Research Article: COOPS: A Code Obfuscation Method Based On Obscuring Program Semantics

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Security and Communication Networks

Volume 2022, Article ID 6903370, 15 pages

Research Article
COOPS: A Code Obfuscation Method Based on Obscuring
Program Semantics

Yang Li , Fei Kang , Hui Shu , Xiaobing Xiong, Zihan Sha, and Zhonghang Sui
State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, Zhengzhou 450000, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Fei Kang;

Received 27 March 2022; Accepted 10 August 2022; Published 25 September 2022

Academic Editor: Mohamed Nassar

Copyright © 2022 Yang Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

As reverse engineering technology develops rapidly, the financial loss caused by software security issues is urgent. Therefore, how
to effectively protect software is a critical problem to solve. The software protection method based on code obfuscation is an
effective way, and constructing an effective obfuscation algorithm can increase the cost of reverse software. It is conspicuous that
current development of code obfuscation focuses on increasing the complexity of the code structure without paying much
attention to the protection of program semantic information, which may help experienced attackers improve their analysis
efficiency. This paper proposes COOPS for protecting software based on program semantic information, in which functions are
regarded as basic semantic units. The switch relationship between the intrafunction control flow and the interfunction calling is
established. The interfunction calling can be hidden in the intrafunction control flow, and in reverse, the intrafunction control
flow can also be converted to interfunction calling. In this way, considering intraprogram function semantic unit level discrete,
this method reconstructs the intraprogram semantic relationship. To determine the relative effectiveness, we have evaluated
COOPS on OpenSSL and SpecInt-2000 test sets. For both of them, the function calling graphs before and after obfuscation differ
more than 90%, which means COOPS significantly changes the control flow of the program. The evaluation shows that compared
with O-LLVM, COOPS manifests strong resistance to Asm2vec and other program similarity analysis techniques and significantly
improves the level of software protection rather than necessitating time-consuming and heavyweight problems.

1. Introduction obfuscation techniques applicable to all arithmetic opera-

tors. The abovementioned two methods achieve data pro-
At present, the commonly used code obfuscation technology tection by encrypting and replacing the data in the program.
is to construct an effective obfuscation algorithm. Collberg The existing obfuscation algorithms aim at improving
[7] divides the code obfuscation into data obfuscation and the complexity. For example, Sharif et al. [23] proposed a
control flow obfuscation. Currently, there are several studies conditional obfuscation algorithm, which used hash value to
on control flow obfuscation. And among various ways of replace the constant in the path branching condition to strip
that, the most popular is to obfuscate the intraprocess it from the original program besides encrypting the code
structure. State-of-art obfuscation algorithms include the block to increase the difficulty of reverse engineering. Xie
opaque predicate algorithm [8–15] and the control flow et al. [24] proposed a binary code obfuscation method based
flattening algorithm [16–20]. The former uses one-way on the random fuzzy table and hash coding to prevent re-
transparency of opaque predicates to create a bogus branch verse analysis of the stack trace, where the fuzzy table maps
that will not be executed, while the latter flattens the control the calling address. If the program runs, the hash code and
flow of the program and uses a switch-case to jump. Rajba random value encode/decode the data of the stack frame.
et al. [21] propose a code protection method for JavaScript. Linn et al. [25] focused on the static disassembly process and
The core idea is to encrypt and encode data such as string proposed two algorithms to disturb the static disassembly,
arrays and identifiers in the code. Ahire et al. [22] protect the which failed the disassembly of executable files. Sha et al.
data arithmetic operation process and propose four [26] protect the function calling process using multi-
2 Security and Communication Networks

