Elta Dse Pract 2022

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K(68th Sm.)-Electronict-11IPr.



Paper: DSE-B-2P
(Transmission Lines, Antenna and Microwave Devices)
Full Marks: 30
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Answer any two questions.
(Marks Experiment -

18, Viva - 7, LNB -


1. An EM wave of
1 MHz is incident on sea water
[o=4 S/m and e 81]. Write a
of the waveprogramn

in Scilab/MATLAB to calculate the skin depth, wavelength and phase velocity in sea
[Program 7, Result 2]

2. A lossless transmission line is 80cm long and operates at a

frequency of 600 MHz. The line parameters
are L = 0.25 uH and C = 100 pF/m. Write a Scilab/MATLAB program to find the characteristic
impedance, the phase constant and the phase velocity. [Program 7, Result 2]

3. A 20 m length of transmission line produces a 2dB drop in power from end-to-end. Write a Scilab/
MATLAB program to find
(a) the fraction of input power reaching the output.

b) the attenuation coefficient of the line. [Program 7, Result 2]

4. A 502 lossless transmission line is terminated by a load impedance, Z = 50 - j 752. If the incident
power is 100 mW, write a Scilab/MATLAB program to find the power dissipated by the load.
[Program 7, Result 2]
(2) X(Gth Sm.)-Electronics-HIPr.1DSE-B-2PICBCS
woossy lines be joined end-to-end. The first is 10m long and has a loss rating of 0.20 dB/m.
are to
ne second line is 15m long and has a loss
rating of 0.10dB/m. The reflection coetficient of the junction
(line I to line 2) is T
=0.3. The input power is 100 mW.
WTite a scilab/MATLAB
the end of line 2. program to calculate the total power loss in dB and the power transmitted to
[Program 7, Result 21

VSWR measured on a slotted line is 5. Also, there is a 15 cm
maxima, and the first maxima
is at 7.5 cm in front of the load.
spacing between successive voltage
Write a
scilab/MATLAB program to calculate the load impedance. [Take Zo 2
[Program 7, Result 2]

7. A line is
terminated with a
reflection coefficient, VSWRpurely capacitive impedance Z, j 3002. Write a program to find the
= -

and the power delivered to the load.

[Program 7, Result 2]

8. A standard air-filled
4 GHz carrier from a
rectangular waveguide with dimensions a 8.636 cm, b 4.318 cm, is fed

co-axial cable. Determine if

a TE mode will propagate. If so, then
by a
phase velocity and the group
velocity. calculate the
Program 7, Result 2
X(6th Sm.)-Electronics-H/Pr./DSE-A-2P/CBCs
Paper DSE-A-2P
(Digital Signal Processing)
Full Marks: 30

Answer any one

LNB 0 5 , Viva - 07, Experiment - 18

(The student has to perform one of the folowing Experiments with the of Scilab / Matlab
other available help or any
computing tool)

1. Form a sequence of 100 number, which is a

sum of two cosine function of time
a sequence of 7 ones. Find the convolution of the two series. From the
period 3 and 20. Take
convolution, comment on the
system function. [Formation of sequence 7, Convolution 5, Comments 6]

2. Form a sequence of 100 number, which is a sum of two cosine function of time
period 3 and 20. Form
a system function y[n) =

x{n]+0.9*y[n -

1] and show the output sequence. Comment on the

function system
[Formation of sequence 7, System function implementation 5, Comments 6]

3. Form a sequence of 100 number, which is a sum of two cosine function of

time period 3 and 20. Take
the FFT of the sequence. Remove the higher
frequency peak and adjacent Data with value Zero. Take
Invers FFT. What can you say about the nature of the
sequence? [Formation of sequence 7, FFT 5,
Inverse FFT 4, Comments 2]]

4. Write a program in Scilab/Matlab to generate

(a) a discrete unit ramp signal
(b) a discrete unit step signal
(c) a discrete sinusoidal signal
(Program - (4+4+4) = 12; Output - (2+2+2) = 6
(2) X(6th Sm.)-Electronics-H/P./DSE-A-2P/CBCS
5. Write a
program in Scilab/Matlab to generate x(z) when x(n) =
{0, 3, 5, 2, 1, 2}
Program = 12 ; Output = 6.

