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Register Number : ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR ADMISSION, MAY 2013. Ph.D. (Mathematics) COURSE CODE: 118 Signature of the Invi (with date) COURSE CODE: 118 ‘Time : 2 Hours Max : 400 Marks Instructions to Candidates : 1. 2. Write your Register Number within the box provided on the top of this page and fill in the page 1 of the answer sheet using pen, Do not write your name anywhere in this booklet or answer sheet. Violation of this entails disqualification. Read each of the question carefully and shade the relevant answer (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) in the relevant box of the ANSWER SHEET using HB pencil. Avoid blind guessing. A wrong answer will fetch you -1 mark and the correct answer will fetch 4 marks. Do not write anything in the question paper. Use the white sheets attached at the end for rough works. Do not open the question paper until the start signal is given. Do not attempt to answer after stop signal is given. Any such attempt will disqualify your candidature. On stop signal, keep the question paper and the answer sheet on your table and wait for the invigilator to collect them. Use of Calculators, Tables, ete. are prohibited. 118 Notation: R Real line, Q- Set of rationals, N- Set of natural numbers and C- Set of Complex numbers, Z- Set of integers, Fora set E, £- closure of E, &” - complement of E and sp(£)- span of E. For a normed linear space X, X" denotes its dual space. C{0,1] denotes the set of all continuous real function on [0,1] Instructions to candidates: (Answer all questions. (i) Each correct answer carries 4 marks and each wrong answer carries -1 mark. Gi) IMPORTANT: Mark the correct statement, unless otherwise specified. 1 ‘The characteristic polynomial of A= ( ; is (a) x? B) x?-1 (©) =x? @) x-1 Let G be a group of order np' where p does not divide n, Then the number of subgroups of order pr is of the form (A) 1+ where p does not divide k (B) 1+k where p divides k (C)_ kwhere p does not divide # (D) where p divides k ‘The eigen values of the matrix s,are ) 1-1 (@) -1-1 «@ -1,1 @) Li 3 10 8 If the eigenvalues of A=|-2 -3 7| are 2,2,3 then eigen values of 4~tand4? are (3 5 7 (ay 55 genet ® 2,3? 1 2g? (Cc) 7 2? ,-3' (D) -2 2 If A= re 2 8 -1| the sum and product of the eigen values of A are (A) 32, (By) 12,32 (C) -12,-32 @) 12,32 In R? let S=(4,0) Then Span(S)= A) s B) {cofreR} © {Oy)|\yeR} DO) R 7. Consider the Banach space C[0,2]with supremum norm. The norm of the linear function T' : [0,4]-+ R given by T(f)= Yi sin? ade @ 1 Br "© #2 (D) 27 8, Let ybe the set of all polynomials of degree R)is equivalent to which on e of the following ? A (PrQyR ® Pvajsr «() R-(PvQ) @) R>(PAQ) 17. A metric space is always (A) First countable (B) Second countable (©) Lindelof @) Separable 18. An analytic function f = u+ iv with constant modulus is (A) uty (B) vu? +0? (©) constant ©) zero 19. The number of spanning trees of a complete graph K» forn? 1is (Ayn (B) on™ (C) n® (D)n! 20. Let G bea connected (p, q) ~ plane graph having f faces. Then (p~q+) equal to A 1 (B) 2 © 3 (D)4 21, All solution of the equation e* +e" +e* +e=Oare ai skeZ kei * (C) Z=(2k+1)ni, 1+(2k+1)m, ke Z (D) none of the above (A) Z=sin((2k+1)n)ke Z (B) 22, What is the maximum possible height of a binary tree on n_ vertices? (n+1) (2-1) n{n-1) w ® 75 os oD 23. Let X be a metric space and Ac Xbe a connected set with at least two distinct points. Then the number of distinct points in A is (A) Only two (B) more than two, but finite (C) countably infinite @) uncountable 118 4 24, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30, Let X be any topological space and let A S X. Then the interior of A is “w @ @ (4) (@ Ana @) AVA If f: G> H be a group homomorphism then (A) _G)is finite only if G is finite (B) (GQ) is infinite only if G is infinite (©) fG)is cyclic only if Gis cyclic (D) fG) is abelian only if G is abelian Which one of the following statements is wrong? (A) If G is cyclic then every subgroup of G is cyclic. (B)_Ifevery proper subgroup of G is eyelic then G is cyclic (© If Gis abelian then all subgroups are abelian (D) If Gis infinite cyclic group then every nontrivial subgroup is infinite. Let G be an abelian group. (A) Ifo(G) = n2, then G is cyclic (B) Ifo(G) = n? and nis a prime, then Gis cyclic (©) Ifo(G) = pq, where p and q are primes, then Gis cyclic (D) If Gis infinite then G is cyclic. A sequence in a metric space is convergent if (A) it ise bounded sequence (B) fit is cauchy sequence (©) the range of the sequence is finite set (@) if there exists point p such that every neighborhood of p does not contain a finite number of terms of the sequence. Let p* divides o(G), p a prime number. Then which one of the following statement is not always true. Then (A) Ghas a subgroup of order pr if r= 1 (B) Ghasa subgroup of order pr ifr =n (© Ghasa subgroup of order prifrX is such that d(f(x)f(y))R satisfying fer ride = 0 for n=1,2, (A) is empty (B) is countably infinite (©) contains a single element (D) is uncountably infinite 9 118 54, 57. 