Government Publications

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Government publications can simply be defined as document created by government

and the local quasi government bodies that explain and integrate views and policies of

the government. Government publication represents the historical and current

development, authorities of the government and as well provide data on wide varietis of

subjects and it includes political sciences, economics, finance, statistics, labour,

industrial physics, history, International relations, geology and metrological.

Government publications or document are information resources produce by local,

state, and federal government. They contents include texts of laws, regulations, statistics

and technical information, map and detailed analysis of exceptionally wide and

sophisticated topics ranging from agriculture to zoology. The united states government

is the world’s largest publisher and producer of unique and essential information for

historians and the general citizens interested in different contemporary and historical

subject areas.

Characteristics/Nature of government publication

1. They bear the imprint i.e. (place of publication, name of publisher and year of

publication) of government printing office that is in charge of producing them.

2. They bear the names and seal of government agencies responsible for their

publication e.g.Unizik bulletin is an example of government publications as

parastartals under the ministry of education.

3. They are recognized & used by such agencies in their organizations

4. They are distributed officially in the government booklet

5. Government publications are usually dated & carry a serial or bibliographical

control number from thegovernment printer which may be printed in their office

or in the commercial printer.

6. Government publications are mainly printed and marketed only by government

printer of each state in the country. Therefore, government publication may not

be accessed through the normal book trade channels.

7. Government publications appear mostly as bulletins, pamphlets,leaflet, booklet

etc. Some appear as Newsletters. Some government publications appear in price

sales if it is to be sold.

8. Most government publications are given free and that makes acquisition of

government publication very difficult.

9. Government Gazette is an outcome of a meeting of state cabinet. It is also

minutes of executive council.

10.Some government publications have some restricted circulation for a period of

years. For instance, the document that contains activities carried out in Nigeria

civil war can be classified before people can have access to them, because they

are restricted document. The restriction years may span from five to 20 years.


1. Government publication serve as a source of information about activities of any

events in government, society, ministries such as health, Agriculture etc

2. Government publications constitute very useful primary sources of information

for researchers, students and scholars. Many government publications are

transcript of primary sources. Annual report contains account of executive

officers or highlight of the activities of government bodies or agencies each

year.Some agencies reports contain statistical report such as population, health

statistics which are necessary for measuring economic changes.

3. Government publication have historical values as they serve as recorded

activities of past historical regime

4. Government document are used for bilateral exchange for information within

and outside the country.

5. They are used for policy research and decision making


Government publication can be in terms of format or content

a. In terms of format are leaflet, pamphlet, booklet, or books, monographs,

single sheets such as currency notes birth certificates or age declaration

diaries etc. It may appear inform of periodicals, Newspapers, diskettes, CD’s

non-print materials etc. These are government publications in format.

b. In terms of content is Gazette which is the most important type of

government publication. When a federal bill or decree is signed it is called


a. Gazette is an official publication by a Particular organization, containing

important information about decisions that have been made by people who have

been employed. It is very useful for civil servants. They contain various

appointments made in various ministries. They also contain confirmation of

appointment, upgrading, promotions and heads of departments.

b. Government Gazette also contained registered trademarks of companies and co-

operate organizations, trade dispute, loss of items, advertised products and

scholarship awards etc.

c. Gazette that containslongertext of laws and bills are called extraordinary

gazettes. These are published from time to time as the need arises.


The laws of the federation consistof ordinances, regulations and bye-laws that were

made by colonial masters. The acts of parliament (1960) federal level, the decrees

and edicts promulgated(state level) by the past military heads of states, the states

military governors and military administrators. They are published by the ministry

of justices and are in many volumesi.e35 or more volumes.


 They are very useful to lawyer and judges who want to know the laws and

status made and various decrees promulgated in the country.

