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Indian Minerals
Yearbook 2018
(Part- III : Mineral Reviews)




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June, 2019


11 Emerald
Chhattisgarh, occurrences of emerald are reported
E merald in Hindi, commonly called as 'Panna',
i s a va r i e t y of m i n e r a l ber yl a n d i s
chemically a complex silicate of aluminium and
from Deobhog area in Raipur district. Sporadic and
irregular crystals of emerald, aquamarine and
beryllium (Be3Al 2(SiO3)6. The hardness of Emerald amethyst are also reported in a few localities in
is about 7.5-8 on Mohs' scale. Emeralds are rare & Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu.
precious gemstones that command immense value
on account of their cut, colour, clarity and carat.
Beauty, rarity and durability are the main virtues P r odu c t i on of e m er a l d h a s n ot be e n
of a gemstone. The cut stones are known as gems, reported since 1983. However, a single lease of
while uncut - ones are gemstones. Emeralds occur 46.32 ha area was granted to M/s Serva Shri
in hues varying from yellow-green to blue-green. Mining & Mineral Industries in district Ajmer,
However, emeralds with unique velvety green Rajasthan in the year 1998.
col our with hi gh degree of tr anspar ency are
considered as most precious among gemstones. MINING AND MARKETING
The rose variety of beryl is called morganite, and Mining of emerald was mostly undertaken
the golden yellow variety is termed 'golden beryl'. manually by opencast method. The pits were
If the colour is bluish green or blue then it is called worked at shallow depths.The stones collected
'aquamarine'. When emerald contains chromium as during mining were sorted out according to size,
an impurity, it imparts the colour green. Emerald shape and quality. The stones so collected were
is generally found at the contact of pegmatites deposited with the State Government under the
intruding schists, mainly amphibole schists. supervision of DMG officials and mine owners.
Worldwide, crude emerald was sold through public
RESERVES/RESOURCES auction from time to time.
As per NMI data, as on 01.04.2015 based on The beauty of rough stone is enhanced by
UNFC system, the total resources of emerald in skil ful cutting and pol ishing into faceted or
the country are estimated at 55.87 tonnes. All rounded form for use in jewellery. The rough
resources placed under reconnaissance category stones are sorted out to determine the angles to
and unclassified grade have been reported in the which facets can be cut. They may be sawed or
state of Jharkhand only (Table-1). polished in any direction according to shape, size
Occurrences of emerald are also reported from and colour to be retained. After the shape and
Rajasthan, Odisha and Chhattisgarh. However, size are determined, the next process of 'pre-
resources have not been estimated so far. In shaping' is done. The third and important process
Rajasthan, emeralds have been found to occur at called 'calibration' gives the pre-shaped stone a
a number of places in districts Rajsamand and definite proportion and size. The process that
Ajmer. In Ajmer-Rajsamand belt of Rajasthan, follows is 'faceting' and 'polishing'. The aim of this
emerald occurrences are confined to the upper process is to achieve maximum internal reflection
fringes of pegmatites. Emerald deposit is found in enhancing the beauty of stone. Emeralds are
the 221 km long belt stretching from Gam Gurha generally given a step-cut or cabochon-cut.
in Rajsamand district to Bubani and Muhami in In dia i s t he lea din g export er of cut a nd
Ajmer district. Important localities are Rajgarh, polished gem, but continued to depend on raw
T i k h i a n d Ka l a g u m a n ( Ra j sa m a n d ) . T h e materials. The Diamond and Gem Development
occurrences are highly sporadic and variable. Corporation of India have set up Diamond and
In Odisha, occurrences of emerald are reported Gem Parks for cutting and polishing of gems in
from Bira-Mohorajpur belt in district Bolangir. In different states. Jaipur in Rajasthan is the major

Table – 1 : Reserves/Resources of Emerald as on 1.4.2015
(By Grades/States)
(In kg.)

Reserves Remaining Resources

Tota l
Proved Probable Tota l Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Reconnaissance Tota l Resources
STD111 (A) STD211 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)
STD121 STD122 STD221 STD222

All India : Total - - - - - - - - - - 558 69 558 69 558 69

By Grades

Unclassified - - - - - - - - - - 558 69 558 69 558 69

By States

Jharkhand - - - - - - - - - - 558 69 558 69 558 69

Figures rounded off.


centre for processing emeralds. Like diamonds, Brazil

uncut emerald is imported and part of it is exported
Since the 1970's, Brazil has been consistent
after processing. Emerald is next to diamond
source of emerald. Brazilian emerald deposits are
(uncut ) a mon gst precious a nd semi -pr ecious
found in a typical geological setting with Archean
stones, being imported and re-exported after
basement and supracrustal, ultramafic and granitoid
cutting and polishing.
rocks. Brazil emerald mines are located in the states
Prices are governed by many factors including of Bahia, Minas Gerais and Goia s. Braz il's
beauty, clarity, defect, demand, durability and emerald production goes to both domestic cutting
rarity. Prices of precious stones also vary over and foreign buyers who take the rough back to
time. cutting centres in their own country.