Write a program in Scilab/Matlab to compute Discrete time Fourier transform of the given signal
x(n)= {1, 2, 2, 1}
Program= 12; Output = 6.
X(61h Sm.)-Electronics-H/Pr./DSE-B-IP/CBCS
Paper: DSE-B-1P
(Biomedical Instrumentation)
Full Marks: 30

Answer any one question.

LNB 05, Viva 07, Experiment -18

1. With the help of any biopotential amplifier available in your lab acquire ECG signal from any two
specific position of body and calculate the heart rate and compare.

[CKT 4, Data - 10, Calculation 4]

2. With the help of ECG simulator generate ECG signal for at least two heads and calculate 3 parameters
of ECG wave including heart rate from these two signals and compare.
[Simulation - 4, Data recording 8 , Calculation - 6]

3. Draw the block diagram of a pulse rate monitor with alarm system and calculate the pulse rate of two
subjects from the graph and set an alarm when pulse rate is > 120.
[Block diagram 4 , Pulse wave generation 4, Calculation- 6, Alarm setting - 4]

4. With the help of a thermistar available in your lab measure the respiration rate of two subjects and
give proper diagram of the system. What are the drawbacks of the method? Can you suggest an
alternative method for measurement of respiration rate?

[Diagram 4, Data 10, Drawback - 2, Alternative method - 2]

(2) X6th Sm.)-Electronics-1/Pr:/DSE-B-IP/CBCS

5. With the heip of suitable diagram show how spirometer can be used for mcasurement of respiratory
volume and capacity. Measure any two dynamic respiratory parameter with the help of this arrangement
and draw the spirogram.
Diagram - 4, Measurement - 10, Graph - 4

primary heart sound

6. Draw the functional block diagram of electronic digital stethoscope and measure
Calculate heart beat from it.
S, and S, by it and represent it graphically.
[Diagram - 4, Measurement - 8, Graph - 4, Calculation 2]
X(6th Sm.)-Electronics-F1/Pr./DSE-A-IP/CBcS
Paper DSE-A-1P
(Basic VLSI Design)
Full Marks 30
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Answer any one question.

Experiment - 18, LNB 5 , Viva - 7

Perform the experiments using either Hardware/Simulation Software.

1. Implement the circuit to plot the output characteristics of a n-channel MOSFET. Take the 1p-Vp data
for 5 different values of V. Indicate pinch off voltage in the plot.
[Theory+ Circuit 3+2
Data Recording: 4

Graph: 4
Pinch off voltage : 2


2. Design a CMOS inverter circuit and implement by using any suitable software. Plot the static and
dynamic characteristics and comment on the curves.

[Theory + Circuit: 4+3

Data Recording: 2

Comment: 2
(2) X(6th Sm.)-Electronics-H/P:./DSE-A-IPICBCs
Designm a
3-Inverter Ring oscillator and implement it by using suitable software.
characteristics and comment on the nature of the curve.
any Plot the
[Theory +Circuit: 4+2
Data Recording: 2
Graph 3
Comments and discussion : 2+1]

Design a
2-Input NOR
and X-NOR gate
software. Plot the using CMOS
dynamic characteristics and commenttechnology and implement
on the curves.
it by using suitable
[Theory +Design: 3+3
Data Recording: 2
Graph: 4
Comments 3]

5. Design a 4x1 Multiplexer and

implement it by using any suitable software. Plot the
of the circuit and comment on the
nature of the curve. characteristics curves
[Theory + Design: 3+3
Data Recording 2
Graph 4
Comments and Discussion: 2+1]

6. Design a positive edge triggered register based on

Multiplexer circuit and plot the
circuit by using any suitable software. Comment on the nature of the characteristies of the
[Theory+Design 2+4
Data Recording: 2
Graph: 3
Comments and Discussion: 2+1]

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