(Batangas) BSMLS 4th Year 2023 Coursera

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Foundations of Public Health Practice

Imperial College London

This specialisation will enable you to reflect on and cultivate the behaviours you require to become an e!ective public health
professional –whether as an academic, practitioner, clinician, manager or leader.The specialisation is shaped into four courses
covering the origins of public health, health improvement, behaviour change, and health protection. The specialisation will draw
upon learning from the Statistics for Public Health and Epidemiology for Public Health specialisations, and builds the

4 courses 1 2 3 4

Foundations of Public Health Practice: The Public Health Approach

Week 4 of 4
Progress: 0%
Ends on Dec 11, 2023 Resume
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Epidemiology for Public Health

Imperial College London

Thousands of new epidemiological studies are conducted every year and their results can have a profound impact on how we live
our lives. Decisions regarding the food you eat, how much you exercise, where you live and what treatment you will follow if you
get sick are made based on data from such studies. This specialization aims to equip you with the skills that will allow you to
correctly interpret epidemiological research, consider its limitations, and design your own studies. The first course of the
specialisation, Measuring Disease in Epidemiology, looks into the main measures used in epidemiology and how these can
inform decisions around public health policy, screening and prevention. The second course, Study Designs in Epidemiology,
provides an overview of the most common study designs, their strengths and limitations. The third course, Validity and Bias in
Epidemiology, builds on the fundamental concepts taught in the previous courses to discuss bias and confounding and how they
might a!ect study results. It also provides the essential skills to prevent and control bias and confounding and critically think
about causality. At the end of this specialization you will have gained the essential skills to design and critique epidemiological
research and you will be able to pursue more advanced courses in epidemiology. Although this specialization is part of the GMPH
programme, it can be taken independently of the GMPH.


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Measuring Disease in Epidemiology

Week 4 of 4
Progress: 12%
Ends on Dec 4, 2023 Resume
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University of Michigan

In this Specialization you will explore human anatomy using a systems approach, and a vast library of multimedia materials, so
you may understand the features of di!erent organ systems in relation to the human body’s form and function. This
Specialization covers the following organ systems: Integumentary System Musculoskeletal System Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System Urinary System Nervous System Gastrointestinal System Reproductive System Endocrine System This

4 courses 1 2 3 4

Anatomy: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems

Week 4 of 4
Progress: 3%
Ends on Dec 11, 2023 Resume
4 assignments this week

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