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Interactions of Plant Systems -


Part 1: Plant Transport (15 points)

1. What is the general trend of transpiration over time, as shown by the line graph for
Rate vs humidity?

2. Identify any periods of time where the rate of transpiration increased or decreased
significantly. What might have caused these changes?

1 - Mammoth Science Publishing: Charlie: Interactions of Plant Systems -FRQ ©Mammoth Science
3. Are there any patterns or trends in the rate of transpiration over different temperature
or humidity levels?

4. What is the relationship between the rate of transpiration and the time of day?

5. Based on the data shown in the line graph, what conclusions can you draw about the
factors that affect transpiration in plants?

6. How might changes in the environment, such as increased temperature or decreased

humidity, affect the rate of transpiration in plants? Use evidence from the line graph to
support your answer.

Part 2: Plant Reproduction (15 points)

7. Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction in plants, and provide
examples of each. (5 points)

2 © Mammoth Science
8. Describe the structures involved in the male and female reproductive systems of
angiosperms, and explain how they work together during pollination and fertilization.
(5 points)

9. Explain the process of seed development in angiosperms, and discuss the role of fruits
in seed dispersal. (5 points)

3 © Mammoth Science

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