TN3 Review

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Match the expressions/idioms in right column with their meaning in the left column.

It’s overrated.

It’s really urgent.

It just isn’t my thing.

It’s a must-see.

It’s killing me.

People say it’s good, but I don’t think so.

I don’t like it.

I feel a lot of pain because of it.

You should absolutely visit it when you are here.

I need it as soon as possible.

2. Match the expressions/idioms in right column with their meaning in the left column.
I owe you one.
I can’t put it down.
I think it’s worth seeing.
I can’t make up my mind.
I can't get enough of it.
Thank you really much for that.
See it and you will like it, trust me.
I want to have more of it because I really like it.
It is difficult for me to decide.
I can’t stop reading it.

3. Match the expressions/idioms in right column with their meaning in the left column.
I owe you one.
I can’t put it down.
I think it’s worth seeing.
I can’t make up my mind.
I can't get enough of it.
Thank you really much for that.
See it and you will like it, trust me.
I want to have more of it because I really like it.
It is difficult for me to decide.
I can’t stop reading it.

1. Once arriving at the cliff, (the tourists) (will able to) see the (breath-taking) views of (the ocean).

2. (The news) that (were) reported earlier today (discusses) (the effects) of global warming (on) the

3. Parents (should encourage) their children (do the housework) as a good way (for them) to
become (organized people).

4. I don’t think it is a good idea to go swimming now. The water is very cold to swim in.

5. (Fossil fuels) (like) coal and natural oil (are the main cause) of global warming, (isn’t it)?

6. The book (that he read) last month (are) (a biography) about (the life) of an infamous dictator

7. When (it rains), the sea (is always) (very dangerous) to (go swimming).

8. (Could you tell me) what (should I be) (careful about) when I (hike the mountain)?

9. She (promised that) she (would) get up early (tomorrow) to watch the sunrise, but (she didn’t),
so we missed it.

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