel rim and sliding a ruler down

most crttkaNy Impwwn*' to handling. fit properly is a function nf how it's into the wheel until it contacts the



mounting surface. Measure from the lug nut arrangement, should be fitted Lubricate the thread and chamfer
mounting face to the bead -sea ling with wheels that retain the same type surfaces of the ugs or nuts with m otor

surface of the rim, not the rim lip (see of hub center register as the original- oil or, better yet, an antiseize com-
illustration L equSptnent wheels. Lug nuts should pound. Even with steel wheels, don't
A reputable lire shop should be fa- bp checked to ensure that the shank tighten the lugs down until they
miliar with w hat wheel and tire com-
portion does not protrude through the squeak. Lug mta should be tightened
binations fit your car. If they haven't wheel itself*which would cause them with a torque wrench to a maximum of
had experience with your choice, a to tighten up w^hen they run out of 65 ft.4b». on Vlfl -m. stud* and B5 ft.-
front wheel and Lire should be run ant- threads, instead of damping the Ibs, cm 14 -in, studs.
ed, the ear lowered so that lhe Tull W’hed in place. Loosen and then retorque after 23
weight rests on the suspension and H If you’ve selected a wh eel that's in- miles of driving. For extra assurance
the wheel well area inspected. Most tended for the vehicle you're mount' of a wheel’s quality and safety compli-
often the areas of interference will ing it on and you are fitting the tire
ance, check for (Specialty aSEMA
show up at the fender upper opening, intended for that size rim, then it Equipment Manufacturers Assn.)
fender front and rear opening, strut should fit. If there is a clearance prob- Foundation. Inc. specification label
top and midsectinn, inner fenderwel! lem to the inside, you might consider (SFI). PM
or at some point on the sug]>ensjon and using a spacer. JusL be sure to use a
brake components. Brake caliper in- proper spacer, one that's flat, nr the
terference is particularly common on wheel will wobble. It should support
ABS -equipped tars as the anti lock the rim S6U* and Lhe studs or bolts SOURCE LIST
American Etjwinp Equipment, LRflCtfr WraLern
system requires wo me component* to musL be long enough for full t hread A vt.. Guttata, CA OTffl
be positioned outboard from the nor- engagement. A handful of fiat wash- Ajjpliafrre.'KejTtf q no Pfmhirt, L’ 0. HosTHfl,
mal location. ers will not make a safe spacer. Obvi- On Larin. -CIA S]"lU
Clearance problems may not ap- ously, these lug bolt* or studs must be
KBS uf America, Mumv H ill Hr. . pfirfnG
Villey.NY 10*77
pear until you've hurled the car into a adequately long to permit complete Cimril Shelby Wheels, tWth ] 3. Fifluema Av<?Jh
corner hard and the tire sidewall de- engagement of the threads. Just re- Gardena, "A 9QU4K-I

flects fully. In fact, even the spindle member to remain close to the car Ctmtr [*incT«d Corp \N£i Fwway Pr
Santa FVS|n-Enps. CA n
shaft and w heel may deflect enough to manufacturer's recommendations for
CfifprWMi. Ki^vt'ftAve., Comfitun,
scrape things like the caliper under offset, or handling and wheel bearing L’A [tnffll

really hard cornering, .so give the rim life will suffer. ' EnkcVG4kl«n Wh^-l 0*rp t Pt.
V,i to room, and the Lire sidewall Clean the face of the hub or brake C«iplon CA9l&S» l

more like lain. drum of all rust and dirt that may have Rectal Endue tries, SffiCi Fkvprij/ BM.. Rico
Stan, £a hhim
Cars that use bolts to mount the collected behind Lhe old rim —the new Wfflltm WtadCtiqi . IWMSUiip' .Saiktv
ivheets, rather than a wheel stud and wheel must lie fiat _ F e -^rinp* C A ,



CuHum+r, Send rW coupon with prcflJs of pur-husc 5f n boci pamlot

package fardefoifi. Offer only -nymlotfa on KIT Super Wbih. EFT Corpef
Cfecnet and ^1F fabric Owner Subfec# to T*jhh prwlfrd on pari age
Limit ana JJ 00 hgnui rebate per femiy. Offer ejqpirw Jufy 3?. FPfifl.

p^o POT car wop puretaie nvta-JMvy to raevra ftatUf tftbofe

M AKE a mistake tinkering
with your engine and you
could wind up losing a little
performance, Do the .same with your
brake system and you might find
PaDR RESIST* NCg contribute to your braking system's
capability. Bendix engineers recom-
mend yearly flushing and re bleeding
of the hydraulic system. To do this
you simply bleed the brakes, pumping
yourself parked against a tree. out abnuL a quart of old fluid and re-
The typical passenger-tar brake placing it with new DOT-d fluid fmm a
system is a lot more complex than it sealed container.
might seem. Anri its performance is Some enthusiasts, fiarticularly col-
governed io a great extent by the fric- lectors of antique cars, replace the
tion material— asbestos organic, as- standard brake fluid with Dow Cor- p

bestos-free organic, or sem metallic fu ng^ silicone brake fluid. This fluid,
—used on pads oraboes* can
which meets DOT-fi specifications,
A particular brake's stopping pow- Frictlon coefficient of art inferior lining
dcterlnrJt e toil as. temperature rise*.
has a higher boiling point and cati he
er, resistance to fade and wear resis- superior to the conventional glycol
tance depends greatly an friction- ma- DOT-4 brake fluid.
terial efficiency. BELAYED FADE Collectors use it because it won’t
The range for error in most of these absorb w atcr like glycoi does. So, if

areas is very small. The original- you have to store your car, hydraulic
equipment linings provided by the system parts won't corrode.
man u facto nor are Usually a “best com* Another plus for silicone fluid is
pro m lse' for the veh file type. Repl ac *

that doesn't dissolve a car's paint
ing them with an inferior lining can be like the conventional fluid. The big
a tragic mistake, Jn .some cases even minus is that silicone fluid costs three
the installation of a reputed "high- to five times as much as glycol
performance" lining can have a very If you'd like Ld convert a car to sili-
negative affect on the braking perfor- cone fluid you have to thoroughly
mance of a car that was not engi- flush out all the old glycol fluid, first.
neered for such a lining. Some products begin recovery from fade, One way to do this is to pump at least a
For example, semi metallic friction then the coefficient of friction plunge* again. quart of the silicone through the sys-
materia] is more fade resistant than tem and then discard it, fH
other types and, when operating at
the right temperature, its high fric-
tion level can provide high-perfor-
mance stopping power. But if you in-
stall this material in a car that was
designed for asbestos lining you may
lose stopping power if the semimetal-
lic material doesn't get hot enough.

And if it does get hot enough, it may

hoi the fluid in calipers that were en-

gineered For asbestos or nonasbestos

organic pads.
What's more, rotors or drums that
were engineered for organic friction inferior drake lining can wear up to five
material can be damaged by semi me- t imes taster than a high quality product.

tallic material. On the other hand, if

Don't forget to cheek and, if necessary. resur-
you substitute either of the two non- second -level products that may not face rot on or (Iruim. Proper surface Ornish ki
metallic types for the semimets, you meet all original-equipment require- Important to prevent brake squeal.
might use up a set of pads in less than ments.
lO.ftfX) miles. Of course, even the best friction SOUKCe LIST
The key to high-performance brak- material money can buy won't com- AtK-Jt 1 ^? Ttivfrini »rry Ret, W*rfrtt*.
ing is obtaining a premium lining that pensate for a brake job that has been GA8U0S?
meets or exceeds original -equipment botched. Follow all procedures in AILiod Aftermarket DfrUon lElendbt}, ]Ufi Paw-
lurki-L A vt., BwtlWkk™?, Klttffl lC
Specs and is of the same composition. your service manual and make sure
Purser Hkitruflp Qsrjj {EtS>, I 2ft WHirthintf^n
You can usually be sure you're get- rotor and/or drum surfaces are true, Ruler. I
U- Hnx 131A, Bcriui, CTU60CT
ting the right stuff if you buy the top- round and free of deep grooves o r heat H.K. I'arter, lnc. P LUtUW Handufiky Ave. Ek:U e- ,

lineproduct from a name-hrand man- damage. Check all hydraulic compo- fcntMiiw, OH i£U I

Hutvnurk Carpi. Kivtunhiink, ICKl ifskvit-w Ur,

ufacturer. But as always, it's a good nents for leakage or deterioration and
Tnvnfcul, CTWIl
idea to beware of bargains, as even replace or rebuild as necessary. m VfefM ] Wil flfGxipff ItwfcKiW, I^Mriy [a.
aome of the name producers market A clean hydraulic system can also hmuppeny KJ ,


yC~i ip i
!« i*

D OLLAR for dollar, there's
no better way to improve
the cornering power of your
car than by upgrading the tires. Rut
jacking up the 0- forces isn't done by
Plus 1 (nr Plus 2) refers to the larger

rim diameters you'll need in order to

physically fit the tires to the car Stick

with us, and you understand why.

! I

In general, what's most important

high-performance replacement tire is
the Widest possible contact patch and
the shortest, most vertical sidewall.
The reason for the w ide contact patch
is apparent —
more rubber on the road
simply dropping by the tire store and to look for in the construction of a means greater traction, assuming the
wagging a finger at the widest a kin a rubber compounds and construction
on the rack. details are similar.
Though your original-equipment The shorter sidewall, a natural
tires may look like the 98-pound property of lower aspect ratio tires (a
weaklings of the Lire world, they've 50-series rather than a 70-series lire,
actually been selected by the manu- for instance) is desirable because it
facturer after considerable research. will have less tendency to deflect and
Carmakers choose t ires for each mod- roll under during hard cornering ma-
el based on a large number of factors, neuvers. When the vertical height of
including wear resistance, impact re- the sidewall is reduced so that it
sistance, ride quality, speed rating, stands straight up, the car will re-
fuel economy, noise level and wet and spond quicker to steering input.
dry traction. The choice of a replacement tire
The trouble is, their priorities arc size must take three points into ac-
different fmm yours. To boost corner- count: overall diameter, load -carry-
ing ability and sharpen the steering ing capacity and wheel- width require-
response you’ll certainly have to live ment. The tire diameter is critical for
with some sacrifices, but if you make wheel well fit, of course, and for its af-
your choices intelligently the compro- fect on the overall gearing and speed-
mises will be insignificant. ometer readings. New cars with elec-
The widely accepted "Plus 1 guide- tronic engine management systems
tine Ln tire fitting is a proven plan to Goodyear i new 1 7-In. Corvette tJre Is rated are particularly sensitive in this area,
follow in choosing thv proper tires. for iustalned iptedj |n of Ktmpti. requiring accurate road speed inputs


Goodyear Eagle VR Gatorback



\\)U Ti \21 =. IN




Culow ay IILurtratlort reveals
h me 1 0 i used In a modern h gh-
siiiKtlDr> I

performance f.idlJihp(y Ore,





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You get 'em dirty. . . GO-JO

tmiTAIK gets 'em dean.
lo control a number of functions. To Whether it’s grease, grime, paint, oil, tar or
keep tire diameter constant when fit- putty. GO-JO's hand cleaners are the last
ting a tow -profile replacement, it will step in any job. GO-JO Heavy Duty with
be necessary tn change up to a larger its grease dissolving action removes most
wheel diameter. soils. Deep scrubbing GO-JO with Fine
I ^ad-carrying capacity of the new
Italian Pumice removes more stubborn
tire should never be less than the rat-
ground-in soils.
ing of the original equipment. It's not
hard to run into trouble here, because
a replacement tire with a lower profile
and aspect ratio contains a smaller air
volume. The way to increase the size

of the air cavity and the carrying ca-

pacity is to move up to a wider sec-
tion width tire. Not coincidentally,
that puts a wider tread patch in con-
tact with the road surface.
The down side is the poorer bad-
weather performance of wider tires.
Proper tread design helps, hut all —

else being equal a wider tire tends
to float over the top of rain, slush nr
snow'. There are all-weather low-pro-
file tires, but some climates still call
for snow tires in winter months.
Rim-width recommendations listed
by the tire manufacturer should be
followed to get the best handling per-
formance. Again, the idea is Lo keep
the sidewall as vertical as possible
when it's mounted on the car. Also, a
rim Lhai'a too narrow could shorten
the life of the new tires by causing a
bead failure.
L (Hiking at today's fastest-corner- THE CONVENIENT WAY TO
ing sports cars dearly shows the lat-
est trends in tire ailing and technol-
ogy, The 198*1 Corvette offers a 40-
series, 17-in. Goodyear Eagle
Gatorback. Ultra wide and very low in 1
is a vital compo-
side profile, this tire
nent of the Zhl and Z5U suspension
package options. And it has a direc-
tional tread pattern designed to route
w ater out to the sides of the tire. The
tire carries a Z rating, indicating its
worthiness for sustained speeds over
149 mph. An increased number of
cords per inch in the carcass design
Pick it up. It tits in your
bolster shock absorption and high-
speed stability. M hand. Just pick out the spot,
hit it wilh The Stick am* buff,
That's it. CAR STICKS ore not Par
SOURCE LIST cleaning your whole car. They're for
• Arti»thjli(E RuMkT O- ,
P- 0. HoiHKH,
New Haven, CT 06536 that one unsightly spot, that one blemish
M IlnripesUmp 1J.S A.. Int 1
. ,
tfNHi W Wth St.. you want to be The CAR STICK*
rid ot, last.
Tomra, C A 90604
M Pb-rtitnfis Tire k Rubber Col. 1£00 Kimbume is the quick, clean, easy way lo touch up yolfrv
Pkwy, Afcmh.QH 44317
car The CAR STICK' family of products, for wl
Gerard TfcFT OnrG*r€tTs.l St.. A.krm OH 44329
1 t

Lniedyear Tire £ Rubber Co. 14 A Ei*t MlYki-tr I you don’t need to clean the whole thing.
V Ktlty SfihnjrftP'lri Tire CVs. r WHtowfarraik Rd.
MtaMln'nrfrGorp.pP.O. Bum 19001, Available
where car -Care products are sold
GrwtLHrtiK 5C2WU2
Uniro^ilGuodrkh, 6CMTI S. MwilSl.i
1900 Now Concepts. Inc 232 4213
Akron, OH 443ff7


ET'S debunk one widely Isold smooth, straight road Lhe shocks do

L misconception right from the

Mtart: A new set caf high-perfor-
mance shuck absorbers will not turn
very little work, just keeping the
wheel motions, such as those generat-
ed by imbalanced or out-of-round
yo u r llace rl bou! ct v h rd blarge n t < a
i s > tiresi incheck.
corner-carving spurts sedan all by When the suspension is deflected
themselves. Shock absorbers are in- by a bump, though, the shock absorb-
struments of control, damping un- er is compressed, forcing the piston
wanted suspension motions by using inside to displace hydraulic fluid in
the forces of hydraulics. They're im- lhe chamber that houses the piston.
portant to good handling, bul they're By forcing this fluid to flow through a
not a cure-all for inadequate suspen- restrictive orifice, the rate at which
sion components like flabby springs the shock can he compressed (nr es~
and wimpy antiroll bars. tended) is regulated. In this way it
To understand how a shock absorb- can control bow fast the spring is al-
er can affect the dynamics of your car lowed to compress after hitting a
you'll need to know a little about how bump (known as jounce) as well as
it operates* One way
or another, the damp the repetitive bouncing motion
shock forms a link between the sus- that would otherwise occurence the
pension system and the chassis (the spring hud extended itself again (the
frame or unibody structure). On a rebound action)-

High-performance ihqck uses nftrogen gas

« 200 pil ED prevent atnflon erf the ffcJd, This
retards cavitation and fade during hard me.

It’s that bouncing —

the travel of
thE suspension past the point it would
deflect normally— that makes a car
hard to control on bad roads and in
aharp corners. The car will lean in a
corner, and proper shock dumping
will keep it from leaning too far.
Firm shocks, set up with stiff valv-
ing, make the ride generally harsher
as they won't compress as easily for
small bumps.
When the shocks are set too stiff
they won’t allow the tires to follow the
road surface accurately* sacrificing



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Eliminates Ihe varnish, gum
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noisy valves, lost compres-
sion and power.
SpecilicaMy formulated to
remove carbon, varnish and For Free Lube Tips
harmful deposits Trom Ihe booM®i send a
stamped, sell-
upper cy linder area


DEPT. POSS • P.O. BOX 471 • WAUPUN. Wl 53963
Save Timet Save Monvyf Mill Supply
Sail* Over 1,000 Different Top Quality

RuiS tf Cdtocn Da'Tjpa Ofl Anwtin
Cara. P*dt-up TrurAs and Vmand Mo*S lirpv^

Motor News
i0u H Depi. E5 ]«, EtonnirfftHt. Voinmt Oizoi
ter piston rod also bolsters the the reservoir chamber with nitrogen
strength of the unit, and its chrome- gas. typically at around 200 psi, fluid
plated surface helps assure long life aeration and consequent shock fade
SHOCK TREATMENT for the internal seals. Polyurethane are just about eliminated.
bushings at the mounting points, Don't confuse gas shocks with air
the tread contact needed Tor corner- ml her than short-lived rubber bush- shocks, the kind you can pump up
ing traction. ings, also point to high-quality con- with compressed air. Air shucks are
In general, heavy-duty, high-per- struction. intended for occasions when your
formance khnck absorbers (and Mao- That's not all there is to know, springs need to be stiffer for carrying
Pherson HlrutH, which perforin the though. a heavy load. They do not have any
same damping functioaisj have a larg- On very bumpy roads, air in the more damping than conventional
er hydremic fluid capacity; a bigger shock can aerate the fluid into foam shocks, and should be bled off when
body for increased cooling and per- — and foam doesn't give much damp- the trunk is empty.
haps an extra stage of valving opera- ing. High-performance gas shock ab- Installing high-performance shock
tion which comes into play only in sorbers use a nitrogen charge to pre- absorbers is certainly within the
high-load situations. A large-diame- vent this condition. By pressurizing reach of most driveway mechanics.
Older model cars with A -arm front
suspensions generally use a 2-bolt
connection at the low er end of the
shock and a long threaded stud at the
top. No s|)eciaJ tools are required.
Cars equipped with MacPheraon
struts require extra caution, as the
front spring La often integral with the
strut suspension unit. Compressing
the spring far enough to remove the
shock cartridge or strut from the cen-
ter of the spring may call for a proper
spring compressor, a certain amount
of experience and plenty of caution.
Once the spring is off, you'll either
have to remove the cartridge shock
from the strut, or on some vehicles
simply replace the strut. The front
end alignment must he checked after
the job is completed, too.
In most cases, rear shock absorber
replacement is a straightforward job.
It may be necessary, though to re- B

move a number of interior carpet pan-

els to gain access to the top-end
mounting hardware, which what
mim we encountered w hen we installed
Monroe's Formula GP shocks in the

1988 Oamaro seen on the Perfor-

mance Tuning Guide cover.
You'll notice a piece of wire
w rapped around the shock in the in-
stallation photo. Any gas-pressure
shock will extend itself to its greatest
length, because the gas pressure in-

side it acts like a spring. It s not a very

powerful spring, but it might be
enough to make installation difficult-
I Vi Lit II ..lUr^l! h y!V.si V No problem—just leave the wire in
Iki" .! Im jJ\i in l J-.-i place until at least one end of Lhe
Suite lOTlt* Mill lirrd J iHtk
shock h bolted in place. Line up the
TiftflMUrpnidnim git nv iJv hdp ™ other end, and clip the wdre. The
iwfd We arc ihr wnrid o*h iH*iEuGKiNfpr * *JuH
shock will extend itself right into the
time ii!
fw#iitv Mrkmnh, tuMa^km r^uipm^ni
to W mounting holes on the other end in a

d hi lit!
lit wt iln la hAtfeahm.
few seconds, w
Tha in ft In . p» mmti whit vng are wnrting <si, \m
i. Jh lu# "U pnjdgttP « uIli l i impk lc cuiiikkruT SOURCE LIST
IT wa d Ikr a Mk hdp an.Kind the Ihkjh. help vrursfO HibLeinOurp., 11760 SomnEu Vklhy lid,,

1u tin- LiriwiWdk bruit] M IradmK auhrttHfth t aiKl SuiDtaga,CA9£m

|U^ are rrtaiVn rvcrvft-hmi Koni Aint'ri™, Inc.. P.O. Bn* 4M,
t’ulpi'pper, VAB27C1
‘101 i Jitk t’reek Dr.,

m Mirtnwurt Ofy . .
2SQ E, Keht* RIvlL.
Cared Stream, IL f>01 &
M mn it A ubn E^uijjmwU Co.
I n^'mnLjrjnflj Dr, ,

Mmum, AU


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TECH SUPPORT: 1-312<2fl0-02a0 Bid My Cradri Gum VISA Anwion E cprcn

Fan: 1 - 31 J-V 43 -601 O Telex: 5 TQ-&Q 1-5955


D^w-k -r U
r-^' nl«i -Li^sf.1 1.P |_

da if B; 30 AM, 6 00 PM
Mood ny-F f I : :