 Important to legal luminaries that want to update their knowledge in their


3. All Nigerian law report: also refers to as legislative text which consists of

selected cases decided by the supreme court of Nigeria. The judgmentof S.C.N for

certain months and reserved judgments of the federal court of appeal in a particular

month. The annual volumes of the laws of the federal republic of Nigeria contain

decrees and subsidiary legislations made in the year 1968. The law reports are

published weekly, monthly, biannually and annually and are in many vols.

 They are useful source of information for journalist, lawyers, law students’,

researchers on legal issues and legal luminaries

4. Parliamentary debates: Contains the proceedings of the various states

houses of assembly, house of representative and senate HANSARD: They

are reference source for politicians, political scientist, law makers and


5. Annual /order Reports: each ministry, government bodies or department

issues annual or periodic reports on the activities, aims, objectives and

achievement of its establishment and the aims of every fiscal year eg.

Annual report of federal civil service commission, Jan- Dec, 2018.

6. Statistical Report: The federal office of statistics collects, tabulates and

publishes statistics on various subjects that are used for planning for

government projects and development of allied matters in public and private

sectors e.g. Educational, Agricultural, labour, state,local government and

production statistics

b. Another class of order report is report of judicial commission, panel or tribunal

of judiciary set up by federal government to investigate on specific matters of

public interest, constitutes government publications of interest to so many people.

Examples are reports of miscellaneous offences, tribunal failed banksetc are all

government publications.

c. Report of commissions of inquiryi.e. Non-judicial commission of inquiry e.g.

report ofOputapanel inquiry. USES:The annual/order reports are materials that

clientelesconsult for feasibility studies for government projects. In-house

memoranda and reports of commissions appointed by government, government

position papers on various issues and subjects.

6. Press Releases are the order publicity materials that are useful to historians,

political scientists, media practitioners and researchers generally.


International organization is an organization with an international membership,

scope, or presence. The role of international organization is helping to set initiatives and

acting as catalysts for collation-formation. international organization also defines the

salient issues and decide which issues can be grouped together, thus help government

priority determination or other governmental arrangement.

The international organization formed many governmental and non- governmental

organizations in different countries which include:


The world intellectual property organization (WIPO) is a United Nations (U.N) agency

charged with protecting intellectual property (IP) through an international system that

promotes and sustains creativities and innovation and help develop international

economies.WIPO was established in 1967 in accordance with a mandate issued by the

United Nation, primarily developed to focus on the preservation and meaningful use of

IP, WIPO enlist the cooperation of member states and organizations to foster economic

development and other activities. Since 1967, organization and member states have

implemented goals related issues to enlist a strategic plan.

Objectives of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

 First, to promote the protection of and the respect for intellectual property throughout the

world through cooperation among states, and where appropriate in collaboration with

other international organizations.

 Secondly, to ensure administrative cooperation amongst the intellectual property Union

established by the treaties that are administered by WIPO.

 To make IP speaks the language of the economic circumstances and social context that it


 To create better function linkages between the nation economic objectives, development

priorities and resources, and the IP system of the country concerned.

WIPO Publications.

Their publications aim to facilitate awareness and debate on intellectual property (IP)

issues of direct relevance to developing countries across a boarder and more

geographically diverse and representative base than is common much published

scholarship on IP law and policy.

The following are their publications:

WIPO general reference work, WIPO magazine, WIPO journal,

Acquisition of WIPO publication in the library

They are acquired through: purchase, gifts/donations, legal deposit, exchange, online


Control and organization of WIPO Publication

The organization of their collection is the bibliographic control and arrangement of

their publication. The contents of these publications, the conditions of the use, and in

some instances their actual physical form have often made it expedient, if not actually

obligatory, to maintain them in collections entirely distinct from the other holdings of

the libraries possessing them.

The need for bibliographic control over the publication of the WIPO has been

recognized by many libraries so they could be acquired and recognized effectively, if

not so the publications could be missed forever i.e. there are some publication of the

government that when they are not acquired immediately could be loss.

Organization of Africa union (OAU).

