Filtration of Submicron From Motorcycle Emission Using Cigarette Butt

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Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt

Filtration of Submicron Particles from Motorcycle Emission Using Cigarette Butt

Alexandra Joy R. Nepomuceno, Luke Emmanuel M. Miras, Charles Maverick C. Dela Rosa

Pedro Guevara Memorial National High School

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt

Table of Contents

Preliminaries Pages
Title Page………………………………………………………………………... 1
Table of Contents.………………………………………………………………. 2
Chapter 1: Introduction and its Background
Introduction………….....…………………………………………………..….... 3
Background of the Study.…………………………………………………..….. 4
Statement of the Problem.……………………………………………………… 6
Hypothesis.………………………………………………………………….…... 6
Significance of the Study…...……………………………………………..……- 6
Scope and Limitation………….………….………….………….………….….... 7
Definition of Terms………….………….………….………….………………… 8
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Studies …………………………... 10
References……………………………………………………………………….. 13
Chapter 3: Methodology...…………………….……………..….………….……….... 15
Research Design………….....…………………………………………………... 15
Risk and Safety………….....……………………………………………………. 15
Tools and Materials…….………….....……………………………………… 16
General Procedure and Application.….………………………………………. 17
Statistical Treatment…………………..….…………………………………….. 19
Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt

Filtration of Submicron Particles from Motorcycle Emission Using Cigarette



With the advent of today’s fast modernization and urbanization, the problem of

pollution has worsened and remained the top issue globally. Its cause is multifactorial

and comes in many types. One of those is problems with motorcycle emissions and

contamination of toxic chemicals from cigarette butt waste litter.

Cigarette butts are the most common form of solid waste littered globally. They

are seen scattered everywhere we go, from sidewalks to roadsides to beaches and

waterways. Although small and lightweight, its negative impact on the environment

cannot be taken for granted. A cigarette butt is made of cellulose acetate, a plastic filter

containing toxic compounds that are non-biodegradable which can harm the

environment and poison essential links in the aquatic food chain for years once

discarded. Statistics show that an estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are irresponsibly

flicked away by smokers into our environment every year (Rhaman 2014). With this

huge number of disposals, it becomes clear that cigarette butts pose a serious problem

to the environment.

Motor vehicle emissions have become an interesting phenomenon due to their

contribution to air pollution. According to Indonesian Statistic Central Service (2015),

the population of motor vehicles in Indonesia in 2013 reached more than 104 million. It

was dominated by motorcycles with a large amount of more than 84 million. In Vietnam
Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
especially in Ho Chi Minh City, the r vehicles were dominated by 3.46% (cars), 2.8%

light trucks, 0.1% buses, and 92% motorcycles. The emissions are mostly in the form of

particles with a different size distribution. The previous study of submicron particles

emitted from motorcycles showed that the emission factor in the large amount depends

on fuel and engine capacity.

To reduce submicron particles from motorcycles needs a filter. The existing

filtering system generally can be categorized into electrostatic-based filters, porosity-

based filters, and radiation-based filters. All of them have different characteristics and

particulate collection efficiencies.

This study developed a new method for filtering by using cigarette butts to reduce

the concentration of the submicron particles. This study aimed to develop a highly

efficient submicron particle filtering system, especially for motorcycles by taking

advantage of cigarette butts as the main component of the filter.

Background of the Study

In the Philippines, smoking remains highly prevalent despite the passage of the

Sin Tax Law in 2013 raised taxes on cigarettes, sales, and marketing restrictions, and

implementation of Smoking Bans which prohibit smoking in public places, (Ronda

2015). With over 17 million Filipino smokers around, it is no surprise that cigarette butt

is number 2 on the list of the country’s top polluters (Domingo 2017). To illustrate the

country’s volume of discarded cigarette butts thrown into the environment, Philip Morris

Philippines and Fortune Tobacco Co. Inc. (PMFTC) president, disclosed that about 85

billion cigarette sticks are sold each year.

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
According to the recent study of Ocean Conservatory, as cited by Domingo

(2017), cigarette butts were considered on the top list of most common coastal trash.

The study revealed further that about 2 million cigarette butts were collected on the

world’s shorelines in 2016. Also, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

(DENR) as cited in the study of Remo (2010), reported that cigarette butts are ranked

second top polluters in the Philippines. The Haribon Foundation stated that cigarette

butts will need 10 years to rot. It is composed of toxic plastic that resists biodegradation

(Eco Waste Coalition).

Epidemiological studies show that air pollution in developing countries accounts

for ten to thousands of excess deaths and billions of dollars in medical costs and lost

productivity each year. These losses, and the associated degradation in life, impose a

significant burden on people in all sectors of society, but especially the poor (Faiz,

Weaver, & Walsh, 1996).