_ *p£
Saturday: 1 D;DOAM-4 rOOPM I - J3


320 West Ohio, Chicago, Illinois 60610 Ci ~m ThfrMTW^ hL TWCRxM. it
. -


F YOU'VE been yearning; for antirollbar will usually make the car
higher cornering speeds with underaleer more. Replacement bar?
I more control then it's time to take
the law into your awn hands. Of
should be matched front and rear to
w ork together, particularly if the car
course, we're til king aliout the kind of was not factory equipped this way.
law (bund in physics textbooks. This allows the rear tires to assume
Any change in direction applied to a more cornering load as well. Follow
moving automobile brings a variety of the recommendations of the supplier
forces into play that affect the way the in this matter— too stiff a rear bar will
tires contact the pavement. In a turn, give Lhe car a tendency to oversLeer
the car's weight tends to lean and shift and possibly spin ouL too easily.
toward the outside. One effect of this In most cawes, installation of a
weight tranter is an upsetting of the heavy-duty replacement for the origi-
suspension geometry, skewing the nal front antimll bar requires nothing
tires from their normal vertical posi- WITH AMmOUB/iR more than unbolting the old unit and
tion, reducing tire traction and mak- sliding in the now one* Upgrading at
ing I he car harder to control. The AntlroA tar attaches ahead of a*Pe as well as the rear end is similarly clear cut, but
above, fFum twin a* car rolls In comer.
more the car leans. Lhe more pro- iflhe car did not have an original -

nounced this effect becomes. equipment rear bar you may have to
To control body lean and weight When an anti ml] bar is designed for drillholes to mount the brackets for
transfer, suspension engineers speci- a mass-production passenger car, the the bar's end links. That was the ease
fy installation of antiroll bars, also engineers have to be conservative in with the ADDGO an tiro U bar we in-
known as stabilizer bars or incorrect-
< determining how much body roll and stalled on a iRbfl Cam am. The job re-
ly) as sway bars. There's no black lateral weight transfer they elimi- quired only basic totals and was easily
magic to the operating principle. In nate. Fur the sake of predictable han- completed in an afternoon.
simplest terms, the anti roll bar links dling in Lhe hands of the average driv- Carefully consider how your car
the left ami right sides of the sUSjttm- er, cars normally are set up with a will be used before purchasing anti ri>!
aion to the frame or unibody so that tendency toward underage r* That burs or any other high- per Ibrmance
one side cant move up or down by it- means the front tires will lose adhe- suspension components, us you prob-
self w ithout twisting the bar. sion before the rears in a hard comer. ably won't be pleased with the results
For example, in a left turn. w hen
Changing to upgraded factory units of going too far. Fortunately antiroll p

lhe left side of the ear is moving up or quality aftermarket components burs have little affect cm ride quality.
and the right side is moving down rel- ran shift this balance In make the car Rase your purchase decision of an-
ative to the road, torsion (twisting) is handle with a more neulral attitude. ti roil bars on lhe appropriateness of

applied to the spring steel bar. Bolting on a larger diameter front their offerings to your needs. Look for
quality materials and clear instruc-
tions. If you 're serious enough to con
aider some weekend slalom contests,
you might look into the bars with ad-
justable end links thal will allow yon
to fine tune the ausijemdon to compen-
sate for tire or w eight variables.
Harder urethane mounting bushings
will transmit more road shock up to
the passenger compartment, but will
outlast rubber parts and also improve
handling precision. Spherical ml end
connectors at the link point* indicate
serious duty as well, which may be
more than you noerl PM

APPCl y I ndunfcrlr*, li?i WuLerUiW er RiJ .

ijJwrPArfc, KLrvttrw
KoviAfflCfkmn, F.O. CuJ|wipp4H\
VA 1*2701
qwliiH Engineering, fi"lflS.W.
HI Aw.,
RBikh&KfcLapeiuioiTi, P 0 . E!m \ 'Vjl'M,

Urns J^ik'li. CA WWG


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How many undeserved radar tickets

were issued last year?
a) 1 * 012,317
b) 649,1 19
c) 0
d) No one knows

if) Nn
U fuftinUtlUirtt'.
i mt- Lmm* f

i oltn r


lie Li~[s

weir iHiinl laM vciir, Sh Annie eMifflafMfS* FREE REPORT OH RADAR

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BENCH OR CABINET MODELS pmblcm, Yuki luurw htw Cwii [impk c:iii ^rt t« i
leu in -r- i'j
nfl i£| n pft rij-h i ai%;n
Turn prffreiMfl pans tor models, proioiypse; i j i ffru* rir ia l^lvi-i-h. imirLj; lhr L.imr ^.aJihlN k,

cut up lo 4ft different thread pitches, make t.vcn if nnly percent of I he ikrkcts iuUcd

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f from- ai J about the size of a ijuarter is all the

Earn In your, scuff you need.
pare time or even
run your own
would if you pinched it — it has none of By the way, a ball needn't be cut or
the fast rotation that a pitcher would scuffed to have a sudden break. Even
locksmith shopt usually want on a pitch, Aa a result, a splotch of mud will create the same
Train at home- with tfte-orifp-
thJ Lixlismi thing Imlilule. In
the ball meets air resistance and sud- aerodynamic irregularities. And it
as liuk- j&timunlhi'you can denly, very suddenly, loses velocity needn’t be the pitcher who doctors the
lifer tire df tht dmand in
and drops straight down. ball,Whitey Ford had his famous
voiit fnmmunily for pi-cde*-
aionai lodj-imilhi. With scuffbalh and cut balls the mud ball prepared for him courtesy of
Eam whik ftiming, loot break is usually sideways, left or catcher Elston Howard. Additional-
Id A kw wprks. ytiu'lE hivo
right, though some pitchers say they ly, catchers have been known to
IN fenow how lo inpfer fflon.
rhfindjn^ locks, mAkinflNy*, simple insrailatioru can make it rise or drop. Either way, scrape the ball against their shin-
Lam by daiej the break comes late-Ufter the bat- guards, anti certain Dodger in fielders
Lock sm if hi rag institute's tested and proven meth-nd
makes easy For you to leain. Each he-sson is Fully
ter has judged where the ball will be. of the l9GQs were suspected of cutting
illuslrakd and you work with professional tools and Here, you want to generate friction the hall for certain Dodger pitchers as
materials sent to you with he- course ... even an ehec-
Int key rnachiw equipment that you will be uiang

with the ball, and that's what the it was tossed around the bases.

m your pwn icurfesanith thop abrasion achieves. With all these trick deliveries in the
Cuh in Dfi the growing need for locLitnlLhi The pitch is thrown with a fastball pitchers arsenal, not to mention the
Ybulf Find locksmiihmg work all around you. And.
wilh your Diploma as a skilled Maskr Locksmith, grip, fastball delivery, and usually at legal stuff, you would think that the
you’ll start cashiogm onyoyr nemey runfeihfl ifeilH- r
fastball speed. The way the pitcher use of corked baU, as alleged, would
Getthr excfilinj prorit Fpctaby mill .. .no uln grips his fastball determines where be justifiable self-defense for batters.
man will ever call. Mail the coupon icniny.
ir coupon o HHWKi. wp.rrt the ball gets scarified But to break Well, I don’t think that corked bats
LOCK SMITHING INSTITUTE sideways, the scuff must remain in are used as a conscious counterweight
tKrfi twtikul Dfiv*. h J QTaja
Li tile Fall*,
the same spot, perpendicular to the to the perception that a pitcher might
" ~1
LO<J(l-M PTHIAfG iNSTITUTf SSS-1 direction of the pitch as the ball spins be doctoring the ball. It's merely an
I^Cdrdirmi t>w?-. Lnne NJ {i fJi-pr
PLEASE BUSH FSn CAftfFff flftOCHIjfi* bottom over top toward the plate. attempt by the batter to improve his
L. LOCKSMITHIMd Because the ball is rougher on one performance, satisfy his ambitions or
mam cmih cpupsvi amahjuu
ll LphiibJ.fr y :: ItttfuJInr Al^wIm'if;. C-uMrU-fllH* side, that spot creates turbulence in solve his problems. For the guy with
l^pMl InhvrtipilHW
Ci4Jf tV LtaVOflK y
o Inlf iww l.iMip
Eh' h u
hum 1
the air that flows over it on its way —
TP or track power the ability to hit
Smrt En|w 0 Apr*#!
, Nr-:

brthHM a home. As Watts and others explain it, dramatic fly-ball outs to the warning
-uid Per

N^rlwms S^dmh
Cl Airr-mdilHiwnp.' Flrlr>|FijlHiTr
ih-Mfil JuntH*!
the turbulent air peels aw ay from the
track a corked bat might mean sev-
rough spot, making the air's wake eral more home runs.
shift around toward the smoother side This is to the extent that corked
i_ of the ball. This causes an imbalance bats are used at all —
and J don't be-
that redirects the airflow- and forces lieve the practice is widespread. The
the ball to veer to the scuffed side. only major leaguer I know of who was
If science has demystified w hat the :
candid about the fact was the late
FLY 'n scuff does to the ball, how it gets on
the ball remains a total mystery to
Norm Cash, who said he used a
corked bat when he played for the Ti-
any pitcher who has ever been con- gers in 1981 and w on the American

fronted by an umpire. League batting title with a ,361 aver-

Of course, baseballs do get nicked age and 41 home runs.
and scratched in the normal course of There's a lot of voodoo involved
duty A foul off the backstop or a
. with freak frata> both regarding how
J 1
sharp grounder + especially on artifi- to load one and what the loading is
Sertauft about wring y^ut own perianal h*Heoptar7
O H EAM NO LO N&ERI Climb on-bna Lhfl world's nnst " ;! cial turf, will leave scars. That’s found supposed to achieve. From the wood-
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money. The man-made variety takes working angle, the magical formulas
incorpo^alea Stare-ol-me-An (ethnology wiin L^iuiy
IpWd and IT'S AFFOR DABLEt Coals foBS chflu a more ingenuity. vary but are basically as follows,
spar'M car 1
$TaAY HIQMt NOW and ^Kn uf n I he w!d In the days when most uniforms A hole anywhere from 1 ¥2 to 1 in.
t'i je by ordering out axctaiivD' v-dea tape- Ihu

Ey^ idnuu Ah nttur of action- pucked hEHitcplftr

1 "
had belts, some pitchers might sharp- dia. is bored through the fat end of the
«r h'Jior^ai aviailbn and lun-Mled mucs- en the buckle so they could cut shal- bat, to adepth up to about 1 ft. The
tion Fine- OUT ho* notorWftF made I he heiicopier
si^rdaW^' 5EFf P fOH our heauliruiiy iiiusiraied mflw-
low grooves in the ball while content wood that's been removed is replaced
malicri Par.kiigfl which contains several color ^?n«hures. plating signs from the catcher. by cork (a dowel, beads or rolled
ft tpld-frul pusler J-new drAwi-ngi and priCi’ng delails Congressman Jim Bunn in g was re- sheets) or bouncy superballs press-fit
Ptu*. a step by b rep -aeacnpcion oi Hcnor/.'av^ e.ic-irng
run cirdq progrinn puted to be a buckle- bailer. Double- into the hollow barrel. Finally, the
rrs time to stop oheamshg knits banished the buckle, but re- mouth of the hole is plugged with
sourceful pitchers found ways to wood that matches the grain, and the
» CREDIT CAN D Cu STOME H 5 utilize the metal snaps at the waist- top of the bat is stained and finished in
FOR FASTER SERVICE, CALL tOLL FREE NOWI band. Alternatively, a pitcher might a manner that camouflage* the plug.
US (AlftsAa. h&wbh. Vi^p lalanda^
itleiSB-ww lanatswu^r FAjtBK-ssi-nsa m conceal a needle, tack or other sharp Why does anyone load a bat? One
Charge to U£. Vim. E^p. Dale object beneath a bandage on his glove reason is to lighten it and thereby
ShhI me Item l chackvd Mgw:
. . .S^tpuUura hand, and give the ball a rough shave generate greater bat spited the —
ACtlCMI PACKED 1 HR, VIDEO 4 INFOPAK. while he’s rubbing it up. force with which the bat meets the
— . Spuciiy. YH$_, As for scuffing, any abrasive sub- ball Another reason is bat control. If
VrdoaTapeOrrty $49%
stance will do. Whitey Ford has relat- it takes less effort to bring the bat
Inrormilion Feckege Drily $17 Dd
Aii iehi i-et 4frfttt «d hwi ib ed how he wore a ring that was fili- around, the hitter gains an extra frac-
(Qwhu or [fan Jdd lid JO poetegel
hi A, greed to the texture of a wood rasp. tion of a second to gauge the pitch be-
PHONE NQ _ _ __ Sandpaper, emery cloth and emery fore he commits to swing.
City state tip
boards have found their way to the Another thing some players believe
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FOUL BALL! hardly spins) could, depending on the
(Coniinued/rompagfl^t) angle of swing, put as much as several
thousand rpm of backspin cm the ball
is that the cork or rubber filling en- good for about 250 ft. more travel
dows the bat with greater resiliency, With just a small increase in backspin,
making the ball jump off the bat with the ball w ould travel another 30 ft.

more pop. But science says it isn't so. Smart hitters have always sensed
Lighter weight, not resiliency t is this, and Watts believes that more
what makes the freak bat drive the batters are becoming savvy to it. He
ball farther. As Braneaziu and others points out that the amount of backspin
explain it, the bat hardly deforms at is affected by the amount of friction
all when it collides with the bait —
or generated w hen the bat strikes the

only hundredths of an inch if at all. ball. Applying a substance such as

Rut upon collision, the ball deforms by pine tar to the hitting surface of the
an inch or two, squishing down almost bat would increase friction, but this is
to a hemisphere. So whatever you fill illegal, as George Brett can testify.
the bat with doesn't matter, as long as Something players used to do years lurfl

it'slighter than wood. And cork, ac- ago was scrape out the dark-grained separately
cording to Branca^io, has about, one- —
areas of the wood in effect scoring 3051 Voir

third the density of wood. Superballs the bat's surface in a manner resem-
give almost no weight-savings at all bling the face of a golf club — where 30-Da y FREE Trial ! exciting facts
But something stiff and light like sty- the grooves are intended to impart NO O B If G ATJONHWO BAILSMAN Will CALL
rofoam would work well, too. Actual- backspin to the ball. HUSH COUPON
ly T a hollow bat would work best — if Although scuffing and corking are
TODAY! KiniitiCilr
... -
*n ...JJ
the hitter could be confident that the called cheating, I really don't agree
bat would hold up and not sound too with the term. Professional baseball Foltf-fldsiw Ce
HIM [qu liable R-d . Dipl.SnW
hollow to the nearby catcher and um- players are more or less evenly 1*nm Gkv- Mo §4123

pire. In fact, Brancazio says that the matcher Everyone knows what's at
l .
r Please send me complete lacls afoout
newer style of cupped bats, the ones stake, so I don't belie vet hat taking an PLAN EH-MOLDER- SANDER^ SAW and delarls

edge is cheating in the moral sense. about 30 -Day trial offer

with an inch-deep scoop of wood re-
moved from the business end, achieve Ballplayers call it gamesmanship* Nime

the same effect in bat speed as boring All things being equal, I really
out several cubic inches of wood far- think the trick pitches and freak bats
ther down the barrel. That's because ought to be legal. After all, lets look
the mass, or weight, is removed far- at some practices that are never ques-
ther away from the bat's pivot point tioned, Or just w inked at, but w hich
at the handle. The net result is a lower nonetheless gi ve someone an edge.
polar moment of inertia when the hit- Home teams routinely groom the Troubled With Gatling
ter begins to swing, field to give themselves an advan- Up Nighti - Paint In
What's the net result on the score- tage, or put the visitors at a disadvan- lack, Lent,
board? In his Tulane University lab, tage. The baselines get beveled to Nervomnatf Tlrvdnat* ,

Watts has calculated that a hitter us- make bunts go fair or foul. The area in 11 you art dtSurbed ttf rhea symptoms. yw Gput*R may
ing a B2-ounce baL generates a bat- front of the plate can be watered dow n r bpaiad by tfttdJar mfrflirjfcr tf i
jar Wnwpi
marly f
»Uflt mtiatally mkik surflery & the answer Ick
speed of about 70 mph. If termites or to favor a sinkerball pitcher, or hard- ItKs prcDfcm, ibere is i tftnMBM ineatiwm
other activity shed 6 ounces from this ened to cause Baltimore chop-type in- rattle
The E*Defc«]r treKule Chic, devoted Da !he itohSvfped
weight, bat speed rises about 2.5 per- field hits. Teams regularly soak the mettrifo of irHtmpri Ice dismiss peaAar In d*0p mei, Has

cent, to about 72 mph. The extra ve- basepaths or dump sand around first i new fifm kkh
ftm cds now these crpubte jtw ire «k-

locity, Watts says* translates into 15 base to slow down base stealers. reded The ihB-^irWirflatrriffift descrOeC hi thu book
retime no- Stf sjpy. tn toy jrensHS tft con-
to 20 ft, more mileage for the ball if it There are no strictures against any of vOhfSwflce TFEtfmerifc cate tail a bniR and the cost is

collides with the baL this in the rulebook. At the time when reason^
Write tooay This book may mvt m utmost important ia
Meanwhile, another revelation I played for the Twins, the Chicago you Ho otHigalkjn

from Watts' lab almost makes the While Box used to store the baseball* Eaccaltkor Invtltutt Clinic
point of cor king bats irrelevant. It has in a freezer to deaden the ball When 11Q E. ftpadway. Depl 120E
EacdSkw Spmffs Mr 64034
to do with the role of backspin in mak- our power hitters made contact, it
ing a ball travel farther. was like hitting a rook and the ball
When a ball is propelled so that the didn't go anywhere. While weVe at it,
seams turn into the airflow, or against
it, from the bottom of the ball to the
let’s not forget about stealing the
signs, or the w ay hit tens stand behind
SAVE 25-85%
top, it's said to have backspin. Thus the boundary of the batter's box to get Sighting
E ...
orientation creates the force known in
aerodynamics as lift. The more rpm in
the spin, the greater the lifting force.
The way to give backspin to a bat-
a longer look at the pitch, or how first
basemen plant a foot in foul territory
when setting up for a piekoff throw.
And most recently, a New York team
ted ball h to undercut it with the that plays in the Bronx moved its
swing. And here lies the rub. If you
undercut the pitch too much, you pap
fences closer to its batters.
All of these things fall into the cate- |j
BBS ttrnm
mt Imdadm ilpf.
up. Watts tells us that the optima] gory of getting an edge. It's not as - Bind new DAVID WHITE Mod d Hadi LP6-20
USA. Garts !^‘ -sccuucr il "5 H Complex oul-
launch point Is an area from %
to 1 in. though they’re criminal acts. And no in
IlI mcLudet 2 OK «Shgqp« with cut, kldisq ]*q

below the equator of the ball The dif- matter whether the book says they're trippd end B" to $bpj. 14 )ba
ference between this uppercut and legal or not, I don't think we'll see any
less of them in 1988 or beyond. ws
CALL 800-228-3407
hitting the ball dead-center (so that it


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an cxhtL&raLing experience. J can hardly dei tribe it. We Pi Mint C 1 3 nn
CAH OFTHE FUTURE number of upscale models in Japan, mirrors and the opportunity to raise
fC-PKlHi nr djrorn page Tj j But how these readouts will be used in rear deck-lid height. And this in turn
the future is open to question. will give designers the opportunity to
you'll see amixture of analog, digital TV screens look very advanced in provide more cargo space.
and hybrid digital analog gauges. In- cars, and at first glance seem to be an Finally display screen* inside the

formation like the car's speed. which obvious direction automakers should car could be used to relay infrared pic-
is generally displayed on road signs take, CRTs, however, present the tures to the driver, allowing safer
numerically, such as "55," is probably same basic problem as the multi-use navigation in bad weather,
best shown in the same form on a digi- instrument pods that have too many All these display? and controls are
tal speedometer. Engine rpm, how- functions and take so much of the tantalizing but even they may be-
ever, is rarely recognized as a specific driver's attention, come dated when voice recognition
number, but as something under- Buick's system is fascinating, par- systems [VRS) come of age We re
stood relative to the engine's red line, ticularly for the passenger, who has not talking about those irritating talk-
An analog tach with the redime work through all the vari-
the time to ing cars of a few years ago. These are
pointed straight up would address ous computer menus, from heating/ interactive control systems in which
this function more squarely, and also air conditioning controls to use of the you say, for example. wind shield
show’ rate of change more graphically. radio. But what about the driver? wipers," and they activate.
All this will vary with the purpose Opinions vaiy on this question. And as you'd expecl the car's
of the vehicle, [n the future, owners in Nevertheless,, there doesn't seem would only react to voices pro-
some market segments might got all to be much doubt among designers grammed into the system.
digitals because they equate the that CRTs have a definite place in fu- Such systems hold great promise
techno look and bright lights of those ture ears. forluxury cars, at first, and would
displays with luxury. Cost might keep There is the obvious use as enter- wipe still more gauges and controls
digitals from the inexpensive entry- tain me nl devices, particularly for from the d ash board, saving space and
level models. On the other hand, even rear-seat passengers. Video games reducing complexity. It will be a long
though Ferrari uses digital readouts are a given, and television programs time, however, before such Systems
Formula One cars, don't expect
in its could be shown, as they are in Toyo- become- practical enough to be used in
them to displace the lovely traditional ta's home-market Soarer, though inexpensive vehicles.
analog instrument pane! from future only when the car is stopped, with the Nor would they make much sense in
Ferrari road car?. It just wouldn't fit transmission locked securely in Park, rental cars, which have different driv-
the image. to prevent the driver from becoming ers every few days. And who would
one of the viewers. ever want to have only verbal deal-
Heads-up displays These screen readouts are also a —
ings with a driver's car a Ferrari,
One of ihe hottest bits of new hard- natural for satellite navigational sys- —
Lotus or Corvette where the funda-
ware in instrument panels Lakes the tems, which are probably less than 10 mental objective of possession is the
gauges off the dashboard and projects years away from widespread use. interrelationship between automobile
them on the windshield. Heads-up And the multilayer menu formal of a and owner.
diflpl ay a ( HU
Ds) are used in m any air- computer system allows a screen to
craft already and some designers
provides driver with very detailed in- Some problems
would like to see them in automobiles formation about the condition of his There's a more immediate challenge
soon. Olds mobile, for one already has
car's various systems, tied into the ahead for today's automotive design-
experimental HUD-eqttipped cars. same diagnostic system used by deal- ers, though, and that'? the problem of
Coat and packaging problems will er service depart merits. responding to the upcoming passive-
keep HUDs in the future for the time There are societal change? taking restraint regulations, What do you do
being, while sea me critics of the sys- place that will increase the acceptabil- with steering wheel-mounted con-
tems aren't certain they'll he appro* ity of CRTs in future car?. One in trols, which are becoming quite popu-
pri ate even then. Even in aircraft, volves the increasing use of comput lar. when you have to put an airbag in
there can be problems with the pilot ers by children beginning with their
the wheel hub? How do you fit knee
shifting attention from up ahead to prekindergarten days. A? the current bolsters, door-mounted pelvic impact
the display and back again. Can you generation of computer-savvy teen- pad? or motorized seatbelts into an in-
concentrate on a speedometer read ager? grows to be a part of t be u( jscale terior that ha* to he friendly and non-
out glimmering on your windshield car market—which is where many ad- daustrophobic, with easy-to-use con-
while you're trying to sort your way vanced systems will first appear trols?
through rush-hour traffic? —computer monitors will beseem to It could well he that. VRS will prove
On the other hand, flashing a warn- as much at home on the dashboard as to be the only viable answer to the
ing light or other emergency informa- steering wheels. overlapping design constraints ofpas-
tion on the windshield to get your im- sive safety and advanced controls.
mediate attention makes sense. So do Another development According to Tom Malano, who runs
turn signal repeaters. And new ad- Flat-screen LCD monitors., like those Mazda's design department in the
vances in heads-up focusing make ii used in today's handheld TVs and h]>- U-S*, VRS could allow designers to
possible for the driver to look well top computers, will solve some of the create completely dean dashboards.
down the road and still be able to see packaging problems that go with the No dials, no switches, no multicontrol
the information projected on the relatively bulky CRTs. stalks projecting from the steering
windshield without, having to strain to Still another use for these screepjs column. Nothing.
refocus out and hack— a critical point could be for rear view, with a small According to Matano, there would
for drivers over 40 who need bifocals. TV camera monitoring activity be- be only one problem left for the de-
Look inside many show cars these hind the car. Besides the prospect of signer to confront,

days and you'll find a small television an unimpeded, panoramic view, rear- "All we'd h 3 ve to do " he says wi ch a
screen. These CRTs are already be- view TVs offer other advantages. grin, '% decide w here to put the input
ing used in production cars like Aerodynamics will improve, thank? microphone and where to pul the
Buick'e Riviera and Keatta, plus a to the removal of wind-snagging side speaker, JW

pram, bits
tCftHliiiitfel fr'ifW Jitffjf IK /

t$14,85h Contact Vtrmont-Amert-

can, Box 340, Limolntom NC 2801IC5
17. —
Cohid t l>il This, rather ordinary
looking %-iiL'dia. twist drill bit is
made of supertough cobalt. It T s de-
signed specifically for drilling in ex-
tremely hard, abrasive metals such as
stainless steel, chrome, armor plate
and titanium. The bit shown costs
about $10 JjO, Other sizes: from /in in.
to W in. dia. Contact Vermont- Amori-
can. Box 340, Uncolmon. NC 28093.
IN- Compass cutter This unique de-—
vice allows you to cut holes up to 18 in,
dia. using a portable electric drill It
consists of an adjustable trammel
stud and a side-cutting twist drill bit.
Insert the trammel stud in the center
of the work and tighten the drill chuck
onto the bit. Then, drill into the work
and apply pressure with your free
hand to the horizontal rod. It cuts
rings and discs, too. The tool adjusts
from V/t in. to 18 in. dia. For use cm
wood, fiberglass. plastic laminate and
light -gauge sheetmetal It's 315,1(1,
plus shipping, from Connectic ut Val-
ley Manufacturing, Box 32fHJ, New
Britain, CT
01)050. For details, call
toll-free (800) 33(5-00715,
19. —
Expansive hit Here's a versa-
tile, adjustable wood-boring bit rl f-iu i? i Jack Gamr! i di "if drop us i tot Mr in ld h&if imm aw it unci

