Scope and Limitation Og Uban Pa 2

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Table 5.

Table 5 reveals that the majority of the teachers consider

mother tongue, Filipino, and English in teaching and learning as
the factors that affect their teaching performance, with a mean
of 2.54. They do, however, have a lower priority for research-
based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning, with a
mean of 2.20. For content and pedagogy, the teachers of Ong Yiu
Central Elementary School got a weighted mean of 2.39 with a
qualitative description of "proficient teachers.
This finding suggests that using mother tongue, Filipino,
and English in teaching and learning has a good influence on
teacher performance through effective communication, building
trust, enhancing understanding and retention, and parental
involvement. By recognizing and utilizing the power of mother
tongues, teachers can create a more supportive and effective
learning environment, cater to the needs of diverse learners, and
foster positive educational outcomes for all students. While
Research-based knowledge and the principles of teaching and
learning play a crucial role in education. They inform and shape
effective teaching practices, guide instructional strategies, and
promote student engagement and achievement.
This outcome supports the related literature as indicated
by community-related factors like parental involvement and local
government involvement may have an impact on teachers'
performance. In accordance with the Philippine Education Act of
1982, the educational community, which consists of parents,
teachers, school staff, and the actual school, should promote a
spirit of shared goals and collaboration. In order to raise
parents' awareness of their impact on their children's academic
progress since they are also co-teachers in the classroom.
Additionally, effective local leaders have contributed to the
success of teachers. Positive community environment and
responsible local leaders are elements that help improve
teachers' performance.
Table 6
Table 6 reveals that the majority of the teachers consider
both learner safety and security and support for learner
participants as factors that affect their teaching performance,
with the same mean of 2.51. They do, however, have a lower
priority on the promotion of purposeful learning, with a mean of
2.43. On learning environment, the teachers of Ong Yiu Central
Elementary School got a weighted mean of 2.48 with a qualitative
description of "proficient teachers.
Table 6 shows that learner safety and security and support
for learner participants have a good influence on teaching
performance. A positive influence of learner safety and support
on learner participants is crucial for creating an effective and
conducive learning environment. Learner safety and support both
lead to enhanced motivation and engagement. When students sense
their well-being is appreciated and safeguarded, they are more
willing to actively participate, ask questions, take chances, and
explore new ideas. Overall, learner safety and support have a
profound impact on learner participants, leading to improved
well-being, engagement, motivation, learning outcomes, and
personal growth. Educational institutions should strive to create
an environment that ensures the safety, security, and support of
all learners, fostering a positive and effective learning
This outcome supports the related literature as indicated
by Waldman (2016) that it is critical to explore what educators
like teachers can do to support learners to help them achieve
the academic and personal success. Waldman (2016) observed
that before learners can succeed academically, they must feel
safe, both physically and mentally, and to have a safe learning
environment, learners must feel welcomed, supported, and
Table 7. On Diversity of Learners
Table 7 reveals that the majority of the teachers consider
learners' gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experience as
factors that affect their teaching performance, with a mean of
2.40. The factors with the lowest mean are the learners with
disabilities, giftedness, and talents and the learners from
indigenous groups, with a mean of both 2.02. On the diversity of
learners, the weighted mean of 2.21 with a qualitative
description of proficient teachers.
Table 7 implies that learners' gender, needs, strengths,
interests, and experiences have a good influence on teaching
performance. The learning process and entire educational
experience of students can be significantly impacted by their
gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences. A more
productive and inclusive learning environment might result from
acknowledging and accommodating these individual differences.
Educators may assist kids in flourishing academically, creating a
positive self-image, and becoming active, engaged learners by
embracing these aspects. "Learners with disabilities, giftedness,
and talents" refers to pupils who have special learning
requirements and skills that set them apart from the general
populace. It is critical that educators and schools acknowledge
and cater to the various requirements of students who are gifted,
have impairments, or both. These students can thrive
intellectually, socially, and emotionally with the right
assistance and adjustments, realizing their full potential.
Conversely, learners from indigenous groups are people who are a
part of indigenous communities and take part in a range of
learning activities, such as formal schooling, informal learning,
and the transmission of traditional knowledge within their own
cultural context. These students are from groups that often
deviate from the norm in terms of their languages, cultures, and
ways of life.
This outcome supports the related literature as indicated
by, Opdenakker, M. C., & Damme J.V. (2006), teacher
characteristics (gender, teacher education and certification,
class management skills and job satisfaction) and teaching styles
are indicators of good classroom practice in elementary by means
of multilevel analysis.
Table 8
Table 8 reveals that the majority of the teachers consider
learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies as the
factor that affects their teaching performance, with a mean of
2.46. The factor that has a lower mean is the teaching and
learning resource, including ICT, with a mean of 2.17. For the
curriculum and planning, the teachers of Ong Yiu Central
Elementary School got a weighted mean of 2.38 with a qualitative
description of "proficient teachers.
Table 8 implies that learning outcomes aligned with learning
competencies have a good influence on teaching performance.
Learning outcomes are specific statements that describe what
learners are expected to know, understand, or be able to do as a
result of their learning experiences. On the other hand, learning
competencies refer to the skills, knowledge, or abilities that
learners should acquire or develop during their educational
journey. Learning outcomes and learning competencies are closely
related, as the former reflect the achievement of the latter.
While teaching learning resources, including ICT, to enhance
educational experiences. The field of educational technology is
constantly evolving, and new tools and resources are continually
being developed to support effective teaching and learning
This outcome supports the related literature as indicated
by, (Mellado, Blanco, & Ruiz, 1998), and (Grossman, 1990)
identified for unique subcomponents. The first dimension of
Content knowledge and Pedagogy relates to the teacher’s
knowledge about the purpose of teaching, which is reflected in
teacher’s goals (Grossman, 1990). Second, it incorporates the
teacher knowledge of the students’ understanding of the subject
matter. In particular, teachers should be aware of what a
student already knows, as well as having knowledge of the
subject matter that is likely to be challenging and need
development. Third element refers to the teacher’s knowledge of
instructional strategies for teaching specific topics.
Table 9. On Assessment and Reporting
Table 9 reveals that the majority of monitoring and
evaluation of learner progress and achievement is the factor that
affects their teaching performance, with a mean of 2.43. The
factor that has design, selection, organization, and utilization
of assessment strategies has a mean of 2.34. On assessment and
reporting, the teachers of Ong Yiu Central Elementary School got
a weighted mean of 2.38 with a qualitative description of
"proficient teachers.
Table 9 implies that monitoring and evaluation of learner
progress and achievement have a good influence on teaching
performance. Education systems, instructional strategies, and
student outcomes are significantly influenced by the monitoring
and evaluation of student progress and accomplishment. Teachers
receive useful information about the progress, assets, and
opportunities for development of each individual student through
routine monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluating
student success and growth is essential for improving educational
systems. These procedures enable continuous improvement by
facilitating data-driven decision-making, facilitating insights
into student performance, identifying learning gaps, boosting
accountability, and offering insights into student performance.
This outcome supports the related literature as indicated
Based on previous findings in the study conducted by Gewasari,
Dra. M., et. al (2017), it can be concluded that the better the
competency of teachers, Principals pedagogical leadership and
organizational culture spiritual of school, job satisfaction of
teacher development, and achievement motivation, the better the
performance of teachers will be.

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