The organization of Africa Union, served as a forum for African leaders to discuss

African affairs, allowed the African states to take a united stand at the UNO by

promoting world peace and eradication of apartheid. OAU encouraged regional and

economic co-operation including the settlement of disputes among African states.

Objectives of (OAU)

1. To promote the unity and solidarity of African states

2. To work towards the eradication of all forms of colonialism from Africa

3. Promotion of international co-operation and peace

4. To defend sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of African states

5. To ensure that all Africans enjoy fundamental human rights. Etc.


Examples of organization of African union (OAU) publications are:

Reports e.g. conference reports, speeches, Communiques / press releases, Treaties,

Articles, Memorandum of understandings (MOUs), Protocols. Etc.


The materials may be acquired byPurchase, Gift and donation, Exchange, Inter library

loan, Legal deposit on copyright law. (only for national library)


There is always the need for proper organization of library collections in order to

facilitate access of needed materials, most especially government documents which

traditional is done in various ways such as:

 Using classification schemes like LC, DDC.

 They may be arranged and shelved in a drawer or table in the library based on the class

number assigned to each.

 They can also be indexed like other materials and shelved on stack holder according to

its type or based on its captions.


The international monetary fund (IMF) is an international organization and the

headquarter is in Washington D.C, consisting of 189 countries working to foster global

monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote

high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the

world. It was formed in 1945, at the Bretton woods conference primarily initiated by the

ideas of Harry Dexter White and John Maynard Keynes, it came into formal existence

in 1945 with 29 member countries and the goal of reconstructing the international

payment system.It now plays a central role in the management of balance of payments

difficulties and international financial crisis. Countries contributes funds to a pool

through a quota system from which countries experiencing balance of payment

problems can borrow money from.Through the fund, and other activities such as the
gathering of statistics and analysis surveillance of its members’ economies and the

demand for particular policies, the IMF works to improve the economies of its member



1. To promote international monetary co-operation,

2. international trade

3. high employment

4. exchange rate stability

5. Sustainable economic growth

6. Making resources available to member countries in financial difficulty


Books, finance and development, global and regional economic analysis, IMF research

bulletin, IMF staff country reports, IMF survey, IMF working papers, manual guides,

occasional papers, policy discussion paper.

Books: IMF economists works closely member countries on a variety of issue. Their

unique perspective on country experiences and best practices on global macroeconomic

issues are often share, the form of books on diverse topics as cross-country

comparisons, capacity building, macroeconomic policy, financial integration, and


Finance & development:This quarter publication provides the latest thinking about the

international financial system monetary policy, economic development, poverty

reduction, and other critical articles are written for lay readers who want to enrich their

understanding of working of the global economy, and policies and activities of the IMF.

Global and regional economic analysis: This series contains periodic studies

covering monetary and financial issues importance to the world economy. World

economic outlook report, the financial stability report, the region economic outlook

reports, and the report on exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions. Other

studies topics such as development in international trade policies, export policies,

exchange and payment system and international capital markets.


The international monetary fund disseminates information by using a wide variety of

publications relating to all aspects of international monetary matters and IMF

operations. The depository library program of the IMF plays a key role in making the

research and analyses in these publication more accessible to the public under this

program, libraries receive a wide selection of the IMF’s new printed publications, free

of charge. In addition, a collection of existing books, periodicals, statistical

publications, videos, CDS, and series titles are supplied to these libraries. They in turn,

agree to catalog and shelve the material n keeping with normal library practices and

make them available free of charge to the general public


The economic community of west Africa (ECOWAS) Is a regional economic union of

fifteen countries located in west Africa, it operates in three co-official language French,

English and Portuguese, it consists of two institutions to implication policies.

 The ECOWAS commission

 ECOWAS Bank of investment and development.

The body is headed by the speaker of the parliament who is above the secretary general.