(3 1 7 -35 t hat ca n bore holes from 7H in

MEN and Tennessee maple

to 3 in. dia. To adjust the bit, simply

loosen the screw and slide the cutter
to the desired position. A convenient account for the smoothness of Jack Daniels
direct -read inch scale is stamped on
the cutter. The 'JVin.-dia. shank can Tennessee whiskey.
be used in a drill press, hand brace or
portable electric drill. Contact Con-
necticut Valley Manufacturing, Box
We get these big chunks of hard maple from
3201), New Britain, CT 05050. Call
the hills around here. They’re taken from high
25. Glint* hit — Believe it or not. this ground when the sap is low. Then, men like
very simple bit can drill through
glass, china and ceramic tile. It con-
sists of a diamond -ground piece of
Billy Durm cut them in strips; stack
tungsten-carbide steel welded Lo a them and bum them to
in ricks;
stee! rod. Operate the bit at slow
speed, either in a drill press or porta- charcoal for smoothing our whiskey.
ble electric drill, and use a lubricant
such as kerosene. A 7-piece set— Sometimes we joke about who’s more
in. to 7h in. dia. —costs $15.75 post-
paid from Constant ine^, 2050 Fast- important— the man or the maple?
chester Rd., Bronx, 10461. NY
21. Double-ended bit— Designed pri- But after a sip of charcoal mellowed
marily for metalworking, this bit is
actually two drill bits in one* Only 2V* Jack Daniels, you’ll know chat
in. long, it's known as a screw-ma-
chine length bit, and is ideal for drill-
both are doing good jobs.
ing thin stcxik such as sheetrrmt.il and
aluminum. A 135* split point on each
end ensures quick starts and fast cut-
ting. Double-ended bits come in vari-
ous fractional and wire gauge sires.
The Vr in. -diu. hit shown costs about
$3. Contact V ermt tit-American, Box
ItfinnsH WtiiUoj * iIddUdi D< wIupie (Sfl SS prea^ - Orstilled tnH Bfjtlled by

Jich Dinitj- Di&li'ifrf, Lcn MnLb* Propnclxy tinule Limchbui -.Fop JE-ls, TsnwssM JJ3S2
340, L fried nton NC 28098.




Sett 7/70 powortfotn & 7/ HJO dgter bod* rust-through limited waironty at dealer. Restrictions apply. BUCKLE UR TOW SAFETY








placement docks

Investing In
BY WALTER L UPDEGRAVE: PM Illustrations by George Retseck

F A WHITE-KNUCKLE roller your money into a solid, familiar in- kitchen or bath, adding an extra bed-
coaster ride in the stock market vestment you can keep track of every room or boosting the “curb appeal” of
I isn't jour idea of sane investing, —
day your home.
your house by j natal ling attractive
maybe you should consider pulling h ether you 're remodeling a dingy new siding and replacement doors and


. . " 1

windows, you can often increase l he a fresh coat of paint. Timing plays an important role,
market value of your home by the full In short, now more than ever it too."People think they’ll get their
amount or more than you spend on a [lays to examine the financial side of money back immediately ," says Mi-
home improvement. home remodeling. Otherwise, the chael Zaccaria, a vice president for
And, unlike Hocks or bonds, reno- rules anil guidelines which can help Remodeling Consultants, Inc. in
vating your home pays a valuable ex- you ba fence the aesthetic consider- Westchester County, New York,
tra dividend—the sheer pleasure you ations in home remodeling with the ‘‘That's not alw ays true. Sometimes it

and your family from living in a economic ones remain pretty much takes a few’ years.
comfortable house whose decor re- the same. Mast important: Don't In general, the longer you stay in
flects your personal style. ove rim prove, your home after remodeling, the bet-
While last year's stock-market "If you're remodeling for your ow n ter your chances of recovering an
meltdown may have increased home comfort and enjoyment* you don’t improvement’s cost.
remodeling^ appeal as an invest- have to worn- about what you spend/' Unless real estate prices in your
ment, the crash should also caution says Jacelyn Swenson of Lhe National town are booming or you've picked up
you to give long serious thought be- Association of the Remodeling Indus- your house at a bargain price, you
fore embarking on a major improve- try. "But if you're doing it as an in- should be wary of doing a major reno-
ment today. vestment, you want to make sure you vation if you plan to move within two
More often than not, stock market years. You’ll have little lime to enjoy
turmoil of l hat magnitude signals a the remodeling yourself and you run
coming period of economic stagnation the risk that the next buyer won't val-

or recession which means you could ue the improvement enough to in-
be affected by Wall Street even if you crease his or her bid for the house.
live on Main Street and don't own a If you think you'll sell your house
s ing le s h are of stoc k wnthin w'o years, stick to cosmetic

During a recession, for example, fixups, such as fresh paint inside and
housing prices may fell or not climb as out, replacing floor coverings with
quickly, making harder for you to
it new but inexpensive ones and repair-
recoup the cost of a home improve- ing cracked siding and crumbling win-
ment on resale. And unemployment dow sash putty.
usually ris.es, meaning homeowners Improvements that bring your
whoVe had Lu take out loans to finance house up to par with the rest of the
improvements could face a financial neighborhood should earn better re-
squeeze. turns than those that put you above
Does this mean you should post- the crowd. Adding a second hath to a
pone or even cancel an improvement?
"The kitchen can have 1-bath house almost always returns
Probably not. more impact on the market 100 percent or more of its cost— as
"Most peoples' remodeling plans does expanding a 2-bedroom house to
won't be affected by what happened in
value of your house than three bedrooms if that’s the norm for
the stock market/' says Bryan Pat- any other single room, ff a the neighborhood. Rut add a third
chan, executive director of the Na- bath or a fourth bedroom and you
tional Association of Home Builders
remodeled kitchen is new might recoup only 70 percent or less of
Rcmode lers Council Hut whenever Kl

and well-done, you can your investment.

you make major expenditures, it al- A Local real estate agent should be
ways behooves you to look a few years
almost hear a sigh of relief able to tell you whether your [dunned
down the road and re-evahiate ynur from potentiaf buyers. improvement is loo ritzy for your
family's income and financial posi- neighborhood. An agent can also tell
tion,' don't out price other houses in your you which remodeling projects excite
Ifyou're financing an improve- neighborhood,” today's home bpyers enough to raise
ment, make sure the monthly pay- For example, if you own a house their bids and which provoke an am-
men Is don't put too much of a strain on worth $90,000 in a neighborhood bivalent or even negative reaction to a
your budget. where the top houses sell for $11)0,000 house.
And if you're improving your home and you sink $00,000 into an elaborate There? also a new emphasis on ar-
but counting on getting that money renovation, your chances of getting chitectural design in home renova-
back in a year or two through a higher $140,000 at resale are remote at best. tion. "Aesthetics and good design an*
sales price, keep an eye on resate People looking for $140,000 houses more important to today’s 35- and 40-
prices in your neighborhood. If don't buy in $100,000 neighborhoods. year-old home buyers." says Pat chan.
they're fiat or, worse yet. heading A good rule of thumb: Make sure the "Not only must the individual project
South, you might consider scaling current market value of your house lie welt thought out and executed, but
down a planned improvement. plus planned improvements doesn't it has to fit in with the rest of Lhe

Instead of refurbishing your kitch- exceed the value of the better houses house."
en from ceiling to floorboards, you in your area by 20 percent. That This Li especially important in exte-
might settle for less costly touches would mean limiting the renovation rior renovations of post -World War 1
such as new- surface on cabinets and on the $90,000 house above to about suburban houses.
Countertops, inexpensive flooring and $30, 000 tops. Many such houses were erected

quickly without much regal'd for ar- the upper end of the market. When beams, and built-in cahinetry for vid-
chitectural appeal ami now they are renovating your house's exterior, pay eo and audio equipment.
being given a contemporary look with special a tte union t o ere at in g a d ramaU
new siding, roofs, higher-impact en- ic —
entry for example, a landscaped Remodeled Kitchen
tries and better landscaping. Thus, if brick path leading to a carved door The kitchen can have more impact on
you're a bit weaken design skill, it flanked by fluted pilasters and topped the market value of your house than
may pay to hire an architect or design- by a classical pediment. This feature any other single room.
er to help plan a rcuy or addition. alone can help swing sales negotia- Ifthe kitchen Ls new and well done
The quality of work also deter- tions to your favor. you almost hear sigh of relief from
mines how much value the next buyer buyers*" saysremodekr Zaccaria* Jf

places on any improvement —or T in Room Addition it's in bad shape or been remodeled on
the case of a shoddily done job, how Building a 15 x room addition
25-ft, is the cheap, you can practically hear
much the buyer actually detracts costly — close to $30,000 on aver- them aubl fueling the cost of redoing ii
age—and has relatively modest re-
from his or her bid for the house. a from their bid.
If you don't have the skills of a pro- covery rate— about 70 percent you if The trend today is toward opening
fessional craftsman, hire one. sellwithin two years. But if you like up the kitchen to the living areas and
Keeping these guidelines in mind, your present location and simply need bringing in natural light via skylights,
he re’s a look at some new trend sin the greenhouse or clerestory windows.
most popular remodeling projects and Sleek, Eurestyle cabinetry —
made of
a rundown on the kinds of returns you either natural wood or high-quality
can expect to get. —
laminates are still all the rage, as
are countertops of granite, marhle or
Replacement Doors durable man-made marble look-alikes
And Windows such as dorian and Avonite.
Replacing weather- beaten doors and Many renovators are also going to
windows remains Lhc most popular the top of the line in appliances like
residential remodeling project. And Sub-Zero refrigerators whose doors
today's emphasis on high-quality accommodate panels to match your
wood or steel doors, unique window cabinets and Jenn- Air ovens that fea-

designs such as round-tops, box ?
ture range-top broiling with down-
hays and clerestories— and techno- draft ex huust-
logical innovations such els kw-emis- All this has raised Lhe cost of kitch-
sivity window' coatings that increase en renovation to $19 t 500 on average,
energy -efficiency seem to be paying white some contractors ivptirt doing
off in higher returns. You can expect "With a -bath house
kitchen make overs for what a com-
torecoup as much as 75 percent of this being very hard to sell in plete house sells for $100,1100 and
investment now, vermis just 40 per- up. While the returns on this invest-
cent five years ago. But the higher today's market adding —
ment are high 75 percent to 90 per-
quality comes with a heftier price tag^
Replacing ah exterior doors and win-
a second full bathroom cent of the project's cost you're
better off from an investing stand-

dows for a modest house can run from to a house that has just point opting for a medium-cost reno-
$7000 to $18,000. one is one of the best vation than an lalti'si-expcnsivc one.
But if a state-of-the-art kitchen is
New Siding remodeling investments
your goal and you're planning to stay
1 n,s calling new siding with insulating
you can make in your home for quite a few years,

beard is far less eX]>ensi ve just over this is definitely the room to enjoy a

$6000 on average and can boost your more space, you’re often better off splurge,.
home’s resale price by 75 percent Lu adding room or even an entire sec-

100 percent of the project's cost. ond floor than buying a larger house. Remodeled Bath
Higher energy efficiency accounts for To get the best return on resale, make With si -bath house ii hard-sell in to-

some of this project's value, hut more sure the addition blends in with the day's honking market, adding: a sec-
important is the enhanced curb appeal layout and architect Ural character of ond full bathroom to a house that has
it gives your home. This makes your the house. Also, a multipurpose room just one is one of the best remodeling
house easier to sell and helps it fetch a addition that can he used as a family investments you can make. Getting
better price than less attractive rmim, den or guest bedroom, for in- all your money hack at resale is almost
houses on the block. stance, will do better than one whose guaranteed and you can often recoup
Vinyl and vinyl-coated aluminum use is restricted tn a single purpose as much as 130 percent of the cost
siding remain most popular because such aa a gym or workshop. — typically between $5000 and
they require little maintenance, but Says Patchan, "You must try to an- $12,900. Remodeling an existing
owners of more expensive houses may ticipate not just your own needs, hut bathroom is comparable in
be better off going with natural wood. those of a typical buyer,” Popular cost —$4500 to $1 1,500— hut doesn't
It's more expensive and, if painted, features now' being found in room ad- pay off quite as well, recouping about
more difficult to maintain, but is gen- ditions include fireplaces, skylights, HO percent of your investment.
erally preferred by home buyers at cathedra] ceilings with exposed Opulence is the catchword in bath

remodeling today. Whirlpool tubs, Fireplace era still prefer a free-standing fire-
separate tubs and shower stalls, sky- Its —
low cost $2600 to $4000 and — place in the center of a room.
and huge windows, imported
lights. —
high recovery as much as 140 per- To allow more flexibility in choos-
ceramictile on walls and floor, color- cent — make a fireplace the best home ing a place for yours, stick to a “zero
coordinated fixtures all have — remodeling investment you can clearance" model. The top, skies and
become practically commonplace in make, “Hie returns on fireplaces are bottom remain cool while u fire bums
the American bath during the past even high in the South and South- inside, allowing you to install it
five years and, as a consequence, have west," saya NARI's Swenson. “Peo- against any surface
driven up the cost of the average ple like the notion of warmth and of To avoid air leaks and to insure
remodeled bath 80 percent. coziness fireplaces evoke.” Many your fireplace meets all building and
If your bathroom is small or you homeowners now put fireplaces in safety codes, proper installation is
think you'll sell your house within the comers to conserve space, while oth- key. You may want to turn this proj-
next two years, opt for good-quality ect over to ah experienced building
standard items instead of expensive contractor.
whirlpools and Italian marble tiles.
If, however, you pian on remaining Energy Savers
in your house or ei\joy indulging your- Unlike most remodeling projects, en-
self, then feel free to turn your ‘fiOs ergy improvements can begin paying
bathroom into an '80s sybaritic plea- off from the day of installation by low-
sure chamber. ering fuel bills. Start with the sim-
plest, and cheapest, tasks such as
Wood Deck west h erst ripping around doors and
While lumber- price increases as high windows, replacing any broken
as :j0 percent have boosted the cost of window panes and caulking around
a 320-sq.-ft, pressure-treated pine window frames.
deck to $5300 on average, the enter- Next, make sure you have ade-
tainment and leisure value of wood quate insulation in the attic and in
decks makes them favorites all over crawl spaces. The cost: About $500 to
the country. Even in cold climates you $700, depending on how many square
can expect to recover 75 percent to 80 feet you must cover and the necessary
percent of your costs on resale and in R- value, which is a measure of resis-

wanner climates where the absence
more money in warmer tance to heat loss in winter ami heat

of a deck is a minus decks get even climates and in neighbor- gain in summer. Generally, you'll
higher returns. New trends include need anywhere from R-22 to R-38,
decks with several levels, planks
hoods where having a Installing insulation in your home's
arranged in patterns, privacy walls on swimming poo/ is consid- walls is relatively expensive and may
one or two sides and use of decks in not lower your energy bills enough to
ered almost essential, as an
place of concrete porches. If you want justify the cost. Recovery on energy
a redwood or cedar deck, you can investment pools don't improvements, however, is very diffi-
expect the project’s cost to jump 15 cult to gauge. Home buyers don’t get
hold much water,"
percent to 30 percent. as excited about less visible and non-
glamorous projects such as new insu-
Dollars And Sense Of Home Improvements lation. But keeping receipts showing
lower fuel bills might help boost the
return on this improvement.
Replacrmeni ducirs, windows 7QOC4-0 ODD 7M5
Swimming Pool
New automatic maintenance equip-
New SJdmg with mstiJalmg boa m3 4JCEH8G0 75-100 ment has eliminated some of the has-
Room addrticirt 33.WO-3S.00CI 70-7? sles in owning a pool, but returns are
still notoriously low on this invest-
foaior krtchEn renovation 1D;W0-3C.C1W 7£h00
ment —
30 percent to 35 percent in
Minor kitchen remodeling 90-05 cooler climates. Meanwhile, the costs
Adding a lull barftirMim 5500-12 m 120-130 remain high— $19,500 on average,
and elaborate pools can cost over
Remodeled hath 4550-11,500 70-50
$30,000. You might recoup more in
Wood deck 3300-7700 75-50 warmer climates and in posh neigh-
borhoods where a pool may almost be
Fireplace 2600^000 140
a necessity for resale. If you enjoy
Swimming pool 14,000-31.000 30-35 in ttild climates lolling around poolside on sunny days,

55-80 in Sun Belt

then a swimming pool may be a wor-
Lhy personal indulgence. But viewed
Source Rfljnodelirrg Cnnii^ctoJ Magailfte as an investment, this project doesn’t
really hold much water. M
How To Choose A
PM Illustrations by George Rerseck


Droplypf iprMdrn
feature a full-width
dglEdtor (hJt feeds
matfrrfal through the
accurately controlled
FULL WOJH meteflrkg ports. Its fowl
AQUAJOU METt'RYNG for lawns with thrum
PORTS and flower beds.

F THERE’S one thing common to Spreader spreader is being pushed. The

ju*t about every home in Ameri- models spinning impeller broadcasts the
I ca, it’s that carefully maintained Lawn spreaders are” material over the lawn as you walk.
patch of green that highlights the distinguished by the Rotary spreaders also feature adjust-
property. Homeowners who take way they disperse the fertilizer or able metering ports, but disperse the
pride in their lawns know that main- insecticide. Drop-type spreaders fea- product over a much wider swath
taining it in top-notch condition de- ture a hopper to hold the product than a drop spreader. While they
mands an investment in time and being applied and a full-width agitator don’t offer the precise control that a
equipment. for uniform dispersal rate. The mate- drop spreader does, they're faster
On the top of the list of basic tools rial flow.* out through a row of.small and easier to operate.
for a lush, healthy lawn T is the lawn sltiLs below the agitator. These slots,
spreader. This machine is designed also called metering ports, can be ad- Making a choice
for spreading granular fertilizers, in- justed to provide the optimum feed Before you shop for a spreader, take
secticides, herbicides and grass seed rate for the specific product you’re ap- some Lime to determine the specific
uniformly and quickly. It can also be plying. A properly maintained and op- requirements of your lawn and the
used for spreading ice-melting mate- erated drop spreader will provide a amount of use the machine will get. If
rials in the winter. very uniform dispersal pattern over your lawn contains numerous orna-
You have a choice between two dis- the entire width of the swath. mental shrubs or flowerbeds, you'll
tinct spreader designs, each having Rotary-type spreaders are com- want a spreader that offers the great-
certain benefits and each suited to prised of a drum to contain the prod- est control over application of chemi-
your specific requirement.'!. uct and an impeller that, spins as the cals, Some chemicals designed for



lawn treatment can damage nr kill drop spreaders with corrosion-resis- your chemical applications* This as-
other plants in the yard. You must tant plastic components are offered, sures you thai t he coverage specified
make sure the application is confined they don’t achieve the metering accu- w ith
the chemical is compatible with
to the grass only. Because drop racy of those with steel or coated steel the rate settings on your machine.
spreaders treat only the area directly parts. Rotary spreaders, however, Before filling the spreader, turn off
under the metering ports they are a can make effective use of plastic me- the spread er control and adjust the
good choice for this type of Lawn. They tering components without sacrific- rate setting appropriately. Fill the
do, however, requires short lawn. ing precision because nf their large spreader on the driveway or side-
Taller grass, especially if it's wet, can port openings. walk, clean up any spills and roll the
be a problem due Lo the low ground machine to the tawn. Always have the
clearance of this design. Also, some Spreader use and care machine moving when you turn on or
fertilizers are produced in granules Each lawTi-ireutment product is de- stop the spreading control and turn
that are too large for the port size of signed Lei be spread at a specific rate. off spreading when you make turns.
drop spreaders. Too heavy a coverage can injure the This helps avoid dropping excessive
On the other hand, if your iaw n is r
lawn and too light a coverage reduces chemical that may bum the lawn at
large and fairly free of obstructions* a the product effectiveness and may the beginning and end of a pass.
carefully operated rotary spreader have no effect at all. Make sure you Fay close attention to aligning con-
will get the job done in far less time. observe the coverage requirements secutive sw aths. Each swath of a
Depending on the manufacturer, ro- specified for the product you’re using drap-type spreader must line up with
tary spreaders will apply fertiliser in and set the spreader rate accordingly. the edge of the last sw ath. W
hen us-
a 2Vk to H-ft. swath. The wider swaths Unfortunately, spreader settings ing a rotary spreader, it's useful to set
tend to provide n less uniform applica- vary from one manufacturer to the up stakes at opposite ends of the lawn
tion and you'll probably find it best to next and can vary from one model to that indicate the centerline of the
adjust the swath and sacrifice some the next of the same make. pass. After each pass, reposition the
speed fora uniform pattern. Because J fyou have questions about the rate stakes to center the next pass.
Ebe broadcast pattern of rotary setting for a particular application When empty any remain-
spreadera tends to feather out at the and spreader, ask your dealer. ing chemical and hose dow n spreader

edges of the swath, it s easier It's bestif you buy to reduce corrosion. Then, oil axle
to get an even dispersal over spreader from bearings and control linkage. Don't oil
the entire lawn than with a same company the gears on rotary models to avoid
drop spreader. However, chemical that will be supplying dirt buildu ; < and increased w^ear. m
particles are also more likely to fall on
areas where you don't want them. A
rotary spreader should not be used Ln
apply pesticides unless it throws a
narrow' swath or the lawn area is o|3en
and free from bordering ornamentals
or vegetables.
After you've decider! which type
spr eador best fulfills your particular
needs, Lake a close look at the actual
construction of the model of your
choice. The precision metering com-
ponents of drop spreaders demand
steel construction which is prone to
corrosion. Some models offer an ep-
oxy coating on these parts. This fea-
tu re wil at east double t he fe of you r
I 1 1 i

drop spreader regardless of your

maintenance schedule. Although

Lawn Spreader Manufacturer*

Rrlnly-Hanly r« . Elm lllfi, ilK KY
jeiCSH rmury my I

EYifeLrnl yjsiiLily Ilhliir-lm.-.. I IIL-.

