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Concept Note

Mangrove Clean-up Drive


Mangroves are vital coastal ecosystems that provide numerous ecological benefits, including shoreline
protection, carbon sequestration, and habitat for various marine species. However, these invaluable
ecosystems are increasingly threatened by pollution, habitat degradation, and human activities.
Recognizing the urgent need to conserve and restore mangrove habitats.


Clean-up: Remove accumulated litter and debris from mangrove areas to restore their natural beauty
and functionality.

Awareness: Raise awareness about the importance of mangrove ecosystems and the threats they face
among local communities, stakeholders, and the broader public.

Engagement: Engage volunteers, local communities, and stakeholders in hands-on conservation

efforts to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility towards mangrove protection.

Restoration: Contribute to the restoration of mangrove habitats by creating conducive conditions for
mangrove seedlings to thrive.


1. Site Selection: Identify mangrove sites in need of clean-up based on ecological significance,
level of pollution, and accessibility.
2. Training: Conduct training sessions to educate volunteers about mangrove ecosystems,
proper waste disposal techniques, and safety protocols.
3. Clean-up Operation: Organize clean-up activities, including litter collection, segregation, and
disposal, adhering to environmentally friendly practices.
4. Awareness Campaign: Organize educational workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns
to highlight the importance of mangrove conservation and sustainable coastal management.
5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the
impact of the clean-up drive on mangrove health and community engagement.
6. Collaboration: Foster partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, academia, and
businesses to leverage resources, expertise, and support for mangrove conservation efforts.

Expected Outcomes:

1. Cleaner Mangrove Habitats: Reduced litter and debris accumulation in mangrove ecosystems,
leading to improved habitat quality and ecosystem resilience.
2. Increased Awareness: Heightened public awareness about the ecological importance of
mangroves and the need for their conservation.
3. Community Engagement: Enhanced community participation and stewardship in mangrove
conservation activities, fostering a sense of pride and responsibility.
4. Restoration Support: Facilitation of mangrove restoration efforts through the removal of
obstacles to natural regeneration.
5. Collaborative Networks: Strengthened partnerships and networks among stakeholders for
sustained mangrove conservation efforts.

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