A study conducted by the National Centre for Transportation Studies (NCTS) of

the University of the Philippines as cited in Felongco (2015), said that motorcycles and

tricycles are responsible for most of the dirty air in urban and rural areas of the country

as they represent the biggest number of public transportation modes. This is because

motorcycles are cheaper and have a minimal cost of ownership. The study revealed

further that 45 percent of all volatile organic compounds destroy the ozone, worsen the

greenhouse effect, and give serious health risks.

Knowing all the potential environmental hazards brought by irresponsible

disposal of cigarette butts, plus the hazardous gasses emitted by motorcycles, it is a

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
must to find ways to resolve the problem. Since there is no known study using cigarette

butt as a submicron particle filter for motorcycle gas emission, thus the study. To date,

local communities have not found a sustainable solution to address the prying issues

concerning the problem of cigarette butt litter, this effort of recycling cigarette butts

provide a big impact in saving our environment from contamination of toxic chemicals

from cigarette butts as well as reduce the amount of submicron particles emission from

motorcycles which are known as pollutants to the environment.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the filtration capability of the improvised cigarette

butt exhaust gas filter (ICBEGF) from motorcycle emissions.

Specifically, it seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1. To determine the submicron particles that can be filtered by ICBEGF (Improvised

cigarette butt exhaust gas filter).

2. To determine the submicron particles that will be least emitted when ICBEGF

(Improvised cigarette butt exhaust gas filter).

is used.

3. To determine if there is a significant difference between the number of cigarette

butt layers in ICBEGF and the amount of submicron particle emission.

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt

H 0: There is no significant difference between the number of cigarette butt layers in

ICBEGF and the amount of submicron particle emission.

H 1: There is a significant difference between the number of cigarette butt layers in

ICBEGF and the amount of submicron particle emission.

Significance of the Study

The success of this study would benefit the following:

• Community - It helps raise awareness of the negative effects of cigarette butts on

the environment and how they can be recycled as an alternative submicron

particle gas filter for motorcycles.

• Smokers - It helps them realize that flicking away cigarette butts anywhere gives

serious environmental problems due to their toxic chemicals that are non-

biodegradable. By this, they will start a habit of throwing it properly in a

receptacle for recycling purposes.

• Motor owners - The improvised particle filters made from discarded cigarette

butts will greatly benefit them. Aside from it being practical and economical, it

also helps save the environment from pollution related to cigarette butt litter and

submicron particle emission from motorcycles.

• Environmentalists – It will be able to develop a sustainable strategic

environmental protection program focusing on the problem of cigarette butt litter

in the community.
Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
• Students - It helps promote and disseminate to the common public the result of

this study through symposiums. Present project proposals on how cigarette butts

can be converted into submicron particle filters for motorcycle emission to the


• Future Researchers - This study would help them as their reference in

conducting similar studies of how this can be replicated with the use of other

alternative materials.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on determining the filtration potential of cigarette butts on

submicron particles from motorcycle emissions. The effectiveness of the number of

cigarette butts per layer will be observed to test the filtration potential of the Improvised

Cigarette Butt Exhaust Gas Filter ( ICBEGF). The study may take around 3-4 weeks

including the collection of 60 cigarette butts, the time creating the Improvised Cigarette

Butt Exhaust Gas Filter ( ICBEGF), and the testing. The researchers will consume a

maximum of 2 hours per day when experimenting. The experiment will be conducted in

Sta. Cruz, Laguna year 2022-2023. The study will require a lot of time but has minimum


Definition of Terms

For clarification, the important terms used in this study have been operationally

defined. The following terms are:

Carbon dioxide (CO2) - a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and

organic compounds and by respiration.

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
Carbon Monoxide (CO) – a colorless, odorless gas that is formed as a product of

incomplete combustion of carbon or a carbon compound.

Cigarette butt - is part of a cigarette that you throw away when you have finished

smoking it.

Exhaust Gas - waste gases or air expelled from an engine, turbine, or another machine

in the course of its operation.

Hydrocarbon (HC) – a compound of hydrogen and carbon, such as any of those that

are the chief components of petroleum and natural gas.

ICBEGF – improvised cigarette butt exhaust gas filter.

Submicron Particle- is something shorter or smaller than one-millionth of a meter.

Example of substances that is referred to in this study is the particles put into the air

from an exhaust gas emission from motorcycles such as hydrocarbon (HC), carbon

monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt


In most developing countries around the world, the problem of pollution brought

by motorcycle emissions and contamination of hazardous chemicals from cigarette butt

litter is common. Many people who smoke do not know that a cigarette butt is made of

cellulose acetate, a kind of plastic that resists degradation and also contains

carcinogens, nicotine, and toxic metals such as cadmium, arsenic, and lead in a highly

concentrated form. All these possess high risks to public health and the environment.