ECOWAS serves as a peace keeping force in the region with member states

occasionally sending joint military forces to intervene in the member countries at times

and during political instability and unrest.


 To achieve collective self-sufficiency for its member states by creating a single large

trade block by building a full economic and trading union.

 To promote economic integration in all fields of endeavors, particularly industry,

transportation, telecommunication energy, agriculture, natural resources, commerce,

monetary and financial policies and social and cultural matters.


 Legal document which includes: treatise, regulation/ acts, decisions, protocols etc.

 Publications includes: ECOWAS statement, presidents’ speeches presidents’ reports,

macroeconomic policy, West Africa bulletin, Echoes of ECOWAS.

 Reports includes: communiques statistical data and declarations etc.

Most ECOWAS publications sometimes appear in articles, gazette, serials publications,

bill (ENACT), journals, parliamentary debate on parliamentary bodies.



 exchange with other libraries

 Purchase of publication that is for sale

 Libraries writing to ECOWAS agencies for approval in collection of their

publication when necessary

 By using monthly checklist of publication to request specific titles as recorded.

 Acquisition of publication by issuing agency through online publication.

 Gift and international exchange.


o To support the research needs of congress, the judiciary, other federal agencies and the

scholarly community

o Preservation of ECOWAS information

o For reference purpose and future use

o It keeps the library abreast for recent development in Africa countries.


o Libraries are not given full access to ECOWAS documentation

o The stress in collection of these document discourages librarians in gathering them.



B.C is the means and methods by which publication are listed on systematic bases

in bibliographic files. It is all the devices designed to identify all kinds of material

published, so that they can be retrieve. In Nigerian, the body best equipped to

effect B.C of government document is the national library of Nigeria. The decree

No. 29 of 1970 which set up the NLN conferred on it, the authority to acquire,

through legal deposit provision, all government document published by federal,

state, local government or any of their arms or agencies

Section 4.3 of the act states “Interalia (that is, where any printed matter other

than matters of such description as directed or may be specified from time to time)

is published by or on behalf of any department of government of the federation or

state it shall be the duty of the officer incharge of the department to deliver forth

with to it director for the purpose of National library.

a. 25 copies of publication if it is published by or on-behalf of a department of

government of the federal or

b. 10 copies of publication if it is published by or on-behalf of the department

of government of a state or such smaller no of copies as the director may

determine in any particular case”

From the above provision, government document is supposed to be deposited

with NLN immediately they are published. The NLN will include such document

in National bibliography of Nigeria (NBM) which they published thereby effecting

their bibliographic control.

Unfortunately, many publishers do not comply with thisprovision and NLN has

failed to take any legal actions against offenders as provided in the act. The

situation is that NLN does not have 10% of what is published. Therefore, the NBN

which should have served as a comprehensive sourcecould not do so.

Also there is no regular list that carries the current government document. There is

no existence of central body for their distribution to it various libraries.



They have well established agencies for it bibliographic control of

government publications. In the U.S.A there is monthly cataloguing of U.S.A

Government publications. This is edited by the superintendent of document of U.S

government printing office. Thepublication attempts to include all U.S government

publication printed or otherwise provided, whether for sale, for distribution

byissuing office for official purpose. Daily deposit shipping list has brief entries

prepared by the library, a division of public document which keeps the record more

current than the monthly catalogue for thosedocuments printed for depositing

library use. Selected U.S government publication by weekly: provide current and

notices of limited numbers of publications printed for sales by superintendents of


In the United Kingdom his majesty stationary office issues on daily bases

list of monthly catalogue titled government publications.Fromthis example we

know that the bibliographic control in developed countries is the responsibility of

their government printing office, and it is expected that the Nation Library of

Nigerian should take a clue from them.


