Simple Harmonic Motion - Sohila Nageb

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Simple Harmonic

LO: 3.02 – G12
By : sohaila Mohamed nageb
Under the supervision of : Mr. Hany Boules
Q1 :
A particle is in simple harmonic motion with period T. At time t = 0
it is at the equilibrium point. Of the following times, at which time
is it furthest from the equilibrium point?

A. 0.5T
B. 0.7T
C. T
D. 1.4T
E. 1.5T
Q1 Ans :
x = A sin wt
where x is the displacement, A is the amplitude of the SHM, w is the angular
velocity of the particle and t is the time
The point which is furthest from the equilibrium point is at a distance A
from the equilibrium point.
x = 0 when time T passes (one oscillation is complete)
x = A when time T/4 passes (a quarter of the oscillation is complete)
x = -A when time 3T/4 = 0.75T passe

The correct option is B .

Q2 :
A particle is in simple harmonic motion with period T. At time
t = 0 it is halfway between the equilibrium point and an end
point of its motion, traveling toward the end point. The next
time it is at the same place is

A. t=T
B. t = T /2
C. t = T /4
D. t = T /8
E. none of the above
Q2 Ans :
x = A sin(wt+©) , so at t=0
A/2 = A sin (w(0)+©)
which immediately follow that sin(©) = 1/2 or © = 30° So,for the particle to reach it's extreme
position it needs to cover A/2 distance more but remember it's velocity is non uniform through out.

Now,velocity of the given particle

v = Aw cos (WT+30)
At, extreme position, v = 0
so, cos (WT+30) = 0 or wt + 30 = 90 as Wt= 60° and t = π/3w
or it takes the particle to reach the extreme position from it's position at t=0 is π/3w
And thus by symmetry it would again take the same time to get back to that position from
And, hence
Total time = 2π/3w
and we know simply that 2π/w is the time period T of the particle
And hence the answer is that total time taken will be T/3

The correct option is E .

Q3 :

An object attached to one end of a spring

makes 20 vibrations in 10 s. Its frequency
A. 2 Hz
B. 10 s
C. 0.05 Hz
D. 2s
E. 0.50 s
Q3 Ans :
The frequency (f) of a wave is the number of full wave forms generated per
second. This is the same as the number of repetitions per second or the
number of oscillations per second.
In this case, an object attached to one end of a spring makes 20 vibrations
in 10 s. That is, 20 vibration in 10 seconds. S in one second it makes 2
Therefore, the frequency of the object is 2 Hertz

The correct option is A .

Q4 :
An object attached to one end of a spring
makes 20 complete oscillations in 10 s. Its
period is:
A. 2 Hz
B. 10 s
C. 0.5 Hz
D. 2 s
E. 0.50 s
Q4 Ans :
Step 1 of 2
Time period of string is defined as the time taken to complete a single oscillation.
So, time period is determined by the reciprocal of frequency of oscillation.
Frequency of oscillation means number of oscillations occurring in a
given time.

Step 2 of 2
After the frequency is determined, now the time period can be obtained by finding the reciprocal
of the frequency.

Thus, the time period is 0.5s.

Final Answer:
The time period is 0.5s.

The correct option is E .

Q5 :
A block attached to a spring oscillates in simple harmonic
motion along the x axis. The limits
of its motion are x = 10 cm and x = 50 cm and it goes from
one of these extremes to the other
in 0.25 s. Its amplitude and frequency are:

A. 40 cm, 2 Hz
B. 20 cm, 4 Hz
C. 40 cm, 2 Hz
D. 25 cm, 4 Hz
E. 20 cm, 2 Hz
Q5 Ans :

The correct option is E .

Q6 :
The displacement of an object oscillating on a spring is given by
x(t) = xm cos(ωt + φ). If the object is initially displaced in the
negative x direction and given a negative initial velocity, then the
phase constant φ is between:

A. 0 and π/2 rad

B. π/2 and π rad
C. π and 3π/2 rad
D. 3π/2 and 2π rad
E. none of the above (φ is exactly 0, π/2, π, or 3π/2 rad)
Q6 Ans :

The correct option is B .