threaded mutually exclusive execution. The method creates to these techniques. The main contributions of this paper are
multiple threads in a program. It assigns different functions summarized as follows:
to different threads for execution, so that the program ex-
(i) We initially propose the idea that code obfuscation
ecution trajectory with functions is converted as a unit from
based on semantic obscurity. A function is regarded
calling execution within a single thread to repeated
as a semantic unit, and the switch relationship
switching execution between multiple threads. Yadav et al.
between the intrafunction control flow and the
[27] and Hataba et al. [28] implement code protection at the
interfunction calling is established. In the level of
source code level, where the former uses a pointer multi-
control flow inside and outside the function, the
plication mechanism to replace integer operations, and the
intraprogram semantic hierarchy is changed.
latter diversifies the generated software by changing the
Through experimental comparison and analysis, it
control flow of the input program at the compiler level.
can effectively resist the similarity analysis tech-
However, the abovementioned code obfuscation algo-
niques such as Asm2vec.
rithm mainly focuses on how to increase the complexity of
the internal structure of the code, and the complex code (ii) We apply function inlining and outlining tech-
structure fail to hide the semantic information behind the nology to code obfuscation, and three outlining
structure. The stage semantic information obtained by the methods are proposed novelly.
attacker during the reverse analysis process is still available. (iii) We implemented an automatic code obfuscation
Experienced attackers can effectively improve the analysis ef- system-based on LLVM, which can automatically
ficiency by using the semantic information. Therefore, how to obfuscate the input source code program. The source
improve the protection of program semantics by code ob- code and the experimental results are available at
fuscation technology is our necessary technique in this paper. GitHub (
From the perspective of protecting program semantics,
this paper proposes a code obfuscation method named 2. Motivation
COOPS to obscure program semantics. It is important to
note that the code obfuscation is converted on the basis of Figure 1 presents a high-level abstraction how an attacker
the equivalence of overall semantics of a certain program. can perform analysis on a program using semantic infor-
The obscure program semantics in this paper does not mation. The figure below on the left depicts the program
change the overall semantics of the program, but obscures under the protection of conventional obfuscation tech-
the intraprogram semantic layers and the relationship be- niques, where the semantic level inside the program has not
tween levels. To destroy the interfunction semantic rela- changed. The functions themselves and interfunction rela-
tionship and the semantic information of the function itself, tionship have clear semantics. The attacker deduces the
we regard the function as a basic semantic unit, and semantic behavior of the program through obtained semantic in-
obscurity is implemented both the control flow inside and formation and semantic relationship of each function. The
outside the function. So that attackers are faced with more design goal of the obfuscation method in this paper is to
abstract function units and calling relationships. The core destroy interfunction semantic information and the function
approach is based on function inlining and outlining. The itself, and change the intraprogram semantic level. The
initial mention of function inlining and outlining in code figure below on the right depicts that the internal semantic
obfuscation is in the Collberg article [7]. This article only level of the program is obfuscated by COOPS, where
describes the obfuscation effect of this method, but there are interfunction semantic logic is disordered. It becomes in-
no specific implementation details. In this paper, we initially feasible for the attacker to understand whether the analyzed
combine the function inlining and outlining technology with function has the correct semantic function, let alone deeply
the obfuscation strategy and present a novel control flow understand the program.
obfuscation method.
In order to verify the effectiveness of the obfuscation 3. System Design
algorithm, we designed a code obfuscation system based on
In this chapter, we describe the obfuscation system design
the LLVM [29] compiler. The system considers software
method in this paper. In Section 3.1, we provide an overview
programs written in C/C++ as input and PE binary files after
of the obfuscation system. In Section 3.2, we describe the
obfuscation as outputs. We choose OpenSSL and SpecInt-
control flow transformation methods used in the obfusca-
2000 as test set. Extensive tests are used to evaluate the
tion system. In Section 3.3, we describe how to reconstruct
effectiveness of the system in terms of code protection and
the data relationship, that is, broken during control flow
the costs of operation caused by the obfuscation process.
transformation. Combining control flow transformation
Experiments show that the system has effective obfuscation
methods with obfuscation strategies to implement program
and is suitable for various complex code structures. After
control flow protection is described in Section 3.4.
obfuscation, the difference in the calling graph of the
software is more than 90%, and the complexity of the calling
graph circle also increases by about 20%, which significantly 3.1. Overview. The overview of COOPS is shown in Figure 2.
improves the analysis difficulty. We select Asm2vec [30], It is mainly divided into two stages. The first stage analyzes
DeepBindiff [31], Safe [32] and BinDiff [33] for similarity the calling relationship of the original program and inline
analysis, and the results show the system is strongly resistant the functions with higher importance. The so-called inlining
Security and Communication Networks 3

Fun Deduce
Fun Deduce


Semantic Non-semantic Fun
logic logic
Fun Fun

Conventional Code Obfuscation Semantic Obscurity Obfuscation


Figure 1: Semantic obscurity affects attack efficiency.

a Original Call Graph b Inline Call Graph c OutLine Call Graph




G H I L G I K L G' G'' I K L

I' K' L'

Figure 2: Overview of our approach. (a) Original call graph. (b) Inline call graph. (c) Outline call graph.

is to hide the called function into the caller’s function, combines the obfuscation strategy to achieve the purpose of
thereby eliminating the function calling relationship, which control flow obfuscation.
corresponds to the process of Figures 2(a) and 2(b). As-
suming that functions C, E, F, and H are functions of high
3.2. Control Flow Transformation Method. Function inlining
importance, we inline these functions into A, B, and D. In the
and outlining is a way to implement control flow trans-
second stage, on the basis of inlining transformation,
formation. In this paper, function inlining and outlining are
function outlining transformation is performed on the
used to implement control flow transformation. Combining
program. The so-called outlining is to transfer the code
inlining and outlining can effectively change the control flow
snippet to the outside of the function. COOPS consists of
structure of a program.
three outlining methods, corresponding to the process of
Figures 2(b) and 2(c). The split outlining corresponds to
function G being converted into G′ and G″. The parent-child 3.2.1. Inlining Transformation. Inlining transformation is a
outlining corresponds to functions B, I, K, and L being control flow transformation technique that eliminates
converted into subfunctions B′, I′, K′, and L′. The cross function callings by inlining the called function into the
outlining corresponds to the outline code snippets of caller’s function. The inlined program will make the inlined
functions B′ and D being converted to functions K and L, in function and its related callings disappear, and the semantic
which there originally is not calling relationship between function unit composed of the original instruction set will be
functions B′\D and K\L. Section 3.2 of this chapter intro- destroyed. In reverse analysis, it is only necessary to un-
duces inlining obfuscation methods and strategies, and derstand the function semantic unit, but it becomes the
Section 3.3 introduces three outlining methods and strate- understanding of the instruction semantic unit. It is much
gies. Three outlining methods are applied at different stages more difficult for a reverse analysis program to understand a
of the obfuscation process. COOPS uses inlining and out- piece of instruction than to understand an independent
lining as the control flow transformation method, and function unit, because it is not clear that this piece of code
4 Security and Communication Networks

A F1 F2
Caller Entry
B Callee B Call F2

E E D End

Return Figure 4: Cross outlining.


