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You are on page 1of 27 Chemistry REVIEW QUESTIONS Q.1 Encircle the comect answer: a (ii) (iii) (a) Which of the following lists contains only elements? A. Air, water, oxygen B. Hydrogen, oxygen, brass C. Air, water, fire, earth D. Calcium, Sulphur, carbon The diagrams below represent particles in four substances, which box tepresent the particles in nitrogen. ° ° . So, 8)( SB 8)(Se"(Ls o/ \2 o/\ C0 Ae B. c o. What is the formula mass of CuSO«. 5H20. (Atomic masses Cu = 63.5, S= 32,0=16,H=1) A. 1505 B. 1855 Cc. 249.5 D.149.5, Hint: (63.5+ 324 x 16) +5 (2 + 16) = 63.5 + 32 +64 +5x 18 = 159.5 + 90 = 249.5 A compound with chemical formula Nack, has formula mass 10éamu. Atomic mass of the element X is ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 1 Chemistry A. 106 B. 23 c.12 D.16 Hint; 2x 46+ 12+ 3x=106 46 + 12+ 3x = 106 58 + 3x= 106 3x = 48 x=16 (v) How many moles of molecules are there in 16 g oxygen. Al B.0.5 c.01 D.0.05 (vi) What is the mass of 4 moles of hydrogen gas. A. 8.0649 B. 4032. g cig D.1,008 g What is the mass of carbon present in 44 g of carbon dioxide. Al2g Bég C24g D.44g (viii) The electron configuration of an element is 1s 2s’. An atom of this element will form an ion that will have charge. A.+1 B. +2 c.+3 D.-1 (ix) Which term is the same for one mole of oxygen and one mole of water? A. volume B. mass Cc. atoms D. molecules (x) fone mole of carbon contains x atoms, what is the number of atoms contained in 12 g of Mg. ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 2 Chemistry AX B.0.5x C.2x D. 1.5x Answers: 1D 2.D 3.c 4D 6.B 7.0 8B 9D 10.B Q.2: Give short answers i. Differentiate between an ion and a free radical. Ans: lon: lon is a charged species formed from an atom or chemically bonded groups of atoms by adding or removing electrons. Cations: Positively charged ions are called cations. Anions: Negatively charged ions we called anions. Examples: For example, Na forms Na* by losing one electron Ca forms Ca*? by losing two electrons. The Non-metal atoms usually pain one or more electrons and form anions. Examples: For example, chlorine atom gains one electron and forms Cl-ion, O-atom gains two electrons and forms O-2 ion. Free radicals: ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 3 Chemistry A free radical is an atom, which has an unpaired electron and bears no electrical charge. For example: A, are free radicals. Note: When substances the halogens are exposed to sunlight their molecules spit up to free ra cals, ii, What do you know about corpuscular nature of matter? Ans: Corpuscular nature of matter (Empedocles concept): An ancient Greek philosopher, Empedocles thought that al materials are made up of four things called elements. 1. Earth 2. Air 3. Water 4. Fire Plato conce} Plato adopted Empedocles theory and coined the term clement to describe these four substances. Aristotle concept: His successor Aristotie adopted the concept of four elements. He introduced the idea that elements can be rented on the boss of properties such as hot versus cold and wet versus dry. For example, heating clay in an oven could be thought of as driving of water and adding fire, transforming clay into a pot Similarly, water cold & wet) falls from the sky as rain, when an (hot cnd wet) cool down. The Greek concept of four elements existed for more than two thousand years. ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 4 Chemistry iii, Differentiate between analytical Chemistry and environmental chemistry Ans: Analytical Chemisty: The branch of Chemistry that deals with the methods and insiruments for determining the composition of matter is called Analytical Chemistry. Environmental Chemistry: The branch of Chemistry that deals with the chemicals and toxic substances that pollute the environment and their adverse effects on human beings called environmental chemistry. iv. What is mole? ‘Ans: Mole Concept: The amount of matier that contains as many atom ns or molecules as the number of atoms in exactly 12g of C-12 is called mole. Mole can also be defined as atomic mass, molecular mass or formula mass expressed in grams. ‘Mass in grams Number of moles = “SS 0 Cn’ Molecular mass A mole is an amount of a substance that contains 602 x 10 particles of that substance. This experimentally determined number is known as Avogadro's number. Definition of moles: The definition of more accepted internationally, is as follows: Mole is the amount of a substance which contains the same number of chemical units as there are some in exactly 12 grams of pure carbon-12 ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 5 Symbol of the mole unit: The unit of mole is given a symbol "mol" Example: Chemistry For example, a mole of carbon s 6.02 x 103 atoms. A mole of sulphur 6.02 x 102 atoms. A mole of water is 6.02 x 10° molecules. v. Differentiate between empirical formula and molecular formula. Ans: Difference between empirical and molecular formula: Empirical Formula Molecular Formula 1. Empirical formula of a compound is the chemical formula that gives the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms of each element. 1. Amolecular formula gives the actual whole numberratio of atom of each element present in a compound. 2. A formula that represents the simplest whole number ratio of atoms of elements in a compound. 2. A formula which represents actual number of atoms of elements ina compound. 3. Itis obtained from elemental analysis. Molecular formul Emperical formula = Motecuter formule n 3. Itis obtained by multiplying “n" with empirical formula where: Molecular mass Emperical formula mass 4. It is used for both molecular and ionic compound 4, Itis used for molecular compounds. 5. Examples: 5. Examples: ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 Chemistry Ci0 and CH are empirical formulae of _] CaH20, and GH are molecular formulae glucose and benzene respectively. of glucose and benzene respectively. vi. Whatis the number of molecules in 9.0 g of steam? Ans: Mass in gram = 99 Molar mass of steam (H20) = 2x1 +16= 18g Avogadro's number! N 6.022 x 1028 Number of Molecules = ? Number of molecules = 6.02210" Number of molecules = 0.5 x 6.022 x 10% Number of molecules = 3.011 x 103 Molecules vii. | What are the molar masses of uranium -238 and uranium -235? Ans: Molar mass of uranium -238 = Atomic mass of Uranium -238 = 38 g Molar mass of uranium -235 = Atomic mass of Uranium -235 = 235 g viii, Why one mole of hydrogen molecules and one mole of H-atoms have different masses? Ans: One-mole quantities of two different substances have different masses for the same reason the substances have different compositions if we put one mole of hydrogen molecules and one mole of H-atoms on separate balances, we would see a difference in mass, just as you do for the eggs ond the limes. This occurs because hydrogen molecules differ from H atoms. Thus, the mass of 6.02x 10%hycrogen molecules does not equal the mass of 6.02 x 1023H-atoms. (1 mole of H-otom = 1 g, | mole of H=1x2=2g) ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 7 Chemistry Q.3: Define ion, molecular ion, formula unit, free radical, atomic number, mass number, atomic mass unit. Ans: lon: lon is a charged species formed from an atom or chemically, bonded groups of atoms by adding or removing electrons. Cations: Positively charged ions are called cations, Anions: Negatively charged ions are called anions. Examples: For example, Na forms Nat by losing one electron, Ca forms Ca*? by losing two elections. The Non-metal atoms usually gain one or more electrons and form anions. Examples: For example, chlorine atom gains one electron and forms Cl ion, O-atom gains two electrons and forms ©? ion. Molecular ion: When a molecule loses or gains electrons, the resulting species is called a molecular ion Example: For example, O2 when loses one electron it forms Oz* ion, but when it absorbs an electron it forms Oz ion. These ions are called molecular ions. Similarly, No, No* etc are examples of molecular ions. ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 8 Chemistry Note: These are short lived species and only exist at high temperature. Molecular ions do not form ionic compound. Formula uni Formula unit is the simplest formula of on ionic compounds. A formula unit, as the name impiies, is one unit, where atom, ion or molecule corresponds to given formula. For example: One formula unit of NaCI has one Nat ion and one Cl ion. One formula unit of MgBr2 has one Mg” ion and two Br ions. Free radicals: A free radical is an atom, which has an unpaired electron and bears no electrical charge For Example: A, Clare free radicals Note: When substances like halogens cre exposed light, their molecules spli up into free radicals. ‘The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is known as its atomic number. For Example: There is only one proton in the nucleus of H-atom; therefore, its atomic number is 1. Mass number: The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom is known as its mass number. Number of neutrons = mass number - atomic number ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 9 Chemistry Atomic mass unit: One atomic mass unit (amu) is defined as. a mass exactly equal to one- twelfth the mass of one C-12 atom. Mass of one C-12 atom = 12 amu. mass of one C-12 alom 12 lamu= A hydrogen atom is 8.40% as massive os the standard C-12 atom. Therefore, relative atomic mass of hydrogen. = 84.1 omu= 1.008 amu 100 Simiarly, relative atomic masses of O, Na. Al are 15.9994 amu, 22 9898 am 26.9815 amu respectively. Q.4: Differentiate between (a) atom andion (b) molecular ion and free radical. Ans: (a) Difference between atom and ion: ‘An ionmokes up the electric charge of an atom. It can be a positively (+) charged atom or a negatively (-) charged atom, depending on the number of protons versus elecirons On the other hand, an atom is the smallest part of on element composed of electrons, protons, and the nucleus. (b) _ Difference between molecular ion and free radical: Polyatomic and molecular ions are often formed by the combination of elemental ions such as H’ with neutral molecules or by the loss of such elemental ions from neutral molecules. Many of these processes are acid-base reactions ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 10 Chemistry A radical ion is a free radical species that caries a charge. Radical ions are encountered in organic chemistry as reactive intermediates @.5: Describe how Avogadro's number is related to a mole of any substance. Ans: Relation of Avogadro's number to mole: One mole of a substance = 6,02x 10% atoms / molecules. Number of molecules of substance Ny Number of moles of a substance = Number of moles of a substance = Number of molecules of substance 6.02x10 Examples: One mole of hydrogen atoms = 6.02 x 10 atoms of hydrogen (H) = | a.m.u One mole of hydrogen molecules = 6.02 x 10% molecules of hydrogen (H2) = 2 a.m.u One mole of water = 6.02 x 1023 molecules of water (H2O) = 18 a.m.u @.6: Calculate the number of moles of each substance in samples with the following masses: 1. 24gofHe 2. 250mg of carbon 3. 15.g of sodium chloride 4. 40g of Sulphur 5. 1.5 kg of MgO Solution: a. 2.4g of He Mass of helium (He) = 2.4 g Molar mass of helium (He) = 4g ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 " Chemistry Number of moles = ? Mass in grams Molar mass Number of moles = Number of moles = .6 moles b. 250mg of carbon Mass of carbon (C) = 250g = = g=0.25g Molar mass of carbon (C) = 12g Number of moles = 2 ‘Mass in grams ‘Molar mass Number of moles = Number of moles = a = 0021 moles ¢. 