58. 59. 118 if (©9)# 00) shen at (00) # (x,»)=(0,0) (A) f,(0,0)and f,(0,0) do not exist (B) f,(0,0) and (0,0) exist and are equal I fle d= i457 (©) Time) joo) exists but f is not continuous at (0,0). (D) f is continuous at (0,0). The value of the integral, | __@¢ _ where C_ the the positively oriented circle él@-1)e-3) |a|=3, is ni Aon B) -x © F @) 0 ‘The function ‘w= eis (A) entire and periodic (B) analytic, periodic & 1-1 mapping (C)_ entire, periodic & 1-1 mapping (D) analytic, periodic & not 1-1 mapping xt +n? In the interval |-1,1}, the series "(1)" = 4" ig rn (A) Uniformly and absolutely convergent (B) Absolutely convergent but not uniformly convergent (C) Neither uniformly nor absolutely convergent (D) Uniformly convergent but not absolutely convergent If f(z) is analytic then f(z) satisfies, A) fr +if, =0 ®) f.-if,=0 © fif,=0 @) f, +if, Radius of convergence of ) 1 a) 0 (BL © 2 @) 2 If {:@C is analytic than f(x) is conformal at each point Zy af Gif (A) flz)=0 ®) fle)#0 © fFe)=0 WO) fFle)¥0 10 61. 62. 63, 64. 65. 66. 67. 68, If fle)=2* , the singularity of f(x) at 2=0 is (A) removable (B) poles (C) essential (D) none re) fa Evaluate — 4and f(z)=-—————, walag (abe ra) aA 1 (B) -2 (C) 2 (D) 4 Let a and b be two complex numbers. Then lesfanie [1 — ab] (A) aj <1) <1 (B) faf1 = © fal >1o[<1 In cauchy-goursat theorem, we don't need the condition that (A) f(x)continuous (B) f'()non zero constant (©) f(x) continuous @) F(e)40 How many roots of equation z‘~6z+3=0 are in 1<|2|<2 @ 1 @®) 2 © 3 (D) 4 cee a If is the Jacobian of the fluid flow map and u(x,t) is the fluid velocity then se equal to A Way ®) (V.@)) © vu Oy It J (,b) is the Jacobian of the fluid flow map of an incompressible fluid then @ JE0=1 B® JEye0 O JE po © IG p-0, ‘The equation of continuity follows from the principle of (A) Conservation of Momentum (B) Conservation of Mass (©) Conservation of Energy (D) second law of Thermodynamics In the pipe Poiseuille flow in a pipe of radius ‘4" the mass flow rate is proportional to (a) at (B) a © a ©) a u 118 69. 70. n. 72. 73. 14. 6. 118 It Z is the constant velocity at infinity and [, is the circulation around the boundary of a body Bthen Kutte-Joukowski theorem gives a non zero foree around a two- dimensional obstacle B when (A) To#O and #0 B Tc#O but e0 © Te=oandT #0 (©) Te and O20 are arbitrary. +p, in adomainD, ¥ satisfies =0 on aD 0 on aD If the Helmholtz-Hodge Decomposition theorem (a) Va onaD = (B)._:«Vxa=0 in D anda. (© Vi=0inDandaax0onaD (PD) Vai#0in D and 0 in D and d= Let C[0,1] be the set of all continuous functions defined on {0,1} on this set, define addition as multiplication point wise. Then C{0,1] is (A) a group but not a ring (B)_aring but not an integral domain () afield (D) an integral domain but not a field In Plane Poiseuille flow between two parallel plates the velocity profile is (A) astraight line (B) ahyperbola (C)_ anellipse () «parabola If d is the velocity and @ is the vorticity per unit mass of an ideal fluid and external forces are absent the then 2e is equal to @ (va @ © aa) @) av. ‘An eigen function of y"+4y =0, (0)=0 and »(z)=0 is given by (ay sin() ®B) sin(=) (© sin(3x) ®) sinx Which one of the following equations is a self-adjoint equation (A) yexy=0 (B) y-2ay'ty=0 © O-xth-ayty=0 (D) xty"4ay'+(e? -1y =0 12 16. 77. 78. 79. 80, 81. 82. 1 If P,(x) is the Legendre Polynomial of degree 3 then JP (x}dx is equal to “ 2 2 (D) = OF wie 7 By + B) 2 «) For the Bessel function R be a monotonic function, then (A) fis continuous (B) fis discontinuous at atmost two points (C) fis discontinuous at finitely many points (D) fis discontinuous at atmost countable points 8 14 Cee ee 90. Ina metric space (X,d) (A) Every infinite set E has a limit point in E (B) Every closed subset of a compact set is compact (C) Every closed and bounded set is compact (@) Every subset of a compact set is closed 91, Ifa polynomial f(x) with coefficient in Z/pZ has n distinct roots, then the degree of the polynomial is (A) Greater than or equal to (B) Less than or equal ton (C) Exactly equal ton (D) Does not depend upon n 92. In a commutative ring (A) Every prime ideal is maximal (B) Every non zero prime ideal is maximal (C) Every maximal ideal is prime (@) We may have prime ideal which are not maximal and maximal ideal which are not prime. 93. AScleronomous constraints have (A) explicit time dependence (B) no explicit time dependence (C) nonholonomic (D) rheonomie 94, A particle falling vertically under the influence of gravity when friction forces obtainable from a dissipation function Zho* are present. The maximum possible velocity for fall from rest is (A) mak @ 3 (D) Ying 15 118 95. The solution of differential equation x‘ +2zwx'+,w*x=0 is critically damped if a) w @® w=0 (C) ww (D) w

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