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Semi-final Reviewer in Ethics

Topic: Basic Universal Values

● Human beings are endowed with spiritual capacities.

● This is a fact testified to by the founders of all the world religions as well as by
sages and philosophes, throughout history.
● An understanding of these positive virtues and values give individuals and
societies the mural accountability that is the basis of huma Integrity.
● Mere knowledge of ideals and principles is not enough.
● There is always the need to translate the ideals into action.

The development of civilization has occurred in a spiral pattern with seas of enlightenment and
periods of darkness, but with constant advancement confidence in the advent of human maturity
and global community provides the foundation for world peace.

- is a quality that weans people, things, events or situations.
- the term is to designate the moral characteristics that are inherent in a subject
piety, spolity, secularism, respect, etc.

- is an adjective that is related to what belongs or which relates to the universe.
- the concept refers to the set of all things created and what is common to all its

Universal Value
● formed by implied behavioral standards that are necessary to live in a harmonious and
peaceful society.
● a value is associated with morality and ethics, which is difficult to transpose, or refer to
the level of the group.
● all people have certain values that come from their interior and guide their actions.
● humans do not think all the same way, values can vary from one person to the next.
● have the particularity to be socially shared (Didactic Encyclopedia, 2015).
● In addition to cultural differences, we can say that the goodness, solidarity, volunteerism
and honesty are virtues you want in any country or region.
● Universal values are acquired with family education and school, because the process of
socialization involves that new generations internalize timeless concepts.

Schwartz Concept of Universal Values

● SH. Schwartz, along with a number of psychology colleagues, has carried out empirical
research investigating whether there are universal values, and what those values are
Schwartz defined values as "conceptions of the desirable that influence the way people
select action and evaluate events (Sen, 1999).

● Schwartz's results from a series of studies that included surveys of more than 25.000
people in 44 countries with a wide range of different cultural types suggest that there are
fifty-six specific universal values and ten types of universal value.

10 Types of Universal values

1. Power 6. Universalization
2. Achievement 7. Benevolence
3. Hedonism 8. Tradition
4. Stimulation 9. Conformity
5. Self- direction 10. Security

11 Basic Universal Human Values

1. Happiness 6. Intelligence
2. Peace 7. Human respect
3. Love 8. Equality
4. Freedom 9. Justice
5. Safety 10. Nature
11. Health

Topic: The Filipino Ways

● Our culture is a big reflection of our great and complex history. It is influences by most of
the people we have interacted with.
● A blend of the Malayo-Polynesian and Hispanic culture with the influence from Chinese
Indians Arabs, and other Asian cultures really contribute to the customs and traditions of
the Filipinos
● Filipino culture is unique compared to other Asian countries, and beliefs applied every
day in the life of the Filipines reveal how rich and blend the culture the people have

What makes filipinos different/ unique from other countries culture…

● When childrren are saying goodbye to an elderly they use the term pagmamano
or ‘Mano po’
- mano is spanish word for hand, and po is used to say as a respect to an
● addressing elders or superiors.
● The Filipinos are one of the most hospitable people you may find anywhere
Foreign visitors in the country are treated with the utmost respect.
- This trait is usually seen during fiestas and holidays where many Filipinos
are giving their best to entertain their visitors well.
● It is amazing to see that even the simplest home along the road opens its door to
a stranger For Filipinos, to be able to serve others gives them honor of showing
true friendship.

11 The Filipino Customs and Traditions

1. Having close family ties
2. The bayanihan
3. Courtship
4. Religion
5. Superstion
6. Marriage and wedding customs
7. Death
8. Society
9. Christmas in the Philippines
10. Fiestas
11. Living with Parents

8 Characteristics of Filipino Culture

1. Very resilient
2. Take pride in their family
3. Very religious
4. Help one another
5. Value traditions and culture
6. Have the longest Chistmas celebrations
7. Love art and architecture
8. Hospitable people

Filipino Family Values

Traditional Values
1. Paggalang (respect)
2. Pakikisama (helping others)
3. Utang na loob (debt of gratitude)
4. Pagpapahalaga sa pamilya (Prioritizing family)
5. Hiya (shame)
6. Damayan system
7. Compassionate
8. Fun-loving trait

Social Values
1. High-regard for amor propio (self-esteem)
2. Smooth interpersonal relationships
3. Personal alliance system
4. The Compadre system
5. Utang na loob
6. Suki relationship
7. Friendship

Weaknesses of the Filipino Character

1. Passsivity and lack of initiative
2. Colonial mentality
3. Kanya-kanyang syndrome
4. Extreme personalism
5. Extreme family centeredness
6. Lack of discpline

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