Q7 :

A certain spring elongates 9.0 mm when it is suspended

vertically and a block of mass M is hung on it. The natural
angular frequency of this block-spring system:

A. is 0.088 rad/s
B. is 33 rad/s
C. is 200 rad/s
D. is 1140 rad/s
E. cannot be computed unless the value of M is given
Q7 Ans :

The correct option is B .

Q8 :
A 0.500-kg object attached to a spring with a force constant
of 8.00 N/m vibrates in simple harmonic motion with an
amplitude of 10.0 cm. Calculate the maximum value of its
(a) speed and (b) acceleration, (c) the speed and (d) the
acceleration when the object is 6.00 cm from the
equilibrium position, and (e) the time interval required for
the object to move from x = 0 to x = 8.00 cm.
Q8 Ans :
ω=mk=0.500 kg8.00 N/m=4.00 s−1. Assuming the position of the object is at
the origin at t=0, position is given by x=10.0sin(4.00t), where x is in cm. From
this, we find that v=40.0cos(4.00t), where v is in cm/s, and a=−160sin(4.00t),
where a is in cm/s2.

(a) vmax=ωA=(4.00 rad/s)(10.0 cm)=40.0 cm/s

(b) amax=ω2A=(4.00 rad/s)2(10.0 cm)=160 cm/s2

t=0.161 s.

We find then that at that time:

(c) v=(40.0 cm/s)cos[(4.00 Hz)(0.161 s)]=32.0 cm/s and

(d) a=−(160 cm/s2)sin[(4.00 Hz)(0.161 s)]=−96.0 cm/s2

(e) Using t=(4.00 Hz1)sin−1(10.0 cmx) we find that when x=0,

t=0, and when x=8.00 cm, t=0.232 s. Therefore, Δt=0.232 s
Q9 :

The period of a simple pendulum is 1 s

on Earth. When brought to a planet
where g is one-tenth that on Earth, its
period becomes:
Q9 Ans :
Q10 :

A 3-kg block, attached to a spring, executes simple

harmonic motion according to x = 2cos (50t) where x is
in meters and t is in seconds. The mechanical energy of
the block-spring system is:
Q10 Ans :
Q11 :
The maximum velocity of a particle,
executing simple harmonic motion with an
amplitude 7 mm, is 4.4 m/s. The period of
oscillation is :

A: 100 s
B: 0.01 s
C: 10 s
D: 0.1 s
Q11 Ans :

For a
SHM, x=Asin(ωt+ϕ)Velocity, v=dtdx=Aωcos(
So, vmax=Aω
or 4.4=7×10−3(2π/T)
or T=9.99×10−3=10×10−3=0.01

The correct option is B .

Q12 :
Consider a particle moving in simple harmonic motion
according to the equation
where x is in centimetre and t in second. The motion is
started at t = 0.
When does the particle come to rest for the first time ?
When does the acceleration have its maximum magnitude
for the first time ?
When does the particle come to rest for the second time
Q12 Ans :

As particle comes to rest


Maximum acceleration

Rest for second time

Q13 :
A 3-kg block, attached to a spring, executes
simple harmonic motion according to x = 2
cos(50t) where x is in meters and t is in seconds.
The spring constant of the spring is:

A. 1 N/m
B. 100 N/m
C. 150 N/m
D. 7500 N/m
E. none of these
Q13 Ans :

The correct option is D .

Q14 :

A particle executing simple harmonic motion

(SHM) of amplitude isA, along the x-axis,
about x = 0. When its potential Energy (PE)
equals kinetic energy (KE), the position of the
particle will be :
Q14 Ans :
Q15 :
A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the end of the spring
with a spring constant of 200 N/m. If the
system has an energy of 6.0 J, then the amplitude of
the oscillation is:

A. 0.06 m
B. 0.17 m
C. 0.24 m
D. 4.9 m
E. 6.9 m
Q15 Ans :

The correct option is C .

Q16 :
A particle is in simple harmonic motion along the x axis. The
amplitude of the motion is xm. At one point in its motion its
kinetic energy is K = 5 J and its potential energy (measured
with U = 0 at x = 0) is U = 3 J. When it is at x = xm, the kinetic
and potential energies are:

A. K = 5 J and U = 3J
B. K = 5 J and U = −3 J
C. K = 8 J and U = 0
D. K = 0 and U = 18J
E. K = 0 and U = −8 J
Q16 Ans :

Total energy E = K + U = 10 J + 8 J = 18 J

The kinetic energy at x = xm is, K = ( 1/2 ) m w ^ 2 ( x m ^ 2

- xm ^ 2 ] = 0

Thus, the potential energy is, U = E - K = 18 J -0 J = 18 J

The correct option is D .