15g of sodium chloride Mass of sodium chloride (NaCl) = 15 g Molar mass of sodium chloride (NaCl) = 23 + 35.5 = 58.59 Number of moles = 2 Mass in grams Molar mass Number of moles = 15. Number of moles = 2 = 0.256 moles d. 40g ofsulphur Mass of sulphur ($) = 40g Molar mass of sulphur (5) = 32g Mass in grams. Number of moles = “C7 grom's Molar mass ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 12 Chemistry Number of moles = 2 = 1.25 moles e. 1.5kg of MgO Mass of MgO = 1.5 kg = 1.5x 1000 = 1500 g Molar mass of MgO = 24 +16= 40g Number of moles = @ Number of moles = Moss in grams Molar mass Number of moles = wee =37.5mdles Q7: Calculate the mass in grams of each of the following samples: a. 1.2 moles of K b. 75 moles of H2 C. 0.25 moles of steam d. 1.05 moles of Cusos.5H:0 e. 0.15 moles of H2SOu. Solution: a. 1.2 moles of K Number of moles of potassium (kK) = 1.2 moles Molar mass of potassium {k) = 39 g Mass in gram = @ Mass in gram = Number of moles x Molar mass Mass in gram = 12x39 = 46.8g ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 13 Chemistry b. 75 moles of Hz Number of moles of hydrogen (Hz) = 75 moles Molar mass of hydrogen (H2) = 2x 1= 2g Mass in gram = @ Mass in gram = Number of moles x Molar mass Mass in gram = 75x2= 150g c. 0.25 moles of steam Number of moles of steam (H20) = 0.25 moles Molar mass of steam (H20) = 2x1+16= 18g Mass in gram = @ Maas in gram = Number of moles x Molar mass Mass in gram = 0.25x 18 = 4.59 d. 1.05 moles of CuSOs.5H20 Number of moles of CuSO«.5H20 = 05 moles Molar mass of CuSO4.5H20 = 63.5+ 32 + 4x 16+5(2x1+16)=g Molar mass of CuSOs.5H20 = 63.5+ 32 + 64 +5 (18) =g Molar mass of CuSOs.5H20 = 159.5 + 90 = 249.5 g Mas in gram = ? Mass in gram = Number of moles x Molar mass Mass in gram = .05 x 249.5 = 261.969 e. 0.15 moles of H2SO« ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 14 Chemistry Number of moles of H2SO, = 0.15 moles Molar mass of HSO,= 2x1 +32 44x16. g =2432+64= 98g Mass in gram = @ Mass in gram = Number of moles x Molar mass Mass in gram = 0.15x 98 = 147 g @.8: Calculate the number of molecules present in each of the following samples: a. 2.5 moles of carbon dioxide b. 3.4 moles of ammonia, NH3 ¢. 1.09 moles of benzene, CcH. d. 0.01 moles of acetic acid, CHs;COOH Solution: a. 2.5 moles of carbon dioxide Number of moles = 2.5 moles Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022 x 10% Number of Molecules = ? Number of molecules = Number of moles x Na Number of molecules = 2.5 X 6.022 x 103 Number of molecules = 15.055 x 102 Number of molecules = 1.505 x 1024Molecules b. 3.4 moles of ammonia, NHa Number of moles = 3.4 moles ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 15 Chemistry Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022 x 1023 Number of Molecules = 2 Number of molecules = Number of moles x Na Number of molecules = 3.4 X 6.022 x 103 Number of molecules = 20.5 x 103 Number of molecules = 2.05 x 10% Molecules c. 1.09 moles of benzene, CsHs Number of moles = 1.09 moles Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022 x 1023 Number of Molecules = ? Number of molecules = 1.09 x 6.022x 1023 Number of molecules = 6.56 x 1023 Molecules d. 0.01 moles of acetic acid, CHx;COOH Number of moles = 0.01 moles Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022 x 1023 Number of Molecules = @ Number of molecules = Number of moles x Na Number of molecules = 0.01 x 6.022x 1023 Number of molecules = 0.062 x 1023 Number of molecules = 6.02 x 102! Molecules. ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 16 Chemistry Q.9 Decide whether or not each of the following is an example of empirical formula: a. AbCle b. Hg2Clz c. Nacl d. CaO Solution: a. ALC, No, since 2:6 is not the simplest whole number ratio therefore Al2Cl. is not empirical formula. Hence, AlzClsis o molecular formula b. Hg2Cle No, since, 22 is not the simplest whole number ratio therefore HazCh is not empirical formula. Hence, HezCh is a molecular formula. c. NaCl Yes, since, 1:1 is the simplest whole number ratio therefore NaCl is empirical formula. d. CaO Yes, since, 2:6:1 is the simplest whole number ratio therefore C2H,O is empirical formula. Q.10: TNT or trinitrotoluene