Worl d production of emerald i s reported In Colombia, the mining activity of emerald
mainly from Colombia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, has been concentrated in the departments of
Africa, Nigeria, Mozambique, United States of Cundinamarca and Boyaca, in the denominated
Am er i c a , Ma da ga s ca r, Br a z i l , Z a m bi a a n d East and West emerald belts. Mining districts of
Zimbabwe. Chivor, Gachala and Macanal (Eastern Belt) and
Muzo, Coscuez, Penas Blancas, La Palma-Yacoi
and La Pita (Western Belt) are located in Colombia.
Afgha nistan's Panjshir Valley has shown The most representative mines are Muzo, Cunas,
potentiality for commercial emerald production. Coscuez, La Pita and Chivor.
The emerald mines of Afghanistan are located
approximately 70 miles (113 km) northeast of Kabul Zambia
and extend from the village of Khenj to Dest-e- The majority of the gems produced in Zambia
Rewat. The emerald deposits lie South east of the are found in the Kamakanga and Kagem mines.
Panjshir fault zone. The Panjshir emerald crystals Both are located in the north-eastern region of
vary in quality from mine to mine. In general, t he coun tr y. Gemfi elds, t h e wor l d's bi ggest
Panjshir emeralds are mined and marketed in a free- emerald miner has found a gem that weighs more
enterprise system. than 1.1 Kg at its mine in Lufwanyama. Earlier
5,655 carat stone found at the Kagem Mines.
Ma da ga scar wa s a gl oba l l y si gn i fica n t Others
producer of gemstone that included emerald, ruby Zimbabwe produces rough emeralds from the
and sapphire. Emerald was produced from the Sandawana mine, located in the south-west of the
Kianjavato emerald mines which are located in the country. In the United States of America, in
r a i n -for e s t r eg i on of e a s t er n M a da g a s c a r, Beaver County, Utah rare red emeralds are found
approximately 60 km west of the coastal city of in the eastern slopes of the Wah Wah Mountains.
Mananjary. Emeralds are also mined at the Ianapera In E t h i opi a , a n ew de posi t of h i gh -qua l i t y
(Sa kalava) emeral d deposit s in the Ianapera emeralds has been found in the rural areas of
(Janapera) area of Tuléar (Toliara) Province, 350 Kenticha and Dermi, in the district Seba Boru.
km east of the town Toliara. Societe Orgaco of Mining still is done through hand tools, without
France mined the emerald (536 kg Heaven's gift) heavy machinery.
in matrix at the Morafeno mine near Mananjary
and exported it to Reunion.
MM T C i s a n a ut h or i s ed a ge n c y of t h e
Government of India for import of precious & semi-
In Pakistan, the Fizzagat emerald mine is precious stones including emerald and supply
situated near the district headquarters Mingora these items to jewellers for domestic sales and
in Swat valley. exports.


Exports Table – 2 : Exports Value of Emerald

In 2017-18 exports value of emerald (cut & (Cut & Uncut) : Total
uncut) decreased to ` 1,775 crore from ` 2,034 (By Countries)
crore in the previous year. Exports were mainly to (Value in `'000)
Hong Kong (54%), USA (18%) and Thailand & Country 20 16-17 2 0 1 7 -1 8 (P )
Swi t zer la n d (6% ea ch). Th e sh ar e of un cut
emerald decreased in total value from previous All Countries 20340187 17757744
year and it was 3% during the year 2017-18 as Hong Kong 10690622 9563359
compared to11% from previous year and that of USA 3128701 3168579
cut emerald was increased 97% during the year Thailand 1205566 1049585
2017-18 as compared to 89% of the previous year Switzerland 1031226 1003930
(Tables- 2 to 4). UAE 1251751 642 451
Imports France 305 514 415 692

I n 2 01 7 -1 8 i m por t s va l u e of e m e r a l d Zambia 395 010 384 714

(cut and uncut) decreased considerably by 31% Ita ly 421 292 322 976
to ` 11,342 crore compared to the previous year. Belgium 137 279 269 522
The share of uncut emerald in total value was 51% UK 307 840 232 579
an d th at of cut em er al d wa s a bout 49% i n Other countries 1465386 704 357
2017-18. Imports were mainly from Hong Kong
(61%), Zambia (14%), UAE (6%), and Russia (3%) Note: Quan tity no t g ive n du e to p artial cov era ge; value
figu re s, h owev er, h av e fu ll c ov erag e.
(Tables- 5 to 7).

