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Powered by Al User code of ethics for professional teachers pdf Bing ‘The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers is a set of guidelines that outlines the ethical and moral principles, standards, and values that teachers should adhere to. It applies to all teachers in schools in the Philippines, covering all public and private school teachers at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels. Here are some key points from the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: * Scope and Limitations: The Code applies to all teachers in schools in the Philippines, including those performing supervisory and/or administrative functions. * The Teacher and the State: Teachers are trustees of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation. They are obligated to transmit this heritage to learners, elevate national morality, promote national pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance to the constitution and all duly constituted authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state. + Physical, Mental, and Moral Fitness: Every teacher should be physically, mentally, and morally fit. + Commitment and Devotion to Duty: Every teacher should possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to duty. + Political, Religious, or Other Partisan Interest: A teacher should not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest, and should not solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or service or other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes. ‘You can find the full document on the UNESCO or World Bank websites. Please note that you may need a PDF reader to view the document. If you need more specific information from the Code of Ethics, feel free to ask! User ed 102: code of ethics for professional teachers discuss the preamble and article 1, relationship with the internal stakeholders, his/her person, profession and business explain how professional teachers should relate to the internal and external stakeholders explain how a professional teacher should conduct himselffherself as a person, in the teaching profesions and in the Philippines, Bing The ED 102: Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers is a set of guidelines that outlines the ethical and moral principles, standards, and values that teachers should adhere to in the Philippines. Preamble and Article I The preamble states that teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their noble profession. They strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and values. Article I, Scope and Limitations, states that the Code applies to all teachers in schools in the Philippines, including those performing supervisory and/or administrative functions. This Code covers all public and private school teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels Relationship with Internal Stakeholders Teachers should make an honest effort to understand and support the legitimate policies of the school and the administration regardless of personal feeling or private opinion. They should not make any false accusations ot charges against superiors. Teachers should also be imbued with, the spirit of professional loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in one another, self-sacrifice for the common good, and full cooperation with colleagues. Relationship with External Stakeholders Teachers should actively help carry out the declared policies of the state, and shall take an oath to this effect. They should not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest. Teachers should also not use their position or official authority or influence to coerce any other person to follow any political course of action, Conduct as a Person, in the Teaching Profession, and in the Philippines Teachers should be physically, mentally, and morally fit. They should possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to duty. They should not accept favors or gifts from leamers, their parents, or others in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if undeserved. Teachers should base the evaluation of the learner’s work on merit and quality of academic performance. They should ensure that conditions contributive to the maximum development of leamers are adequate, and should extend needed assistance in preventing or solving learner's problems and difficulties. User discuss the rights and privileges of teachers in the philippines Bing In the Philippines, teachers are granted certain rights and privileges under various laws and regulations, Here are some key points: Rights of Teachers 1, Academic Freedom: Teachers have the right to decide on the content of their lessons and the methods of instruction 2. Right to Professional Advancement: The state recognizes the right of teachers to professional advancement. 3, Right to Organize: Teachers have the right to establish, join, and maintain labor organizations of their choice to promote their welfare and defend their interests, 4, Right to Due Process: Teachers are safeguarded in disciplinary procedures. 5, Right to Equality: There should be no discrimination on the basis of qualifications. Privileges of Teachers 1. Consent for Transfer: Teachers cannot be transferred without their consent. 2. Married Couples in the Same Locality: If possible, married couples should be employed in the same local 3. Special Hardship Allowance: Teachers assigned to hardship posts, or those handling multi-grade classes, night shift classes, or those assigned to distant or difficult-to-reach areas are entitled to hardship allowance. 4, Study Leave: In addition to the leave privileges now enjoyed by teachers in the public schools, they are entitled to study leave not exceeding one school year after seven years of service. 5, Salary Increase upon Retirement: Teachers ar¢ entitled to one range salary raise upon retirement. These rights and privileges are designed to ensure that teachers are treated fairly and are able to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. They also aim to attract and retain the best available talents in the teaching profession. If you need more specific information, feel free to ask!

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