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The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Law
Term Two 2022-2023 Take-home Assignment 1 - Negotiation Journal

Course code and title : LAWS6055 Principles of Mediation

Start date : 30 January 2023
Submission deadline : 13 February 2023, 11:00 pm

This paper has THREE (3) pages (including this cover page).
This is a TAKE HOME assignment - Negotiation Journal counting for 30% of the final mark
for this course.

Instructions to candidates:
1. This assignment consists of THREE (3) questions (Questions a to c). Answer ALL
2. Use no fewer than 1,500 but no more than 1,800 WORDS IN TOTAL for the THREE
(3) questions. The word count must be indicated in your answer paper.
3. Your answers must be typed using a computer and in English.
4. Your answer paper must show your student ID on the front page. You must not make any
reference to your name in your answer paper.
5. You may not discuss or collaborate with another person when completing this assignment.
6. Your answers must be your own work. You may consult any sources in preparing your
answer paper. Sources are not restricted to those discussed in class. When you use sources,
cite them adequately for identification. You are expected to know and abide by the
University’s plagiarism policy. Copying another person’s work or using language or ideas
without proper attribution is subject to disciplinary action, as appropriate, and can lead to
your failure of the course.
7. Submission of your answer paper: You must submit your answer paper in PDF format
electronically to the Blackboard course site for the above course by 11:00pm, 13 February
8. Submission of your duly signed VeriGuide Receipt: By 11:00pm, 15 February 2023,
you must
(i) upload your answer paper to the CUHK VeriGuide system at;
(ii) duly sign the receipt issued by the VeriGuide system containing a declaration of
honesty statement (the VeriGuide Receipt); and
(iii) upload the duly signed VeriGuide Receipt to the Blackboard course site.
9. If either the answer paper or the VeriGuide Receipt is submitted after the applicable
deadline or if the VeriGuide Receipt is not duly signed, the answer paper will receive a
mark of zero and a grade of F. No late submission will be accepted.

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The copyright of this question paper belongs to The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Students must not copy this document or disclose or otherwise share this document or its
contents with third parties. In particular, uploading this document to the internet is strictly

Formatting Requirements
1. Times New Roman font;
2. Body: 12-point type; footnotes: 10-point type;
3. 1-inch margins, top and bottom, left and right;
4. 1.5 line spacing;
5. Footnotes and page numbers at the bottom of the page;
6. Your student number BUT NOT YOUR NAME clearly marked in the header on page 1;
7. If footnotes are required, citations should be in accordance with the “Faculty of Law Legal
Citation Style Guide” as shown in the CUHK Law Library website:

Principles of Mediation (JD class)
Assignment One
January 2023

This is a negotiation journal in respect of the Sally Soprano negotiation exercise scheduled
for the class on 2 February 2023. Please answer the following questions based on the role
that you are allocated in the exercise (Sally Soprano’s agent (“Sally”) or Lyrics Opera
(“Lyrics Opera”)).

(a) Select any two of the principles below (extracted from “Getting to Yes”) and
describe how you apply the principles in your negotiation with your counterpart,
during the preparation phase and the negotiation phase (40 marks).

• “Separate the People from the Problem”

• “Focus on Interests, not Positions”
• “Invent Options for Mutual Gain”
• “Insist on Using Objective Criteria”

(b) Based on the interest-based negotiation principles:

(i) Explain the concept of “power” in negotiation. (24 marks)

(ii) With reference to your explanation above, please describe the power of your
role in the Sally Soprano negotiation. (16 marks)
(c) Answer either part (i) OR part (ii) of this question: (20 marks)
(i) Reflect on the negotiation with your counterpart:

• Is there any impasse during the process? If so, what is/are the impasse(s)
about and its impact on the negotiation?
• How do you break the impasse(s)?
• On reflection, how can the impasse(s) be avoided?

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LAWS6055 Principles of Mediation Term Two 2022/23

The copyright of this question paper belongs to The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Students must not copy this document or disclose or otherwise share this document or its
contents with third parties. In particular, uploading this document to the internet is strictly

(ii) Reflect on the negotiation with your counterpart:

If there is no impasse during the negotiation, identify the strategies that you
and/or your counterpart used which make the negotiation a smooth process.
Please answer this question with reference to the interest-based negotiation
principles in “Getting to Yes”.

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LAWS6055 Principles of Mediation Term Two 2022/23

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