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St Joseph's High School


Semester 1 Report 2023

Chloe Leman
Year 11

This Semester report is issued without alteration by St Joseph's High School Aberdeen, Signed Veronica Rolfe

Information for Parents/Caregivers
Reporting is the process of providing information, both formally and informally, about the process of student achievement. The information in
this report is a summary of your child's achievement and will be provided twice a year. The report is one of a number of strategies used to
communicate with you about your child's achievements.

Explanation of Reporting Terms

The Personal Profile provides a snapshot of the student's work habits in each subject. Personal profile descriptors are:


Student Achievement in Key Learning Areas

Your student's achievement for each of the Key Learning Areas is reported using a five-point common grading scale. The grades achieved are
a summative effort of all assessments for that subject as per the Assessment Schedule.

The results for the common grading scale are displayed as a distribution of the results of all students in the subject. The shaded section
indicates your student’s grade. The percentage indicates the proportion of grades awarded for the subject.

The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this
A knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and
can apply these skills to new situations.

Thorough The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the
Achievement processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.

Sound The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an
Achievement adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.

Basic The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of
Achievement competence in the processes and skills.

Elementary The student has a elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of content and has achieved very
Achievement elementary competence in some of the processes and skills.

Not At the time of reporting, some strands may not have been covered therefore achievement levels will not be
Applicable included for this report.

Student Achievement in Key Learning Areas - Life Skills

Your student's achievement for each of the Key Learning Areas for Life Skills is reported using a three-point scale.

I The student achieved the outcome without support.

Achieved with
S The student required some assistance from an adult to achieve the outcome.

W Working Towards The student is making progress towards achieving the outcome with support.

At the time of reporting, some strands may not have been covered therefore achievement levels will not
N/A Not Applicable
be included for this report.
Chloe Leman
St Joseph's High School - Aberdeen - 2023 - Year 11 Semester One

Pastoral Class Ms Vanessa Peasley


Explained: 7 Days Unexplained: 1 Day

Studies in Catholic Thought Mr Vincent Cooper

Approaches to Learning

Rarely Sometimes Often Consistently

Respectful - Shows respect for teachers and peers ✓

Responsible -Is a conscientious and self-motivated learner ✓
Ready to Learn - Is well-prepared for learning each lesson ✓

Academic Profile

Elementary Basic Sound Thorough Extensive

Interprets the portrayal of the human person through various ✓


Communicates knowledge and understanding of the teachings of ✓

the Catholic Church

Teacher Comment

Chloe is a pleasure to have in the class and is very aware of what is expected from her. Chloe knows the subject content well and is encouraged to
speak up in class. With increased confidence in her own ability and knowledge Chloe will continue to grow in this subject.

Learning Tasks Course Mark Course Rank

Semester One Result 76 14 / 87

Overall Achievement Result Distribution

A - E Grade A B C D E

11% 45% 35% 6% 4%

English Advanced Mrs Frances O'Brien

Approaches to Learning

Rarely Sometimes Often Consistently

Respectful - Shows respect for teachers and peers ✓

Responsible -Is a conscientious and self-motivated learner ✓
Ready to Learn - Is well-prepared for learning each lesson ✓

Academic Profile

Elementary Basic Sound Thorough Extensive

Ability to show understanding of the relationship between ✓

composer, responder and text

Ability to synthesise study of a variety of texts and genres into an ✓

imaginative response

Demonstrates the ability to write a well-structured response ✓

which provides knowledge of reflective writing

Teacher Comment

Chloe is a quiet and thoughtful student who has made a pleasing start to her senior studies. She has a positive approach to this subject, and she
responds positively to feedback acting on suggestions and developing her work. Chloe is encouraged to participate more in class discussion and
trust in herself and recognise the value in what she can contribute. She is encouraged to continue to read widely and to also introduce critical
analysis of different styles of texts into her reading regime.

Learning Tasks Course Mark Course Rank

Semester One Result 72 19 / 34

Overall Achievement Result Distribution

A - E Grade A B C D E

26% 38% 26% 9% 0%

Mathematics Standard Mrs Melanie Ritter

Approaches to Learning

Rarely Sometimes Often Consistently

Respectful - Shows respect for teachers and peers ✓

Responsible -Is a conscientious and self-motivated learner ✓
Ready to Learn - Is well-prepared for learning each lesson ✓

Academic Profile

Elementary Basic Sound Thorough Extensive

Ability to use algebraic techniques to evaluate expressions and ✓

solve linear equations

Ability to classify, represent and analyse data ✓

Teacher Comment

Chloe is a diligent student who achieved some very pleasing results in Standard Mathematics this semester. She works confidently and competently
through set tasks and is to be commended on her persistent approach to further develop her understanding of new concepts introduced. Chloe
always makes the most of learning experiences and comes well prepared to every lesson. Her conscientious and diligent work ethic should stand
her in good stead for the remainder of the year. Chloe is a pleasure to teach.

