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BI 110 Introductory Biology

Microscopy, Cell concepts: Eukayotic cells, cell components: the protoplasm the nucleus
cytoskeleton; endoplasm reticulum Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, membranes, mitochondria,
ribosomes. Structure of animal cells. Structure of plants cells: role of chloroplasts vacuoles.
Structure of fungal cells. Prokaryoctic cells. Cell division: chromosome theory; mitosis and
concepts of growth meisos in sexual organisms. Introduction to macromolecules;
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. Mendelian genetics; inheritance; nature of genes,
hybridization; principle of segregation: lethal genes. Introduction to taxonomy: classification
systems; taxonomic units; biological species concept: biological nomenclatures ; binomial and
polynomial systems of nomenclatures: organismic characters; use of biological keys. Diversity
of tropical life forms: the bacteria: blue-green algae: viruses, retroviruses and HIV; survey of
fungi; survey of vertebrate and invertebrate animals; survey of non- vascular plants; survey of
vascular plants. Anatomy of plant and animal organs; diversity of tissue types. Respiration:
aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Photosynthesis: the Hill Reaction, the Calvin Cycle.
Reproduction in higher plants and animals. Introduction to concepts of ecosystems and

Time Allocation: 4 hours of lecturers per week

One 3 – hour session of Laboratory/Field Practical work per week

1 hour tutorial per week


 Continuous assessment ......40%

 Final Examination .......... 60%

Prescribed (P) Recommended (R) Reading List

Clegg. C.J. & Macken, D.G. 2008. Advanced Biology: Principles and Application. Hodder
Education (R)

Elliot W.H. and Elliot. D.C. 2004 Biolchemistry and molecular Biology. 3rd ed. Oxford. ISBN
0-19-9227199-2 (R)

Kent. M. 2000. Advanced Biology. Oxford University Press London ISEBN 0 -19 – 914195 -9

Raven. P.H. Johnson G.B. Mason, K.A. Losos, J, & Singer, S. 2008, Biology: McGraw-Hill
Publisher (P)

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