Figure 3: Inlining transformation.

represents a function semantic unit, so it will inevitably lead
to the weakening of function semantics. For example, for the S1 S2
object-oriented C++ language, when using the functions in
one object, the program behavior can be quickly understood
through the key function names and the reference rela-
tionship between the functions. When inlining these
functions, we will find that these clues are hidden.
The function inlining transformation is shown in Fig-
ure 3, which inline the function named Callee into the
function named Caller. The relationship between them is
hidden in the control flow jump, which realizes the con-
version from function calling to intrafunction control flow. End

3.2.2. Outlining Transformation. Outlining transformation Figure 5: Parent-child outlining.

is a way of implementing intrafunction control flow to
functions callings. Outlining transfers, the intrafunction diversity of obfuscation. Both parent-child outlining and
code snippet to the interfunction calling, which destroys the cross outlining transfer the code snippet within the function
control flow logic and function semantic information of the to execution outside the function. The two outlining
program, and increases the complexity of interfunction methods in this paper move structures such as branches and
calling. The combination of inlining and outlining with the loops inside functions to outside functions. Branches and
original function forms functions without semantic be- loops expose important control flow information in func-
havior. This paper mainly implements three outlining tions. Outlining these structures can effectively protect
methods. control flow information.
Cross outlining moves code snippets from one function Split outlining splits the control flow of a function into
to another, and there is no direct reference relationship several independent parts, and different parts form different
between the two functions. As shown in Figure 4, there is no functions. However, due to the existence of conditional
calling relationship between the function F1 and the func- branches, the snippet of control flow needs to ensure the
tion F2. The code snippet D in the function F1 is outlined to correct operation of the program. Therefore, it is necessary
the function F2. When the function F1 needs to execute the to analyze the function control flow graph before split to find
code snippet D, the function F2 is called. This outlining that the control flow graph must pass through the nodes, and
method has two advantages, one is that a calling relationship start from the must-pass nodes to cut. As shown in Figure 6,
can be formed between any two functions; the other is that through the static analysis of the control flow graph, it can be
when the called function is executed, a piece of its own code found that the basic blocks that must pass when the function
will be executed first, and then the outlining code snippet is executed are Entry, A, B, C, D and End. By cutting the
will be executed. The code snippet that really needs to be function between B and C, two independent subfunctions F1
executed is hidden into the code of the called function. and F2 can be formed, and further, if there are multiple
Parent-child outlining moves the code snippet out of the necessary points in the function, it can be divided into
function to form a subfunction call. When the code snippet multiple independent functions. Different from the above-
is executed, the subfunction is called. As shown in Figure 5, mentioned two kinds of outlining, there is no calling rela-
the parent-child outlining is to outline the code snippets S1 tionship between the split functions, but to ensure the
and S2 in the function F1 to form a child function calling. execution of the split function correct in the caller. Split
The advantage of this outlining method is that it can expand outlining can increase the number of functions in the
the number of functions in the program and improve the program, and cooperating with cross outlining and parent-
Security and Communication Networks 5

Entry Definition 1. Assume that basic block is composed of in-

F1 structions, and Inst is an instruction in the basic block:
� {v|the set of variables defined when Inst is executed},

� {v|the set of variables referenced when Inst is executed}.
F2 C (2)