Table – 3: Exports of Emerald (Cut)

(By Countries)

20 16-17 20 17-18
Qty Value Qty Value
('0 0 0 c a ra t) (` '000) ('0 0 0 c a ra t) (` '000)

All Countries 131 357 18038499 427 02 17155212

Hong Kong 31034 9809125 13273 9438527

USA 50336 3127934 13296 3158933

Thailand 11255 1168719 4910 1046078

Switzerland 469 1030248 371 1000986

UAE 430 715236 501 567307
France 220 305346 130 415584
Ita ly 5079 421147 1798 322868
Belgium 35 134 876 15 269 522

UK 17400 307840 3593 232579

Germany 3950 190653 806 118102

Other countries 11149 827 375 40 09 584 726


Table – 4: Exports of Emerald (Uncut)

(By Countries)

20 16-17 20 17-18
Qty Value Qty Value
(t) (` '000) (t) (` '000)

All Countries 2 2301688 16 602 532

Zambia ++ 393 756 ++ 383 231

Hong Kong 1 881 497 1 124 832
UAE 1 536 515 ++ 751 44
USA ++ 76 7 15 96 46
Thailand ++ 368 47 ++ 35 07
Switzerland ++ 97 8 ++ 29 44
Germany - - ++ 10 25
Israel ++ 701 76 ++ 79 8
Estonia ++ 10 4 ++ 58 7
Chinese Taipei/Taiwan - - ++ 29 9
Other countries ++ 381 048 ++ 51 9

Table – 5: Imports Value of Emerald

(Cut & Uncut)
(By Countries)
(Value in ` '00 0)

Country 20 16-17 2 0 1 7 -1 8 (P )

All Countries 113428795 77934749

Hong Kong 102738918 47377304
Zambia 1146990 10626882

UAE 3795533 4498171

Russia 992 23 2693688

Thailand 2175781 2679789

USA 1541999 841971
Brazil 148571 599242
Singapore 822403 334293
Colombia 125310 325750

Other countries 834067 7957659

Note: Qua ntity no t giv en du e to pa rtial co ve rag e; v alu e fig ures, h owe ve r, ha ve fu ll co verag e.


Table – 6: Imports of Emerald (Cut)

(By Countries)

20 16-17 20 17-18
Qty Value Qty Value
('0 0 0 c a ra t) (` '000) ('0 0 0 c a ra t) (` '000)

All Countries 962 84 95179628 505 46 38234809

Hong Kong 766 70 89663528 228 11 25080541

Thailand 140 93 2052176 153 88 2612098

UAE 10 88 1227686 38 08 2101420

USA 27 55 1445181 45 9 769 235

Sri Lanka 62 2 175 514 11 40 315 276

Zambia 29 529 71 12 1 136 075

Singapore 2 194 35 15 6 977 50

Colombia 5 482 04 16 765 93

UK 35 894 37 5 545 17

Other countries 98 5 405 496 66 42 6991304

Table – 7: Imports of Emerald (Uncut)

(By Countries)

20 16-17 20 17-18
Qty Value Qty Value
(t) (` '000) (t) (` '000)

All Countries 8 18249167 60 39699940

Hong Kong 6 13075390 17 22296763
Zambia ++ 1094019 27 10490807
Russia ++ 992 23 1 2685249

UAE 1 2567847 2 2396751

Brazil 1 148 571 13 589 618

Colombia ++ 771 06 ++ 249 157

Singapore ++ 802 968 ++ 236 543
Ethiopia - - ++ 121 289

China ++ 37 49 ++ 89399
South Africa - - ++ 856 99

Other countries ++ 380 294 ++ 458 665


Future Outlook items; approved scheme for setting up of Common

Gems and Jewellery export sector has been Facility Centres for gem and jewellery sector; and
contri buting about 13%-15% to India’s total providing financial assistance for participation in
merchandise exports during the last five years. international fairs, organising buyer-seller meets
As per industry estimates, this sector employs etc. under Market Development Assistance (MDA)
more than 4.64 million employees. With a view to and Market Access Initiative (MAI) Schemes of
strengthen the Gems & Jewellery industry in the the Department of Commerce.
country, the Government has taken a number of As per minutes of the Coordination-cum-
steps such as establishment of Special Notified Empowered Committee (CCEC) Meeting held on
Zone (SNZ); announcement of separate ITC HS 12 th October 2018, the Jharkhand State planned
Code for lab-grown diamonds; introduction of for auction of 2 blocks of emerald in FY 2018-19.
Gold Monetisation Scheme; amendment of wastage It may boost the Indian Gems & Jewellery sector
and value addition norms for gems and jewellery in near future.


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