Therefore, action must be taken at the earliest to contain such hazardous solid waste

litter. Research has shown that about 25-50 percent of litter accumulated from the

streets comprises cigarette residues (Dehradun 2015).

According to Barnes, Lum, & Novotny, (2016), cigarette butts are the single most

collected item in international beach cleanups each year. This happens because

discarded cigarette butts are carried as runoffs from streets to drains, to rivers, and

ultimately to the ocean and its beaches. America’s Litter Cleanup Project, the Keep

America’s Beautiful Campaign reported that cigarette butts comprise from 25 to 50

percent of all collected litter from roadways and streets.

Dr. Rao, an oncologist on the statement said, “cigarette waste is a huge

environmental hazard today. Most cigarette filters are carcinogenic and can

contaminate drinking water too if disposed of in our water bodies. There is also the fear

of birds, fish, and animals mistakenly eating cigarette waste that can be disastrous.”

(Dehradun 2015).
Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based firm have initiated recycling cigarette filter in

partnership with businesses, cities, and consumers around the world. Collected

cigarette butt filters were used, melted down, and used for making park benches and

shipping pallets. However, the process is pretty expensive. To help cover the cost, they

were subsidized by cigarette manufacturers to sustain the program. In the study of

Babu, et al. 2014, cigarette butt was found effective as a corrosive inhibiting agent in

J55 steel material. Kadir & Mohajerani (2011) reported the effective use of cigarette

butts incorporated into manufactured fired clay bricks.

A study of Morallo (2016) at Negros Oriental State University, found that

motorcycle emissions are a significant source of CO (carbon dioxide) and HC


According to World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is a significant factor

in multiple health conditions including respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung

cancer. The health effects caused by air pollution may include difficulty of breathing,

wheezing, coughing, and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions.

These effects can result in increased medication use, increased doctor or emergency

room visits, more hospital admissions, and premature death. Another risk was brought

by exhaust gasses. These are emitted as a result of the combustion of fuels such as

natural gas, gasoline, petrol, biodiesel blends, diesel fuel, fuel oil or coal (Omidvarbone;

et al. 2014). These emissions are the main causes of air pollution. The California Air

Resources Board (CARB) found in studies that 50% or more of air pollution is due to car
Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
emissions. Reinberg (2013) from the University of California found out that air pollution

may be associated with 5% to 15% increase in the likelihood of some cancers.

In the Philippines, no known sustainable recycling effort was developed

regarding cigarette butt waste. The PMFTC’s “BA2D2”, an anti-butt litter campaign

aimed at reminding the public about responsible disposal of their used cigarette butt in a

receptacle provided in areas nationwide. BA2D2 is a short text version of the Tagalog

phrase, “Ibato mo Dito” (throw your litter here). At the same time, Subic Bay

Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) launched the Ecology Heaviest Butt Campaign, aimed at

getting rid of cigarette butt litter by buying cigarette butts at P300.00 per kilo. The

collected cigarette butts are then given to companies for future recycling (Datu 2018).

The related works of literature above have provided the researchers with

essential knowledge about the different efforts of recycling cigarette butt waste.

Moreover, problems posed by motorcycle emission was also mentioned. However,

among the reviews, the filtration potential of cigarette butt waste to submicron particles

from motorcycle emissions has not been studied yet. This prompted the researchers to

conduct this kind of study because problems with cigarette butt litter have existed in the

community since time immemorial. Their negative impact on the environment has not

been well-communicated to most people, especially smokers. In light of the result of this

study, people in the community will become responsible for the disposal of their

cigarette waste butts. If this study succeeds, motorcycle owners will be informed and

oriented that these items can be recycled as improvised exhaust gas filters for

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt

Aeslina, A. K., & Mohajerani, A. (2012). Leachability of heavy metals from fired clay

bricks incorporated with cigarette butts. Business Engineering,

and Industrial Applications. Retrieved August 11, 2018 from:

Babu, et al., (2014). “Study of cigarette butts extract as corrosive inhibiting agent in

J%% steel material” Retrieved September 1, 2018 from:

DOI: 10.15623/ijret.2014.0301077

City of Vancouver. (2013, November 12). City and Terracycle launch cigarette butt

collection and recycling program. Retrieved July 10, 2018, from:

Clean Virginia Waterways. (n.d). Are cigarette butts biodegradable. Retrieved

September 1, 2018, from:

Datu, R. “SBMA’s cigarette butt campaign goes viral”. April 11, 2018.

Retrieved Sept.1, 2018, from: sbma-cigarette-butt-


Domingo, K. “Cigarette butts top list of most common coastal trash: study” ABS-CBN

News. September 16, 2017. Retrieved August 3, 2018, from:
Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
Faiz, A.,Weaver, M., Walsh, M., Air pollution from motor vehicles.