is an explosive compound used in bombs. It contains 7 C-atoms, 6 H-atoms, 5 N-atoms and 6 O-atoms. Write its empirical formula. Ans: C2HsN:Os ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 7 Chemistry Q.11: A molecule contains four phosphorus atoms and ten oxygen atoms. Write the empirical formula of this compound. Also determine the molar mass of this molecule. Ans: Molecular formula = P«Oio Empirical formula = P2Os Molar mass of PaOio= 4x 31 +10 x 16 = 124+ 160 = 284g Q.12: Indigo (C1sHioN202), the dye used to colour blue jeans is derived from a compound known as indoxyl (CsH7ON). Calculate the molar masses of these compounds. Also write their empirical form. Ans: Molar mass of Indigo (CisHioNzO2) = 16x 12410 x 12x 14 + 2x 16 = 192410428 +32= 262g Empirical formula of Indigo (CisHioN2O2) = CsHsNO (16: 10:2: 2) Molar mass of Indoxyl (CsH/ON) = 8x 12+7x1 + 16414 = 96 +7416 +14= 133g Empirical formula of Indoxyl (CsHON) = CsHyON (8:7:1:1) : Identify the substance that has formula mass of 133.5 amu. a. = MgCla b. S2Ch c. BCL d. AMCs Solution: a. Formula mass of MgC = 24+ 2x 35.5 =24+71=95amu b. Formula mass of Ch = 2x 32+ 2x 35.5 ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 18 Chemistry = 64471 = 135amu c. Formula mass of BCl; = 11 +3x 35.5 =114 106.5=117.5 amu d. Formula mass of AICls_ = 27+ 3x 35.5 =27+ 106.5 = 133.5 amu Hence Formula mass of AICI is 133.5 amu therefore option 'd' is comect. Q.14: Calculate the number of atoms in each of the following samples: a. — 3.4moles of nitrogen atoms b. 23g ofNa c. 5g of Hatoms Solution: a. 3.4moles of nitrogen atoms Number of moles = 3.4 moles Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022.x 102 Number of atoms = @ Number of atoms = Number of moles x Na Number of atoms = 3.4 x 6.022 x 10% Number of atoms = 20.5 x 102 Number of atoms = 2.05 x 10% atoms b. 23g ofNa Mass in gram = 23 ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 19 Chemistry Molar mass of sodium (Na) = 23 g Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022 x 1023 Number of atoms = @ Moss in grams S xN, Number of atoms = Mos n gram’ _ Number of atoms Number of moles = 3.60210" Number of atoms = 6.022 x 1023 atoms C. 5g of Hatoms Mass in gram = 5g Molar mass of hydrogen (H) = 1g. Avogadro's number = NA = 6.022 x 102 Mass in grams Number of atoms = ————=——>__ x . Number of atoms Number of moles = $6.02%10 Number of atoms = 5 x 6.022 x 10s atoms Number of atoms = 30.1 x 102 atoms Number of atoms = 3.01 x 102 atoms : Calculate the mass of following: a. 3.24 x 10"? atoms of iron b. 2x 10!molecules of nitrogen gas c. 1x 102molecules of water ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 20 Chemistry d. 3x 10S atoms of Al Solution: a. 3.24x 108 atoms of iron Number of atoms = 3.24 x 1023 atoms Molar mass of iron (Fe) = 56 g Mass of iron atoms = 2 Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022x 1023 Number of atoms « Molar mass Mass i = jas in gram 7 Maxs in gram = 324210" x56 6.022x10" sass in gram = 1l-Ad 10" 6.022 x10" Mass in gram = 30.1 x 10'8-23 Mass in gram = 30.1 x 105g Mass in gram = 30.1 x 10g b. 2x10" molecules of nitrogen gas Number of molecules = 2 x 10° atoms Molar mass of nitrogen gas (Nz) = 2x 14= 28 g Mass of nitrogen gos = 2 Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022 x 1028 ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 2 Chemistry Number of atoms x Molar mass Mass in gram N, Mass in gram = 210" «56 6.022 10' Mass in gram = —262107— 022% 10 Mass in gram = 9.3 x 101923 Mass in gram = 9.3 x 104g 1x 10 molecules of water Number of molecules = 1 x 105 atoms Molar mass of water (H20) = 1x2+16=18g Mass of Water (HO) = 2 Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022 x 1029 Number of atoms x Molar mass N, Mass in gram = 1x10 x18 Mass in gram = 2IC X18. 