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Himalayas form the natural and political

boundaries of India. Due to the location of
Himalayas, the Indian Sub-continent has been
able to have its own identity apart from the
Asian mainland.
It plays an important role in the determination
of the climate of India. India has a tropical
monsoonal climate due to presence of Himalaya
in its north. It obstructs the way of the cold polar
winds, as a result the Indian sub-continent is
saved from the Polar waves. Himalayas are
also very important for Indian agriculture which
is mostly dependent on the rains.
Himalayas make the rivers perennial by
continuoussupply of the water by melting of the
snow. The Himalaya Rivers bring large amount
of sediment with them and hence resulting into
the formation of fertile alluvial plains.
Himalayas have enormous potential for various
metallic minerals like Cobalt, Nickel, Zinc,
Copper, Antimony, Bismuth, etc. The best quality
Anthracite coal is also found in the Kargil area.
Himalayas is also a large habitat for various
animals. So this region is well known for its
biological diversity.

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