Retrieved Sept.1, 2018, from:

Felongco, G. Philippines: Tricycles and motorcycles responsible for 45 percent of

harmful emissions. (November 22, 2015).

Retrieved September 2, 2018, from:




Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt


In this part, the researchers will give outline methods, procedures, and the design

used to conduct this research study. The researchers will describe the research design

that was chosen for the purpose of this study and the reasons for this choice. The

materials that were used for the research process and the methods are also described

and the procedures that were followed to carry out this study are included.

Research Design

This research used an experimental design in testing the independent and the

dependent variables as it attempts to investigate the filtering capability and efficiency of

the filter. According to Harland, D., experimental research seeks to determine a

relationship between two variables, the dependent and the independent variable. An

independent variable is a variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment

to test the effects on the dependent variable. A dependent variable is a variable being

tested and measured in a scientific experiment (Helmenstine, T., 2022).

Risks and Safety

This section talks about the threat of damage that can happen and the safety that

should be observed before, during, and after the study.

Before conducting the experiment, make sure to be in a clean and safe

environment. Be cautious when handling the materials as some are sharp and can be

dangerous. A face mask and gloves should be worn especially during testing. While
Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
testing and comparing the two filters, observe the data and note the important details that

you might use when writing and presenting your own study.

Tools and Materials

Table 1. Tools and Materials, and their Uses

Tools and Materials Uses

Main materials to be used in making the

Cigarette Butts
improvised cigarette butt exhaust gas filter.
Used as an inner base for the tin can that
Aluminum Screen Mesh Wire prevents cigarette butts from falling from
Used as an outer base for the tin can that
Welded Screen Mesh Wire prevents cigarette butts from falling from
It is where the cigarette butts are placed and
Waste Tin Cans
kept for the test.

Hand Gloves Used for cleaning cigarette butts.

Used for protection from the smell of gas

Face Mask
and smoke.
Used for cutting waste plastic bottles and
Kitchen Knife
waste tin cans.
Used for cutting the Aluminum Screen Mesh
Wire and Welden Screen Mesh Wire.
The vehicle where the ICBEGF is going to
be used.
Used for measuring the number of
Automotive Emission Analyzer
submicron particles, the motorcycle emits.
The improvised cigarette butt exhaust gas
Waste Plastic Bottles filter is placed inside the plastic bottle to
contain the exhaust gas.

Table 1 shows the list of main materials to be used in the study and the role it will

play while the research is being done.

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt








Figure 1. Flowchart of Methodology

The figure above shows the general steps to be followed during the procedure and

experimentation of the study.

General Procedure and Application

The primary material used in this study which is the littered cigarette butts were

collected from the smokers at Cavinti Laguna. Using hand gloves and a face mask, the

cigarette butts’ covers were then removed so that only filters will remain. The remained

filters were unfolded and evenly flattened on the entire surface of the fine metal screen.

A total of 90 cigarette butts were used in this study.

Tin cans and plastic bottles, were also collected from household wastes of

barangay Patimbao. There was a total of nine (9) tin cans and 9 plastic bottles used.
Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
The mentioned materials were cleaned using soap and tap water. The base of the

plastic bottles was cut using a sharp kitchen knife. Both faces of the tin can were

removed. The base of the cans was then replaced with a fine metal screen which

served as the stopper. The unfolded and flattened cigarette butts were fitted into the

can. Then another fine screen was placed at the top of the fitted cigarette butts that

made the first layer. The procedure was just repeated to add layers. It was specified

that for every layer, there were only ten (10) cigarette butts used.

Four (4) set-ups were prepared. The first setup is controlled wherein the

motorcycle gas emission was tested without the filter; 2 nd set-up with 1-layer of the

improvised exhaust gas filter (10 pcs. cigarette butt); 3rd set-up with a 2-layer improvised

filter (20 pcs. Cigarette butt); and 4th set up with 3-layer improvised filter (30 pcs.

cigarette butt).

Emission testing was done at AD-TOR Private Emission Testing Center Brgy.

Sta Clara Sur, Pila, Laguna. The improvised exhaust gas filter was placed inside the

plastic bottle (coke mismo) to contain the exhaust gas. The plastic bottle was then

attached to the tip of the motorcycle’s exhaust pipe. Whereas, using the automotive

emission analyzer, submicron particles (air pollutant gasses) that the motorcycle emits

were measured.

Filtration of Submicron Particles using Cigarette Butt
Statistical Treatment

After the filters are tested, the collected data will be gathered, evaluated, and

interpreted. The statistical treatment and computations will compare the difference of

the submicron particles filtered depending on the number of layers. Data gathered were

tabulated and analyzed using mean and Pearson correlation

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