Learning Tasks Course Mark Course Rank

Semester One Result 87 2 / 68

Overall Achievement Result Distribution

A - E Grade A B C D E

6% 30% 33% 27% 3%

Biology Ms Kelly Carmody

Approaches to Learning

Rarely Sometimes Often Consistently

Respectful - Shows respect for teachers and peers ✓

Responsible -Is a conscientious and self-motivated learner ✓
Ready to Learn - Is well-prepared for learning each lesson ✓

Academic Profile

Elementary Basic Sound Thorough Extensive

Describes biological diversity by explaining the relationships ✓

between a range of organisms in terms of specialisation for
selected habitats and evolution of species

Ability to develop skills in applying the processes of working ✓


Teacher Comment

Chloe is a capable student who has a solid grasp of the concepts covered in Biology and has achieved good results this semester. She is a
conscientious student who applies a consistent approach to her study and uses class time effectively. Chloe has demonstrated the ability to
complete a depth study and present scientific knowledge to a high standard. She is encouraged to continue her good work practices, seek
clarification when needed and regularly revise all content.

Learning Tasks Course Mark Course Rank

Semester One Result 96 2 / 45

Overall Achievement Result Distribution

A - E Grade A B C D E

18% 22% 51% 9% 0%

Business Studies Mr Timothy O'Toole

Approaches to Learning

Rarely Sometimes Often Consistently

Respectful - Shows respect for teachers and peers ✓

Responsible -Is a conscientious and self-motivated learner ✓
Ready to Learn - Is well-prepared for learning each lesson ✓

Academic Profile

Elementary Basic Sound Thorough Extensive

Discusses the nature of business, its role in society and types of ✓

business structure

Explains the internal and external influences on businesses ✓

Plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business ✓

Teacher Comment

Chloe is a hardworking and polite student who has seen excellent results in Business Studies for Semester One. She approaches all tasks with a
positive attitude and completes them to the best of her ability. Chloe is encouraged to work on strengthening her academic skills, by asking for
feedback on her class work and formative tasks to strengthen her results.

Learning Tasks Course Mark Course Rank

Semester One Result 90 3 / 40

Overall Achievement Result Distribution

A - E Grade A B C D E

12% 15% 32% 28% 12%

Chemistry Mr Christian Vieiro

Approaches to Learning

Rarely Sometimes Often Consistently

Respectful - Shows respect for teachers and peers ✓

Responsible -Is a conscientious and self-motivated learner ✓
Ready to Learn - Is well-prepared for learning each lesson ✓

Academic Profile

Elementary Basic Sound Thorough Extensive

Ability to plan and conduct investigations to obtain valid and ✓

reliable data and information

Ability to communicate scientific understanding through practical ✓

investigations and reports

Teacher Comment

Chloe is a hardworking student who consistently puts an effort into her work. She effectively presents real initiative in her class work and does work
cooperatively during practical investigations. Chloe's Practical Skills results shows a very high level of competence to manipulate equipment and
explain scientific data. With sustained effort and application by completing practice questions, Chloe can continue to produce excellent results in

Learning Tasks Course Mark Course Rank

Semester One Result 87 2 / 23

Overall Achievement Result Distribution

A - E Grade A B C D E

22% 17% 57% 4% 0%

Legal Studies Miss Nowell Sater

Approaches to Learning

Rarely Sometimes Often Consistently

Respectful - Shows respect for teachers and peers ✓

Responsible -Is a conscientious and self-motivated learner ✓
Ready to Learn - Is well-prepared for learning each lesson ✓

Academic Profile

Elementary Basic Sound Thorough Extensive

Describes the key features of Australian and international law ✓

Describe the operation of domestic and international legal ✓

Teacher Comment

Chloe is a focused and dedicated student who is to be particularly commended on her results for Assessment Task One. She approaches all tasks
with a diligent attitude and consistently completes homework and formative tasks. Chloe should maintain this focus and positive attitude throughout
the course to continue achieving desired results.

Learning Tasks Course Mark Course Rank

Semester One Result 98 2 / 18

Overall Achievement Result Distribution

A - E Grade A B C D E

33% 17% 17% 6% 28%

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