Definition 2. If variable v ∈ def[Insti ] and v ∈ use[Instj ],
Insti ≠ Instj , where Instj and Insti have an executable path.
End On this path, there is no statement to redefine v; hence,
instruction Instj directly depends on Insti or instruction
Figure 6: Split outlining. Insti directly dominates Instj on the data stream of variable
Instj , which is denoted as
child outlining can increase the complexity of the function DD􏼐Instj , Insti , v􏼑. (3)
calling relationship.
The abovementioned three outlining transformation As shown in Figure 9, “Code Snippet” is a code snippet
methods move the code snippet intrafunction to the outside obfuscated by outlining. Each basic block is represented as a
for execution. As shown in Figure 7, the outlining destroys the set of instructions, in which each instruction is represented
control relationship between basic blocks within a function as a set of corresponding variables. The dependent in-
and generates a new interfunction call. In the process of struction data in the outlining basic block set are analyzed to
outlining transformation, the control relationship of basic determine the return value and the parameters of the out-
blocks A to B is converted into CallInst instruction, in which lining function.
data dependencies are passed through parameters; the control For each instruction Insti in the outlining code snippet,
relationship between basic blocks F to G is converted into the set of variables referenced by instruction use[Insti ] are
Return instruction, in which data dependencies are passed calculated (Phase ①). For each instruction Instj in the
through return values; the control relationship within the predecessor instruction set (Prev in Figure 9) of the outlining
outlining code snippet remains unchanged. Therefore, the code snippet, the variable set def[Instj ] (Phase ②) defined
conversion from intrafunction control relations to inter- by the instruction Instj are calculated. Each variable v in
function calls is proved equivalent. The construction of pa- use[Insti ] is used as the parameter of the outlining function
rameters and return values is described in Section 3.3. (Phase ③), if the variable v is in def[Instj ].
For each instruction Insti in the outlining code snippet,
the variable set def[Insti ] (Phase ④) defined by the in-
3.3. Data Relationship Reconstruction. During inlining, the struction Insti are calculated. For each instruction Instj of
entire code segment of the function is inlined at the calling the subsequent basic block set (Succ in Figure 9) of the
point. However, this process destroys the original data re- outlining code snippet, the variable set use[Instj ] (Phase ⑤)
lationship, which needs to be reconstructed. Figure 8 shows referenced by the instruction Instj are calculated. Each
the implementation process of inlining obfuscation. First, variable v in def[Insti ] is used as the return value of the
the code in the inline function is replicated to the calling outlining function, if the variable v is in use[Instj ]. All
point, and then variable remapping and basic block logic variables used as the return value are stored in the Ret Struct
processing are performed. When the parameters inlined by (Phase ⑥).
the function are processed, the process of calling function
parameters is transformed into the process of instruction
assignment. Since the exit of the function is not unique, the 3.4. Control Flow Obfuscation Strategy. Two types of control
return value is uncertain. Hence, all the exit basic blocks at flow transformation methods are described in Section 3.2. In
the intermediate semantic level are collected, and a tag summary, inlining can hide function calls into intrafunction
variable is added when processing the return value. Based on control flow. Outlining can transfer the intrafunction to
the runtime result, the return value is determined at the interfunction call. The design goal of this paper is to destroy
switch basic block according to the tag scalar. Finally, the the internal semantic unit level of the program as much as
calling instruction and the function prototype are removed. possible, and obfuscate the control flow inside and outside the
When the system performs outlining, outlining code program. This section designs the control flow transformation
snippets to form functions. The outlining of the code will strategy in stages, applies the abovementioned control flow
destroy the data dependencies during program execution, so transformation methods to different stages to achieve the
it is necessary to analyze the intraprogram data flow, find the destruction of the internal control flow of the program, and
relevant dependencies and complete the reconstruction. then protects semantic information of the program.
6 Security and Communication Networks







Figure 7: Outlining transformation.

Caller Entry

Callee Entry Entry

RemapInstruction basicblock
basicblock call Callee (arguments)
Ret1 Ret2 Ret3

Ret1 Ret2 Ret3 Switch mix_columns


Figure 8: Reconstruction of the inlining data flow.

Stage 1. We hide highly important functions by inline vertex. Let vi represent the i function in the program, then
transformation. The inlining transformation hides the the calculation formula of the importance can be expressed
function calling into the intrafunction control flow, and the as
inlining of the function with complex calling relationship
Sp vi 􏼁 � Ip vi 􏼁 × Op vi 􏼁, (4)
can destroy the control flow logic to the greatest extent.
Therefore, the object of the inline transformation is the where Ip (vi ) represents the number of paths ending with
important function in the program calling relationship. vertex vi , and Op (vi ) represents the number of all paths
Function calling graphs can be abstracted into directed starting with vertex vi . Different from the conventional
graphs with explicit pointing relationships, so vertex im- directed graph, the function calling graph has two partic-
portance can be used to evaluate the importance of functions ularities: (1) the function calling graph is a directed graph
in function calling relationships. The connectivity between with rings; (2) the function calling graph has a definite
vertices and other vertices is of great significance for judging starting point and end point.
the importance of vertices. That is, the more paths through a For the former, the ring of the directed graph may cause
vertex, the more important that vertex is. Therefore, the the vertex path to explode, so the back-edge in the ring is
path-based vertex importance is specifically defined as: pruned to convert the graph with rings into an acyclic graph.
For the latter, since the function calling graph has a
Definition 3. For a vertex, the number of all paths passing definite starting point (main function) and a definite end
through the vertex is used to judge the importance of the point (leaf node), the calculation formula for the number of
Security and Communication Networks 7


use[Insti] DD (Instj, Insti, v)

~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ Code
~~~ Snippet
~~~ ~~~
~~~ Arguments
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~
BasicBlock ~~~ ~~~
~~~ Instruction