By decree No. 29 of 1970 which establishes the National library of Nigeria,

every publisher in Nigeria is compelled to deposit 3 copies of their work. Every

federal and state government is to deposit 25 and 10 copies respectively.The NLN

by law has the mandate to acquire process and preserve all publication about

Nigeria as well as any publication author by a Nigeria citizen produced outside the

country. The NLN therefore produces the NBN; we have noted that the federal,

state and local governments often fail to comply with the legal deposit law. The

NLN should take necessary action to enforce compliance by all involved.

The problem or the challenges encountered by the NLN is that most of the

publishers do not deposit their publications as legal deposit to the library and that

in turn hinders the production of NBN. The way forward is for the national Library

of Nigeria to live up to their responsibility by enforcing that law that was enacted

in the 90s and ensure that publishers comply with the rules and regulations guiding

the legal deposit and take to the law court those that defaults and ensure they pay

the charges due to them for not complying with the legal deposit law.

UNESCO: (United National Educational Scientific cultural organization):

Specialized agency of the United Nation and was formed in the year 1946. In the

field of the library science, it has been involved in the following programs,

development of library bibliography and documentation, international exchange of

publication. UNESCO publications are government publication, why it is

almagated of organization formed by countries of the world. “UNESCO

bibliographic control started in (1950) when it carried out UNESCO library of

congress bibliographic survey” UNESCO have been involved in bibliographic

control in publishing programs and field work in U.S and other part of the world

through its survey and publications.UNESCO introduces government and others

best ways and means of bibliographic controls. It was UNESCO that recommended

that legal deposit laws beconducted by various countries of the world given legal

deposits status to the National libraries so that they could produce National

Bibliography (NB)

International bibliographiescontaingovernment publications,UNESCO usually

organize interested seminars, workshops or symposium on bibliographic control of

publications. The first seminar organized in 1950 led to the formation of the

international advisory committee in bibliographic control terminology. This

committee has been responsible for the establishment of many international

bibliographic centers or National library in many countries throughout the world.


UNESCO cooperate with IFLA & FID (International Federation of Library

association) in the formulation & publication of international standards for

bibliographic expression e.g. ISBD(M) monographs, ISBD(S) serials, ISBD (G)

General. UNESCOhas the following bibliographic devices and publication, index

bibliographic. Bibliographic services throughout the world, bibliography

documentation and terminology.



 Those that do not have their owner printers engage the services of private

printers and those that cannot afford either of the above produce their own

using mimeograph machines

 These methods of production cost them to produce limited number of copies.

The government printers normally distribute what they publish; other

government agencies handle the distribution of their document.

 There is no policy guideline on the number of copied to be printed:

 There is no specific mode of distribution of such material to other

institution that may find it difficult to acquire.

 In the case of acquiring them there is no bibliographic control so it is

difficult to acquire it because many government printers are idle.

 There is lack of poor management at present we also compared company

what is happen in more developed countries that government printers do not

produce list of what they published.

 Legal deposits rights have not been implemented hence bibliographic control

have not be compiled.

 There is no list of what the policy has stated in terms of subject guide to that

document published.


PURCHASE: Government printers have provision for deposit account whereby

interested libraries depositmoney in their account with the printers. Printed copies

are mailed to the library on publications, where the printers have offices outside

the state capital document librarians keep constantmonitoringinventory to know

when to make purchase. i.e the librarian in charge will keep monitoring to know

when they publish in order to make purchase.

LEGAL DEPOSIT: By law some libraries are designated as legal deposit library in

Nigeria. By this arrangement thelibrary receives publications free.

EXCHANGE:By these libraries from different countries or states engage in

exchange agreement.Such libraries engage in exchange of equivalent document.

GIFTS: Some government parastartals and agencies make some of their

publication free to other libraries. For example the exchange of news bulletin

between NAU and UNN, it is more of gifts and exchange.

ONLINE ACCESS:In Nigeria most of the state governments’ publications are

online whether it is updated or not so you can access the government publication

online or other parastartals.


1. They may be classified, catalogued and shelves like other library materials.

In this case, they are assigned a number from the classification system in use

by the library.