NH|R. I> j m S ii t i

Si., Pdlii, th 61 wu
a r^niJvty, Rm miiwiLitmm. UN GftifijlUBgfc
iilrnfjimlv }
a Ljunbi rt Cor|i., ftlft Hunter Aiiy DjivImil OH
BUM Kttrt 1 & Sun*. MurvMullr.OH l^i'U I

B (MhoDivipioiu ^ hcvninl hL-rniKil E'n. mTiAluF- ,

ki?E St. Siii f-'rjLMi-i

i \ ;A HI 1 47
B Pri'eiiPHsn e™Huel*. tne. P 2J t-fiS. I^ruml Ai'f.. K.
Sjiruyfti'M, ILlUTIi*
B Pflfli tV, SS5 W h- Sl. P I'-nlumbhu, OH
44KI-V1 171
a Sovktr Sun.vvlrr WWk*. Fkix2Ln. N. Mniwlir* The rotary spreader drops ^^^^D****^ the material through adjustable metering pom
L<t, IN i mUry tiiilyi onto a spinning impelJef that's driven by the wheels. An agitator Inside the drum keeps the
B True Temin-r fCTycInm 1
!'. Shin-ttmh-
granules moving. Swaths ran be as wide as E ft., but narrower passes give more control.
rim, PA 17011

156 popular mechanics * may ivbs

8 * , K,


Shallow Well
Pumps Air
] use a shallow-well jet -pump for wa-

tering my garden The problem is that


it pumps too much air. The point is lo-

cated 20 ft. below the surface and

there's always about 8 ft. of water
standing in the pipe. I attached a 30-
gallon tank to the pump to hold re-
serve water for priming the pump.
Every week 1 muat release 10 pounds
of air from the tank. Why am 1 getting
all the air? ROB ERT M 1C HA ELS

Since you mention that there's a point

at theendofthe well piping, I assume Shallow-well water level with pump disconnected can be different than when pump li
you have a driven well and not a running, Connect vacuum gauge to suction line to check dynamic level.
drilled or dug well, The pipe that's they be taken apart cleaned and re-
strips with a utility knife Be careful .

driven the pipe through which the

is seated? G FORGE KOSTE IjNIK toset the bladedepth so that you don t

water flows. The problem with re- BROWNSVILLE, PA cut into the wood, Use a long -edged
moving the pump and measuring the trowel to pry up the linoleum strips.
water level is that ifs being measured Repairing a faulty seal in this type of A heat gun will help to soften the ad-
under static conditions. When the window isnot a do-it-yourself pro- hesive as you go. Eventually, you'll
water is being drawn up the pipe the ,
ject. The process involves removing remove all the linoleum and some of
level will drop, the existing seal, cleaning out the the adhesive. Portions of the lino -
Von can check the level of water in edge joints and cleaning the panes. leum's felt, hacking, however, will
the pipe when its being pumped by Most insulated windows have a spac- stick to the adhesive that remains.
connecting a vacuum gauge to the er around the edges between the If your hardwood floor had open
suction line a fter the check valve The .
panes that contains a dessicant to ab- joints or crevices, it was probably lev-
gauge is calibrated in inches of mer- sorb residual moisture, If the seal eled with a quick -Setting, plaster-
cury One inch of vacuum will pull up
fails the dessicant becomes ineffec-
like compound before the linoleum
water 1 13 ft. If the gauge reads 20 tive and must be replaced. Finally, was applied. In this case, prior to lift-
in., the pump is lifting the water 22, the w in daw m
us t be reassem bled and ing the strips, pound on the linoleum
ft. This includes the effort needed to the edge joints sealed. with a flat object to crumble the level-
overcome the friction of the water The only way fora homeowner to ing compound and facilitate lifting.
against the inside wall of the pipe. remedy h is p ro blc m is to buy new
t After removing the linoleum
If all the joints are tight then your B
double-pane units. Quality manu- you U have to sand the floor. Be

problem appears to be caused by a facturers warrant double-glazed aware that up until about five years
low level of water when the pump is windows against faults that develop ago, the felt hacking of linoleum con-
running, As the water is pumped the t
as ci result ofa manufacturing defect, tained asbestos, You can check this
level descends to the strainer at the if the problem occurs within the first by having a sample analyzed or con -

end of the point and sucks air from five years. lading the manufacturer If it does .

around the pipe Although there's no

contain asbestos, and the floor is
guarantee that it will work you , Removing Linoleum sanded, then asbestos fibers will be-
might try driving the point down an -
We'd the hardwood
like to refinish come airborne creating a health haz-
others to 10 ft. floor that'sunder the linoleum in our ard. In this case, yon d be better off
You should not have to prime the kitchen. Is there an easy way to re- si mply covering yo urfl oor wi th a new
pump each time it's used. If priming move the linoleum? M.JL DIETCH layer oflinoleum ffM
isnecessary, then there's either a leak PEORIA. EL
in the suction line, a faulty check ^J|| tftrri h\iy t\ bww-tittitwteimttrr nr rrpfiN/jJTj^-
h'ttrf Sfiirf 1 1 lii ttiimrtiN'umf Chute, Pupulnr Mt -
valve or, possibly, both. Unfortunately, there no easy way
is rktww, 4 1V#jc| 5 7JA SI. Sri*' JV4r, WIM AT
If the hardwmxl floor consists of oak LrfU rw frtwwrtf hrttNtttwml tHrfii'irfticfl#, but pmfr-
Condensation strips* and was originally smooth, h titx ttf t\ tflf iftterrat 1
JP i'/J h* rrf in th?
Between Glass then the linoleum was probably htffr yet
AW nffrrr
PAfV Hiimr

(\ttr UariU-,
repair find wnar?rh’PMiHCr
My 1 2-year-old double-pane window's glued directly to the floor Begin by
Srmf jfuNr iFrt/r rt hJ In guptrla r iWa.Tfrdm'nu Wtf
have moisture between the glass. Can cutting the linoleum into ij?-in + mu, Rnifiir at# Sititwti , Ntn* Ywk, NY wim

Appliance Clinic
Hof -Water Problem
We have an unusual problem with our
9-year-old Kenmore washer model
No. 110.72884810, serial No.
C 8090^154, When with warm
water on any water level, only the
cold water shuts off when the level is
reached. We have In shut the hot wa-
ter off at the faucet. The water-level
selector switch has been replaced to
no avail. Can you help?

The aw ter mixing Halve may he stick

rng open or possi bly n ot sea ti ng prop-

Afaufty mining vatw Is re/nowd by flrst dbmneclftng both water Ikhcs, Then, open t he top
erly. To test thin valve first set the
ar>d cfticonnect the wire* and riJJ hose, Free the valve by rerrtoVlng screw at rear of unit.

Water -level selector switch at a law

setting. Then set the machine to fill the hose clamp and fill hose from the Oven Still Works
with warm water. When you get to the top ofthe valve. Now
go to the back of

Wh le ch ecking t he indicating lights in

point where the cold water shuts off the machine and remove the valve the control panel of our Sears Double
and the hot doesn V, unplug the wash - mounting screws with one hand Oven gas range model No.
er from the watt outlet If the hot wa-
. while holding the t*a h*e with the nth - 103.7857001 serial No, 0090483, 1 no-

ter keeps coming in your problem is

er. Carefully remove the valve from ticed that a 10,000-ohm resistor in the
with tire water mixing value. You can the cabinet Reverse th is procedure to lower oven door locking circuit was
get a replacement at any Sears parts install the new valve. The hot -water burned in two. J don't know how long
or service center in your area The , hose that you marked earlier attaches it has been this way, but the oven
water mixing valve is part No. to the bottom connection on the valve. seems to w ork normally. Do you know
358277 and costs about $12. what purpose that resistor serves and
To replace the valve, first unplug Dryer Trips Breaker is it safe to continue operating the
the Hasher and shut off both the hoi Our Kenluore electric dryer model oven? OR VI L LE KER£E Y
and cold faucets, Wrap a piece of tape No, 110.77455700. serial No. CROWN POINT, IN
around the hot -water hose so you can M42213976 is w ired to a 20-amp, dou^
identify it later. Then, use a pair of ble pole circuit breaker. While the It'snot Safe to use your oven without
pliers to remove each of the water-fill dryer som eti mes com p teles the cycle p
this resistor Its purpose is to prevent

hoses from the value. Have a small more often the circuit breaker trips a direct short during the cleaning cy-
pail an hand to catch any water that —
and we have to reset it often three cle through the selector switch and
might drain from the hoses, Close the or four times — to finish the load. The prevent the unlock solenoid from
washer lid and tape it shut with breaker has been replaced w ith no im- r
dra wi ng enough current to unlock the
masking tape. provement. The dryer functions per- door. This condition would not effect
Next, insert a putty knife between fectly otherwise. the bake or broil circuit hut would

th e ca bind topand fron t a bout 2*£ in C.E . DICKENS prewnt the indicator light from com-
in from the corner Push in on the L AM ESA, CA ing on during the clean cycle.
knife to release one top locking clip. If this resistor fails, as it has
Then move to the other corner, re-
s According to the manufacturer a 20- . your case, it's recommended that it be
lease the other clip and slowly lift the amp circuit is inadequate for your replaced with an l8jQQQ-ohm 2-wott r

hinged top To keep the cabinet top

. dryer It's recommended that your
r resistor a nd tha t adequate i nsulation
open a nd prevent it from pivoting too unit be attached to a separate t
be used to preven t shorts between the
far back use a 36-m. length of chain
grounded, 240 -volt circuit protected resistor leads and cither the range or
with S hooks at both ends. Hook one by two 30-amp circuit breakers or other wires. The replacement resistor
end of the chain to the corner brace of equivalent . can be purchased from any Sears
the cabinet front and the other end to Min m um wiring for a 3Q-a mp cir-
i parts distributor. It's part No 68-

the corner brace on the top. cuit requires No. 10 copper wire. / 18321 and costs about $1 -

You'll see the water mixing valveat recommend you have a licensed elec-
If you have a problem wtth any appliance, tend
the rear between the left side of the trician check thatyour dryer circuit your question, wtih the model and serial n umiwrs
cabinet and the tub- Remove the wire is heavy enough for handling 30 frt Appliance Clmic, Popular Mechanics, 224 We ni!

5?th St. New York, NY IOO IS Sorry, but Utters

wires from the valve and label each amps and, if so. install the correct t

manat hr answered individually. Problems of

as to the terminal it was on. Remove circuit breakers. H ide tntrrrst wdl be di&cus&ed in thte column.


An tlnllmlifd supply nt nwids Tr^m -stwKfciJd
ajKTEp rccpfillragsJ Record *Hth your vrfci- pr fterfc-rm
live wllh the bu-L kg rounds. Gird in Prnl-easlnnpl
Performance yrJ corned .1 teaEy to A Hume omoponefil
alETtn- Photte far Fite Eli oct&irc and Demo Rh urd.
LT Sound, Dept. PM- 3, 7960 LT Parkway
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THE WRITE STUFF is evident in the bottle, the ink is no

Traiii at home for one of ft'cm^u w rf ff mjg 77J good. And although plastic is not a per-
fect vapor barrier, sealed ink cartridges
30 career opportunities of mi inch- Nibs are traditional! V
h k
should stay fresh longer than ink stored

GET YOUR SPECIALIZED constructed of steel or gold T the only in bottles which is exposed to air each

ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN metal* impervious to the corrosive cle- time you go to the well- Every major
BUSINESS OR TECHNOLOGY merits in ink and yet flexible enough fur fountain pen manufacturer markets ink
OR A CAREER DIPLOMA writing. The heal fountain pens have and since each is optimized for that

AT HOME IN SPARE TIME nibs crafted of 14- or 18-karat gold. Be- maker's pens, matching pen arid ink
N0w al home in yqgr soar? me. wrlh no previous i
cause gold is softer than steel H
nibs brands is the recommended procedure.
you can mam for a iwiey-mai^ng
met til more, You should always carry and store
earaet even ger youT ASG Or AST Degrai?. Sond
made of the precious flex

for trae Sac+4, Gofar bfOcTiuf? and inlormation On and therefore need less force to move your pen vertically nib upward, to keep

emplgymenl pppor(uni[i-g& in 1h? Tig?d you them along a.surface. Foreosmetit pur- 1

ink from dogging the nib- The nib- up

dxK>se Mail coupon lotfay and se* how easy H
I to mam ar home tof a great new- career or
pose*, the steel nibs in lee? inexpensive carrying position is especially impor-
advaneein&fll on y&ur present \ob. pens are sometimes electroplated with tant in airplanes, where pressure out-
gold hut this dues nothing to change side the pen may suddenly fall below
itemanhusi Coiresporoence SchonFs their writ mg characteristics. Solid-gold that inside the reservoir and force ink
pgsa, Scranlon. FA 1 95 15 nibs arc invariably engraved with 1-3- or outward. Some experts recommend ei-
Piem send riai. coto ikoc^s jrm imi .nros?naiiofi on
18-karat designations, their numerical ther completely emptying or filling a
no* can sled* at ngnu mr p»e career hawrchs»n r g n*r-

gtanO am under no nfroiiior arm rw Mlearrjn win *wS

I oq u iva] puts (5Ho tir 750) or hot h pen before flights. Makers of piston-Gll
Fused lo Ihe very tip of the nib is the pens advise bleeding off two ur three
UUKI4- DEARIE mDGPJWH TECNNOLOKI DE1HLE FROGMME pellet, which makes direct contact with drops of ink once the penis full Holding
. hiimu Mwugvinri CvJ E."-g-nw r 3
Accnrlra 'hhrAirva>[^]nKiKnTKf- ihe pajuer. It's made from a aupcrtoiigh ^ fountain pen ni ^upward when open-
Jkiun«] Uanirpspr-l L-ch u> i '’H'-'S Ik?
metal, usually an iridium alloy* The pel- ing it after a flight I« also a good idea— in
mi-0 n Mj'kr "0 EfedlD'*:? fchimQf
hjinni isUnijmei
i-pl " n t r*i’

let ? shape determines the nib style. case it does leak.
Hflh5t,+oM Nibs come in a variety of configura- As far as cosmetics go, the best pens
AjlDlfcqi™ lkfi*#»r
feruling 1 Wi;pn; 8 Vn:>ir^cR Rppar tions: Some typical widths include ex- arc jewelry and should be treated as
CiHi<r Gc^im*
emiw ;3Rj? tra-fine, fine,medium and broad, The such. Sheaffer recommends periodic
' MU* It fvmi'.'t Ct^lirni*- '
Ffr*rt!.thy|UTtfl hize of your handwriting should play a polishing uf gold and silver pens with a

frifti U«i««ca tr 4 Qfi'Of ilton part in choosing a particular nib. As a jeweler's rouge cloth or with a small
tdnOilJfPnur*-rt*rfl 5«crl SftliY ^
_ Ei*nn=#rt rule of thumb, people who faahJon small amount of jewelry polish- The company
Pun* w letters inclinetoward fine nibs while suggests you clean lacquer finishes by
RJItiii ipl those who write in larger than average wipinn with a soft, moist cloth to re-
CiFiffilHi Jlf
strokes are more likely to prefer broad, move surface dirt, then polishing with a
I'hene 1 fc 1
Some maker?, .such as Parker, offer a cloth made for the purpose. Matte and
choice that goes beyond simple line other finishes can be wiped clean with a
width. Oblique nibs, for example, em- -Soft doth dampened in a mild solution of

ploy angled pellets that can be used to liquid detergent and water. Abrasive
combine broad and fine strokes fora cleaners should never he used,
mure stylish script. Southpaws may You'll find the broadest assortment of

prefer left oblique nabs., more appropri-
ately angled for those who must liter ally
push the pen across the paper rather
than letting the nib follow the band from
left to right.
According to Marilyn Brown, who
manages The International Fen Shop al
Art Brown & Bro. in New York, heavy-
fountain pens in stationery and art-sup-
ply shops, though department stores,
Jewelers and even tobacconist? carry a
selection, too. You can also buy by mail,
Comprehensive catalogs are available
for free from Art Rrnwm & Brm (2 W.
46th New York, NY 1003b, (212)
575-5555) and from Fabrney's Fens
CALL 1 >800-242-3600
handed writers should chouse pens with (1430 G St. N.W., Washington, D.C.
AUt tor A credit Spplic
becauitour VISA and MasrerOrdprogramjleituFr
an inlaid-nib design, found in some 2DD05, (202J 6ES-M25). These retail
l Of 5 ffCL>FFd DepOSH Mcoum NO Sheaffer models. shops also perform repairs. According

Writing with a fountain pen is like to Nunzio He Pietro, parts are difficult
NO AGENT FEES. And you enjoy $500 to /
S5..DOO credit directly with a Federaly r d r v ing a car in that people prefer d ffer-
i s to find for pens more than 40 years old,
msLired Oanfc Call or wrrtp rtCMrf jJ enl handling characteristics, A pen may especially from defunct manufacturers.
Key Federal Savings SanK be sli m or in the case o f t he cda.^ s ic Muni
For this reason, he says, collectors often
Bos MSt, Newark, te I97fi
Blanc Diplomat, faL and cigar shaped. bunt for old pen? and cannibalize them
Sutne pens are extremely Eight while for pai"ts.
others are heavy. Marilyn Brown sug- If you have an old pen or if you're in*

rtCEPi si
teres ted in collectings you U find a

gests that neither your sex nor the fdae

CJfr ITjhTi fP of your hand should determine what you friendly welcome in The Fen Fanciers
buy. The key, she says, is comfort. Club (116BO verezush Dr., Dunedin, FL
Whenever possible, ‘lest -drive" a pen 3552b). The club's various publications,
before you purchase iL including a monthly magazine, provide
details on pen history, values and re-
Care and where pair, In addition, the club sells replace-
It isbeat to fdl a pen with fresh ink since ment parts and repair tools for fans who
the passage of time might cause crystal- want Lo fix their own, and also serves as
lisation and consequent clogging. Ex- a trading post fur selling and swapping
perts differ hs to what constitutes among members —giving new meaning
nfreah" but agree that if crystallization to the term ,hpen n
1 5 —

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auto supplies « equipment 3AHTL3TI Flying SdUCfr UH«-ljflhl Kowf&iall F^fcorod

TV. Tunatjft* toic^ Flhers Brocburt &M. Video. Bax
ICflwthwid •fcptri preceding peg*) In DdLunenla y Film Fgrc« iScv^nd PawnrKi &f Oindii- 6aTO5. FL 33W3 143WFT5M202
r^BryLartB Mower Engtoe Conrpltst PRimtlOOOSef^Ts-
HRIT1SW aperlifiat pirn - Meatey. Jaguar MG Trtumpn Hsrb Barttetl. F 0. Box 15BW Sik«rdele. WA 53333 CAfl^i TV- EOUPMENT JerrgW. Zendh, Sg^n|rfi C Ato^
f7DQ. S^curls CIWStOL &l*
Cfldaiefl PW R«»d 9«pi PM Ig, ftamJyr. Oak Fil^nfe fWmprtt^ Mp^r C-0 D S Kiepl*
trfcn, C7 06929 [203} 655-8731 ed Wenled- THW^- Wsrid CebteCO- 543^71
<21 6j
FEGA5U&, Ho«f ovik rteiOt parking loia oc iudac-s

FUEL CAP LOCATOR. NO mute gua purr-p Lttn'ui:n>n

ttials Hart, and Hard Build H ^oursad r&f about $150 al wom V1DCOCYPHER SATELLITE DESCRAMBLER SehrHtialic*
pi|T«oad ?nd p^ta and an i^nmoww enginfl Tne
CMter Sttokar IW*t il.Dfl lO L.R. thJ/*ar. 649 Gotten Hill
Gift and hovniT t^abova cHagngynd A
ttompsw Bet] Pahs jss, Mua^ $14 95. The Slage
flaad. Pas© Hobtea. CA 0344s Drsor VideosPO. Box 576. eumByl!^, NC Z&7I4
£31^41- 51 "jyular jxu prfiwd^ 3 'hsjfii qI lly’.tg liiTrfr- PC-
ieoo- Sft.55 Sand Order T*: Popular Meehan^ P.O Bok
ALL Amla l^spa*r (Jock and Accwsonea fCTX diawwnt. lOi* fladto City Station, m*t Ytwk. WY 101 D1 CABLE TVCon-^rWB- A PrwTMum Equipment Dew Yeaf
Frwcalatog iV?ioi^saUs *^fcutrH» Welcome I'M} 9SS-MH WftfnanLY. Carta^ S2.CW Les EletttrDnica. 527 Th^d A«
\m4er$ im: 833-ALn-O Dept. Pm, 1©45 Sitate 238FM. Nrw Yg^, NY KXH8 Indgrm^^ |P1?J &&3^
354* Qfdeni only 1nBtX>6Z2-1 161
Burbank N. Hollywood. CA 91 KH CBS, RADIO 4 HAM EQUIPMENT
WIRELESS CaUfii TV Syibfim Sferl VOur Ow* High Profit
AUTO REFLECTING SIGNS- Diss^ Aylo, Car In Taw. Baareart Ri*g*n^. HPR.flaw iSEZiPu. Comp*nv Bend EASE to WMCt. 913 3*d SI.. Wir^nau, m
Caullon Traifiar S&.&9 E«cil hG Seietfigna, iF&K £6 Avi Dwnwr. COBOeiS 5WB
Whrtestarws. Ygtfc 11357

SECRET CB PLH3LICA1TQM& nmwtrf^aiicm^ ^tiwmatici.