Succ Variable

~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~
~~~ Ret Struct
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

use[Instj] DD (Insti, Instj, v)

Ret Values

Figure 9: Reconstruction of the outlining data flow.

vertex paths can be quickly converged after the pruning of would be an abstract solution for implementing function
the backward edges is completed. It can be seen from for- outlining: suppose the function calling graph is shown on the
mulas (2) and (3) that the number of paths passing through a left of Figure 10. Traverse the function calling graph, gen-
vertex can be solved by calculating Ip (vi ) and Op (vi ) re- erate a multi-fork tree A that describes the function calling
spectively, and this calculation process is recursive: relationship, and build a target spanning tree B on the basis
of the multi-fork tree A. The tree B has the following re-
Ip vi 􏼁 � 􏽘 Ip (u), quirements: (1) complete multi-fork tree; (2) tree B has more
(5) layers than tree A. In this example, the number of layers of
Op vi 􏼁 � 􏽘 Op (u). the target spanning tree B is 3, and the number of forks is 3.
u∈O(v) The nodes generated in the process of constructing the target
spanning tree B are used as candidates for parent-child
Among them, I(v) represents the set of vertices that have a outlining to provide a variety of choices for the third stage.
direct calling relationship with vertex vi , and O(v) represents
the set of vertices that have a direct calling relationship with
Stage 4. The real function calling graph has back-edges, and
vertex vi . Since the function calling graph has a definite start
Cross outlining is implemented on the constructed target
and end point, the recursive calculation process is determin-
spanning tree with the help of the Barabasi‒Albert model
istically convergent. The function with high importance in the
[34] to generate the final function calling graph. The Bar-
program is obtained by formula (1) for inline transformation.
abasi‒Albert model is a graph generation algorithm for the
preferential connection model. Preferential attachment
Stage 2. The split outlining can split functions into different means that the more connections between vertex, the greater
functions. Therefore, the split outlining is performed on the the possibility of accepting new connections. The core idea of
function that was inlined in the first stage, and the inline the algorithm is to add an edge between the vertex and the
code and the function interleaved by the inline function are vertex in the original graph for a new vertex in the graph. The
split into different ones. As a result, the function semantic probability of connection is ki / 􏽐ni�1 ki , where ki represents
information with high importance is discrete. the degree of vertex i in the original graph. Referring this
model to the calling graph, the more connections between
Stage 3. The function call spanning tree is constructed to vertexes, the greater the importance of functions. However,
implement parent-child outlining, and the function call the purpose of the obfuscation in this paper is to hide the
process is similar in form to the depth-first-based multi-fork importance of the function, and the probability of trans-
tree node traversal. Therefore, building a multi-fork tree forming the model connection is as follows:
8 Security and Communication Networks


F2 F3 F2 F1.1 F3

F4 F5 F2.1 F2.2 F2.2 F1.1.1 F1.1.2 F1.1.3 F4 F3.1 F5

Multi-fork tree A Target spanning tree B

Figure 10: Build target spanning tree.

(LLVM bitcode)
(LLVM bitcode)

1 Clang Frontend 2 Transformation Phase 3 EXE Generation

Call Graph Diversification

Src_1.cpp (EXE binary)
Clang Compiler
Src_2.cpp .bc Pass1 Pass2 Pass3 .bc Orig_obf.exe
LLvm-link Link

Src_n.cpp LLVM_API Obfuscation Generate the Obfuscated

(C/C++ source code)

Figure 11: Architecture of the code obfuscation system.

􏽐ni�1 ki − ki 4. System Implementation

Pi � . (6)
􏽐ni�1 ki
In this section, the design and implementation of a com-
We select the subfunctions generated in the second stage piler-level tool developed to achieve automatic obfuscation
and the functions with low importance in the original of programs is presented. The LLVM framework, an ex-
program as new vertexes, and perform cross outlining tensible program optimization platform, provides a large
according to probability (5). The probability calculated from number of APIs to analyze and modify the intermediate
this will reduce the probability of connecting vertexes with language codes. As shown in Figure 11, this paper imple-
high importance, increase the probability with low vertex ments the obfuscation system based on the LLVM. The
degree, and increase the importance of low vertex degree. system uses the source code written in C/C++ as the input
The calling graph constructed through the abovementioned and outputs the obfuscated binary file after the obfuscation
three stages have no important vertexes. Each vertex has the system, which has three phases:
same status in the calling graph, and the calling relationship (1) Front-end code parsing phase
between functions is completely reconstructed.
(2) Analysis and transformation phase
Summary: After the abovementioned four stages, the
inlining and outlining is applied to the transformation of the (3) Binary file generation phase
program control flow, so that the transformed program
calling graph has no important nodes, and each node has the 5. Experimental Design and Evaluation
same status in the calling graph. The calling relationship is
reconstructed. Intrafunction code is discretized into new In this chapter, we evaluate COOPS performance using 6
subfunctions and other unrelated functions, breaking the applications and compares it with the O-LLVM [35] ob-
semantic hierarchy inside the program. fuscation technique.
Security and Communication Networks 9

Table 1: Information of the benchmarks.

Program Size (kB) Description Instr number Func number
AES 87 Encryption algorithm 10046 36
RSA 60 Encryption algorithm 3078 49
Bzip 95 Compression algorithm 8131 75
Gzip 111 Compression algorithm 11321 96
Parser 200 Grammar parser 27815 324
Twoif 262 Simulated annealing algorithm 72353 191

5.1. Evaluation Platform and Benchmarks. In this section, we Obfuscator-LLVM (O-LLVM) [35] is applied beyond
explain how the COOPS obfuscation method is tested and LLVM’s intermediate language (IR) to generate more