Q17 :

A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the end of the spring with a spring

constant of 200 N/m. If the system has an energy of 6.0 J, then
the maximum speed of the block is:

A. 0.06 m/s
B. 0.17 m/s
C. 0.24 m/s
D. 4.9 m/s
E. 6.9 m/s
Q17 Ans :

vmax=W*A and energy E=1/2*K*A^2


vmax=sqrt(2E/m) =sqrt(2*6/0.25) =6.928 m/sec

The correct option is E .

Q18 :
A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the end of the spring with a spring
constant of 200 N/m. If the oscillation is started by elongating
the spring 0.15 m and giving the block a speed of 3.0 m/s, then
the maximum speed of the block is:

(A) 3.7 m/s

(B) 0.18 m/s
(C) 5.2 m/s
(D) 13 m/s
(E) 0.13 m/s
Q18 Ans : PE(max) = KE +PE

= `"kx"("max")^2/2` =`"mv"^2/2` + `"kx"^2/2`

= `"x(max)"` = `\sqrt(mv^2/k +x^2)`

= `\sqrt(0.25•9/200 +0.15^2)`= 0.184.

v(max) = ω•x(max) = x(max) •sqrt(k/m)


=5.2 m/s
The correct option is D .
Q19 :
A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the end of the spring with a
spring constant of 200 N/m. If the oscillation is started by
elongating the spring 0.15 m and giving the block a speed
of 3.0 m/s, then the amplitude of the oscillation is:

A. 0.13 m
B. 0.18 m
C. 3.7 m
D. 5.2 m
E. 13 m
Q19 Ans : let the amplitude of the motion is A

NOw, total energy of the motion = 0.50 * k * A^2

0.50 * k * x^2 + 0.50 * m * v^2 = 0.50 * k * A^2

0.50 * 0.25 * 3^2 + 0.50 * 200 * 0.15^2 = 0.50 * 200 * A^2

solving for A

A = 0.184 m

the amplitude of the oscillation is 0.184 m

The correct option is B .
Q20 :

A block attached to a spring undergoes simple harmonic motion on

a horizontal frictionless surface. Its total energy is 50 J. When the
displacement is half the amplitude, the kinetic energy is:

A. zero
B. 12.5 J
C. 25 J
D. 37.5 J
E. 50 J
Q20 Ans :

Use the energy equation

E = 1/2 m v^2 +1/2 k x^2 =50 , but x=A/2
1/2 m v^2 = 50 - 1/2 k (A/2)^2 =50- (1/8) k A^2=
50 - 12.5 = 37.5 j
since 1/2 k A^2 = 50

The correct option is D .

Q21 Ans :
A mass-spring system is oscillating with
amplitude A. The kinetic energy will equal the
potential energy only when the displacement is:

A. zero
B. ±A/4
C. ±A/√2
D. ±A/2
E. anywhere between −A and +A
Q21 Ans :

The correct option is C .

Q22 :

A meter stick is pivoted at one of its edges and is free to

oscillate in a vertical plane on a planet of unknown
gravitational acceleration g. The meter stick is moved from
the equilibrium position by an angle of 15o and then
released. Find the gravitational acceleration (in m/s2 ) of the
planet if the period of oscillation is measured to be 2 s. (Give
your answer in three significant figures form)
Q22 Ans :
Q23 :
The period of a simple pendulum is 1 s on Earth. When
brought to a planet where g is one-tenth that on Earth, its
period becomes:

A. 1 s
B. 1/√10 s
C. 1/10 s
D. √10 s
E. 10 s
Q23 Ans :

The correct option is D .

