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Henry: Hello, Deniz! Hi, Lisa! How are you today?

Deniz: Hello, Henry! I'm doing well, thank you. Hi, Lisa! How
about you?
Lisa: Hi, Henry and Deniz! I'm good, thank you. What are you
guys up to today?
Henry: I was thinking of going to the park. It's such a beautiful
day outside.
Deniz: That sounds like fun! What's a park, Henry?
Henry: A park is a public area with grass, trees, and sometimes
playgrounds or benches. People go there to relax, play, or have
Lisa: I love going to the park! Can we go together?
Henry: Of course! The more, the merrier.
Deniz: After the park, can we go to the movie theater?
Lisa: What's a movie theater, Deniz?
Deniz: It's a place where you can watch movies on a big screen.
They have comfy seats, popcorn, and snacks.
Henry: ! But first, let's stop by the supermarket to get some
snacks for the movie.
Lisa: What's a supermarket?
Henry: A supermarket is a large store where you can buy food,
drinks, and household items. It's like a big indoor market.
Deniz: Oh, I've been to one of those with my mom before! Can
we also go to the post office?
Lisa: What's a post office?
Deniz: It's a place where you can send and receive mail and
packages. My dad goes there to send letters to our family in
another city.
Henry: Sure, we can stop by the post office on our way to the
movie theater. But first, let's check out the department store.
Lisa: What's a department store?
Henry: It's a big store with different sections selling clothes,
shoes, toys, electronics, and more. It's like a one-stop shop for
everything you need.
Deniz: Wow, I've never been to one before. Today is going to
be so much fun!
Lisa: I can't wait! Let's go explore all these places together.
Henry: Let's go! It's going to be an adventure.

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