verified. The machine used for testing has an Intel Core i7- complex binary files by transforming IR. O-LLVM includes
9700 CPU @ 3.00 GHz with 32 GB memory and Windows 10 three different obfuscation techniques: control flow flat-
as the operating system. tening (FLA), instruction substitution (SUB), and bogus
We evaluated the test sets commonly used in the field, control flow (BCF).
including the cryptographic algorithms RSA and AES in FLA flattens the control flow of the program, adding new
OpenSSL, Bzip, Gzip, Twoif, and Parser in SpecInt-2000 [36]. conditional predicates to hide the control logic of the
Table 1 shows the basic information of the test suite. The first original program through switch-case. FLA greatly changes
column is the test program name, the second column is the the internal control flow structure of the program.
size of the program, the third column is a brief description of BCF adds a large number of conditional judgments to the
the program function, the fourth column is the number of program by adding opaque predicates and garbage in-
program instructions, and the fourth column is the number structions to the program. The program after BCF obfus-
of program functions. cation adds a lot of conditional branches, which
differentiates between the control flow and the original
program significantly.
5.2. Evaluation of System Protection Effect. In this section, we SUB is to replace the operation in the program with a
analyze the antianalysis capability of the software under the more complex operation, for example, replace the AND
protection of the obfuscated system. Antianalysis ability is an operation with a � (b^∼c) & b. SUB significantly changes the
important indicator to evaluate the increase of the cost of sequence of instructions in the program.
software analysis by obfuscation methods. In this section, we O-LLVM has greatly changed the control flow structure
intend to evaluate from two aspects. One is obfuscation of the original program. Based on the abovementioned
system resistance to similarity analysis; the other is obfus- similarity analysis techniques and tools, the following 4
cation strength. experiments were set up.
Similarity analysis can eliminate the confounding factors
faced by reverse analysis. A common situation is that a
Experiment 1. To compare similarities, we use Asm2vec,
statically linked lib library is carried during software de-
Safe, and DeepBindiff.
velopment, and a large number of library functions can be
Experimental setup: we considered the original AES
excluded by similarity analysis with known library function
program as the benchmark comparison object, and the
codes to improve analysis efficiency. This section evaluates
compare the similarities between RSA, Bzip, Gzip, Parser,
the resistance of COOPS to similarity analysis using
Twoif and obfuscated AES (AES-Obf ).
Asm2vec, DeepBindiff, and Safe academic similarity analysis
Experimental results: the experimental results are shown
techniques in 5.2.1, as well as commercial-grade BinDiff.
in Figure 12. The similarity between AES-Obf and AES is at a
The obfuscation strength is used to evaluate the com-
low level, indicating that COOPS significantly changes the
plexity increment of the obfuscated program. Anckaert et al.
internal control flow structure of the program and can ef-
[37] proposed to evaluate obfuscation strength based on
fectively resist the similarity comparison technology such as
complexity measure in software engineering. In this section,
Asm2vec. The similarity comparison results obtained by
we adopt the software cyclomatic complexity in Section 5.2.2
AES-Obf and the complex program Twoif are similar, in-
to evaluate the obfuscation strength.
dicating that the degree of difference of the programs after
COOPS obfuscation has reached the level of complex pro-
5.2.1. Program Similarity Analysis. Asm2vec, Safe and grams. Technologies such as Asm2vec extract the semantic
DeepBindiff are the techniques used in the academic com- information of the assembler by analyzing the assembly
munity to perform binary similarity analysis. By matching code. Since both RSA and AES are cryptographic algorithms,
known functions through similarity analysis, the influence of the similarity between the two is high, while the similarity of
obfuscation is eliminated and the analysis efficiency is im- the obfuscated AES-Obf is low, which also reflects that
proved. BinDiff is a tool used by the business community for COOPS obscures the semantic information of the program.
similarity comparison analysis. It compares the similarity of
binary files from five dimensions: Function, Calls, Basic- Experiment 2. Comparing COOPS with O-LLVM using
Block, Jumps, and Instructions. Asm2vec.
10 Security and Communication Networks



Percentage (%)
40 60


AES-Obf RSA Bzip Gzip Parser Twoif

DeepBindiff AES RSA Gzip Bzip Parser Twoif
Figure 12: Asm2vec, DeepBindiff and Safe similarity comparison. MIX SUB

Experimental setup: we use BCF, FLA, SUB, MIX Figure 13: Comparing COOPS with O-LLVM using Asm2vec.
(BCF + FLA + SUB) and COOPS to obfuscate the 6 appli-
cations respectively, and use Asm2vec to compare the
similarities between the programs before and after the 30
Experimental results: the experimental results are shown
in Figure 13. Compared with the other four obfuscation
methods, COOPS has better control flow obfuscation effect, 20
Percentage (%)

and the program similarity before and after COOPS ob-

fuscation is maintained at about 30%. It can be seen that
COOPS is better than O-LLVM obfuscation techniques in
the face of similarity analysis techniques such as Asm2vec.
Experiment 3. We used BinDiff to analyze the similarities
among five dimensions of programs under COOPS
Experimental setup: using BinDiff to compare the 0
similarity of the five dimensions of Function, Calls, Basic- AES RSA Gzip Bzip Parser Twoif
Block, Jumps, and Instruction before and after the obfus- Function Instruction
cation of the 6 applications. Calls Jumps
Experimental results: the experimental results are shown Basic Block
in Figure 14. COOPS caused confusion of all five dimensions Figure 14: Analysis of the 5 dimensions of the program.
of the program. There are large differences in the five di-
mensions before and after confusion. The similarity between
functions is slightly higher than that of the other four di- of the program is marked as the average of the similarity of