Q24 :

The amplitude of oscillation of a simple pendulum is

increased from 1◦ to 4◦. Its maximum acceleration
changes by a factor of:

A. 1/4
B. 1/2
C. 2
D. 4
E. 16
Q24 Ans :
acc is directly proportional to amplitude as
acceleration= -(2*\pif)2*x

So x changes by a factor of 4

so a1= -(2*\pif)2*A
a2= -(2*\pif)2*4A

so maximum acc changes by 4 times

The correct option is D .

Q25 :

A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling

of a lift. When the lift is at rest, its time period is T.
With what acceleration should lift be accelerated
upwards in order to reduce its time period to T/2?
Q25 Ans :

We know T=2πgl.
Thus, T is inversely proportional to square root of g.
For, time period to become T/2, we
have geff=4g beacause 2π4gl=T/2
Thus, to get geff=4g, lift should be moving upward
with 3g, so that net acceleration of pendulum should
be 3g(downward due to pseudo force)+g(downward
due to gravity)=4g
Q26 :

A simple pendulum of length l is suspended through the

ceiling of an elevator. Find the time period of small
oscillations if the elevator (a) is going up with an
acceleration a0 (b) is going down with an
acceleration a0 and (c) is moving with a uniform velocity
Here driving
force F=m(g+a0)sinθ............(1)Acceleration a=mF(g+a0)si Q26 Ans
(Because when θ is small sinθ→=x/l)
∴ acceleration is proportional to displacement.
So the motion is SHM.
Now ω2=l(g+a0)
b) When the elevator is going downwards with
acceleration a0
Driving force F=m(g−a0)sinθ
Acceleration =(g−a0)sinθ=l(g−a0)x=ω2x
c) When moving with uniform velocity a0=0
For the simple pendulum driving force =lmgx
Q27 Ans :

The correct option is B .

Q28 :

A physical pendulum consists of a meter stick that is pivoted

at a small hole drilled through the stick a distance d from
the 50cm mark. The period of oscillation is 2.5s. Find d.
Q28 Ans :
Q29 :

The rotational inertia of a uniform thin rod about its end is

ML2/3, where M is the mass and L is the length. Such a rod
is hung vertically from one end and set into small amplitude
oscillation. If L = 1.0 m this rod will have the same period as
a simple pendulum of length:
Q29 Ans :
Q30 :
Five particles undergo damped harmonic motion.
Values for the spring constant k,the damping constant
b, and the mass mare given below. Which leads to the
smallest rate of loss of mechanical energy?

(a) k=100N/m,m=50g,b=8gm/s
(c) k=150N/m,m=10g,b=8gm/s
(d) k=200N/m,m=8g,b=6gm/s
Q30 Ans :

The correct option is B .

Q31 :
Let k be the spring constant of each spring. So spring constant of this
system k1=2k. Here the potential energy of the clay piece is equal to Q31 Ans
potential energy due to both springs compression.




Let h2 be the required height to create compression x2=0.04m.

Thus, mg(h2+x2)=21k1x22



h2=4−0.04=3.96 m
The correct option is B .
Q32 :
mass M passes through its mean position then a smaller
mass m is placed over it and both of them move together
with amplitude A2. The ratio of (A2A1) is:

A: M+mM
B: MM+m
C: M+mM
D: MM+m
Q32 Ans :

The correct option is D .

Q33 :
Q33 Ans :

The correct option is A .

Q34 :
A block of mass m is attached to the spring k in free length
and released at time t=0 in the position O from rest. For the
subsequent vertical motion of the block the equation of
motion is given by (ω=mk):

A : x=kmg sinωt
B : x=kmg cosωt
C : x=kmg(1+cosωt)
D: x=kmg(1−cosωt)
Q34 Ans :

The correct option is D .

Q35 :
A spring of force constant k is cut into two parts whose lengths
are in the ratio 1:2. The two parts are now connected in
parallel and a block of mass m is suspended at the end of the
combined spring. The period of oscillation of the block is:

A: 2π9k2m
B: 2π9km
C: 2π5k2m
D: 2π5km
Q35 Ans :

The correct option is A .

Q36 :
Q36 Ans :

The correct option is B .

Q37 :
Q37 Ans :

The correct option is B .

Q38 :
Q38 Ans :

The correct option is B .

Q39 :
Q39 Ans :

The correct option is B .

Q40 :
Q40 Ans :

The correct option is D .

This project was made by

Sohaila Mohamed nageb


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