CaBlF tv Conranem. ^^lem lot aeefusig eny
TLJRBO Cflr Varmint, P*j£f* Id ’*i! Lightri* -natus'iiUlinn chajin*^
ettj Kita. FM. pam, IwOks- Cati^y S' SO
Outranked. 515® VAC. 00* ICQ IptStfl,. G« 73570
S®\mm EnretpNfiM. P.O Boi ilift, Co^rjs Chrlaii, Tenss
734 It Si 1 2.353-2535 ‘SAVE $4$$S Br#v ftaraa S^ewn*. Upgrud^, Di-
VAPOR IHJECTCW1 - rrareaae mileage ZS%. guild Tor SCRAMBLEflS, Hgueton. iJmder, Ek FREE CidiKt^g 212
pamitf. Plan* $3.Mk Kaiser. Sa«: 153?-P?*5. Chester CA 739-5231 SKYVISaDN, 2016 Ci>U*Q*n*f. Fe^ieS Fellb, MN
fteoEO CBMOOiFsCAriQNSi! Frrqucmcift FM.ampMrefi, 56527
booka, XlBl, 'epaira, Iriyh-p^lbrmariDe bcz»loi iua Cjlelud
SZ C&CLHOX3150DM Pnoafl*^. AZ 66045 CA&LE TYCONVEfUEni SeienlihG ft|;lanaa Je :oib. Oek. r

BICYCLES, SUFFUE5 Z#nitH. Hemlm &^ny olhgrj hkrw’ V?5fD H&PP83 T&wp '

Kilter". VidA, UC £ Arne* -6DD-B 26-7 623. GAB IhC 1

1D517 ijprton Circle. Bkjomlngtofi. MW 5&«i

Si£VCL£ P.irlM A Alc^ki uk Cdlaluy Strtd £i.(K

Inr regii'ariy $19 95 The onbf etmiplela guide 10 me «urid'B
Refundable May W*j 3r< m 5651 Ma*held RtUd, Lyindht^l long, meinitfn. and stKsrtwaMD broadcast 6 TV atal*c^. Send

OH +4124 ch^o'Lmarwy order (g- Bil^mard flc»5es. Pspt DRUY Q&3S,

PJQ Hun 3013, LiktawMd. NJ 09731 I*- $9.® plus pAh
r$l 50 rot oneb&aft, 53c each addl j ars sa&rs lair in IL. TN,
GUILD vQUfi OWN - T^rN- Trails Film Whe^
WA, CA. NJ. HY and VA Mnt?rh-?rrii: •
Cgvrcper Pic.kup C*^flr < Pl.in^ Pnilcrnn ' t<its
SUPPLIES Ontal^g $1 - Gh:ri L R-V'J, S152PM R^SaH-ffana. Bax. ?S04
BaKllower CA 90706
GO KARTS, MinitiiluKf AtV'S. Kite, Part! El^gaws. ELECTRONICS
Pdasa. Largest feel*3D»o^. 30 fage talelog S3 00.
Rafundabke *£&n ^odd Dapr G. 1496 Memgr Ava TRAILER FARTS
Pair^^yil -•. Ohio 44D77
BUGGED? WIRETAPPED? Fitld Out mVCOri^.iennea-
squussTtenL LfllaJog $i Ca^ri Etedrdnlca, Box SB^P.
TRAILER Pa#iH Mai-K herd To Find Pftrt&SZPBge Catalog
BaYl^d. 00 61122
SZW> DyoreTffiHens. i&6e Auburn R<j Rochester. M'chigan
MOPED And SiGyde Paft* And Ateattagnei. Erucriure
12.00. Meyllald -Mot>eds, 5551 ^ylieid Ho*J LyndhursL OH
N1Z4 NKSHT VISJDN SCOPES. Rt*o?Fviaiionm£ Milltury ur.ili-

Geih and hlrar-mcl jAcr-^a;. CeleJogt

5t*Highrt {Faaaiveli
$4 00 STAND Components, P.D 6a-A$f74.SBn Bernard^.
KITS - Fly^Md - Wtxxf
DESIGN- ftpld Arpiaiws, Hang Gli4*rp. &.>npli iixl putfi- ELECTRONICS FOR SBCURDT, COUNTERSUflVEIL- epQHy Fiberglm.-Stefl -AJuiTMfTwn- WORLOS LARGEST
r.iuinnit bfpchurtt 35i. VcQuy AtrtrAtt, SuflO 24-3, 9dJi J. COMPLETE LINE 67D Seil0O41t POwSitiOitS -CruiiArl - !


Mdnhjruji-. Baaed. CA 90B6G

HUNTtROt, BOX WWTOfLSAJLEIA JXnT W Spdhooala - Hfivaebealk - Hydroplanes - TunnethullB -
fiynat®ul5 - Ducmwaie- Cano^ - Kaysfcs - Danes - Prum^ -

Ldbulighr Singfe'Sea* MyltitwllT CATALOG $3*00 jA^mnil $5.00) include

Helicopter. Sirn5?sdien Ggnsbretctean MDl.c’cyLta Br^yi-ns.

OCTECTKRf SuneHifl^ioa Debugging. Kita. Laiesl Hign- aniemilUuhal CaJtalOg and Supplies Calaluy |£p5xife
BrOCbusa S3.€0. Pfltynom, Ba* &70M, St. Rernh OisSbec,
h?^h CeUlog $2 00 DstPC-linn Sv^mms 2515 E Tngn^s Fiberglese-FlolaliDn FoamJ-BOOH "AmaJtwjr So si building ".

Canada JOL ZLO Suilt 18^54. Phwii. P7 9»1ft SeOO CLARKCftAfT,. 16-F Aquaiana. TG^a^arMte. NY
1 41 SO

ECONOMICAL f LYlttGr How la pumhase and t|y you own ELjECTfiONtC Kilt1 Voice 0isflut»rE. FMBugs Tas^phor-fi
CAHPET KiOi. DO IL YiXics®lf. Buy’ Owed. Fre*! BrOOhurO

airplane watti tattle off w S50(r DC Nidsch, 200 Trpn^mrttem Phgnn Sng^! Mgre’ CalP#cq 5^ 80 XAJSIDI
Ettclruriiti, Bex 25847. DupE. 2BQ “ernpe AZ 6528c
StfTipla, P iHBti£S- D1 1B3Z Mufffic AYfr Dalian. GA 3Q72V
1 .

CA M'19

Pilarcilos Mil l Mann Bay,

Deader Inquirifcs WMeome

BDOMEAANG5 . . NL1ECH RETURNS! PW*wt»fla1e. LASERS. C-uUilcg Twfl DollerS.CdrgliniF&erDptiee, P.D. BOAT PLANS PATTERNS KITS Hundred* 0* desert*
- - - -

Afl£; Wood Ifttedd E Psaw^ incrwl^s Spom

test OaffHes4 Bdfc wr. Hl.it- cpy, ISiC 2fi6CG 7 ,^55“ - Sai^LSjela Sportr^nara- H&tfBeboata -
- Pawsfboa-ls -

ISflfl CflUilgg. FRECt BwffnefangMpn, 1300-1 N 3rd., R^Sroatt Dirckfeissls Bittsfeoale Cen»s - Kay?*p -
MCKirnfi, LA 71201-4222 hiytamp^nrn- DiMwa Boatrn -v.t* Simple cdnstruLtmn
COMPUTERS 4 SOFTWARE Proven rfiMrucrtioni Ts^fne?r4aua aavwga! Organic 'e®-
page CATALOG !$3 GD t$4 0D Airnuiii) - inci^os F r^e 'Qoal-
JUftSOATS - Hortfcratl Complelert Mgh^i^ Pk*ri5. Kilfi
building Supplier cntit^Tg FitMtrglariA fiu;loririp% GIuca
PrnptfiwflL £ngiiw?. Sfiffp'M::; CnUiic-g, 53-00. Sp^ri¥crA(1 SOFTWARE; Inaxpen-^^e ^osrime tor PCs dio^n. "
BObka RAfrtiulsoriiflry 'PesygripPbiryShield" ndhuSl $260
B£,x PM MMfeto OklshsmA 74555 Widt? yerifcrty Free Cftl^^l Send nttnw- I
PM 1
CLEW-L. 9152 Fto^CpaiW. 00a 1B€klMP. BalHItiwaf. CA
S5l:wM#ReHBei«Gfi. BON^.Cef k^gn piece, D^pg.KTC 3F3-

PROPELLERS IB-U Gofnpatii£^r Public Ggnuun Sgttwwm, Busirmas. EVtNRLiOEB WIW ’iSH, Bargains -
Top Bratus . . all

Hume. D^nea. $1 to S3 eact* $1 B Ihirl s^id Bemple sizee £2.00 handitfkg

. . Soiotl MoCdllocn pans . .

PROPELLERS - lor Hovercran:. UHraHeMa. Homebuiits, EKogre^n. tefefed. ?6tS0 E Fireslone. Oov%wy. CA 5CE41 Etecrtra Merlrw. 6HJ Merrick fload. LynbrooK Na*w Yafffe
Wind (isfiEatafE Fa«drmalKJfi S^ISO Asrotac. fl!. 1 6ax 11433
Sdzffl, OuinmnL 1 2l-i-+i7-MlO

Boat Oaogcri RopOrt. Dn Erjfltnfeerin^ U7 BurlDfi, Avan
THOUSANDS OF DLHE5I Ha^to-Pind 46 rpm htt recwik
Irgm Sh? intV^njp^p. ggamrtry. tkK axrtfsggl
NASA OTiblevif% loys gifts. oolleciiblB* Catalog t-L'J0
Relundabio Collwi^Trpn^. &?« 45409
Sand $2 00 few E5 AniHwar Pie. PD. &ci>. 66455 ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT AND BODY
Oepl. PM, LM Ah£±lea. CA 90065 BUILDING COURSES
HOVERCRAFT COMPACT mscs. Your Musk-! Balms' Calaiog 5' 00 BIGGER, STRONGER MC5CLE&-NDWI! S«mt.
T^r, Dunkj-rX. MU 2CUH0213 Muscle Dnr* Recipe FeyeaiadT! flush S^.M to ^leseaftm
HOVERCRAFT PLANS A PU£uC4TBN6 Cfllafcg. H.00. Emerprue^ Dep! IF. B&it 2836 7, Btflirngr*. Msrylprtd
Len^rto AaroA^arwi#. 6a^ JF&55. Lwffising. Micbigan 21294^367
TV 4 VIDEO EQUIPMENT 6HGEIL Mjf-1 Pgw^rTyl MyscNsa - lester! Ff^ Oaok^ti

Umwr^al. Bnx 6£9^A EhDUHHl. Michigan 48240
Howncnirtt. Sea Cordpyji. liin^n 81343 CLASSIFICATION REQUIRES STATION
KUNO-FD Fnw* lasi&pna Senrt $i 00 io* Postage Mg-L?«i.
A£^G-CAR Arwir^ Hovfrerslt hi^ilL ranity widi gr-dirwy
enx 1755. Deprt PMSK. Hawrh ^
InoUi i.awnmnwfir png.-r* pown-r. Owney ant in;in plus CABLE TV Cim'iUftmrt., quality mu‘Ch-jnUiSe we -£hip
Hci bft^kwa#d. c -i*i lEniUnowi C DJQ low Send S2 (KJ
^ricet. DBtitebcniea (CcmJguwj an nanl pagr|

* isjveirH. Ic 'iVii r,‘j . lot
wa4fti Oaffiyssete plans and UtQ&mw il0$5 Unllm^KS. PO. &cw ^$Fm $. Weyrnoym. WA Osi®. (#i?3
Aera-PToiflcIrs. Sok &n0PM. CMon, 1^*' Jwrjfy 05KG POPULAR MECHANICS 1908 I6&
r T m

BUILDING COURSES ShE'-^nihg Guideboek. Angle- Wall Chat'. FlM iWHiitt. Skbg
Lranpany. Depl. PM 5, P.D. 225S9, M*a^44KH&5, MN 55422 STEAM ENGINE HITS Pp#km mpck^l^ tf! Ttgvings- 1y y*u I

Sand 51. E» toY liStsata^. PM HftMatth Int. Dop! 7 RD *2

MUSCLES Awf&riii Bulh-Siri&Pigfri Ffl£l s F-et DfKftrtfi.
&AMDSAW BLADES, Any &ze, lito^aN^. King S^w. Bds 29 W!:l '5.vJlfe NY 14A95
Triad. BO* 133*4, Ritel^h. NG ZTflOS §641 T^fewater Drive. MpHglk. Virginia 23509

ILLUSTRATED FLAN CATALOG gazabcu. mmltsam. bird-

LATHES. Milh T&di 4e-v C-sUlug 51 10 Blue RuHge. more 50-Wood Mitn
FISHING, TACKLE, LUBES houMi- palic la&tea Hnd £,?
536V, Hiwneibntr. W¥ 25*26 304-562-3536 OeldiXirb. &g!t 6907&6. HoLttlfin Igy® 7TZ6S

FREE Sinker Mold Caia*a§ over IDO mcrds 25 shapes.

Cjrnwn bon, 220PM. Wesl Newton, PA i6ti&9
WOODCRAFT PATTE RNS. Windnall^. Wish titg Wr. K P.
i3rd mm, aiao-D selma s^WNOFiiyr., >cm*o m .
Haufefrl FLodfrvv, Flying
Catalog Si 00 CrattH rs. i um US. 27 Norm. DeWid.
45fiq6. 1-S1M224K2.
GUNS, DECOYS, HUNTING Michigan: 'k&e^d

beeman super power adult m&vm f^. STEEL. Wwminum.

Plans Writo CB. RRI.
Brass- -^Shwl.
Boji m. C^mv^. H 61
Bw Shop SuppiBE's.
FAVORITE WOOD TOYS, PaSlErns. Paris, Wheflli. CaUAgg
sms. Magnus Suoflsti^ Gyarentssed pricw to* very $1 06. Tap .ind Jap. Ban 62AM, Lyndm, 'iVitv2 fc 962^
lintel Unexcelled po*^r ywe. bus mom Nmpartentfy- un>
0*“i.,ilted aworpty Lugger action durability, ownership C METAL calling L«1h& £1 Ski 50 ls*g, 1SO*ft Prdtlflr.
pride, Sargent U.S. sakre SI Ldfirismi* n t'pu i
PVjJiCY. MoitliGrt Industry. CA5174I&
Broohbr^ Ctei^al Ban 200, teA^abury, MA aiS76
borfe PMC ter Fr-se Airguri ^uitfc'Firearm Inronmalkm. Add
£1 lor Fast mail Bowmen. 34*0- f^C Airway Sffnfcs-Rbsa. CA RUN Three- W'-ifrn Union On Singk* Ptian*. Tree Bro-
954dfS. 676-7900 hgurfi| Chum. Mvetira, Ruj* 6kV60?5 M.irgiite FL 33063 l-(3D5>-752- Fmi-&H£ PftOressiONAi PLANS Catalog £2.00. Ovor
3202 200 p«o44444¥iiiir deoigned plans r^r building tontfure
Tradi^igrisJ. Fafly American FymUurg Defiignp. Inc CP-66 .

ENGINES, MOTORS 1.4THE OWNERS, Guich Ch^ng^ Post Sorting :,i

1F77 Elmilrfe'f Ave., Gtonvirw, IL 60025
& 59.60 315JDO. KRF. Ban 7d3A, SL dm&ilil. Mi 49035
BUY WHOLESALE! 1&4PAGE fLMJSTRATED CATALOG EI&423-7H0 hobby business p I&ns. patternE, Kies tor bmquit deco-
OF REPAIR PARTS FOR POWER AND NOH-PGWCH OtfT- rations. o I i r^. .jrvrJ criwtrvu rirtin>;; Calalog ll 00 WOOD-
DOOR EQUIPMENT Fans ior Small En-gmte. Lawn ewi PETS, Pi 11, Bdn 754 Sfllflbgry. MO 31M1
Garden Equipmeftl. Chainsaws, nans. MmibihM. Mgr*
BAND SAW mill at Ctf-jular. 5-15H.P.. Iklild £1300 00.
Lrt&iilur^-S3.D0. Ftena £25.00. SadsCsnatruclora. JSFwtws-
Include Service Manuel* Twt, Aoctesories
Soeid *4 » WOn-Parta, P.O Bo* 45331, Depl. P £t Ewd Hadltord. CT OfrlOe PflQf FTABLE ‘COUtrmY CRAFTS

Mada S20W mw
Spmnrviite. MA0214S weekend. 126 *u!l »ae paitefna. plus details, uethriKtute,

RECOIL * Throud URopudi? Kiia. M-il-Spuc Quality. Any only £7 .CO treiuPdhbial Harteilte Woodcrafts. F1MB05. 12355
TtwaadS<j* Lc^rtar Price In Coumry 406-734-9404 UarkBi. Hfl-i^ii^ Oh 4+632
JETwtairtfiS: D^ftfi|fiteS-195.D&. rurbdmquo23rJ8(F pi«K
645.00. Mmi-tnrbine*
JS&P1& *AQ*H, HbuSlon.
i.;\ lalog £500 Deylejet. -*015 Sap
TbrftL 77004
moihgds Send S500 1o
- at h€a1h hsKb ^
piolMtiMB aclion
RAO. POfr i Oi S7 Dept B.
Lyn?hbyrg. VA 94*06
wanted - Detroit hesel «« nj^gtor cores, cm NO ELECTRICITY NEEDED! Fkil'-abft yui re^rig^atera
Pup; Hunter. ($0£0 321-4234 FREE rspod Lahman a, 4UE, Kidrac. 0*i»o. 44636-0041

WOQUCR AFTER'S CHOfCE - TftKy Bfeo. Rid Hflbhy

Horse- Panel n (P-i 1®^ 13 DO. William fMra. Bo* 16130.
SHALL ENGINES '{JALOHE FamtteliC Savings ;
FREE ENERGY! Fy*l4^5 MtiLw* J.nd D^r^lgrs 1
Spadanp«rQ. £c 29316
BHKiGS-TECUMSEH F(K AMF AidflS DyrtamarK. Murray. mg Principle arid EeraiH. HLA. R2EP, Sdwiing Green. MD
MTD. Snapper. Trcrytudll, Toro. Wards Many Cnh&rs 63534
Shipped Fsfl UPS Visa Mastercard Accepted Free CaEft-
W0ODWQRK6-RS, C-n mgkm^ Ijgaublul Y-VXlO
Ltwn In. £7 to. Fevjiaier. 4215 Hill St Mims, FL 32754
log. Call 31 4-657-21 ID Adi land Small Eng>n». 104 Henry SAVE MONEY AND WATER New Prftvifrt W 3 ^w Saving

f Iky Ashland, UO 6S0l£ device wiuby hdekup bM Vfudhl&n4 £9.95 56 K to* 4Mh
atSddional loiter msirucHona included Oowi Pinch. 76 16
RARE Qppgrtynihy 1g invnsl m
h o devdgpmeftf pf a
Jordan Prv'h R-lvd .
Faroortvihfl, MeryliKKt 26747
TP'--< ulionxiry internal combust-an engine superior Id njtesl-
mg engines ^ *ve*y perfonnaflcfc arj engineering category
Cufl F«-ank Pecoffa 300-334-2713 in nyS 616476-9670 iOLAff A Alternate energy solutions Set cl three pjn s^a pla^a, £6 DC Panetmhoifie.