mensions. This result shows that the obfuscation algorithm the five dimensions of BinDiff comparison.
obtains a better control flow obfuscation effect without Experimental results: the experimental results are shown in
causing great damage to the function, reflecting the light- Figure 15. In the comparison of the five dimensions of BinDiff,
weight advantage. At the same time, it can be seen that the COOPS also reflects a better confusion effect than O-LLVM.
similarity between Calls and Jumps remains at the low point The similarity of the five dimensions of the program before and
of the five dimensions. The results show that COOPS has a after the obfuscation is about 15%, and the O-LLVM mixed
strong confounding effect on the function calling relation- obfuscation option MIX only obtains the similarity result of
ship and the control flow within the function. 30%. It shows that COOPS also has good resistance in the face
of BinDiff commercial-level similarity analysis tool.
Experiment 4. Comparing COOPS with O-LLVM using
Experimental setup: using BCF, FLA, SUB, MIX 5.2.2. Obfuscation Potency Evaluation. Collberg [2] draws
(BCF + FLA + SUB), and COOPS to obfuscate 6 applications on the idea of complexity measurement in software engi-
respectively, and compare the similarities between programs neering and proposes an index of obfuscation potency, in
before and after each obfuscation by BinDiff. The similarity which the cyclomatic complexity increment is used to
Security and Communication Networks 11

120 Table 2: Obscurity of the benchmarks (%).

Program Cp (%) Dp (%)
AES 20.2 92.7
90 RSA 25.6 93.6
Bzip 13.6 96.9
Percentage (%)

Gzip 23.8 94.1

Parser 32.5 94.2
Twoif 33.5 97.2

As shown in Table 2, the difference degree of calling
graph before and after obfuscation reaches more than 90%.
As the number of functions of the obfuscated program
increases, the difference degree of calling graph is greater.
0 On the whole, the obfuscated calling graph is close to re-
AES RSA Gzip Bzip Parser Twoif
construction, which is significantly different from the
BCF COOPS original program calling graph. At the same time, the
cyclomatic complexity of the program has also increased,
which shows that the increased complexity of the callings
Figure 15: Comparing COOPS with O-LLVM using BinDiff. between the functions of the COOPS makes the calling
relationship more complicated after obfuscation, and ef-
measure the complexity of a software’s internal structure. In fectively improves the anti-analysis ability of the program.
this section, the cyclomatic complexity is used to measure COOPS can provide multiple rounds of iterative ob-
the obfuscation potency, and the difference of the calling fuscation, and multiple COOPS can be applied to improve
graph before and after obfuscation is included in the ob- the obfuscation intensity and increase the diversity and
fuscation potency evaluation. complexity of the function calling graph. The complexity of
Cycle complexity Cp is used to measure the complexity calling graphs and the cost of running time after applying
of a module’s decision structure, whose value is linearly COOPS for multiple times are summarized in Figure 16. It
independent of the number of paths, i.e., the minimum can be seen that under the time overhead of not more than
number of paths to be tested for reasonable error pre- 50%, when the number of iterations is 3 and 4, the cyclo-
vention. Cp can be obtained by calculating the cyclomatic matic complexity of the program increases by about 50%. In
complexity of ϑ (GP ) and C(GP ), i.e., V(GF ) � C − F + 2P, particular, the cyclomatic complexity of the complex pro-
where C and F respectively are the number of edges and gram Parser and Twoif calling graphs increases by more than
vertexes in the calling graph, and P is the number of 90%. The number of obfuscated functions in complex
connected components of the graph, i.e., the maximum set programs is large, and the complexity of the generated
of connected vertexes. Since the control flow graphs are all calling graph is high, so the COOPS has better obfuscation
connected, P is equal to 1. Therefore, the obfuscation can be effect on complex programs.
expressed as
V ϑ GP 􏼁􏼁 5.3. Evaluation of System Efficiency. This section compares
Cp ϑ, GP � 100􏼢 − 1􏼣. (7) COOPS and O-LLVM with the abovementioned three ob-
V GP 􏼁
fuscation options to evaluate program execution efficiency
The difference degree Dp , i.e., the difference of each and code inflation rate.
calling graph ϑ (GP ) after obfuscation compared to GP before The execution efficiency of the program Tcost is the
obfuscation, can be defined as obfuscated program execution time T(ϑ(P)) divided by the
original program execution time T(P), i.e.,
Dp ϑ, GP � 100􏼢 􏼣. (8) T(ϑ(P))
T Tcost ϑ, P � . (9)
Similarly, the code inflation degree Scost is the division of
(i) F � |C(ϑ(GP )) − C(GP )| represents that the figure program disk overhead after obfuscation S(ϑ(P)) to the
belongs to ϑ (GP ) but does not belong to C(GP ) (the original program disk overhead S(P):
cardinality of the edge)
(ii) S � |C(GP ) − C(ϑ(Gp ))| represents that the figure Scost ϑ, P � . (10)
belongs to C(GP ) but does not belong to ϑ(GP ) (the S(P)
cardinality of the edge) Each program in the test set is obfuscated. To accurately
(iii) T � F + S + |C(GP ) ∩ C(ϑ(GP ))|, where |C(GP ) ∩ C measure the running time of each program, they are exe-
(ϑ(GP ))| is the cardinalate of intersection set be- cuted one hundred times, and the average running time
tween ϑ (GP ) and C(GP ) before and after obfuscation is calculated.
12 Security and Communication Networks

100 100 100 100

N=1 N=2 N=3 N=4

50 50 50 50
Runtime (%)

0 0 0 0

50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100

Cyclomatic complexity (%) Cyclomatic complexity (%) Cyclomatic complexity (%) Cyclomatic complexity (%)
Gzip Twoif Parser
Figure 16: Iterative obfuscation cyclomatic complexity analysis.


1.52 1.56
1.51 1.48 1.48
1.5 1.38 1.38 1.42
1.32 1.35
Average Runtime

1.24 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.25
1.1 1.13 1.12
1.04 1.05 1.04 1.02


AES RSA Bzip Gzip Parser Twoif
Figure 17: Comparison of average cost of runtime.

Figure 17 shows the time cost comparison between the 6. Related Works
obfuscation methods in COOPS and OLLVM before and
