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Marinela Ivanova XIb class

On a nice sunny day, I decided to get on track and go out with my friends. It took me quite a while to
decide what to wear. After I got dressed and started to make up, I wore my favorite T-shirt. I got angry a lot and
didn't stop repeating "Why is it me? Why am I not lucky?". I changed clothes, but decided to eat. Again the
same, but this time I tainted my jeans. Oh, how lucky you are. I was thinking even if I didn't go out. But
nevertheless, I had promised them. They have been waiting for me for a long time, but after all these events, I
quickly got down in front of us and left.

We wondered what to do and finally decided to sit down to have coffee, which was one of the best in our
small town. I ordered a cake and found a hair in it. I'm not surprised. I had the feeling that today was Friday the
13th. Then I decided to go to the toilet, but I forgot to put my phone in my back pocket. And guess what
happened. It fell in the toilet, but it was good for joy. It took me a long time to dry it. Then it turned out that I had
forgotten my money, and the nearest ATM (cash dispenser) was about a kilometer away. We decided to go for a
walk around the center.

We walked and everything was fine. My friends made me let go of the tote in the hope that it would
inspire confidence and courage. They prayed for a long time, but I finally agreed. I let go of Toto. The
circulation would be drawn at 5:00 pm. I didn't think I'd be lucky. I felt like I was the biggest lump in the world. I
already decided to check it out. And what to see 6 of 49. I was thinking a lot about what I would make all that
money for. But I decided to make some donations.

When I went to the orphanage a few days later to donate money, I saw how many sad children there were.
And I realized that I was fine. I am healthy, I have a home, a family, I breathe, I eat. I just had to look around
myself how many unhappy people there are and at the same time how happy they look. I still can’t believe my

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