Dem Mi. Ekt-t 13&. Advance. KrC 2?(X)6
PHOTOVOLTAIC Culiitog, lowest LOi! oompc.nt.TiLs arvy-
w‘-*?rM . 53 ?*' Solar Ehv:lii(; Hi^finu HriKiyn lrt|ldllHirt*i CuKh>. HAFOWOUP RICTUrit THAML MOULDING ,j.-oeliM BDH
TOOLS FOR SALE (3.D3. AEE ^95 Ehsdflyfie 0hrd ^1Q, Miami. Fla. 33137 19*. 1. 1 r. li i nu 1 1 ifl. . KS 66356

BOLTS, Screw*. “FOOLS, WHOLESALE DIRECT, Guem- SURPLUS SOLAR CELLS, pan Hi magryji* Hug* K k?c.
00 Iflehmdatildk Cam«iot. Dqpl. 44. &ok
anfleed Catalog Si tipn !
li -R^undflbJp. Applk'- PHpl^vgllaira. Dd«
65. Srialpl, Wisw«im 531 DS 2773, Siaunion, VA 24401
PLANS FOR 2&&- TOOLS. Caiasog fl.CH Retoedablfr
wood- Met. 3314 Sctioti Reo^a. H 616D4
RkNmsy. CA 95560. GAZEBO. Bu-w Hie octagonal, Victorian Btru^tureio aid
fll?gflnt*1o ygyrys-d andpnavnfrtho idtMl spdtlar dUWoor
enlertflimng. A lattice r&ort shielaa you Irdm ti e su^i bs you ?„i
PN£E ELECtRIClTY teoiri yv^ Ben Cut imergy bHbl Build 1

a sol a rata trie b^any- Fytrlnm Cdrnpu paired pliinr, $ t 95
1 |i
ny4a on coniiortadte Msaainres n. acroas. PC-
q^alily.Row «»1 5flniJ $200 HtfunOltobt Ozark Hinjikr

1tUKL-$^95 Orde* ^rpm Pppylfti MochaniW. Boa 1614

CjI nloq Boh 390M, Eurahu Sprunga, AR 72&02 AirAflS ^nduSlFto, Box 290430 Tq^ai Fla 33M7
Radio Cily Siaiion. Ne* York «Y 1D1D1

TOOL &OJL CtoybUj^Waii^ heavy pia&-
wen-i dMva« wrtHft Reiw*H*tMy
lie. amur^D
Supply 5*-drceS.. 4tt

Easy DlY
Sfcrirf S19.CO.
. Campfete prulruclnea
ULtu. P.O. Bo* 15£l FOR THE HOME
111.35 3300 ahipfhng. Mcrsy Bach Guarantee Vil&sge
WtohMiia. W1 53167
House. bck MSI. Mipiaw™* NJ. 079+& THREATENED BY TORNADOS? Engineering brm alter
ENERTECK 4XW WIND GENERATOR TPwer 6 ACLeabd- mg plate tor ettecli^. dn*K}f TORNADO SHELTERS. Send
nes, Ken Mix ^517| 52L67U9. -JIO-.DOi*. T-SwMCita^ Bn^^4i9 Amarillo. Te^as 7#i66 &j4d
UPHOLSTERY SEWING MACHINES nitelterii. lor olheie na a bueme^i
A HYBRID Solar Ooaign. Nc Dram Dcoti Nq HtvsJ Con-
UPHOLSTERING *uf¥4i», Lddfe fdh.itv, uinyl 32 Fgc iroft. l*o 0 p9*aRng CaoA Stetisfaclion Guar a mead* Plant SECURITY SYSTEM WINDOW STICKE RS- Jual like Rear
calaios Variety Prgduds, DepL PM. Box 555 Uatti rug> 52J0U J R. Prddutla. 490 Wesi W a «vick, Rl 0M93 D*nr PM5S PQ. Ban 176
f-oolineRroa. $4 95 each Cline
Vil*igc Ml ISOF 4J3-3450 Liberty. MO frJDfie
FftEC FlKCTRCFTY Wa h-ara d^ccveredS an
LfPflOiSI ERV Sa#ifii9 Mac *i1h Walking uwi- it "'r nic.^l Hyatem at tniqhHa la produrj? naalrfvg A c;. hgt -RESTORE' Amucaa NEWEST DP-lCK am ML A Ft 7 hi cl

sn uPMini^ £5-10.00 Thomp&o^ 6^>del PW2D1- wtflffr, A frladricity lar nsKidenEiD^ or oommar-nu! tiQtn vsio CLEAreW, S0*iy On-L-rt Sltuid-Spungc OH SnbD*:i fl*?:H ,

AVAILABLE FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER or otter direct wind, ^ain, &naw You uln manuractunc-. insLall sell technal Oriiwj Build-Up 59 95 Qufrly W«:h Sprsyur. Ghecfc-M-O-
imismt Ghar^a-Visat Dufer- Mlg me. PQ i?n0 «gy with template £OT£Ariy Vew -!«oo- video with Shippmg incitided mCchcook Aaeoc-atee, 19 Fluy Sirvai.
LlftflXSCH Te*aa 73452-PPdne. (5D6J 744 *774 lull deiaite A teum ng^ to hu^a prcMa- on aapkxJinp MunchptHhH r
NH Cl^lDZ btel^hildrE Sbltellad
indiHlry. ReF^hflablit- ctepuiit cr credit tt roqmi-fid tor
kran or tagtea. cair 900-327-6620 txi 969


BEST Pn£e3, W»f«fy(iijrlc<!r;; Mnchsiwry Cabatog, Fr» 5TUG-qi-FLES Etev^le Finish itun Hutirwalev
Inslailaligfi ivlnny^tiyring OfHMrtumtteB 5=
-BOD '542 -6500
yr^iilMsan. PfcOfl. JCiwwn Cllv. N Y 15790 borne JuCQ iiK... coaling fo r mteriOi-ealeiK^i itlftl won l

-Lhip. crack or blister. Easy la apply by hgmeowter and

SMALL. FOUNDS* r ij?'rijca^ Suppltefi Frua Lleralurt SOLAH Reirigevant ihortnosypi™ Wilier Heater Plate
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Pyramid PF£Ktecb;.373(j-ScukhTlt! AiMnufr IPh^inii Arijonn JIDDO Ron a£»j 5. 6437 &4t«bird. LcrH^mont. Colorado C kun wap pnd rikter Cbnratt P’wrma-Chink
v p with
BkM 1 System, PD. U*>: «0:1 FlPdm^nd. WA
96073 f£B61 835-
>66 FOFUIAJT MECHANICS i MAY 1988 mwmnw S2®. 14 FarliwtkXl amntff Tk 76TO-.D59-
1 [Ceinimjed on neyr page)
O 1

Nome buildi ng a remodeling "GETTING Slarled ra Stamen Glass " i-I.CQ. Wi^Hsmo^. ANTKJUES. RELICS, INDIAN GOODS A
JCgnlirmfld frpm ptiagw pggf| &ml 23Gb^. Hano^r. Maai, D2SS5 CURIOS
CHJAPTZ OiOOK MOVEMENTS—dlq^iala Si 50. opojty Sen<jy? Cpll^gr?, JS-.IKO Indira Artit*«^
LiJt Ip
asiwlllfl, OH 4MH. |614t S99-79&9
PtM, Slate. GLMdwurh Caddo Trading, Bbk
re&m $J.5D. ton pnnt& 9Se. raus-c mo^tKiwite S 2 40. corr*-
pMa e^jek kilB 5650. components, pfin^-rnuch mora r Er^ Murlro«aboro, A8 i3fj
B£ OWN SUBCONTRACTOR! gAi*S1pi)tol Gucte written ppgo wnpIrauiUi Mtelpq J3-30 (ci«^*lQd| Sleety Pfl.
Ej y fesiJdtor wJlh ?;': ynSra £xy.#n utffifr; vwilh E»«rtpkf COrtlr&i:!i ^S3P Artffl^ei. HiQ762^-0«a. INDIAN fleliMUBl 60s Inda^ifiMt^Gu^ H^S '-
lurma. SS.Dfl AUFIUM, 25 Haney
. Law, Warnenlon. UAZ2156 tews*rhi!*tf S^rnp^p 32tl .CO, Sco-ql'^ DcuHiMd, MO -54741

COLLECTIBLES, Bird, DuLk & Wildlil* Stempa £ Pssrtlb

Free Catalog. Ctopol. Depi PC-0B5, Sulhvan, IL 51951 mUTARY ritfSI GNiAr ETC>

SGLtfHtR+i BELLE era pa- capa* diresa pBtttem tor dons

US. MILITARY INSIGNIA iKqv Cu^:^j J2 00. SaunPnra
L j

LEARN FIBERGLASS PROFESSIONAL — Cirw i»0f iwd d«Hrtton Ewy =«®lryeilons S200
Bear 3133PM Niplei, FL MS3M133
At VIDEOS ofi ^pBL'^Sw bulling deans molds, one -cds.
LSASE.-CrahGunoef]^, P.O Bun ? Mtp it$hai\N. 1S 0A052
sandw:ah co 13 laminating. brochure. Piflgiwj
P^yd^jns. 10 Ppogr^K Avengp Hwhya N.H CSDR2 ffiR] STAMP COLLECTING
3SM7{}§ Owtars. In^rudor* may fl^ply
CANDLEMAKIAK* 60 YEARS Old II Keen diderent Unltod S4me& over ii*ty

yeB.15 uid-2Sc wrtn appeals Jawsri. ftp* Cil-P. htow

PLASTICS CANDLE MAKING SUPPLIES CardlOg Sdrld E2 DO Baiter flpctylte, tow Ypvft lftl&i
Enter pr id«a, Inc.. 15100 IDIh Avo. S W., 5ae4tto. WASSi-tB
Dept. PM, Hlfi-WiQTO FREE <5dt Willi firat Purehass;. ii S Approvals And want
CASTCklTE L:xv-j?i PlisiiLi Crystal etaar, aolora. For
L^l Service. 3&ff ior Handling Thn Slftmp Boul P.O
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Free Wilh Request Fpr Approval Cc*toi i3H3L
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JMCOtlNIOPTK^.fiuiiin^i. Bl»ner. Nikon. Swift. Zeiss,
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LOGK&M (THING. UnivE'Sal Sc Ygq-1 af MaBter.
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eeseei-ifl*, 2 -speed i«n»™g (aoe re^raQ rd^s fi» Griatog FREE 1963 CAREER GUIDE. Earn more money
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naa Sullen Bo*ea, Hohnofs We buy Stfi.Tr ade. Exchange Bookkeeping insthucdon manual. H*vt. Rittund L. SWill&r. 12 PiNssIde DrrvD Suita M, Ore
Ctedll flCiMtOlPil -08*1, Write igr brrchyiws c-*e ielf-§1u^crw«* Details, SaSe fltiokkeflping 6** Hills, NY 11746 \y.$ } 499-4343
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PATENT IT ECONOMICALLY! Fn^j rt^iaiU Lusprased

FREE iNFOftMATlOH Richard &vm. w.Q. IHarvsvd).

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niiyhifs, azcossaricn firings.

part* Eirroptan in- D119. Cilitornn. |S30^ &52-S523. or 4+151 459-1650
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VKnJN, GLJiTAH. esc making maternal. accessories


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M Wrnmm
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-fsy^ LHs^nurilJ. Trader .i^Duptad Free brbtfiuiti. PM
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NEW BOOK Hsw Tg Maks Your Own Patent Drawings ,

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Comp«rrv. Bok 933 NLiyp, Maryland 2ll£K-
dulMMA. bmp*. maridallni, *von turps, narpsic.lwnh
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NOVA&f ARCH. BQjl B53-^M, Afmershiie, VA 22003.
PATENTS INFRINGED* W liMn&e fte irtfluity Afifiancpi
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M*nu& Bsc^t? CONSIDER m autdiftg career aii tha Itama m^upiy 1
ntigabon No lee Send galoots 1 nlrlnge. tvidemte. PA
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200 TBreritlffi^Br^fl* FlOtlf N4w
Dver^B tnlormabco $G.DG. Ms E mptaytfianl. Bun 2D7. Kensmglon. PA !fr>:a
fytfjtl&THESfA, Rackcn>u. arc? Oozing Hooka. Cenira!. iN4?nO
and f quiprmsnl. iSprrlrijnic Ngmwgpalhy Equipment 11^
Irghnd ?t Page LalalnguL- F r«a lyii mail 3 dqll^ni{|- ?^lablinhitcl INVENTORS a yyg n^iip nn nrvention lor of Moenee
o«4r JC yeii-a..

Bftica Oop&n LaJ^praBfli its, ini3 r.|.^lrJ

JOBS! ALL DCCUPATKJNS! COMPLETE H STATE USTI mil# tof rate- iwkiel txgia™^] rKTN we cao help you
Star-HAiti. SliifiiJt. ingla^ RH1 7 7EK KessUr COfp OS-FI. Fremonl Omo *$*20.

0S2S7WG87 95246

AUSTRALIAN OPPORTUNITIES DdailKl RfKMd.&willry iNvf HTaON$y agpK tecJwtotogy-Naivtee! kidustry preaon-
Emiyra1i-_-ii -
Dngl A. POS 1
talxrab'iiaL.DfHJ enpqaifiqn. l-S(l0.236-fiDLA l£C-PM 90
Or f ROpIRTT MANAGED, -loftt* SiLri^y Or Oit-wu&s AUanta. 7367. 34wer 5p«R® MD 2S0S7 Liberty. PiCftrfwrgh. PA 1S2S2
Frea Srtlqrmibgn NBHignal gf Apprn^al EfflO-^3-
AUSTRALIA Q^-Hluhlty Empluvn unl Plus Morv 1
$2-00 PATENT. TFUkDEMAflK COPYRIGHT Protection iMerma-
PO- Box 2S91-PM5. Olalhe K£ 66062-2531 Hc-i> line r& ^n! Receive Free iD-rftfmfltian plus CERTIFI-
PIANO TUNING PAYS - Plum tuning - Ehtelfgnie organ CATE gf £ ON RDfifTlAyTY from Lai man La* Ome** Lili.
«?ryicing. Ue«rnKf engi?y at hem*. Frjfe&ooklFi. Niles Urrani OVEWEAS SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Fn* Inld-maliDn. call AfTseriun Palgnl Services Toll Fr^ i-SSCm- PATENT
sch««, p 0 60* 20150. S*cft4rti*n^ CA 35020 Maswr P^Htfhing Owr&efl* S^B /‘J&7. SiV*r Spring MD
KJ9Q7 COMPLETE PATENT KIT $1$.%. Cnmildi ;^0& £&nw1S
L-EARh -CtaKk Pepj. r. EriyOp jbla lucrative Pfea Oet^ila, RU . FI Collet. CO 60*24
S^IKS Of CIOCH Rsp&i 6313 O&fneAbout Way. S3n* M GOVERNMENT JOBS AVAILABLE' p,vp u^ i<r 5rt 03
Avwmdnw. BC ^423 i-l sk 'Li nimdDd Fqr |oci
hourty. $65,000 innuA&y! All areak, 1

uwkrrnm.anua Mnd SiOjOO hi ThaVanvIy Sidra. O&0K. P| INVENTIONS WANTED

37D1 south Van Nrti Sanui Art*, CAV2Tft '
Maatprs, PhD'^ Fnw Fids fUry^ale®l Cft^rs^MS. BOk WVENTOftSl HAVE AN IDEA1 1

Chjn'l rtmw what to

raupa- AIM tor Irae inrojmatiein hit. Tots Fr*n
Gaii- in U S and Cateute
hgns Tahoe. Hawaii Gafiir&m^a, NavMa. Mure FREE Wg i^og-^^^CsCi
HEW-A. Boh -034700 So Lakf Tariw S576: SI 6-54 1-
lie POPULAR MECHANICS * MAY 1986 750E (Continued on ntrt jugel
1 I

INVENTIONS WANTED «fl. W BARGAINS toiw wholwaie; Many free! Llqul- CLOCKS, WATCHES, OLD GOU> r
OowcitjLf. .Jo&Lcfla Single San-filw?, Free JEWELRY
Dehalls ^gaifdMii¥l?rflOpiX>rlTlini^iw.6pK 140&-A HDllinsS.
SENT1N0 IUNUFACTWER& Pridwl. 77 Fu*on, 2GD. HIGHEST CA5H ^r GtM. Jwsly. Ookil Teem, Rih0.
Financial Dialrict. Ntw York. NY l^tKfS
Pitfngcid* WdechK Sihv. Piartlnum Mail Arti^ Tgdiy
SM.DOO AMAZING MONEYMAKERS Fhote^aphEdTata- Fn* gih wflh iffifprmslh&P. GCrid S Pi|^0ifS MeKiJH,
San Anlonia, Tfestas 7121S4J62EI
feg®, Ekisr 1S&2&-M. 10 Swtfl W4tHfe^ Oipi. 3 K6. CfiitW-. 60903-
BfTERNATFDNAL, MSS ponmeeflitur *3Q0t WutllngiBfl, DC
AMAZING baaabalL fiotLer ftBichK Daia^i $2.00. A*mu,
TAKE! NO CHANCES. Deal wtlfi pldeel, mast reliable I. m
2CTO m Pis gs-'=2 E^i^tahed -n ujd we Dwy Gold.
3322A Dela^ortl, Balllmwe, 21234
S4^0r. F^sainum. S^amende Cssii. Free lnte»rmft-

LEARN hOw L&oHer yttur IfYrtftliGfl Nr* MGeer Ke«S*. F h*n: Rim IhdutlnH. M*di*prt, ChipegO 60§03

bedklti dufclines procedures. foyMIy rates r eq^- rente n Is, ADVERTISING AGENCIES, ADV. SER.
Kessler S&m toporation. C-S-iw. Fra™^, O^to *3*20 CLOCKS. MOVEMEifTS.. ACCESSORIES iGfrwwrj. Free
felrtlog 1 se0‘&5B2674 ihatT^menSi Dflp^
433 &g Ar<;h, jK^yllgn, Wl SK4§
SHIPMENT! Adh«rvt I^pMe Opportunrty S^k ROOM '.•-RETAIL Solid 14PT Gold, Diiinfteaidi Gemat5<w^Triii-
ori SffVtefc 10GCWO. 2000170 OTHERS] fcAwqti, Drawer
GOVERNMENT HQMSB1r*m Jl <U r^rj.PjtfmquSftl £fcr lerda, Box Mvfm. HadMd, pa 1 3*NS=
62. 5hB6ey, ID 82274. ViiAM3/AniEH 1-S0D-H2-3S6C.
1&T Cvn*nt ^ 3i*t
G*8 EtL GM3G02*

mem hot opportunity seekers, fwu ars

Cay SpACi^! '
(4041 962-1 JSA
Wh^lfi^aler 1
Wl-ramy! MC!h-

Sock. Libels. "Iv Coded "

HEW FREE CATALOG Top NMl ealB*B v*lura nsdic-n
$0vm- t 100M3*. JWMM Jfl EnwrpniiM. &«
Wide. pcwn»*r Property wtirjn Fn« iSutfintipd

frr^huw ^bo pv*il&bk: Cull flr write Sbdfcy!

B- arwrtcjd-PM5. YtCliMi. Tejcaa 77504 TREASURE FINDERS
Kfcrsas Criy. MO 641 IS. Ph TOLL FREE: (ED 1 1
HOT Mn.-ing Lebeks. Puel-Slwk Z.p Cades l0c¥J$4d TREAGU1W Locale quarter m^a -awify wrih #Hts
OiESJla WWACUJa*la 1
6777Heliah«.Ari£lldft&*, AK99H7 Bteriilivn fcO^MPf^-brnchi^t 1*®* to*&rch Pnodudl. to
27C27Q-AMC, Tamja. Flbrida 33686
CALIFORNIA. Lelfl, AsfiMqe S*0 (town. $40 WpplUly.
to 3H91 r LC» Apgete^ SoCTjfi
FREESarftpka or maV ing lisa (tan gel reiull^l Md^Ahrl, 32
F1HD Qld Cain^, Jaw-algy, Gold h i.ggf P^bfmWd t-,

Mum. CertBfeL. NJ D7D08

Revdl wl ion
Device freeCau^g Gardiner Eleclponkrt,
Ffwn*. AZ
FREE CATALOGS - FLORIDA, 6EM&A Home* Lent 3131 35*h Sul It K. 8&SH7
tof-neases. Piaeee Specr^ S?a]* 6 Property FYsferredL NAMES, FrtiJittlupp j'l Jrirly apjh^rl.pae- gffik.S'Xl Sn,
DQUrfffiY NETWORK. to GainesvtMB. MQ6S^ 800 TS16 ’0GG S25 JAQ Ldbt i PO OCX 16, ShariOrd, CT


PLASTERCRAFT PTQlitibHi ttafnc Eiuhin^s. 3000

V-iMrt A^f Derate-dDic Lt-^eetlb 625 ic Mtf'rtpih-.%.

6****, TTht Iri* 5gc Inmilins *nd ^iremgnl. fstrgernld- QUALITY FREES! RUSH SASI TO; Oaviri GriggB. 15l*
kAsntsK. Ohio 44060.
QH(!n Rmars P 0 to
237 -P. DDDnuvJlu AR 72027 Call Dovid T*rr*t*, PA T&067
L^iHrcc |K»| 4Q4S95 tact. B4*F MlUPurl ruidwb pfaPfte
FT. SMITH AaiCto, SChppl. FL SmllK, Ark, 7^900

V*«eran Approved
SI44JL VIS A MASTERCARD [*02) 764-3496
REPOSSESSED hpfn** 'rmn G$w'1 Irnm $1 plus r*- M REPAP lawnmcrwiirBthou&ftfids^ pertt end tK^swhbie-
pjartfUttl. Naiicnw dU A|i& 1AX pioptriies 210-463-KHX1 SAJ& hot 50c. Ellwangnri. PW P.Q. Bna V, Pen Jervr^ NY
ElkI H322E FRESHEST List! Fenteatio Ftow 1
FealeM Sotto! First 12771
^rdof Fras”' For infipnnfSion c^ll Nalionel List

l-lfliM^LI&T (54701 EXT 7DQ2 FREE Altwnalcir Nfi&ueridinip Bpje

TAX SHELTER, H4d£e InRaEififi, Heal E»a1» la lha best Intafinnlion Slupler &.

Inveshroh! Ho* 1o BookM 13 DO Why pay more? Tiir3>er *22. Seymour, TW 276fi6
Court:. &30 H*Ofiiri00n. Awr-mr-SI, L. 6K06 RUBBER STAMPS
MAKE MONEY IN SPARC TfMf Earn Gt^r^up c0 mm *
*1 3 Sy&eCrip&flff4- S.iiife rt^wft5*t^l?|we k^ing m#™-
UPSTATE NEW YORK, Fanjwti tfcwr- MM. FREE idlelPg. Qua. 'Ly offctiar Bbam^a J.V2. 731 Leroy
OoWfl [10 Plus Wilrilrf*. Fifhirag. ?12-S46- FUr^dile. m i0220 7dmt and
F dr lull deidita *116 infllrueiipna, $erid tr.is rsdNirh

3$&2 LM) P 1755(l>A«tnw, SM3S1 Kn» Vprk NY 1H1Q

250 W. 55lh SL, mvt Tort, NY IDSIt

SAVE Sell your Home withciri Agwii. liQ.tt}.