2. They may be classified and cataogued like other library materials, but kept

in a special catalogue and shelved separately as it forms an entity of its own

3. They may be classified as government documents and arranged

alphabetically or numerically on the shelves

4. They may be arranged by the classification number of the issuing office or

by the classification system in use in the library. They may be shelved

together in a file or in a section of the library, and the word “Government

Document” or “D” or any similar symbol added to the cll number.


1. Staff: Staff forms the most important resources of any organization

management is essentially of articulation of human talents towards a desired

organization goals a qualified librarian should head and section that

contains government document, he demanded be supported by other staff

such as at Para-professionals, cleaner, typist messenger all these people are

needed to back the librarian up. The document librarian should be energetic

enough to go on acquisition trips and for purchases at least ones a year.

During which he really noses round starting with the printing press/

bookshops. This remain about the most fruitful approach to the acquisition

of government document presently

2. Handling of Documents: The size of many government publications is such

that horizontal shelving rather than vertical is preferred. Moreover, they

usually lack wide enough spine as found in general books. However, unless

there is careful reading, a good number of useful documents may be tucked

away with in the collection because of errors in classification and shelving

(particularly re-shelving after use), thereby creating difficulty for retrieval

purposes. Another problem of horizontal shelving is that a large space is

being taken up.

3. Creating the right climate environment: This is another critical aspect which

specifically applies to non-print media, but generally to government

publications. Extreme temperatures must be avoided.

4. They should be systematic treatment against pest, document should be

transferred into micro format as soon as they are received.

5. Shelf – reading: The staff under document section should be encouraged to

carry out shelf –reaching regularly for miss-shelve items after use

6. Opening hours for document section is very important

7. Record keeping: Records of acquisition processed items and use need to be

kept. Appropriate equipment to store the records such as the kardex for

periodical titles, card catalogue for all items, flats files for internal and

external correspondence are equally necessary.

8. Space: Most libraries lack sace as such the space created for the document

section is so small that in some libraries the document arecollected and

locked up in a box. Another problem of space is the multiple collections in

the document section.


Gray literature is informally published written material (such as reports) that

may be difficult to trace via cnventional channels such as published journal or

monographs because it is not published commercially or is not widely accessible. it

may nonetheless be an important soure of information for researches because it

tends to be original and recent. Examples of gray literature includes patents,

technical report from government agencies or scientific research groups, working

papers from reseasrch group or committees, white papers and preprints. The term

gray literature is used in ibrary and information science for a number of reasons,

the identification and acquisition of gray literature poses difficulties for librarians

and other informtion professionals, while accessing the literature poses problems

for researchers. Generally, gray literature lacks strict bibliographic control,

meaning that the basic informtion such as the author, date of publiction, place of

publication, publisher can not be seen on gray literature.


1. Research results are often more detailed in reports, doctoral theses as well as

conference proceedings than in journals and are distributed, these forms

stays up to 12 to 18 months before being published elsewhere, some results

may not published anywhere else

2. Preprint: A portion of a work printed and distributed for a special purpose in

advance of the publication

3. It serves scholars and lay readers alike with research summaries, facts,

statistics and other data that offer a more comprehensive view of the topic

4. it can provide information that is often unavailable in published open


5. It is often available on more timely basis than conventional literture e.g

conference papers are available long before any follow-up

6. It is usually more concised, focused and detailed content

7. The literature is always free, relevant and unique

8. Grey literature is the main source of indigenous information, therefore it is

very relevant in carrying out research that is home based.


1. Not primarily produce for comercial publication

2. It is meant to get message across rather than publishing as a commercial


3. It is difficut to acquire

4. Not distributed through the normal market channels

5. Lack ISBN or ISSN.


1. Preprints

2. Preliminary progress reports

3. Advanced reports

4. technical reports

5. Statistical reports

6. memoranda

7. state of the arts reorts



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