60221" 18x10* Mass i = 8xl0 ass in gram = 7s Mass in gram = 2.99 x 1025-23 Mass in gram = 2.99 x 10? g 3x 10¢ atoms of Al Number of atoms = 3 x 10¢ atoms Molar mass of aluminum (Al) = 27g ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 22 Chemistry Q.16: Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans: Ans: Mass of iron atoms = 2 Avogadro's number = Nx = 6.022. 1023 Number of atoms x Molar mass Mass in gram = 9 N 3x108 x27 602210" Mass in gram = 81x10" 6022x10 Mass in gram = Mass in gram = 2.99 x 106-23 Mass in gram = 2.99x 10!” g Mess in gram = 2.99 x 10:18 g Identify the branch of chemistry that deals with the following examples: A cornstalk grows from a seed. Biochemistry Dynamite (CsHsN3Os) explodes to form a mixture of gases. inorganic chemistry Purple iodine vapor appears when solid iodine is warmed. analytical chemistry Gasoline (a mixture of hydrocarbons) fumes are ignited in an auto mobile engine. Organic chemistry. A silver article tarnishes in air. Environmental chemistry. ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 23 Chemistry 4 Ice floats on water. Ans: Physical chemistry. 5. Sulphur dioxide is the major source of acid rain. ‘Ans: Environmental chemistry, since acid rain is an environmental problem. 6. Many other light chlorinated hydrocarbons in drinking water are carcinogens. Ans: Environmental chemistry. 7. In Pakistan most of the factories use wet process for the production of cement. Ans: Industrial chemistry. 8. Carbon-14 is continuously produced in the atmosphere when high energy neutrons from space collide with nittogen-14, ‘Ans: Nuclear chemistry. THINK-TANK 1. What mass of sodium metal contains the same number of atoms as 12.00g of carbon? Solution: Avogadro's number = Na = 6.022 x 1028 | mole of socium atom = | mole of carbon - 12 = 6.022 x 103 atoms. Therefore 23 g of sodium metal contains the same number of atoms as 12.00g of carbon. 2. What mass of oxygen contains the same number of molecules as 42g of nitrogen? Solution: 1 mole of N= 14g 3 mole of N=3x14= 42g Similarly, 1 mole of O = 16g ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 24 Chemistry 3 mole of 0 =3x16= 48g Atomic mass of hydrogen ‘Avogadro's number 1,008 6.02210" 0.1674x10 0.1674x10* 3. Calculate the mass of one hydrogen atom in grams. Ans: Atomic mass of hydrogen ‘Mass of I hycrogen atom = : ‘Avogadro's number ‘Mass of I hydrogen atom = Pao = 0.167410 = 0.1674x 10% 1. Observe the given figure. it shows particles ina sample of air. ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 25 Chemistry (a) Ans: (b) Ans: Count the substances shown in the sample Nz, H2O, O2, COz, Ar (Total substance = 5) \s air a mixture or pure substance? Explain? Airis a mixture, with the following major constituent substances Nitrogen, Oxygen, water vapors and Carbon Dioxide. Therefore, air is a homogenous mixture of several gases, it's not a pure substance. (c) Ans: (a) Ans: (e) Ans: Ans: Identify the formula of each substance in air. No, HO, O2, Ct Decide whether each substance in air is an element or a compound, Nitrogen and oxygen are elements whereas water and carbon dioxide are compounds. What is the most common substance in air? Nitrogen is the most common substance in the air. (78 % by volume) Calculate the number of H-atoms present in 18g H20. Known mass of H20 = 18 g = | mole of H20 = 6.022 x 10 atoms. Since one molecule of water has two atoms of hydrogen, therefore, Number of hydrogen atoms in 18 g of HzO = 2x 6.022 — 10% = 1.204 x 10% atoms. 6. Calculate the total number of atoms present in 18 g H20. Ans: Solution: Known mass of H2O = 18 g = | mole of H20 = 6.02 x 10” atoms. ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 26 Chemistry Since one molecule of water has two atoms of hydrogen, and one atom of oxygen Therefore, one molecule of water has total number of atoms = 2 + 1 = 3 atoms. Total number of atoms in 18 g of water = 3 x 6.02x 1023 = 1.806 x 10% atoms. Mind Map eaten Compound Orgenie. | ~—~--- --- Other than carbon, compound Ways of obtaining ClassNotes, Inc. © 2020 27

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