Grady Baggeh. to T720, Smyrna. GA 30061
TYF’E foifls. Hand FniHeig* PresMS, Mol Stamper MAKE EXTRA MONEY DURING YOUR SPARE TIME! Lam
EXPORTIMPORT Sepi^BB l£ff ’Pages EZOtf GcHdutiiWe !ira^ ord^ Asm# weekly commiaakina -ilMMing ouf-EKHl^ig line e! Cateedsar 5,
Typft, 1720 N LlvRilHMlri. Ch-ta^, 6«i22 Pens anddPi#r popfii’^r feedpipe Gilt* Fr^rnpi.
•Kirviee rrpm AAA I lirm (Xl T^h y^r ^Rp^rHjTiisa

eecesea^y. Ha Inve^mam at DnllwjUcmsi Set yeur own
Tan^d intpr*ip1=C*i*l Prgdutf* lOW Mijan *214, TYF»f ror pnnllnfl. CeLak>g 730 -dedudriste 13L ordBrr.
Time Peska NEWTON
FairiM, VifQtmL 220% QiuHer C-dy Typ^, R 0. 3. 134 Horeyferook to FA 19344 Hfflin Full Potential VYrtelo. Kevin


6ARCD Type F*vridftr)- Type ArtO Rubber Sl^mpa- tata-
BUY fT WHOLESALE loguo. Mft-i 52 00 rfiFo’^CIdUle Oh TirBL Order. P.O. to 1011,
Bu^ertvilte. 50IC6 AGENTS WANTED

2UM lGpg420S4; 20M 3 M-41456 &rf#n Pm*. HJJPM MAKE HUUBER STAMPS. Highly PioHibie F ree [Mails DISTRIBUTORS- to ho«did wr$ J*peivw? pfdduCiiL *Kdw
Bflrii™ a.. BrdOhVi.N'.Y 1128* Stamper. 9.O. Box 22609 (GXl. Tampa. F|_ 33622 ¥tvv l*rrih?rK» M1DAM P Q to 70-Xtm, fhqjtel^. NY


NilTS, Su^lw. Tssgs. He? Jitcn, iaweSry, More YOUR addmws pnnletf W
ggrem^ri mijI siflhetipk label*.
CompIMr £imr ^cliare. Rig P-cHirs Cttfflptot# dealer 4*t Send SASE tgr circular Q.vbjrji£i ^tailbga., Depl. PM. 1200 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
up Color iMifesg SIjW [WluOtfeLileL AndKK 3966- to Hdbtfl HafdemM Hd. YZA, WifilerVilM, QA 30683
™r Nertfi Prawdence, FW 0291

EMPORT-F ^ptn 0iM5*i1uni^ &nA\UX*m wi^r1d-*idrt. mill

MAKE rubber *risfemp$- big prahLa. Caniplele supply and mmt business Iromihi&nie, wilhautcfipiUl. WeslH>^n For
WORLDWIDE BARGAINS . Imports -Drapehi? - CluLt- equipment catalog with inalrudioha. $1 oeoLbuhie wvlh no nsk a«a?nina!icin. EnperradcsiNsnecjefirary. Free Report
oti Surplus - F>fie'&-«a - temped t-n^elopei Marnees. orm\ Bias Sump Supply. 1720 N *fcamhrielci Chir^gg MeSImper. Or^fl N?7G0. r^OdiinCl HiHj, C SMorni* 91367
1717PM inland, Ind. 463K M6H

QUARAMTfCp! si 00 toind iiqm "

lire&l 111 00
RtrfundLpbUi L.nVaflcyn Fountain, £24^8
VACUUM CLEANERS Draccun^ tow New Hpin&ow PfllNTlW SUPPUES

K. rhi -

FillKr Quetn. Parmaonlc. Pcydl, Qieth,
Dc^ovl:; ARC VdOman Warehouse, 67ZD Bj-rel-FM. 6-TAfi! MON&YMAKlNG WOOKflAFT QU&HES3 mdv
^Ki^CKPrlndh^!l 250 Letter &se. OneSKfed. Tour Ordinal.

AuaJUn, TX 7fl7S7 E*flv - Quit*' Leys, gUta, nevellffra. Free deUiLs
47^ f ¥®q Shipping Fr-W Lift Budget, D^il.
to* WH-LiAM&n 3SJ0L San 54 bairn an. Tucw. AZ eS7si
Rfl 1JH3 Wflrrr JaHereDr., Springlinidl H. 62702
CLOSEOUT Jweiry *• Cnrfi Supp *m. fCiUiog J5().
Rouiae^, 1D7-1SJ1 Driw, Arlinglpn, MIA D2174-711H (505 FROM *16 WOOD - IN THE HOME 1
! Dt'.A H thus
QUICK Cbpy Fnnliftg. l«w Price*. Write. Hatronwlde. 614 Sanpla $6 00 ALCRAPf, to 30& 6*ir*viiu. Ontfl-no.
North Main, Bio&^ingio*. UlnDlB 6i70i tanafij. ksn-JAS
CLOSEOUTS! nacrouHla1 Below whcieM^ ?
ifllermebocVstartip DOw, 6a>r ZciiSK F=*hd*Ge. M^hrgeei
BUILD LAMPS lor s^ici su*o. ®nd priw sgo
*8220 GIFT SHOPPING Boh 352. Millwood. N.Y. 10640

EARN MONEY Gold an£ emtune jmw^y. rwas.

selling AMAZON'S TERRIFYING PIFUMAS MaQniliDfertt Hire EJP- (Ccffllifttjed on oe*i pfl{|
waEeHes-fey Selow ft&tail. OitllPa S1-WJ.
£kr®cr. ISCr^t b;i mM Mpde'-f.! mlo^iatipn Si DC Daaraoio, &dj. 66. Mr
Ankft.PM. Ml Gr**nw*h WaimoL 6: 02S86 View. CA 94tu2. POPULAR MECHANICS MAY l%& 169


Ord^a. wiling VINYL'S YVtwaD 1h» mofiey I& ProfissakHrayy repaid reSIn-

balpw whulenaifi priue« 'mni-

sdvCiAlttf product*. LCiWtti nh. tumplur*. ta^ lops. Chu<K. easy Two small |2D
jGc^nuwt tnam p*«wd4-ng peg*!
IlflW'S WEEKLVS Cnny Hnnn- flunmnr.r. Opportunist
diau dell-rtry SpaclacdlAr Iwtta bbUneaa uptori j
^ree Book 5MC. 34®i O* Se>lD Awnoe., Dapi 20-09.
% K*i .3 day gem yc*y $ P .003 « mgnth Homte. cara. o?N»*,
ftiMAurams., uohTii'.ird e«^1nrnrrr; Blpd r-nrning gtf«r a
FREE REPORT.. E.M. AkBocfcibaa. E5ta SE33-PiM. Hollywood, Chafiwortsi. CA Silii-tMV odvi. prance. E^raila Pr-ee VIP 30D7 Mnnir:™: Chir_*gp
FL 53M3 soesg
BATHTUB REG LAZING. prpdlF^t r^h??. service ^nd |r#in
ttO.W) INCOME FROM ACRE] Ow G1W5ENG 5pw *rtg Call Unique Cnaiinga Oprp. !*34| 945^W?3. ISflOO MdnlTB-Fme- Inib^fnalian >
No GMs^phgn - Longf.
liOta 5:rrtpl$ Fraft Enr0fto4*i0h Lit PO, Box 6037-fr-
B*K l*B5. Gafden Drcwa CA 92643 - 714-630-21-67
P Indianapolis. IN 46266
EARNINGS Uhlin--l«! Win t-L^ burglar Mlrrti udvei ^- 1

meniE mom homt 1

HBM WirshHtf^sjrkg. &W14. H«
UOD $SM weekly —AT HOME!! Nd gimmKka - DoImIs
MAKE High PmNL, Sailing Li c*nu: FlaiM, Signs,
FREE!l HomewOrker£-& Bo* 636679. MRfQ&te, FL 33063 wmumagio. P.0 Sox 2«B6tCC> Tampa. FL 33623

Secret ot ha^r ness a ressi^gs qJ y-^ii-- a heal eu&-

MAKE HOMEMADE BOOKLET &, I w earned Si9?.«0
ALUMINUM SCRAP RocrCle YwrvHf - WAIti L*> f
ffiS£ OPPOm^hTTV 15 » An Network 3W Foursome wish mine F rnr- informal inti Fnlcnn PO Bnx
125.09 POUND1 FREE Inr^^naiidri m^jsSrid - PMB5, Bgx
TN ?773t
0™. U Mesa CA 9W1 127 Alexandria Bay New York 13&G7

Your income! Arrange Hang, tease* om-ar U&.0OU ON !A ACRE! New +tydcC0omia ^aSenSivt. -

bi&aBAoL ^atlieajr' Free PiiqnfiafirfMi Rq4m^& Bpx 1214,

salute through naliwiwidQ sendo* ^IworH Presti-
Franklin. TN 37065-1214
ges maner fftifr>nas^ rull-part-lime fop Cdmrragsi^ns.

5% PALESTBtn TX 75W1
cwnplele (rammfl. domsnd&ds support Frw delays by
vlKmciw; mail'PFA. Box 697 p. fom?p*:n1 CAS2$2? |TH| MAKE &IG MONEY RCWUHNO WINDSHIELDS A Plate
240-0405 X100-F GIim' Up iu W.CB0 yearly* Call TOLL-FREE Ns valued r
j|£^EIlh1il pa t; VP« Supply cnntinnmin .irwf
FREE >4rp4rt lHjOg- 331-2597 OliU'WWd; Hyshwwfl; 0gs matrucliopiB Guaranteed pay mem. Wuae SgucnTefih
vcn 57&5D5. Se^S. OR 97T0B. ESetlronitS. Ek>K Kitrnflth Cfty. FL 33700
fLEAFttt Ckea^nig rliu^ii Huge Prats' Swr-pls-
flpw^ktdl. Ng*f Tcp^iTiffliiD^ U9C*r*Mry. FitoiDiiUii jt Viujo WCfl

Rop*!’ 23010 Lake Fnrrtl Dr Suit* 155 L;iqun.i Fills, CA VENDING MACHINES. No =x?ltr.g RoulM e£M ending NSW PROOUCtB—DealMJtiqH-FrsnchiiiEX-FrDe Dn-
92653 tan- Davarl P.0 %o% Asn^hd, IK
promts Bfl Catalogue FREE Parkway CorporMiOfi. ids. Ky. 41
lMD Pw& Grfl»rispr¥b^ Onvp. Tmncmujm V^rytand 2SQ&3
YQU tan *e«! any amount «4 mgrvpy Imm Ih^y: easy
pre-ven vnnUiwx. Fra* mlurmalftOn HSowhiW. P.D. Buk 233
IJEAHN Sowing Mx^hiha Wofiwi
"Ri";;nin-iq Mien, allyiMrmng pres4igK>o& business Stan immediala^, hiW
Marytand, N.V 12116
Lufr&hrtt Pyt4i1s Gne^Hn [^haflpcindc'jie School, Box part-time Ng eMpe^write required free cH^siIe. Amencan
6104, Sponcer. Iowa 5?3LM Fidelity, Dm.wer W3404-P$. Charleston. SC ?®4l0
ASPHALT paring jesidenliai sCad-up manual. 3fr.H)k £
iTKMUlhs. $25 Wofle Asphali P 0 Bpk 195 Lfldsvlslfr. PA
PREPARE Tsi Ftetumf Earn n^n tao&. d^Mi^d work EASY CASH! Lu* lmmE.tnwnr' FRCE Sslnmi^l-nn V^deo
Tr^in al home AtCOtdnd Hmgrsm Naliongl Tax tramutg HCiokvp OuhlnSYSi 13625 Sun fekn-sl Si., A^eSn CA 9 H jJ1
Sehpril, Mtenwy, New York i0%t
420M WEEKLY passim with Ih.s jvpyk unique busies*'
fsfttG inlomur^on Or^at 5mH F\>fctatfiing. DspS PM-S7M WANUFACtUflE WILLOW CHJURS FQfl PLEASURE PH
1CG20 Grwwi fj! NW, Conn Rjpidn, Win, 56432 ASSEMBLE wpaden wcllii.m hOn*. W* p^y PROftT— WTMOilT EXPENSIVE TOOLS^FREE ABUN-
weekly NO ^xpeiwne^. BASE IflftilpinfL Bg-x W/lM DANT MATERIAL—PfO START UP CAPITAL —iNFCRPlA-
Pinrttai Park. Ft 34664-OffiO T1DN: DP W1LLGWMAN, PO- SOX 1B1«, ftiltTFOflY. U$
FREE BOOKLET Anyone can prald 1
Howlo Mrte Money 7964)5
wi|h Computers "
Computer Puhlusnvp-:; Enterprises, Bqx
33479 PM-5. San Diego CA 92133 EXTRA iHCOME. Asr4inj*^o pnxjucM-a! homei No BKpari-
ence Details i-B53-5*5-*42V Esd 696 SECRETS to Suf-ueas^ily Siading Youp Own (iuiiwsfsa.
B<Kik£t!5 $4 30. Kc-vnllrng LP^if’ra A«mun Stifle 301 -A.

BUILDING, MOQEF&, N T. 12950 SiivercrJh. Dox 127 Lansdomie. PA 1905D

125.DOQ ite$2S0,ODD Leaim^harfsBriing Bu$ih^ ai hQMb
NAtTONS fl*St FU>mfi Busings OpjXPtunilte* Sutesrip- MAKE BALLOON ANIMALS- $402 We^flng?- FfiFf U&& ardehure-. P i S SAarpenm^ Sch«JL 604 Phyllis.

Eton Tree Send njtTiP adcJros* riplg Spjra-Time mSg^-ind, SAMPLED WSTRUCTTONS: F^^r.^i PM&5, B<n ?50. *. •
C<mnw. Te*as 77303
Oepl C2-S5. Mio *LH.i Qkl*hem* AyMu*, MHtwftikeu Wl Altxandui Bay New VOrk 1 SB07
53219 OWN your o*p bLhjinf^ Learn Secrela oi me neh,
ASSEMBLE PRUDUCT5 AT HOME. Many oqpDrtw#1ieg mgrft Frw drffcils RLP G9CGi W
GarlerMt ftg -££) W&b|
payng Hflih yv^hiy Profrft p<w?nSly flVB laUM WitlXSUl Dhn 45.W
HTOiPAULK: PARTS SUPPLY, BOA 4157. BROWNSVILLE. inviwimeril yYrrta llusinmuMja. 9?B Gn0i1un lllh,
TIDlAS TBMfimST Brpokryn. No* Vorh 1 [^36
RECYCLE IwerALS NO. NOi 6£&H CANSa £»y S46S no.flW iiOHTHLY faking nxMograg^s at Honw* Can 1


jvpokiv 1
Fnpp iniprm^lj^n Ftcq^ler, Bdp. >214. Franklin retprdPO rm^sagis- (JUJl -frFd-B-1 5* GULFPORT. MS
MAKE TOUR OPE AM COME TRUE. EARN MjDH YEAR- GET Face. Far rrndirig nscA.;* Wrim A-r- kM^i. Jfly
SCREEN PRINT kte Fr W Oci^ilv
T -Printer,
Pq. Bux. 2^1991 |QC|, TWnp*L FL 336E3

REPLACING THEM. CALL TOLL FREE i-B0G-ft2&452J m LlhC^hway. NbAh Aurbra, IL 6D542


stiNFgse. Ft 33311 EXTRA INCOME Al hfiiry Pkewfn miylhpdS- f«-o -*Morm*-
MAKE MuPt»r Sl«nip5 Hhg*rty Phriita&lc 7--*r: Dcbaik rian SASE A bl c Shan Ego .5530 Poland To*edg. OH 4^1 -I

STAMPER, H.O flor KU09 [GC). Tampa. FL 33fi22

14,947 HONG KOHQ-TJtlwAN Prodi^te Cheap. Smell

FREE DEALERSHIP- SELL MAILING LI3TBI Ccmpbl[? pi a- lota. Some samples fase. Hartwr. 0*k sr^9PM5 xuba MAKE 3 TO 3 TIMES YPUR COST ON HUNDREDS QF
CHy. CA 9&M? PW&llCTS Gin ltam&. Tflys- Jewelry. Waiete, li.en>s.
grfcfri Irtt! PCW. B£?x i302-FV/., VAll^r SLietfP NY 15&2 1
Noug?i^ Carded Merciiandlie 29Cn Oltws. S25.-30 Bumgs
RE CONDITION BATtEriESi Ea&Jiy Earn Hundreds Cnmplaha Rghji^jat^OnFu^l Order SE '.V-nhhr-
PROFFTABLE Isold Foil Printer Personaluo t)UEJn«E
wwhly Frw lnfionna4ign ElKKTrfilfii 2222 HHIabdrft Aw-iue De^-S F D;iMji:;. Tn-x.i^
twds. pencils m^lchffi FnfflrtntjillSi Gm* PO Bok249$6 Llfilold SfldmlF BafljUfy OlllM.

(GC). Tamp^, FL 33633.

Bnx 33tm Hickory, MC 7SZ2E

BUMPEnSTKKER Prwlttr Chrap, Simpln. Ponslble. Fre^ $40 tiHtHOUft Amj^ir>g Di^aHthrsugh onccess re- SASY irvcom*- Maaorcter tkKA Di&tnbutors Needed 1
OeLilH Bun^SHir, POB Z2791 1QC). Tampa. FL T3522 BumKl-And Damage CguntdHd|M. WITHQLTf RE-
alprics Nnrgm-jg Group 4$ South Rq?c New ftosJcvn, K Hi
Hill 1

PLACEMENT. 2 v-Kj^fly earn UOQODyiift.- MiHmnx nt 03070

OJP a^p^Kir - K5 =iACH! ‘
PPEI apa^rwnls homes ply prc-lte ininvmilisiely lnfU«iw- 1


lien RENEW. Dux 9! 500 PC. Van L ?uwqr. W*

Clippingve, Bgti 61 PO. PtjmfiMing, FL S50fi3 GET into me me*i (Kioimfl business in in* wwld
Slirt IramyWjr hdnwi bmafgll nr p.irl lime hn?.^ Print m ty.ll
GET mCW uiirtg OTHER PEOPLE S MONEY!! Uflrine - MAKE MILLIONS MANUFACTURING MAnEA£S»r &up- solor on papei. rabriei h-reiais, acrylics, ntyld^s *k Call soil

amazing &4lS.l^le^a
DelsilE FfiEEIi hn&K&'B Bo^ ^6^6. phn available Evei-ia$£, Box 365, Bp^gsa. nJ 07003 map 140&?23*1S^ Case Equlpmenl lurner,
Pic., fit a.

Morr^cn FL Whi uc; 042^2. Ask John f-ii ilhv.^n ;ihnuf mjr freg Mjjing Trip

MEW distort ry balMty retcmdriKjmftnn

in Ftg#ilwn
LOAMS INTEREST FREER Spares FiK^tfal law mantes guxranloe menns "ELg P^ulitx Ffcp!''! IF iisdlcaNj. SELL SIGHS:; DtSTFUBUTORS WANTED z&A. Diwigun^
WIPES OUT DEBTS5I D*1*ila FREE? O Box 7416 G&tte Dr., Lihte Hook A R 72205 tftftranctbw. free trrtofmilKiH:. Srgri* or Wi&rtesjflL BG9 W
63B67S, Mwgatfr. FL 33063 Cr.rifh.jg a*wa*. Appleton Wl 54914 41-+-731-6741

CONCRETE Biwk Maqfun^ Cibpidg $ CW Routft i

PK1HI1 Sbtr^l Haw smaafiei dabis brinpa L^a'i. — Bdk 3740 Rapid City, South liicnM 377D3-374I3 EASY MONEY I Hgm* Iteingss Fr^ DelB*t
Gre41 PflEE report* IWeaflhKit-fi Rdm 4036 Pnmfwinn Fl

Jim CNHin Sole 37SPM. Park F^reij wiinui^ mh®.

53W &192.0Q FrOm Square Fogt Plywxxtfl jHugn Pwm^nOJ
Re^oelie^ P=e<24 50c |!Rafunddrb4e). Waodw'k Brxlg«wxr
PIANO Tumnbg quickly loarnetS wilh horie aiudy t-dur&ci SOUL« ENERGY CONTROL OPPONlWhES START
ter MAS-S 02324
Diploma qpjnlfid Afr'wsr-4*!. TirtlrOQ 5ch»*. "7050 Taller pr!y1»l.ih ;
p tigfTMi hi ininp^s in *xcilir^g n«w I ^Id b^ing your

DflW. MotiflflP HiH. CfllH- fcW7 -Own bOM. G*nd £5 tor in-ijrrial'4-n and |iw ;.nm^'v Tncl
11.000 WEEKLYAIR TOOL REPAIRING, hairunidfl^ PO. 1 175. Atlantic 0*ac4l NC 29513
Pirte and Tools WholBsak? Free Det&ss B<?x 534. W*cMHa
TO POPULAR- MECHANICS » fVWV I9RH FMH, TX 763D4 CCoribm*d on imt p*g* j


ICantinued Pi’-lVt'i pfecKUng p*fl*l hin^pie fO'dd Wc?ndBr why ybd didn't #<ti in on- rt? Kibui- Details *1.90 Reesa Enterprise Bax 1663. Wwjen. Mict^rfiisn
Years ago Free DtUilfi 1
DynaO^!- 'i'isk.iri* Hus 506
SJfll MonuymaKM^j Opportimt^p* Ffm cffteJpg! Lak«r?a. Arizona 05929
OyiumiCt, Be* 100390 Akron, CiH 4
iTflQ 6ENC4 n*J Y^
to 110+ FTtEE OppuriiitolY™ !