after the obfuscation. The x-axis represents each test pro- COOPS is a code obfuscation method based on control flow
gram, and the y-axis represents the ratio of cost of time of transformation, which effectively protects the program
postobfuscation to preobfuscation. The results show that the control flow. In recent years, the new direction of new
cost of time of COOPS is close to that of OLLVM, and it has control flow obfuscation is to expand the obfuscation
almost no effect on obfuscation of simple programs such as process from intraprocedure to interprocedure. The control
AES and RSA, and the overall the cost of obfuscation time is flow transfer becomes the program and the system to co-
less than 25%. operate with. The state-of-art research summarized below is
Figure 18 compares the obfuscation methods in similar to the obfuscation method of function calling rela-
COOPS and OLLVM in terms of the cost of disk before tionship proposed in this paper.
and after the obfuscation. The x-axis represents each test In [38], Miguel et al. proposed a mechanism based on the
program, and the y-axis represents the ratio of cost of disk routing of function calls to realize the static obfuscation and
of postobfuscation to preobfuscation. The results show diversification of the function calling graph. Compared to
that the cost of disk of COOPS is close to that of OLLVM, the original software, the obfuscated calling graph had an
but the cost of disk of complex programs increases average difference of 25% in structure, and the fuzziness was
significantly. increased from 20% to 30%. In all cases, only 3% of the
Security and Communication Networks 13


2.0 1.95 1.93

1.84 1.86 1.85 1.83 1.82
1.75 1.76 1.72
1.59 1.65 1.63
Code Size

1.5 1.47
1.4 1.39
1.11 1.16
1.03 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.09


AES RSA Bzip Gzip Parser Twoif
Figure 18: Comparison of code size.

execution time was spent. This mechanism allowed the ef- program. When the program was executed, the obfuscation
ficient reconstruction of the entire calling graph, thereby program looked up the address table and restores the
improving the protection level without significantly affecting function calling relationship.
the software performance. In [45], the authors proposed an obfuscating method
In [39, 40], the authors proposed an obfuscating method based on Return Oriented Programming (ROP). This method
to extract code snippets from original functions and store focused on transforming the direct control flow into an
them in another function, i.e., each function had code indirect one, dividing the code in the binary file into a basic
snippets of other functions. The correct execution of the block, and converting that basic block into code snippets
program was realized by unconditionally jumping to the through binary tools. All identified direct control flows were
address of the basic block stored in the new function. In [40], hidden by RET instruction, and all code snippets were added
Vivek et al. guaranteed the correct execution of the in- to the original file to regenerate the obfuscated binary file.
struction by returning the instruction to the end function of The control flow mixing algorithms mentioned above can
the basic block. Therefore, there were many return in- be divided into two groups. One is obfuscating a specific
structions in the main body of the function, so the reverse structure example in the function, as in [39, 40, 45], for
tool was unable to correctly identify the boundary of the jumping between basic blocks. The others, e.g., [40–44],
function. However, the program could execute correctly, scramble and obfuscate the function calling graph. The dif-
which effectively obfuscated the calling relationship between ference between COOPS and the studies covered above is that
the functions. our proposal obfuscates the jumps between basic blocks and
In [41], the authors obfuscated the branching condition function-calling graphs at the same time. Besides, according
containing the control flow logic of the program. They used to dynamic and static program analysis, there occurs strategic
lambda calculus to hide the computational semantics of the obfuscation. To conclude, COOPS provides more diversified
original condition and replaced the conditional jump in- software calling graphs, achieving a better hiding effect on the
struction with the Lambda calculus function calling. This key structures in the programs. This richer diversity can better
obfuscation method can protect the key branching condi- protect software from code reverse engineering.
tions from symbolic execution technology with only mod-
erate overhead. 7. Conclusions and Future Work
Tatsuya et al. imitated the obfuscation of the control flow
in functions, flattened and obfuscated the function calling This paper introduces COOPS, a code protection method
graph, employed the switchfunc function, and used random based on the obscure semantics. COOPS starts from pro-
numbers to ensure the proper scheduling of functions [42]. gram semantics, regards functions as basic semantic units.
However, this method was easily influenced by dynamic The switch relationship between the intrafunction control
analysis and had certain obfuscating features. flow and the interfunction calling is established, in which the
The algorithm proposed in [43] generating the bogus original semantic level of the program is destroyed. Ex-
function calling graph, which changed the called function periments show that COOPS can effectively change the
before running the target program, and the program called control flow structure of the program, and has excellent
the Hook method at runtime to ensure its correct execution. resistance to similarity analysis techniques such as Asm2vec.
Although this method effectively resisted the static analysis The difference in the degree of program calling relationship
of programs, it failed to resist the dynamic analysis. between before and after obfuscation reaches more than
In [44], the authors removed the edge in the function 90%. COOPS makes the reverse analyzer have to face more
calling graph, i.e., the address of the calling function was abstract functional units and significantly increases the cost
stored in a table at a different position from the obfuscated of code reverse engineering.
14 Security and Communication Networks

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