4*6 S POSSIBLE. FHEfL SUmp«dffi^ppt: ProfirfrSA, Adve^i»nflnte Ihiss S^ygEiamw *nd Olbn-J?. HLR. P.O. BbK
FREE Details, rruil urdti ihat can make you Hen. Bax 93346, Ljm AngaS*?. 0A 90093- 1411. Findlay. Ohio 4M3&
sittfli!?n^shnwi? Hail EnluWia. HI. 5 Box 2B0 RusA, TX
EARN 46CW-K8W WEEKEND5 NO SEUJNO. Bwk-A- 1 MtlLi0 N9, Your Idna la Itert a bX5inw4 Wdld b« wgrtJi
*! c

Oudk Gam« i^jwo^n iLtccaa m fksu nigirkrfl^.pa^Eii- you ccn 1 hive any Mormy. -und y-u dan ' krlOw
Million^ R -jrf

Caps InupanuM rranater ma- traw lb grl is dH tlte flrflurtd. We Dd s A« No* 1 EtohT #4ti!'
HIGH Profits T-atertA ^4lS- *3 dtinipHJiln int^i-m^ipn Rlwwrfl-Gpna M tq., Dfi^.
chines fejjifHtea, FYees, bo* ZZflEJ^GC]. ?STipp. m_ 356Z3 PM, iOO E Vmri St., Tivki^, SC 29667 SeivS £1 Tbr de^ftts bu and Bell Internal ion S. 3302 J ones

Drrve. Ro*leE. Texas 75068

PROJECTION TV Mflf *13 * Mumbling Prgjptto* *2000 veiling infoMnatHSh by Tmii Wa- -pr-wide 1

Easy p5imp*!#tlc Id *2,5£0 pp^aprS-

Flit?, gibs Free detail lnlfliinal«0n*i 34S5 Wwt Aimers.
. .
Oaparturwly UnllnulKf 635# Bandera. Oafllas. T* 7tirt
Total Com.’ Ltos Than SiO DC FLAN5 S' LEMS £ DealeiS PHOwliv Aruuni'i 6^035
intormaticn £20 SP llluslraietf mtonrrrtksp FREE
MBCidOOms-BlX. Washing^pn Crossing, PlHirssyfi^nia TOFF -MATE Marine. Koc^iicnal And A^r^ti Inijufisy
SUCCESSFUL H&m» fiuwmfmr, Dipla.ls ThcM-na?, 20fJ
PtASne? —
W77 Cc^ilcard onS<H> J4HR& (7151 73t2$RO North fSraua, Fnunklin, Indiana 46131
Pris? Ii fen Ctop!it^!iOn Tht^

ll.Dft, Wtidrnan. 2?9 S Reverty Dr 4C®. frmterty Hills, CA ptgn Hi?l PrpdPGte, »> DuncantPMj. C^arw^tfr, Ft 3351 i
*aia EARN ThoiriinijK Hdtid Mar ng P'^qt.ari Gaodw^ld.
Bd ji ZQZ33-R, TamarH, FL 33323
MAKE 53.QW nwnlhly se!i*i 9 simple mlprmBlIon ms^ Comjjfefcfr 250 page Step by Step BooR f/ee Fian Gua'an-
Tenna^P*. Ne«v IN DEPE NDENCE jnd ^eflUh Ihnaugh mail insiders. Free
Box 49-PMi. Jenoha. NY nt^
Sfjatetime. Free itersture r Spe/ry..
leeti Briar AsKKiales.
OnoftnB. 7*n? Details. Dynamic Enterprisers. 50U& Suite 11.
OelTiDti. Miohigen 46fi0
S’lOCXl.'fi nowl Prgiwn concopl-t of high pvdfiE hOftfiS
EBay! tio IfHAteStment.
?steisiffeaaaes. La* ihriwams^il C^r^teWGuefsnleed. Fnse ENJOY FINANCIAL FREEDOM. lWt L-ASh aten Home
MeDow&ts 5&K? A. C*anrand E£*r CA9i7tt.
dWiiiR M*i| IwJa^.
. W«ilbw Reabbrces. 1000 Aiienrp*m, Seai SaSE r^r tnee miormation R.
ihiasfteea oppuRuiiirttea,
Hihield. Pa iSnmCi Milch^i 6^1&Snmyel Bted Buite MS. Oaiiss Tit 755^9
THEY (LAUGHED svfit- I ljOIb h&m* with a 1200 prth-Up
a ruck VWTL SIDING FREE «m Bulling s*™e tWfjPEiF-
FREE HEPORT V^ii Order Tax IntormBflion Long EASE. BUMPERST1CKEH Priniw. Cbfia-p. 5-rr.ple. Pditflble. Free
DSTT HAM, era STS. Bated ct 06601
B<M£ 444d SanonetiK^ w.Y. i£9Cw Deteila Bumpei. FOB 221%* CQO). Tempe. FL 33622

IdCXHt-Ofi Lluniri Hngh Profit^,Ap^arips Be|Mir Full P$#1
DETAILS. PO. BOX 3S?3r FLUSHING. NY 1066 1 Tim t. Frtrn InferYrtaaldn. Wright Imamafiona! 7127 Ea.s -1

You Thoitsanda Monday Fasi And Eaay. Recorded iAaavw

qmibM^MifrW'IWEAfc HP*
Bucket LAW * !32L Secfladdio Arlz 8525J
o^Minunlty! No Obligation 1 RSB, bon S&9PM Dantoury CT OCT RICHIE SiwkK \m smip^s tfpbto’ -brings Gmli
FREE! .... Y&m NAME PiACIOON OUR MA H WO U*T CredlT FREE ^porth Wf*lthNlf&. Bos 4036, Ppmyano, FI
oea ^3
CUP NEWSPAPER slfint. *3*30 Udl Free DeiailEi. BARTLETT, TENNESSEE 16t34-C3?Cl ADVEFT^E Fsee m 537 lAfluaiinm *5OT Directory, Bon
Entefprts* ttox 43D9-A. Weft Ccvina. CA 3179 t. 3 IN. ANonls. &mrga ftKSM
INDEPENDENCE. WEALTH. Books guide you. Lima Royni HH-S. 1 1^04 Saigevflll*?. Hyurrfar!, TK 77069 NIGH Pipl’ls 7-ShirL'.. Cup?- Ine^pe^-vu Lf4nSN}r md-
Ew*wym FW Be* J2G, Dfrta PbirtL CA 92629 cteiteS, iuppliti Pr«4_ Bd» ?26C9|GG' Tampa. FL 33623 .


YOU CAN DO RT Be vchii own i^mt Prgtes
«i Uitfak'& A*gA deniard Bkjai&~ye! aa* (earned at ho™!' l>-
MAKE Money f=^ bc^leis teijs how ^nse diNerasii
deign? Write to £m3r*?ial Hpruons, 255- Michigan N w,

guemnbwtf Frw fltateil? Writ? 10d*y! &pmak P r*w, 332 E. prpftl Send Fnr Ffiil Of^Hluni]y Kn
Will jm Built 233, Ann Arbor, Ml Ajflo Upflwtslfrry IrtjLIu^. 21 16 3- Gr*^ Oifil
PO. Bob 1172, DgpL PM, Grand Rapid?. M'chigari 49501
SABOS. Santa Art*. Gs. 337 D5,
MAKE Fubser Stamps Highly FYsMaDfle Hree Deteits
CASSETTE fetsi^r Owne.^ Make $750 Wn&Wyl Froe
MtKrtrtJrtion. DC, Bda 374S, VerHute, CA &3M GETRICH. SiKinsi LnWA'ipu^ mi's DchtftHfrrt C^h-'G^cscJ i|.
STAMPER, P.0 8ck ZS809 IGGL Tampa. FL mat
Fr»lnP«majilan. SuneuKtl. Lack Dok2Z85.Waldarr.MD
OPPORTUNITY new edmpahy atilniitiui'rs "rnrtfsimfe: mnn- 1

INCOME DISCOVERY! Fjimeui PhD. sciunhaS rt-vaafri ZOSH ey back guarantee iMti 3960 BoulfiiZnd Pfreateiao.&OflMl i

discoveries A'w*Pai can uu to achieve wealth

free Facts Frog teas. RZ Bek BE. Dapt PM5. Grati-crn. ND MONEY, INDEPEIWENCE, SATlSFACTKWI 3e yOUf 75 MQNEY Maying fepgd^ - *500- Saiijfeciibrt Guar^n-
S6S37 boaa We ll aho* yau Up*' South^asl Poytpalkkns, Box leed! Krdlti 30S1-M WiKKlLartd. WiChlli KS 672D4
nm WACO. TS 767K--J5O0
BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Over 300 COf.i^pIs to* the ftome- HOME WORKERS WANTED: Eajrn ii.cms ^wHy- Ff«
&L’i!f .asaYbL. ,
tan slerlT«ltty. NO <3fT-fltCH-QUlCK LEARN: jluaiWirrur MChipg. fldufccoL £S OCt Xn^r DCX M>ms stempwf addressed envelope. Todoo.
details Wnsle or
SCHEMES, lust eleven saocs of good ideaa a^d JntIpM 1 532-PW5. ChesSay. CA 9502D ,421 9 West Oh^ Aw. &Mrtwi5i CA 9i 505
Jwnls %5m lde45.4kxi8S>L AJiacoM^. Wwhmgton &B321
BULLIONS or DOLLARS are mailing ler you Find cui *a*
NO MONEY ? No Prc^nni Gol I R £h Anywdv Fiw 1
EAST BUSINESSES Utile mo^y lequirad 1o gen ydotf share PREE. Write 1o KT L teler/tational P 0. Etok
(01 D^linis Davi± Ofi \tQPM Main, braft^i. mD 65818
FET.NttE Armilaa#,Gla«4aleHte,IL6ei3$

i'flfl. CW PM05. Aahuo^ca, AS Ctnrta TCP&-O&0

Cnnta 25c Id piotSuO*! S^IIA. >.e Picrt I
RNDal^dohed.'iAlLiaPtesfYDur nslghEKHTiood. Intormar
B00t wmbty cleaniiig hoi*i**i Detaifis Si JoAnn a. PO CiiAaa fer SID!! Fj ee mlormalion ror loaae 22t alamt- SNR. \ttyn- fecd^tery. ^i6 Amorioan Avnrnio. Bislwe. AZ 6S603
B&k 2946. Vi 5 ^ CA 93063 BuiSe 1B-2T06 1?4S6 North Jfl^h Orrve. PhwniiL. AwfWi
S&3M. FREE Details, Guarantees Reteufls.M^lli-teQ&ted FVdgfam
earn money as wwteb'PUBUSHERI p^n w.-.n ijirtf you 7 -artiarwit i*ays lo make MONEY. YOU CAN’T
Nd fhp«?ri?ncis Nr^Bd^a Qy^rantwJ. FrnH DrflasilH. PROFITABLE, humu buaine^£^i Frau iiihftnmolicn. LOSS, Peqi#t?1 PubSicahansL F.O Ban 9i. Essex Fa»s. NJ.
Lajlr i|
1 0 FrankJsis Wow Yfirk 14513 SiiSffilSrtff, 763 Fiua^E, Xahiid. OH 453B5 07W1

COPY £1 000 Weakly PuMlibiog ynui iwn nn%-

Pnasitilw 1
PROFITABLE naine BethMaa Free Delailal Write Naw! 1
QUICK CASH building dbgfKkjSfis Two si zes. Plunk. proM
su:ikfl. Iffla dffl*ta. Smanaon, Bok lEZ.WtwekiralMii'o.Ohio Jetterson Prew Dept P.M„ 2*40 S W i&lh. Lincoln. nE idees *31® E>dgptens iS® Oeiter. Du man*, nc 37R3T
45£$4 6S5Z2
GET Fuch Quickly! Operate You* Own Pfdlitadte Biteinesa
NEED Eloa.DOO MONTHLY? Distribute " Wholesale Dl-Y WANT EXTRA INCOME? START now? Your Home. Sper- Al h40mc

FrA* Ct-lnil:; RpCkfit Trading, 1 1* *37Bh Ss Rhk W .

ers Service Free CaBaelte. Micftaef. Son 266i-A. Joplin ei™. Smsl® iryveelmeni. Ea^i FREE OfTAJLS! WWTE 2090 New Ytok. NY 10108
b*QG4m TODAY? TCS PuWitAlidn?. 64ffi E UcConMd, Sail? 3ZJA
Saemdatii, AZ 8S2S3 NO SEUJHG mvatapd- Directory ol tpmpafite? plforing

MAILQflDER ManeyTT^h^R*0artS.PraNlabl# Horn*

hDitic wwk bpfinrfLinfhsIKl *SjOQ. DaMan, 1116 Thru ah.
Suslnea^ SASE Plus- *? 30 Far Ownptete Report. JCSCO I7DU0W GUAHANTtEIM Ebay Simple, r+jfjy. Free Details. Audubnn FA 1M3S
Products. 147* Garaopolis He^*e Rd.. CoratrooiisL PA Yentzen. 7i6A SraotdMven. bWnQ TX TSOfti ,
AMAZiHG Hcmt Bunirms? Fnjut Ctel^ilt. Mijpre Bddk&
104 E !?§ S-lrCct. Bi^Xh/fi. New Yart 1203 1
YOUR rum iQ nn-rh bijAinnnn imd m^r-ityrRJk-.rg
-a sawit
AMAZING PROFHS Vah-nfl Plirtlflit GrOw^g Nert^ - -
pppartunHy adweniaer in ihls-and 35 aeiw publi^tiPRi. Fne
DI^KOVEFl Mcrsl Ipr «^y rnpnay wiling lilted Fr pfl
Write Planners. Bax M4ZL Bmah Freine. WA 96656
- infgrm*iion Neliuntf Bqs i<?S2W4 CcHiAribio. TN 2^46$^
•Jeid is- Giuiy. 461 1 Caimvilia^, Hpuatum, TX 770B4.

ffiCE OEALERSHIPII Buy ovetvining ^hriiruir. <&$nt

SiLL VQiJfl PHOTOS lo ywiw^papsr^ ;md maga^:rteS
unigiM* grfl c;L^n ^xj Tree infwmatHbrt. Wtkrldiwidi? IhlpOrt, *5300.36 MONTHLY Cutiam Build SAd ihatHp nu wall
Huyt: DL-i jjriLl Ex±d£ln-;'n lApurtihbvrt hbw. (2.GL'a-dnleud
9T13 Lawndale, Kansas Cily, MO 64137 dainage. -plctere aystem m homes F'-lorntetsMii
Gihi. 3145 'Gea'y Boulevard. Dapl 5M. San
SASI Ooffnpiete buflln»» plan SiOffit. Kar»r. Hn* iHJ-


asking How To" hooi:5“ 2* pe^c r^Rt^?g li Ob-

_*«n Luahdrn, CA 94&7B

mortey maklriig

Thcrpas AkixHndijr Company, 14570 Eaj?t l4lh $1 Terri, fffiOfi.

or oFhce wiffi PM£. ^hn-slDr C* ^33
PIANO Tunmg Itarnerf stu^kiy as h^wiir Fkae iiHarmalwin.
bmpir-a Sefiaoi Box lO^FW, ^i^er, FL 33465

CA 9*1 ta

(C-pmMm*d fte JMM1 png*t

* MAY !783 1 7 f


{Condnuwd tram pracvdfng pagat WHERE WHAT to ask *3 fliWF* Kmni Hdw 6HP Hdfte Mllh, NG 53340
(KPfcH 4 ML Oo^Offcfik ^06, P O BaKaQ76, FremonLCiL
MAKE itaus«tds using \Sm highly unknown money -mak- M537JB7B BORROW ANY AMOUNT! Gofl visa-M&atorCito 1
ing mmtri l« QflMKr GUARANTEED- Proven -my

*epiy. -Synnw. Ma* 42*. Sutopag*. nY li7iaW2 i [StOi-

pruhtabte SSdti tor bruchyf*. Tww &waued. Ifil 5 Glwracm- W*1M9
U . Brno, MY W12 ROW TO intnKBPR jwr ttomi? fTi$rtar!( Top prgM
Pi^lehJiOriiL neihodfii Guaranmed 5amd $5 00. G a L
Marketing, Dess, m 45-7 Avary ftoad. RfH. Katowna. BC VIY BORROW ovemighi.' On Signature **sp
rWB*rdning UTriiry lntormalircn< Kr«* Efct-
Lnncof !j»kL 323 VVhitCa-Ti: Mfedis&ri H**gr ra ,
m mdefiniMy Adicn. Bgx 64Kn«A Oiamgnd B^r CA 9

M&higw^ «Q71
TflAVEL FflEE anywHnm in KHa wnrld. (fcrtpik 1.1 A3D PC mo.m Per^Frts.
in gcvs^irwnari! f~w share, roans
3 q* lr«* grants, iBwlg book $10 HPE. B OX 3®0 N*f«r BoaSpn.
EABN MONEY WORKING AT HOME, gUf-Wwrt 718. PoiSndiKT., Ni Y. 13ft7*.
NH 03070
Sumrwd Envtfqpa: WWHO;P| P.O 2W&, Lywi. Mass B-i:-.

hirers FOOOSTOSACE infanmalidn ind Send S2.ft) wiEh VtSAiiASTiROARD RaQ^rdi^ ol Past Gred-i Problems
SASE to- BUS Emprpri^ P.O BCi 1133. B4CklC9L ID fvwn Bsr^krygEcv Pc* ApplicnUgn Writo: Nation^ Cmdlt.
F Mppri Mis YOU which <xt lh#p? artvwrtissiifTwmrf 9^31 Chjpl 6010, Om-k AL 36261-1106 or Call Tijfl.F-w 34k.n.
wiil rrmk-n yTiij monay: whigh will r- p y\.i j pH! R & Bank*
C*p3. T4S, iflSQ &.W. 4£Hh„ PBftdtelCm, OH Sff&M
FREE MONEY PROM BANK&-LEOALLT1 rk?#i1icNsrvii»l nr
iwrl rtFwnaJ? pfpcpdyr® tor iilmesl ifrdimiSid Ft$$ Mnnf^lh! BORROW SEO.tXJO O^emrgSI Any FuipoHf Indelh
0£T RICH, 3*d»t Law W*pfiS-Oui QePiS H*vg CesfV£*wjit. nc PPP S«nd caafi, Oik. (f mu to: Equity Financial finely* Free Otriaiia' Whto Mbrim ftgx *a-M. L^d Wfi^Pvry.
Frwintormptton £yPFQ55 Kit. Leek Boat 2296, WiKktorf, MO ResouroM. 1577 fctein Si.-Syic-t 165, FofI Lue. HJ 07UW NY 11569
Ctedii" lto Cradii ChecX! Nd intormahon Actual
EARN 65$ wtlh my home maihng program. £tw {mB*5 Credil 1 i&i6| 625.355a
&r ru-und St YO-iletluHif. 13KM Oxlord. Ka^viM, Utah
SASL K.S EntsrprisM, P.O. Box 65A Brtddyc*, NO WH*
TUFF-MATE ViriL ally S0IH Itsed When S«m! See plaS-

tdn&DiidaiKf FinanciaJ Senvicea. P.O Bax 6C87-Ci24|.

ticS cifiagifct si ton — This isimj? SAN FRANCIBCO: U**. Wtr k A
The Ofy By The Pb v In
SA^hevn. C* 92&W
Bay. £2. LanzriTa. Bax &Wi3. San fmraoca, 94igr

NO MONET 70 W*y* moneymaking Home

Lo atari a CREOrr Cards L«n Viun-ft.M^sSm^Anl Hg Bi.-ias Awount
B^yiwat t* 35. NUMrflC. 5846 $o WawIcJi ,*i_ Ogden. yl Required *00*26-6902

“LAOr£S" prelect ytM^ hands, fomnm wito tono syrt

MAILORDER OPPOFTfU NlTIES glpMihi fiw) Ihum ns A Pklms 14.9^. Pkja5flnt GrpMB GiFt»
Inc., Rl. I Box Kanbridgn VA 3^44 WINNING toiofmaben S2€U MEN'S Rfd+FfS
UtLtONUMftE Meikxn^r Expert Howli Stof^Moking AS90CIATWNL ficylw 6. f ™t Lt^n. MN 550?5
SecM* Free Erasing, Heuir Cp^sellv Mc-I Power?, Np.
Hollywood Oairtomii 9rB09 GOVERNMENT WRPW%
COPT SUCCESS*Mailorder Mtiiionure to&al&fanlaBfoc NARCOTICS RAID 5E1ZURE5 .. .ALfl£». . Vm . .&Hlft
STOP SMOKING Pr&greJn. $500 SASE: Hallend. 120
MetJwd Easy PNpiiaUla* Whis: Protu. Bor ULBanCarioa Ajirplanee felliana Se^ia Berga^ many 1%
p P :iw.ftcd sw OMicwn. 0A
. , .

C* 94070. orrtj-^1 w*! 1

‘NytiomMdii S^l^a Dirnctoqr"—4305
DisfloaaL Box fSIOT-AR ^asft!.rig.ton, DC 2D03fi
HAVE Y&U a %rmt idea a fantastic Plan ora very int-sc esiKtg. ftEMAIIiNG SERVICE
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SJTiJic. wc vegotthfl hottest
tipi for iPp-Pdtth picture Mk Ing.
Too see to dock; Tyson why-ps
I Frazier

trains of the future

and milestones of ra 1

i FansporiHtion are fe.itured

in this itoiy with
a free, rulF-color
posTef intruded.

ladle Iimei two

Chtny ll the wood at choice
foe these d~hy Deputies

Q. High-Tech yUh?iJ

whacker &r latest

goJf cJud?
A..It depends on

your game.

Knocked Out! Future Trains

Exactly what happens inside Marvis Frazier's Don't miss our collector poster of the
head when Mike Tyson 's fist delivers a superconducting magnetic levitatron train,
knockout blow? Find out next month, plus a full tech report on 2 st century trains. 1

Coupe du Jour Weekend Workshop

Full-bore test of the new Buitk Regal. Olds These two, unusual-looking occasional tables
Cutlass, Pontiac Grand Prix, Ford Thunderbird — cherry— are easy to build a
of solid in
and Chrysler LeBaron five personal — pleasant two days of woodworking.
transportation performance coupes.
New-Tech Golf
Fishing Boat Shootout go
State-of-the-art in ‘'illegal" balls that
We test the performance and fishabifity of five fartherand high-tech clubs made from boron,
2 5 -footer offshore fishing boats. titanium and ceramic materials.

H lit \AH >i hi 1 lANIltf IrtiN

H (4ltte4n4 tft nlil) 1* TK I t™nr *
<T*n -- l Ur^S^I Aim!, Jk-w >'V imLIt. I -S- A. ftJucmlMn
! mei
L I nibil fed* Hint iiwNHSMifci-

ftr-ne H*r; fcSklfT frr iuuiL unf j

"Uiit n ujiLrk-tt, sht |LiiJ|lf hrr i arl
pakl V'#i. > V. mN u* III i-HMil nuLflir^ mt* AuJhiTO-d ^YurtH-nad* n^Ktyf-

, '
< idl . lit

Winhr, M lEi-tftfkTi-d h ii fl*l tiuiILit uL Ihi-


in-ri .it luI.i ciris 0 * k.^-- In

amuLi hi< ,
I .l- HFiv .2 Mp-m.ii
1 I
K. ,
. Jane l£i, Tl'ji H
i-J' fn, TTu- H^tsi
r-| mil ih
' . A|| net . -. -is -I
1 'nr*i d ufi
i I

I’SA PfKlteVKI: llu. .- h-ih! iahlii ^-ihwn LIP SSi|i J*r

1 M.^kifiK IM> -> 1[i«U, Ik- Mivr~. IA


0 to 130 in less than $300.

M s lime to change your tires.

Yet you procrastinate, wanting

O.E. quality but not the price that

comes with it.

Happily, Kelly engineering

ends your wait with the intro-

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High Perform ante KadiM
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All weather agile in an M + S tread that joins
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The Charger HR soundly beat the likes of the

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In fact, nobody touched us in the traditionally tough

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A good deal on a great tire.

ManuUdui m i« iimnitactifl nrnl pi nr Inr Inur I'm ! tflPlU 14ft Chi'^n HR rsdnil Sll y*ur Kelly
Ijmi r* hik bnrpKE ind ronpellUmleiEAnli P.rm S.|nin|ft*Jd ton mil rei m m np in

-N£Hf Mgiri IRflfllt Knwi

H mg. "iw". Q.B mg. mcDimff w jsa pg^nue (>v
FTC meihgif

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